
Boneripper edition.

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Where the fuck do I get more greater and grand soul gems? Those bum shrouded mages have shit inventory.

This brat is less creepy without the illusion

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wtf is her problem?

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White males, of course.

is this sorlag

Enderal just feels like generic skyrim

FUCK Ryneus
FUCK Butterflies
and most of all

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Can you play Enderal with SE?

They don't sell the old Skyrim on steam anymore.

literally caught 15 of them in 5 minutes
just stay still and run toward anything blue that moves


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Any cool transformations in this overhaul? like vamp or werewolf?


todd's little greedy jew

>caught Ryneus' father punching two panthers to death

Oh so it's still there? Good. Doesn't fucking show up in any searches.

You can play without any expansions right?

I have some bug with Catharsis, when I teleport to the Sun Temple after I arrive I cannot draw weapon and I just walk through everything. Anyone knows how to fix this?

>Love everything about this game
>But it has you playing Skyrim combat

How the fuck do you fuck up the combat at such a fundamental level that even mods can't fix it?

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Reminder to enable OSAllocators to stop crashes

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her problem is she's a shitty hook into an otherwise ok quest
>muh lesbian lover with mental health problems joined a cult oh boo hoo treat me with kid gloves or you're not getting the quest reward
whiny shit

you only need the base game

Why the fuck are bonerippers so hard to hit in lycan form?
you feel like a manlet held by the head while swinging at air.

I kinda wonder, why did they made two-handers so shit? You move so slowly while attacking so you cant keep backpedaling while fighting like with onehanders, resulting into you eating all the damage, unlike one-handers where you just avoid all damage by just fuckin walking backwards..

Or do some of the perks help out with that?


patch when?

While I'm pissing on bonerippers, why the FUCK can they backpedal at 150% your sprint speed?
even in werewolf form.

tomorrow afternoon.

A thing that was added into launchers options, it reduces crashes. Just go into options in launcher

>TFW Looked up the {{{Enderal Overhaul}}}
Never had I felt more hatred and loathing for "Fair and Balanced" than I did after seeing that shitshow on the nexus. People love enderals changes why would you go back to shitty realism mods on everything?

Those weapons/armors are all done folks. I've just gotta check them all for the right models and whatnot, then they'll be done.
I'm also going to make a summonable ghost knight who wears the armor and wields one of the executioner swords.

Do any of you anons know if creating a merchant NPC is simple?
I was going to create a chest containing a few of each weapon but that's pretty dull.

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it does it feels more skyrimy than modded skyrim since this keeps a lot of the shitty mechanics and visuals in place

It's a problem inherent with skyrims engine that no mere mod can fix. You may notice that there's not many perks that benefit two handers.

The hurt/disliked/liked/appreciates system has an effect on the quest reward? Are you kidding me?

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It's implied by the quest text i think. Getting the reward requires her to like you enough to send a courier after you some time after she runs away. The reward is terrible too because by this point in the game you can enchant or even just find better amulets

How bugged are the golden sickle/rhalata questlines currently?

Haven't had any issues so far, a few quests deep into both.

Whew, okay. I haven't bothered reloading when I picked the "wrong" dialogue choices because I don't really care about her lmao.

Why is the map direction in Ark so bad?

>follow quest marker round 90% of the city to get to a place in the undercity
>the way out takes me 10 seconds

Just use the signs to fast travel.

use the fast travel posts nigga

Only quest that was bugged for me was the main quest. Luckily the wiki has a ton of info so I just consome commanded a fix


i mean r8

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emo wife who will shank you at the drop of a hat.
will also ask to see the manager whenever something is slightly out of place/10

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pretty much what I was going for

Dios mio...

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is this some total overhaul mod?
where can I check it out?

You need to own regular skyrim and that's it.

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so is there like an equivalent of the ragged flagon face sculptor in this or do you have to do this through the racemenu

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La Abomination...

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There's a skill tree for alchemy that focuses on using werewolf form for combat.

Okay, got it, meditated and returned from perk screen and it worked. God, I am a fucking genius sometimes.

