Defend this
Defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>cherrypicked shot vs bullshot
Can't. Will still sell millions though, so why should they bother?
Gamefreak don't have any possible defence. They know the games sell dozens of millions regardless of budget. The games look cute and kids don't give two fucks about graphics. Also the most important aspect of these games is toying with the Pokemons.
> oh no my pikachu doesn't cast real time shadows and his skin doesn't have subsurface scattering
absolutely without question, seething
Upscaling via emulation doesn't count, dipshit.
pokemon fans will eat up any garbage their overlords shit out
It's indefensible. It'll still sell billions.
>rooms look like rooms in both versions
what a shocker
>what is aesthetic design choice aaaaaahhh i don't understand why don't all games look like COD
they look the same tbqh
I mean, your computer is likely packing stronger hardware than the switch is. Just because they over did the models for the 3DS (Fucking totem fights and shit were the WORST on a normal 3DS because it couldn't fucking handle 5 models on screen at once) doesn't somehow lessen the quality of the switch models. Or do you want more 12 FPS pokemon battles?
>Defend this
>(resolution increased through emulation)
No need to defend anything, that picture kills itself alone.
Graphics threads on Yea Forums are the most low IQ shit in existence
What do people who make these threads even look like?
Thats not what the 3DS games looks like.
>s-seething is always a good response because I have nothing else original to come up with
Post an actual 3DS screenshot
>literally reusing 3DS assets + engine is an aesthetic design choice
fucking Pokemondrones, I swear
>b-b-but Sword and Shield are running at a higher resolution than what the 3DS was capable of, that totally justifies it looking like an upscaled 3DS game!
Nintendo canceled all 3DS games and made them Switch games
Is this crap supposed to look good? It looks worse than a mobile game.
Here's an actual comparison.
literally none of the assets shown in the screenshots are the same
>resolution increased through emulation
My cat does and looks exactly the same.
He chilled
What kind of mobile games have you been playing? also spotted the phoneposter
everyone knows gamefreak are lazy
she is so cute
I don't play mobiletrash, but if you think this garbage actually look good and BTFO's anyone but yourself, you are delusional.
>what mobile games look better than this???
Plenty, and I don't even need to touch those pieces of shit to see this.
What's the problem?
His post has no indication of posting in this thread using a phone, newfag. Anons could usually tell from autocorrect/filenames
Gamefreak just follows Nintendo's philosophy.
Why can't I walk on the hill? Why do fences STILL exist in a mainline home console Pokemon game? I'm an increasingly more upset Pokemon fan. I want the series to evolve, but GameFreak glued on an everstone.
Post pics of said games or they don't exist.
its actually illegal to walk on those irl
You know you can emulate the left also?
>why do fences exist in a modern society
Holy shit niggers losing braincells reading this shit
Why these incompetent retards couldn't stick to 2D? It's pretty clear they can't do shit with 3D, i would genuinely prefer something like Octopath rather than this abomination
Not trying to defend it, but it's on the Switch bro, not exactly a power house. The peak of what I'd expect out of anything on it visually is maybe like stuff from mid-last-gen. You're foolish to expect anything more at this point. Shit looks fine for what it is. With that said I still probably won't play it, Pokémon is just something that hasn't managed to get its hooks into me since Red/Blue.
it's supposed to fucking look like that you dumb ass. it's a children's game. it's like saying "WHYYY IS THIS SHOW DRAWN AS A CARTOON AND DOESNT LOOK LIKE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT?? WHAAAAT I DONT GET ITTTT"
While those fences are illegal to trespass, it would still be nice to traverse through fields akin to these.
So this is what we should expected the power of the Switch? Running fucking 3ds graphics at high res?
>It looks like shit on purpose
That's a low price to hang out with such a cute girl.
>buying a game for the graphics alone
No one NO ONE would be buying 2D games on the fucking 3DS even if its pokemon
they took 3DS assets and upscaled them. Imagine, 2019 game that STILL looks worse than Stadium 1 and 2. Gamefreak should stick to mobile games, they aren't deserving of anything more
yeah, it is. it's a game for 10yr olds
it's a 3DS game but slapped with a $60 price tag instead of $40
Maybe don't make a retarded cherrypicked thread next time without a real 3DS screenshot
They don't want dumb jap kids getting lost like they did in Sinnoh. That's why every region since then has been navigated in a straight line like a tourist.
it's not though is it.
