Best Girl
Mass Effect
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Fuck that disgusting suit rat
I know
>tfw no flashlight gf
what happened your sheppard?
Me? It was this blasted war! It left its mark.
im reporting you
wow, you gave Shepard AIDS so he can relate to Tali about not having a working immune system.
a quick reminder how hot Shepard is
Take the ugly pill, bro.
i'm playing through the trilogy for the first time but i'm torn between Ash and Tali, which one should i go for?
Go with the one that can carry your legacy
God I want to fucking feed and stuff Tali until she's an out of breath obese suit-encased blob.
big yikeronees
>Turian at the beach when they can't swim
>freckles on carapace with gold piercing drilled in
delete this shit
Whats' wrong with her right buttcheek?
>square root of 906.01
This is a blue board, user.
theiving gyppo
She can still have fun in the sun and mess around in the shallows
t. xenophile that wants to turn Shepard into a genetic dead end
>an alien
>or a man faced goblina
It would be throwing good genes away in either case.
If men in your place look like that I want to see your women
Infiltrator is the most fun class in all three games
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well