Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who wouldn't
>first week
>January 29, 2019
>One of the most popular RE characters is chosen first.
Color me surprised.
why would you even write an article about that
fucking zoomer trash
No way fag
He's so handsome and manly. He'd fuck anyone's sister and get her pregnant instantly.
anyone who has ever played RE and knows that the girl routes are always easier.
people who knew the original cannon was claire A leon B
Can't fool me, Chris
Cant stop thinking of taking off claries boots and sniffing her feet
go to bed, Chris.
What made them canon
the later games
could there be a more meaningless statistic?
that's funny cause everyone knows claire's is the hardest
Leon is the face of Resident Evil. Leon is the Shawn Michaels of Resident Evil 2 pretty much so it's no surprise players wanted to play as him first then Claire. Unlike Resident Evil 1/Remake where Jill is the Michaels and Chris Redfield is the Jannetty. Chris is the Jannetty of Resident Evil
i did the gas station with both of them, and found that leon had more believable voice acting. Claire's actor was found at fucking walmart she sucks.
I chose Claire for my first run because Claire A/Leon B canon.
After playing Leon A, I don't regret playing Claire A at all. Leon's runs were shit.
Gaming has a cis white male problem, and this proves it.
With leon being pushed so hard its obvious they wanted leon A to be canon instead and since hes the first option its what everyone would pick
>b-but i want to look at a girls ass!
stop staring at video game asses and jerk off retard
Are they going to mention that Leons name is on top of Claires in the game selection list and most people are lazy and just take it from the top?
>majority male audience plays as the male hero
almond is rotating
>center of all the advertising
>most popular RE protag from on of the most iconic games of the series
>shows up first in the menu
Yeah no shit people are going to pick Leon first?
Sherry only gets infected in Claire A, and her being infected is mentioned in later games.
No wonder RE2 bombed, 0 females were interested in playing it.
Yeah this is what I did and what I'm sure most people did. Yea Forums took the bait
I chose him because he's Leon S Kennedy, he was in RE4 and he's a man
why would I pick the goblina over this?
But gaming journalists told me women make up more than 50% of all gamers. So when the majority of players are picking Leon or the dude in AssCreed Odyssey AND they’re majorly female, what does that say?
Well yeah, Leon A and Claire B is the canon path through the story.
>being this unironically retarded
Leon is popular, and got a lot of initial press.
dunno lol
>its obvious they wanted leon A to be canon instead
But almost everything points to Claire being further ahead of Leon in Remake2. The single discrepancy is the kennels.
>Make Leon the first choice on the menu screen
nani the fuck?
Whoever is first on the menu will get ~15-30% more players, before any other factor is tested.
I'm not saying they're right but
>girls pick the attractive male
Of course they did, Leon is the most popular RE protagonist by far. Also the tag line at the character selected almost tells the player she's the 2nd character. (A different nightmare awaits Claire Redfield...) This isn't like fem Shepard vs man sherpard in mass effect there pre existing character with personality.
Its because his name is selected already since its at the top.
Only a complete faggot would play as a girl instead of a sexy man like Leon.
these threads feel really weird when your name is chris
He's the first fuckinf highlighted option
Read the article retard. He literraly has no opinion on it hes just pointing out RE.NET has stats on player behaviour
He's the more popular character and more attractive than el goblina las redfildas
I always play the guy if I'm given the option.
Can you blame them? Fucking look at him. Guy is fucking BEAUTIFUL.
50%+ gamers are womyn tho!!!!
It's the first character on the select screen. It's why school trustees who are at the top of the ballot have an advantage
Also Leon B is the only one where Ada survives and helps Leon kill X
I think this is mostly due to the familiarity people have to Leon from RE4 rather than any widespread gender related thing. Also if i'm not mistaken Leon is defaulted to when you first choose a character so it could be that as well.
>79% of players chose the option that is highlighted by default
Is this for the ps1 version? Because sherry always gets infected and Ada also gives the rocket launcher to Leon on all versions
>Chose Claire first on a whim
>Feel an attraction to her within the first 30 seconds she shows up
>Feelings for her get more and more intense as I play through her campaign
>Completely in love by the time I'm finished
>Went from not having a waifu at all, to imagining being married to Claire and raising kids with her, all in less than 24 hours
I followed my heart. It told me Claire, Hardcore. Not sure it meant the difficulty.
