I am home alone and need new gaming friends. Don't dare delete this thread MOD. It is gaming related and a meatup for german gamers.
If you want i post i.p. to my teamspeak or you post your discord. Let german Yea Forumsros find eachother.
German Videogamers assemble!
What do you play you filthy Kraut
Fapiss dich du Neger
probably farming simulator
why do you germans call eachother cabbage
Hau ab du Arschloch.
Oh hi ^^ fellow german :D
How are you xD
because we love Sauerkraut
>Implying OP isnt a Verfassungschutznigger
Bin weder neger noch arschloch. Such nur paar leute zum zocken.
Meine T.S. IP. Hab momentan kein Passwort drin aber lässt sich ändern.
Fick dich weg du Homofürst.
Bleib mal locker Alter was is dein scheiss Problem?
Basierend und rotgepillt OP weggepustet.
We'd love to join.
Verzieh dich, Transe. Keiner will in deine schwule Steamliste lmao
Gas the kikes just kill them all god bless Germany.
Feuert Michael Cherdchupan.
Ok ich sehe hier findet man keine neuen Freunde.
I have German ancestors, which means I am basically German.
Ish leibe Deitshland
du mistgestalt
ich schwöre,
Auf 4krebs Feunde suchen ist wie vorm Arbeitsamt um Almosen betteln.
Oy vej a jud
why are female youths in germany like this Yea Forums?
Low IQ Prollo Kanacke.
Ge wek nach Kohlchan.
All female youths are like this.
They are looking for adventure, before life forces them to marry and become addicted to yellow press.
Jewish Psyop to make white men hate women....wir hatten das schon durchgekaut.
Too much of that „womyn stronk“ the smarter better gender shite.
OP help me. A German girl started at work recently on a student placement. She seems nice. How do I ask her if she wants to do something after work some evening?
you sound like a fucking creep getting advice here
hope she says no
كيف تفعل مع الألمان
Join my T.S. and i tell you.
Only ugly people are creeps. I'm not ugly.
Jeder der Interesse hat joint meinen Server. Ich will nur irgendwas spielen zusammen. Wenn ich das Game nicht besitze kauf ich's mir.
Neu auf VierKanael?
Digger, lust was zu starten?
Homie, wanna start something?
How do I say "You look hot as fuck" in German?
Not a kraut but I've been studying the language for some time now. What are some comfy games with a non-abysmal german translation?
>Du schaust heiß als fick!
JK, it's "Du siehst echt heiß aus".
Du siehst richtig scharf aus.
Thanks. I'll say this to her on Monday at work
nobody in europe likes you or thinks highly of you
its only larping german immigrant ameritoids that have something nice to say
You're welcome.
But if you want to be prince charming better say something like "Du bist wunderschön."
name a european country that's well respected and liked by other european countries
just tell her:
Ich will fucken, große Brüste; Töte dich küssen.
I know a German girl and she hates the English, the French and Transgender people and she thinks the German automotive industry is heading towards a collapse.
Switzerland and the Netherlands
Just play Gothic 1 and 2
Makes sense.
Because you are a flaming homo op.
gutes mädel
germanfags nobody in europe likes you or thinks highly of you
infact most hate you and DISLIKE you
nice try BND
no Staatstrojaner for me
this, works everytime
German women dont have nice face. French much better.
As a german myself i can understand this.
We really have become a strange mix of arrogance and shit.
Feels bad man.
discount germany
discount germany
eternal turks with a corrupt government but at least they have good food unlike germany
i'll give you spain
Faszinierend wie fucking paranoid ihr alle seid. Ich will bischen daddeln und neue Leute kennen lernen von Yea Forums und alle denken ich bin sone art scheiss BND hacker profi. Ihr habt sie doch nicht mehr alle. Keine Sau interessiert sich für ein paar Autisten auf scheiss Yea Forums. Fickt euch alle ihr absoluten Turboautisten.
>proceeds to vote CDU because they are conservative and will turn around the lefty politics
All of it inferioirity complexes. Hatred comes form within. You only hate yourself. pathetic.
Germans posting in german are acting like faggots for some reason.
t. danish
>being this much of a Neufick
Kanaken ins Gas. Oder ins Schwabenland.
dann geb irgendnen kontaktprofil an du vollidiot
> Italy and Spain
> Respected
Ja klar.
haha, BND neger btfo
nobody likes you
Schon tausend mal gemacht.
Meine T.S. IP
True, we (and especially our elites) really hate Germany.
That's why we try our best to destroy ourselves atm.
Funfact: The german green party (who is quiet strong) wants to rename all streets that were named after prussian generals and stuff like that.
Please no bully, also please liberate Sydslesvig, we want back to Denmark!
Is this bug german? It works hard.
I don't give a fuck.
>when you are such an unimportant shithole of a country that you need approval of countries around you
sucks when you are from belgium huh
>neue Leute auf Yea Forums kennen lernen
Und genau da liegt dein Problem. Wo kommst du her? Lachschon? Offensichtlich nicht krautchan.
Ich mag Deutschland.
Kann einfach nicht verstehen wie man wie die Grünen denken kann. Sind eh Kinderschänder
Germans are literally taught self-hatred in school. Expressing any kind of national pride or criticizing the state of their beautiful brown caliphate is strictly forbidden.
sure you dont bitch
go stuff a doner kebab down your throat to calm the tears down
member z0r?
american meme
the only really hard thing germans do is the amount of that piss they drink called beer
and get fucked up the ass by foreigners
Reminds how they bad reputation as vacationers. This is kinda similiar i guess.
Cry more nigger.
>Ich bin hässlich und nicht stolz
Da, Zusammenfassung der Grünen
>germancucks thread
>teamspeak and discord right in the op
>meatup for german gamers
sounds about right you GAY FAGGOT
Daily reminder that Germany is a US colony and nothing else.
Die Grenzen des Reichs von 1914 bestehen weiter!
You're a collapsing empire. I'm gonna see you be irrelevant politically in my lifetime.
Basiert und Rotgepillt
nah bitch we are a colony of the Israeli colony
now gib foreskin golem
We don't have nearly enough trannies to be part of the US
who else /FeuerFuchs/ here?
What are german girls like?
We literally have bases all over you country and your government isn’t even allowed to fly satellites over them or even enter them.
Hab mich von Chrome getrennt weil der Scheiß plötzlich angefangen hat zu Ruckeln wie blöd obwohl über 1 Jahr alles gutging. Frisst eh viel zu viel RAM
>looking for german gamers on Yea Forums
>the most reddit europeans doing the most reddit hobby on the most reddit board on this shithole of a site
Lass mich raten, du bist von NRW?
>obvious newfag
should've gone to reddit, m8
you spelled Israel wrong
Right, that's why Germany is importing rabid antisemites by the thousands.
They only fuck Turks/Arabs/Africans
sind mir zu progressiv
hol dir den Wasserfuchs
You're internally collapsing, your world police shit is failing consistenly and other countries are starting to ignore you.