Diablo I and II appreciation thread. DII fans need not reply

Diablo I and II appreciation thread. DII fans need not reply.

>Are you currently playing DI or DII?
>What character are you running?
>What difficulty?
>Are you a seasoned vet or new comer?

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*DIII fans need not reply. OP is retarded, forgive him

Action RPGs are just Roguelikes for babbies.

Been playing median but I think I'm done now, did almost everything
Going back to path of diablo to level a javazon until poe league starts

I'm playing the update version of Diablo 2. It's called Path of Exile.

Median XL Sigma
poison/fire drood
120 ubers are fucking me up because im a retard who can't into gearing
never went past normal difficulty in vanilla D2

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Diablo 1 and 2 aged like milk. Sure is fun spamming literally 1 (one) ability nonstop.

Games have evolved, they just don't hold up. Even Diablo 3, despite its flaws, plays much better than 1 and 2.

PoE turned into shit

>retry to play every year or 2
>get some good starter gear and a maxed char
>realize I have to grind alot annoying shit with MF to even begin to gear up

Maybe i'm just retarded, but really kills it for me

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There you go, me and my shitty cropping skills
Mainly just running AT on US East
Blizz sorc, lvl 89
Been wanting to start a wind druid
Also hows pluggy? might switch over to that
Never tried any mods like median or pod

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D1 was one of the best online experiences I ever had. I was playing a warrior and met a mage who was real chill. The dude was into duping and shit, he taught me how to dupe and I'd do it for extra gold. He'd carry me through dungeons. Finally he gave me a OP staff and told.me to level my int so I could use it. When I could, he took me to beat diablo. After that I realised wizards would be more fun so I rolled one of them.

In D2, i met a chill barbarian who played heaps more than me, and he carried my necro and took me through the cow level. When I rolled an ice mage, he whiteknighted me when necros got angry I was freezing all the corpses. Diablo had such a good community and I miss those days.

Plugy is worth if you're just fucking around in single player. Infinite storage, extra character stats, etc all give the game good qol.

Yeah, back before normies were on the internet. Better times for sure.

use glide to resize the window so it doesn't scale like shit even for windowed mode

no, they're fucking you up because current median patch is a literal beta test with non existent balance
roll a melee sorc or a hammerzon and see how much of a joke everything becomes


my game actually doesn't look like that, i fucked up
somewhere in the cropping process to make
the screenshot look like shit
but thanks anyway

When played D1 in the late 90s, everyone had hax0red equipment and stats boosted above their normal limits and would spam infinite spells and never lose health. I wanted to play legit, so it was obnoxious. Didn't have any friends who cared though to join me, either.

it did seem like the difficulty spike from 115 ubers to the 120 ones was a bit ridiculous
is the balance really that bad now? i heard caster druid was a decent noob build back in 2017

>Are you currently playing DI or DII?

What do people find fun about diablo games? Is it a boomer thing? It feels like a cookie clicker game where you just keep clicking and killing thousands of inneffective low-health mobs. The artstyle is cool, but thats about it.

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casters aren't on a good spot since the removal of -res mystic orbs and extreme mana costs. you can switch to trap rat and stomp any boss with thornwall because it has high WDM and hits a billion times because why the fuck not
viable builds are probably at an all time low

the drop system, nothing else

>Sure is fun spamming literally 1 (one) ability nonstop.
Confirmed for never being the ultimate party Necrobro with a skeleton army and curses to support other players.

It requires high IQ and being a mathematical genius to comprehend it

>tfw facing the butcher or skeleton king for the first time

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The only thing they got right in D3 is the combat, it's like they spent all the effort on it then called the janitor to make the rest the of the game overnight

It's a loot based game, the same as any other. Diablo was just among the first to be very popular, balance the loot correctly and gain a following.

anyone else regret buying D3? I played it for only 1 hour and gave up

They hardly got that right. It's Borderlands 2 fuckhuge numbers in a Gauntlet setting.

