Has any game besides Planescape and I guess Dark Souls ever utilized immortality as a game mechanic?

Has any game besides Planescape and I guess Dark Souls ever utilized immortality as a game mechanic?

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what's the game where you're a guy who can't die and you use your body parts to solve puzzles? also if you liked highlander, make sure you don't watch it in [current year] because it does not hold up well

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get a load of this zoomer rat

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Shadow of Mordor

>make sure you don't watch it in [current year] because it does not hold up well

Fuck you it still holds up.

>make sure you don't watch it in [current year] because it does not hold up well
I'm so fucking seething right now, listen here you little Zoomer faggot, I will have you know this movie holds up great and that the soundtrack is one of, if not the best in movie history
The subtle themes of these movies tend to go over plebs like yours heads, so its not surprising you say it couldn't hold up when you favourite movie is Hannah Montana or whatever little ingrateful cunts like you watch in the "[current year]"

the only thing that doesn't hold up are the sword fights and even then they make for good spectacle all the same especially Connery vs the Kurgan on the ruined castle

Drake of the 99 Dragons. It's really good.

Honestly, immortality is overrated. Who wants to live forever? Who dares to love forever?

I used to like Highlander until I watched it with my gf and she laughed at it through the entire thing and now I don't like it anymore

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And you didn't kick her ass to the curb because...?

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>letting your gf influence the way you view things

Dead cells

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>Let's a female decide his tastes

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Wario Land 2 & 3

Star Trek: Borg. There are some puzzles you can only solve after dying and getting resurrected.

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Dark Souls is the only case I know of where not being able to die is a core component of it's lore and mechanics.

being a highlander fan is suffering

Bioshock Infinite kind of


Well you literally can't die in Kirby's Epic Yarn but I guess that doesn't count.

Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver.
When you're body gets wrecked you get shunted to the astral realm, and have to eat enough souls to get another one.