This is your tank in 5.0. Say something nice to her.
FF XIV Shadowbringers
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automata sucks
We're getting a Caim fight, right?
I wasn't overly fond of Automata myself, but it might be nice to see how they handle it in FF XIV.
I kind of hope it'll be confined to one raid and the other two will be Drakengard or first NiER.
cute legs
Automata doesn't have enough content for three whole raids, and it's already tied to the first Nier and DoD in the story so there's no reason not to bring them in too. I'm guessing the Queen Beast will be the final boss.
>people think we will get Automata tier gear designs
Enjoy your buttcapes.
>Automata doesn't have enough content for three whole raids
they should just make shit up and say "it's canon" because it's yoko taro.
Gridania is more peaceful and safe a city than Ul'Dah and Limsa. Why would you not live there?
>live at the whim of some crazy ass nature elemental spirits
I'll take pirates or jews any day.
Because the Elementals create an Orwellian society where you're always under surveillance and can be put to death for minor offenses that only make sense to inhuman demigods. Your diet also mainly consists of beans and bean paste because Gridania as a whole can only take very small, specific amounts of food from the forest at a time, but the Gelmorran ruins aren't subject to that rule and the only thing they can get down there are fucking mun-tuy beans.
Reminder that in 1.0, the Garleans carpet bombed the forest. The Elementals responded by literally vaporizing Gridanian citizens because they do not recognize any kind of difference between humans.
it's a good game but ruined by its fanbase that cares more about SFM/Blender porn than actual gameplay.
They already said they're taking this opportunity to explore the greater world of Automata aside from the small area the game itself takes place in.
Taro said he didn't have a fucking clue what he was going to do with it yet, and Yoshi said he was hoping to sit down with them soon and talk it out. Unless there's been an interview since then.
How is important to hit 70 before expansion?
You see, i am really started to think about leveling paladin. Geez, it is really painful, i just can't decide and now i am in constant agony of choice.
You have 4 months. You can get all of those to 70 in that time.
Guys, are you not afraid about SHB release?
I bet SHB will flop terribly.
Cause their release date is too close to WoW Classic.
And believe me - EVERYBODY would play classic. Like it is the most important release of the fucking decade
Just image Yoshi's face when he will see the numbers! Like, huh, i believe he'll gonna kill himself
I just hope we get some armor ported and not the Monster Hunter treatment.
Should i start leveling PLD or finish with the story and DRK? Are there something important on 70?
This could be (You) bro!
I'd finish DRK up, because their job story is pure kino and is actually extremely relevant to the story. You will need to hit 70 on at least one job to finish the main story before the expansion too. Tanks also share gear aside from weapons so you could easily just get all of them to 70 and see what you like the most.
the expansion is Lv70-80 content, so idk what you're trying to ask here.
are you asking, "Should i be high enough level to actually play the content?"
which sounds ridiculous, so i can only assume im missing the question you're really asking.
DRK will be story-relevant in 5.0 probably if you want some extra dialogue. I'd go to 70 with DRK and level PLD after if you really want.
Don't forget that they like to go around touching children, too.
I'm still mad about that, I wanted rathalos armour.
>short stroke sketch with no color filled in
want to know how I know this was literally 90% traced?
The questions is - should i keep leveling my DKR until 70 and then level PLD or should i just start leveling PLD and hit my first 70 with him.
Cause i can't decide it by myself.
you straight up cannot do pre-requisite story quests to even set foot into the expansion without being level 70, so what do you think?
Only you can decide that. Do you like DRK?
Why would u need to do it in X amount of time?
Forcing yourself to do something u dont like, or at a pace u dont like, will make u burn out.
I'd rather DoD not be sullied by being referenced in this carnival ride of a game.
the new metallic dyed wedding dress miqote tank
>short stroke sketch
i can only guess what u mean, as im not familliar with that term.
but when i draw, i make multiple lines, for a single line, since im not steady with my hand.
so i assume it means that.
but why would that mean someone traced or not?
i hardly color, and i use multiple lines, but dont trace, so i dont understand the connection ur drawing.
It also already has enough content if you include the stage plays, manga, radio play, etc.
I miss 1.0 lore.
normally, i suggest getting a job to max level, once at max, focus on your daily/weekly stuff. (like expert roulettes, or 24man/raid drops)
once u have them done, do your leveling roulette (MSQ/24 man roulette) on alternative jobs, to level them.
this should keep u busy for most of the week.
but if u dont have a job at max, then u have a lot less to do, other than just more leveling dungeons/Deep dungeons
but since the expansion is half a year away, its up to u, if u want to try endgame now or not, since most of the gear will be just "leveling gear" once the expansion hits.
so what's going to be the Yea Forums server to be on for the world visit feature coming in april?
As unlikely as it is it would be nice if they gave us weapons as well. Like in addition to the weekly raid token you get a second special one, and trading in 3 from the three raids gets you a weapon.
I forgot to ask before the other thread died.
Is PNY a good gpu for the 1060 6gb?
Will 1060 6gb be able to do 1080p/60hz maxed settings?
yes, I actually got a xlr8 1060 from pny and I get 1080p+75hz with max settings in most areas that aren't CPU bound.
my 970 maxes out everything just fine, but when it gets busy or your in a big 24man raid expect to drop to the 30ish range in fps.
Why is the Aetheryte Earring so fucking useless
Considering we only got a couple good Tactics/12 armor in the Ivalice raid, I wouldn't get too excited about what we will get in the Neir raid.
It's for other people to catch up and so you can level GUN and DNC faster when ShB comes out.
cos everyone levels in deep dungeons
So should I just buy the 970 then and forget what the other user told me in the other thread to get a 1060 6gb?
That's good because I never heard of PNY until now. Any brands I should be weary of buying from?
>Tanks and healers
>Doing deep dungeons for leveling
like I'm doing dungeons before level 60 regardless, before that point gearing is more hassle than it's worth.
We got plenty of authentic Ivalician armors, the problem is that most of those armor sets are terrible to look at. But hey, at least they're authentic.
1060 is better than the 970. But both cards will run this game fine as long as your CPU isn't bottlenecking it.
You should be more focused on the SKUs of each brand than the brand itself as even good brands have different bad cards. Ideally stick with dual fan or better cards. Even better if you can get a OC focused card as they will not only perform better but are more reliable due to better pcb and binning.
Yeah, they chose almost nothing but ugly shit to give us.
So both the 1060 and 970 are going to make me drop FPS in 24 raids no matter what?
