Spam X to win

Nice movie game you got there dmcfags.

Attached: Devil-May-Cry-5-livestream.jpg (1920x1080, 869K)

Other urls found in this thread: 'combat'.webm/

>only 9 missions, 10 if you count prologue. Any missions past 9 are bonus "hologram" missions provided by nico
>no new weapons for nero or dante, whats been shown so far is all we get. Dante gets an extra sword at the end which can be used for holo missions or replay missions
>latest version of the game has input delay out the ass, least on ps4 pro version
>V gets no new familiars
>early 100'000 orbs bonus legitimatly unlocks about 80 percent of neros move list off the bat
>no dante must die mode, might be dlc, who knows?
>games difficulties are Very Easy, Easy, Normal and Hard
>leaker kun played on hard, said the game was a breeze
>triple S rank is easier to obtain than in the dmc reboot
>only 5 bosses, 6 if you count urizens final form
>vergil only playable for final mission 9, cannot be used for holo missions but once again, might be DLC (vergil also has no unlockable moves)
>Nico was responsible for opening the door to the demon world, wants revenge for what happened to bug-kun in 4
>V is a dude who had a big obsession with summoning demons, fourth demon he summoned was vergil who then took over his body
>vergil needed neros devil breaker arm to complete the transformation into V.
>plots a bit of a mess really and ends on a cliff hanger
>bosses are goliath, plant dude nidhogg, that flying angel thing, A FUCKING DEMON INFESTED TURRENT DURING AN ON RAILS SECTION, and urizen 1 and 2
>enemy variety is lacking, there's a heap of unique and cool looking demons that get shown off in cutscenes but you never actually fight them (wtf?)
>trish gets killed by urizen because she somehow has some of EVAs blood, urizen needs the blood to finish opening the demon door
>Urizen gets BTFO when vergil breaks free from V
>V's real name is "steve redgrave", dont need to explain this stupid twist but you can guess whos son he is

X is for jumping, faguette.

where is the fucking source nigga

why do the jannies shit their pannies?
quick delete this

Is this the new DMC general?

X is to jump dumbass

>Every single game journo who played it said they all got to play the first 10 missions
>"only 9 missions"
this is really bad bait.

DMC general boys.

Attached: 1551550617519.gif (500x237, 1.62M)

>you can guess whos son he is

A dmc thread died for this

>Every single game journo who played it
how many of them do you think even got to hear that sweet chorus ingame?

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X is the jump button.

Cope harder shitter

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How over powered do you think the new sword and Sin Devil Trigger is gonna be?

They probably played on Very Easy Automatic, so one fifth of them at best

Why even ask? The trailers alone have shown more than 10 bosses my dude. Come on

>press button to do something in game


*ruins your fanfiction*

Reminder that PS lists DLC trophies separately from base game trophies.

Attached: DMD.jpg (1920x1080, 103K)

Barry are you ok? Are you ok barry?

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> but you can guess whos son he is

>first playthrough of DMC1

Dear god, and I have to play 3 more games. Do I have an option of redoing this save file later or is it a 1 try type ordeal?

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Final boss literally doesn't have a face
will dmcfags ever recover??

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Bros... I think I'll cancel my pre-order.

What is this like the 5th thread this past hour you fucking loser?Whatever games DMC5 has blasted it's probably because it fucking sucks and you're a sore loser faggot who is venting here.Now call me DMCuck/DMCtard/pol/ and go back to talking with yourself.
P.S Can you post that poorly made KH vs DMC pic you made so I can post it for laughs??

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Don't do it user don't play 2

Pic rel is you

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Are you stupid?

Based and redpilled.

You can replay on hard. Once you beat hard then you can play normal on NG+ or DMD.

Skip 2 and play 3 and 4. DmC:SE is worth checking out too.

WOW that poorly drawn wojak is exactly me,not even kidding how did you know??


>microtransactions in a singleplayer game

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can i have a link to whatever stream you guys are talking about?

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you're going to smash the jump button?


You did good user, don't wor-
>no secret missions
Wait, seriously?

I'm going to shitpost about this game SO FUCKING HARD you can't even imagine lmao I recommend avoiding Yea Forums for at least a year

It's literally- DmC2: DMC"V"

>Shitposting this hard
Are you guys those so called retards?

>Dante is only playable after mission 10
>but only the first 9 are real missions

>all it takes is a google search to disprove the whole post
Barry please

Attached: Nero is a madman.jpg (600x600, 179K)

Oh come on, if you're going to come up with story leaks you can do much, much better than that. People actually believed this shit, and it had Vorgul turning into a dinosaur

Attached: vorgulsaurus.png (1460x1073, 991K)

>The Name of the Game
>The Name of the Game 2
>The Name of the Game 3: Subtitle
>The Name of the Game 4
>TNotG: Name of the Game
>The Name of the Game 5

and you are suprised it's bad

The trophy list over a month ago and even the trailers prove it wrong. Seems like you're the one coping. Devil May Cry 5 is really the best thing that has happened to this board in years. It has single-handedly made shitposters so assmad that they have to stoop this low, making bait that doesn't even try to be at least a little bit believable when even just the trailers, JUST the fucking trailers prove it wrong.

Not true. Shill harder.

>Dante is confirmed to only show up past mission 10
>"""""Only 9 missions""""""

Attached: Smug Nero.jpg (800x600, 43K)

holy fuck that sounds way more fun than what we got

imagine being this mad that people like a videogame

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Probably but I dunno, tried to play it as blind as possible.

Yeah I didn't know they existed until the total results screen. Did I not do enough backtracking or looking around?

What's so funny is that by that point Yea Forums was so utterly baffled by the shitshow that was DmC that they were seriously ready to believe in time machines powered by baby tears.
Better luck next time OP. Maybe if you tried this with an actually shitty game you'd get some bites

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face it jap games suck god of war and spiderman have better combat, better bosses, more advanced combo systems

dmc is trash for weebs who get high from mashing buttons

is this the new dmc thread?

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Imagine lying about a video game you don't like to try and make it look bad on a Korean basket weaving forum.

I love you

Have fun,am going to be enjoying the fuck out of it and coming here to call you a shitposting whore when I feel like it you sad husk of a human

this. I played the demo and it was easy trash.

Secret Missions in DMC1 are pretty well hidden so it's fine. In DMC3 a lot of them are pretty obvious as you'll notice some weird coloring on the walls, and in DMC4 there is an upgrade that causes the controller to vibrate when near a secret mission.