Newer hardware can look better than old hardware?
Are people really complaining that it looks too good?
What's wrong with upscaling assets as long as you increase the poly count and texture resolution?
yes it is
Okay maybe no walking allowed on the historical site, but what about here? Are the fences really necessary? What if I want to walk on the grassy hill to the gym instead of taking the dirt path?
It's the little shit like this that helps an experience grow.
not my fault you don't understand, sorry
the walking animations in SnS are identical to the SM ones.
While I like Pokémon SS' visuals, the Switch has shown it can do much better and at double the framerate. Not that it really matters in Pokémon.
>it's supposed to look bad!
No one said it looking like a cartoon was the bad part, dumb ass.
it isn't though is it. go ahead and waste your time making a retarded explaination as to why you think you're right about stupid shit
Top looks like shit. Switch is capable of MUCH more
Fair point. You win this time.
Those jaggies are disgusting.
Am I missing something? Why does it look bad? It's a Switch game, it's kind of what I'd expect out of it, and it looks fine for what it is.
Cope with what? Your lack of an argument?
someone should make a webm
the swich is capable, but gamefreak isn't
>3DS graphics at a high resolution
Actually it's be more accurate to say you've been playing Switch tier graphics on a low resolution the whole time. Hence why the 3DS game struggled to run at 20 fps a quarter of the time.
Good business decision. Why generate excess expenses for no more income?
because not only does it look like shit. Sun/Moon style Pokemon plays like shit as well. Nothing is changing, they aren't even attempting to fix anything
And or zoomers
>next you're going to say, "cringe"
you retard, you're missing the point where graphicsfags pretend to actually understand art and skillfully, purposely limiting palletes, polygons, and visual effects as part of a greater design aesthetic.
What makes people buy pokemon games over and over again?BOTW was a new thing for the zelda franchise,same for Mario's Odissey,but this?They've made minor graphics upgrade and changed region
Console war anons are trying to bait and defend the new game in every thread based on graphics by comparing it to phone/ps2/etc. games.
The real issue is the goddamn fences still being in Pokemon. Make it a little more open world.
what's the matter OP? Got too BTFO when tryign to use shitty reused Unreal engine reloaded assets?
why are the textures so low res
surely the switch can do better than that
looks like they're using N64 textures
Im so out of the loop and I really wanna play Sun and Moon. What emu do you guys use?
I don't like where they're going with the series but I don't know what I'd want instead, Anyone got any ideas for what they want?
they look the same
this is terrible
because its fun
all of these look bad for any amount of money.
You can't.
They are terrible games. You are bombarded with pointless cutscenes from start to finish. I had to force myself to finish it.
don't buy it then, and enjoy missing out on a fun game
Pokemon was always an handheld video game franchise,that way they didn't have to upgrade the graphics that much and why it didn't release in Wii and Wii U.Also let's not forget the fact that in 2001 Crystal released for the game boy color and motherfucker Metal Gear Solid 2 released for PS2.The games main thing was gameplay,and the accessability and portability of the handheld consoles made it easy for people to play pokemon.
Name a lazier franchise in gaming than pokemon that sells millions. Even call of duty and assassins creed try harder.
Right has clearly better models, textures, and lighting, despite being snagged off a stream and still having a good 8 months of development to go through. Maybe you should go compare the first SM trailer to the final product.
We know nothing about the game or how much content it has stop projecting shit before we even know anything
Not even Nintendo just Gamefreak. Do not give them the BUT NINTENDO pass. Gamefreak deserves every single bit of shit
proof that graphics fags have 0 idea what they're talking about
protip: bottom looks like shit
do they?
Who knew the switch was only capable of playing up-res'd 3ds games.
omgomgomgomg h i r e t h i s m a n
>Imagine, 2019 game that STILL looks worse than Stadium 1 and 2.
Sick lies, bro.
He said he was going to emulate it so there's no harm in letting him experience it for himself if he's not losing out on anything.
I can't. This game is on the same console as oddysey and xenoblade 2 yet it looks like a wii game
>Zoomers are going to kill pokemon
okay, well USUM or X&Y then. They are the only games I haven't played and I want to finish them before SS
I fucking bet it'll be another SuMo all over again. Loads of pre launch hype and shit, but when it comes out it'll be a boring ass "story" game with no post game content.
I'm sure people will still defend it since it's Pokemon AND it's on switch.
