Why hasn’t Nintendo bought the Pokémon brand from gamefreak and given it to a developer who knows what they’re doing?

Why hasn’t Nintendo bought the Pokémon brand from gamefreak and given it to a developer who knows what they’re doing?

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because Nintenfags and Pokefags will buy the games regardless

Can't tell if retarded and serious, or trolling.

There is no world where the bottom image represents something more interesting than the top. Both companies are a match made in heaven cause both suck absolute ass at evolving their games.

Theres like enough things wrong with your post that you ought to have known at least one of the answers before you wasted a thread.

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Based retard
Top is a place you can see but not go
Bottom is a place you can see and go

Stop buying the games if you want change, as long as people keeping buying this copy/paste formula they will keep making it.

Landmarks are important.
Reasons to go somewhere are important.

Bottom lacks both.
You BotW fans are absolute troglodyte mongoloids. Never seen a bigger community of assholes with fucking shit taste and zero understanding of game design than BotW autisms.

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>Why hasn't Nintendo bought the Pokemon brand from gamefreak

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Top looks better because it doesn't have an ugly green filter.

i think top looks nicer

What's with this sudden autism demanding that Pokemon be BOTW?

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lmaoing at you snoyboi
I pity you people playing movies

BOTW though has some f'd up invisible walls at west gerudo highlands and south faron grasslands. At least pokemon has a fence.

Yea Forums actually doesn't play Pokemon. They've only played gen 1 and unironically think an "open world" Pokemon game would be good.

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Because the entire Pokemon franchise is worth more than Nintendo is worth.

there are autismos who seriously think botw is a perfect game, the greatest game ever, won't tolerate so much as a word of criticism about it and want every game to be just like it.
i'd rather have a yakuza/persona-scale pokemon game. i'll take a smaller region that's stacked with tons of side content to do and people to meet.

Because it will make money regardless.

This. Nintendo is genuinely outdated and it fucking pisses me off. Just have PS4 hardware with Nintendo quality gameplay and literally no other company would matter and I'd understand someone being a Nintendie. Otherwise, fuck OP.

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Top: Soulless
Bottom: Soulless

Pokemon is a stale franchise and needs to evolve

Simple as


People have been asking for big fancy mainline Pokemon game on consoles for ages, and now that it's finally happening they are disappointed that it's just like all the other games.
...Personally I'm not surprised, the mainline games are very formulaic, and Gamefreak isn't gonna switch that up. But I'd like to see them do something different with the series that took advantage of the stronger hardware. Maybe a new Pokemon Snap game, in which you have to actually walk around the open world, and take pictures of Pokemons in different times of the day? That'd be rad.

I don't have affiliation with anyone. Eat a dick.
Maybe if the switch wasn't garbage and could handle a GTA game, all you retards would realize where open world game design has been for the past 15 years.
You can buy a $300 laptop that runs GTA5, or a $300 current gen console. But you went for the $300 Nvidia Shield 0.5

Pokmon makes stupid amounts of money, so the don't figure they need to change anything since people will buy the shit anyway.

Depends on what you mean by open world. Crystal Clear tried this and it's fun as fuck.

See, what you're asking for is perfectly reasonable. There's no reason to expect the mainline series to change, it's an RPG. But what I don't understand is, why do people ignore Pokken, ignore Mystery Dungeon, ignore the other games that are released?

Nintendo can’t afford it or game freak just won’t sell. Pokemon is the most valuable franchise in the entire world.

That's literally the edge of the map.

>wanting to go to the places you see and not be bound to a linear hallway is autism
Gamefreak isn’t going to pay you no matter how much you shill for them user

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Because it's been the same thing for 23 years.

>gta 5 is a good open world game

Good thing, because the last mainline Pokemon game I played was XY and it was dog shit. So,
you wanna try not being a faggot this time?

Pokefuckers are autistic

Still, SM sucked with the large corridors and handholding, they don't want to make games with more complex routes which is why people is whinnying about it.


And it gets old after a while. Are you the guy who said that it'd be a disservice to kids to switch things up because they'd never play the old games because the graphics aren't stellar?

I thought Yea Forums hated open world games

Nigger, are you legitimately autistic? No.

So? Gerudo desert and the ocean are quite obvious edges, but when a clear mountain path just stops you in middle, it's quite an eyesore.

Dumb kizunaposter.

If only Nintendo felt the same about their own franchises. If anything they have more to learn from the pokemon company than the other way around.

Literally no one was asking for or expecting Zelda to arbitrarily change as much as it had for BotW. It may as well have been a completely different IP cause the similarities to Zelda games ends at the skin-deep character designs. Solely the presence of gorons and zora do not make a Zelda game.
If they gave Link black hair, changed his name, removed the 120 shrine classic outfits, the master sword and hylian shield, as well as changing Gorons and Zora into something else and changed a couple locale names - there would be zero intelligible connection between BotW and any game in The Legend of Zelda franchise. The gameplay is entirely different.

(You), I'm not going to entertain the complete nonsense you just wrote.

>Good thing, because the last mainline Pokemon game I played was XY and it was dog shit.
And yet you’re defending their awful design

>BotW is a good open world game

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XY was dog shit for reasons other than an RPG being an RPG you new shit. The monsters are boring, the story is not memorable, the world isn't very good.