Devil Trigger will probably be as OP as DMC2's Majin form where you just delete everything in a second, but if it has any gameplay presence outside of some select fights, it'll probably only last a few seconds as well.
Demon Sword "Dante" may not be exceptionally powerful outside of Devil Trigger; it'll just be a few Summoned Swords adding a bit of supplemental damage and hitstun.

Can you at least make up some new bait that isn't low effort?You keep saying the same shit in every thread,using the same wojaks and talking about Sekiro/some other game.

>enemy variety is lacking, there's a heap of unique and cool looking demons that get shown off in cutscenes but you never actually fight them (wtf?)

Wow that is fucking dumb. What's with Capcom and weak enemy variety nowadays? First RE7 and now this.

I figured that pretty much everyone would get at least the critical hit or one of the phantom babies missions, but I guess if you went straight for the mission goal you would miss them.

Thanks for the new general

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>Nico was responsible for opening the door to the demon world, wants revenge for what happened to bug-kun in 4
This is where you lost me

>Believing a shitty piece of bait that can be disproved by just google searching or watching gameplay trailers

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Attached: too_easy.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

he's not believing anything
he's replying to himself

Capcom shills. Ignore them.

He's samefagging

>Playing on inferior hardware

Yes, X is to attack

that's what Barry does. He says so much stupid shit and hopes people buy into it

I'm not even a DMCfag but is this really the best you can do?

Attached: 1550558437824.png (645x773, 11K)

hey buddy

you can't ignore forever

c'mon, let's see you talk your way out of this one!


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Unrelated but that wojak always reminds me of John Locke from LOST.

why is barry still alive

Actually there were comparisons done between the PS4 pro version and Xbone X version. The PS4 Pro version actually runs the game better. Also,
>Playing an action game on a shitty ass Xbox controller

>>only 9 missions

Oh look proved you wrong.

Somewhat serious question here
Do I support DMC series if I buy the DLC for the game or do I support the scummy DLC practice? I'm at a moral dilemma here

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>Easy medium hard
Nice difficulty modes.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

The closer release, gets the harder these dipshits will lie, cry and shitpost. There is a 0% chance of the game being a stinker based purely off of the playable and publicly-available demo. Post-release, no matter how high sales are, these same people will lie, cry and shitpost again, with OHHH NO NO NO NO NO AHAHAHAHAHA threads fucking everywhere about how the game sold nothing.

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these types of games have had easy automatic since bayo 2 i believe

Nice movie game you got there gowfag.

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I think 3 had an easy-automatic mode but I can't recall. I know 4 had one.

thought this said dancing faggots at a glance


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Jumping makes you win?
Since when was DMC a platformer?
Also nice fresh bait looks pretty good got a chuckle out of me

It has better combat and you can actually die in it, unlike DMC

The big downside to being anonymous is that you can't see people committing mass suicide over being btfo that hard

Wojak edits are boring.

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Easy Auto exists but all it does is spam the same 3 combo's over and over. Plus that gameplay is in the Bloody Palace, Easy Auto isnt available anywhere outside of the stories Easy mode

Nice "meme". Are you five years old?

And it's shit and barely helps with doing combos

Thinking adults know that crying wojaks are where it's at, I'm sure

Attached: 1541594908265.gif (155x155, 986K)

>It has better combat and you can actually die in it, unlike DMC
Nigga. Play DMC3 on Dante Must Die mode. You're gonna have trouble fighting the sub-boss on mission 2.

>Everyone I don't like is a shill

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>Spam X to win
but that's jump.

Square - Melee
Triangle - Style move
Circle - dodge
ECKS - Jump
R1 - Lock on
L1 - Gun
R2 Weapon swap
L2 Gun Swap

The first 2 bosses of DMC3 are already a pleb-filter
you don't even have to play on DMD

so you people are adapting

im actualy pround of you son. you used the content of DMC threads to shitpost.
Im not even mad, its fucking learning

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>he thinks he can die watching a movie

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I don't care if it flops it's still a bad game. Yea Forums is way too focused on numbers which is the last place you'd expect to see it.

ha no that would be your beloved FFXV barry but you already know that don't you?

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>>Nico was responsible for opening the door to the demon world, wants revenge for what happened to bug-kun in 4


Nico's a bad guy in league with the villans from 4?

I know this thread is actually made by someone who loves DMC and just wanted to start a thread. BUT criticizing the lowest possible point in a skill ceiling chart isn't really a criticism at all. You're saying the lowest possible amount of participation the player can put in means it's bad. Really you need to analyze mid to high level play.

Uhh. Thats also wrong.
Triangle is melee, Square is gun, there is no dodge button, Style action is circle.

just buy the game, the "DLC" are for journalists and other scrubs

>DMC 5 has actual bosses
Lmao what the fuck is this gaymey shit. What are you, children?

>shitposters salty since day 1
>btfo over and over again
>keep coming back for more like a battered wife
Just stop bros, it was funny at first but we are past the point it got sad

Barry going all out lately huh.

DMC3 is a joke like the entire series. JUMP has iframes to dodge anything, DT explosion kill everything on screen, braindead enemies. You wouldn't last 5 seconds with Lv. 1 crit or KMS Hard or even GoW2 Titan mode. Play action games outside of your series before you try to talk authoritatively about the genre you inbred chimp. DMCuck.

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>Every game I don't like is objectively bad
I don't personally like GoldenEye 64 but I know it's a good game.

>No cinematic QTE finishers
How fucking barebones this trash is? Is it even a real game?

>There is no dodge
he doesn't know

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I'm not even sure what meme you're referring to? I just was replying to the guy that wanted to turn this into the general by agreeing and turning up the hype.

nope, here's easy/normal/hard

c'mon buddy you can do better than that

Attached: more trophies.jpg (1920x1080, 101K)

he's desperate because the last trailer made the hype reach terminal velocity
little does he know he can't do anything to stop it

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It's been fucking hysterical these past few months, watching every single subject-of-ridicule a shitposter has attempted to drudge up be proven wrong with video footage from the game. Be it through leaks or new trailer information. Every single goddamned one.

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Attached: DMC 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

>there won't be any SFM of 3Lady/4Lady/5Lady together

Just as you posted this he shits out lmaoo

Fellow DMC bros... This is it... We lost...

>shitposters salty since day 1
They've been salty since the 2016 leak. But there's no stopping the hype train motherfuckers.

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At this point it's like watching a chimp shitting into its own hand and eating it. And they just keep fucking doing it.