D1 was supposed to be a roguelike, turnbased and all, then blizzard told the developers to make it real time

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>was recently playing a single player hardcore sorc
>everything going great, gear was decent
>get one inch too close to a hell cow while forbing
>he and his friends stunlock me to death

why am I so bad

For one playthrough they're fun little stories and a decent ARPG experience. I have no clue what the appeal is for anything beyond that. If I wanted grind I'd stick to JRPGs. Even playing as different classes doesn't change it up enough to justify imo. The power creep is so slow and incremental that it's boring as hell to me after that first run. But different strokes.

lol that image
I am the same way watching news and tv shows with others

wow. this game is just not for me then. the only thing i find more boring than the combat, is the loot system. Loot feels it loses its cool and interesting factor when you're showered with it from every kill.

You mean itemization or something, I mean the controls in combat.

How could I regret it if I could play it for at least the amount of time any other game gives me, and also got me a free WoW?

Just started back recently. Im playing a Maul Bear Druid. I want to see if I can make him viable solo in Hell. Also started an hammerdin because apparently hes the only one that can solo uber (with a point in smite) so thats my chance to ever do it (although probably wont happen since it requires god tier items)

stop playing diablo 3
its a shit game

>Loot feels it loses its cool and interesting factor when you're showered with it from every kill.
That's an example of badly balanced loot system. Try another game or in this case Diablo 2.

For me playing D2 was always play the game in linear fashion, doing quests as they go and using only equipment you manage to find on the go.

That was D2 for me, no bullshit minmaxing and grinding for that one unique you read on wiki.

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Hammardins are so fun and I like you can do a hammardin build with a crusader in D3

i bought d2 other day and started playing, im lvl 10 necro. played alottt of d3 before, i am a huge fan of diablo franchise

I already had wow, so yeah... I regret a lot, one of the worst games I've played

>I mean the controls in combat.
Chaining together the FotM skills for your class' BiS gear is about all the control there is in combat. Enemies are either damage sponges or die 50 at a time as cannon fodder. On the off-chance you're not circling around a ray of death, you're moving out of the frost explosion radius.

Theyre too "banal" though. I would rather play a build I always wanted to try and that you don't see often online so Im focusing on the bear.

If you wish to ever finish the game, invest some skill points into direct damage spells like that bone spear. Otherwise you wont ever make it past 2nd act.

I played from 2001 to 2008 but quit when I lost all my accounts in that banwave for d2loader/edited .dlls which allowed loading multiple instances of D2.
Sometimes for nostalgia I'll do a walk through to hell baal with randos during a lad reset but it's just not the same.

I'll forever miss those late night duel games as a kid just talking shit and having fun.

>What do people find fun about diablo games?

for me D2 was all about grinding gear/lvls then fucking around in duel games talking shit and making friends.

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I'm not saying you can't regret but did you played with the expansion? It was kinda fun to see the new sets and builds coming with new seasons. Game got old though.

This desu
I enjoyed Torchlight 1 & 2 PoE and Titan Quest and currently my favorite is Grim Dawn
I also played both Sacred 1 & 2
When i first tried Diablo 2 it was good but honestly almost every game i listed is more enjoyable atm
Maybe expect Torchlight 2 and Sacred

Nah played it for 900 hours and had my share of fun

This is how someone sees the game who doesn't really understand the synergies. Granted the season 1 ball lightning build was cancer, it's still one of the tightest gaming feats ever and thus it's amazing.

Are we getting a d2 remaster like starcraft and wc3? I feel like they cant figure the old code out

Fair. Druid/shapeshifters seem so rare these days or exotic that the experience of playing one is worth it even if they aren't considered meta. I liked how they did shapeshifting in dragon age origins but I played a shapeshifter spirit healer which wasn't practical but was really fun from an rpg and gameplay standpoint. In pillars of eternity 2 I thought it was cool that a druid could shapeshifter and keep abilities of other classes, so if yo turned into a werewolf, and did a monk kungfu kick, it had it's own unique animation. So yea, go ham as druid bro.