It ultimately depends on your CPU. If your CPU sucks you will drop lots of frames in CPU bound scenarios (populated towns, big raids, eureka, etc) If your CPU is great then you should achieve a consistent high FPS in those areas.
stop being fucking poorfag and just buy a rtx 2080ti
(1) DPS are doing less than 50% of what they should be doing almost every dungeon. (or at least 90% of the time)
(2) DPS do at least reasonable damage half the time in PotD, even if they cant dodge shit, or stop fucking up mechanics.
(3) I want to get through content faster, not slower, so as a healer or tank, i get an easy run in PotD, keeping the retards alive through heals, or by needing to switch to tank, when they pull too much.
Only if i bring my raid friends would a leveling dungeon ever be quicker.
>implying u anime fags are out of your moms basement
why is FF associated with anime? it's always CGI not anime.
Chance of new feet models in ffxiv 5.0 hate the pixalated crap we have now.
>why is a japanese game with an overall anime-ish artstyle associated with anime?
it's not exactly a galaxybrain thing to figure out.
no one cares besides casuals.
use mods to fix it if you want.
Is there a mod for painted toes?
check texmods discord
>why is FF associated with anime?
Congrats on the dumbest post I've read in months
also buy a i9 9900k u dont want any bottlenecks right :)
The earrings should help with DNC's long support dps queues in duty finder, honestly.
>support DPS
Thats digital art retard. Its very easy to get your art to look that good using layers
>party member has a game of thrones name
But that's what DNC is in every other game
I want out this omnicrafting ride
I'm a WoW refugee and I have no idea how this game works - i'm level 50 though. How do I find guides (BLM)?
>healsluts are that desperate
It will be tank plus dps, your turn is next expac, now hush like a good submissive sluts that you are.
>NPC has a game of thrones name
god i fucking love weapons that combine a melee weapon and a gun / cannon
Do the leves and beast tribe quests, other than the ixal ones.
Tried google, idiot?
If you need a guide as a level 50 BLM then I'm so fucking sorry for whatever accident you were in that gave you brain damage.
From what you sperg, they aren't even in the same poses
git gud
>party member has a Naruto name
>first and last name come from seperate characters
Maybe they will get rid on Wildfire this expac. Fun MCH would be neat.
This is me, but my parents gave up on me when I was like 15 and they don't bother me anymore.
50 BLM has like four abilities to use bro what are you doing
>That's what he ships
>both names are from male characters
keep thunder up
use fire spells until you run out mp
use ice spells to recover mp
fire does more damage than ice so don't spam ice like a retard
You better shut up about my wife
What the fuck am I supposed to do with all these shattered crystals I'm sitting on?
I've only really done Ixal for Weaver, I binged through trying to unlock the cross-class skills before going any further.
Meant to say Cracked Clusters. Pardon my brain damage
>Wowfugees can't figure out the simplest level 50 job in the game
wow indeed. And also do this
trade in for materia and use it or sell it.
arya horseface
trade them in for materia and either sell that materia or slot it in to your gear. Do it before shadowbringers cause that shit is gonna tank in value
Heavensward was the last time FFXIV was good
I hope Classic will kill retail WoW and not do anything to FFXIV please let the trannies and deranged faggots stay there
>Spam Fire I
>use Fire III on firestarter procs
>Blizzard III when you're out of MP
>fire III to get back to Astral Fire Fire I spam
If you want to spice it up you can use Thunder III during your Umbral Ice downtime.
The class gets much better at level 60 when you can spam Fire IV, by the way. Level 50 feels like shit in comparison.
HW outfit was better. This is generic void arc BLM set.
>If you want to spice it up you can do an integral part of your DPS rotation too
you don't fuckin say?
It's not all that useful for leveling but at least you did the hardest part.
You wouldn't believe the number of BLMs that I've seen never using Thunder spells.
now you've done it. prepare for battle *unsheathes rapier*
I didn't say popular
Post yours
Use fire till you're out of MP
Use blizzard 3
Put up thunder
Use blizzard until your mp comes back
Fire 3
Repeat the previous steps until enemy dies
But you did say contrarian
thats so 2016
Shadowbringers will be just as good.
Cute, would look better without the hotpants tho.
Yeah I still gotta find better looking gear for the pants and boots.
>too poor to afford a house so has to settle at a public inn
>chooses bard because too shitty for melee jobs or real magic jobs like black mage
>is a cat player because thinks like a basic bitch
>thinks you can't have more than one job
Do you even play this game, user?
avatarfagging is against the rules you know.
bards aren't bad but low level tanking with new archers inspires nothing but hatred in me.
Literally nobody is avatarfagging, stop being retarded
Avatarfag in your general, faggot.
Post your character, then. Faggot.
imagine being this basic
Eh that is a lot more generic. Why not try some non slut gear and make it look good? Slut cats are boring
is this elezen?
I have plenty of different gear, I'm not a fan of slut gear myself either but I find it fun on a WHM personally.
>DNC is almost certainly going to be the next job and it's probably going to be a healer
I'm excited we're finally getting a new healer (and tank) that we rightfully deserve because fuck DPS mains, but I just can't get excited about DNC as a job. Nothing about the aesthetic is exciting to me and it's going to be populated by generic autistic catgirls and bunnysluts who don't know how to play.
I was really hoping for something new and unique to the series that had a little more...grit to its aesthetics, especially given ShadowBringers whole 'dark' theme, but its inevitably going to be some boring job where you shake your arms like a sperg at people to recover HP. Fucking kill me.
Oh man, it's every single slutcat ever
Good job
It's a female Midlander pose
I wouldn't play them
>ShadowBringers whole 'dark' theme
Edge doesn't work in XIV. I'd rather them try something more playful and lighthearted like FF IX that still had some good emotional gutpunches down the line than this retarded grimdark "muuh everythings bad and look at all the RAPE that happened in Stormblood" shit they try because it probably sells better.
>yfw dancer has goth aesthetics
why is everyone a bard player itt, not just here but every pf fills up with bard. why can't people play a real job
That looks a lot better. Would gladly party with!
BRD is a really good job though.
>want to resub and start an alt on my friend's server for Shadowbringers
>don't want to play WAR or PLD out of excitement for Gunbreaker
Should I bite the bullet now, or wait until June?
nice fashion though the OG version of the set has nicer colours if you ask me.
BRD has a high skill ceiling. Purple parsing as BRD is the best feel
Most of the rape in XIV is from ARR though
Good in pastel pink too
side quests? I don't remember any in ARR MSQ
While there's a lot of dramatic events that happen throughout the story in XIV, none of it feels particularly grim dark to me? Like yeah there are a lot of devastating events that happen, especially prior to expacs, but in the end everything is usually hunky dory anyway.
I'm actually excited about ShB because it's at least going to be addressing the main overarching plot point that has been infused into the story since like 2.0 of
>You can't keep just steamrolling everything with light. You're eventually going to fuck things up and throw off the world balance.