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Is this how DMCucks cope? Yikes

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What an absolutely abhorrent post

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And people say DMC4 combat is worse than DmC

>DT explosion
Not a thing, you're thinking of the Royal Guard explosion that requires you to get 50 perfect parries in order to do.
>Brain dead enemies
Play the game off of easy mode
>You wouldn't last 5 seconds with Lv. 1 crit or KMS Hard or even GoW2 Titan mode.
I did all of these things. People really like "forgetting" all the broken shit in KH2 like the fact that the Fire spell fucking RESETS THE REVENGE VALUES OF EVERY BOSS IN THE GAME. GoW2 Titan mode was a joke, I beat it spamming the same combo over and over.

I don't know man DMCV is kind of shit. Older games looked much better. I liked gothic levels the first one. DMCV doesn't have that "soul".

This is bad, Barry just keep winning guys...

This is how brainlet DMCucks attempt to cope with their sandbag simulator being inferior in every way to 2FM.

Attached: 1535805892954.png (2742x2298, 1.08M)

bro shouldn't you be playing KH3? you waited 13 years for it didn't you?

Every single major video-game release needing a dedicated autist in each and every single thread, 24/7, trying to put it down or prop up some other bullshit fucking game because he likes it better, is getting a little old. Even Dragon: Marked for Death had a dedicated autist in the already-rare threads for it launching an autistic campaign against it, except he had nothing to offer as a ME GAME GOOD YOU BABY GAME BAD LMAO LMAO LMAO alternative because Dragon fills a niche that hasn't really been filled since Castlevania Harmony of Despair.

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Keep your filthy autism generator away from me, Scum.

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How can we compete bros? Barry is just going all out.

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>there is no dodge button
You're right, I remembered wrong. You dodge by holding lock-on and pressing jump + direction. In DMC3 and 4 I think I'd put Taunt or Devil Trigger on circle.
>Triangle is melee, Square is gun, there is no dodge button, Style action is circle.
Literally every person who has made style videos rebinds their controls. Why the fuck would you want gun on a face button? How will you charge your gun while juggling enemies? Default control scheme is garbage.

>Play action games outside of your series
You should do the same.

KH2 does have good gameplay but for some reason fanboys think the only way to play KH2 is level 1 critical


You know I already thought KH fans were autistic, and you aren't helping

I see what you mean "user" :^)

the spamming beatemup part isnt the worst part of the game

its how uninspired it is

this looks like typical console trash

Reminder that Barry is trying to push KH vs DMC. Don't fall for his retardation guys.

Its sad that this is not even a funny shitpost.

Stop just fucking stop. Who you do this to me man? I just want to enjoy my game I paid 60$ and you fucks make me regret preordering it..

Hol' up

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fun fact, he's not KH fanboy.

He is a FFXV fanboy pretending to be a KH fanboy just to get Yea Forums to hate KH.

He's been caught in the past shitposting as a KH fan in DMC threads.

The only people who think DMC's combat is complex should shoot themselfs in the foot. Especially that faggot british YouTuber that sucks the series' dick like a bitch boy he is."

Objectivity unfortunately doesn't exist because there's always gonna be atleast one retard who can't get enough of juggling passive as fuck enemies who never fight back.

>level 1 critical
It's piss easy otherwise with easily exploitable magic and combos that break the fucking game.

Literally how has he been doing it for like five years already? Does he not have a job or anything better to do with his time?


What game on the left?


>GamingBrit likes both DMC and KH
Damn, no wonder you hate him XV-kun.

>>DT explosion
>Not a thing
The retard DMCuck doesn't even know his own game kek.
>Fire spell fucking RESETS
It doesnt reset anything but nice try you coping sack of shit.

Fire normal hit is Base Sora's most Revenge efficient attack, while the Blizzard finisher beats boss counters (if they're hit by one, they have to suck up the rest, even if it goes over their Revenge), and you can follow the last Blizzard finisher with a normal Thunder. This makes Blizzard great for optimizing combos. Fire juggling->Blizzard finishers->Thunder is one of the best ways to damage bosses as Base Sora. DMC has no revenge values or depth, the series simply exists so you can ""style""(mash launchers then standard aircombo) on a bunch of non-attacking sandbags. It's so shallow and easy that the fucking JUMP has i-frames.
> I beat it spamming the same combo over and over.
Post proof with time stamp. If you're gonna make broad claims like that, then you need to have proof. Otherwise, you're talking shit. Befitting of a casual brainlet DMCuck.

Attached: 1535805892954.png (1000x838, 306K)

>typical console trash
better than any trash you've played on your pc for the last 5 years.

>Le boogeyman "barry"

Grow up.

You'll put XV-kun in his grave. What then? Will you feel remorse.


Final fantasy xv


>retards actually falling for it
Every day I lose a bit of faith in this board.

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the did the finalfantasyfags ever do to us? As far as I know they stayed in their own thread oh god I had no idea FFXV was that simplified


>Keep making general threads on Yea Forums when Yea Forums hates them
>When generals belong on /vg/
>Wonder why you attract shitposters to your threads

Attached: 1545252370663.jpg (540x720, 33K)

>falling for it
Come on peasant.

Hey Barry I'm still waiting for you to reply to thanks.


>claw grip
Aw fuck no


Director wanted FFXV to pander to casuals

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>as in plural
oh no no no...look at this retard.

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>implying this isn't more fun than the regular waifuposting

>Not a thing
Damn, you're as retarded as he is. And Royal Guard doesn't have explosion, it has release.


>he's still going

Attached: 1551271494649.jpg (237x212, 9K)

Barry post your face, from your posting, i'm guessing you're morbidly obese.

Remove KH2 from there, lol

Except the autist pushing all the KH vs DMC shitposting is FF15's resident white knight

>Not a thing
These are the "people" defending DMCshit. A basic mechanic in their own baby game eludes them.

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LMAO I always laugh so hard at DMCfags seething in these threads

>he bothered typing down the entirety of this shitpost when it contradicts already confirmed info


Attached: 1551500720521.jpg (250x227, 5K)

Look at his DT bar, his Royal Guard meter is full. He is using a super costume.

I don't play Final Fantasy. Real niggas play Brutal Legends.

There's one poster, XV-kun/barry/bazztek, that has been shitposting the fuck out of KH/DMC/any other thread in an attempt to pit fanbases against each other. He's been at it since like 2014 when people were shitting on FFXV, and he vehemently denies it when called out despite using the exact same bait images and arguments in every thread that starts going to shit and despite getting caught on multiple occasions. Watch as I get replied to by the dumb nigger saying it's a boogeyman while he continues to post the same shit "arguments." Hiroshimoot needs to fucking rangeban australia.

c'mon buddy don't be a tease blow me the fuck out, let's go already

Is Urizen 2 a giant t-rex with Vergil's head? Get fucked.