Just wanted to make sure since you sounded pretty similar to him. Didn't want to waste my time with him again.

I didn't say anything about an open world design, but I wouldn't mind it in Pokemon, because I'm not a bandwaggon jumping kid who hates and loves what everyone else here does. I get annoyed with open world games because fucking everyone was trying to make them for games that didn't need them. Pokemon could be pretty good with an open world though.

XY had the best designs though

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I just say that the main series has no reason to change. If you want spin offs, nothing wrong about that. It's a classic RPG style game. Now the quality of the games is a whole other story, hence me not touching the series since XY. It is full fucking retard to expect such a radical shift in gameplay for a series, and the people who think BOTW is so removed from every other Zelda game are so full of shit it's literally leaking from their skulls.

>the world isn't very good.
You’re finally getting the thread user!

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They don't, you're being autistic and misunderstanding people looking to BOTW as an example of an old franchise re-inventing itself as them literally wanting a Pokemon-flavored BOTW.

They should make a Pokemon game that is a mix of Pokemon Snap and BotW.
Just like how in BotW you would see animals in the wild and take pictures of them to register in the Hyrule compendium. This game should give total freedom in an open world setting to take pictures of Pokemon in different environments in order to register them in the Pokedex, and then you could get near them and battle them in order to catch them. Gyms could be cleared in any order.

BOTW didn't re-invent anything newfag. Wind Waker was an open world game. OOT and MM had larger areas to explore as well.

the kalos dex was good, though. some of the megas were also good. for instance, mega gengar is an improvement on the original design and makes gengar finally look like it fits into the gastly-haunter line.
the problems with xy were kanto pandering, a boring region, terrible postgame, and it will never truly be finished since it never got a third version.

I agree that people who think BOTW is a bold new direction for Zelda are retarded, but it certainly felt nice after rehashing the ALTTP formula for decades. That said, I haven't played Pokemon since X either, but I don't know how people don't get tired of them. I thought I'd feel the same way about Dragon Quest, but no, I actually enjoy most of them. But Pokemon just feels like the same game with an increasing amount of cruft every single time.

>just have ps4 hardware
so movies can be run on it?

Cause you're as dumb as eiji aonuma and believe as long as you stick the master sword and hylian shield into any random fucking hunk of shit game, it suddenly becomes Zelda.

Fucking facetious retardation as fucking mental as trannies. "Oooh if I dress like a girl and cut my nuts off that makes me a giiiirl!"

Kys brainlet.

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go to random outdoor location to collect pokemon
go to next town of copy paste buildings
inside gym is a simple rock push puzzle, with a boss battle

each of these locations are in the shape of hallways

same shit as above, but not hallway design, and u can do them out of order

there is no reason for pokemon to be limited in hallway design, other than to make handheld systems handle it better, or shitty programming.
u can still funnel people in a direction, in case they are too stupid to know where to go next.

not that it matters, the game is very simplistic, and works best with open world design.
if you want the game to be non open world (which, i prefer non open world games) u need to actually make a game with actual content, not 99999 tutorials popping up every 5 steps, pretending to be "storyline" (which the games dont actually have, except B&W, which barely met that criteria.)

BotW is pretty much every pokemon game ever made already.
>ice, area, desert area, jungle area, forest area, plains area, mountain area, beach area, other areas of slight variance, such as rainy area, marshland area, ghost town area, lighting storm area, mountains with lava, etc.

replace the villages with 8 towns of copy paste buildings, but in flavored terrains. (like pokemon already does)

combine all shrines into 1 massive long cave filled with zubats every step.
have a stupid "Team X" base somewhere, that uses the same graphics as some bland building.

how is this some terrible game design? it isnt, you're just imaging things.
would we like there to be MORE to the game, than another copy past pokemon game?. sure, but we arent getting it, and nor is an open world version of pokemon anything different than what we already have, except making everything a hallway, and having constant tutorials remind us how pressing the A button works.

Oh fuck, I forgot about mega evolution. I absolutely hated that. Megas were 50/50 good bad. And of the good ones, I hated the fact that I could not have all the megas in my party, I could only choose one.
Based retard with no argument.

>doesn't even use the right designs from LA for the shield and octorok
why are people buying this again

After years and years and years of increasingly formulaic and hand-holdey games, BOTW was a pretty nice breath of fresh air.

Yeah fuck off. First off, it's not even about being open world, it's about all of the fundamental gameplay systems that have been around since OoT. All of the controls, movement, and combat were changed for BOTW. Then the entire game design broke from the formula that's been around since Zelda began because everything was made optional aside from beating the final boss. BOTW has a totally different foundational approach to items, puzzles, objectives, everything.

It's a clear break from WW which has all of OoT's foundation plus a pretentious open world with a rigidly locked down critical path. None of the systems are the same.

They want to replay a childhood game in better graphics (even if the artstyle is unfitting) and others are cashing in on the hype they've heard.

>All of the controls, movement, and combat were changed for BOTW

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Because Link's awakening hasn't been played by many people.

Every Zelda game has been alike besides Adventure of Link, which was alike the panasonic games.