>inject pokemon models in ue4 tech demo
It's a waste of time and effort and I personally feel better about skipping out on games I know are shit instead of playing them and hating them.
>classrooms and bedrooms look the same
Might want to get your eyes checked.
>They are terrible games
Nice meme, really shows your /vee/ cred, man. Never mind that they are good games and better than half the series, gotta look cool on an anonymous Sri Lankan crab fishing board.
Its your sanity.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
"Oi, stay uff the grass yah wanka"
Right looks really bad, I don't know what your point is.
Nah I was going to call you a retard
That looks visibly worse on every front, though.
One person : cant actually play the game. its actually not even a game. it also looks worse than pokken which is a game.
Not that user, but you said it first though
What's the top image from?
This looks even worse than Link's Awakening remake and the new Pokemon.
Just play SuMo with the framerate unlocked so you can speed through all the shitty story.
Your opinion is shit.
Upscaled Gamecube games on an emulator look as good as switch games. Nintendo is weird.
I lost my Pokemoon moon carriage/v/ can you guys help me find it?
psp quality
shit graphics AND shit gameplay whats the excuse
It fucking counts dipshit. You can also increase SS's resolution in the yuzu emulator, so it's fair game.
It is a psp vita game...
>those garbage fucking textures
Post an actual 3DS screenshot or shut the fuck up.
Nintendo really needs to find a way to take pokemon away from gamefreak
They can't do 3D for shit and their coding is a fucking joke. One of the most incompetent devs in Japan.
you fucking retard, use google
Just because I own a switch doesn't mean I'm going to defend gamefreak. Fuck em.
Add an half-life 2 screenshot with "2004" to trigger them harder.
People will tell you left looks better because of bloom.
>it's a garbage game
Why do digimon always turn into cosplayers? Shit design desu.
I think you guys hate more the artstyle than the graphics
half life 2 looked like shit though
What do you want exactly from the left screenshot?
Photorealistic skin pores and bloody chapped lips?
im just here to see more shitposting like this
Pick a bullshot with a couple mods though
Yikes,imagine being a pokemon fan
everybody here buy digimon games thanks
also ignore pokemon threads
And the pos is gonna run at 480p like fucking Yoshi 396p lmao
is this the pokemon game /vp/ made?
fuck p*kemon
still looked like shit, especially in motion
those janky ass wooden animations
say what you will about resolution in a pokemon game, the animations on them look very good and makes the little fuckers come to live pretty well
I wonder who's the one that keeps making this threads
Some of the coments are almost identical between threads too
Are you guys fucking retarded? Of course a real 3DS screenshot will look like fucking shit since it's stuck with the 3DS's shitty 320p resolution.
The switch game looks almost the same as the 3DS game but upscaled. That's the fucking point of those comparisons.
Gamefreak literally just ported a 3DS tier game into the switch and made a new game along with some slight modification
have you seen that detective pikachu trailer?
there's a reason pokemon games have cartoony cell shaded artstyle. it wouldn't work with a realistic style
Sword and Shield look like they were developed for the 3DS but later ported to the Switch.
If Nintendo weren't pushing the Switch I'm sure that Sword and Shield can run on the 3DS.
>GameFreak + Switch
Holy shit. The twin gods of anti criticism.
imagine having paid $350 to increase internal resolution from 360p to 720p and the privilege to pay for previously-free online (with exactly zero improvement, smash is just as shit as 4 online, splatoon2 online experience is exactly like the first one)
no wonder consoledrones are get so defensive over emulators.
realistic does not suit pokemon though. unles you are making an edgy version where the pokemon also look realistic.
so people are complaining about a game developer using the same engine for multiple releases coming out after one another?
what do you expect, a new engine every year?
Citra Canary. You need a decent computer tho to run it. Also play Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon, even if the overall narrative is worse.
if nintendo releases a switch 2 with modular upgrade capabilities to give the option to spend more to unlock higher performances, does that not count either?
today in videogame industry class, you learn that superior hardware matters. it no doubt is an alien concept among nintendo fans and one argument they will never let go, but you need to be strong and accept reality.
That's Hyrule Warriors, not Skyward Sword.
because resolution doesn't change the GRAPHICS
I'll play it,ilegally of course.
Never game a cent to gamefreak or nintendoshit,they are so anticonsumer it's incredible
draw distance is better on the left and pokemon will run at a higher resolution.