>Went from not having a waifu at all, to imagining being married to Claire and raising kids with her, all in less than 24 hours
you wouldn't get to do that even if she existed, if anything you would become some B.O.W abomination and Claire would be forced to kill you.
I fucking hate gamers
Did you ever take psychology 101? When a viewer is presented with choice X first and Y last, then choice Y is actually more likely to be chosen - in this case Claire. Similiarily when you see 10 hot women in succession (and they all rate equally for you), then you are very likely to pick the last, since she would be more vividly in your memory than the rest. It's also why debates switch the order to make it fairer to the first speaker.
2/3 or players also picked chadios over kassandra in asscreed as well. Somehow this actually surprised the devs.
Didn't completing an A run on this one just unlock the corresponding B run for the same character though? I can't remember.
yeah but claire A leon B was the canon run
was at least, the way REmake 2 is strucuted it feels a whole lot like leon a claire b is canon now
What's the problem?
What would you do to one that was in front of you?
Leon has a far better loadout, and super tyrant is easier than G4 if you don't cheese it with grenades.
I went with Claire.
It was 80+ last I checked.
I really think Claire's weapon set is better. The shotgun sucks against anything that isn't a zombie while the flame rounds alone can fuck up basically every enemy in the game.
I didn't. The same way I didn't pick Leon back in 1998
Also Who the fuck cares?
First run with Leon
Second run with a nude-mod
He's literally the posterchild of RE at this point.
>The shotgun sucks against anything that isn't a zombie while the flame rounds alone can fuck up basically every enemy in the game.
But flame rounds are not as easily replaced as shotgun shells, so the average rooty tooty point'n'shooty gamer is more inclined to pick Leon.
>BBBBut, I was told that women played video games more than men! That must mean that we got some sexist women out there that we must force out of their jobs! REEEE-
If Clarie would be on the top of the choices it wouldve been her instead.
All versions have the same scenarios as far as I know. Claire A / Leon B are the only scenarios that are compatible with the rest of the franchise's story continuity. Claire only cures Sherry in her A scenario and Ada only survives to give Leon the rocket launcher in Leon B.
Kojimbles? What is this ruse?
Sherry gets infected with the virus and claire treats her.
It shows up a bit in re6
That's about it
Except it fucking isnt
This. The original Ps1 version did the same thing except it was a trick. Leon's disc is disc 1 and so people started with that. Which is kinda scummy because starting with that leads to the false ending with non-canon scenarios. You'd have to know to start as Claire to get the true ending.
Don't the Japanese often say a person's last name before their first name? That would explain why Kennedy Reon is always before Redufierdu Craire
Sexist men!
>Goblinized Claire
>Chad Leon
Wow this is hard.
What? Claires guns are ass. If your fighting lickers your doing it wrong. The shotgun is fantastic against G3 and the flamethrower is one of the best weapons in the game because of how much damage it deals to g3. Ivies can be stunned hard with a shotgun blast so they arent an issue.
Or maybe they intended people play all 4 scenarios and not sperg out about what's canon and not canon because it hardly matters and there probably was no "canon" end at the time anyway.
Sherry gets infected in both Claire runs of RE2make so it literally doesn't matter.
What does it mean if I chose claire first?
>The original Ps1 version did the same thing except it was a trick.
It wasn't a trick until Resident Evil 4, or 6. It was up in the air which combination of scenarios happened until the games started to reference one and only one path.
sure but that doesn't matter for the Remake, in the Remake any of the runs could be canon because Sherry gets infected in both Claire runs and Ada gives Leon the launcher in both of his runs
but why would i want to play easy mode
That's not surprising. He's above Claire in the menu, their descriptions make it sound like the story's supposed to start with him, and Capcom have always pushed him more than they've pushed Claire.
>People picked the option that was at that top of the list!? whatever will we do
Fuck right off
You rose above plebbitry and joined the Elite 20%
>making up a narrative that doesnt exist
The article literraly states what you just said as to why people chose claire over leon. Damn you people are obsessed
Acid rounds murder G2 and G3 and SMG is super OP. On top of all that you still get a semi-flamethrower and a magnum.