>3 A.M.
>Decide to call it a night and go to bed.
>Resolve to open one last door before turning in.

how do i play d2 windowed?

I think what killed it was the addition of Rifts as a mandatory hamster wheel at the end of character progression.

You run them constantly for better gear and Paragon Levels in order to run higher Rifts, so you can get better gear and Paragon Levels. If you play an alt, you're wasting time building that main and your PL. At least D2 had a point where you could feel "done" with your character and starting a new one was okay.

Diablo 2.exe -w

True. They wanted to give it a competitive mode which doesn't really work if not pvp.


>d2 remaster
Stop begging for remasters.

Boring until max frenzy or ww then it's just holding down M1/M2 and falling asleep. Throw barb is the only fun barb. Sing barb is a shit meme

Is boring no matter what build

Fun at first but novelty dies fast

Bow is shit, so you're forced to javazon and fall asleep playing

only class that has the best time early ladder MFing, is great for skipping shit but ultimately is boring

I say trapsin because MMsin and Kicksin are bad and boring
FUN until Hell, then anti-fun unless you have infinity

feral and summoner don't work, so you're forced to be a shitty sorc

any other class not listed is forgetabble and not worth mentioning

>Finally he gave me a OP staff
was it that hacked apocalypse staff? I had the same experience you did guy just gave me a bunch of hacked items and said, "have fun ;)."

I take it that you're just a bit of a cynic.

I can't remember but the effect of the staff was that it made a bunch of fire shoot up from the ground in a huge area.

Doom-Destruction-Delirium-Dragon barbarian was fun. Utterly pointless and ineffective but fun as fuck.

The game shines once you get into large skirmishes, where it's maybe 4-6 heroes+mercs vs 40+ demons and undead, with unique aura enemies being scattered throughout.
You have to be tactical in pulling the unique monsters away from their allies, landing max-effect AoEs while also not becoming surrounded to the point you can't escape. And the tactics of these battles get mixed up depending on the level and terrain, whether you're fighting in an open area, a junction, or a corridor, and so forth.

The other thing that made D2 huge was it was one of the first games to try and tackle a considerable crafting system, which added a layer of "there's always something new to find" to the game, especially with the socketing and runes.
It was also huge because it was one of the first online adventure-RPGs to allow for a party bigger than 4 people. This seems like a small jump but for its time in the culture of multiplayer gaming, it was a huge leap.

However yes, it definitely suffers from the grind for loot eventually becoming too monotonous.
I feel this is largely in part to the environments of the levels themselves having no contribution to the game, other than determining the variety of enemy you fight. It would have been interesting to have effects like say, cold spells do more damage in cold environments, or being able to burn down forest and jungle terrain.
But, there's only so much memory to allocate right.

I also feel that they should have kept magic closer to how it was in D1, where you don't just climb up a tree of spells. I liked that element where spells were only found from books, and so you could end up playing for 30+ hours, and suddenly find or see a spell you've never known about.
Magic, and even combat skills, would have been more interesting if you had to seek out lost texts, or hermit mentors, rather than just having a straight skill tree you dump points into.


>I can't remember but the effect of the staff was that it made a bunch of fire shoot up from the ground in a huge area.
yeah that's the one, shit was OP.

>feral and summoner don't work
fury/feral was the most fun I ever had in the game.

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They chose to refine the game into a turbo blobs of shit everywhere always online single player farming simulator thanks to reddit.

>always online single player farming simulator
>implying it was not like this from the start

Fuck u nigger its not my fault d3 sucks and d4 will be even worse

If DOOM could do it, so will Diablo 4.