>it's pixelated on purpose
didn't you guys constantly shit on indieshit and vincidate the only good games, the AAA inhouse exclusives? now that's an aesthetic?
citra is actually really cool as hell I plays super mario 3d land on it and I also tried increasing internal resolution and everything looked absolutely gorgeous. and was running on 60fps even on my laptop. 3ds games actually are also aren't that ugly with only little increase in resolution they look as good as latest games
This is a fucking console game
Why the fuck are they still using the engine that they used to make fucking handheld games? Why not make a fucking 3DS port as well since they're literally making yet another fucking 3DS game?
Worst thing is, the next game will also be using the fucking SM engine since this shit will sell millions.
Yes a children's game.
>According to Japanese sales tracker Media Create, early purchasers of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were primarily in their 20s
>When Pokémon Black and White were released in 2010, those two games were bought mainly by users between the ages of 19 and 24.
>Finally, when Pokémon X and Y were released last year, they also sold primarily to college students at launch
I couldn't give two fucks what it looks like visually the thing I am annoyed by is how bland the game is compared to the other Pokemon games, what makes it stand out other than it's on the switch
because development on this game likely started years ago when the switch hardware wasn't final yet
The epic UK memes xD
What an exaggeration and a half.
If you think this looks like n64 then you’re not old enough to be posting here.
Even with how ahead of the curb Stadium was, these models are clearly much better. Another person exaggerating for attention.
This is legitimately the real disappointment. Not the graphics, not the “switch is wiiu2” argument, but the fact that Pokémon has done NOTHING to up its game since fucking Gold and Silver.
Give us extra gym badges, let us have secret forts again, make the fashion thing a staple, let us make those weird poke foods from 4th gen, let us move between regions and fight previous main characters, make tons of special events for all the legendaries, give us decent fucking starters or let us choose a starter from last gen, bring back all the good music tracks from previous games, give us the casino and the creepy ass ruins and the weird events and some kind of team rocket style baddy that actually is relevant to the game, use all 100 levels and stop capping off the need to level up at 60-70, stop making one off gimmicks and give us interesting new moves, or new type effects, for God’s sake GameFreak just build on the shit you’ve made instead of recycling it!
Woah, you mean to tell me a computer is better at graphics than any console? Shocking..
>how bland the game is compared to the other Pokemon games
is the same as the others, you are just getting older.
Game Freak is horribly lazy with visuals.
I mean, I thought that was obvious enough considering their graphics haven't gotten better since the Gamecube era, but here we are.
I'm perfectly fine with this level of graphix, the real issue is that they're probably once again not gonna manage to reach a proper framerate.
i guess my little pony is for adults since most of the audience consists of autistic manchildren
fucking retard
>caring about graphics in a pokemon game, a game targeted towards children.
Man children are children. These aren't properly functioning adults.
>emulator shot in higher resolution looks better than a bullshot
you can't make this shit up
Not really fussed about pokemon or the drama that people bring up about it, but the latest one looks pretty cute, and frankly i'm just happy for all the art of the pokegirl.
I actually agree with you user. Little bits of polish matter so much.
We used to call it the nintendo difference.
Fortnite looks like trash but still looks better than this. That's fucking pathetic.
I think thats what they want because to me this game doesn't look that bad, people praise Yokai's new game graphics and I don't see that much of a difference
Yes it does. Visual detail is literally hidden under muddying up of pixelation/approximation.
For example, you cannot make out the finer details of a MH3DS armor, you can see it has clean textures, sublte edges and rims by unlocking the res.
If it didn't change the graphics it wouldn't be an additional tax on the system, thus you would always unlock it for maximum capacity in any situation, as it would have no downside. Most games contain assets with higher resolution than the main constraint because that fares better with downsizing, during slow panning and such, much like downscaling 8k to 4k to play in 4k will create better 4k images than straight 4k. It just creates more accurate approximation of the image and everything is cleaner.
Most games contain tech to benefit from higher internal resolution right out of the box, you just are not able to see it on the intended console output. Hence why it's inferior.
You are wrong and clueless. On everything.
you see that place cant go there
are the trees 2D? lmfao
I won't buy it but I will play it anyways :)
USUM came out months later after the switch release. It's been nearly two years. They also made fucking LGPE during that time.
There's absolutely no fucking excuse for being this lazy, specially when they're reusing so many fucking assets.