I never played the original and Leon seemed like the correct first choice because he's a police officer and it mostly takes place in a police station
Claire is canon
How did they get this statistic?
Are videogames spying on us?
Leon had the better visual design, was first on the list and in the most popular pre-release material.
People usually pick male. Maleshep was more popular. Malegreek from asscreed was more popular. Only Yea Forums are nancy boys who always play as girls.
achievements probably
*leon over claire
Yeah it kinda makes sense. I personally did Claire A Leon B my first run but for a lot of people it just makes sense to pick the first one if you have no preference or idea.
>People chose the guy who would later be the best Resident Evil game first
Wew, how shocking
>make claire an ugly retarded potato
>make leon a hot hunk
No shit considering claire's weapons were utter dogshit in the OG re2. I dreaded what that shitty crossbow would look like in re2remake
his name is at the top
RE.NET it collects data on what youve done. Its actually pretty neat. They even know how many people ran from marvin vs how many splattered him
You're free to join and then it sends certain statistics home, such as "You and X other players startled the roaches in the morgue!" or "30% of players ogled the dead body in Iron's taxidermy room".
And at the end Claire is actually more impressive than Leon in the campaign.
Just an example: the fight against G3. Leon got trapped in the room, forced to fight G, by Annette.
Claire decided to fight the monster, alone, in order to protect Sherry and even told Annette to shut up.
YASSS WOMAN SLAY, female power ^_^
Yes, but the question was why did you choose ClaireA/LeonB. The answer was: it was the most satisfying story scenario in the original game and we didn't know there was no real difference in Re2make.
He has menu priority
I'd still have sex with the potato if I was forced to choose between the too.
>Claire decided to fight the monster, alone, in order to protect Sherry and even told Annette to shut up.
Loved that.
boulder punching hands typed this post.
Women love him, men want to be him. Star of both of the best Resident Evil games. What's not to love?
>implying most women don't go for the cute twink.
Thanks for the reply I was planning on playing the ps1 version eventually but I want to get a hold of the disk
based and redpilled
nu-clare goblino apologists BTFO
>Leon ever fucking Claire
Laughing gay policeman.jpg.
No, it unlocks the B run for the other character.
So 79% players were men, 11% homo's and 10% women. Makes sense to me.
Fuck off dumb wojakposter
ivies can be stunned with a pistol, you're just wasting ammo if you use the shotgun on them
I am glad I picked Leon first because that meant I could play through Claire's in her classic outfit instead of her ugly default one, and as a result I thought she was way hotter than I would've
cute > thot
The under armor shirt brought the the design ogether, one of the times when censorship made an outfit better.
Claire is wonderful.
That's nostalgia talking.
Tank top >>>>>>> t-shirt
What were all the choices?
>Leon A Claire B Claire A Leon B
This is the only way to play. Anyone that says else is wrong. but this is a falseflag bait thread so why am i even typing this
Back to RetardEra with you.
No, you fucking dumb wojakposting newcunt
The A and B routes are barely worth playing through once with how similar they are, let alone going through them with each character.
The game was intentionally designed around players picking Leon first. He has the most balanced loadout for somebody running the game for the first time. Claire doesn't have access to the raw Zombie removal power that Leon has in the shotgun, and Leon's run purposely keeps you low on handgun ammo due to how shitty the matilda is.
Claire A >Leon A >>> Leon B > Claire B
The B runs weren't even worth playing desu.
What happens if they make a game with Leon AND Jill?
>biggest consumer of video games are male
>an inherent masculine hobby where you exercise your will to action
>majority are White Men and Japanese males
Gee whizz, faggots.
How do you push zombies away like that? I've played through at least 10 times and never did that once.
Is 20% bad? I mean less than half of people even finish the games themselves.
Did you play on hardcore?
But claire has the better weapons and better side character
That number would be lower if Leon weren't the first option on the character select.
She also has a little more humor to her. The only time Leon really steps out of the stick up his ass good guy persona is when he confronts Ada.
Well, Claire is mouth breathing ork now so it's not a surprise
Finally, anons I agree with
What are you doing here, you fake bitch?
