Can't even use outside

>Can't even use outside

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why would you want to, Switch fucking sucks balls

Turn around maybe.

yep sure sucks to play aaa games anywhere you fuckin want

kek, name one kid

Breath of the Wild

Zelda, Breath of the Wild™
Get rekt, kiddo

>still holding on to launch games this hard
must be suffering

so then the suns in my eyes?

>name one game

>names one

>that one you just named doesn't count!

>two people come in and name a launch title
fair enough, name a recent triple a game, not one you've played to death and will never take on the go


Wear anti-glare sunglasses maybe.

>Nintendo made game

DOOM 2016 NBA 2K Wolfenstein 2 Mortal Kombat 11 Skyrim

>playing old shitty games at 10 fps in 480p outside with a shitty screen that eats glare
wow, what a cool console, I need to buy one now

30 fps 720p

prove it.

What's the matter?

Oh ho ho how will you spin this one though?

That's a blatant lie and you know it

>casual garbage that was intentionally dumbed down to appeal to babies being played on a system with the worst controllers of all time on the go with a 2 hour battery life
Oh no, you got me this time, argggh, ugggh *dead*

Ok how about this

A non NINTENDO AA game?

>argggh, ugggh *dead*


>he goes outside

>Sun shining on the Switch
Its not even playable outside

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>keeps posting first party
nobody gives a shit about nintendo games oh my god

>but but but but but

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Sonic Forces

>defending nusmash

Imagine having a handheld that cant even fit your pocket, one which requires a fucking man purse to be brought anywhere. Imagine defending this shit. The shitch shouldve been a damn home console only, maybe then the spec wouldnt suck ass and balls.

That’s a first party

Really shows how ignorant you are

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ITT snoybois S E E T H I NG

That switch is off idiotsX,D

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