>Goalpost moving
Whatever happened to the cuhrazy generals, isn't there one now or

>try and make a shitposting thread about the game
>fail miserablely
>try and turn other fanbases on them
>fail miserably
>y-you're ruining the board for us

>fenrir stunlock
How can DMC even compete?? Is it over bros???

Attached: pph68C.gif (400x226, 3.44M)

Not just a super costume but a mod as well

cope retard, nobody says shit about the 300+ Smash threads every fucking day. 1 DMC thread a day is too much for you? Neck yourself.


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Pic sauce?
Another leak?

Beowulf > Gilgamesh
Nevan > Pandora
Agni + Rudra > Lucifer

Yep it's over. I already cancelled my pre-order and my friends are in the process of cancelling. DMCV is done for. It will flop hard.

Barry just does this as part of some sad attempt to make KHbros, DMCbros, Soulsbros etc hate each other. Like he literally believes that if all these fanbases start fighting over whose series is more mature or some dumb shit it will divert attention from FFXV's failure.

What is this wojak trying to convey? that the person is doubly seething? that they can't hide it?

Who even still gives a shit about FFXV?

>1 DMC thread
Yeah no, there's not, and "whataboutism" is not an argument, I don't like the smash generals/spam either

just woke up old man?

theres a reason why we call you peasants

Big Reminder for all of you; DMC, KH, and Souls are all much better games than FFXV, honestly even DMC2 is more fun than FFXV KEK.

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>Who even still gives a shit about FFXV?

him. He's the guy that thinks the Ardyn DLC is "kino" from the trailer but all I see is a guy mad that the gods picked his brother over him so he wants to fuck over the entire world for revenge.

DmC was more fun than FFXV. I could at least laugh at how bad DmC was. FFXV couldn't even provide me that




You forgot one...
>Game isn't even out yet
Kindly neck yourself.

The mere presence of XV-kun, if that's even him, makes so many user boil and shitpost their own threads to 404

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Fags like you are the same cunts who go around saying Bayo is all press dodge to win so your bullshit carries as much weight as actual bull shit.

>its how uninspired it is
>this looks like typical console trash
This I have to both agree with and defend. DMC shouldn't have to rely on graphics but 5's got a lot riding on it. Its success will determine its future more heavily than it would have had DmC not been a thing. Itsuno is leaving after this and will be up to the success of this game to determine if there is a future for the series with another team or if this is the end of it all.

SMT and DMC is the true friendship.

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Infested chopper is unironically a less tedious fight than nearly EVERY boss in XV

The game is on PC though
And it's clear that PC version will be superior, how is it console trash, if it favors the PC player here?

>Itsuno is leaving
He's leaving Capcom?

It's like watching a bunch of monkeys fling shit at each other.

Attached: Noct smiles.jpg (299x266, 15K)

Oh boy, another game Yea Forums hyped up as the second coming of Christ and it turns out its mediocre. Didn't see that coming.

It's okay when we have 3 going at the same time

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DMC and JoJo you mean? Nero even had a stand in DMC4. SMT a shit

kino image

I gotta hand it to him, he is an incredibly dedicated man.

Fuck off brony

But this user said there's only 1 DMC thread a day in response to why shitposters gather in DMC threads because the board is getting spammed by DMC friends

Huh.. W-wh.. WHAT?!?

how the FUCK am I supposed to compete with THIS?!
I am going to DIE A VIRGIN!!!

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Not a DMCfag myself, but i'm pretty sure this shitposting does nothing to them, after all the suffering they went through. I was laughing my ass of at mental breakdowns after each E3 without DMC5. Yet they believed that it will eventually happen, until the very end.
Hope you enjoy the game DMCfags. This much dedication deserves to pay off.

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Reminder /ourguy/ Chad Warden dissed DMC before DMC4 even came out.
>Chad Warden don't give a fuck aaiight, let dat nigga cry! You got niggas cryin all the time.

Shit if it was called Devil May Run Up On A Nigga it would be ballin as shiet!

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*breaths in*





Attached: DMC 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

DMC5 is going to suck.

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>it turns out its mediocre
You played the game? Also it's everything DMCfags wanted so it won't really matter if it "fails" or "succeed" since they got the game they wanted


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>DMCfags actually enjoy this sandbag garbage

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Over what? Getting a finished product?

He's not wrong, generals do belong on /vg/



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>If I keep spamming the same webm over and over I'll win!
Saddest thing I've ever seen desu

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still better than the soulless RE2 DEmake.


Hopefully it's actually complete and not a 50% game that DMC4 was where half of the game is just reversed


It pains the DMCuck every night knowing that his casual sandbag simulator will never have a boss fight as complex as any Data Org. Feels good bros.

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/vg/ is full of namefags, though.


so filter them

if i look that image in the archives, would you die of autism overdose?

Then why did /vg/ send them back? twice

Perhaps because they're not generals

Still waiting, Barry.

That would be painful

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Better than carrying crystals and boars for a solid hour lmao

Attached: OH NO NO NO NO NO NO.webm (962x540, 1.78M)

It is complete, leakers and devs confirmed that many times already

Perhaps because after a while even the people in the cuhrazy generals agreed that it was just people bumping the threads with overposted memes just to keep the thread alive so they stopped graciously

can someone explain to me why the dmcbait is so bad? Its different from "bing bing wahoo" and "movie games". There's something about them I dont know how to explain but I can instantly tell when someone doesn't know anything about dmc when they shitpost.

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5 times

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FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK GOWBROS?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I also filter all the faggots replying to them? How will I know whether or not my posts are getting buried under their larping and blogposts?


>So bad
>People still reply to it and still mad about it

Because 90% of it is one autist who's actually just trying to rile up KHfags.

I've played every DMC game multiple times on multiple difficulties but I have a couple stupid questions I never bothered to have answered for all the hours I have put in the games.

Does only your first jump have i-frames?

and is there an easier way to handle the spiders in DMC3?

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stay mad nerd

You really don't know how filtering works? any replies to filtered posts also gets filtered, please don't be this new

>replying = mad
I can't imagine believing this.

It's the truth, I know it's harder for some to cope

Can't wait till the game is out and gets positive reception and everybody play it and enjoy it while you seeth and shitpost about it all the time like when RE2make released.

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He's said this was his last DMC game, that it was time for others to take over.

>literally whole thread is some autist reposting the same webm and saying the same tired memes like "punching bag" and shit
>people proving him wrong is them acting mad
Do you really believe what you are saying?

>Does only your first jump have i-frames?

RE2 does within a week because of the lack of content. Same thing will happen with this game. Keep seething though.