What's troubling you buddy? You seem very upset about something unrelated to this topic. Does it have to do with the unrelated picture, maybe Trump winning it all in 2016? I know that was real hard on Neogaf that night.
Hear hear....the country will be fine. You will get another democratic win someday.
Claire is a cutie pie.
>Yea Forums talks about politics more than Tumblr does
it's related to adaptive difficulty. You can only do it on standard or assisted, and only when you are doing poorly on standard. I think you wiggle the movement stick while being grabbed from the side as you are running by
I don't give a fuck about politics you brainlet, I care about you shitters dragging it everywhere
That's Ada you are talking about.
>Know two girls who bought the game. Both played Leon before Claire because of how cute he was.
Wow its almost like that representation horseshit is all a bunch of nonsesne.
wish fulfillment
Well here comes the shit storm from journalists reminding us all that video games have a long ways to go.
Curse my gamer gater evil oppressive heart
Ada is attractive but I find Claire to have a much more alluring beauty to her.
Normies don't know that. All they know about is le epic RE4 memes.
That fucking Noir outfit tho. RE2R really nails noir designs and aesthetic
Pic lacks Mr X
Why not? Pre-cynicism Leon is adorable.
I want to dance with "Noir" Claire to a sensual jazzy song then invite her for one last drink in my apartment.
What would a Noir-themed HUNK look like?
Then why the fuck did you even click on this thread. You were asking to get in a poltiical discussion, retard.
There's nothing explicitly political in that image
>mfw I was a part of the first wave of phoneposters
>mfw I still exclusively phonepost
feels good
a fbi agent whose face is always covered by the hat's shadow, in a lovecraft raid.
>This is presented here like another SJW thing
>look at the article
>It's just them telling us stats with no political slant
Literally fake outrage. I'm not one to usually defend journalists but this threads was created to make people mad about fucking nothing
Well that was clearly a mistake because Claire's route is easier
>not playing for the secret character
what was the point of the B route?
seriously baffled
Nobody cares kid
Just to mix up the placements for a more exciting replay. It was like this in the original too except it had four scenarios that did this
Who here is hardcore and Leon on first try master race?
>Leon, the fully-trained, if inexperienced cop, has agency taken away from him so even if he planned on jumping down to fight like Claire did we'll never know
>Claire, a girl with presumably no real training of any kind, gets to be a big badass completely of her own violation
Aside from Claire being a Redfield, the only reason I can guess as to why this happened is because we need to be shown, yet again, that "women can be badass, too, guys!".
Seriously the only thing missing was Sherry being in danger and Claire telling William to "get away from her, you bitch!"
I’m so used to doing Claire A/Leon B in the original that I went with that in the remake my first time through.
If you don't know anything about the video game then don't post. There are actual gameplay differences depending on who you play first.
Also for the record, my gf played Leon because she thought he was hot, I wouldn't doubt that many of the other female players did the same thing.
She was trained by Chris and ran in a gang. Politics are infecting your brain idiot.
RE2make cant even follow it's own canon
roasties love leon retard
wait how is she more difficult? the fire grenades and submachine gun are very helpful imo
Would you let Leon cuck you?
Make it 80%, I did it too.
>Pick claire first because I wanted the canon story first and thought what scenario you picked mattered
>Play Leons B run
>Find out it doesn't
On the plus side I got to see him hold his gun sideways the whole time
I just found it weird they decided to do it like that, instead of making them both jump down or have them both be forced into it.
It's almost like people like playing characters of the same sex as them... And that it's a good idea to include female characters as an option for the 20% of people who want them...
Seemed like the logical choice although Clair's run seemed to be much easier.
Girls can't do shit other than suck dick
I'd totally let Leon have a threesome with us desu
It's a japanese game. Don't you are one who is forcing the politics on this.
Leon A Claire B
>hold his gun sideways
That's fuckin cringe
>79% of RE2make players chose to play as the character on the box art
>79% of RE2make players chose to play as the character who is the first option to pick on the campaign screen
>79% of RE2make players chose to play as the character who is more well known than the other and been in more games
Kassandra was the center of all advertisement for AC Odyssey and more people played as Alexios
it was still funny
>First one listed
>Main character in RE4, the highest rated entry in the entire series
>Also one of the main characters in RE6
Where as Claire is listed second and has been in a real game since Code Veronica X, Revelations 2 was such a tiny spin off I almost forgot to mention it.
