It's coming.
It's coming
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll trade it for bayonetta 2
Portbegging has reached mental retardation levels i see
I wish. I want everyone to experience my smelly sewer neet wife.
Crossover with Sly Cooper when?
Not before Sword & Shield are on PS4 though.
>port begging
Fake news. Meanwhile you're in a thread where tendies are actually begging for a superior PS4 game.
This isn't portbegging, it's an inevitability. Sony has abandoned the Japanese market and begun to sell all their anime styled IPs
wow this is just sad
If they're gonna set their Japanese games free, might as well do the same with their western but good IP's that ND and Sucker Punch hate now.
Portable GR2 sounds great but I'm 100% certain that the Switch wouldn't be able to run it properly.
Why not? It runs BotW great which has an even bigger world
I played and loved the fuck out of GR and GR2 on my PS4. With Sony going full on morality kill squad, I'd honestly rather another company have control of it. At least with Nintendo they might make a decent GR3 and not put Kat in a fucking burka.
>horizon zero white males
This feel lot more believable than Scalebound
>I love gravity rush! Dude
>both games digital
i don't see love
I didn't get a PS4 until fairly recently and couldn't find the original in a physical edition for a non-retarded price, and I got them both for a pretty good deal when they were on sale like a year ago. Do you want me to post my plats in both games, or can someone only care about a game if they bought the game full price physical on launch in your opinion?
Can't wait till the Demon's Souls remake is announced. Just imagine the influx of sad port niggers.
>gyro contols
Gravity Rush is like Dark Souls: a game not made by Nintendo but still has the soul of Nintendo imprinted on it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo isn't on talks with Sony to release the IP.
>he forgot that GR had gyro since 2012
your post really triggers me
fuck you
I played the first one on vita and it was fucking trash. Is the 2 better?
I had the idea of making a Gravity Rush thread that stated no switch portbegging
turned out the opposite happened
>runs great
nigga if you paraglide too fast the game has to stop you in midair just to load whats infront of you, on top of how long it took them to iron out most but certainly not all of the framerate drops
Switchbeggers are so pathetic
Japan Studio is the soul of PlayStation.
Tornatene su DioChan térun/polentone.
It's made by fucking Japan Studio. Just like how Bloodborne isn't coming to PC or XBone, Gravity Rush will not be released on other platforms.
You can't blame them. They have nothing to play.
Speak human spic.
Thats why I always get a little irked by talk like
>Sony has abandoned the Japanese market
Cause lord if there is one studio under their wing that shows nothing but unadulterated love for the Playstation brand, its Japan Studio
Wasn't that like the best selling VR game yet or something? it had some awards like that, good for them, the game deserves it.
I like how the robot reacts whenever you're in shot
>a physical manifestation of the exact same thing is love!
Ape Escape 4 when?
Too bad you can't play any of their games from the last 2 years without a $300 peripheral.
Digital = no love for the game
Honestly it would do way better with Nintendo since Sony's target audience are brain dead normies who just want Fifa and interactive movies
They scoff at anime/unrealistic aesthetics
The PS4 runs the game at 30FPS with drops, and while BotW's open world is big, GR2's is much larger and much more detailed. GR1 could be feasibly ported, since the GR1 world is much better with 4 separate areas that pop in as you go to them.
GR2 does the same thing, each city is 4 areas with big spaces between them masking load times
Except Sony is the anime platform with the biggest install base.
If Gravity Rush failed, it was due to being an uninteresting game series. it would do as bad on Nintendo platforms; hell, probably even worse given how it isn't a Nintendo first party.
Kat is for _____
Marrying and having passionate gravity sex with every night.
Nintendo Switch
Those areas have a lot more going on that BotW though. As I already said, the environments are much more detailed, in addition to more NPC activity and all movable items being affected by Gravity Shifting, and there's a lot more I probably don't remember because its been a year since I last played GR2
Also eating snacks and drinking wine in her stinky sewer house
>doing things the developers never intended and therefore never accounted for makes the game do weird things wowww!!!
buying her gaming and cherishing the fact we got her full story
Is it in Spanish only
I ain't even one of the dudes who abuses the physics, i was just using my glider at a higher altitude. and a lot of my framerate drops came from using the fucking tablet camera and other tablet shit
Sony already declined selling the IP to Nintendo. I doubt they’ll change their mind anytime soon.
Any source on this? It would mean that Snoy still cares about the GR IP.
>Sony already declined selling the IP to Nintendo
Is she aiming for permanent Jupiter Style.
are these games any good? 1 and 2 are kinda cheap on psn but i know nothing about these games really
Americans are really dumb
I love them, but they just went off sale. If you're a bit hesitant about what you see with the combat and gravity shifting, i would suggest waiting. I would certainly say that with how jank the camera can be, even when just walking around since you can see it rub against objects as to not clip into them, if you get motion sick easily, its not for you
I liked them. If I were to describe them in a sentence to someone who doesn’t know, I’d say GR is a platformer that controls similar to Mario Galaxy except you control gravity, has some open world and RPG elements in it and has 99% more weeb. If any of that sounds interesting then try out the first game. If it doesn’t then move on.
Fine, German, no need to be a stickler
They are ok, I prefer the first game since it was short and sweet, the sequel got to big for its own good and ended on a disappointing note.
It's a made up language similar to French you fucking tard
> Snoy continues making movie garbage & abandons all their worthwile franchises
> Nintendo eventually gets Gravity Rush, Legend of Dragoon, Ape Escape & Ratchet/Clank
> All of them become critically acclaimed franchises with an average of 90 on MetaCritic
> Their characters end up being added to Smash Bros
This is the best timeline
Take it, it was always shit.
You do realize Sony owns all those IPs, right?