Granted it's a bit overused in Square Enix games nowadays, but hey, it's better than Stormblood's story which felt like mostly filler so we could get to his point.
>should I level up beforehand so I can play GUN on launch or should I start as a level 1 in June and have to wait a week while leveling
gee, tough question brainlet
Stormblood was needlessly edgy in everything. Talk to the NPCs and the Garleans are painted as comically evil despite being incredibly incompetent in game.
So we contine where HW left. Great, SB really is the most useless shit ever.
Two of them are in ARR MSQ. There's the girl in Little Ala Mhigo who was gangraped by the Corpse Brigade, and the guy in Mor Dhona whose mother and sister committed suicide to escape a Garlean rape dungeon. There's also Arenvald's backstory.
The only thing you rightfully deserve is my cock in you, slut.
Imagine being at all worried about the 'threat' posed by a fucking WoW expansion in the Year of Our Lord 2019 in the post-Activision era
user, please. Your game is as creatively bankrupt as Metzen.
XIV definitely isn't grimdark. It just has a gloomier, slightly grittier setting much like Ivalice. It doesn't go out of its way to be edgy, but also doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of the world.
you joke but there are people in-game that actually believe this. same with red mage and tanking.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who liked the SB storyline. Like, I was waiting for these events ever since the ARR msq stuff in little ala mhigo.
Granted, I still do prefer HW and I could care less about Yotsuyu. I guess I was just surprised when I played the game and then read the reception to it.
At least the actual BLM set is nice.
I think it was because the writers realized everyone liked the Garleans more. So they had to fuck up the writing and turn them unapologetically evil.
Based Ayumi-san
Nice back window.
I honestly hope she goes back to her older outfit. That looks just bad.
I think most people don't like it because while it's been a long time coming for stuff with Ala Mhigo, it obviously wasn't as pertinent to people as say, Ishgard was due to 1.0 reasons (seeing it in the distance etc).
Plus if you remove the story and just slap 5.0's story into still makes sense and showcases how the game could've progressed anyway. To put it bluntly, freeing Ala Mhigo and Doma felt like side missions that distract you from the actual plot. Yes it heightens tensions between the Eorzean Alliance and Garlemald, but shit was already on edge anyway.
>Like, I was waiting for these events ever since the ARR msq stuff in little ala mhigo
I've been waiting for Ala Mhigo since 1.0, and that's exactly why I fucking hated SB. Ala Mhigo was the single most important location in the lore ever since the beginning, and they just totally glossed over it.
>taking of Ala Mhigo prompted the withdrawal of the Sharlayans, the creation of the Adventurers' Guild, and the beginning of beastmen fears
>Ala Mhigo as a staging point allowed for them to move on Mor Dhona, causing the Battle of Silvertear Skies, turning Mor Dhona into a wasteland and allowing for primals to be summoned
>the Amalj'aa and Ixal fear that the Eorzeans won't fight Garlemald because they let Ala Mhigo fall without a fight, and so summon their primals for the first time
>1.0's NPC partner is from Ala Mhigo and its their influence that dragged the player into the MSQ and Gaius for the first time
>Nael is given control of Ala Mhigo and uses it as the staging point for the Meteor Project
>Ultima Weapon is dug up from underneath Ala Mhigo
>Ala Mhigan refugees, primarily Ilberd, were the driving force that caused two fucking expansions to occur at all
And what did it get for all that hype and foreshadowing? Not a god damn fucking thing. You use it as the final dungeon and that's it.
>That thing blocking the male's left eye
But why though, it looks fucking awful and the female version doesn't have it. WHAT'S THE POINT
It's probably toggleable with /visor. But lorewise the Mhachi liked to use eyepatches for various reasons. In 1.0 they said it was fashionable to pluck out an eyeball and replace it with materia for more power. But that was recently retconned. Now they say it's because a lot of Mhachi voidsent had dangerous gaze attacks, so they were lessening the chance of getting fucked by your own pet. It also cuts down on distractions during battle so you can focus magic better.
It took me way too long to finally figure this out but the stupid fucking cloth can be /visor'd
I honestly think it looks awful. But I haven't been happy with most casters sets in a long while. It'll still be First Coil and that PvP Gryphon set for me.
The nipple hat kills it.
>play frontlines as flames
>lose everytime
>jump ship to maelstrom
>free wolfmarks, get all these cool looking cosmetics
she looks like a hobo
I'm assuming you're on Primal? It's a shame that even with GC restrictions removed, every shitter has still remained on Maelstrom and turned off Freelancing so they can get carried by the actual PvPers.
I was a Primal Flame before I switched to Aether a year or so back. It feels really good to be able to queue into any team and have an equal chance of winning, rather than getting steamrolled on Primal if you aren't Mael (or Adders sometimes.)
If it's Matoya possessing her it's rather fitting since she lives in a cave
Meanwhile they got super fucking lazy with AST for some reason and gave them a set that looks almost 100% identical to their Stormblood set. Fucking idiots
You are genuinely fucking retarded. They have done this since the launch of the game. They always show visorable assets this way.
Isn't that the same that Urianger wears?
So much fucking this. Ala Mhigo was such a disappointment. Also what the fuck was the point of the whole Kugane stuff in the first place? Literally whos doing literally who stuff and you just get involved. All for some weeb muh eastern alliance wet dream.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Stormblood overall, but it all felt so pointless...
Where can I look at all the new AF gear?
Will I get people chimping at me if I go into Shisui with augmented Shire gear? It's level 63
Only thing good about Stormblood were the Steppes.
Don't fucking reply to me you retard I was telling him that it's visorable.
how did they get away with a ages 13 rating
>Also what the fuck was the point of the whole Kugane stuff in the first place?
To make Garlemald fight a war on multiple fronts, and to prove that fighting them isn't pointless. You already knew Hien was planning a rebellion on his own because of when Gosetsu came to call Yugiri home, so you may as well have thrown yourself in to fuck Garlemald.
Yes, Urianger has become an AST.
They only showed off some.
No. Isn't shire gear equal if not better than shisui gear?
I guess it makes sense. Thancred is GUN and wears the GUN AF and Y'shtola is Sage and wears the Sage AF.
im on aether
Yes, I get that, but what's the point of introducing it even in the first place. It just dragged the story on for longer, introduced new characters (not necessarily a bad thing) and that's it. It is inconsequential for the story itself other than add some padding.
If I buy the game from Steam can I use my Steam wallet gift cards to pay for the monthly subscription. Or do you need a credit card?
That would be so fucking sad if they whisk her soul away again. Y'shtola was pretty cool in the 4.4 story.
Go fuck yourself and play with your blocks and legos, retard.
you can use your steam wallet for mogstation purchases or gametime.
