thoughts? opinions? anything I should add?
Thoughts? opinions? anything I should add?
Other urls found in this thread:
jesus christ user just delete this and let's forget about it
This was not a good way to use your time
BASED and redpilled
>character action games (not a genre)
I've never understood this meme, I guess you can just call them action games but calling Uncharted and DMC the same genre is meaningless.
uncharted is a TPS you dumb fuck
>anything I should add?
Porn games
>Not labelling your axes
Label the X and Y please. Obviously towards the bottom and left is the lowest, but without saying what the difference is, it might as well be a scale.
>character action games
The fuck is that?
haha i dont get it
someone actually spent time making this
That's my point, you can call almost anything an "action" game, it's too broad so everything else gets divided into subgenres.
What is x axis supposed to be? This retard can't even graph.
I love this meme!
what the absolute fuck is this abomination
Hand out of the way OP, you're going in the cringe collection for posting this same thread for the at least the 3rd time today.
battle royale should be lower
>trying to equate the genres like this
It doesn't work like that. Reflexes have literally nothing to do with the kind of mental faculties required to enjoy a puzzle-based game, for example. You're comparing apples and oranges. Someone preferring Ikaruga over Myst doesn't really favor either of said games.
yikes that girl is ugly
>character action games
What did he mean by this?
It's ironic this graph is about IQ when it's so fucking horrible it makes you wonder if you've ever made a graph in your life
I am amazed by how people can't create or read graphs these days for some reason.
you might actually be retarded if that's how you read his graph
She's asian, that's just how they look
What the fuck is this trying to convey? What do the axes mean? What's with the fucking curve? Why does the x axis start squiggling below zero?
This is fucking terrible.
>anything I should add?
A noose around your neck.
What about puzzle games?
His "graph" makes no sense whatsoever.
this is hardly a graph
i just wanted to post that this got a chuckle out of me
t. lurker who saw the original thread
hmm no you
I wouldn't say she's ugly. She's average looking. Sounds like you just have unreasonable standards. Hope you're a 9+/10, or you're gonna get girls worse than her by the time you get off your high horse.
This. Just putting a few dozen wojaks on a graph isn't funny.
Jesus christ user, I really hope you didn't make that. You didn't right and this is some elaborate ruse? Because that is the worst piece of shit I've seen on this website in at least a week. That's a fucking accomplishment.
Honest to god consider killing yourself.
i'm handsome af yes, but yes she ugly in general, it's something in her eyes, i have seen below average girls prettier than her
>All these retards calling the axis "axes".
Lmao, we're not chopping wood here bros.
Shouldn't you be playing some party games?
Please tell me what the axis mean I'm dying to figure out what went through your head when you made this
Seems pretty accurate
fixed it
Thing I like vs. thing you like
*soiwojak screaming*
Shouldn't you be stacking logs, lumberjack?
>Souls garbage and Sandbag simulator
>High IQ
Pick one
>noun, plural ax·es [ak-seez] /ˈæksiz/.
Rhythm game is high but stealth and card games are low? I dun get it haha
so did no one understand that with this kind of graph, the further you get to the right the higher x is? and that the higher the bump just means there's more of something?
this is probably the worst graph i have ever seen in my life
>tfw you lived long enough to see wojak become a rage comics tier meme
Alright, since OP is a faggot, I made my own.
No one understood it because you're a fucking retard.
I know hurt too
>4th person shooters
Not a bad chart. Except
>visual novels
please stop this is so fucking embarrassing to see
The fuck? My IQ is 85 and when I was told that I was average, I thought that meant I'd be in the fucking middle. Instead apparently I'm borderline low? I'm not retarded though, I don't understand.
thanks for the md5 buddy
Depends on your demographic. If you're White, you're below average. If you're Black, you're above average.
Yes, we know you're three standard deviations below the mean, we could tell from the graph you made, OP.
what's with the KH/DMC rivalry lately? what's the connection
>I don't understand.
That's the idea user
>rhythm games not as far right as can be
Look at this scrub
>criticize OP for making a shitty fucking graph that doesn't make any sense and reveals himself as a retard
>get called OP and retarded
just cant win on this site can i
>tfw you join Yea Forums in 2016 and pretend to be an oldfag and complain about wojak in threads specifically designed to get people to complain about wojaks
Also nice digits
fixed this for ya
Delete it and never come back to this board.