It wouldn't be if Nintendo was developing it, everything Nintendo or Capcom touches immediately turns to gold. Unless it's unsalvagable like DMC
it's romanian, fucking double nigger
I can't tell if it's supposed to be ironic shitposting or not.
why not just port the first one, ya know the game that's actually good
>ended on a disappointing note
did you actually finish it?
Japan Studio is just the right amount of rated. Not too over, not too under. To say they don't have the capacity to churn out Nintendo magic is absurd. Unless Mark Cerny is involved.
Eto should have been playable
Nintendo can barely make interesting 2d platformers anymore without Retro Studios, what are you on about?
>1st party game
>coming to other platforms
good, it's a good game and i hope it gets revived
it didn't deserve the death it got
wish it didn't have stealth missions though, those are absolutely fucking horrible
>Unless it's unsalvageable like DMC
Are you the guy trying to start shit between the DMCfags and the Sekirofags?
Ah yes. Gravity Rush 2. That game created by SONY Japan Studio. I to also want the SONY Japan Studio/From Sofware Collaboration Bloodborne on PC. I don't give a shit if Sony makes "Movie" games. They made it, they own it. Stop asking.
And between the Kingdom Hearts fans and DMC fans.
It's a faggot doomer extremely butthurt at people being so excited over DMC5.
Well, if you want to be technical about it, it sounds like some offshoot of French with some minor dabblings of Spanish and lesser of Japanese thrown in there.
I'd buy Kat's game again desu
Is this some joke response to japs wanting Pokémon on the ps4 or Yea Forums got this retarded?
If Gravity Rush comes to the Switch ill eat a bag of crow dicks.
Screenshot this cuz it aint happening
As someone who tries to be in any Gravity Rush thread he sees, the switch port begging has been going on way longer than Sword and Shield's reveal
The image of posted is old and similar threads have been made before
look at any gravity rush thread you'll most likely see someone talking about gr on switch
most of these are probably taking the piss but it is still a recurring theme in GR threads
It's clearly Catalan, retard.
Ratchet and Clank under Nintendo could actually be amazing. Imagine the feed back rumble and gyro aim. Then imagine a crossover between Star Fox.
they don't
they're all dead
Christ you sonyfags are getting annoying.
Good. Get mad. GET MAD. Get so mad it drives you mad!
Not like Snoy gives a fuck about the series, they care more about realistic walking sims with boring stories
and ugly lesbians
>bringing up Star Fox in any capacity when trying to talk about Nintendo reviving dead franchises
user...the only worse things you could do were to bring up F-zero and Star Tropics
PS4 has gyro aiming but only 2 or 3 devs actually use for some reason
If Gravity Rush came to Nintendo the series would be alive and healthy and you all know it. Nintendo wouldn't have killed the servers a year after release and the series would actually have a foreseeable future. But now that Sony is focusing on "fewer, bigger exclusives" with a "cinematic focus" you can kiss Gravity Rush goodbye.
>Legend of Dragoon
There hasn't even been a Legend of Dragoon game since the first one, why does anyone think this IP is ever going to come back?
>If Gravity Rush came to Nintendo the series would be alive and healthy and you all know it. Nintendo wouldn't have killed the servers a year after release and the series would actually have a foreseeable future. But now that Sony is focusing on "fewer, bigger exclusives" with a "cinematic focus" you can kiss Gravity Rush goodbye.
You're funny user
I will give your kind one last (you)
>neverending shitposting about gravity rush being shit when the games were being released
>now they are the best thing ever
I find solitude with the fact that Nintendogs want this Sony IP so badly. Besides, the Switch can't even run this game.
How can people not hate Snoy after all they've done?
RIP every interesting playstation IP
No joke; was about to mention Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero, and Ratchet & Clank in the same light before rethinking the post. Thanks for reminding me.
>Nintendo wouldn't have killed the servers a year after release
How's that miiverse going... oh wait
>and the series would actually have a foreseeable future
just like f zero and starfox
He's not wrong though. Hell, Sony didn't even show GR2 in their upcoming releases bit during that year's E3.
god I wish that were me
>He's not wrong though.
I'd prefer them having the balls to end an IP instead of stringing fans along and delivering bullshit like Star Fox Zero
>Playstation has no games
the neverending cycle .
Sony does what Nintendon't!
what about:
>doing things the developers never intended and therefore never accounted for makes the game more fun
bunch of shitposter are baiting or just false flag. You cant have a GR thread without baiting or being a massive waifu fag.
Miiverse lasted like 5 years what
Gravity Rush 2 was already out by that point, and they didn't show any Horizon at that E3 either. The Frozen Wilds was announced at PGW. Gravity Rush was shown at E3 2016 and at TGS 2016 before its release.
>How's that miiverse going... oh wait
You know, that doesn't really work because it was around for five years.
Wow they really did not have to animate that very much.
I'd prefer them continuing at least some good series instead of everything being the same realistic movie-esque shit
>falling for false flagging.
Is nu-Yea Forums this gullible? Because I have a bridge I'm selling.
It's literally perfect for the switch
Poor Sony bros will never have their actual good franchises become popular and sell so they can justify a sequel
So basically don't do what makes botw fun
you know the 2 at the end of Gravity Rush 2 means it's a sequel, right
Neo-Yea Forums just hates Nintendo that much.
I would buy it and the first one.
>But now that Sony is focusing on "fewer, bigger exclusives" with a "cinematic focus" you can kiss Gravity Rush goodbye.
RIP Ape Escape 4 too. What the fuck happened to Sony?
MediEvil will never come to Switch.
It wasn't shown during their conference despite being a first party/exclusive IP. The comments in the video you posted even talk about it. Sony clearly had no intentions of properly marketing it in the West.