Because if they held it for its own expansion, it would have just been the same rebellion story twice. What they should have done was extend the story or the post-story patches to give Ala Mhigo its own proper focus and done something with how important it's been since the beginning. For instance: Azys Lla was the Allagan weapons development area. So why the fuck was Ultima Weapon under Ala Mhigo? And what was the mystery primal that Gaius encountered there 20 years ago before primals could even be summoned?
That looks more like HW crafting gear or normal dungeon gear in general.
I wouldn't say it's inconsequential, it gave you some valuable allies in the fight against Garlemald.
oh an art shill thread
your drawings arent good dont bother
Thank you. Game looks fun. Jumping in.
huh? but on aether all the hardcore datahopping pvpers are on mael
Save for like one premade that's usually on adders
My main problem with the new AST set is that it looks way too similar to the old one
They should give it some kind of Greek aesthetic to fit how it's supposed to be Sharlayan.
the real problem is that the chestpiece looks almost identical to that one healer pvp set, and the headpiece to that one dungeon drop
Just keep in mind that the first dozens of levels are slow both gameplay and plot wise just like every Themepark game design MMO in existence. But if you can stick with it, it gets better through plot development and more skills/haste stats.
I wouldn't go that far, it still looks 'AST' to me, but it's VERY basic and it's obviously way too similar to their old set, which has the exact same silhouette. At least HW's was a big dress with a big hat and Stormblood's for males looked completely different.
It's like they didn't even try with this one.
>tfw leveling SAM
>mfw the deeps
>Finally get started on Crafting
>Everything at level 20 except Culinarian at 37 and Carpenter at 32
>Everyone tells me to just do Ixal crafting or Levequests
>tfw I do those two everyday
>tfw it's fucking bullshit because Ixal only give me about 2 levels every day and levequests require me to craft necessary stuff on other crafters before I can then craft the thing I need on Carpenter for the levequest
I fucking hate leveling crafters god fucking damn
You can get from 1-50 in a single day using levequests if you know what you're doing
then you reach 62 and you can't hold all this kenki
>Everyone tells me to just do Ixal crafting
They are trolling you. Leves are good though. Try to look for another leve if the one you're doing requires too much stuff from other crafting jobs.
Literally how? I can't get HQ because the low level gear sucks and I can't even get many materials because those materials can only be crafted by crafters I haven't leveled up yet. And if I do NQ turn ins I run out of leves way too fast
1-50 is the hardest part. The moment you can jump on moogle dailies you are set. It still takes awhile though.
It's a bugger for judging distances though!
>Expac starts you out in woodland and dusty ass desert ruins, aka areas we're intimately familiar with from ARR.
>Barely even gives you a handle on the region before throwing you on the other side of the world because the hub city is over there.
>Abrupt FF5 throwback dungeon because they couldn't come up with a good roadblock in Gyr Abhania.
>They've made three distinct areas for notAsia, so the plot just has you go to each one and seek aid in sequence because what the hell else can we do to fill time?
>Sea zone has nonsensical character motivations that only work from a meta perspective.
>There's a cool turtle race, but we barely touch on them because they're the designated beast tribe. There's also the Raen, who have a much more interesting story, but they're side content because we have story essential Au Ra two zones over.
>This area's levelling dungeon is the best in the expac, but is optional because of the above.
>You dick around with farmers for a minute before heading to the third area because we need to have Asian Aymeric show up before the halfway point.
>Third area is full of "deep lore," but most of it is bland race gimmicks. You basically do nothing but filler through most of the notAsia segments.
>These parts are full of incidental character cutscenes in a vain hope of recapturing HW's magic, and Gosetsu dies at the exact same point as Haurchefant. Its just directly cribbing notes from HW.
>You head back and the game springs Lakshmi on you because we need two trials.
>The reskin snakes are your other main beast tribe because the beast tribes corresponded to primal in ARR and HW, and we can't do anything new ever. The story doesn't even pretend it cares about these snakes.
>Sudden cyborgs to explain a FF6 throwback dungeon.
>Cool wolf boss fight almost like an apology for not making these guys a beast tribe.
>Expac ends on wet fart, pretending you were given reason to care about Lyse or Ala Mhigo.
SB gets worse the more you think about it.
Buy (HQ) from mb or have some omni crafter in your fc craft leve kit for you.
No joke, I have joined entire flame alliances where it turned out every person there was freelancing, we had a good laugh about that and asked around to see if there were any real flames present.
how do i get avoid getting freelancer'd in pvp?
You need to do the right leves. Look for delivery leves, the ones that start in a city and have you go out to another aetheryte camp. Typically you can do three turn-ins per leve with those.
turn off the freelance flag in duty finder settings.
What's a leve kit?
Even then I wouldn't be able to craft HQ shit so the amount of leves used double or triple
> 2Bunny
>Even then I wouldn't be able to craft HQ shit
You need the right rotation and HQ materials if you can get them. It gets a lot easier if you level others, but it's also not impossible if you don't.
Red Mage wins ShB AF so far.
>Also what the fuck was the point of the whole Kugane stuff in the first place?
>Still doesnt realize SB was the Asia expansion disguised as the Gyr Abania expansion.
>doing PoTD
>floor 71-80
>two sprout healers and 1 sprout tank
>be DPS
>boss is only aggro on me, tank can't hold aggro
>one healer dies
>other healer doesn't know how to ress
>I die as well because tank can't hold aggro
>fight goes on for 5+ minutes with healer and tank just running around
>healer won't ress
>obviously swiftcast+ress is not on cooldown but still refuses to use it
>healer dies and we wipe
I'm so fucking triggered right now.
>post literally talks about Kugane being weeb asia expansion bait
Stop sniffing bath salts dude
Looks more like a goth bard than a black mage to me.
>Asks why x is in the expansion when it only contributes y
>"the whole expansion was just an excuse for y, not just the x part."
>"I knew that!"
Then don't ask.
imagine the porn
>what are rethorical questions?
All the items you need to level through leves to appropriate level, usually 50/60/70.
Ala Mhigo...
Can someone explain weebshit and the 'bandage over eyes' trope?
>Not solo tanking the boss
What are you expecting out of this new job?
>running dungeon
>tank asks if he's too squishy
>say he is and that he should be using his cooldowns more
>he just stacks all of his cooldowns
This still feels like a fever dream.
Looks like overdesigned garbage
bbecause it looks cool
also illidan from warcraft really popularized it
Literally all of them in Squall glamor
mhmm black 2bunny
People usually don't start posting capslock "I am silly" responses to answers, I took your post to mean you thought it was tacked on instead of the point of the entire expansion, and people ask stupider shit every day. Take a chill pill.