It was and is always online, yes I only make this point to highlight the fact that it's retarded playing the game any way other than alone and they continued refining and reinforcing the game to be played this way and abandoned any kind of good grouping mechanics. This is fundamentally different from how it played in the early closed betas and one of the many things I miss about Diablo 2 -- it was a game that played equally well in a group or alone and I could CHOOSE how I wanted to play without feeling like a retard for choosing one way or the other. There's almost no reason to group up whatsoever in PoE in fact it's almost always a detriment to do so unless you have a dedicated support whore who wants to be your personal buff all the time.

At least D4 would be something different. No matter what it will be a hundred times better than releasing the same game again.

>nuDoom good

>muh brütal dööm

>ironically making fun of one of Doom's many mods
neck yourself faggot

I've clocked more hours on Diablo 2 than most of my fellow boomers that act like it's the shit and I prefer Diablo 3 on the whole. Diablo 2 has neater mechanics and abilities and build variety but jack shit reason for using them.

Here's some facts these supposed Diablo 2 fans mention

>most of them didn't even beat the game without being rushed
>most of them never had a top tier build and will cite diminishing returns to justify it
>most of them didn't even play it during its heyday

Most of the fanfare is largely revisionism like the Doom autists.

I don't play anymore but you have great synergy in PoE and there is no damage increase with additional players(essential for a one-shot focused game). There's nothing preventing you from playing in a party and it's heavily incentivized(more curses/auras), especially if you want to sustain maps. There's no lack of parties pushing the ladders, never been.

The reason you don't see many pugs is probably just that the game and community is so HC-centric. And GGG being fucking terrible at programming, letting you kill people with lag by casting a level 1 ice skull or whatever it was called for fucking years.

Diablo 3 RoS >> Hellfire add-on >> Diablo 3 >> Diablo 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diablo 2

*Fail to mention

but it couldn't

Hellfire was worse than vanilla D2.

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Your opinion, not a fact.
I get it, you are retarded. D2 fan, probably.

>you have great synergy in PoE
No, you don't. You have none unless, like I said, you play with some tard who wants to be your personal support whore and you can't expect that from public group play. Diablo 2 played well in a group because you had buff to drops, you had classes that could deal with immunes, auras to buff parties and so on. You also had loot tension that added more suspense to gameplay.

In PoE grouping almost invariably slows you down while adding no benefit whatsoever. There's no reason to group up and the players who reach 100 fastest play alone the vast majority of the time. This isn't even my biggest gripe it just one of many.

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The first half of hellfire was a bad joke, everyone knows that.

Yes, you do. Especially since they added in aura cursing. Simple as equipping a ring and bam, you've got 40% more effective HP and are close to being crit immune. It's not as big of a deal as it used to be with the cancerous clear speed meta since 2.0, but it's very easy to contribute to a party with auras, curses and charges. Like half the builds do so incidentally.


I think we literally had the same childhood. Only thing you fucked up on is Classic>LoD.

That's not how that works, dickhead

haha yeah i know right why would I play diablo 2 when i can play fortnite like omegaLUL where we droppin bros?!?!?

Look... We all know that hardcore Diablo fans love D2 and that's it.
No matter how good new Diablo game is, they will do this - wait in lines for hours, buy the game, play for 3 hours, write angry review on Metacritic, give the score 0/10 and reinstall Diablo 2 for god knows how many times.

They really are worse than Sonic fanboys, and that is quite an accomplishment.

I hope so but I don't think they'd do it properly. I'd like all assets redone, not just neural network upscaled. Many of the game mechanics are tied to framerate, not sure if the developer likes to continue it that way. The online play has always been plagued by scammers, botters, spammers, cheaters and duping. Not sure if they are capable/willing of combating this without removing ability to trade etc.

I've played DII enough that it's only fun for me to do a hardcore run every once in a while with friends, using non-meta specs. Same with PoE really, the endgame is dull as shit for me but running different hardcore leagues with whatever skill I like the look of and ignoring min maxing until I die keeps things from getting stale.

