Do mainstream western game developers seriously believe there is a huge untapped market of black women out there, that by somehow presenting a disproportionately large number of them as playables / protagonists / etc, will help them "identify" with gaming?
Do mainstream western game developers seriously believe there is a huge untapped market of black women out there...
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it's not about untapped markets, it's about virtue signaling
the only real problem with this is them not making the pretty and interesting characters
it seems like its very important for white males to play as themselves so why wouldn't the same be true for black females?
Shame they're rarely hot like the girl in your pic.
Have you seen the retarded sales targets for some of these companies. They're run on momentum by literal retards.
For some reason, the entertainment industry in general believes that virtue signaling is the way to go for making money nowadays when that is the absolute worst thing you can do (see: Ghostbusters remake). If anything, the people in the industry need to out those that are making these shit decisions before they are out of a job.
even if that was true, which it's not, how many black female gamers do you think there are
Every time.
Complain about niggers thread #8.4 x 10^6
the duality of woman
Am I in the right thread?
>before and after BWD
You go for markets you don't have and large companies are floundering for growth outside their base. It probably won't appeal to every black woman but having a white male protagonist doesn't gift you every white male customer either. It's about the people who don't care about games who need a stepping stone to new forms of media and I have an inkling that eternal market research shows that female protagonists appeal to both men and women anyway even if it's not for the same reasons, I mean look at this site.
well i can definitely say the south of me is rising.
>that hairline
Pattern D
This. I don't care about the race of a protagonist (and I actually mean that and won't turn around to whine about race after claiming I don't care like some people). All I want are good character designs and it seems like only Japan wants to deliver.
is about
Because black females don’t play video games.
>a disproportionately large number of them
Let me guess, more than one, in an industry filled with thousands of white/Japanese NPCs?
The 19th amendment was a mistake
I just like exotic girls. Don't think too hard about it, roastie
That couldn't be farther from the truth.
I have two female black friends and they play Animal Crossing
ironic considering only NPCs watch mainstream porn
so was the 13th
>disproportionately large number
I mean yeah, it's proven that representation of a specific group in whatever medium is a good thing. I don't know what you're getting upset about anyway, then your fucking character is black and female, go cry a river.
>the body modder who made the first (and considered best) nude body for oblivion and Fallout3/NV was a black girl who looks actually stunning
Can white whales ever compete? Evidence points to no.
you better be dicking them both, no half measures here sonny
Black girls love white men and they really aren't that hard to impress if you are one. Just be the opposite of the dumbass thirsty ghetto black guys they always have to deal with and you'll be inside her within days.
>it's proven that representation of a specific group in whatever medium is a good thing.
Do you have a single fact to back that up? And in what way is it good? Good for the community? Good for your health? Good for animal rights? What the fuck does it do and why is it objectively good?
Black women are very fertile. They can provide white men with very healthy children.
Give me a black gf bros
>ywn be smart enough to engineer a virus that makes black women only give birth to white boys and black girls
it hurts
Lost my virginity to a black chick.
Fat ass
want to be dominated
Not anxiety/depressed like white chicks because theyre dad didnt go to their ballerina dance at 5. (seriously 50+% of white chicks I know are on medication)
something about spreading their pussy lips and seeing pink is god tier
Poor hygiene, especially down under
Will eventually cheat on you
Horrible mothers
No ambition in life
t. 5'4'' manlet from one of the whitest states in the union
Sadly this. As a black guy, it's pretty annoying how many nerdy black girls there are who love white guys and never date black.
>Will eventually cheat on you
>t. 5'4'' manlet
i wonder why
I'm a black woman who likes video games
I honestly do not give a shit what gender or race a fucking fictional character is. The virtue signalling is so fucking dumb its a damn video game
Nice one dude
Do you have a white boyfriend?
>t. 5'4'' manlet
can I be your white boyfriend?