And she's a girl.
So it's just a coincidence that the man was forced to do something, yet the women was able to choose?
>21% of men between the ages of 18-35 residing in the United States describe their sexual activities as belonging to an "alternative lifestyle"
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
Considering that RE2 and specifically Claire's and Sherry's story were always heavily influenced by Aliens, this is not a surprise.
t. zoomer who never played the original
I never played too many of Claire's games but she has had that brave personality since the original and then brought to an action movie extreme in CV
Kassandra is also ugly as sin while Alexios is a fucking super model, that probably contributed to why more people chose Alexios
It amazes me that these people never put the original RE2 on their list of games with strong female representation. It goes completely underlooked a majority of the time.
>3 out of the 4 playable characters in the main campaign are female
>All of them handle themselves on their own without having to have their hand held by a male character (Ada is an exception, but in context, she was BTFO by Birkin in a surprise attack).
>None of them are overly sexualized
>None of them are damsel in distresses
>Practically all the men but Leon fucking die.
Did these cunts never play the original RE2?
How does that make it ok?
>Seriously the only thing missing was Sherry being in danger and Claire telling William to "get away from her, you bitch!"
And why not? It was KINO in Aliens, and Claire is sympathetic in REmake2.
>influenced by Aliens
This was one of the reason I always felt like Mr.X pursuing Claire and Sherry was always more fitting than him going for Leon. Gives the vibe of being hunted by an Alien
are you retarded her weapons are ass on hardcore dipshit
SJWs don't actually play games user they just bitch about them
People ignoring old quality female characters shouldn't be anything new at this point to you
>Fapbait shit vs. Tacticoolness
True Classic is so much better.
Coincidence? Of course not, this was a plot written by someone. A man and a woman in a game having a slight difference in an action scene means that this game is trying to push a political agenda in a foreign country? Definitely reading way too much into it.
G works too, in a way, what with the chest-bursting parasites, which Claire specifically pointed out in the novelization as like something straight out of a sci-fi movie
Imagine thinking any of that is true
implying that fat goblina ever gets catcalled
he was on the left, so for someone reading from left to right it would be most obvious to pick left
but fapbait always > tacticoolness on cute girl bodies.
You know this to be true
user why try? You're talking to the type of person who looks for politics in anything. They're like SJWs who look for racism and sexism where there isn't except he's looking for SJW values where there aren't any.
Hardcore-nippled master race standing by
no way fag
Well they had her being taken advantage of with Iron's first appearance, I guess they had to balance it out by giving her some artificial agency later on
why is she so perfect?
Go watch your animes and leave nice looking video game outfits alone.
What does this have to do with Hitler?
Hitler is a manly man
My legs would be fucking let if I got any of that attention.
Because if you knew anything about the original you would know it’s just a reference to how Leon held his gun when wearing an alternate costume. But no, you just ignorantly write it off as LE CRINGE.
cringe then too
>Retarded person being commented on by another retard who think's Hitler is worth shit
top kek
Leon appeals to normal dudes and has the biggest fangirls of the series. It's not even a mystery why he's picked first but that doesn't fit the agenda so YIKES
I don't even watch anime
I'm just honry and ronery
to epically trigger the libtard
That one scene was the only part of the game that seemed off in that regard, the rest was fine
lets not pretend a chick who looks like that gets constantly harassed by men.
>girls don't realize the feeling of getting no attention or positive reinforcement from the opposite sex
>men don't realize what it's like to have to deal with the opposite sex constantly and how it's tiring
>Both will continue to do this long after I'm dead
The grass only looks greener on the other side. Both sides have downsides
>most people chose the first option on a list
wow I am shocked by this unheard of behavior
>game gives a choise
>people chose
>retards get mad at this
LeonA ClaireB is canon now just because the fence cutscene is better that way.
This thread should be great example of headline outrage
It'd be the most sold game in the franchise. I'd buy it to hopefully have a good re with jill again.