>Does only your first jump have i-frames?
No, both jumps do
>and is there an easier way to handle the spiders in DMC3?
Agni and Rudra, spiders are weak to fire. They deal more damage and can juggle spiders easily

yeah air hike gives you nothing, and it's only the beginning of your jump.

spiders are bitches but predicting where they'll end up after their dash helps a lot. I also find Cerberus is really effective, might just be the moveset but I swear it does extra damage as well because of the elemental effect.

>enjoying objectively bad gameplay just because of corporate-loyalism
oh dear

but the remake was actually pretty bad and made for RE4 zoomers

Actually cringed at this post.

So? The "extra content" is player generated, new combos and style being made up all the time. Better than waiting for a developer to feed you some out of place cutscenes in your movie game, eh?


In 3 air hike gives you nothing, in 4 there are some

We're still having DMC3/4 threads to this day though. These are games MADE for replaying.

This thread just reminded me that DMC5 combo videos are going to start popping up just like with 4 holy fuck
Just when I thought I couldn't possibly get anymore hyped about 5

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You realize people are still regularly talking about RE2 like a month later right. People are still talking about Ace Combat 7 too, and almost every other game you r/Yea Forums transplants tried to paint as new tortanics.

Amazing how many people you triggered with the truth.

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That's funny considering the oldfags loved how hard it was and all the zoomers were shitting themselves about how you can't gun everything down and how Mr. X is too hard/stressful.


C'mon man, you got the attention you wanted, now at least have the balls to admit you're a sad little liar.

Now that the thread is dying just wanted to say thanks to all the DMCcucks that made laugh for the past hour.

hentai source i wanna masturbate

falseflagging. Ever notice how theres two dmc threads up at the same time when there's news or hype? One is for discussion but because shitposters can't derail it they have to make another one for themselves and the unfortunate few fans that got sucked into it. Though this thread seems to be pretty good with putting the shitposters down too surprisingly

Attached: WEEEEEAUGHHH.png (851x496, 521K)

Donguri doesn't make hentai

no problem bro, i laughed alot too
i just can't be mad when DMC5 is just around the corner

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ywn be this much of a winner Yea Forums let that sink in

it's easier than the original game and have less content, it's just better than anything RE related released after RE4, the real fans expected the REmake treatment with a better game with bonus plot/features like the Crimson Heads.

>Same thing will happen with this game
>When Bloody Palace will be out in a month
>When people are still playing 3SE/4SE
Don't count on it kid.

t'was merely... a jest

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>300 posts
Are you so boiling so hard your brain can't distinguish between 3 and 5 now?

>it's easier than the original game and have less content
Absolutely not. Original RE2 had more than enough ammo for you to blast everything to hell. RE2make on hardcore or even standard is more difficult. I'd go so far as to say that RE2make on hardcore is potentially the hardest RE game.

Arachne are weak to fire, use agni&rudra. In top of dealing more damage and making juggling easier like the other user said, they have a high chance to stun them. However, they're the slowest sword in the game, so you might have trouble getting near the spiders before they jump away. Use rebellion or beowulf as secondary weapon, for stinger or killer bee respectively, both will allow you to close gaps (stinger doesn't knock this specific enemy farther away like it does others).

The green arachne attack exactly the same as the white ones, but have higher HP and hit harder. Deal with them like you'd deal with the smaller ones, but deal with the small arachne first.

As for styles, anything but gunslinger will be good. Trickster will let you avoid any if their 3 attacks, swormaster lets you use twister with A&R which you can abuse for a specific bug I forgot the name of, and royal guard will allow you to learn their pattere easily. Royal guard is specially useful because only one of the spiders' attacks (the rushing one) can break your block (and only if a green one is doing it). Avoid the spiderweb and the exploding babies (you can't actively target them until all enemies are dealt with).

Truth always hurt the Zoomer fags who only play fortnite and other trash-tier mobile games.

I bet none of them even could beat RE2 remake but they have to be contrarians about it because they suck or was too afraid of Mr. X

look at those retarded zoomers who are still mad because RE2 was critically acclaimed and commercially successful.

Go back to Fortnite, faggots.

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Daily reminder that Across The Sea is the Mass Effect 3 of LOST

Nigga you fucking play an interactive Disney X Squeenix fanfic, I personally never considered you to be even a human, let alone my bro.
This shit's stupid.

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neato false flaggo

DMCV designs sucks. Fuck the zoomers in this thread.

>mfw dmc4 is going to be forgotten as the weird middle game between dmc3 and dmc5 with a better Nero not limited to one devil bringer and Dante with even more weapons
You were definitely flawed but I'll miss you

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A&R combo A is actually really good against arachnes since they tend to move to your sides. Use jetstream to close distance whenever they're knocked back.

Absolute trash

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>implying it won't be remembered fondly simply for having the hottest Trish, the sluttiest Lady, and Kyrie's ass


>Cuckdom Hearts fags are so salty about their long-awaited sequel being garbage that they try to take their impotent rage out on DMC
Kek, how sad.

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these baits are only funny when its not true yknow. Nobody really takes them seriously, thats why they always get replies with BASED and OH NONONONO

>Why good day to you, fellow DmC fans! Get a load of these seething cope cringe KHfags xD!
an attempt was made.

You mean the game you beat by mashing triangle? yeah ok

>This thread

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everybody getting BTFO ITT

This fucking thread
I swear to god

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In DMC you can just juggle against braindead passive enemies. The enemies in DMC are such sandbags they literally spew sand and have no reaction to being hit outside of sitting there while you effortlessly juggle them. Meanwhile in GoW it actually requires coordination to juggle enemies. GoW is about movement, outsmarting your enemies, planning ahead and thinking out your actions, and using a wide variety of attacks, as well as far more weapons that are distinct and useful unlike DMC's unbalanced weapon list. Boss battles are also really unique with a focus on knowing every move, its minute tells, and exactly what block/dash/jump/iframe-attack is needed to avoid it and the exact timing necessary. DMC bosses are complete dogshit that not even the fans will consider defending, and practically every game in the series reused them multiple times. DMC has tiny movelists limited even further by the style system, and ton of them are useless.

DMC is truly many levels below NG, KH2, GoW and even Bayonetta. Thinking back on DMC and comparing it to NG and other action games, DMC has always been overrated tripe by casuals who haven't played real action games.

This is the low-point of 2019 so far. How far this board has fallen, and even lower now.

Nice try XV-kun 'combat'.webm/

>61 results found.
>sixty fucking one

what did he mean by this?

Look at the bright side KHfag, you've got critical mode coming eventually


he is not a khfag

barry are you okay?

he can't even bait anymore

He's right though. brainlets unironically believe that dmc has 'good combat' because it lets you juggle sandbags for 30 seconds in a display of pointless autism.