The "OoT formula" and "ALttP formula" shit needs to stop. They were both like LoZ1. All the main favorable zelda games have been like LoZ1 in more capacity than not. It's simply the trait of a franchise. You expect familiarity with a franchise. You eon't see the next Call of Duty 5 becoming a kart racer. You wont even see a Mario Tennis game sudddenly have golf and soccer in it either. Nintendo is already aware of how to rebrand off-shoots with familiar characters so its mond boggling why they decided to not do this for BotW. They coud have easily just started and off-shoot franchise called "The Adventure of Link" along with the "Breath of the Wild" subtitle and it would have made more sense than what they tried to do.

botw runs at like 20ish fps

>why they decided to not do this for BotW
because BOTW is not an off shoot. It's Zelda without railroading. Don't be a retard.

Don't forget that the Mario Enemies are being sterilized to match their modern designs without an ounce of variance or originality, the fucking Goombas look like they came straight out of NSMBU.

>Thinking you need to go full out open world or "innovate" when the more crucial issues are singleplayer being too easy, performance issues with visuals, too many cutscenes, IVs being a fucking mess of a mechanic, not enough double battles, underused game mechanics that don't mean much like sky battles being rare as fuck, too much gen 1 pandering, gyms being too predictable with their monotypes and etc.

>The "OoT formula" and "ALttP formula" shit needs to stop.

It's true though. When people say that they're talking about shit like

>Do dungeons and collect items you need, usually to get the Master Sword
>Get the Master Sword
>Go through more dungeons to get the items you need to get into the final dungeon
>Beat Ganondorf

There were variations sure, but it got so ridiculous that you could tell that Nintendo was sticking to their design philosophy to an absolute fault. Some people can play an unchanging series until the end of time, but not everyone can. To make things worse, the games got more and more and more handholdey with each installment. Usually more linear as well.

BOTW finally broke that. That was all thrown into the trash and they focused on one of the best elements of the older games. Freedom and exploration, and they tried out new shit in general like the weapons durability system (which I'm not a huge fan of, but hey, they actually stepped outside their comfort zone to try something new). If you're the kind of person who'd happily play a stale series forever, fine, I get why you aren't impressed with BOTW. To people who were fans until the series became too stale to tolerate, it was fucking nice.

Die in a hole

There are virtually no similarities between BotW and any game in the LOZ franchise beyond a few select skin-deep designs. You would never know you were supposed to be playing as Link if the game didn't call him that cause he doesn't have a set green outfit design cause muh armor and muh costumes. If they removed the hylian shield and master sword, which are basically not even relevent to the plot anyway, then there goes that meme on-sight reference too. You take out Gorons and Zora, then what. You got falcos that are quintessentially nintendo character designs but not indicative of Zelda, and rename the Gerudo and you just got brown people. And no iteration of ganon actually resembles "ganon".
There are no hookshots, magical arrows, special boots, musical instruments, or even dungeons; and you have manual dedicated jump and climb buttons along with a handful of mystical gamepad physics abilities. Theres far more in common between fucking GMod and BotW than BotW and any Zelda.

>goombas look like Goombas

The fucking nerve of them. I say we boycott this new Zelda, and us, AS GAMERS should REALLY start rising the fuck up.

>Do dungeons and collect items you need, usually to get the Master Sword
>Get the Master Sword
>Go through more dungeons to get the items you need to get into the final dungeon
>Beat Ganon
Literally LoZ1. Go back to twitter then kill yourself for writing up your retarded reply before even reading more than two sentences of the post you were replying to.

dumb frogposter

The person who wrote this definitely has at least 100k karma on reddit and refers to his spouse as "wifey"

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>There are no hookshots, magical arrows, special boots, musical instruments, or even dungeons; and you have manual dedicated jump and climb buttons along with a handful of mystical gamepad physics abilities.

None of these alone constitute a Zelda game. There are Zelda games without hookshots, there are zelda games without boots, there are zelda games without instruments.

Its still Zelda. Just because it doesnt follow a particular formula doesnt not make it one.

What does he refer to his wife’s boyfriend as?

>ps4 games are better cuz i like how it feels to press the x button to win and make my women characters more strong and progressive

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Being a contrarian is not an argument.

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>characters look like characters
I've never seen anyone so fucking braindead as people that cry about Mario games looking like Mario games. Fucking baffling. Drink arsenic.

>Master Sword isn't even in the first time
>Not to mention that it's more exploration and combat focused

You fucked up, kiddo.

>B-B-But you still have to get stuff to get the strongest sword!

Yes, hearts. And they and it are completely optional.

>BOTW isnt a Zelda game because of my autsistc requirements needed to be fulfilled in order to constitute a a Zelda game.

As long as it has Zelda on the box, its a Zelda game.

virtual console exists and was a great way of getting people to play LADX on 3DS

Suck a dick, my man.

The White Sword is basically the master sword for all intents and purposes. It has a blue hilt just like the master sword. You can only get it after either beating a couple dungeons or getting some heart containers elsewhere, where the dungeon route is more canonical. It is also not a meme-sword, like the master sword in ALttp and OoT, and gets upgraded/surpassed like the Tempered Sword and Biggoron Sword respectively, ending with the Magical Sword.