Went shadow dancer for maximum edge but now I'm not sure what I should put points in now both those trees are finished.

Blade Dancer if one handers
Vandal for 2H
Trickster for ranged

no clue what else you take. Vagrant for making buff potions maybe?

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Wasted an hour searching for permanent enchant for my bow, found it and enchanted throught console. This is cheating but i fucking hate rechargeable weapons. Too bad there's no elemental enchants, the only other choice was poison.

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>there's literally soul gems fucking everywhere
>a common gem fills half my bow and lasts for fucking ever
eat shit fag

Wew, chill out my man, it's only game.

I can confirm, it actually works. Had only a single crash in about 5 hours of gameplay.

>tfw going to the crypt in Ark was the first thing I did in my first playthrough a couple of years ago
>remember being lost in the maze for like two hours, getting my shit rekt by single skeletons
>doing it now at level 40
>just walking around 1-shotting everything
I had more fun the first time

is the arctic wind supposed to be so fucking op? i can freeze enemies every 4 seconds with 0 cost and sometimes they will explode if i touch them. seems too powerful for a entry-level talent

You're still on the old version then, they gave it an increased CD. But nah, all the powerful enemies are immune to it so it becomes shit useless later on.

>use Turn Undead
>don't turn into an undead

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i'm on, dont know how to update pirated version

what quest? where is it?

Starts in frostcliff tavern.

> all the shitty Skyrim weapons and armor designs and the hair facial and body textures are back
godfucking dammit all

Doesn't that increase load times though?

Do you prefer to crash instead?

Are there any hidden talents for archers? I found a fuckton of books for psionics, elementarism and melee, but nothing for bows and sneak so far.

I don't mind, since it crashes so rarely and restart is so fast. Much less time wasted than having long-ass load times all the time.

Guess you're just a special one.

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what the fuck it looks almost exactly like mine

Holy fucking shit this is beautiful

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yeah, but now we get stupid shiny Barbie hair for some characters, like that Jespar guy

Guess there's no harm in trying - not that I timed the earlier load times, but I'll test and see if it changes considerably.



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>Bethesda environmental designers sweating profusely

Enderal is chock-full of neat details, and best of all it's all unique instead of recycled bullshit like bethesda does with those set pieces.

>Butcher of Arc series is forbidden in Enderal
>books are fucking everywhere, even in the fucking main temple

There were extremely popular back when they were first released. It's quite a feat they thinned them out as much as they did.

Goldenforst looks way too nice for the state it is in.

Are the frames always this bad? I've read online that the frames being shitty is normal with this mod but I just want to make sure,

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The AI pathfinding is so abysmal that rather than upgrade it Bethesda decided to reduce ground clitter and height differences.

No, lower the external shadows and you'll get solid 60.

has much changed after they released it properly?
I remember playing it a few years ago (I think, I don't actually remember when, but it's been a wihle), and I really enjoyed it.

I found this. i wonder what other "graffiti" exists in the oceans

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Reduce shadow resolution and draw distance. Ultimately the game cant handle all the bushes and trees because occlusion culling is pretty shitty.

And yet even in FO4 the AI is defeated by jumping onto a rock, so that excuse hardly works. Bethesda devs are just incompetent.

>own skyrim on ps3 and xbone but only SE on steam
>have to buy it for the 4th time to play a mod

>buying a motherfucking TES game not on PC
It's only your fault.

Are the creators twelve? Still funny.

>not having skyrim for your microwave yet

one dev apparently wrote some dicks around the map. wonder how many there are

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How can bethesda even compete?

also hot tip, type tm into console before taking screenshots. it hides all the UI. just type tm again to reenable the UI

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I found a fucking tumblrina.
it's for a quest apparently

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it's what i'm doing if crouching or having visible buffs.
Otherwise, just get iHud and LessIntrusiveHud. They can hide shit much better. even gets rid of that massive fucking compass if you don't want it

>tfw don't know what to level up next. currently going for handicraft each level, but after that and LA, what do

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Good taste user, I like your steam account.