As a britfag, It was funny for 2 days
Yeah, im 19 now, does change that the gameplay hasn't been switched up from 'linear RPG' for over 25 years, they're working with more powerful hardware than a solely handheld system and it's a new game yet they're following the same formula
that's not the real issue
the real issue is that the game is going to be piss easy and still hold your hand right up until the pokemon league
there's not going to be any challenge, your pokemon will level up extremely fast, the world will not have interesting side quests, it will be extremely linear, there will be 50 event legendaries that you can only get during some certain time through wifi download and all the gay shit like mega evolutions and z moves will still be there including some new shit that will not add anything fresh to the game
>It's a pokemon game, who cares about the graphics?
This exact mentality is why Game Freak knows it's okay to put absolutely zero effort into the graphics (and Pokemon as a whole, really)
Not even gonna defend this.
I remember back in gen 2 there was speculation about a 3D pokemon game that looked pretty much like a fucking MMO or modern WRPG. Back then people already wanted such thing. Nintendo has been able to do something like this for years, and now they're bringing the new gen to one of their home consoles rather than a handheld, they decide to limit it this way. First by giving us a disappointment based on Pokemon Go and then this bullshit. They can suck on a dick.
... Bad graphics are bad graphics. It doesn't matter if it's 480p or 720p if the trees are 2D and the textures are fucking flat and undetailed. You fucking idiot.
Resolution has nothing to do with the polygonal state of the game.
You either misread my comment or are are just a contrarian.
Resolution affects the detail you can see in TEXTURE work, yes, but it's not going to suddenly make a fucking beautifully modeled, detailed polygonal tree look 2D and flat.
It doesn't matter if you run a NINTENDO 64 game in 1080p. the polygons and textures aren't going to change.
Most of MLPs audience was children. Get off of Yea Forums once in a while. It is not an accurate sample of the norm.
Can you fucking imagine GF trying to develop and manage a fucking MMO? Jesus fucking christ.
It's Nintendo games.
What, do you want the new Pokemon game to look like the detective Pikachu movie?
And the hilarious part is that the 3ds titles were not properly downscaled and were left at their 720p futureproof level of detail, meaning that the 3ds specs hid all of that detail regardless but the games on that system ran at 20fps or lower as a result of that overflow of unexploited power.
pokemon fans can't catch a break. there is yet to be one functioning pokemon videogame to be released that has equivalent content to another game that's considered finished and good. It's either a myriad of gamebreaking bugs, zero difficulty implementation, or shit performance/visuals.
It cannot be that fucking complicated after 20+ years
Don't market it for us then
And hell, YOU don't post it outiside of discussing it with children if you don't want adults to critic it
Beautiful Artstyle
Cool setting
Very good color theory (greens fading into purples into blues)
Very good cartoon/realism aesthetic
Wii era textures. It is nearly identical to Skyward Sword
They really need to polish up the models and textures before release. The gameplay itself is fine, as it's what I'd expect from Pokemon.
>criticism of Nintendo
>vs Nintendo defense force
>there is yet to be one functioning pokemon videogame to be released that has equivalent content to another game that's considered finished and good
the first three gens were decent
everything after that was lackluster
I want to die.
Nigga Sonic in 240p looks the same as Sonic in 1080p. You can't see details that aren't there to begin with. Shitty textures and flat blocky shapes don't benefit from higher res.
there's a reason why the top 3 MMOs today are maintained by the biggest publishers in the world (activision, square enix, tencent
visual clarity doesn't affect the graphical output of a game.
game freak isnt nintendo faggot
infinity blade, all 3 are great. too bad its iOS only.
This fucking guy gets it
Pokemon SS is literally just a fucking Wii game, but running at 720p instead of 480p thanks to the switch hardware. Those textures are something you'd find in a 10~15 year old game.
Honestly, I think Sword and Shield have a fantastic art style and great use of color
But HOLY FUCK Gamefreak please put some effort into the textures
the problem with a pokemon mmo would be that it'd be over too quick. it doesn't take that long to get to level 100. and all you'd do is have online battles anyway.
there isn't much content they could add beyond what's already in the main games
the best they could do is add some sort of tournament mode where every season someone gets to be the pokemon champion
hurr durr meanwhile incineroar is praised by multimillionaires.
>Wii era textures.