Hope you're excited for Gravity Rush 3, never ever
They completely fell apart. They're basically just going to curl up and die after PS5, if they even make it that far. It's over for Sony.
ok, REALITY CHECK boys - GR2 sucks
>THAT last boss
>THOSE shitty sidequests
>two shit, new gravity styles
>camera worse than ever
>still no voice acting
>bloated, too long
"Sony will die this year for sure!" says increasingly desperate nincel for the 20th year in a row
The final boss is great though... you did actually play the final chapter, right?
Now imagine if they actually made a new game for it or literally any other series that isn't movie trash
More webms of Kat breaking the laws of physics
Who cares about consoles.
What the fuck? Gravity Rush games have no voice acting? No wonder they flopped. Sony can't even be bothered to put the bare minimum of effort into these games.
Such a god damn good and well deserved slap. Fucking brat.
nintendo is for manchilden who let their childhood nostalgia dictate their life
That user is delusional but you can't look at Sony and say "Yep, they have my interests in mind"
Unless you're into movie tripe
>Dark Souls: a game not made by Nintendo but still has the soul of Nintendo imprinted on it.
The absolute fuck?????? There's nothing in the history of Nintendo exclusives that is remotely similar to Dark Souls thematically. Gravity Rush I can understand but Dark Souls? Are you on fucking crack?
>the only real games that Sony is capable of releasing are remakes of older games that focus on gameplay
this is so sad
I hope they wont fuck up the design for the glass demon they dogs are already changed. Or change the hall of heroes
>two shit, new gravity styles
wew lad
That's funny because I never experience nostalgia and I love the Switch. I also don't believe in mature gaming for mature gamers and I love the PS4. What's it like being a robot that is easily stereotyped?
So majestic
It literally takes it's core of combat, Z-targeting, from Zelda
>a hellspawn you can take cute pictures with
>everyone coming together to sing A Red Apple Fell from the Sky that persist when you pause the game
>sidequest where you get to help dogs, race birds, and figure out Whodunit
>not loving the absolutely fantastic moon jump
>complaining about voice acting
Are you baiting?
Gimme your honest thoughts on God of War and Horizon
But only if you played them
>Playstation is dead
>Playstation has no games
>please release playstation games on the nintendo/pc/xbox
More than 10 years of these bipolar arguments and it never ends.
I'm still fucking mad it didn't have a vita version
it was our game bros
Wow a generic demon, I haven't seen this in a million other video games.
It's ending soon since Sony is moving away from real games
As do TONS of others games that no one for a second would say are like nintendo games.
It's all so tiresome.
Such as?
Its more about the fact this is a series where you mostly fight black blobs that often look cute in their own way, and dudes with extremely oversized and cartoony "AK-47s" and then they throw demons and Tetsuo at you from left field
I don't see anyone asking for TLoU, GoW or Horizon
It's ending soon
>It literally takes it's core of combat, Z-targeting, from Zelda
shit loads of other games have used Z-targeting that have come out before Demon's Souls like Devil May Cry
lock on has become extremely ubiquitous by the time DeS came out
Fuck this boss.
in which mouthpussy?
But I don't mean literally just the mechanic of lock on, how many games have the whole shielding from enemies and rolling around them in combat before Demon's Souls and after OoT?
Sucks is way too harsh, but I'd still rather play 1 again. Its just the right length and Hecksville is so infinitely comfy
Almost like there are 90-100 million PS4s out there with each of those games selling extremely well that no one wants to put in the effort into portbegging shitposting because they're all top sellers that most who are aware and want the game already have.
First off, you don't roll around them in OoT and they all have some shield facsimile.
My only real complaint is that you have to grind to unlock all the powers. I guess the Raven DLC could also have been a lot better but it was free so eh.
>The final boss is great though...
Not him but when your game drops that many frames on a system like the ps4 on the finale and has a chance of crashing its not good.
worked fine for me
>how many games have the whole shielding from enemies and rolling around them in combat before Demon's Souls and after OoT?
yeah that's in DMC
the regular dodge roll is lock on + jump button + left stick to left or right
DMC has a lot of 3D Zelda influence
You know in OoT if you roll off of a cliff Link will do a long jump off the edge? In DMC if you do a Stinger type move off an edge it also turns into a similar long jump
lots of other games have rolling around in combat before DeS and after OoT: Ninja Gaiden, God of War, Monster Hunter...
>no one wants to put in the effort into portbegging shitposting because they're all top sellers that most who are aware and want the game already have
What kind of argument is this?
Bloodborne and Persona 5 are top sellers too, how come everyone who's aware of those two and want them don't already have them?
Why are they singled out for port begging?
Without physical distribution costs the digital version gives more profit to to the creators I don't see how that's not more love
Bloodborne for pc because muh 60fps
Persona 5 because it actually has a chance
None of the games you mentioned share the perspective and combat of Zelda and Souls
GoW and Horzion don't even reach 60 fps though
I see see some people wanting that robot VR game on other headsets on forums all time
I saw ALOT of people mad that Spiderman wasn't on Xbox/PC.
It will always happen forever.
They also ran much better than bloodborne, with their main development team never making a PC title unlike Fromsoft, which gives some shitposters a desire to shitpost bloodborne pc portbegging.
Am I good yet?
hey, thats my edit
>None of the games you mentioned share the perspective and combat of Zelda and Souls
what does the perspective and combat of Zelda and Souls mean?
Zelda and Souls have pretty dissimilar combat anyway. Zelda combat is pretty basic, and it's possible to get away with just mashing attack, but the stamina meter in Souls prevents that
Long cat is long.
I'm planning on getting the Kat figma soon
And I usually never feel motivated to buy toys of vidya
>pretty dissimilar combat
Literally the only difference is stamina and parrying, other than that they're identical
>begun to sell all their anime styled IPs
Source or get the fuck out
Also finally saw in game for myself after some user posted pictures that you can actually see kat's underwear underneath her school uniform's leggings. I wanna know what horndog at Japan Studio gave us that blessing
His stinky day ass
Not him but you are arbitrarily locking on to aspects in which you are the sole beholder of similarities of ONE nintendo game and saying souls is like a nintendo game. Think about how foolish this. Zelda is like many other nintendo games. So is Gravity rush. Is souls? Be real here.