ALttP and OoT were both like LoZ1. There are no specific "formulas" that apply directly to one or the other that somehow drastically differentiate them from the original LoZ.

It's already well known that BotW is a game made for non-Zelda fans so there's basically no point in pretending like you've played the other games in this franchise.

because people will buy it anyway. game freak has been lazy from the GBA era and onward, they know it doesnt matter

>"As long as it has Zelda on the box, its a Zelda game."
Literally what Eiji Aonuma believes and proves my point.
>the cover art says zelda so uhhhhhhh its zelda

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Yes, one person that stops buying will send a message as millions continue to buy.

he asked why and that's why. People keep buying the same copy/paste game so they will keep making it.

There have been a couple "formulas" used for Zelda
>LoZ, ALttP, LA, OoS, OoA, OoT, MM, WW
These games fall into a more classic and true interpretation of Zelda

Then you have nu-Zelda
>TP, SS, BotW, Four Swords, Tri-Force Heroes, ALBW
which strayed from comfortable, familiar, and proven successful design philosophy into various experimental ideas that are hugely hit or miss but mostly miss, as they attempt to strip familiar gameplay design elements while introducing weird shit and painting over it with the appearance of familiarity by artificially injecting/reusing OoT asset designs like "Epona", "Humanoid Zora", "Gorons", and "Hylian Shield", but also literally taking away the magic and soul by removing Magic meters or musical instruments or both.

Aka all the more recent Zelda games including BotW have already been on a path of getting away from what made the series unique from other franchises and interesting in the first place.

1080p 60 FPS on CEMU.

Less graphically intensive
Longer battery life as hand held
Sticking to art style

Instead of bitching about the graphics just bitch how they think they can package the same game twice with the smallest of changes and expect people to buy it twice.

I'm sinking this ship and there is nothing you can do about it. LOZ1 is a shitty and difficult old ass game so fuck this franchise and all the nerds who like it.

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Why should they change the gameplay? Their games still sell well. There is no need to fix something that isn't broken.

So why even remake it? Many other IPs no one played like Mother don't get remakes.

I don't think I was clear enough. I'm not complaining about the gameplay. Just he fact that there is even a Sword AND Shield. 99% same game, full retail price for both.


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Because Zelda is a much bigger franchise.

>there is no reason to go to the temple where you get the paraglider and probably your first bow + health/stamina upgrade
>there is no reason to go into the lower ruins to get better trousers
>there is no reason to go the the two mountains which is on the pathway of the main quest and has two actually good shrines and a shrine with climbing gear
You do you, Mr. Patrician.

Filthy gaijin don't deserve Ninten.

Ok, I say something like this for Sonicfags that defends the 3D games slapping 5 different game genres in one game and calls it good, but making Zelda more open is not a fucking change of genre you niglet retard. Zelda one has no major set order in which you have to beat the game, just unrecommended order if you don't get a "makes the journey easier for you" mcguffin, but it's 100% doable with skill. FFS there's a shield only run of the fucking game.

Every Zelda after Zelda 2 actively narrates your journey through the game. It actually became an JRPG without the typical RPG mechanics, and yet you're telling me Zelda was always like the first game. Fuck yourself underaged Zoomer. BOTW was the closest to Zelda 1 than every other Zelda game since Zelda 2. Pokemon doing something different would be the OoT/LttP of the series, but in reverse, as Pokemon started out like LttP, while Pokemon needs a Zelda 1/BotW retake because the old formula is just that, an old formula. Even 2D Mario isn't exactly the same shit, but even then it still falls behind compared to the growth it started out, and what NSMB started with, thanks to the fact they ended up running that into the ground as well.

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Fresh of the block autists in highschool who have not yet been exposed use their lackluster mental capacity to conclude that the pokemon franchise is going to die off... every single generation. This is like the fourth generation in a row I've seen this.
So to answer your question its because the Earth spins I guess. Pokemon always has people posting garbage akin to this.

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>manual jumping in AoL
>manual jumping in BotW
>RPG elements in AoL
>RPG elements in BotW
>no special items in AoL
>no special items in BotW
>pointless overworld in AoL
>pointless overworld in BotW
>too many pointless towns in AoL
>too many pointless towns in BotW
>underground temples in AoL
>underground temples in BotW
>shitty combat in AoL
>shitty combat in BotW

Oh fuck. . .

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Why shitpost about games you've never played?

Being a contrarian doesn't mean you're right or providing an argument. It just means you're a contrarian.

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If it wasn’t BotW, it was Skyrim or an MMO. It’s just another meme demand that’ll die as soon as the next fad comes and goes.

A bus (contracted from omnibus,[1] with variants multibus, motorbus, autobus, etc.) is a road vehicle designed to carry many passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers.[2] The most common type of bus is the single-deck rigid bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are used for longer-distance services. Many types of buses, such as city transit buses and inter-city coaches, charge a fare. Other types, such as elementary or secondary school buses or shuttle buses within a post-secondary education campus do not charge a fare. In many jurisdictions, bus drivers require a special licence above and beyond a regular driver's licence.

Buses may be used for scheduled bus transport, scheduled coach transport, school transport, private hire, or tourism; promotional buses may be used for political campaigns and others are privately operated for a wide range of purposes, including rock and pop band tour vehicles.