This seems to be pretty conmon in switch games and i don't fucking know why, the new fire emblem looks atrocious
>left is a bullshot
I think it's to early to say, but don't forget.
sub 30fps
it's gamefreak you fucking idiot not nintendo
That's honestly the worst thing about all of the screenshots. Like I don't give a shit that the game is upscaled 3DS crap.
But that looks like Oblivion on low settings. Fucking embarassing.
I didn't say they were, retard
Solution: Gamefreak should switch for better textures when a battle starts / the game goes into an enclosed space.
The game looks a lot better than the previous ones since it actually seems to be adding actual facial and body animations.
Also I hope the framerate is decent, I cannot understand how gamefreak is completely unable to optimise their games. Do they just not let Nintendo help any longer?
FE has always looked like shit. the gamecube and wii games looked terrible
Pokemon games, and most semilinear/linear games, are designed so you can't go somewhere there's nothing to interact with. Complete open world sounds nice on paper, but there are plenty of people who dislike it when you're able to go somewhere but there's nothing to actually do there. Both styles have their strengths and merits, but Pokemon has never allowed you to go somewhere there wasn't at least an NPC to talk to.
is this adventure time reference?
I have a feeling this is the same situation of when they showed off Botw on Wii U where it looked dull as shit and had them showing off how the horses dodge trees. The game wasn't anywhere finished then, and I think this is the same situation. I don't expect this game to be done this year.
utterly embarassing
I'd honestly have a 2D pokemon at this point.
Anyone have those images explaining how SuMo loaded models?
Literally oblivion mountains in Sword and Shield.
There's a good possibility that Game Freak is gonna fix the main complaints with SuMo in S&S. They made a point to say they're gonna make it the best Pokemon game ever.
what is the game on the right?
What about Xenoblade Chronicles X?
>made by less people and a cup of noodles for a dead console with PS3 processor with 1 gigabyte of usable ram
xenoblade 2
>playing a pokemon game past BW2
Have fun you fucking retards
XY was tech demo tier
ORAS has arguably less content than emerald
SM is unfinished
USUM didn't do fucking shit
LGPE is objectively worse than FRLG
The games are trash, the graphics are trash and the framerate for some reason is also fucking trash
Enjoy your $60 vita game and enjoy buying the ULTRA CHANGES """improved""" version next year
Anyone that still gives a shit about this franchise should just move on to playing GBA romhacks or smogon
Fuck people who attack the gameplay. It's POKEMON. Get the FUCK OVER IT
But, FUCK the textures and models. This isn't a fucking GameCube game, GameFreak. Get the FUCK ON YOUR GAME.
That is literally a PS2 model and PS2 texture.
Damn, that game looks sweet.
/vp/autists will tell you that it's a pre-release model/texture
looks like a fucking vita game
come on
>implying graphics aren’t something kids care about
It’s the opposite user, since they have little concept on game structure and world, most kids let graphics influence their decision on games they play.
+ nintendo online membership to trade pokemons
It's a good response because it adequately describes your pathetic attempt at a defense.
Monolith produced a miracle with this game on Wii U. It's by far the best looking Wii U game and pushes the hardware to it's absolute maximum.
Stop spreading lies, the Vita had unironically better JRPGs with better graphics than this shitshow, even the Digimon game is miles better than this crap.
Well, if graphics don't matter then why isn't gamefreaking making the game a 3DS exclusive? It clearly looks and runs like one, except that this time it has less portability and you have to pay for online. If they want to make a console game, then make a fucking console game for fucks sake
The game is probably being designed exclusively with handheld mode in mind.
that's not the point buttmad sony enabler, the point is pokemon looks worse than a b tier vita weeb game, I used atelier because it's the most close in the stylistic approach
>comparing emulation to YouTube screenshots
That being said, Gamefreak has no defense and are definitely the laziest game devs in the industry
> Resolution affects the detail you can see in TEXTURE work, yes, but it's not going to suddenly make a fucking beautifully modeled, detailed polygonal tree look 2D and flat.
I'm sure that beautifully modeled, detailed polygonal tree would look just as nice in a 2x2 window as it does in full hd. No, that definitely makes sense, you are right user.
>meanwhile in 2015 with ps3 tier hardware
nuke gamefreak and notIntelligent systems
they are stealing money and nothing else
Everyone will buy it no matter what.
It's not fair to compare the Switch's hardware to the PS3's, the PS3's is superior
lmao guy, ur clueless
31 year old here.
good lord you kids are fucking spoiled. This shit looks completely fine and nerds like you whine about "garbage textures".