The artbook is great. The background illustrations are gorgeous.
I'm not even the one that said it was "like a nintendo game", I'm just pointing out that Souls obviously took inspiration from Zelda for it's combat
>girl is named Kat
>cat is named Dusty
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
>what is emergent gameplay
More like smelly
>gives more profits to the publisher
the dev team gets a paycheck from sony because they are a sony internal studio, more sales money doesn't do anything for them personally, gravity rush 3 will never happen
Kat and Raven are named for their animals, while they are the ones that named their animals
This game sucked on ps4 I wouldn't buy it again on switch.
I wouldn't buy it on PS4 but I would buy it on Switch. Games are always better on Switch.
So not only do sonyfags defend bad elements they'll defend games they haven't played.
Maybe I'm misremembering but I don't remember much in the way of frame drops on the final boss on a PS4 from 2015. Can't exactly test that accurately now that I have a PS4pro
But no one disagrees with that. We were saying it's not like a nintendo game. Tons of games took inspiration from OoT in the combat. We all know that. We were addressing the kid who said it's like a nintendo game.
It's been a while since I've played it but, even though I don't have a PS4 Pro, I don't remember the final boss having any framerate issues.
She's in.
>gravity rush 3 will never happen
It will if we all just BELIEVE
Who the hell cares? Stan loona
nintendosoy here. I own a PS4 and GR2 is unironically one of the best games I've ever played
>just some shitposting jap chumps on twitter
yeah okay user you sure showed him.
You gotta do what?
>Gameplay-focused instead of cinematic-focused
>No agenda pushing
>Full to the brim with secrets
>It has soul.
It's the kind of game you would expect from Ninty.
maybe for the competitionist type but a lot of their games are braindead easy to beat, especially on launch.
Do you know who else is coming?
Sure it is. Right along with Bloodborne and TLoU.
I would take that with my bare hands.
Both the IP and the developer are first party.
Also Sony doesn't want autistic DeviantArt using Nintendo retards representing them, money be damned.
Cuphead is on Switch though.
>Still did better than the Wii Useless
Guys guys guys..
We all know that they are in production for GR 3 on the vita.
Honestly it was one of the best games on the vita!
Lammy's return when?
Post 'em, пaцaнчики.
>Also Sony doesn't want autistic DeviantArt using Nintendo retards representing them
Way too late for that.
What's the thing with the Russian flag on 2 say?
>Russian Subtitles
"Russian subtitles"
That's it? What's the point of advertising that on the box? Do Russian games usually come without them or what?
Anybody's got that comic pic/reaction image where Kat becomes homeless and says she's hit a new low/rock bottom?
"Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series."
It wasn't good on PS4 so why would it suddenly be good on switch, a less powerful hardware.
Thanks user
Sometimes yeah, games come out w/o localization. For instance: Yakuzeis Kiwami and 0 are ingles interface and jap dub, but covers are translated. Seems like a big deal.
That's odd. Then again you seem to be able to speak English just fine so maybe it's not that odd.
Sony don't sell their IPs, only the publishing rights of games they don't think'll be worthwhile in certain markets. Don't think they even do the latter anymore after DeS becoming a hit blew up in their face and they basically lost what would become DaS as a Sony exclusive franchise.
Big difference between fags and Nintenfags.
The switch should have has this game already
>Pegi 12 only because of Sexual Content
What sexual content?
>physical copy of the Gravity Daze artbook
I secretly hope they localize it
Because then you can't physically aporeciate the game itself.
Imagine buying a digital scan of a painting for the same price as a real painting.
Kat butt
Yeah, I was waiting around for Udon or Dark Horse to pick it up for a Western release, but it didn't show any signs of happening so I just caved and got the gf to get it for me for Christmas that year. That being said, it's published by Kadokawa, and their artbooks usually tend to go out of print in about 18 months, so if you're considering getting it, I'd do it sooner rather than later. I'm still kicking myself for not getting their Tokyo Mirage Sessions one before it went OoP, and now that goes for a much more significant price on eBay.
It's not very text-intensive (you're only missing out on the comics in the back and a foreword by Toyama), so it's import-friendly.
what sites are good to import books from?
CDJapan (which I tend to use the most)
HLJ (never used it myself but I see people here say they do)
Japanese sellers on eBay, just make sure to check their feedback to make sure they're legitimate
Japanese Amazon (only accessible in some countries)
Oh also, just for reference.
Happy to help!
>I will never have the white kat outfit
>Current gen
>Still buying physical
Ok man
This is sad.
Meglio che non esci di casa domani.
>Current gen
>renting games
look closer at the OP pic
Non parlare mai più con me o con mio figlio.
>Wow, look at all this food back here. Such waste
Gravity Rush is an awful game.
You know how you will get a chance to have that outfit?
When it gets a Switch port.
You’re an awful game
I was somewhat surprised when she said shill
Dì cazzo, piccola stronza? Ti farò sapere che sono stato coinvolto in numerosi raid segreti e ho oltre 300 uccisioni confermate.
I can't understand your gravity speak
I love everything about Gravity Rush aside from the combat. Always feels like such a chore.
What the fuck? I just found out this game doesn't even have online servers anymore. Why the fuck would they shut down the online for a game that isn't even two years old? For that matter, why the fuck are they shut down on an individual basis, especially for a first party game. Online games should last until the console's entire online service is shut down.
Sony also shut down the servers for The Tomorrow Children and Drawn to Death. I think its purely based on how well they do, and since Gravity Rush is a single player first experience, they probably just said to drop the axe early
It's your fault for not buying Kat's game.
