This is your shadow for the evening.
Say something nice about it.
This is your shadow for the evening.
Say something nice about it.
Other urls found in this thread:
got I wanna fuck her
Where's the penis
I wanna put a kiss on his/her lips!
And if it's a guy, fuck it.
i hope she puts her penis in my ass
no homo
1. Vivian's gender has no critical bearing on the plot.
2. It's very inappropriate to pry into someone else's personal live
I'm going to tear off the dick of everyone who actually believes vivian is a boy
I want to tickle her tummy
Why are ghosts so thick?
Vivian is a guy though. They refer to Vivian as a he in both TTYD and especially when he's mentioned in Super Pap Mar.
because thick ghosts are fun and cute
still would
Me too. But still. Get the facts right people
>ywn suck vivian's dick
why even live ?
you get the facts right. the american and german versions of TTYD remove all references to vivian being male or using male pronouns and make the character completely female. you could argue one version is "more canonical" than another, but that's a dumb argument in the end when you consider whatever version your territory received is what's intended for you to know. keep in mind TTYD came out at the tail end of when games came in multiple versions of the same game tailored for the region they was being sold in which includes naming, sensibilities, cultural references, etc. I don't get why when it comes to a fictional charater's genitals there's always people popping out of the woodwork pointing out half truths and whatnot yet you don't see those same people or anybody pointing out notions like "BOWSER'S REAL NAME IS KOOPA BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT IS IN THE JAPANESE VERSION OF EVERY GAME".
The only canon version is the Original Japanese version. That's how it works.
[citation needed]
What the fuck are you talking about just search up any video about the subject on youtube you lazy cunt
American Viv is 100% biological female.
America 1: Japan 0
God bless America.
Sure buddy, whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to get you there
You faggots want to ruin everything by changing A FEMALE LOOKING CHARACTER to male
Things get bad when Japanese hacks try to pander to you fags
>mental gymnastics
She's fiction, and the version of the fiction we were handed was rewritten for the better
Vivian is a canon male crossdresser.
There's only one canon and the canon is that Vivian is male.
Keep going
He is a boy, there's no "believe". Canon is objective fact, and Vivian is objectively male.
According to who? Also
they're never going to make a sequel or even reference Vivian again, so there is no need for a "master canon."
>Canon is objective fact
>a video game about a grape ghost
According to literally every single director, writer, and character designer who worked on the game.
he's right, you don't get to just ignore facts because you don't like them and call people who know the facts stupid. that makes you stupid and delusional.
Do you think Vivian wants to grow big like her sister?
Why is this ghost so damn sexy?
vivian is a cute girl (male) with cute tits and a cute boyclitty!
Boys with long hair are sexy. Especially if it covers his eyes.
It must be because she has the boobs and vagina of a girl.
You might want to read the sign again, user
No, he's a boy with a flat chest and a dick. There's no such thing as female boys or boys with tits or clits, you disgusting tranny freak.
but those same people made Vivian female in the US/Germany so by your own logic she is female
he's a guy, not a girl.
A very cute shadow.
I can't hear you over these titties(female)
No, they didn't. Do you know what localization teams are? The people who made the game say that Vivian is male and designed and wrote him as a male. Then puritan American and German localizers decided they wanted to censor it for their audiences. That means they have no legitimate claim on the character or his canon.
>doesn't know the difference between a developer and a localization team
holy shit people who think vivian is female are actual, literal retards with no grip on reality.
i just glimpsed at it and I'm playing vidya right now
I don't really care tbhwy
She has a really cute gut!
Is this news to anyone? Vivian has always been male. You'd have to be a complete idiot to insist otherwise.
So what are the generics of the Shadow Sirens' species like? I imagine something like a purple version of a Boo Blah.
Said the guy kicking and screaming over other peoples' perception of a video game.
Then why did you post a flat girl?
It's not a matter of perception user. You're just willfully believing in something that is provably false. That's the definition of stupidity and ignorance.