Horse-drawn buses were used from the 1820s, followed by steam buses in the 1830s, and electric trolleybuses in 1882. The first internal combustion engine buses, or motor buses, were used in 1895.[3] Recently, interest has been growing in hybrid electric buses, fuel cell buses, and electric buses, as well as ones powered by compressed natural gas or biodiesel. As of the 2010s, bus manufacturing is increasingly globalised, with the same designs appearing around the world.

>Nintendo said they were going back to their roots
>this is what they meant

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>no hookshots
Replaced with climbing and paragliding.
>magical arrows
Yes it does.
>special boots
Yes it does.
>musical instruments
Actually there's 5 of them.

They don't want ninten really.

Divine beasts are not dungeons and its a littlr facetious to even claim they're BotW's own version of dungeons. Even LoZ1 dungeons are larger. The beasts are like 4 interconnected shrines in 1 and the value of a boss fight at the end isn't meaningful when they're all just arbitrarily designed "forms" of ganon and not specifically any more or less retarded to fight than the other health-meter based hard enemies and "world bosses" around hyrule.

Thinking about how dumb and bad botw is seriously gives me a headache.

Why the fuck was AoL so much better then?

Cause it didn't have twink crossdressing, wildlife hunting, or deterioating swords and shields.

>Divine beasts are not dungeons
Yes, they are. They're big labyrinths with a series of interconnected puzzles with some enemies dotted around and a final boss. Sounds like a dungeon to me.
>LoZ1 dungeons are larger
They take 20 minutes at least to complete.
>complaining about bad and "arbitary design" while complaining about how they're not like the old 3D zelda bosses
>Thinking about how dumb and bad botw is seriously gives me a headache.
How hilarious that your brain is smooth that trying to think past surface-level nostalgia is giving you a headache.

labyrinth: a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.

Degrading equipment doesn't necessarily need to always be a shitty mechanic if its done right. I think it worked well for shields in SS cause
1. they lasted pretty long anyway
2. different shields had different purposes
3. Eventually progress-unlocked the sacred shield tree which auto repairs itself
4. Eventually can unlock a shield that never breaks so you can feel like you've advanced beyond worrying about trivial early-game issues
5. Intentionally designed techniques existed so your shield wouldn't get damaged

Almost none of this formula was adapted into BotW though, while also being applied to swords this time too. Your shit is just bound break from arbitrary use and fuck you ya can't do shit about it, and even the Master Sword has to "break" before regenerating.

Are you implying that Turd In The Toilet looks better?

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well yeah

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At least half of these are cherrypicked at sunrise/sunset.

It's because Pokemon is in the same situation Zelda was in before Breath of the Wild.
Its grown stale, and sure it's still selling, and sure it's still getting rave reviews everytime its released, just like Zelda pre-BotW, but people want to see a mix-up.

I don't think Pokemon has to, or even should go the way of Breath of the Wild and just become open-world, but I think it needs to change things up because its extremely stale ATM.

>decent fps only on a platform it wasn't designed for
>best game 10/10

Have you been to /vp/? Pokedrones will justify everything that kikefreak does

Pokemon has a lot of fans and will inevitably disappoint people with their extremely safe releases.

Some people want more from the series, and some take it to the logical extreme. People keep insisting the series will become more open. Now Nintendo is finally doing actual open world in Zelda and Xenoblade, they think it applies to Pokemon

However Game Freak has zero reason to change up their formula since they have literally the single most profitable IP of all time and it continues to be successful with this formula.

Pokemon has infinitely more potential with open world, the core ideas are practically built for it.

what about the other half? All look good

You're a bad person

The other half are just decent for the most part, not amazing or terrible, which is how the game generally looks.
Sword/Shield at least have a nice and consistent looking style.

>why don't they make an edgy and realistic Pokemon game????
No. Go away.

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Because people thought it was the hardware that was limiting Pokemon's potential instead of, you know, the devs in charge of making the games.

Good to see the series's arrival to the switch has helped people realize Gamefreak just doesn't have the ambition nor the experience to pull that off.

How about you people stop buying the games if you want them to innovate? Why wouldn't they put out minimum effort if it's going to sell 10 million copies no matter what because of retards?

>collage of cranked up contrast to 6000 200x123 turdshit thumbnails of the PC version nontheless to hide ist fuglyness

nice try Breath of The Fart. this is how your piss of shit game looks like in reality.

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A little list of what kikefreak does

>removes good features
>cuts content in order to sell you a second version of the game that still misses features from other titles
>copypastes mansion/frontier
>doesn't update games of the same gen, making them partially incompatible
>makes you pay to transfer pokemon from one gen to another
>the story of all their games couldn't be more recycled, it's always the evil team doing something with some legendary

>that gigantic spiky alien cock


Still don't understand the botw piss filter. Otherwise the game looks great. Is there a way for switch users to mod it out or change their tv settings enough to get rid of it?

>uk pokemanz game
How many acid base pokemon will there be?

Wow that's pretty scummy if they deceived everyone with such a big graphics downgrade like that. Can you show me the other trailers where they blatantly lied about the graphics?

>left: open green field surrounded by mountains
>right: on the fucking mountain next to the valley with elevations high enough to nothing grow on.
like seriously the valley on the left picture exists and is down the mountain on the right.
why did you need to find the most barren location to compare it to?