Actually good games with depth like ninja gaiden or god of war 2 are deep and complex due to the interplay of the player and the opponent. Even the argument that "well you can do more" falls apart completely when you examine how few moves are even useful for killing enemies or filling the style gauge. The only actual reasons that DMC is still hailed are retards who never played a good hack'n'slash overhyping it.

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I dont know whose falseflagging who anymore but red dead redemption 2 has the best action in any series and is better then your favorite action game

Attached: Dutch_van_der_Linde_-_Redemption_2.png (572x572, 328K)

How is Dante so poor now? He was never swimming in money, granted, but he seemed to be doing okay with jobs in DMC4.

barry are you okay?

n-no you!

Alright my dudes
>Favorite Dante desing
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Gun
>Favorite game
>Favorite villan
>Best girl

Isn't 5 getting rid of holy water or was that just vital stars

barry are you okay?

no best action game is hatsune miku project diva nigger

I genuinely think that KH fans are fucked up. I can understand enjoying the gameplay, but the story just has flat out retarded writing aimed at kids, yet takes itself way too seriously, and you have to be mentally challenged to enjoy it. Besides, it wasn't DMC that birthed the ungodly amount of terrible fanart that would rival Sonic fandom.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (250x256, 1.27M)

Talking in third person like that is a sign of autism.

Game is short as fuck and V is vergils demon half?!
Why doesnt V use vergil style moves?

Im not reading this to avoid spoilers

All of you are fucking gay
Chaos Legion's combat is superior to every single game discussed in this thread

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Swim this way, we'll dance and we'll play

Barry why? It's derivative at this point

Didja ever end up raping that girl, Barry, or did you pussy out just like you do at every instance of potential confrontation?

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For me it's Highly Responsive to Prayers, the greatest action game

>Favorite Dante desing
DMC2 is fucking beautiful
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Gun
as much as i love E&I coyote A is bae
>Favorite game
DMC3, hoping that DMC5 tops it
>Favorite villan
>Best girl

>Imaginate a Trish siendo forzada contra una pared gris, del mismo color que su puto aburrido personaje que se hace pasar por mamas por que ella es literalmente una puta impia sin dignidad alguna, mientras que al mismo tiempo que la demonio-puta que chupo las gigantes triple bolas rojas de Mundus y tuvo tantisimo semen diabolico mezclado con pis derrochado sobre su pelo, que se tino rubio, esta siendo fist-fuckeada a traves de sus pantalones rotos de fetiche Matrix-2000, tan duramente que el termino infeccion de levadura es redefinido, y con su ultimo suspiro de putilla guarra, tose el costroso semen del Infierno por su boca octagonal de ps2, dejando su alma oscura sin llenar, pero con su culo lleno al completo

Attached: DONTE EMBARAZOSO.jpg (472x472, 57K)

5/Blue Rose
3SE (at least until 5 comes out)
Eva, then Kyrie

Implying anyone would respond to your prayers

>DMC*cks seething so hard that they imagined some barry as their boogeyman

3 base model with 1's clothes.
>Devil Arm
Tricky one... might go with old Cerby because that's the one I always used.
Classic Ebony and Ivory my nigga.
3 for gameplay, 1 for atmosphere
Since everyone is probably going to say Vergil, I will go wih Agnus
Patty. If not allowed then 3's Lady.

basado y pilldora roja

>tfw no CL2

>Agni and Rundra
>Blue Rose

So you failed to do so because like always, the second you're confronted you pretend to be someone else in order to somehow absolve yourself of any responsibility. No wonder you like FFXV so much. Gameplay so basic you don't need to take responsibility for any fuck-ups, just hold circle and wait.

>3 base model with 1's clothes.
i see you have acquired taste

tfw no CL remaster

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Dance Macabre on Shitposter

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Every few months I reinstall 4SE thinking it'll be fun and it never is


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Barry are ya ok
Barry are ya ok
Are you ok Barry?

Barry are ya ok
Barry are ya ok
Are you ok Barry

Barry are ya ok
Barry are ya ok
Are you ok Barry

You've been struck by
You've been dabbed by

A smooth shitposter

>the absolute state of dmcfags
it's not me you schizo

Attached: qweq.png (843x872, 68K)

>DMC2 Dante
>Force Edge
>God Hand

Attached: Aged Like Milk.jpg (873x695, 369K)

Here we see Barry in his natural habitat just remember all he can do at this point is to attempt to turn to fanbases against each other so don’t fall for if.

This is a reddit mentality

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>1 jacket was kino. 2 is overated
>I honestly like red queen more then Dante's weapons. I just love exceeding.
>E and I

I wonder how vergil reacted to trish and her appearance as his mother.

>Using MS Paint to hide your (You)s
>A-anyone who calls me out is a schizo
Lmao. Grow a spine and take responsibility for once in your life, Barry.

let's be real, threads have been filled with capcom shills obviously, that's why mods won't move the to /vg/.

>God Hand
i meant fav DMC game but God Hand is fucking based so good taste my dude

He would get a medal.


poor dmc*ck is going insane

>Favorite Dante design
Coatless DMC1 dante costume
>Favorite Devil Arm
Gilgamesh for gauntlets, Agni&Rudra for swords, Cerberus for others
>Favorite Gun
>Favorite game
DMC1 for enemy design/atmosphere, DMC3 for story and characters
>Favorite villan
>Best girl

Barry, are you okay? So Barry, are you okay? Are you okay, Barry?
Barry, are you okay? So Barry, are you okay? Are you okay, Barry?
Barry, are you okay? So Barry, are you okay? Are you okay, Barry?
Barry, are you okay? So Barry, are you okay? Are you okay, Barry?

Attached: NONONONON.jpg (550x430, 28K)

The absolute fucking STATE of you

stay mad barry

unironically based

Cory is /our/ guy you fucking retard fanboys

Attached: DMC5 BTFO.webm (550x308, 2.77M)

>Favorite Dante desing
3 with a shirt
>Favorite Devil Arm
DMC5 Yamato
>Favorite Gun
Ebony & Ivory DMC5 Blue Rose to a close second
>Favorite game
>Favorite villan
>Best girl

Attached: pretty katana.jpg (900x900, 60K)

>dmcucks shitting their diaper this hard right now


Attached: Conetrump.jpg (251x326, 13K)

>early 100'000 orbs bonus legitimatly unlocks about 80 percent of neros move list off the bat
How is that a bad thing? The quicker you can access all of your tools, the better. Thanks to the demos, we already know that the game gives you crazy amounts of red orbs. It also means that the game doesn't strongarm you into purchasing MTX like that fat cuck Sterling has said.
>no dante must die mode, might be dlc, who knows?
All the difficulties from DMC4 are in 5 with the exception of LDK.
>games difficulties are Very Easy, Easy, Normal and Hard
It uses the same naming conventions as DMC4 for its difficulties.
>leaker kun played on hard, said the game was a breeze
The only thing we know about SoS is that it's been rebalanced so that you don't overpower everything with Nero's DT and DB
>plots a bit of a mess really and ends on a cliff hanger
If you're talking about Shirrako, he actually said it had the best ending out of all the games.