>Fighting games below FPS and RPG's
put a disclaimer saying you can't do a fireball or DP motion on this list lmao
haha, epic wojak my good sir. wait til the people on r/Yea Forums get a load of this one!
thats not how distributions work
here's a pepe too, seething faggot. now stay over there please.
Fixed I guess
uhm, pepe? his name is maga frog. get it right stupid racist. also that's a twitch meme.
Wasn't this image made by Barry?
Are typing games listed? If so I'm blind as a bat
They're not games. Shouldn't even be classified as games.
tsk tsk
you forgot to completely ignore literally anything that might be considered an advanced tech in the other game
Damn I'm 130.
85 is low m8
>tfw spurdo sparde,Apu/helper and gondla have not been tainted by cancerous edits
>Not enough interactivity to be a game
>Not enough good writing to be considered a book
>Not enough animation to be an anime
Spurdo and apu are Pepe edits. Gondola is a spurdo edit, so by extension, also a Pepe edit.
Is OSU a rhythm game or point & click?
spurdo has no connection to pepe though?
Have you ever made a graph in your life before that one? Like for school or work? I don't think you did.
>point & click
>high iq
you know the biggest market for those games are middle aged bored housewives right?
that's not how you make a distribution graph
spurdo is a finnish? pedobear edit Im pretty sure
Spurdo originated from people making fun of newfags failing to draw pedo bear on finnish message boards.
I Keked
>Defends wojak edits with a wojak edit
No one cares, no one ever cared, they just want an excuse to post cancerous meme
yeah it's average for a nigger faggot
gee you don't fucking say?
it's not like it hasn't been pointed out a 100 times in this thread already
or the fact that OP did it on purpose
thanks for your insightful contribution
So the y axis is i guess IQ right? Then what is the x axis? The bell curve doesnt make any sense if the x axis is anything but IQ
an 85 iq would technically be classified as low average, not "borderline".
>I’m handsome af
Your mother complimenting you doesn’t count
That's the joke you low negative IQ dip.
Do not bring mamas into this please
What does character action game even mean? Can you name me a single action game where you don't control a character?
Yeah I think spectacle fighter is a better term but there's definitely a genre or at least subgenre somewhere in there.
It's the same as roleplaying game. Name a game where you don't play a role of someone.
>85 IQ
holy fuck, this is unreal. are you able to piss standing up or do you have to sit down every time? can you multiply? This is so amazing! Tell me more!
>love metroidvania and survival horror
I'm a 200IQ retard
Simulator games should be much higher. Stealth games should be considered average.
This is a poorly made graph in all honesty. Regardless of the placements, I don't know what the x and y axis are supposed to indicate. The bell curve is on there indicating that the x axis is iq, but then you put the higher iq images on the top of the y axis. Get better at graphing.
>retards being unable to read graphs
Top right axes means high IQ, bottom left axes mean it takes no skill. How do you tards even get past the capcha?
this wojak shit will never die will it?
The problem with kingdom hearts is it's cringe writing and edgy middle schooler story.
>says the c word
>complains about wojak
checks out.
this graph is unreadable, what does X and Y mean?
did you just want to put a fucking bell curve in it?
fixed it :)
That’s the joke. It’s deliberately misinterpreting the y axis of a bell curve, which is basically the quantity of data with that value, with iq. This is funny because the user who posts this is attempting to appear smart but accidentally revealing how dumb they are. This post is taking the joke further by adding other curves but keeping the same wrong assumptions about how they work
Holy shit this is sad
>it's something in her eyes
This. I don't know why but asian girls have this soullesness to them and I think it's because of their chinky eyes.
Imagine how much time it took to make this just to say 'I hate game'
>2/10 pointy knees
hes not even pretending to be a retard, thats honestly infuriating
you have to go back
>text based on low IQ
Fucking zoomers would probably get stuck within 5 minutes in a text adventure
Well I can’t do shit in crab Nicholson
This should be a flat line desu
Go back to the rage comics subreddit.
>or the fact that OP did it on purpose
t. damage controlling brainlet OP
fucking retard, how do you not know how do a graph, HOLY SHIT
You're a waste of life for making this
Stream it. You know the rules.
Bullet hells are all reaction-based.
Given a long enough timeline there isn't anyone who wouldn't eventually get gud at them but there are people who would never improve at playing strategy games.
This isn't how IQ distribution works. The highest point is the average IQ, everything to the right of that is above average IQ and everything before is below average. And going under the x-axis is a negative value implying nobody fits into that category.