Seems pretty stupid to do for a game where there's content you can only earn by playing online. This is exactly why people hack their consoles, because once the online is gone that's the only way of getting that stuff.
>moving the goalpost
im not him btw
>morality kill squad
what? Is this about Sony censoring games before they're made or something?
Tomorrow Children and Drawn to Death were both terrible, to be fair. One good thing about the former failing is that it basically sealed the deal for Sony to stop bothering with their own F2P games.
there's some techniques you can learn to make combat more fun and interesting
I'm not saying it wasn't a stupid, terrible decision that wouldn't hurt late buyers from experiencing the full vision of the game, especially since the online features were legit fun, its mostly that theres other cases like this. That even David Jaffe's game got the axe
I know Drawn to Death was bad. Part of why I never tried it. But the Tomorrow Children at least had enough of a cult following to put together a goodbye celebration
Actually, speaking of Sony's failed F2P experiments this gen, anyone else remember this piece of shit?
I was really disappointed by Tomorrow Children because I loved the aesthetic.
E allora? Io ho servito per ben 3 giorni nelle super mega forze ultra speciali Medusa, ho spento un incendio lungo millemila metri facendo da scorta volante e mi hanno anche dato un'uniforme! Inoltre ho anche sprecato fin troppo tempo facendo un sacco di corsi accelerati per diventare poliziotta e mi sono scoppiate almeno 20 bombe in faccia. Posso benissimo spaccarti quella cosina insignificante che tu chiami spina dorsale in così poco tempo che non riuscirai nemmeno a dire "ahio!". Se solo avessi saputo a cosa andavi incontro ci avresti pensato un pochino prima di stare sui nervi alla Regina della Gravità, e ora ne pagherai tutte le conseguenze. Portami subito un gelato o sei fritto, ragazzino!
yes, right after mario and zelda on ps4.
This. It bugged the hell out of me that more devs neglected it. Would've been great for Uncharted, COD, Battlefied, Killzone, and other shooters with the gyro aiming. Would've worked good with the remasters of RE4, 5, and 6, and also would've worked with RE7 and both Revelations games.
What did the rating mean by sex?
Also can I have some ryona?
>Gravity Rush gets put on the Switch
>Nintendo actually keeps the game alive
>guaranteed to sell well
>Kat in Smash
Too bad we live in the shitty timeline where Sony kills the game 1 year after release and throws the franchise in the dumpster because it's not cinematic enough.
if nintendo is so good why didn't they come up with it first
Sony abandoned their IP or they paid it again this year
Do people forget that Nintendo also abandons their own IPs as well?
Remember F-Zero, Advance Wars, and Mother?
but user, there is gyro aiming in RE7!
in vr
cute nips
GR threads are comfy but my god you see the most retarded shit like this post here
Am I the only one that finds Kat really hot.
certainly doesn't help soul posting is the big new thing, but its like people don't recognize how great Japan Studio has been and then wonder why their games don't sell as much as Sony's westside studios
And I'm going as far back as Crash & Ape Escape for that one
can't a person hack in the white outfit?
I think we all do. Even Scruffy Turtles can't ignore lewding Kat for the right price
Love this game due to nipples.
Why is Raven b cup?
Yes. Literally no one else likes this smelly hobo.
Nobody even made videos dedicated about Japan Studio like a top 10 list.
>kat is portayed as a hero
>when she lobs dozens of innocent civilians into the endless abyss every time she shifts
Why can't people just buy it if they already want it?
I don't get the apple.
That's not very attractive.
I think a lot of people would find it difficult considering how much of their output consists of collaborations with other studios.
In the end he's right because you can emulate Vita on PC now so what the fuck is the point of buying a Vita?
The series has a theme around apples due to an apple falling from a tree is how Newton discovered gravity. The first game opens with an apple and kat herself falling from the sky into heckville. Those apples specifically are chest that you could find treasures in and then send a photo of the chest out into the wild. and someone could use that photo if they got it to find that chest. I say could because while you can still stumble across the chest, I don't think you can open them anymore, and you can't send pictures online either
playing them on the go like god intended
WHy is the boxart in italian but the bottom part is in french?
If Nintendo magically lost they’re 10% ownership of Pokémon you’d bet your ass it be on everything under the sun and still run like trash
I doubt they care much about Soulsbourne games. Those are niche games that sell a couple million and compared to other 1st party IPs are not even worth holding on to. Only 1 out of 45 PS4 owners purchased Bloodborne, despite it being the best game on the PS4 by far.
>Only 1 out of 45 PS4 owners purchased Bloodborne, despite it being the only game on the PS4 so far.
No joke, Gravity Rush 1/2 are better than the vast majority of Nintendo games in the last few years. It felt like an honorary Nintendo game.
Pretty much. For people with gaming PCs the PS4 is a Bloodbourne machine.
Well Bloodborne was specifically commissioned to get Soulsfags to buy a PS4 (as well as an olive branch of sorts to From) and Shu Yoshida has openly said that mishandling DeS the way he did was one of the biggest mistakes of his career, so it is something they think about.
Why F Zero knockoff?
Seething PCnegros
I hated Sony since the day I brought HZD then a week later they 1/2 price slash
I ended up paying 60$ for a piece of garbage
That’s sega’s line you piece of shit
Sony is the one publisher that gets the least complaints/hate about killing their IP's because most people decided that they were never good, even if they're Sony fanboys who praise TLOU.
Boy, I love the hypocrisy of Nintendo friends
>WiiU era
>"Multiplats aren't real games, they don't exist, they don't count. Therefore the Playstation 4 and PC have no games"
>Switch era
>Nintendo fans proudly show their charts of games available on the Nintendo Switch, the majority being multiplats
Uma esmolinha pelo amor de d'us...
Dá um joguinho pro meu shitch por caridade.....
