Battleborn Thread

Too all the remnant BADASSES out there, what was your favorite part of Battleborn while it lasted?
What would you have done differently if you had control instead of Randy?
Who's best girl?
Who's best boy?

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ha ha ha ha


>37 online right now

is that enough for 2 concurrent games?

I sure love not being Randy Pitchford.

>What would you have done differently if you had control instead of Randy?
not make it and use all that money on Borderlands 3

>not make a shit game and instead make an even shittier game.
T. Retard

Just gonna leave this here.

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I got this for 3 bucks from gamestop and it actually was pretty good. If I was in charge, I would focus on making it based on a singleplayer campaign and trash all the voice lines/make them better

best girl stuck in ded game

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Who the fuck are the 37 insane people still playing it?

unironically more active than my favorite multiplayer game

>3 good designs are stuck in this shitheap
>1 of the 3 has the worst voice I've ever heard for a character


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They would have had a better run if they just used Borderlands characters. There's enough of them.

>what was your favorite part of Battleborn while it lasted?
The friends I played with, it was fun to come home after work and just chill. We usually won too, plus the girl had a melodic voice to listen to.
>What would you have done differently if you had control instead of Randy?
Clean up the screen clutter and change the marketing strategy to distance themselves from Overwatch.
>Who's best girl?
Alani > Phoebe > Deande > Orendi > who cares
>Who's best boy?
Caldarius > Pendles > Oscar Mike > Rath > Montana > Isic > Marquis > Benedict > who cares

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chinese bots randy hired to play the game

Best girls Phoebe and Ambra respectively equal. Ambra has 2 appearances in Ready Player One, didn't see Phoebe. Extremely based.

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The single player missions are rather fun but indeed quite pointless, as nothing means anything if there's no multiplayer to use the loot in. Not much of the loot is worthy in single player to be worth farming items over.

I'm surprised that the "gentleman robot" sniper turned out to be an erratic nazi nanny. Also, I wish Del would release an HQ version of the intro track.

Yup, going in my FUCK LOSER collection

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> Del the Funky Homosapien
I forgot that mufugga was in the opening cinematic. One of the better intro's for a game.

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>Not understanding how to make your money back

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I know this is bait but I'll respond anyway.
I enjoyed the actual gameplay of BB, the characters I used all had decently different gimmicks to them but due to obvious reasons I couldn't exactly do the PVP.
If I were Randy Bobandy I'd have never embezzled money from Sega first off, secondly what I would've done with Battleborn is three key things
1. Don't try to compare it to Overwatch or try to act like I'm competition with Overwatch
2. Just fucking explain it's a co-op FPS with MOBA-styled heroes and a MOBA-esque PVP instead of making a damn word salad to explain things
3. Stop using the word Badass so fucking much and tone down the "lolrandumb" humor, as both were just fucking obnoxious here
I feel like a part of the game's failure lied in the marketing being fucking stupid and the other part was in the script being the distillation of all the shit jokes in BL Pre-Sequel into a concentrated mass of shit.
Best Girl would be Orendi if her personality wasn't cancer
Best Boy is Oscar Mike

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It's hard to remember the good things when the game itself is so deeply mired in shit you forget about them.

I was really excited for this game but it came out in the same week as Overwatch and after about 2 weeks of playing OW battleborne was already dead

I was never gonna give a shit about this game to begin with, but the fact that a Blizzard game released a free open beta that lasted an entire week on the DAY this came out was absolutely hilarious.

Now I wanna see if this thread can get more than 37 unique posters.

Phoebe best girl. Had a lot of fun using her slowing people down, ganking them and getting out. The game was pretty fun.

>3 good designs
Oscar Mike, Phoebe, and Ambra, correct.
>1 of the 3 has the worst voice I've ever heard for a character
But they're all fine?

It bothers me how much fucking effort they put into this. If they would have chosen a better release date, Battleborn would still be active today.

loved playing sniper in that game.
the lore is that all the AIs went insane after the AI that controlled their governing ethics was trashed by the bad guys. Some are more insane than others, that one at least still remembers his loyalty and his desire to kill poor people [/spoilers]

>It's an enemy Pendles episode
Fuckin Scalies Man, ever time I see that fucker he slaps my shit with poison before I can land a decent hit in.

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>What was your favorite part of Battleborn while it lasted?
I enjoyed the singleplayer of it, to the point of playing the operations, with Oscar's being my favorite, while I enjoyed the boss rush they had in the final mission, even if it sucked all the bosses didn't drop their loot, and you didn't have time to loot rendain.
>What would you have done differently if you had control instead of Randy?
Not go against Overwatch, and maybe delay it to patch it up (from what I've heard, its launch wasn't the best to say the least)
>Who's best girl?
Phoebe and Beatrix
>Who's best boy?
Do robots count as boys?, hope so for they are ISIC and Marquis for me.

Shayne IS FLAT

I just finished with the campaign missions a few weeks ago and now I'm not sure what to do next, I got through it playing Oscar Mike and Benedict

Overfag here

When your game goes the way of Lawbreakers we'll happily give Oscar Mike a good home

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>Has a chance to grab some players by going free to play.
>Randy is too prideful to call it f2p and instead calls it a free trial.
>People avoid it because no one i going to come back for a "free trial"

Better Dead than Blizzard

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>Nihilism memes for Isic
>No Ancap memes for Marquis

>be pre-nerf Attikus
>leap behind enemy lines
>enjoy my free pentakill

I also thought the maps & different PvP game modes were pretty neat. It's a shame the art style and PvE mode were so terrible.

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Shut the fuck up blooddrive and go back to cumming on your orendi figure and shit posting on ifunny. Fucking peice of shit tracer

>Using the fire helix upgrade in Montana for the first time

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Orendi was almost a normal witch girl

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Best boy - Handsome Ja...err ISIC
Best girl - Alani