Zatoichi on the one hand, chuunibyou "my real eyes are worthless my hidden eye perceives the true nature of the world" edgelord shit on the other hand.
Something that won't deviate from the tanking norm at all.
replaces WAR for one expansion
I'm expecting it to be better designed than most Tanks, just like how RDM and SAM are 2 of the better designed DPS jobs. You can say whatever you want about RDM and SAM, but they're not bloated like some other jobs and everything in their kit works together pretty well
Using Squall's gunblade too. Digital CE will sell like hotcakes.
I bought it too, but for the mount.
Can't say I was surprised. The only high-profile MMO that I know of that whores itself out more than XIV is PSO2.
Not gonna reply retard?
i hope we'll be able to get the superior gunblade as a glamour
Tbh it's more Taro whoring out NiER.
gun arts instead of dark arts
also hopefully a coherent kit at level 50/60/70, all the tanks are fucking wretched when you're level synced to 50
Won't work unless they make the hilt straight.
I hope the LB3 is Reverse Zantetsuken at least.
shitters named khaleesi squall to levelskip and have no idea what they're doing in 70-80 leveling dungeons
Are you on the spectrum? Genuine question.
They already made a XIV version of the Revolver as the AF, so there will probably be a Hyperion too. They've conveniently avoided making a Hyperion sword for PLD or DRK.
It should start at 60, so it might be like RDM and SAM in that regard. Start with the basic kit and get more procs and finishers on the road to 80.
don't you love it when the new jobs play so much better than the old jobs?
RIP monk and paladin
I completely forgot how good the ARR mount theme was.
Dissidia NT has a version of Hyperion for Squall with a straighter hilt.
>He says as he continues granting free (You)s and being upset someone answered his rhetorical question.
Seriously, user. Just chill.
Why? They do more RDPS than SAM.
With its tool, PLD is the best OT available.
WAR is definitively gonna get nerfed to the ground in ShB.
DRK bros, we'll be fun again in 5.0 r-right?
>MNK provides more rdps than SAM and can replace a NIN when played at the highest tier
>PLD is the ultimate OT thanks to Cover and Intervention, meanwhile DRK is in the cuckshed despite it being also perfectly good as well
What did he mean by this?
>go in again with another healer
>boss applies debuff on whole party that does 4k+ damage each tick
>healer doesn't heal or remove buff
>tank and other DPS dies
>I chug potions while healer runs around like a headless chicken
>healer dies
>I tank for another 1-2 minutes until the cooldowns get to me and I die
I swear to god these people are fucking retarded
That looks significantly better
MNKs rdps is trash, sam's personal dps outweighs their rdps especially if you're 98% of the playerbase that plays with df/pf baddies that can't coordinate cooldowns
>MNKs rdps is trash, sam's personal dps outweighs their rdps
What will the GUB achievement mount be? And what about all the others, more reskins?
post proof or gtfo
One of those weird jetpacks Galbadia used to attack Balamb.
it's GUK god dammit
>not gnb
It's GUN.
And probably a reskin of the paladin lion that looks like Griever.
What did they mean by this?
Griever should be a primal.
He should have been the primal Ilberd summoned, if not Rhalgr. It fits perfectly. Ala Mhigo even uses lions and griffins for heraldry.
This would be acceptable.
probably something magitek related
So why did Urianger call her Master Matoya in the teaser?
Because it's Master Matoya possessing Y'shtola's body, keep up.
He wasn't talking to her
Either it is a title or she is meatpuppet now.
Urianger isn't all there.
Being a title wouldn't make much sense since she's already called "Master".
More importantly, what in the gosh darn heck did they mean by this?
Matoya and Y'shtola consider each other to be family. Matoya will die in the final MSQ segment this month, and Y'shtola will carry on her name like any other daughter.
it's GBD
It's tricky because it's just adding -sama in Japanese. So "Matoya-sama" would make sense as a title. Just like Kami-sama would be translated as "Master God" or some retarded shit like that, were it to be literally translated (which is not because it makes no sense in English).
This said, I'm pretty sure Master Matoya is not a title.
Thanks for off tanking youre a big help
Using a client side addon for this but this is Soul.
I'm thinking that Yshtola's constant use of aether to make up for her blindness weakened her so much that her soul can't return and Matoya will end up possessing sacrificing her own life to bring her back.
A+ armor design
I can only see Matoya doing that if it's for the purpose of making sure her empty meat doesn't get destroyed by something else. She cares too much about her to just use her as a meat puppet otherwise, and a soulless body doesn't age or degrade at all as seen by Niellefresne.
>making sure her empty meat doesn't get destroyed by something else
Just keep her body away from Alphinaud.
they will be need to be gender neutral because of male characters so they will all suck
I'm so fucked up
We need Caim gear, fuck everything else.
cat faggots ruining my dungeons
>implying Alphinaud wants anyone but Estinien
don't count on it
>finally done with the Crystal Sand step again
Man, I hope I never have another desire to make another lux weapon
it's already happening now.
in 5.0 expect bunnies to replace them
That cool fucking halo on the SCH weapon makes me want to do it even though I don't play SCH.
no since there won't be male vieras
who said anything about that? it's going to be all miqotes fantasiaing into female bunnies like during hw all the cats turned into lizard
catboys arent going to fanta to viera, they are faggots
If they were faggots they'd be playing a female character.
wew glad I don't play blm.
Catboys are fujos, and they won't switch to female bunnies. The ones switching to female bunnies are trannies, but they'll switch back to Au Ra after a month because the Au Ra are """smol""" and have more traditionally Japanese feminine emotes.
Catboy players are fujoshits though
>tfw have had cute female cat characters since 1.0
>tfw announced Viera and it's tempting
Should I... Should I turn into a Viera, bros...?
faggots play catboys, male highlanders and male roes
not all of them
>Join an FC
>Everything's going well, everyone's cool and plenty of fun chats
>tfw I realize there's an FC Discord
>tfw think to myself how bad can it be?
>tfw there's a fucking irl selfie channel in there
>tfw I'm legitimately too scared to click it
I don't wanna know how ugly or beautiful everyone is god fucking damn this shit
>switch from tranny class to another tranny class
Sure, not like anything will change, tranny.
I'm not a tranny, I just like to play as cute characters because I don't want to stare at an ugly man's ass for the whole time.
>I don't want to stare at an ugly man's ass for the whole time
Bro I've been hearing this exact line since fucking EverQuest. Don't you pretend like this is a real reason you picked female.
>all female characters are trannies
Hey I want to play FFXIV what's a good eu server to start a free trial on
that's right
You're fucked in April when they do the datacenter shuffling. EU is being split into two datacenters. It's already a small community and that split is going to fucking kill it.