No wonder you've never had sex. Jesus tapdancing christ
The game is probably finished already. This is fucking gamefreak we're talking about. I mean, SM's doubles battles ran at 10 FPS. One year later they release USUM which is the newly improved edition: double battles are still fucking slideshows.
If anything, expect downgrades since gamefreak loves to cherrypick the best footage for their trailers. Kinda like how they did with USUM, where they showed a newly retextured route 1 in the trailers, but that was actually the only fucking route that got any improvement.
Switch is superior to PS3.
Wii U was not. Well, it's GPU was, but that doesn't help much with such an old CPU.
Wii U produced a far better looking game.
Are you actually retarded? Pulling down the resolution on your computer isn't even remotely the same thing as viewing it on a smaller device.
Because it's literally the best and only good looking area in the game.
Bottom: Early 3DS Pokemon
Top: Late 3DS Pokemon
Pic related: 7th Generation Console
ik this is satire but it still makes me cringe
>mfw this game will age better than shit like Sekiro, which will look dated by the end of the next generation.
Boy you're pessimistic. I don't like modern Gamefreak either but this game clearly isn't done.
i'm going to play the new pokemon on an emulator with 4k textures and there's nothing you can do to stop me
nintendo really is laughable and i will never know the answer as to how they have diehard autistic fans till i die
>"I fucking bet"
Argument discarded.
pokemons are gay
12 year old game
Doing things cost money
Sword shield using the same 3ds engine so not a surprise
>Boy you're pessimistic
XY, ORAS, SM, USUM and LGPE were the absolute bottom of the barrel. I'm NOT giving gamefreak another fucking chance
reminder this is official artwork. skylas ass is fucking huge
Defend what? It looks good and that's what matters
>Switch is powerful hardware
Who is claiming this? Stop being retarded OP.
remember when pokemon MC designs typically had a quirk or two that makes them not look like a random NPC instead of "oh but they wear a hat"
Mobile games also cost more and have better hardware than the switch. No one is surprised the switch has terrible performance in anything retard.
blame the autismos that keep buying these games. ordinary people have played MAX two games in the series before realizing it will never change and giving up on it entirely. it really should only take one game to realize this but some people are optimists.
Why do work when people will eat up anything you put out?
Nothing wrong with graphics being anything other than what the creator intended. Graphics aren't video games.
>They made a point to say they're gonna make it the best Pokemon game ever.
That depends on what their definition of that means. At the very least when they said "this is a game for people that have played a pokemon game before" I hope it means they'll have no handholding and a billion tutorial npcs but I'm not expecting much. These people will say anything to get you to buy their game.
I mean mobile devices not games.
oh boy, a high draw distance and resolution so we can look at all the beautiful nothing they have in the environment and all the ps2 tier assets in the background we can never go to
>gamefreak's lazy and incompetent
Water's wet, what do you expect when most of the switch's 1st party library looks better than SS
>Blow up a game in, literally post processing
absolutely retarded thread
Because GameFreak is an incompetent developer and anybody who expects genuine evolution from Pokemon is delusional.
If you want something ambitious out of the Pokemon formula then play some romhacks or fangames or something.
I'd settle for Ni No Kuni.
No fuck off with you faggots thinking shitty unreal engine side empty field demos are anything. Same shit happened with some fag's zelda recreation.
bend over and check under the bed
Nah, that sounds stupid. Lets just remove almost everything we keep adding from gen to gen while not advancing much outside of shitty one note gimmicks and underused ones
They'll spoil the entirety of the game before launch to maximize hype for sure. They've done it again and again while receiving no backlash from every single time. I'm glad I'm gonna pirate it 2 weeks early, at least there will be some surprises left.
At least Sekiro will have good level design.
the sad part is Sword Shield is going to look worse because its only 720p. hopefully they come out with a 1080p switch model for launch day so the game looks better without any additional work from those lazy ass fuckers at gamefreak
>I have a feeling this is the same situation of when they showed off Botw on Wii U
You mean they'll keep pushing the release date an entire gen until they get it right? This is gamefreak we're talking about, they never gave a shit about "getting it right" and would always push out their unfinished crap because the masses will eat it up either way.
dont care. Still gonna buy at launch after exclusives are revealed.
who knew your handheld ran at 30 fps locked.
