Do girls play monster hunter world?

do girls play monster hunter world?

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No most of the female armor just shows the face and tries to be cute or sexy.
I want big buff metal slabs of armor, I want to be a clunky piece of fat shit while fighting monsters,

Girls don't play video games, you fucking nerd.

Cute cat reminds me of my fatty one when it yawns

Do girls want big throbbing monster dicks inside them?

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My sister and her friends do. Butt it's not like they spend all day, every day, playing mhw. I think they spend more time in ffxiv and stardew valley.

My gf duos with me

My nigger.

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My girlfriend did.

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You've utterly failed as a sibling and I can only imagine what a fuck up your sister is.

>I want to be like a man
>but I also want to be a woman
>am I a tranny?

Nah senpai, not that guy but it's more like 95% of the female armor in MHU is fucking atrocious in comparison to the male sets. Besides Baan and Lavasioth Beta, every other set just deletes so many elements of the outfit that it may as well be named something else.

Attached: Baan-β-Set-Female.jpg (1920x1080, 706K)

Yeah I know a few girls that play MH, they're pretty good. Extreme meta whores but good.

Dont know about filthy grills, but I sure do.

Of course they do.

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A few do? I legit had a gamestop cashier roastie give me her gamer tag when I picked up my copy in hopes that I would play with her. It was bizzare, like the depressed nerd version of getting a girls number.

name a better tag
protip: you can't

probably was just happy to meet someone else who actually played it

i know none of my friends are into MH

No I am a man, who wants to be a man in monster hunter because they have big clunky fat cool looking armor.
I don't want to be sexy in monster hunter I want to look cool, fuck off.

My gf doesn't play MHW
[Spoiler]She prefers to play MHGU instead[/spoiler]

You have a small brain if that's what you took from his post

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hola reddit!

She was pretty good too, actually used the weapons where they were best suited and didn't try to cut the tail with the hammer for example

you sure

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Yeah. I love playing a dude with big fucking armor and a hammer. It's good shit.

I want a cute girl to play games with

I know 3 grills who all played World, which is impressive since typically they're each into vastly different vidya genres.

At least in Japan, Monhun time attack competitions is incredibly varied with Mother Daughter teams, Mother son teams, etc, etc. Not sure how it is for Monhun World though. We'll see next week.

>different vidya genres
for those girls or girls in general?
I thought mh attracted plenty of girls, specially world