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>they put the cock giant in the game
Fucking based

(You)'re right, pokemon needs to be gritty and updated for the real more mature audience of us Nintendo fans. Pokemon need permadeath if defeated in battle, and for trainers to need to collect fruit and kill other wild pokemon to feed their own pokemon. That will make it a better game. Also needs hardcore romance options with all these 10 year old thots running around alone in miniskirts. Like COME ON Nintendo, I am 30 years old!!! I'm not a little kid anymore! I grew up and now its time for Pokemon to grow up too!

still had dungeons

Because in reality, England is grey, cloudy, and raining all the time and Gamefreak thought it better to have sunlight and bright colors instead.

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you're trying to hard
it's too obvious

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not him but besides the rape its pretty much BOTW's design philosophy. "More real = more fun!"

This is from a game that's coming out in 2019.

Attached: pokeswitch.png (445x307, 160K)

The easiest way to explain is with the anime. Real time battles would be a lot more fluid, the scale would be immense, there would be plenty of spots to put rare pokemon based on their difficulty to get to, fly wouldn't be teleport, and so many other things.
They would no longer be limited by archaic rpg mechanics/limitations.

>he believes the meme

You're describing a different genre.
It's like going "man I love Morrowind but I wish it was an rail shooter"

We are demanding that it fucking try, it doesn't need to be BotW. We just want some fucking effort put back into this franchise. BotW didn't need to be the way it was, Skyward Sword sold well for a late life Wii game and was critically lauded. Still the developers looked beyond the haphazard praise from critics and worked their asses off to try something different. Pokémon doesn't need to rock the boat nearly as much but it does need to start mixing it up a little.

You know what Pokemon needs to survive? Everyone's right! It should be the following:
An AAA game
Made by Sony
In Unreal Engine 4
Only the 150 real pokemon
All the Regions are available
Lose the Dark, Steel and Fairy types
Pokemon follow you
Real Time combat
Update all the Pokemon looks to look more realistic.

No shit, that's the point. The game is about exploring, collecting monsters, and battling them. Why should that be limited to an outdated genre when there's another way more compatible one?

>the owners of the Zelda franchise don't get to choose what a Zelda game is
lmao @(you) fucking tard

This shit looks like Toontown, a 16 year-old now defunct MMO.

Attached: Map_Of_Estate.png (1440x844, 802K)

Because the pokemon community is incredibly autistic

If gamefreak try to change anything at all they get a ton of backlash and sperge outs directed at them

They're stuck with the same formula forever now or you'll get sperges threatening to boycott it or review bomb it

espite this being a very pathetic attempt at shitting on the graphics, im very glad that they did not move forward with the lensflare and bloom on the left.

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not enough money

imagine portbegging so hard you're rooting for an entire company to go under as a hardware manufacturer.

I wouldn’t want Pokémon to look like bottom pics either, I’d want it to look like DQ XI.

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>implying Nintendo even knows what they're doing anymore

They're a mediocre dev relies on their laurels and autistic fanbases. If anything they should be pressuring GameFreak to change of the formula, but they don't.

>why isn't the highest grossing franchise of all time held up to higher standars

>why isn't Zelda, its own series, more like Skyri-

Cause Pokemon's mainline games have been HAND HELDS. You fucking moron.

It's not anymore though, GameFreak had plausible excuses for their laziness back when they were stuck making games on low-power handhelds.

Not anymore.

>most of them probably don't even have high-end pcs and want the switch to have base ps4 hardware instead of a 2080
If you're going to be a graphicswhore then at least do it right.


There's 0 reason to buy it twice now

You can just use the online trading or pokemon bank from a past gen to get any exclusive pokemon

>that image with the kanto starters in unreal engine
I too, can place static models that don't move in an environment that doesn't fit

They didn’t have excuses even back then. Shit budget games like Yokai Watch were putting waaaaaay more effort into their budget titles than Game Freak, owner of one of the biggest IPs in human history. They have extrmely close ties to Nintendo, they could do things to the game with Nintendo’s hardware that we can only dream about if they weren’t lazy and low effort.


And Nintendo takes most of their multi billion dollars.


It's because pokemon fags buy the game regardless of the quality. See LGPE.
From business perspective, why would you increase the budget of the development for a better quality, more ambitiou games when your fanbase will buy your minimal budget low effort product just the same?

>implying B looks better than A


LGPE was a fun change though and an enjoyable nostalgia trip whilst we wait for the next mainline game

Not to mention how easy it is to hack in pokemon you don't have, even event ones like Arceus.

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Makes low effort, low budget game that makes Nintendo millions in console sales. Why would they be upset with the current arrangement.

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>It's because pokemon fags buy the game regardless of the quality. See LGPE.

Did it sell well outside of US? Nips shat all over it, afaik, densetsu no kusoge and all that.


LGPE sold very well in Japan


Fan outrage unfortunately didn't transfer to low sales. As far as I know it sold very well everywhere.

>tops charts for three weeks

Holy fucking shit, people have low standards in Nippon. Nostalgia baiting works even for the master race.

Yes, and this is the reason there will never be a truly ambitious pokemon game like botw and the rest.
Because these crap are good enough for pokemon fags.