Is she getting fatter? How does that even work?
Hey, whatever gender they are, they still have a cute design.
that's a twink user. girls don't look like that.
But... you can't prove it's false in overseas canon.
>whatever gender they are
It's not up for debate and it's not ambiguous user. He's male. That's a non-arguable fact.
only mentally ill cucks think vivian is a girl
There is no overseas canon. Any changed made by localization is just called censorship and isn't canon. You might as well be arguing that there's an overseas canon for the Pokemon cartoon and that they were actually eating jelly donuts. Or that they actually had walkie talkies in Yu-Gi-Oh. What you believe is wrong because it's based on a lie told to you by people who assumed you were too stupid to understand or accept the truth. Don't prove them right by desperately clinging to the lie they told your simple ass.
I hope you're not implying that stuff like this and Treehouse bullshit is canon:
You're right, it isn't ambiguous. Look at these tits. That's a girl alright.
>people this mad refusing to accept vivian is male because of their fragile masculinity
vivian has a dick and you want to fuck him, just deal with it
Mental illness is a boy putting on girls' clothing. Thankfully that gross shit isn't canon.
>posts precisely 1 minute apart
No, Vivian is a girl. The english versions are cannon and have always been cannon, this applies to all mario games, if they weren't we wouldn't even have bob ombs or shyguys.
Actually mental illness is believing so strongly in gender norms and social stereotypes that you think there's such thing as "girl only clothes". Only retards like you and trannies believe in that shit, which is why you're mentally ill. Luckily Vivian is a based male crossdresser who knows better than to listen to moronic trannies like you.
they have legitimate claim because they was hired to do exactly what they did, which, according to wikipedia,:
>The goal of localization is to create an enjoyable, non-confusing play experience for the end user by paying heed to their specific cultural context while being faithful to the source material. The suspension of disbelief is of utmost importance to the process; if a player feels as though the product was not meant for them, or if the localization creates confusion or difficulty in comprehension, this may break immersion and disrupt the player's ability to continue the game.
In other words Vivian was made female so American/German consumers could better identify with and/or accept Vivian by the developers when they gave the product over to a localization team. Even if they was strongarm into letting a localization team have at it by Nintendo or whatever the product still is what it is.
And it's still not canon.
Vivian is confirmed and canonically male. anons. It's time to stop clinging to your delusion and mental illness.
As long as she doesn't lose her vocal abilities.
Yeah! Who believes in... wait, we're calling into question all socially acceptable behavior now? And you're accusing others of being a tranny when you want to wear a dress?
How is wanting traps not delusional and caused by mental illnesses
But we call her Vivian rather than her Japanese name. We refer to the English dialogue that changes other aspects. We think of Marie from Splatoon as being sassy despite the English localization more or less inventing that.
I didn't say anything about what I prefer or support. But facts are facts. The canon is that he's a crossdressing dude. If you scream and cry and shove your head in the sand to try and deny the facts then you're mentally ill.
>her Japanese name
His name is Vivian in Japan, you uneducated fuck. Good job proving him right.
Only trannies conflate "traps" with "trans", dumb triptranny.
can both of you shut up
the canon is whatever gets my dick hard.
end of story.
Nice soft belly. Is there a dick just out of frame?
Less dumb talking, more hot art.
liking traps has nothing to do with delusion or mental illness. traps are boys who know they're boys. only trannies are mentally ill, and the people who want vivian to be a female are basically no different from trannies.
Traps are boys. Trannies are mentally ill shitheads with no grip on reality. I can see that you're a tranny.
Mental illness is getting this bent out of shape over what someone else chooses to believe about a work of fiction. When is Vivian ever going to affect any other part of Mario lore again? Let alone in a capacity that its genitalia will play an important role? There are no "facts" in fiction. I'm sorry. You've wasted your life.
Bibian. Also, even if you ignore that point, there’s more to what I said. Either way, I don’t care about this character in the slightest. He’s a feminine person. Goombella was infinitely cuter.