Bump that rhetoric up.

They still haven't made NPC vertically capable in F76 either. It seems like gamebryo just can't handle it at all.

>I like your steam account

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rate me please

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why? i don't need the money and i've had like three rhetoric dialog choices so far and money is far from a problem.
i have 10k+ in the bank to accrue interest too.

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sword sister / 10
get a fucking helmet idiot

You are not the only person who visits their discord

You guys are cool, don't go to Ark tomorrow.

If money is no object go enchanting of course. Otherwise you don't really need more crafting points kek.

>he doesnt know

I had honestly forgotten about crosslinking stuff. maybe i should just remove them

>going enchanting when the nerfhammer is coming tomorrow

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Nerfhammer smurfhammer he's got nearly maxed stats so it's just for lulz at this point

>tfw piratechads won't have to worry about enchant nerf

You think I don't already have one?

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>see this
what do?

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I'm going to make the Cleansing look like a fucking joke.

>herfderf lemme just expose my face to weapons
essentially a sword sister / 10
go back to /mbg/ bannerlord never ever ever cucklord

What ending did you lads end up doing? What's your favorite?
Also to from last thread I ended up destroying the machine and drinking the potion before it exploded, that way even if I did just go into a coma I'd still have accomplished my mission

Mael or Dijaam?

Patch confirmed for tomorrow.

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Stop bullying Aqua-sama!

Loot armour and complain that you can't have a hat.

Play however is fun for you. You can also just console in filled gems to use whatever enchant you want

Laugh at the shitty Skyrim assets.
>those BLOOD DECALS tho

To be honest, if you drink that potion anywhere before Star City Cycle is broken already and fuck if anyone knows about Numinos.

Fair point but that's some meta knowledge which defeats the point IMO. Plus they could probably still find and fuck things up without you



Good thinking, user. That's probably the best possible ending.

I just want the game to have more weapons with unlimited enchants like bow of ishyian, too bad it's the only one. I would've tried to make a plugin for more simular weapons but it may fuck things up and honestly too much work, creating enchants, applying them to weapons, trying not fuck up balance, all those things.
After playing Creation Engine (formerly gaybryo) games for thousands of hours some little things become unbearable, lockpicking and weapon recharging for expample.

Just install a mod for the unlimited charges.

On the Enderal wiki, it says that Rhetoric is linked to the memory of the Trickster, but in game it says it's not linked to any memory

Does anyone know which one it is?


the new release is basically an expansion on the old version. i guess they swapped a bunch of shit around and the wiki doesn't have the new stuff yet.
it doesn't even have the two new classes, so...

It's the left branch of the green tree. Near the top. Infiltrator I think.

Idk why people are upset with the enchant nerf. Are you really having fun being immune to all magic damage in the game and literally 1 shotting anything that isn't a boss?

There are only few memories that Rhetoric uses. One for selling stolen items and one to get better prices from merchants of opposite sex (and possibly 1boost to spech checks, I had high rhetoric and don't really know).

>Creation Engine (formerly gaybryo)

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How is magic in Enderal? I remember magic being pretty weak compared to weapons in Skyrim.

I don't honestly know why you would want to make such crazy strong items in the first place.
it's like you said, is it really fun being a literal immortal?

If you use it too much, you literally die.

stop being a shitter. You only gain fever from healing magic and healing potions, and you never really need potions.

cs rin ru

>poorfags will LITERALLY pirate even free projects

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>giving your money to Bethesda

Have 0 coding talent in your dev team

Uhh jokes on you, I bought a key from a shady reseller so no money for bethesda :)

wait i can just install this through steam now? this shits came a long way

There's a top tier 1 handed sword from the undercity quest chain with a permanent enchant. On crits it casts psionic push which is pretty nice

>cs rin ru
the only patch i found there throws up errors on the fitgirl version (md5 doesnt match i guess)

>giving money to ruskies for stealing keys
wow so much better than pirating

It's pretty good. Compared to my top tier 1 handed sword with 100 smithing a top tier fireball did slightly more damage which I'd consider really good. Compared to weapons at the same tier spells usually do more damage plus they have range.
I also wish there was more permanent enchants. At least on artifact tier stuff just because I like the flavor of it and it helps with the tedium of constantly having to refill the weapons

I want to hate-fuck Dijaam.

