2019... Muselk, Valve, F2P Community...i am... forgotten

2019... Muselk, Valve, F2P Community...i am... forgotten..

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Tf2 is dead numbnuts

Ah, so you're just retarded

Seriously though, no one big really plays it anymore. That's not why its dead though. Just lack of popularity.

I mean, Overwatch killed it, so..

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>no one big really plays it anymore.
Good riddance
>Just lack of popularity.
Over 54 thousand people are plying it right now

Source, newfag? Clearly you werent around when Overwatch straight up BTFO'd it.

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>he doesn't know Steam chart and call others newfags

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>implying steam charts mean anything
They legit dont mean shit. Literally just loaded up tf2 to see if anyone was playing. Waited 3 minutes to finally join a game. Straight up dead, newfag.
>pic related, you're the butthurt red frog

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Nice wigglepuff meme. Fuck back off to VP faggot, thats where youre supposed to post shit like that. Reported.

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>50,000+ players right now
>dude its dead lmao
your bait thread sucks dude.

Thing is though, Im completely serious. Not even baiting. The game is done for, compared to other game populations.

Gotta love when you ledditfags say obviously wrong shit huh? Dumbasses.

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>anyone who says anything i dont like is reddit
god you faggots are so fucking predicable with your shitposts just shut the fuck up.
the mere fact that this decade old game still has several thousand people playing it is proof it isn't dead.

Honestly though guys. Its dead.
So... Now what? What game do we move to?
Apex Legends?

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>several thousand
Compared to other games though? Of the same genre and quality? Its BARELY alive, if anything. That's not qualifiable as proof, retard.

Im not even shitposting. I am completely serious in the fact that I know its dead.
>anything I dont like is reddit
Your level of retardation makes me believe youre from 9gag, actually. Fuck back to off to your "army."
>pic related, its you

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When was the last update? Hm? That shitty jungle one?

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It's more dead than what it used to be but still pretty active for a game of its age

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>Compared to other games though? Of the same genre and quality?
Yeah. I'd love to see other games everyone pretends are hot shit now to have the legs TF2 has.
>Your level of retardation makes me believe youre from 9gag, actually. Fuck back to off to your "army."
You first fag. You'll be the talk of the town with all your EPIC krautchan badly drawn bald face man edits and your tales of how you called everyone who disagreed with you retarded.

Feelsbad. Op is right. Logged on the other day, had to wait 7 fucking minutes in queue for a comp match

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>actully fucking playing 6v6 shit
You deserve it.

The thing is, Im right. You HAVE to be retarded if you disagree, because it means you cant recognise basic logic.
>your iq: into the trash it goes
>gif related, everyone in this thread laughing at you

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oh shit! New update!

Its the only thing keeping me playing desu, rest od the game for me is so stale, valvr just abandoned it

A new class would probably revive this dead fucking game

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>baiting newfags into defending this worthless trash game

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>you cant recognise basic logic.
your not using any logic it all nerd
>dude this game is dead lmao
>uh no it isn't this game still has plenty of people playing it
what threshold did this game even pass to become dead this time?
and unless you actually answer carefully your not getting anymore replies from me
and its fucking rich your trying to call other people reddit while posting nothing but shitty frogs and wojak edits

overwatch killed it then killed itself

no it doesnt need a new class, it needs new updates...

It probably would just make things worse, its not like how Blizzard keeps making new characters for OW.

>not gonna get anymore replies from me

Thing is, you're a fucking retard and I win eithet way. If you dont reply, my argument is uncontested since your forfeited, so I win. If you do reply, it shows your a buttmad faggy redditor.

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>50k players on right now

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artifact is still alive btw :)

A pub I was playing today was acting really fucky. One of our Meds was the opposite colour (see picture) but nobody else was seeing it. Never seen it happen before (he switched back later on)

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Comp died on it's launch.

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how many of those 50k players are on afk servers/bots? cs1.6 has the same issue with player inflation

you really don't know what you just did to yourself, do you?

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This also happened, same match. Also hello Ovosh if you're here

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Pretty much this. People are just joining servers like this to afk or unlock all the achievements. Id say the majority of players are on community servers playing shit like freal fortress and VSH. The actual game is dead or full of pablo.gonzaleztf2006 fuckers

for now..

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>If you dont reply, my argument is uncontested since your forfeited
You never had an argument in the first place dumb frog poster.
You just claimed the game is dead with nothing to back it up
Bots got the fucking boot ages ago and a decent amount of the playerbase disappeared even after that we still have 50,000 people playing.
I'm not taking your faggots shit opinions even remotely seriously anymore. It's abundantly clear you retards have no idea what your talking about as this happened like almost like two years ago.


wish they never put in casual but rather competitive as i think after casual was placed in it killed the community servers which really kept a lot of people around and now all that's interesting to go an play on the community is just mge or jail break

Damn i wish i enjoyed this game before meet your match
Though i wouldn't say its dead its weak but not dead there's still a lot of players on somewhat daily though if its to be brought back to its golden days remove casual leave comp
That's just how i see it could go or rather what could fix this issue the games in

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Back to r/tf2 frognigger

like, maybe 1000 at the very most. everyone is playing.