>you could argue one version is "more canonical" than another, but that's a dumb argument
No, it's not a dumb argument. The original writer of the story intended for Vivian to be male. It's only natural that the story as written by its author is canon while some localization team making changes without the author's permission is not.
>you don't see those same people or anybody pointing out notions like "BOWSER'S REAL NAME IS KOOPA BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT IS IN THE JAPANESE VERSION OF EVERY GAME"
Names are obviously in a different category than more major things like plot points. Changing "Koopa" to "Bowser" or "Nokonoko" to "Koopa Troopa" doesn't significantly change players' understanding of the work, it merely changes how they refer to a character.
Exactly, but according to the whackos Ash Ketchum's-- I mean Satoshi's name was censored in the US and is not canon either because there can only be one canon.
hey wait a minute doesn't the hag one call her a boy to demoralize her in the Japanese version and shes not actually a boy
based dickposter
the only person bent out of shape here is you, user. stop getting this mad over facts.
Np user
Nope, he's actually a boy. Every single bit of promotional material in Japan describes Vivian is a "boy who likes to crossdress". He's undeniably male,.
There is an additional description in the character menu that clarifies that Bibian is actually a boy in the Japanese game.
>he switched over to Bibian after being corrected
Now this is hot as fuck
i want to succ that asshole and licc those nuts
Mad? Nigga, I've spent this whole thread posting tits saying Vivian is a girl(female) and watching you screech about ONE TRUE IRREFUTABLE CANON and proclaiming anyone who argues with you has a "mental illness." You are much more deeply affected by this matter than I am.
Funny how you would bring up an anime that has had episodes outright REMOVED in translation:
Fuck off.
What about things like Animal Crossing dialogue being changed to be meaner and funnier in the GCN version or characterization in Splatoon being changed? Is Marie not actually sassy because in Japan both idols are bland as shit?
that was my only post in this thread. you seem to be the mad one, especially since you're admitting to samefagging and arguing throughout the whole thread.
But how?
But this is Mario we're talking about. Everything is episodic with virtually no acknowledgement of past games. Paper Mario is especially fucked in this regard, because partners will never matter again.
same. I jack it hard to both girl, male, and shemale vivian desu. vivian is just plain cute regardless of their genitalia.
Not by vore, you dummy, but a bountiful diet of the finest Zess T. dishes would be a good start to her growth
>the person who thinks vivian is female is just a single autistic shitposter who's been samefagging all thread long and trying to assert his delusional headcanon on people despite them knowing better
Ah, makes sense now.
last i checked the jp version intended it as a tongue-in-cheek insult and kept the matter vague intentionally (ie goombella referring to her as a male in tattle because she heard the insult), and it was dropped everywhere else; it's one of those "whichever makes your peepee hard" decisions since it could be interpreted as either
"Samefagging" means I'm pretending to be multiple people. I never once samefagged in this thread. You however, didn't post a unique IP with that last post. whoops!
that's wrong. official nintendo material all outright states that vivian is a boy in drag. it's not left up to interpenetration, they spell it right out for you.
>People still argue about the gender of a fucking 2D shadow
>mental gymnastics
>posts Poison
>who's a transsexual regardless of region, most recent jab at the issue being Street Fighter x Tekken making an offhand reference to it
You checked wrong, user. It's explicitly stated that Vivian is male in multiple Nintendo books and manuals. It can only be interpreted one way; Vivian is a guy.
>Not by vore, you dummy,
Why not? Being able to absorb people into her magical realm is already a pearfect setup.
>official nintendo material
How many of those are in English, the lingua franca?
I don't give a shit about his gender it only bugs me that the hair in front of her face wasn't a big nose
But it's so much faster
>have to learn to read another language or have it translated to receive this information because it was never intended for you
yeah nah vivian is a girl
They flip-flop between the issue as characters try to figure it out amongst themselves in JP, last I checked. I don't recall any direct confirmation on it that isn't from Beldam, who hates her
They never flip flop or leave it up to chance or doubt. They say outright that Vivian is a male who likes to wear girly clothes. It's not ambiguous at all.