I really enjoyed the Yea Forums private DII ladder a few years ago that some user ran, a few skills were tweaked and rune droprates increased. I had a druid that could use all wolves and the bear at the same time with Beast Runeword. I would definitely hop on again if someone hosted a ladder.

If they fix ebugging i would be pissed. Really they just need to upscale the assets and rewrite the netcode and i would be happy. Maybe add some items. Sime better sets would be nice

Path of diablo -mod is pretty much what you are looking for.

Hey, I was in there. Good times.

i blind started a summoner necro. turns out its shit T_T

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The bug list is always a fun read

whats this gay shit?

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Someone registered your cd-key on their battle net account(might be you).

>Someone registered your cd-key on their battle net account(might be you).
well I regret doing that years ago if that means I can't play without having to reinstall shit.

it is legitimately good though. Stop being a fucking faggot god damn.

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This retard

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sorry ano, summoner necro is one of the worst ones
apparently he's getting completely reworked in the next patch since they couldn't make it in time for the current one

is there a cdkey changer I can use to switch to other cd keys? I'm p sure I didn't register all of them.
I use to use D2loader but I doubt that works anymore.

There's a registry entry you can change. Look it up.

>most of them didn't even beat the game without being rushed
Lol wat?

fucking hell of course thats what id randomly go with to start too.

download kolbot from github, you can write cd key in a profile and use that

I really plyed the shit out of it and loved it as an unbiased teen. Back then, games were interesting simply because they were something new and you didn't have youtube to show you everything and a thousand sites giving away the optimal build.

D2 today can't hold up mainly because you can't unread all the optimization guides. Same for starcraft. Those games are fun when you mainly suck and slowly improve by yourself, I guess.

>first playthrough with a mate, nightmare act 5 ancestors
>jump-attack barb and skeleton necro
>max gold, complete ancestor area filled with max potions
>die, die die
>end up with 0 gold and no potions
>give up

Death Knight in Grim Dawn. Games pretty fun, but wish there were move skills and less +damage/element/proc skills.

you are completely fucking wrong though...like..have you even played PoE? IIQ and IIR as well as XP and mob density all increase with more players. partying up in PoE is the fastest way to level and the most efficient way to make currency.

D4 will be terrible, guaranteed.
Retards just want to be showered in useless loot 24/7.
Rare drop rates? kek not anymore

this has literally only happened once and that was because D3 was without a doubt a terrible game on launch. It deserved all the hate it got.

Hardcore D2 fanboys arent as you describe, and a great many of them enjoy most other ARPGs out there too.

I fail to see how you could compare sonic fanbase to D2 fanbase. I think you are trying too hard

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Nothing you posted offsets the fact that grouping is slower and less efficient and the only way to counter this fact is with a support whore and good luck finding one in non existent public groups.
>IIQ and IIR as well as XP and mob density all increase with more players
XP does not increase. Partying in PoE slows you down and that's why the players who reach 100 fastest do so almost entirely solo. I'll admit I have rarely played since 2.0 because the game turned to shit but they did add IIQ and IIR to party since that time so that's nice, I guess but the fact loot tension is optimal makes it very ho-hum.

>loot tension is optimal

>Nothing you posted
And you've posted nothing. You're just going "nuh-uh!" over and over again.

The only way to clear faster in a group is either with a dedicated support whore or to be playing with someone who has better build and items than you. Nothing you posted changes this fact. That's not "nuh-uh", that's literally how the game works.

> Partying in PoE slows you down and that's why the players who reach 100 fastest do so almost entirely solo.

>kill things faster with more people
>Clear maps faster with more people
>get more XPH due to the above

Also the very vast majority of 100s last league were all party players. No bullshit, you are talking out of your ass.

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>download kolbot
thanks dude that worked.