The level design bros...

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Dungeons are actually fun to explore.

fitgirl made an enderal repack? i dont see it on the site. Anyway youll probably have to redownload all of it from cs rin ru and use those patches.

it's all about the principle of the matter

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That's Undercity

Why's that?

in their defence skyrim had to run on a fucking ps3 too which had 516mb of ram

They're not a straight line.

Is that the mine?

I'm sure there's more to it than that

A lot of the larger dungeons are labyrinthine, and interconnecting with whole areas behind easily missed doors.

I got this as well, saving and reloading also fixes it

Marketplace -> cave to tarpit -> tarpit -> elevator down

How come nobody ever makes threads on Yea Forums about Vigilant?

Same spot, had the same thought.

It's amazing how much cooler the world is in comparison to Skyrim.

do it yourself

i mean fitgirl's skyrim repack,

What's this? A Skyrim TC?

wait did you download the mod from the enderal site? thats the wrong one if so.

it's a free Skyrim mod on steam that is like a separate skyrim game with 100's of hours of content. It's an RPG set in a separate universe with it's own quests that make Skyrim look shit

>literally copied Dramen from Immersive Creatures

As if shamelessly reusing every asset from Skyrim wasn't bad enough. At least do SOME original design work if you're going to mod your fanfic-tier 'story' into an existing game.

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Gonna need to check this out sounds cool

They got permission for everything, brainlet.

My dreameater spell isn't giving me the sneak attack bonus. What gives?

>fanfic-tier 'story'
god forbid someone tries to do something more than the bare minimum storytelling in an rpg.

That's not what he's complaining about, Wojak derivative.

effort, content =/= quality

mashing assets together isnt an immersive creatures trademark, everyone can do it.

Then what the fuck is his point? that a FREE half a dozen people made on their spare time doesn't have 100% original assets? Recycled assets in $60 games is not uncommon, who gives a shit if a free project does it.

Immersive Creatures isn't a mod pretending to be some separate universe from TES. Enderal is.

the quality is good, no reason to call it fanfic tier.

and? they have assets so they can use them, i dont see what it has to do with separate universes.

It only works on enemies that are mesmerized from psychosis. Hit them 3 times with it then a dreameater for big dick damage

Do any of you play on Iron Path? Is it bullshit hard, or pretty fun? Planning on rerolling from Adept and playing Sinastrope / Phasmalist

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ya, I know what the description says. It doesn't change to fact it doesn't do hidden damage on non-mesmerized enemies.

I play on master. The difficulty levels don't scale with the same multipliers as in Bethesda games so feel free to bump it up.

Whoever was directing the english voice actors should be shot.

I'm hardly convinced I'm in this epic new world when everyone looks like citizens of Whiterun and a big nigga with a dragon head and werewolf animations comes running at me.

anyone found the key to the locked door in Deep Digger's Settlement?

Son, please stop being a massive cunt online

i have fitgirl skyrim repack + enderal from torrents (1337x to), it's the version im pretty sure

It actually does seem to, just inconsistently. I've gotten several 2.5x sneak attacks (strange because it's supposed to be 3.7 with my bonuses, but whatever), but it's gotten rarer since I've been using it.

Why? It’s consistently good with a few bad standouts and a few really good ones.

There are good voice actors, yeah, but there is a real issue with inconsistent pronunciation that goes beyond dialect, and mispronunciations of words like "revered".

but you were *convinced* that whiterun is a major city with 12 houses and about 40 inhabitants, or that dragons you fight with rusty arrows and a bunch of retarded guards are some *EPIC* threat, and that you are being treated like an errand boy but somehow you are supposed to be the glorious hero?

a mod cant unfuck everything wrong with the base game, and visuals are the least important part of an RPG. your priorities are so skewed that it stands to reason that you are merely grasping for bad things to say about it.