Ever since I as a kid played Pokemon Blue on my Gameboy Color I've dreamed about a full on console 3D adventure Pokemon game (which I at the time compared to Ocarina of Time) with a huge open world to explore and lots of Pokemon roaming around freely in the environments that you can actually see, and then catch. That's literally everything I've ever wanted from the franchise.

And now the first ever console mainline Pokemon game is revealed to be ANOTHER FUCKING REHASH that looks worse than even Sun/Moon and just as linear, I can't help but feel massively disappointed. The franchise has to much potential for greatness, but GameFreak is content with developing the same low effort game over and over while swimming in cash.

Nostalgia isn't inherently bad, I got enough enjoyment out of LGPE to be worth it for me and I'm sure lots of others did to

It's only a handful of puritan on the internet who went full boycott over it. Lots were excited to have a switch pokemon game and ride around on pokemon in the open world

>Everything MUST be open world
BOTW was boring, at least pokemon won't gave that issue.

I'm not asking for a masterpiece. My standard is HGSS or BW2 for a pokemon game. I'll just wait and see if SS is any good and then decide if I'm going to buy it.

Even then I think people buy pokemon games not for some top notch JRPG stuff, it's the simple concept that people like.

Pokemon has a much lower budget than Zelda. It’s a fundamentally different business model. Zoomers will never understand that you can’t just make every Nintendo game look like Zelda, that’s not how anything works. Comparing to AAA devs is bullshit because they don’t make anywhere near as many games as Nintendo for their staff size.

And that's the low standard I spoke of.

>durr ride a pokemon

It's beyond shallow. A remake of a small map, stripped of all features that series accumulated, no integration with other games, bullshit mechanics. Okay, buy it, play it, enjoy it, but you can't tell me with a straight face it's good. It's passable, and if you're a diehard pokemon fan. FRLG is a more enjoyable remake of gen1 without riding pokemon, for fucks sake.

I don't think anyone wants it to be BOTW specifically. Pokemon games are being criticised for rehashing the same formula they lay down in the 90s to this day, and refuse to take risks and elevate the game by embracing and incorporating new technology. People mention BOTW often, because that is the perfect example, the Zelda formula made working in modern environments. People want something like that to happen to Pokemon too.

Instead, they get the same Gameboy game with better graphics and more cutscenes.

Pisses me off that some people say the graphic looks stunning

>tfw derivative sequels are fine when Nintendo does it

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Zoomers who think BOTW is the greatest thing ever made. Pokemon needs reinvent itself but it doesn't need to be yet another fucking open world game.

Also anyone who thinks an all regions games is a fucking retard.

Not when it's a nintendo open world.

Man, you riled the genwunners up real good.

A lot of people have a switch now and we wanted a more open world Pokemon game because there just arnt many interesting games for the switch and the reveal was kind of a let down.


Don’t take the BoTW comparison literally. People have been fantasizing over a large scale console Pokemon game for more than a decade. If BoTW didn’t exist there would be comparisons to games like DQ XI instead.

But Yea Forums (yes fucking all of Yea Forums this is non-debatable) agrees that HGSS is best pokemon

I prefer BW2 but I respect your opinion because HGSS is #2

Dude a new assassins creed is shit out every year its 2019 you can make an open world game with pocket change these days.

I don't care if it's BOTW-like or not. I just want change. Pokemon is the series that's seen the least change out of every single fucking franchise at Nintendo. They could do so much with the idea but it's the same thing every time. It's like COD except more accepted for some reason because nostalgia

because it is Nintendo's and The Pokémon Company's fault for pressuring them to rush the games and release them at once because of console valuation and to continue profitting with the anime continuously

seriously they make a pokemon game every single year. do you think devs like that? most of the time its the publishers being jews and not the devs

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Exists in Ninokuni which does feel like a next gen Pokemon. The problem is Pokemon is designed first for like 6 year olds who would eat shot at any real time battle system. Pokemon is literally babbies first RPG

Attached: ni-no-kuni-battle.jpg (1280x720, 623K)

I'm pretty sure Ninokuni is easy enough for babbies though

This. Last thing I want is pokemen to be as boring as botw was.

>he thinks any Nintendo games have large budgets

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What a shit game that was, holy shit. And to think I was looking forward to it. Dodged a bullet there thanks to the demo.

Because everytime other company does a pokemon game, it don't sell as nearly as well and no one knows why this is the case.

Ni No Kuni’s combat is dog shit.

Based mother dies poster

People want a huge scale 3D Pokemon adventure and BotW is a good comparison point

Cringe scared of pngs poster

it’s flawed, yea, but compared to Pokémon, it’s like DMC.

i wish i could see the genwunners seething while reading this

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pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise
i guess they don't get there by putting more money into the games though

>good colors, pleasant to the eyes

>bad colors, unpleasant to the eyes

Zelda II was significantly more linear than ALttP.

BotW looks like complete garbage in stills, but it really looks beautiful in motion with all the wind and weather effects. Not detailed or anything, but it has a pleasant aesthetic to it.
I'd love a BotW style game made exclusively for PC though. The visual potential alone makes me hard.