>play female im a tranny
>play male im a faggot
>play lalafel im a pedophile
what race is normal, cool chill people?
what races wont make people stereotype me
Hyur master race. Alternatively, Elezen.
Don't give a fuck about what mouthbreathing autists think about you and play what you feel like playing?
Male Midlander with every default face option is the only way.
femroe according to Yea Forumsermins who hate female au ra
The reason old jobs don't work as well anymore is because they stripped away from them and replaced it with things that don't mesh with the original design.
Estinien is his senpai.
Shtola is his waifu. He confirmed he masturbated furiously to the memory of her naked.
This but with no stache
Maybe I'm crazy but I feel like a lot of cats and lizards wont switch to viera because viera are tall and amazonian instead of small anime waifus.
He used to, until he realized in 3.3 that he loved Estinien.
I made a lame attempt a while back.
>long time FC is falling apart because of retarded normie drama
it hurts bros...
I didn't know how much I wanted this Until I saw it
you're either a self insert autist, or gay.
No one picks male midlander w/o being one of those two.
Been playing EU since 1.0, I literally have 0 friends, all FCs are cringey retards, there's no interesting scene or anything. I've been playing solo all this time. Just pick a random server and hope for the best.
Luckily I'm moving to Japan in a few months and I'll transfer to a Japanese datacenter. Finally the game will be alive again for me.
There's always time to pick it up and become the thunderchad among healers and dps alike.
Can you speak japanese user?
enjoy your frogs, retards, and lag
>he fell for the english teacher meme
>Playing as the default character is self inserting
I'll check it out
Figures something like this would happen when i get interested in the game.
I'm not going to enjoy any of that, why would i be lagging if i am in the eu?
Man mmos are shit without friends, sorry to hear you didn't make any and that eu is in such shit condition.
Hope your move goes well and things are funner in the japan servers.
I like playing femroe but I would never want to look like that...
I'm at N4 level, I can hold normal everyday conversations but I'm far far far from fluent. My company's going to pay for my Japanese classes anyway.
lmao no, fuck that. I'm a software engineer working for one of the big western tech companies and just getting transferred to Japan cause better salary, cost of living, healthcare, etc. I'm not a dancing monkey.
Not him but the EU servers are more unstable than the other regions and often have lag. Honestly just play on NA, the ping is barely noticeable in this game.
I thought the French meme was just that, a meme. How wrong I was.
>Figures something like this would happen when i get interested in the game.
You could play on NA servers. It's not ideal for ping, but I play with a lot of European players that have stayed on NA servers since 1.0 and ARR before there were EU servers. They manage well enough.
Let me guess, Google?
After the US server move my ms went from 120 to 200. I moved to an EU server and it was night and day. Plus, I can actually play NIN now.
Enjoy, their JP branch is fucking comfy.
Drakengard is too good of a game to be referenced by FFXIV
Yeah, I've been there before for work. It's comfy af, although all the offices are to be completely honest. Also it's going to be moved from Roppongi to Shibuya so it's gonna be even better.
I'm gonna go say hi to moot
Fuck Roppongi. Genuinely the only place I can comfortably say I'd be happy if it exploded overnight.
>decide to level a healer first because i like healing
>realize you can't level primarily in dungeons (despite low queues) because the main story is mandatory
>leveling outside of dungeons as a healer is painfully, agonizingly slow
is my only option to re-roll a dps, max it out, then level the healer through dungeons? nobody's doing old content anymore so I have no-one to party with as a healer.
>do the level 60 DRG quest
>very clearly a blue dragon
>uses ice
That's not how it's supposed to work
Yeah, it's literal shit after shinjuku/kabukicho
Reported to Google. Fuck you Orwellian niggers.
>realize you can't level primarily in dungeons (despite low queues) because the main story is mandatory
what the fuck are you talking about
>starting Born Again Anima step on my DRK
Can't wait to run Brayflox unsynched a billion times again
Why not?
Blue dragons breathe lightning, white dragons breathe ice. XIV seems to take more from D&D than other recent FF titles, which is good considering that the first FF was basically a D&D-lite.
XIV's dragons are all aliens that hatch as a single type of dragonlet base, then each have their own unique, individual evolution in their puberty. They don't follow a specific pattern.
They should!
>because the main story is mandatory
try reading it again, user-kun, i know you can do it
That's underselling it. They plagiarized art and characters.
user, xiv features dragons that have a spikey-ass turtle shell, don't overthink it.
The furthest I've gotten on an ARR relic was doing books for my Artemis Bow. Does it get worse
Elezen. That is all
Looks like Voidark caster gear with more shit stuck to it.
How should I be fitting jumps into my rotation as DRG?
>Listening to r*ddit
Do A9S retard, you'll be done in an hour
I'm confused, how is the MSQ stopping you from leveling in the dungeons you've unlocked?
Bahamut was green and spits blue fire and megaflares.
Nidhogg is black and spits fire.
Unless you're railing Kan-e-Senna, you're fucked.
I'm level 62 now. Will I be able to finish all of Stormblood's MSQs before Shadowbringers?
>Get to lvl 70 through grinding
>Can't do endgame because you haven't finished MSQ
It's not that you can't, it's that there's no point in doing so
You have 4 months, so yes.
Yeah. It's three months away dude
>nobody's doing old content anymore so I have no-one to party with as a healer.
You realize that's even worse as DPS, right?
Books is the worst step, it's smooth sailing after that
If they don't copy some stuff from this image as rewards Ill be sad.
basically what said. you are required to do a huge chunk of normal, non-dungeon questing to finish all the main story quests. it honestly shocks me how many people forget this because they probably did it already a long time ago and blocked out the memory (I don't blame you). literally every single person I've ever talked to who's a huge fan of XIV agrees the leveling experience is the worst of any non-korean obvious-grindfest MMO.
for doing old-content dungeons, yeah it's probably worse as a DPS, but just questing and shit is much faster.
What's stopping you from doing the MSQ as a healer? My WHM is absolutely insane as far as damage and survivability in multi-mob content like MSQ single player duties. Just spam holy.
>you are required to do a huge chunk of normal, non-dungeon questing to finish all the main story quests
Queue for Dzemael dude.
>9 year old game
>graphics look super dated because they didn't go for the cartoony look that WoW did
honestly any game where my waifu doesn't have individual toes is an immediate "drop"
Healer DPS is low as fuck, killing the MSQ mobs takes long enough as DPS, couldn't imagine doing it as healer. I've never done MSQ as healer because of this
does that dungeon complete MSQ for you? if not, go and re-read my post again
No it's not and no it doesn't
Press your buttons retard
Healer DPS in this game is actually pretty high, and you have heals to keep yourself alive for the slightly longer time it takes
Good, we're full.