>Has more games
>Has better guns
>Is a very, very cute guy
I'm surprised it isn't 90%, really
I hope this teaches WOMEN and NIGGERS a lesson!
also Leon should be the one who sees Marvin. He's his boss. It's demeaning how in Leon B he has to put on new his uniform in some little storage room outside the RPD
Well at least he goes and gets a uniform in a place where a uniform is stored. In the A scenario he's nowhere near a locker room of any sort and materializes the uniform out of thin air.
There is a fade to black. It just doesn't show where he got it from. The main hall is a huge place
It would be spot on if not for "congeniality"
Everyone is pretty fucked up
Isn’t this the guy that has come to hate video games because they don’t do what he likes and are therefore not art?
His old comics also put Tim Buckle to shame with the amount of text walls. He apparently hates that comics are not books too.
>hey lets still be friends even though there's something wrong with you that makes you not-boyfriend material
This is true. Aside from similar handguns. Leon gets the Magnum and Shot-gun. Claire gets a cross-bow and the arcing grenade launcher.
> The shotgun is fantastic against G3 and the flamethrower is one of the best weapons in the game because of how much damage it deals to g3
use the magnum on bosses
> Ivies can be stunned hard with a shotgun blast so they arent an issue.
why are you using anything other than the flamethrower on ivies?
The beautiful thing about this comic is that you have genuinely 0 clue which side it’s supposed to be on. It’s a mastarcraft of the artist being unable to work outside of his own personal context.
Dumbass zoomers, everybody who played OG re2 knew Claire A LeonB is canon
It would draw millions of dimes. Leon established himself as a star with RE4. Jill did with RE3. Meanwhile Chris couldn't draw fans for shit and had to be carried by Big Dimes Wesker
Nigger what is the problem with that
Just chill
You've been making these threads for weeks.
He is first on the character select screen to be fair
Ada and sherry survive
My nigga.
I'm not gay or anything, but I'd fuck him.
>food analogy
People want a cute rookie cop with a nice ass and cute dick over some goblin
What a fucking shock
>being this clueless
I can’t believe this argument gained any traction. Nobody saying this could see the obvious implications of justifying hatred by association.
Based shitposter triggering resettrannies
>tfw used to be angry virgin but don't really care anymore
I think I have all of these saved from years ago
Being in a friendzone has to be the worst hell.
This is true. People just gravitate towards the more attractive character. This is why I went with the chick over the guy in Odyssey because the guy was ugly.
well most gamers are men and don't like playing as a girl
>That book
Denmark is fucked big time
I like Claire.
eat ten men
one was poisoned
>should have stopped at 9
I played Claire first because I played Leon in the demo and was curious how Claire was
Leon and Jill RE8 where they discover Wesker is alive, in the gameplay style of RE2, taking place in a huuuuge mansion where you fight zombies and get followed by Nemesis Reborn.
Would sell 20 million copies.
Most people know leon most likely from RE4, so of course it's their first choice
Better yet
>See 10 men
>1 has explosive anger issues, can't hold down a job
>"Mmmm, so hot"
It's one thing if you're into that shit, but don't cry when you need to deal with drawbacks.
I find crazy chicks hot
When I have to deal with bullshit, I don't cry about it, I deal with it.
>samefag ten times
>one was obvious
should have learned how to greentext
it's a goof trolling liberals
donald trump jr said this about refugees and got shit on
Trump jr adopted the argument from others. People actualy made this argument.
bitch just gratata
chris is more like the bret in the grand scheme of things desu
>Suck my cock!
i dont know who had better weapons i think its leon
Claire... It is so nice to see you. you fucking retard
As someone that picks girls in anime games, I picked Leon simply because the guy seemed relatable in the demo.
His little "You got this" in the main hall actually made me take a deep breathe to psyche myself up.
It's difficult to really get immersed, so if I'm not immersed I may as well be a cute girl, they're nicer to look at.
Do guys actually do this?
>Literally just saying the same shit on the bottom of that image
Easy. Just don't eat the brown ones.
But it's how I feel.
Nigga even if I have "Gender dysphoria" I'm never gonna chop my cock off. I just like cute things, it's not manly, I just like it.
Yes feminists as in earlier post.
>he let's a videogame decide his sexuality
lmao dude that's sad
That is some pseud psych student bullshit