Game locations with this feel
Game locations with this feel
gelato beach... home
Far Cry
Opassa Beach from Chrono Cross
what's Yea Forums's favorite beach? jersey shore for me (ocean city to be exact)
Sea of Thieves
Any of the first two islands in just cause 3
Koopa Beach. Fugg why are beaches so comfy
People from NJ are universally fratbro assholes
Lido Key,
>posts besaid
>posts wrong music
Wave Race 64
Destiny Islands is the only part of Kingdom Hearts I feel nostalgic for.
no joke if she ask im down to fuck
Pokemon Sun & Moon (and Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon).
Phon Coast in FFXII
Sea of thieves. Too bad the game is still meh
A lot of hardcore Pokemon players didn't like this game but I'm super close to buying it just for the setting
Dead Island if you ignore the zombies.
That's so fucking saturated it hurts
Purgonurgo Isle
Even though Pokemon Norf and Pokemon Souf is coming out later this year?
concept art is god tier
game is shit
cutscenes makes it unplayable
Halo CE's Silent Cartographer
Fishing Resort
And with the best mon, Nice.
The resort was legit comfy. Once you have to go to the shithole capital city was when the game went downhill.
nice post
Ecco the Dolphin, too bad it's so damn hard
Playa pilar, Cuba
Phantasy Star Online Episode 2
I used to turn the game on as a stereo just to hear the Costa Del Sol theme on infinite loop
oh you must mean this then
>tfw when you and your friends get your bananas back
Danganronpa 2
least it was before i fucked everything up
Looks like Chinamens hat off the coast of Oahu. It's like a 40 min trip for me
archipelago boyz
I want to move there so bad
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Bro you really really don't. Cost of living out here is outrageous and traffic is nightmarish. It is a beautiful place when you get away from the city
>cost of living
That's why I don't go, the sunshine tax is just too steep.
Thinking about picking up the Sega Ages remaster, looks really good
good choice
>that loch ness monster body frame, flamingo beak with whale's baleen
still a better mash-up, than whatever the fuck they were thinking with a spider-baboon face stuck on a kiwi bird torso
you fuck
that gif is OOOZING with SOUL
Solid choice.
Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Dragon's Dogma made me realize how relaxing coastal villages can be.
Man, Cassardis is maximum comfy.
It's my favorite starting town. Everyone there treats you like family throughout the whole game.
The game's not the greatest but damn is it comfy
You should. As someone who doesn't care for racing games too much, I had a blast with this one.
this game was a total mess, but goddamn did setting look beautiful
only a man of culture of would pick this
OCs alright. Bit boring being a dry town and all. Though that might just be me since ivw been going there aince i was a kid and am kinda burnt out on it