>trusting cards that play fast and loose with other characters as it is
Everybody stop arguing she's a girl! I'm deeply affected by my internet trivia and JP-only lore!
Everyone here is arguing about Vivian's gender (Vivian's a boy, deal with it EOPs) but here I am bothered that Beldam is just forgiven at the end of the game and she just turns a new leaf like that.
Can we argue about how fat she is?
yeah the one complaint I have about TTYD's story is the ending which is a bit too saccharine in general, I can't believe they even bought back TEC
You're all wrong. Its just a fucking shadow. You can't even have sex with it.
damn nigga you dumb as hell
I say just a bit of chub.
Maybe you should check your sources, numnuts
vivian is a girl though
I think that's spazkid, but just about as bad.
best and hottest tranny in vidya also
I say fatter.
through dick many things are possible
it has a nice hat.
maybe YOU should. it was hosted on shadbase but it's not by shadman, it's by spazkid you stupid nigger.
Good things in moderation, fatty.
So is the official english version of the game just an invalid source?
Striped witch hat is pretty neat
Vivian has a big butt!
Vivian do not cry I love you as you are
according to people unable to admit the possibility of there being more than one canon like with other forms of media since the beginning of written language yes
Moderately obese, maybe. No reason to keep things small when mobility isn't an issue.
she(he) is crying because she(he) is unable to bear your children despite being repeatedly bred in the mating press position for you.
Vivan has a FAT DICK
It's simple. She's a girl in the English version, and a boy in the Japanese version. They are different stories and both are valid. This is one case where the localizers made the correct choice and improves the story.
Yes. That goes for any work of art in any medium that's been censored or altered upon localization.
That's wrong. There's only one valid story, and he's a male in it. Censorship isn't valid.
that's not correct user. vivian is a boy, full stop. the english version isn't equal or valid, and it has no bearing on the actual canon.
Why tho
it is though
user, you just don't get it! Fiction is REAL! There being only one canon validates my perception of a universe that does not exist!
i want to fuck her wtf
no! vivian has a cute, tiny feminine penis that barely flops around while you pound her big fat ass into submission.
Because the changes were made without the knowledge, permission or approval of the original creator. It was a change made not for artistic reasons, but for the sake of censorship. In what world is a change made for the sake of censorship allowed to be put on the same level as something with artistic integrity? Anyone arguing that Vivian is a female in any version is literally just lying to themselves and setting up a double standard as to what's acceptable because they can't admit Vivian is male.
Because it's an alteration of the creators work, by a second party, that deviates from their original intent.
I want to suck his penis so that she also feels good
>There's only one valid story,
No. A story always changes when translated into a different tongue, no matter how faithful you are. Reading the bible in ancient Hebrew for example will be different than Latin and English. Nobody but insane people argue that the original untranslated text is the only valid story.
there's a difference between natural differences that occur due to the differences in language and blatant changes that contradict the original. you're an idiot if you think a censored version is just as valid as the original product.
>Anyone arguing that Vivian is a female in any version
But she literally IS female in the English version. Whether or not you consider that version "canon" is irrelevant to to that particular version's canon.
drawing vivian with a pussy in lewds
drawing vivian with a dick in lewds
>drawing vivian with no visible genitalia in lewds
No script or plot is completely unchanged from external sources other than the writer. They are all collaborations by different people. The sooner you accept that there is no "pure" vision of anything, the happier you will be.
drawing Vivian with no visible genitalia and at Marilyn's weight
vivian without genitals and only the anus
by happier you mean more willfully ignorant and delusional.
See, you still cling to the idea that fiction has any validity as reality. That's just sad bro.
You're both wrong. Vivian is a futa.
no, i'm just aware of the fact that there's a difference between an original work and an altered, censored version. the fact that you aren't is sad and worrying.