Summoner paladin on the other hand is fucking ridiculous

You niggas remember when trading Hellfire torches in Diablo 2? How stressfull it was when people always tried to cheat and lied about stats when you had to drop that shit on the ground instead of trading

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well fuck, I didn't know they started to purge accounts every 90 days if you haven't logged in.

yeah those were fun times. do you remember the act 2 drop hack? then there was that one thing where you could repeatedly flash other peoples screens which was p funny.

dude i had a fucking shitty time trying to fix this when I reinstalled recently but it actually worked, nobody was using my cd key.

Did you install it from the blizzard client you can find on their websites ? It didnt work at first with my old cds so I had to do it with their clients again. Also I think at some point having a pirated diablo 2 on my hard drive fucked something up so I had to remove that too.

ooh? i need to look this up

>that guy who said his inventory was full and then tried to give you gemmed cap

It's pathetic, but true.

Playing through the game once takes no time at all. Literally every D2 player I know has done it

>Literally every D2 player I know has done it

At this point in time that's a believable statement. If you tried to claim that back when it was at its peak I'd call bullshit. Again a lot of this is post dead game shit and not representative of what the game actually was.

>Finished D2 on windows 10
>Install the expansion
>Somehow my file saves got wiped out

Didn't even bother playing Lord of Destruction when this bullshit happen

>Did you install it from the blizzard client you can find on their websites ? It didnt work at first with my old cds so I had to do it with their clients again.
yeah, I'm using an old installation of D2 that I keep to randomly play sometimes.
I fixed it with kolbot to switch to my unregistered cd keys from anons suggestion. Fuck reinstalling everything or having to download battle.net cancer shit.

I doubt D2 is anymore representative than most games user. Unless the game is abnormally short almost every title won't have much past a 40%+ completion rate.
Nothing has changed in that regard.

I trawled through my harddrives a few weeks back trying to get things in order for once and found 4 different copies of D2 scattered all over the place. Great game. Gotta give median a shot sometime.

>pretended to be a mule
>map hack installed
>stole people’s shit
Thanks for the free stuff

D3 > D1 > D2
This is objective fact

I fell for that when I was new and trading to trade ists for a shako.

You do have a point but what I'm getting at is D2 sits on a throne of nostalgia. I say this because I am an actual D2 fan. I was on that game ~12 hours a day for years on end (LoD came out around the time I graduated high school). The game people remember is not the game it was. Ask people what the greatest rune word they ever got was as an experiment. The people pretending to be herdcerrr D2 fans are mostly fucking nerd cred charlatans and it's just some bullshit excuse to shit on d3. Post ROS D3 is better than D2 ever was in lots of areas. If someone could actually admit the GR system and hardcore experience is way better on D3 then I could have an actual conversation but it's just a bunch of faggots that are supposed experts because they put 5 hours into d2 once and most of that was their friend rushing them on the cow level.

>rune word
I didn't have squat, SP all the way bro.

>SP all the way bro.
that's so sad

>muh D3
take a hike

I liked it. Still prefer running shit like PoE without trading.

Post ros d3 is fun for 3 days max. After that it's just find the better version of what you already have. There are no rare items in that game anymore. Hardcore is decent but unplayable for those who have shitty connection. Gr system makes it so that there is always that one best build, and playing anything else feels like you are handicapping yourself. There is some good stuff too like showing drops and deaths on guild chat.

>Gr system makes it so that there is always that one best build, and playing anything else feels like you are handicapping yourself. There is some good stuff too like showing drops and deaths on guild chat.

I see you never got in the top 200 on ladder.

lol, I use to go into duel games and go through WPs since you'd usually find peoples gold near them. Easy gambling money.

Is Lord of Destruction worth checking out? I don't feel like replaying it since it wiped out my file saves after installing the expansion

I don't see why you'd play D2C. Yes it is. You should've run it to begin with.


I always got into top 200 but only in early season because I only played for five days max.
The angst about grs is more about me comparing myself to my guild mates. If you can clear fast on higher level rifts you can progress paragons so much faster. There is always that one build that clears the fastest.

just use a character editor and edit your shit to whatever you had.