Which Devil Breaker are you most looking forward to using in DMC5?

Which Devil Breaker are you most looking forward to using in DMC5?

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Tom Boy

Because my name is Ugg Chungus and I'm a fucking cave man.

Oh my.

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he cant keep doing this bros

Stop linking it, nobody wants to listen to it and give him more views.

Stop shilling his shit here

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He is cringey as fuck.

Pussies. I bet you love Devil Trigger.

Nero's mother is cute. A CUTE!

Attached: nero's mother.png (1394x698, 628K)

delete this thread, came first

delete it so mods can't move us to /vg/ again

>assblasted shitposting thread got deleted

Holy shit they cannot stop the hype

>that b8 thread got 404'd

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Fuck off faggot, you ruined subhuman's best part

I'll probably just use Buster since I'm comfortable with it. As far as new ones, I want to use Rawhide for the crowd control.

Didnt they do it once and then /vg/ mods said there was no need for a general?

mods deleted it?

>the duel

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Ragtime, because I think time stop is the coolest shit ever.
I'm probably not gonna touch Nero that much after the first playthrough. Dante is the one for me.

yeah, it was blatant shitposting

they moved us more than five times, and /vg/ mods moved us back

>I'm Not Crying

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Ragtime and tomboy

Mods can suck my dick.


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Here's the first four disc tracklists in one image.
You don't get to select which character you want to play on any given mission.

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It just popped back up

The first time it happened, everyone agreed to stop going to that one and made on Yea Forums. The second time, I believe was when the /vg/ mods said there wasn't a need. For the third and fourth time, the /vg/-transferred threads were the discussion spot, but as soon as those were archived, a thread was made on Yea Forums.


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Yea Forums mods are absolutely autistic they never learn