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Say what you will about Barry, but you can't deny that the threads became 110% more cuhrazy with him, jesus

That was pathetic, Barry


Should I actually buy a copy or just pirate it?

That he struck you - a crescendo Barry

He came into your apartment

Left the tendies on the carpet

Then you made another thread

It was jannied

It was your doom Barry!

Fuck You, Barry. We manage our threads well.

who getting /comfy/ here?

Attached: comfd.png (751x426, 604K)

DMC4 had the buster counters

Those webms with nero tablehopping and throwing the spear back are never going to die

>5's blue rose



The best part is
I have this webm saved somewhere

Is he playing on easy? That's fucking absurd

i don't get why people are taking this post seriously. it's obviously a joke. hologram missions and "steve redgrave" is hilarious

hes joking the X button is the guns. the actual attack is Y

>3 Dante

Was DMC2 more incompetence or laziness?

I've played both and DMC3 is way way harder. Like even on normal you'll get butchered if you don't git gud.

>every single subject-of-ridicule a shitposter has attempted to drudge up be proven wrong with video footage from the game
....microtransactions are still bullshit

the enemies in 3 and 4 may be sandbags but they still provide more challenge than the ones in gow. gow's enemies are beyond braindead and never gain any new moves ai behavioral change in higher difficulties. You're lying by saying gow's weapons are distinct because they literally all play same. you can stick with the blades of chaos the entire way with no real reason to change because the enemies will all be beaten by it. there is no need to coordinate youe momement or outsmart your enemies when you could just run up to them and start mashing triangle with maybe the occasional dodge. every move feels the same, magic is just fluff, and bosses are sime of the most godawful shit I've ever played. People rag on DMC's bosses but Gow takes it on a whole other level. QTE bosses? Literally no skill involved.

I'll use DMC1 as an example because I think it was the best one. That game had aggressive enemies that forced you to change up your tactics. every enemy had a "strategy" or weakness. this along with critical hits made combat far more methodical interesting because you can't wail on them like in gow without getting fucked up. this only gets better in higher difficulties which unlike gow actually changed enemy placement, ai patterns and even gave them DT which created an even greater layer of strategy. Every technique and weapon had their use and felt distinct. For example, unlike krato's rage form, DT gave you important access to moves to harm other DT'd enemies. every move in gow worked against nearly every enemies, no incentive to change things up.

gow is the definition of shallow trite that shouldn't be celebrated or enjoyed. it was shat on by sensible hardcore gamers at launch and shat on today. It is the normalfag series which is was critics love it so much. It tried to replicate what made DMC and NG so good and failed miserable

even it's creator admits gow is shit

Why do you think anybody seethes at you? We respond to you as you would to a mosquito, each post is a misplaced swat. You're a nuisance, an inconvenience at best, unwanted but not given a second thought. These games will be here and be remembered long after your last shotpost is made where you die in your apartment twenty years later stewing in your own fat carcass because you're too chicken shit to kill yourself. You're an unwanted gnat, this is all you'll ever be, now hurry along you the next shotpost insect.

Can’t wait until next week until all schizos kill themselves when DMC 5 gets a 9/10 score and inevitably becomes a game of the year!

Both. Capcom needed a functional product to cover the cost of a failed project. DMC1 was just a success so DMC2 was gauranted some sort of it.

>tfw got gud with royal guard
>tfw game becomes insanely fun

Royal guard is the best style. So much fun to decimate the bosses with.

It's just one autist that's just seething perpetually over FF15's performance and eventual downfall. It's sad to see from multiple perspectives.

It's like a weaker version of Kingdom Hearts from what I've seen. Shame too. I would have accepted KH gameplay, but on launch it was a mixed bag to begin with.

Reportedly, incompetence. Apparently it was given to a team that made arcade games and they had no clue what they were doing. Itsuno has refused to reveal who the director was before he came on to fix things because the guy was apparently in way over his head and doesn't deserve the hate.

So RE2 all over again

That's only on the original western release when hard was normal. Now, Capcom has even casualized the series more with DMC5. Snatch and Enemy Step are easy to do and are overpowered.

And if you said that when 4SE was released, you would be taken somewhat more seriously.

Nah, it's better for it to get really low scores from spite and still be the best selling DMC game. Exposes more journos as hacks.

they never kill themselves, too incompetent to do that. That faggot Michael does life is still alive and after having another meltdown and going comatose for a week he's starting his next retarded crusade against r3make. These people are losers and all they have is being a loser and trying to drag others down.

DMCV could be a global smash hit and sell 10 million copies and these people still will do what they do.

No, I'm playing the HD collection and it's probably because I'm a shitter but DMC3 is fucking hard even on regular normal.

KH2 only becomes hard on level 1 critical or against data 13 members/lingering will.

Game journalists hate all DMC games except for DmC though.

>GoW2 Titan mode
>A game where your dodge is literally ineffective against certain bosses regardless of any such timing.
>A game that was clearly rushed in comparison to the first.

Nevermind. There I am, just making a dumb joke and now I'm apparently Barry. This board really needs IDs.

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If The Lesbians Of Us 2 comes out this year, Trannies and SJW won't let DMC5 get GOTY, sadly

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>it was done before so that makes it ok now
400IQ logic. also you don't know dick about my feelings on 4SE


Attached: journo.png (640x1138, 792K)

a little of both. Capcom thought they could just copy and paste DMC's success without Kamiya, and so handed the work to some unnamed director. probably only told him the very barebones of what DMC was about, something like "cool chuuni dream hero with white hair and red coat wielding a sword and dual guns killing demons". the game was a mess, and they had Itsuno come in to salvage what's left.

makes you wonder what the game was really like before Itsuno came in, and if we'd even be here today if DMC2 really tanked hard

I know that whatever your feelings are, they're not important. We passed the "microtransactions" issue many years ago.