Shire gear doesn't start to drop off until around 64, even then you can go to about 66 without it really hurting you.
Cast regens and then cast your damage spells you lobotomized nigger. They even gave you Break if you need to fucking bind/slow an enemy to move away and heal yourself.
WoW looks even worse now than it did when it came out.
>There are stupid niggers in this thread right now that opted to go through the gruelling process of leveling up a chocobo just to do MSQ content in a reasonable amount of time instead of doing it as an immortal healer with infinite supply of mana
best class to do the MSQ solo bros?
>Healer DPS is low as fuck
>killing the MSQ mobs takes long enough as DPS
>I've never done MSQ as healer
Why are you even replying then?
Just keep up to date with your gear, and you won't have problems. Sub 50 MSQ doesn't expect you to do anything, I literally had the game freeze on me a couple of times (bad old PC) and the NPCs finished the duty for me, and post 50 you get enough job spells that you become a powerhouse.
Please don't queue for the level 75 dungeon in your epic Alphascape savage gear this time around
>"What's wrong user? What's stopping you from doing the MSQ? All you have to do is spam your one-button rotation and refresh your one dot every 30 seconds! How aren't you having fun?!"
other than the obvious lie that your WHM does good dps against quest mobs, to answer your question: it's not fun. My rotation as astro is just spaming one spell, hitting another spell every 30 seconds, and that's it.
>but cards!
a small, barely noticeable buff every 30 seconds that doesn't change the gameplay at all - not fun.
Implying survivability is an issue. It's fucking braindead and painful. Also healers have the lowest DPS of all roles with a 3k difference compared to tanks, obviously less while leveling up but it's just to put it in perspective.
Which buttons you asshat
>Spam Stone/malefic/Broil and try not to Alt+F4 out of boredom
>reminder that there are people who play whm and actually cast something other than holy in dungeons
Literally any??? Why are people in this thread confused and think the msq duties are hard or take a long time?
>i'm level 62 now. will i have time to finish 20 hours of content in the next 3 months?
I started playing in December. Will I be able to catch up and enjoy this expansion with everyone without paying to finish the MSQs?
Warrior, Paladin, Scholar, White Mage, Red mage, essencially anything that can take on more than 1 mob at the time and is capable of healing itself will outperform any dps who can't do these things.
>cast your damage spells
I have one damage spell you dumbfuck, plus one 30-second dot. If you think this rotation is "fun" to level in (I don't give a fuck if it works in raids), then you are beyond reasoning with.
>other than the obvious lie that your WHM does good dps against quest mobs
It does. Stone II's potency is fucking insane.
>a small, barely noticeable buff every 30 seconds
You're actually retarded. Also, learn to use your other skills.
could i finish all three expansions in that time?
takes 30 seconds to mod in toes
based cutefeet poster
There are mods for that.
yes you have lots of time until then
Three months? Sure, you'll probably be done in over a month if you play often.
You'll be able to fuck off in that timeframe, yes
It really doesn't matter, you can complete the MSQ effortlessly (or at least all the solo content) with any class as long as you aren't braindamaged.
Personally, I prefer WHM cause of high damage + healing, or RDM cause of overall survivability (once you get vercure). But, again, it doesn't matter.
>other than the obvious lie that your WHM does good dps against quest mobs
It's a fact, WHM is the best DPS healer class. It's not as good as other DPS in endgame (obviously, since it's a healer) but it's definitely the kind of healer you want in dungeons and group mob content spamming holy, stunlocking all the enemies, and keeping up both heals and group DOT with Areo II.
>it's not fun
What is not fun? Your job? Then play another job. It's literally the same whether you are killing monsters or are running dungeons. And no, if you're not doing DPS during dungeon runs then you are playing the healer wrong. Most dungeons before 60 (and a huge chunk of 60-70 dungeons too) the healer is just casting regen on the tank after a pull and then doing damage. Same for bosses. You almost never actually *heal* unless it's a raid, an 'oh shit' situation, or a big boss (extreme) trial.
Yes, you have to keep pressing buttons (casting spells) or you stop doing damage
The difference isn't 3k even in your wildest dreams on a single target fight (where the healer aoe can't be abused) that's maximally optimized
Nobody said it was fun, nigger. Read the reply chain.
If you want every Relic, that's 90 books, 9000 Poetics, 270 levequests, FATEs and dungeons, and 900 specific monster kills.
Inb4 she invents a new autistic criteria to be wrong about and responds to this post
What other skills nigger? Oh, you mean the cool buff that makes me cast really fast that's on like a 3 minute cooldown? Sure it's fun to use but you'll only use it every like 15 pulls. Is that what really excites you, 8 seconds of excitement every 3 minutes? Ah, but I'm sure you're very familiar with exciting things lasting only a few seconds at a time, aren't you.
that would be trickier but yeah, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. It took me basically 5-6 months to get from 2.0 to 4.2 but I fucked around a LOT and did all the major optional content.
>What other skills nigger? Oh, you mean the cool buff that makes me cast really fast that's on like a 3 minute cooldown? Sure it's fun to use but you'll only use it every like 15 pulls
What fucking MSQ are you doing where you kill more than one group of enemies every half hour?
There are mods for an MMO? Don't they detect that as "hacks" and ban you? I know the TMog or whatever it's called in WoW is technically "hacks" and has a small chance of you getting banned if they detect you. How safe are mods in FFXIV?
Yes the difference is around 3k, look at some parses you retard. I only said it to put it in perspective of how much DPS less healers do compared to tanks in high end fights
It's all clientside and they have no way to detect it.
That's a really bad way to attempt to put things into perspective, and you're still wrong
Go look at some parses
>talks about parses
>in fucking MSQ content
They do but FF14 operates on a Don't Ask Don't Tell basis. So in your case, as long as you don't go around telling every catgirl you see "MMMM NUMMY YUMMY FEETSIE WEETSIES" and brag about the mod, you're fine.
>reading comprehension
>on Yea Forums
They also struggle doing quests as a healer so in surprised they manage to breathe
RDM, just like for anything else solo.
at no point was I ever talking about dungeons you braindead fuck. honestly I'm not even trying to meme when I say I've noticed a trend of people on Yea Forums who play FFXIV who have trouble reading. Everytime I talk about how you have to do MSQ on a healer and it takes forever, they say something like "just level a dps" or "why can't you do dungeons?" or some other stupid shit. I've yet to see a single one of you with any kind of basic comprehension abilities, which is probably why you tolerate this abortion of an MMO.
lmao okay, enjoy your game that you yourself don't find fun to play. why do you play, then?
I don't play healer. The point is that it isn't impossible to do, but that user was complaining that he couldn't finish the MSQ on healer.