Also, this is peak 4channel Yea Forums, just a bunch of shitty Wojack Edits
Here's a more accurate IQ distribution, in text form
>70 IQ
FPS games, Battle Royale, Party Games, Sports Games, Modern 2D Platformers
>80 IQ
Modern WRPGs, MMORPGs (it is acceptable to play these since they are primarily social games), Open World shitboxes, Soulsborne games/likes
>90 IQ
TPS games, Metal Gear games, Classic Platformers
>100 IQ
Classic Survivor Horror Games, Fighting Games, Card Games, Simulators
>110 IQ
Good rhythm games, JRPGs, VNs
>120 IQ
Classic WRPGs, Classic Point and Clicks, Having the ability to like Danganronpa V3's Ending
DMC doesn't have fucking Mickey Mouse in the background talking to discount FF characters about "Heartless" and how "That guy's a Nobody"
Your insistence that the graph you created represents a distribution where some measure of intelligence increases in a particular direction is inconsistent with the images used to illustrate this. You have some of the biggest brain images on the left and some of the smallest brain images on the right. Without labeled axes, the images you chose just make the graph incomprehensible.
>85 for digits
>85 IQ
Was this a GET attempt?
I'm sorry you are 21 and wasted time in this, faggot zoomer
>reddit finally takes over Yea Forums
>0 OC
really makes me think
>Having the ability to like Danganronpa V3's Ending
negative IQ
>1-9 IQ
This entire thread gushing over videogames and associating them with intelligence
I have 140. What should I play?
is this satire?
The only people who don't like it are people who don't get it.
Things that give you enjoyment
user, you need to lurk for four years before posting.
Do Resident Evil loreplays (meaning you read all the files, watch every cutscene, play through in release order and once you reach the end of it all, post on Yea Forums about your current theories for the story and make lore guides. When they return, post on the Project Umbrella forums so you can be surrounded by your high IQ brothers).
u right. I have been overthinking it
RTS 4X players are so high IQ it'd be fair to assume some of them are autistic savants.
Prove me wrong, protip you can't.
Unironically terrible. Nothing makes any sense and shitty wojak edits that have no relevance to anything posted everywhere.
rts's are mechanically demanding
4x's are easy.
Apu was absolute cancer from the start though.
Opinion discarded
you should add a bullet in your brain for making this disgusting pile of shit
good to see that the low IQ retard who doesn't know how to read or use basic graphs also has shit taste in games
you need physics games (ksp, peggle, hl2)
IQ distribution curves don't work the way you think they work
No one on this fucking board knows how bell curves work
Where is normal strategy and Zombies since that was popular a while ago.
damn near complete opposite of reality.
You have pretty much all the genres that are well known to attract the smartest types of people at the bottom. Text-based games, RPGs, strategy games, card games, all this shit that nerds have been balls-deep in since the late 70's... honestly this list is retarded.
How about labeling the X and Y axis you fucking retard
please be joking.
Stupid animeposter, your chingachongu kawaii nightcore is not a point and click adventure.
Are you 8? Do you fucking know how graphs work?
>Moba that low
>Metroidvania that high
Your graph is shit but i dont think you even know what you are doing
Thing I don't like bad thing I like good
Most point & click is just trial and error and lateral thinking guesswork though, it even gets rewarded to just try random stuff because it gives you funny internal dialogue about how what you're trying to do makes no sense and doesn't solve the puzzle. Although some also contain the hardest puzzles.
Actually falling for the graph bait, kek some of you are such fucking idiots
What? No MMOs? No gacha games? No porn games?
I think you should add yourself to the obituary
You were lied to. 100 is average, they literally change the system to make sure 100 is always average.
>.t didn't fill a girl's dark soul with light
T-thanks for the (you)s. I've been playing osu alone the entire day without any human contact. Feels good when some one notices you
poltards dont have mental capacity to create anything of value so they will regurgitate the same shit for the next 15 years
I hope to god you are being ironic. This chart says more about your iq than anyone else's.
both kh and dmcfags have had to wait 10+ years for a new numbered installment in their series
now that the dust has settled and everyone has unanimously agreed that kh3 is dogshit, khfags are trying to shit on dmc to compensate
If you haven't figured it out yet 95% of wojack and pepe posts are ironic to trigger retards like you who still haven't figured it out yet.
Loving this new meme