>DMC2 Dante
>Coyote A
>DMC4 yeah sue me!
>I'm between Vergil & Agnus
> Nero if I need to choose a girl: Lady

Eat shit Barry

How can one series manage to unjust itself twice between games? 2 to 3 and DmC to DMC5

Dulce Report I think, or one of its offshoots. Search Behind Moon. Hope you like futas with dicks big enough to fit between their tits.

dmcbabies are literally going insane at the moment

The power of nostalgia and wanting to go back to better times. It's like melee. They saw brawl and stayed. It probably has some autism tied to it too.

I laughed at this one.

>shitposters are so mad people on Yea Forums are looking forward to a game they go into maximum overdrive.


I think he's dead

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>dmcturds are so mad people on Yea Forums are criticizing a manchild game they go into maximum overdrive.


Is this the RE2 autist?


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>We passed the "microtransactions" issue many years ago.
what utter nonsense. wanting the best as a consumer is not just something that "stops".

>And so the DMChad told the Yea Forumsermin, "I'll fuck you until you love me, faggot."

How does journos paying to win affect your experience as a consumer?

quote one criticism

>Playing with auto

it affects me because i dont want free 2 play monetization in my fully priced vidya. there have been several cases where micros have made vidya worse, but not a single one as to them making them better. that alone is reason enough to hate them
>muh journos
i dont care about them and neither should you

But it's not free to play. Unless you really suck, you'll never need to buy orbs.

barry r u ok so barry r u ok r u ok barry barry r u ok so barry r u ok r u ok barry barry r u ok so barry r u ok r u ok barry barry r u ok so barry r u ok r u ok barry

I think you took a wrong turn buddy this isn't tumblr or twitter.

They had the same microtransations in DMC4:SE and you pretty much completely forgot they were there. The only people who bothered buying them were game journo's and people who wanted everything unlocked from the start.

>But it's not free to play
thats the point
>you'll never need to buy orbs.
if youre kicking me in the testies, i dont care what size boots youre wearing. i dont wanna get kicked in the testies.

cope :)

Nobody is kicking you in the testies due to microtransactions existing. From everything we've seen, they're a non issue and won't affect the games experience. Nobody wants them obviously but there is no reason to sperg out from them being there when they're a non issue.

Barry, I just want to talk about how and completely destroy your fanfiction, why do you keep ignoring me? :(

they were more buried in 4SE than we already know they will be in DMC5, and there's an argument to be made that glueing microtransactions to an already finished is worse than having them when designing the game. but thats beside the core argument that microtransactions do not belong in single player games and their mere inclusion can sow doubt in players minds.

Sorry friend, Reddit seems more your scene.

>he's mad that Capcom wants to suck up extra $$$ from retarded journos
Why are you so triggered by this, user?

>glueing microtransactions to an already finished is worse than having them when designing the game.
And yet despite that they upped how many orbs and proud souls you gained in game when they could have turned them down and advertised the microtransactions more in a attempt to force players to pay for them. You simply want to be mad about something no matter how little of a issue it actually is.

>Best girl

Attached: julia volkova.jpg (1024x768, 213K)

>Nobody is kicking you in the testies due to microtransactions existing
i have quite literally nothing to gain from having microtransaction in premium single player games (or even multiplayer ones). i do however have a lot to lose. when i pay an entree fee for vidya (60$), i shouldn't have to try and find out whether the devs are trying to fuck me or not. not to mention the only people who know about how things really are in DMC5 are the ones with early copies, not you or me

>And yet despite that they upped how many orbs and proud souls you gained in game when they could have turned them down
pr suicide when it comes to trying to re-release an old game. the pittance theyd have potentially gotten from that wouldnt be remotely worth it. same could not be said for a new actual release like DMC5 thats expected to sell way more copies than a old HD port


should i be getting this on my pc or ps4? I was thinking pc because i'm guessing there will be downloadble mods in the near future. Anyone?

let's rock, baby

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Jesus how many posts ITT is just barry samefagging and falseflagging as both sides.

I'm genuinely happy that I'm not this pathetic when it comes to any franchise on this planet of ours

>KHfags are such disgusting bottom-feeding parasites they're trying to turn DMC5 into the next TORtanic because everybody with an IQ above room temperature hated KH3
this is just fucking sad

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Then simply wait for others to play it, find out if the microtransactions are a issue or not and decide if you want to get the game then or not. I personally don't think the games going to cuck you out of orbs because I seriously doubt they'll be a issue so I'm still going to get it anyway. Your call what you do or not fren.

it's a XVfag larping as a KHfag

>has melee tracking because AAA fags can't point characters at enemies
>has to have obnoxious slowdown all the time because it needs to look EPIC while there's no variation to their combat outside of mashing R1 and R2. Senran Kagura Versus games have more complexity.
>shitty camera that required a UI indicator to say if something's behind you because the camera's held by a brap fag trying to huff farts.
>has to hide lack of depth behind graphics and gore
Why are AAAfags retarded?

Will Moike Kobe be making DMC5 videos?
She's a babushka now, shame

It’s an FFXV fag actually.

The post you responded to was also XV-kun

You better not be retarded enough to actually fall for Barry's obvious shitposting.

Congrats on taking the bait.

It's unironically XV-kun larping as a kingdom heartsfag, he's been shitting up kingdom hearts threads as well apparently.

>He took the bait

Do we know roughly how many orbs you get in a level or how much moves cost?

>everyone who disagrees with me is XV-kun

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i dont care about orbs. im in no rush to unlock everything right away, im merely against the act of selling orbs, especially through recurrent microtransactions. and im probably gonna have to wait anyway, since denuvo is a thing.

what disagreement?

They're so stupid they never even noticed Gamespot-san skulking in the shadows. Studying the enemy and acquiring intel for the Vidya Journalist World Order.

im genuinely happy im not a faggot like you

Then I'm sorry user, because it's too late for you

I can't wait for DMC5 to sell tremendously well while Yea Forums does bizarre mental gymnastics to explain how it was actually a flop.

>I can't wait for DMC5 to sell tremendously well
I hope it will

Will every single new game have a autist like this ?


Only the ones he hates

isn't it already a Steam bestseller? it's going to sell more than DmC that's for sure, and there's a good chance it'll be the best selling DMC game. I think RE2 remake did way better than expected, and it seems that there's way more hype for DMC5.

Sounds like you're having trouble with that part

>Everytime anything Vergil related has been revealed or leaked hype has gone through the fucking roof
>shitposters shit their pants and seethe every single time
How does he do it?

Attached: 1530563864735.jpg (381x722, 174K)

>Seeth - 8 matches
>Cuck - 13 matches
>Cope - 15 matches
>NONO - 33 matches

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How does Dante's style switcher works in 5? Do you still need to claw?

>OP is an auto faggot
>more news at 11