>black girl on Yea Forums
>thinking she's anything higher than a 3
lord have we strayed from your light
Wasn’t there a study the showed strong evidence that core gamers of any race don’t care what race there player character is? I think it was done with fighting games and the study showed that most in not all players choose characters that play to there taste not characters that are there race. Ie big black dude plays tiny Asian girl because he likes that she and do flips n shit the best.
can't you tell I'm just memeing? was the other reply not clue enough?
this, sorry guys
Black women can be incels too
are you always this autistic? can you pick up on social cues?
>how does being able to identify yourself in media help you, especially as minority
Takes one to know another, now suck my dick fag.
>white people are the only people to claw their way towards modernity
What did she mean by this?
Yes, but that doesn't fit the narrative the media wants to push. It's like how the MSM wanted to make it sound like heteros were dying of AIDS left and right in the late 80s/early 90s despite multiple studies showing that the disease primarily affected homos, junkies and homo junkies.
I don't fucking understand what the fuck is the problem with SJWs that black women don't deserve good men.
They just want black women to be property of black men who abuse and beat them. Meanwhile evil racist bigot white men take care of them and make good families together.
Also Nintendo and japs make good video game black girls.
dude thats a REALLY good one. You totally won this debate. Kudos to you sir, you are not only a gentleman but a scholar? It's amazing you've made it this far in life with how hard you have it. You perseverance is only matched by your intelligence. Today, you've made me a better person with your witty response. For that, I tip my cap to you. Please continue spreading your unique world view on the fellow members of this site.
I'm just glad I became part of your legacy, even for just a little bit. You've bested me, sir. Have a pleasant day.
Being cheap, easy, or part of the meta will always win out over design.
But the people demanding this shit aren't black females. They're overwhelmingly white males. And the people implementing it aren't black females either.
How many of the little japanese girls in non porno games, say in Guilty Gear, UNIST, Melty Blood, are being demanded by japanese women?
Pic related. Guess how many black women there are in the fanbase of a tom clancy game, or of tactical shooters in general. Guess how many black people there are in the design team that made this?
We're frequently seeing fetishisim disguised as progressiveness.
Fpbp if it was about untapped market, it would be about as stupid as trying to sell cunt rags to men
Not him but this reply is fedora-tier as fuck and you should be ashamed.
Who is she and what is this from? She's hot as fuck
That’s not proof, that is your personal feelings. I bet you watched the dragon maids dub and liked it.
>white man's barbaric journey
>her ancestors were living in mud huts hunting zebras only 200 years ago
really makes me think
the goal is not to attract black women to gaming
its to appear woke to the sjw controlled social media as a whole and get free marketing
you best not be hopping i was going to read that shit
She's cute at most. There's a distinction.
I was just hoping you'd reply. Remember me when you make it big. You are that one nigga in 10,000.
>they make good families
Citation needed
>/pol/ cuck didnt get the sarcasm
She fucks only white boys you dumb nigger virgin
There we go then, faggot.
I got that you retard. You're the one who missed the irony of her initial assertion
reminds me of a porn I saw of a thicc black girl trying on a swimsuit far too small for her and making some white roastie jealous as she flirted with the white shop owner, wish i saved it
V needs flags. I bet youre a jew
Stop niggerposting.
People were saying the same shit about movies (more towards black people in general and not black women specifcally), and Black Panther is one of the highest grossing movies of all time. Honestly I just care about good games, and if a company can make more money by appealing to minorities and women, then they can make more good games.
Her name is Moriah Mills it's the video what made her famous.
I also nutted to it many times.
Why would they make good games when they can just make shit games with diversity?
t /pol/ cuck
Gee I don't know user, how many negresses are in Africa?
Are those stats legit? Damn
my guy you went above and beyond my expectations, thanks man.
Shit games dont sell as well (unless they have a lot of marketing $ or strong franchise legacy). People arent playing Apex Legends just because of "diversity", people are playing it because its a good game.
Time to get cocoa pilled.
Not him but good games with diversity is the ideal.
I want to make an iconic sexy black chick in vidya that's on the same level as Chun-Li or Jill Valentine.