>being so desperate for exclusives that you include dancing and golf games
Everybody's Golf '17 is very good, actually. Don't tell me you're one of those Pangya faggots.
Port begging or not, I just fucking want this series to live again. Sony clearly don’t want anime game without having them go pass their iron fisted regulations so why not just let the said series be free under different ownership? Plus they don’t give a damn about Gravity Rush anyways so why hold it hostage?
>not knowing how fallacies work
I cant move the goal post because the goal post was whether or not sark souls was like a nintendo game.
Because Wipeout is a lot of fun, enough for a lot of spiritual successors to specifically state Wipeout and not F-Zero as their inspiration. The bounciness especially makes it feel closer to how I imagine a hover racer of this speed would feel. That and the weapons actually bring it closer to mario kart. Thats one of the inspirations specifically stated by devs from Studio Liverpool
Rhythm games are pure skill-based gameplay. What now that you can't complain about "muh moviegames"?
Isn't this a first party sony game though?
Wiiu version is pretty well perfectly emulatable now. You are gonna have to buy a switch if you wanna play 3 though.
What is the scaly woman at the very bottom from
People legit love Everybody's Golf. Its not like its from some no name studio either, its by Japan Studio as well
>begun to sell all their anime styled IPs
[Citation needed]
She's from WiLD, that game Michel Ancel was going under Sony. It's basically vaporware due to the studio having big problems with their own internally-developed engine though Ancel heavily implied on Instagram last year that development has restarted and its using the Decima Engine now, so expect it to be a Last Guardian scenario for the PS5.
See nothing i wanna play except that snake lady thing at the bottom but once i beat my meat it will be gone
You can get hundreds of hours out of Bloodbourne, more than every good Sony exclusive combined. Plus a lot of PC gamers played Dark Souls 3 on the PS4 because the community is more active. Most of Sony's exclusives are Red Box rentals. 90% of my time on the PS4 was Bloodbourne and Dark Souls 3.
Lol so the guy who made that image included games that don't even exist? Holy shit hahaha
Everything except advance wars ended on a high note
it ain't technically an anime game, but I really wonder if posters like you have looked at Soul Cal 6 recently
Moshi Moshi
Happiness desu
SC6 is multiplat so that's an example of a series that is free of Sony's iron grip.
Gravitu rush is a mediocre playstation series
Ive been playinh ps since ps1 so fuck off with all this praise. It flopped because its boring as fuck with no depth to combat.
>It flopped because its boring as fuck with no depth to combat
so why did TLoU and Horizon sell 10 million?
>with no depth to combat
Doesn't really mean much when you've got Nights of Azure, Mosous and Onechanbara in there, Rugg.
>he says as he posts a pile of games containing Tales kusoge
It wont come to Switch obviously, but it ran so fucking garbage on PS4 I dont think it should even if it was possible
>Nights of Azure
>Tales of Berseria
>Tales of Zestiria
>Titanfall 2
>Wolfenstein The New Order
>Wolfenstein The Old Blood
>One PIece Pirate Warriors 3
>The Divisiion
>Tomb Raider
>Fallout 4
>The Evil Within
>Shovel Knight
>Sonic Forces
>Yakuza Zero
>Resident Evil 4
>Diablo 3
>Mighty No 9
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
>Duke Nukem
>Resident Evil Revelations 2
All on PC. Why would you waste so much money on buying PS4 versions of these games?
>nu Tomb Raider
>Sonic Forces
>Mighty No 9
>One Piece
>Diablo 3
>Fallout 4
>The Division
Stop giving unironic replies to Ruggarell, newfag.
I'm talking about censorship. DoAX3's f2p release is getting some censors compared to the switch release, you're still getting plenty of tits and ass in both the DoAX3 rerelease and Soulcal6. Something like Gravity Rush still fits in with some barely noticeable in-normal-play nipple poking and upskirts
>People acting like Sony killed Gravity Rush
SIE games are expected to sell like garbage; Toyama just doesnt have anything else he wants to do with the franchise. What's so bad about letting a series go after 2 games?
>so why did TLoU and Horizon sell 10 million?
Pretty graphics.
Is that your entire library? That's like 4 games a year. I purchase like 25-30 games a year on Steam.
>one piece
>ff7 poster
>sonic forces
Haven’t played gravity rush but I already hate you
Anyone knows what happened with the guy who commisioned a whole GR doujin? any news about that?
i want to know this too fuck
i thought the artist was daga
has anyone talked to daga?
Gravity Rush isn't even a good game. You can keep it on the PS4.
There are two kinds of Playstation players.
People that likes movies
People that likes games
The people that likes movies buy shit like TLOU or HZD. The people that likes games buy the rest.
Gravity Rush was so mediocre that failed to attract both groups.
>pretending Kat has any semblance of a booty
My willing suspension of disbelief can only go so far.
>14 hours movie plus over 100 hours of gameplay
Please don't lump HZD in with TLOU. Your incel is showing. HZD has like a grand total of 4 cutscenes the entire game.
HZD is literally a Zelda knockoff, is this guy high?
I dont play pc :)
>he bought RE4 twice
WHOA nelly, yikes mate.
Does MMO lite jrpg gameplay that often isn't even preferred to the Wii original actually excite you, to beckon you to play it?
Still better than gravity rush
Spikat being canon when?
What's that big bulge under the sheet you're grabbing? Is that your dick?
What is this retarded pairing and when will you niggers fuck off and die?
i've said this numerous times in GR threads. GR 1 and 2 were wasted potential
>great designs
>great world
>good controls
>really nice -- and different -- mechanics
but there is nothing to fucking do except play through the story and just fly around. the only thing that can truly save it are mods -- because it's going to be the same thing on switch if it does port over you on the right, reader!
Laughable that Sonyboys are trashing Pokemon's graphics when PS4 games look like this. Lol.
