Where do the Mega Man Zero games rank amongst the mainline series?
Are they worth playing through?
Where do the Mega Man Zero games rank amongst the mainline series?
Are they worth playing through?
I'd say yes.
I just beat Zero 1 and it might just be me but fuck, that was a pretty difficult game. Playing through 2nd right now (Zero Collection on my modded 3DS)
They're pretty fucking good, i'll say give them a go
Zero is the best mega man series. It tells a delibrate story, doesn't overstay itd welcome and each entry is great.
They're really good. Sort of a pain in the ass due to the small screen and the tendency the game has for (sometimes literally) dropping enemies on your head that you need to instantly react to, so it's not easy to play quickly. The first two games have the whole weapon skill leveling system and that really limits you unless you grind them up, but the gameplay is very strong outside of it.
Absolutely they're great. Level design's a bit bland but other than that they're fantastic, best bosses in the series and really tight controls and mechanics. ZX is worth it too. Certainly much better as a whole than the X series
>X above Zero
Would agree if the series had ended in X4
this. Zero 1-4 is the best Megaman's ever been
Was it really obligatory to kill him 4 fucking times though?
There's 3 good classic games and 1 good X game, take a guess
>Dies in X
>Dies again on X5
>Dies for real in Zero 4
Where's the fourth time?
ZX Advent
>Be Omega
>Lose the elf wars
>Lose to the cheap clone
>Lose to a kid cosplaying as a reploid
No matter how which Zero it is, my man can't take a fucking break
It's debatable on whether or not Model Z is actually Zero, but I'll take it. Four times it is.
They are some of the best ones out there.
I like them a lot and think they're more consistently worth playing than the X games.
But it's up to you, there are plenty of criticisms against the game
Killed in Zero 3 as well
all of the Zero games plus ZX/Advent are definitely worth playing and I’d say they rank higher than some of the mainline games
They're all very... Close though, mean definitely try all the series. As for Battle Network, only played the first, but did enjoy it.
Why didn't you buy my game Yea Forums.
Was expecting pic related
No one wants to play as a Power Ranger dressing up as characters we actually care about.
all the zero games are great. zx is a shit game because it does not have a stage select screen instead it hides the next level from you in its terrible overworld. the overworld has a map but it is useless. fuck zx and everyone who likes it. zx music is real good check out the ost.
They are inferior to Classic, X and even Legends.
They are by far the weakest Megaman series, comes with being made by Inti Creates which is a company incapable of doing anything othert than generic gameplay and generic level designs.
I would say they aren't worth playing, but I cannot decide it for you. Find it out for yourself.
Advance or DS? What about Mega Man and Bass, for Famicom (the fan translation of course) or Advance? I want to play one of those games right now but i don't know what versions to play
>Where do the Mega Man Zero games rank amongst the mainline series?
They're actually the best series Megaman ever did.
For Zero it doesn't really matter which version you play, GBA would probably be easier to emulate.
Mega Man and Bass should absolutely be played on the Famicom, the Advance version scrunches the camera down so you'll get hit from a bunch of off-screen stuff, plus the music chip's a downgrade.
I see thanks, i'll play Mega Man and Bass then the Zero games
easily above classic, near as good as X, specially Zero 3 and Zero 2
Action platform
I did. It was the sequel that I didn’t care about.
It's too bad about the diaper fetish design though, otherwise this dude would be flawless
It's great. Pretty difficult too.