Is it worth owning a Vita?
Is it worth owning a Vita?
only if you hack it and treat it as a "PSP PRO" instead of its own next gen handheld.
You tell me.
Do you like japanese games? If so yes, it's worth to own a vita.
if you like japanese games, indie games and isn't familiar with the PSP library, it's totally worth it
I love my vita
The PS Vita is my personal favourite handheld. I haven't even hacked it, I just love it because it lets me play most of my favourite PS2/1/P games and makes up for the missing ones with shit like Gravity Rush
if you still haven't decided, then no
>LCD screen
There is really only a couple of legitimately good games there
Almost none if you don't include ports/remasters
Do you like weeb games? If so then you probably already own one. Do you hate weeb games? If so don't bother
oh the horror - he doesn't have to worry about the burn-in effect
worth owning one? absolutely. shit tons of solid titles and if you hack it, it's top tier emulation station, far outclassing the 3DS and most mobile phones.
Worth buying one? No. It's a great system but if you're buying in this late you're just gonna hack it and probably have played most of the games that made it worth buying originally as they've been ported out. So if you have one laying around collecting dust, hack it, breathe some life into it. If you want to just buy one, if you have a PSP, don't bother. If you don't and want an emulation station, pick one up as I'm sure they're fairly cheap, and all firmwares can now be hacked.
i like my too, though i have OLED one
You forgot to buy a boatload of otome games. It's what the vita is good for!
you would have to go out of your way to leave your vita on a static pixel image for hours to experience burn in.
now the mura effect is totally different.
no it just looks like someone pissed on the screen at all times.
Lol burn in is a meme. I've never seen a single vita with burn in. OLED is superior and more vibrant that the shitty LCD screen
Of course, bro, the Vita is based as fuck.
short answer- no
hasn't anybody released a plugin to correct the RGB to your liking? I'm sure something like that is already out there (although only available on hacked vitas).
Also, the piss filter is generally good as they mostly use it to tone down the blue wave to reduce the eye strain (which is even more of an issue on such short focus distance as 5 inch screen near the user's face)
>muh blue light
stop buying into that stupid fucking trash and it magically stops effecting you.
I think someone released a plugin to improve the colors for LCD a while ago. But it doesn't do anything if you got a bad binned LCD. It's like 3DS where you got a 50/50 chance of getting a piss yellow screen or something decent.
>stop believing facts
you need to educate yourself a little, before entering arguments that heavily rely on fact checking and making a complete dumbass out of yourself.
Low light filter might be nothing more than a marketing blurb in 50% of cases by shoddy manufacturers who did nothing more than tweaking the ICC profile, but the straining effect of blue wavelength that causes all sorts of unnecessary, incl. sleep deprivation, is a proven fact.
I've had fun with mine for sure.
>you will never go back to that time when people were optimistic about the vita
>you will never go back to the days when Danganronpa 1 and 2 finally got official localizations
>you will never again feel the surprise of UDG getting localized
>you will never relive the shitposts and hype in the lead up to V3's release
It fucking hurts bros
Yes, I adore my PlayStation Vita, I never hacked it in the nearly 4 years I owned one and mainly played Vita games on it.
I just wish I could go back in time so I could sell my 3.60 vita back when the prices were high
I mean it's a super nice device but it's only good game is a port of a ps2
I know this triggers vita fags but seriously, weeby rhythm games and weeby schmups aren't enough to constitute this thing as a worthwhile library
You have never touched a vita.
You are parroting shit you read from people trying to shitpost about it. I have my 64 gig xard full of games and have more in my library on my unhacked oled vita.
I also own another oled one I have hacked.
Also I don't play weeb games, forgot to say or VNs
the best game on vita actually is a ps3 port, odin sphere remake.
Yeah it's worth it imo, I got a few games on there, mainly just PS2 ports or indie game ports. It's a good time waster if I'm going somewhere.