Holy shit
>watching tv makes you depressed
>black children in their study spent, on average, an extra 10 hours a week watching television
>why is all these black people so depressed
News flash, sitting on your ass all day watching tv makes you depressed. All the shit about it being because of racial representation is conjecture make from the results. All the shit above “young girls are sad because wemon don’t have a variety of roles” has no evidence backing the clam other than the author pulling it from her ass. The study even contradicts its self because the white boys that were shown nothing but black media were still happy with themselves. She then writes off the discrepancy by ASSUMING that it is because “Regardless of what show you're watching, if you're a white male, things in life are pretty good for you,”. Who would have thought that people that have shit lives that watch tv all day are depressed. What a great discovery!
>tfw mixed race mulatto mutt who's not white enough for normal white girls, not black enough for coal burners and also not black enough for normal black girls
>white enough for black girls who like white guys but who are too ugly to land hot white guys
So feminists are just extreme tsunderes?
Yeah you totally made sense with your assumptions and your feelings towards the study. Just sad that the researchers and conductors of the study disagree with your shit assertions and found out that other factors play a major role in that. Ah but user, you're such a smart one, how did those researchers do all of this work but NOT think of this one thing which totally explains all of it. Man, you sure are a superhuman.
How about this, throw over a study which shows that representation does absolutely nothing, or has a negative impact. Could be either, I can't wait.
>disproportionately large number of them as playables / protagonists / etc
Name 50 games where thry are the main protagonist and no games with large character rosters dont count
>i had people grab my hair and touch my hair on the street before
and like that my suspension of disbelief was destroyed, she's white, only they are this much of an attention whore.
Which of those TV shows are shit? Which arent? Like I said, diversity does increase profits, but a shitty diverse game likely wont make as much money as a good game that isnt diverse.
Has your hair ever been touched unprompted by a total stranger in broad daylight?
Nigger here. I'll trade you black women for white women
Well of course the black guy has to basically be perfect to compete with the white guy. The white guy isn't going to treat her like shit and the bail the second she gets pregnant.
It's a deal.
I'm not a girl so no. I imagine that's happened to her because of dudes trying to mac.
Especially because of people like pic related
>i really don't care which gender, race or sexuality my game character has
I don’t know but every time I randomised my character in the division 2 beta I got a nigger 9 times out of 10. It’s safe to say I didn’t like it.
Slav here.
I don't get the flak that black girls get. Some are truly beautiful. I've met few (rare but they do happen - mostly offsprings of old student exchanges) and not only they were cute but also very nice personality-wise (except from notorious low self-esteem as country is not tolerant). Also, very good in bed. And godlike at dancing, but I sucked at it.
Amandla Stenberg in Everything, Everything (2017)
>a beard
Why a beard? That sounds weirdly specific. Is it because most black guys seem like they can't grow a beard so they paint it on with markers?
It's because white women and /pol/ cucks.
Based. No take backs
LOL. Even if I accepted hollywood accounting, hollywood is a terrible fucking example. The video game industry is already FAR more diverse than hollywood has ever been.
Nigga I am buff and my chest and arms are constantly touched unprompted by total strangers, women and men, young and old. It's normal. Deal with it
dont mind me
Here’s an actual academic source and not some click bait article. No one cares what race there character is except for you and the other discord trannies.
women dont bald on the norwood scale, negroid.
Different Slav here who's also seen more than a few black chicks in person. They were all fucking ugly as hell in their face,s though their bodies made up for it, I suppose. Seriously though, I'm not even all that racist, barring the usual xenophobia that comes with being a Slav, how do you find them attractive?
Also reddit feminists.
More variety. It's lame to see straight white adult men with dark hair as protagonists in every game.
Why is it so common for black girls to have such ridiculous receding hairlines?
No, the updated one shows the couple is more likely to divorce than AMWF. WMAF is also much higher than 4%. This outdated one is posted by race mixing redditnigger mutts.
Big Black Booty Hive mind