Wubstep metal

>wubstep metal
>press F for awesome
>killrooms you have to clear to keep moving
>basically every level is just corridors with some platforms here and there

Why is this game considered good again?

Attached: 220px-Doom_Cover.jpg (220x313, 36K)

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Because it's fun.

Because people like it

>huehue let's trigger some people at Yea Forums

nuDoom is shit

Because its hella fu*kin epic

Did you want it to be a mobile game with microtransactions or something OP?

Because zoomers don't know better.

Stop having fun, user. You're supposed to be immersed by the 2deep4u cutscenes and the spreading of the LGBTQ message.

>wubstep metal
Stopped reading there.
Music with distorted synths doesn't make it wubstep you pleb.

>Why is this game considered good again?
Because it was the consoli-zoomers' first Doom-wannabe game, and they're easily impressed by "features" like lack of reload button.
Also, Zenimax's literal shills aggressively marketed and C&D'd on 4chins back in the day, making it seem like people were hyped for this shit.

There isn't a game on earth that you can't reduce down like that to make it sound shit. Childish retard logic.

I think he'd prefer it to be a sidescrolling metroidvania platformer. 2D of course.

eh, I'm a doom guy, I liked it. After I beat it I just booted up doom and played it some more.

Looking forward to D44M2.

OP hasn't played it
>Hurr durr any game people like is paid shills

Butthurt zoomer detected

Attached: doom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

You actually think this game has dubstep? Are you deaf?

Doom is still unironically more enjoyable than nu Doom

because kids who never played doom want to feel like they've experienced doom and that what they experienced was good as not just modern tripe. that's the only reason apart from actual zenimax shills. the game is just bad with no redeeming traits.

you can tell the person playing this really wanted to pretend they were doing a quake speedrun but the game is still slow, boring trash with no need for twitch shooting. nu-doom is such irredeemable garbage.

Only with nostalgia goggles.

Being lower graphics means more mods, so I agree with that. But nu doom is still excellent. Whole thread is full of boomer zoomer shit and people that never played the game.

Attached: 1545431415755.jpg (640x485, 33K)

>the game is still slow, boring trash
Objectively false as the video evidence shows.


Attached: 1544684431216.png (1230x776, 43K)

>classic doom has twitch shooting

Attached: 1530542714299.jpg (551x363, 42K)

What wubstep are you retarded? It's industrial metal that borders on rhythmic noise at points. A real criticism is how fucking over produced and squeaky clean it sounds, lacking that raw sound that makes real industrial and noise stuff so harsh sounding. Glory kills are repetitive but there is nothing wrong with the other 2, if anything it's the halfassed exploration elements that are the problem. The game is clearly going for a fast paced arcadey feel, so it should commit to it instead of trying to pander to classic fans who are expecting a completely different style of game to begin with.

Literally nothing wrong with those things.
I'm sorry you expected to find some touching story about adventure and friendship in a doom game.

Fact: literally every retard who dislikes D44M was born way after the original games who came out.

Patrician boomers appreciate the game on its own terms and for what it is: a fun, fast-as-fuck shooter that somehow managed to capture some of the original's spirit.

I initially thought DOOM was rather boring

Than i tried it again and had a fuckin blast

People that complain about the chainsaw or glory kills just haven't played the game and are pretending to be better than their generation. the game is balanced around it, the game is hard and fun on ultraviolence, even on PC. Snapmap a shit and no mods sucks, but the shooting, sound, music, levels, enemies, and balance are all good. If you play it I'm sure you'd like it. Just pirate it ffs. Real criticism would be lower enemy count, arenas, shit mp and no mods. None of those make it a bad game, and most of those are being addressed in Doom Eternal.

the fuck do you ask here go to youtube to se reviews pussybitch

Stay mad retard, maze simulators are boring

The game being balanced around it is precisely the problem because it funnels you into a very specific repetitive and cheesy playstyle of iframe abuse especially on nightmare and arcade mode.

You have the spatial awareness of a woman if you think the original dooms levels are mazes

Q2 soundtrack can be called industrial metal or Doom 3 theme. nuDoom OST is wub wub dubstep metal.

It lacks the characteristic of wub though. Sounds more like breakcore. The sound track gave me some Igorrr vibes for sure.

reminder that rpgcodex and 8ch hate this game


what makes a game a true doom game then? i'm legitimately curious.

The video evidence shows that it is slow and boring and shitty.

I enjoyed more Doom 3 than 4, I hate the fact you have to be locked in room than have some corridor or nothing. I prefer a dynamic and less predictable game design.

Have you even heard industrial metal outside of the most mainstream stuff like NIN?
It has always incorporated elements of electronic music including what you call "wubs" which arent even close to being exclusive to dubstep and are common in all sorts of electronic music or stuff like digital hardcore. Why is Yea Forums so pleb?

same. doom 3 stands out as a weird attempt at horror but at least it's a decent game in its own way unlike nu-doom.

>any electronic sound is dubstep

doom 3 tries to be like system shock and almost succeeds except for the lazy jumpscares. I definitely enjoyed it but I would say d44m is the better game simply because the gameplay is better.

>killrooms you have to clear to keep moving
>why can't I just waltz through games like my Naughty Dog walking sims?!
Git gud you fucking pussy, how is this a bad thing at all?

because its fun

Its like back in the day where brainlets called every electronic genre "techno". Just dumb people

>Mid game vs Early game
Go play some inferno level zoomer

>djent you retard I don't even like the genre but I know what it is
>everything else is literally a 10iq way of describing every linear shooter ever.

i enjoyed the arena segments because i prefer fighting in a level BUILT to be fun to fight in instead of a level built for platforming. the areas outside of the arenas are for platforming and exploration, the arenas are for combat.

It's a boring generic game designed around the limitations of a console that can't be modded on PC

It's shit


if you enjoyed nudoom and demake 2 you have to go back.

>designed around the limitations of a console

is that why it looks gorgeous and is incredibly optimized?

Learn your music

I like the game. Only problems I think is the art design is too clean and cartoony and there isn't enough blood splatter when you kill enemies

crunchy AF gunplay

how much do you get paid to post here?

>t. Zoomer
the game’s fantastic, though. Easily on par with the originals.