It's sad that the second game would never run on the trash tablet.
speaking of wasted potential, how was the last guardian? another wasted potential? because literally no one talks about it and ICO and SotC were talked about for years; ICO after it was released and turned into a cult classic
Gravity Rush 2 looks infinitely better than Pokemon, what the fuck are you talking about? It also at least has a consistent style, instead of a misshapen anime/ps2 texture meld.
It was a fun experience, but its something you have to enjoy on your own. Nothing to talk about, its a puzzle game with unique aspects and a heartwarming story.
but pokemon looks like utter fucking trash -- and it has been trash since the start of gen vi
He says as he keeps posting GR2 webms that look like a PS2 game.
You realize the reason people complain is that pokemon is one of the most profitable franchises in the entire WORLD, yet they can't even be bothered to change the animations since X and Y? While certainly not super impressive looking Gravity Rush 2 makes a noticeable jump in quality over GR1. Certainly a big enough jump to where people aren't going to say GR2 "looks like a Vita game"
you're doing it wrong, dude. nintendo fans and shills never pick at graphics. where are you really from? redner group?
Get your eyes checked kid. This even looks better than Xenoblade 2. I know you are a Switch fanboy and probably defend it on a daily basis, but at least pretend to know something about graphical fidelity and aspects of WHY something may look current gen over the garbage pokemon look or Mario Odyssey.
I honestly love The Last Guardian, especially since I think I had a much better time training Trico than most others, and was able to bond with him. It is like an Ico 2, but the relationship is much more balanced in "Trico can do things you can't, you can do things Trico can't."
Kat is NOT a neet!
Animations, textures, game design, lack of variety, the dead world, fixed camera. There's a lot of issues in the new Pokemon from every standpoint. If something like Ni Nu Kuni can exist last gen, there is no reason for a Pokemon game to look the way it does and offer absolutely nothing.
Nintendo in general hasn't produced a single good looking game this gen with their new platform.
>redner group
>look it up
>"your goals become ours"
>los angeles based
Are they really the evil that plagues Yea Forums with shilling?
you guys misunderstand. pokemon is shit now because masuda doesn't care because it will sell anyway. remember when he said to not to expect too much because they can't compete with mobile in an interview?
Wrong, all of their games from the SNES & NES era were hard as fuck
He literally said they outright stopped trying and to expect less. The franchise at this point is a low tier RPG that only has brand.
*third party games
>fixed camera
The trailer literally showed the camera spinning around the character you fucking dumbass shill.
And now they make games like Yoshi, Star Allies, and SMO, while putting the hardest part of Splatoon, and the hard mode for BOTW (which still doesn't exactly fix that game's balance issues) behind a paywall.
You seem to be using words you dont understand. Yeah, its a fixed perspective that pans. I'm sure you enjoyed the lifeless, dead towns too.
>but there is nothing to fucking do except play through the story and just fly around
This was really disappointing to me too. They made the world so big, but it's lifeless. There's nothing to do in it, no reason to explore aside from flying around being really fucking fun. If there's ever a GR3 I hope they add more things to do in the world itself other than sidequests and pointless gem collecting. Maybe have NPCs you can actually talk to instead of just flinging to their deaths or hidden events you can trigger by going out of your way to fly to weird places.
>muh towns!!!
How to detect a shill.
helldivers made it to PC and it;s much better than GR. people play it regularly. play that, Yea Forums.
Imagine defending a Pokemon game as a fucking adult. Jesus, someone needs to break your nose.
Is this the only way to make a gravity rush thread now?
>thinks breaking people's nose is the height of maturity
Lol Sonyshills.
They at least got started on something akin to a hidden event with the photo collectibles. Although they would certainly be better with more than a trophy at the end of the road, instead of a costume or furniture piece. However I do think they planned on people spending a lot of their open world roaming using the online feature, since you had treasures to find, and times to beat. We know how that turned out however
>Jesus, someone needs to break your nose
Trying to act like a tough macho guy on the internet at someone you'll never meet in real life makes you look like a tryhard bitch
>Oh yeah, i'd totes make you catch these hands if we werent in different time zones
Even if you start a Gravity rush thread innocently enough, the port beggars, ironic or not, will always arrive
>Pokemon: Let's Go, To The Fucking Hospital
You gotta fix the broken somehow.
Hey, I'm just being realistic here. I never said I would bother doing it. And yeah, I probably would do it given the chance. Pokemon fans are fucking losers.
i'm sorry, but these replies to said posts are just as cringey now. it makes you look like a weakling trying not to be a weakling. it wirks both ways
>Is this the only way to make a gravity rush thread now?
Its Gravityfags fault for making fucking months and months of SAVE KATS GAME threads with nothing new to talk about. Nobody gets excited at a GR thread anymore
>this much damage control after being thoroughly embarrassed by his superiors
>POkemon fans
>Superior to anyone
HAHAHAHAH good one champ.
>it wirks both ways
No it doesnt you retard. I'm calling him a bitch on the internet; which is a conclusion I can come to based on his posts. He's acting like he's flexing on him in real life
>Switch gets all the ports
>except for the WiiU games
The fact that you come to the rescue of a Pokemon fan, or are just pretending to be another person, is pathetic in itself. Maybe you need a good nose break too :>
I can't be helped i guess
>tfw i didn't had money to buy 2 at that time
>gets so mad he can't type straight
>Gets do defensive he samefags his own posts to defend himself
I stated in this thread earlier that i wanted to make a comfy thread for Gravity Rush today, hopefully away from the port begging
that never happened
>"e-everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!!"
Bro, you posted literally off the post timer on your first shitty defense. The IP counter didn't even go up.
Please stop trying to be "cool" and just accept your broken nose like the loser that you are.
You're scared to quote both posts because you know the screencap would BTFO you. That says it all.