Thank you user

The area on the left doesn't exist anywhere in the final game youtube.com/watch?v=Z--S2MI2784&t=43

>Can only walk a small linear road and look at a distance from safety fences

>Can go anywhere

Instead it has an ugly pink filter.

>Small world, full of stuff to di

>Can go anywhere, can't do anything

>"knows what they're doing"
>uses Breath of the Wild as an example

Attached: redwhip.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>It may as well have been a completely different IP cause the similarities to Zelda games ends at the skin-deep character designs
t. dumb nigger who never played the original

>Maybe a new Pokemon Snap game, in which you have to actually walk around the open world, and take pictures of Pokemons in different times of the day? That'd be rad.
I'd love that concept too, have dreams of a game where you run a Safari park and can customise the regions and pick the Pokemon in each, then wander around them and take pics of the 'Mons going about their lives.

Because the Pokemon franchise is worth more money than all of Nintendo put together.

Ni No Kuni is all flash and no substance. It literally banks on looking like a Ghibli movie. Take that away and you wouldn't have gotten a sequel.

>gee why don't they spend an extra 80 million for no reason
Reeeeeally makes you think

You're a cunt


is it wrong to want the games to evolve but bring back sprite work at the same time?

Sounds more like a comfy spin off

Dude, is THAT my boy PRISMO?

Attached: prismo.png (960x540, 36K)

desu I never played any of the other pokemon games because the concepts for some of the pokemon after gen1 seemed kinda half-baked. i don't really follow the series anymore but think an 'open world' pokemon game would break some core mechanics of the game. 3d, third person perspective is fine though.

I used to think pokemon games were good until I started playing other games in the genre. It really highlights how pokemon is stale, mediocre garbage propped up by nostalgia and a good initial pitch

Attached: 1521485361779.webm (872x490, 806K)

>That transition
What game?

>Why hasn’t Nintendo bought the Pokémon brand from gamefreak
They don't need to buy anything nigger Nintendo owns the IP alongside Creatures and Game Freak

Seconding this

Pic unrelated.

Tales of Graces. It's not a monster collecting game though so I'm not sure why they posted a webm from it.

This. I used to be absolutely obsessed with Pokemon, then 3DS era Pokemon happened, and the games kept getting worse and worse. I started playing other JRPGs in general and I've completely dropped Pokemon altogether now. It's the franchise with the most wasted potential that'll keep going down that route as long as people still gobble up the new games. It completely lacks any amount of originality, too, and people are content with the new games getting worse I guess considering how hard they defend them. S&S are somehow even less impressive than LGPE were, but Game Freak's a small indie company with a niche IP apparently, so they get excused.

Graces had god-like transition times, Pokémon would be 100% more tolerable if it was just as fast.

Same, X&Y were so disappointing

Because Nintendo has roughly 11B in liquid assets and that's not nearly enough to buy the 2/3rds of Pokemon they don't own.

TPC is owned by nintendo, so it only really needs 1/3. Gamefreak won't play ball though, they know they lucked out with the pokemon brand and can't do anything else

XY were disappointing, ORAS was god-fucking-awful, and SM was mediocre as hell dragged down by a bajillion cutscenes. I'm legitimately glad I won't be spending money on this shit series anymore.
>Switch era Pokemon games
>People that always buy each version
>That'll be $120 plus tip ;)

How about going somewhere because you think it looks cool you fucking asshole. And there are landmarks and rewards for exploring. Maybe not every single place you go to, maybe some are better than others, but you learn early on that you can find rewards in the environment, incentivizing you to check if the desire to explore isn't strong enough alone.

This. We are at a stage where Pokemon rom hacks are better and bring more innovation than mainline games.

the games are getting shittier and shittier

Poketards were going around ever since both the Switch came out and LGPE got announced that Gen 8 was going to be wildly different from everything prior and that it would be this massive game changer and how it'd have a living, breathing world like Breath of the Wild and take advantage of the hardware and all this other nonsense. Needless to say that Gen 8 is still the same old 3DS era garbage that Game Freak keeps cranking out, except now people are trying really fucking hard to damage control. Pokemon is the laughing stock of JRPGs.

No him, but Link controls different in BOTW. It have some bits from OTT, but is mostly all new gameplay.

>Then you have nu-Zelda
>TP, SS, BotW, Four Swords, Tri-Force Heroes, ALBW

BOTW beside combat have more in comon with original zelda than nu zelda. TP is straightlined as fuck.

the game freak enablers on /vp/ were touting this bullshit from resetera for weeks, trying to hype up gen 8 as a masterpiece.
now you can't criticize the actual game they unveiled without told to "go play botw if that's what you want" by the same enablers.

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It's interesting to think about what sort of shape the Zelda series would be in if the people in charge actually liked the first game.

Attached: dan noir.gif (720x720, 1.04M)

>every single picture featuring anything in the distance has that blurred and a subtle fog, both to hide the atrocious quality
>lightning in general is shit, anything not directly exposed to light is underexposed and turns into a black void with accents, yet other things are underexposed and just become white, in short contrast is way too high
>either camera conviniently aimed upwards, standing on an edge or in tall grass to hide jarring transitions from nice grass and textures to green-painted concrete
Just turn the contrast on your display to max and spit in your eyes and you get botw graphics in every game