>he actually replied
Lmao, so buttmad. Couldnt stop yourself, huh newfag?
>pic related, you

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are you gonna tell me what happened now that made tf2 dead or are we done here?

TF2 on
>i f u n n y

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I'll tell you what made tf2 lose it for me, meet your match. I miss community servers

people playing on VSH and shit like it are still playing the game you brainlet. They are actively doing things in it

>playing comp
well theirs your problem retard the only people who shilled for it were ecelebs who abandoned the game anyway, just play on casual like everybody else does and you will get a match within half a minute at most (unless you decide to only play on literal who maps)

These issues happen if you have a low-spec pc, had this shit all the time on my fuckold laptop that could (just) barely run this game at minimum configs between 20-40 fps

Haven't had these kinds of issues once on my GAMER RIG desktop pc

Community servers were awful.

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We were done the moment you replied to me. I won hahahaha. Whos the dumb frogposter now, newfag? I suppose its finally time for you to fuck back off to r/9gag, huh?

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better than boring vanilla valve servers

everyone knows matchmaking was a mistake.
compniggers and eclebs that shilled it deserve to be trapped on 24/7 no timer turbine server forever

>I dont play TF2 so it must be dead r-right??
>d-dead game, D-D-DEAD GAME!

join the CLOWNTOWN server if you want to play on actual payload maps, with tons of good custom ones too like Cashworks, Beerbowl, etc.

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What's the point of even making this thread if you're not even gonna give anyone the slightest chance of winning an argument? This might as well be like the kid who unplugs a video game as soon as they're about to lose

Yeah that would explain it, I'm playing on a laptop that's probably soon on its way out.

Though rather coincidentally I DID turn down the model details to low today, would that have impacted it?

>tfw community servers are dead
>tfw you will never again crack open a cold one, get on Teamspeak with the boys, hop on The Furry Pound and play til past midnight

But it IS dead, newfag.

you trying to hard to fit in bro

Their servers are still full most of the time. Still great servers too.

>awful custom maps
>instant respawn shit
>elitism and bans over mercenary badges
>bans for certain cosmetics


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TF2 is dead by virtue of the fact it didn't get a single big update in one year and a half.
The fact there are 50k idling bots and /or poor eastern europeans kids that can't afford other games and/or people that can't let a rotten corpse alone for nostalgia doesn't make it not dead.

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You hmu with that d a m n ip.server ill go check

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Through OP's relentless baiting of some newfag, he was able to bring people together to get onto a good community server.

Thanks, newfag. Youll be remembered as the retard who fell for the obvious bait.

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>We were only pretending to be retarded! Honest!
The oldest line in the book. Never works either.
If you wanted to play some custom maps you should have just fucking asked you worthless fag.

Why would you link yourself to all your own posts and call yourself out on samefagging? Retard

>tfw dubs have been gone for a decade

not the samefag, samefag

>Im the worthless fag
>not the actual worthless fag who replied to my obvious bait, obviously buttmad
Lmao stay mad, newfag. This is an oldfag's thread, so I cant really blame you for not understanding oldfag banter. Go back to Fortnite, retarded ledditor.

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>overwatch will die before it has that many maps, and those are just community made

>We were only pretending to be retarded! Honest!
Who do you think you are tricking here pal?

>f2p shitter doesn't know how to disable ads
You belong in a valve server its like the short bus for tf2 players

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can you stop giving that faggot attention

Ive tricked you, obviously, you stupid summerfag.

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make sure to grab a sign of your waifu
let her love power you

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>asking for source
>claiming someone is a newfag
>completely unaware of the fucking steam charts
>wojak, the cherry on top
Holy fucking shit, this is the most retarded post I have ever seen.

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>this thread

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That, or, you're the biggest dumbfuck in this thread for actually believing this dude is serious.

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Yea Forums is the easiest board to b8, hell even if it's obvious people will pretend to take it just to double bait. it's a very fascinating strain of autism

He's acting like a total moron because he thinks its funny to be mildly annoying towards random strangers on the internet because thats the highlight of his boring uninteresting life.
Worst of all this apparently was just a ploy to get someone to post a server with custom maps something he could have gotten if he just asked for it instead of being a cancerous shitposting moron.

>obvious bait thread
>92 fucking replies
Yea Forums really is fucking stupid