But normal people do not care and the game will still sell like hotcakes
>As a britfag, It was funny for 2 days
Also a britfag. No it wasn't. British culture can be so much worse and more entertaining for that reason, especially in the North
This. I skipped USUM and LGPE and I'm skipping this as well.
This right here.
fuckers in denial that this poke switch game isn't at all pushing the graphical limits. people who accept shit off the bat and don't complain will never get anything quality.
im in the fucking north, I constantly want to shoot myself
Okay, what does that have to do with my post?
It wasn't really "40 people and a cup of noodles", Monolithsoft had to outsource almost all of the 3D modelling/graphics in order to finish the game with such a small team, if you look at the credits it's far more than 40 people. Still very impressive though.
Even Rune Factory 5 will end up looking more advanced.
don't mind me
I don't even know what you where trying to say honestly
As an adult, I have no interest in pokemon games. But I actually like the art direction of the new games. Not everything has to be super gritty realistic AAA. I mean I am not saying there is anything wrong with the latter. But P5 was one of the most gorgeous games of this gen and it looks just as simple. I get we have to harp on every switch game that doesn't look like TW3 for being proof that switch sucks or whatever. But this is hardly Link's awakening ugly.
>the switch is a handheld
>Not everything has to be super gritty realistic AAA.
>I get we have to harp on every switch game that doesn't look like TW3
Where do you fags pull these assumptions from? How does pointing out that the games look more and more like low budget plastic shit somehow equate to "must become ultrarealistic 4K brown'n'bloom"?
2004 game
Because it seems to do a good job of pulling of the intended art style, and comparisons like the OP are like "look what this OLD game looks like in an EMULATOR WITH INCREASED RESOLUTION." or "WOW LOOK AT THIS OLD GAME" so it seems to be more a critique of the graphics than the art direction. Personally I even prefer the left over the right, as the faces on the right look a bit weird and the 3d anime effect seems overdone.
>Personally I even prefer the left over the right, as the faces on the right look a bit weird and the 3d anime effect seems overdone.
They're the same fucking faces.
You blind m80? I will give the 3ds game the benefit of the doubt and say it was never meant to be viewed at a higher resolution but come on.
Little kids are the most likely demographic to shit on a game for bad visuals. If anything, they should be extra careful about the graphical presentation of Pokemon games.
>what is fortnite.
Also, it A) probably appeals to small children and
B) the user is right. Unless you are looking to buy it for a child, you really shouldn't care. You weren't gonna buy it for yourself? were you faggot? You are not one of them brony/ /vp/ types are you weirdo? gonna have to put you on a watchlist.
Textures look even worse.
>Little kids are the most likely demographic to shit on a game for bad visuals.
I admit that I am detached from social circles and haven't spoken to a kid since I was one, but this sounds like absolute bullshit. What do kids care if the graphics are great, so long as they can have a sick dragon or a cute kitten? Are they really like that now?
>Admits to playing mobile games
>I-I'm not a phoneposter, I swear!
>Unovabortion acting uppity
Sorry pal but the games were shit by gen 5, you were just too busy sucking your thumb to notice.
No he is doing a "kids these days!" type diatribe combined with and pretending "kids" means teens who have long since outgrown pokemon, so he can feel like less of a manchild.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with graphical comparision images.
They're not valid.
>It wasn't really "40 people and a cup of noodles"
it was LITERALLY 40 people because the rest of monolith was borrowed for breath of the wild's entire topography and splatoon 2's programming, look it up
Sure thing, Nintendo.
Ni No Kuni was developed for a weaker console than the Switch and it looks like this
The Pokemon could actually look like this without much trouble. The models are there and they are high poly already. They just need to work on the shaders.
Nice meme, also no, it wasn't. You fell for a god damned meme, and you can even look this up yourself for proof. Go watch the ending credits for the game and you can clearly see that the development team went far beyond 40 people.
It starts at 2:03.
Pokemon games play the exactly same way since 1996. Graphics and new pokemon designs are all there is to compare because everything else is fundamentally the same, faggot.
Gamefreak shill? How much do they pay you?
>that pokemon movie were they just hired some guy who made concepts of ultra-realistic looking pokemon
I will never not be mad. That thing looks like garbage. Normies think it looks fine, they love Ryan Reynolds because they love they super funny irreverent deadpool. The "jokes" in the trailers are fucking terrible. This whole movie looks terrible, but it will make a lot of money. I fucking despise this timeline.