Does the creator of this game have no idea how nipples work?
How do nipples work?
>but there is nothing to fucking do except play through the story and just fly around
you have story missions, side missions, various challenges, photo collection, and Delvool mines
when the online was available you had treasure hunts, photo sharing, can can do challenges against other people
what kinds of things do you want to do in the game because it's not that dissimilar from other open world games? do you want some kind of RPG?
Kat has a really bice booty, not a nigger/grotesque booty
i dunno what to post now, so heres a cute kat
Not that user but what I want is They give us this big world to play around in but there's not much of a reason to actually go explore it all aside from the photo scavenger hunts.
Why does she have nipples?
Reminder that the Tomb Raider reboot assailants on what makes Lara Croft great.
Not a good ass.
Hoseki game when?
The old Tomb Raider games control like garbage, the new ones do not.
because she is a girl that must be able to raise and nurture her royal offspring
>Why does she have nipples?
I believe they're for when the baby wants mommy's milk.
ty for the wallpaper user
now that the servers are down, can you not get any of the dusty costumes?
Is it me or should Raven tit size should be a c?
I don't get it.
>They give us this big world to play around in but there's not much of a reason to actually go explore it all aside from the photo scavenger hunts.
>Maybe have NPCs you can actually talk to instead of just flinging to their deaths or hidden events you can trigger by going out of your way to fly to weird places.
What would be an example of an open world game that has lots of stuff to constantly do? Because most of the genre is just main missions, side quest, and collectibles. I honestly can't think of one that meets these needs of having endless exploration and content.
GR2 already has a few NPCs that give a little flavor dialogue about the world. I guess you could give them branching dialogue trees like some Bioware game but eventually you will exhaust all the dialogue options and you get nothing new from them.
>Why does she have nipples?
She is a girl and she dont use a bra. You never had a girlfriend? cold or even clothes can make a nipple go hard without a bra.
>Not a good ass.
complaning about ass and nipples? what a fag.
Why get one if you can harass one?
Alua thread almost reaching bump limit
Why is her tits nasty?
I didn't say it needed endless exploration or content. It just needs something to spice up the world. Again, like hidden quests or events to speak generally.
>most of the genre is just main missions, side quest, and collectibles
You can boil it down to that simply but as it stands other games often give you some sort of reason to explore on your own terms. In GR, you can go to an arbitrary location to do some sort of time trial or speak to an NPC to do a side quest or main quest. There is no incentive or reason to do anything else except to take pictures. I want more interactivity out of the world, for there to be some cool stuff waiting if you just look hard enough for it that's not just some guy playing a guitar in the crowd.
The ending hit me hard
Tfw everyone in Hekseville starts singing a red apple fell from the sky, tfw Kat finally must close that thing, tfw Raven finally meets..
I too shall join in the bumping of cute kats
because my hobo waif has cute small tits but can't afford a bra
bras are expensive
The fact I paused the game and the chanting continued was honestly a highlight for me. It happens with all the music, but that felt like a special case. Almost as if their diegetic chanting was strong enough to persist into the pause screen
>but as it stands other games often give you some sort of reason to explore on your own terms.
do they really?
in all games that stuff always boils down to checking off collectibles off a completion list or completing all side quests that are available
>There is no incentive or reason to do anything
Isn't that every game? What is your incentive to do anything in any game other than getting some kind of fun (or grinding for XP/money)?
Sorry bro, do you have specific examples of the games that do this kind of thing? Because I think you want some kind of a very subjective reward out of games that will differ from person to person.
why is your english so broken?
You ever try to fit a nearly minute long webm to 4mb only for 4channel to tell you that you can only upload 3mb sized videos
cause apparently even 3.46mb isn't enough for these tyrants
>why tits are nasty?
because your are an autistic fag who can´t undertand how nipples work or write in proper english
Are you high?
good night Gravity friends
How? Toyama already said he had plans for Gravty Rush on PS5 if he find new mechanics.
My English is fine dumbass.
Reminder that her tits aren't that big.
I don't get it.
A buzzword.
Toyama said in an interview he want to do a new game on PS5 if he can do new things with the hardware.
Kan't Kat's game have a thread without klickbait in the OP nowadays?
one hopes
I still need to get a copy of and play Puppeteer
It really are not.
Thanks, been looking for this .gif for ages.
Can I get picks of raven getting beaten up or tied up?
I find her extremely cute. Raven is the hot one.
Why is Raven so short in this picture?
I want to have a child with Raven and I don't know why.
Also don't listen to this asshole.
>I don't get it.
when Durga Angel meets up with Kali for the first time
Fuck you dude.
Reminder that should have b size tits.
Why do you keep samefagging.
The fact that ps all stars had the cast it did showed sony doesn't know shit about what people like about their ips.
Nice try.
>he can't even disprove it
That's what I thought.
Taking the fucking bait,
Kat’s thread is still up! I love Kat!
I love that Kat's game is getting ported to Switch later this year!
while part of me wishes kat could ride on the inside of trains like Spiderman just to see her be cute around citizens, I appreciate the idea that our beloved hobo can't get a proper transportation pass so she just rides on top
Can we go half a thread without this kind of shitposting?
Wow you fucking fail. lol.
LOL epic. Epic, for the win.
>Gravity Rush
Hey user you got some good tast-
>nu GoW
Who has the tighter body Kat or Raven?
Why is it ported to Switch?
Not like PS4 has any other games to play, you can't blame him for trying some of them.
Reminder that user awesome taste that rivals the gods.
Your mocking me aren't you?
I thought Japan studio was shut down?
Would you mind clarifying what you don't like about horizon and GoW4 specifically?
user they've been fine, I don't think they've shown any signs of closing Japan Studio outside of Yea Forums shitposting about Sony abandoning japan. Astrobot seems to be loved internally enough to where Astro is still Shawn Layden's pfp