>Playing botlander/mhigger
>blog post
yikes. no one in this thread is going to read your book, retard
>Don't like doing MSQ as one specific role
>Lmao if you hate it so much why don't you just unsub it's not like you have over 10 other options lmaoo
Chill out retard
Go be productive and practice pressing your malefic button so you can finally beat that magitek colossus before it self destructs
But I like being a healer. It's fun in dungeons and group content. I don't like being forced to do the abysmal solo content on it, though.
>people are really complaining about it not being possible to do MSQ stuff as a healer
You guys don't even have cleric stance any more to actually do damage, and you get your own self-sustain during solo quests
What part of the story quest are you having trouble with? The fetch and delivery quest? The mandatory dungeons (apparently not since you just went on a full retard sperg about it)? The instanced content with NPCs backing you up? The overworld 2-3 enemy battles you have to fight 1 by 1 every 30 minutes or so?
If it's a combat-related problem, healers are amazing at DPS. If it's survivability against large groups of monsters, DPS are worse cause they can't heal themsevels.
I'm legit at a loss of words cause you're not making any sense. A healer is one of the best class to have to solo through the MSQ.
Playing the default midlander + gibberish name + starting outfit glamour and continuing on normally is the best way to play this game
>the last 50 posts of this thread
I wish people would actually finish reading posts instead of instantly replying in anger all red faced
nice non-argument fuckwad, fourteenfags truly scrape the bottom of the barrel for intelligence.
Most solo content is walking around. You lose a minute or two in the occasional instance while saving 15min per dungeon. Stop being such a nigger.
Yeah I know
This guy who can't finish story quests as a healer is losing his mind
why is blue mage a limited job?
Link me the post that said it was impossible.
Don't waste your time - you won't find it because nobody has said it. MSQ as healer is needlessly painful and boring, not impossible.
>I wish there was a way I could play multiple roles in this game that lets me play as multiple roles!
impossible to balance. they'd either be so powerful it would break the game or so worthless they'd never be useful
dumbest post of the day award
Playing an astro and started Stormblood. Quests take forever because it takes 1-2 minutes to kill each mob. I have to ignore every single non-MSQ unless I want to just round up everything and spam my one AoE while staring at the other monitor. I'm not having "trouble" with it, per se - it's very easy. It's just not fun. I find dungeons fun as a healer, but the incredibly monotonous, boring, non-challenging one-button-rotation has me wanting to quit.
because it has a lot of moves and they are all optional
It hurts to live
It's about as boring as any other job. Hell, WHM gets it easy by getting a 200 potency spell so early
how do i get a body like that
Uh oh, it's a really big fan of some other game too.
>it takes 1-2 minutes to kill each mob
Get better gear, learn your rotations properly, learn to play the fucking game. You are obviously doing something wrong because this is not how the game works.
Once you play another role you'll realise that healer is best of both worlds
Tanks blow ass in solo play because you're just a shitty DPS but you still can't sustain yourself, and they're boring in party finder because class design
DDs are fun in solo play but you'll be waiting 10x longer to get dungeons going where the bottleneck will be the tank or healer anyways
>it takes 1-2 minutes to kill each mob
You're actually shit at the game
couldn't you swap to samurai?
At no point did I say I "couldn't" do it. As said, leveling a healer is easy but unnessarily tedious and boring - your damage rotation never matures like a normal DPS class does, so playing a high level healer is just as boring as playing a low-level DPS. You have one button, one dot, and a couple cooldowns that you can only use for a few seconds every 3-4 minutes. Why the fuck should I bother suffering through this just so I can do raids?
just don't play like a stereotype and everyone will ignore your race. People just like to make broad generalizations because 90% of the playerbase is fucking trash anyway. Just play whatever the fuck you want.
Be a voidsent and possess some loli offered to you by some mhachi
What alternate universe are you from where the MSQ trash mobs are anything but braindead HP sponges?
I'll get right one that.
I'm sorry you have terminal shit taste
>Healers get upset when they actually have to play the game.
jesus fucking christ, every FFXIV i think i've seen it all and then some dumb nigger manages to set the bar for intelligence even lower. god damn fourteenfags have trouble with basic concepts, don't they?
(in case your smoothbrain doesn't realize what I'm talking about, it's the fact that other than a 30% exp boost, leveling another role does nothing for you, this isn't like WoW where you can change specs and keep your level).
why not just pay to skip the msq?
> You have one button, one dot, and a couple cooldowns that you can only use for a few seconds every 3-4 minutes
I mean, you just increase the number of buttons you press by 1 or 2, and maybe add in an extra DoT and you've basically described every class.
I think you should just play a different game
the joke is that you're faking people out by appearing to be a bot but you're not
Yoshi-P's autism.
Same reason we might not get male bunnies because it would be "too wierd", despite their existence being established since XII.
I think he's making a joke about bots
I love Windurst and its surrounding area but i'd like a change of pace this time and want to start in Bastok, then again i really love Windurst so much.
Which one do i go with ?
windurst. crawler cocoons
Lorewise Windurst is better. They fucked themselves by waking up the Full Moon Fountain, but Bastok are a bunch of niggers killing Quadav for muh mythril.
San d'Oria
There's actually a few MSQ/Job quests that can fuck you up if you're burning through them instead of taking it slow and upgrading your gear. The Quirin on the Ziggurat tore my asshole open the first time I did that quest, had to actually think when I ran in the second time.
If you don't start in San d'Oria you're a cunt
that's precisely the problem, you kill enemies much slower as a tradeoff of having more health but nothing is threatening so it works out to you doing the exact same thing but in twice the time even after you've acquired your generic tank damage stance
and you still don't have enough sustain to solo fate bosses unless you're overleveled
>learn your rotations properly,
nigger can you try reading my post first? is there some upper limit for intelligence that prohibits anyone with basic reasoning skills from playing FFXIV? how am I supposed to learn a rotation when there is ONLY ONE BUTTON.
Here is the astro rotation:
>one single-target damage spell (or a single aoe damage spell)
>one dot on a 30 second duration
>cards (but they don't provide a noticeable buff while questing and don't change how you play at all, they're just something to distract you from how boring this all is)
>a couple of CDs that last a few seconds and won't be up for another 3-4 minutes
please help me understand what part of this one-button-rotation i'm having "trouble with," sempai-kun, because i would LOVE to fucking hear it
You should choose based San d'Oria
>Bastok are corrupt industrial faggots
>Windurst are cowards who bend the knee to Yagudo
>he doesn't know SCH and SMN share the same level
Who or what is Provenance Watcher in FF11's story? I remember seeing that webm where he was fighting Shinryu I think and it was pretty cool
maybe I want to play a healer instead smoothbrain
What's that mean? I haven't reached a point where I can try it.