>Because the changes were made without the knowledge, permission or approval of the original creator
[citation needed]
>It was a change made not for artistic reasons, but for the sake of censorship. In what world is a change made for the sake of censorship allowed to be put on the same level as something with artistic integrity?
and? "artistic integrity"? it's a product made for commercial use and marketed to customers. that isn't to say TTYD or video games can't or don't have artistic integrity, but get a hold of yourself. besides, there's nuance in everything, including how and why something is "censored". more importantly, because vivian is fictional character there is no reality being contradicted past what is established by the people in charge of her after they have been consumed by the customers.
>Anyone arguing that Vivian is a female in any version is literally just lying to themselves and setting up a double standard as to what's acceptable because they can't admit Vivian is male.
anyone arguing in absolutes and can't admit vivian is female in some territories and male in others is lying to themselves. see how how that is a non-argument? fyi no double standard is being set here.
so if I go to mcdonalds and order a bigmac with no pickles is that censorship? nuance in everything my man.
>these mental gymnastics
man people will lie to themselves in every way imaginable to avoid admitting they got a stiffy for a male character.
The only good instance of a localization change is if it fixes a flaw in the original like the localization removing a plot hole. Otherwise it's unnecessary like censorship.
The funny thing is they'd also be the first ones to scream bloody murder if a video game boob got censored. "no double standard" my ass.
fucking god tier
you seem to be under the impression i don't fingerbang my asshole to male vivian on a routine basis
>so if I go to mcdonalds and order a bigmac with no pickles is that censorship? nuance in everything my man.
It quite literally isn't, if you actually read a dictionary.
Oh if only the localization team knew the shitshow they accidentally wrought some 10 years later.
If I like a censored version more, who are you to tell me the end product we received isn't real? It's the experience I played, broseph. Nintendo itself made the changes, it wasn't a third party.
Tell you what: If Vivian ever comes back and her fat mancock is an important plot element, I'll concede to your canon.
nah, there are times where liberal localisations can improve characters
yes I know that wouldn't be censorship, it was rhetorical ya dumb yellow cat
That's literally what I meant by, "improvement". Making Vivian into a girl in the English versions was not an improvement and was just censorship.
has there been any official media referring to vivian since TTYD? smash bros, etc
Removing trannies is always an improvement.
>cropped the asshole
>but not the massive cock
>was not an improvement
I had a feeling we had one of those "ACKNOWLEDGE MY MENTAL ILLNESS, IT IS MY IDENTITY" types in here.
Will you should've went with "so if I go to mcdonalds and order a bigmac and remove the pickles, under the assumption (not knowledge)that the person I'm ordering it for doesn't like them, is that censorship?", because that's what """localization""" (re:censorship)is.
it's blurry enough probably
mcdonalds doesnt order the burger for you user and if japanese bigmacs had pickles and murrican ones didn't thats "censorship" not censorship
I wonder what purple ghost armpits smell like haha
he's a gay male crossdresser, not a tranny. guys like vivian hate trannies and would remove them from planet earth if possible.
>who are you to tell me the end product we received isn't real
A logical person with a strong grip on the facts. Your "feelings" and "preferences" aren't a valid argument. The product you received and experienced isn't canon. Those are the facts, deal with them how you will but don't pretend that your feefees make your argument valid because they objectively don't.
not as good as purple ghost underboob
>mcdonalds doesnt order the burger for you
You're right, I'm ordering it for somebody else and changing it in a way that, I believe, would be preferred by the would-be consumer.
How many times are you going to use this to describe fiction?
Fact: the game Americans and Germans received states vivian is female. This can and has been demonstrated to be true.
Opinion: "The product you received and experienced isn't canon." This argument relies on conjecture, some being claimed as facts, to hold water and assumes someone's experience and also assumes the intent of the developers, writers, etc, the motivations of the localization team and Nintendo.
even though she's a ghost I bet it gets really stinky and slippery haha