Most embarrassing game this gen?

Most embarrassing game this gen?

Attached: DOA6_Demo_Christie_C10.jpg (920x1080, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's hot

No more hugs, Will

glad she got this costume back
she also got the skintight suit from doa5, her best costume in the entire series imo

how do you unlock costumes in doa6 btw, same as always? grind arcade mode? I got it last night and there are waaaay more color swap costumes to grind through than ever before but with the wardrobe system in place I kind of get why they went that route

>when good looking females trigger you

Attached: eurogamer.png (1700x474, 168K)

I loved the DOA 5 costume. The way her lacy bra was exposed made me the hardest metaldiamonds
Too bad I didn't like her kit though

This game is shit for navelfags.

I want to try and get better with her, her style is a lot of fun and I love her characterization
I played Christie a ton in DOA5 but never took her very seriously

>homosexual hates game with boobs

Why is this controversial on Yea Forums?

I never used to care for Christie but somehow she looks absolutely fucking stunning in doa6.
For one I don't mind it.

everybody looks better across the board
the obnoxious contrarians on Yea Forums are deluded into thinking they somehow look worse because they look different, same shit happened when DOA5 had just released with people decrying the shift in artstyle and saying that somehow the older plastic doll visuals were better

clothing damage in this game is fucking stupid though, with giant gaping holes forming in otherwise skintight shirts or entire layered outfits, but at least it's miles better than what we had in the DLC for DOA5 with the clothing literally exploding into shreds at the drop of a hat


Ivy rip off

Yeah, a huge step backwards compared to 5 for some reason.

Eh, I think most of the cast remained the same in terms of how I view them, it's just they managed to boost the lesser characters even better now up to par with the rest.
Like Kokoro looks really good now to me too and I didn't care about her before either, it's great I guess.
Kasumi and Ayane look same as ever to me and Hitomi too, Leifang got a boost to her attraction and so forth.

Christie was always stunning, senpai.

Who should I ERP as today?

Does she still have the bob cut?

oh no
how horrible
this impacts the gameplay so much
all that fun I'm having feels so artificial now
guess I'll have to kill myself to sate the pain

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Anthem or Andromeda

how are the model viewer/gallery options in 6?
my fellow perverts will know what im looking for

Lei Fang's new default looks kind of shit save for those sick Asics but I agree on basically all fronts
Nyo actually looks like a human now too, the side by side comparisons meant to prove that they "ruined" her basically confirm to me that the average DOA poster has literally no taste and no history/stake in the series whatsoever

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has a free camera in replay, same as DOA5 at launch
we used to have to actually work for good shots of characters instead of just paying for gravure scenes and going to town

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because hes supposed to be a critic, not a lecherous faggot. he should condemn both or neither.

>everybody looks better across the board
A lot of fans are not happy, which means that in their eyes everybody does not "look better"
Take your lies and eat them

No they aren't Yea Forumsaggot. Quit shilling for Eurogamer.

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is that all? i was hoping for a losepose viewer

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The only thing embarrassing about DOA6 is best girl being day 1 DLC.

>literal black and white
Oh sorry didn't realize I was speaking to an angoblin

Imagine being her pusy slave.

A lot of "fans" also only care to keep their little culture warrior larp going. See 8ch.

i would gladly

idk user, I've been playing DOA since I was eight and I think the series has done nothing but improve on every front with every iteration
I even agree with TN that the obnoxious fanservice image needs to be shed if the series is ever going to grow in any significant capacity, graphics have basically plateaued for the past decade and having sexier women with each successive entry in your series isn't very impressive or appealing anymore

maybe there is, I've spent more time playing than digging around in menus
haven't even touched story mode yet, Kotaku liked it so I'm sure it's fine but I'm still having more fun duking it out

I can't wait for two weeks from now when people will stop pretending to care about this franchise until the next time they say they're making the tits smaller.

imagine being her toiret slaveu

When is Christie getting her own game?

That reeks of soi, eww



>Christie Gaiden
Yes please

Hayabusa: Oh shit, I'm sorry.
Ein: Sorry for what? Itagaki taught us not to be ashamed of DOA girls, ‘specially when they have such fit bodies ‘n all.
H: Yeah I can see that, your daddy gave you good advice.
E: Their tits gets bouncier when I beat 'em. Mmhm. Sometimes, I strike 'em so hard, I rip their bras.
H: Well, Shimboru taught me a few things too, like how to activate slow-motion moments and show visible damage someone else’s character, instead of your own.
E: Will you show me?
H: I’ll be right happy to.

My dick, the actual buyer, disagree

Most of the fans refused to buy it because of censorship, that's not going to change unless they release a panic patch.

Someone post the nyotengu comparison

no don't it makes me sick

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>Rampant homosexual accuses every female he sees of being a tranny.


t. Tranny.

I'd invite any one of you here to play some but based KT not only put no online lobbies in the game, they also put no casual matches and no means for friends to play one another online.

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here's a bird

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>pic not related

Well, your dick doesn't have eye, so that explains why you can't see what is blatantly obvious.

But go on, do what Eurogamer wants you to do and not support this game. Retard.


There is literally no fucking censorship. Shut the fuck up with this meme already.

They lied to game journalists.

Where's her minge?

all kinds of faggots and then all kinds of weirdos hate on this game
cant win with so many low iq retards against your game that have access to the internet and the ability to shitpost

I'm buying 6 at the end of the month with Atelier Nelke (also getting Lulua in April).

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Say, fellas...

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The $100 season pass is what's embarrassing.

I hate him

the only embarrassing thing is not having her sit on my face

Now imagine them if they werent smaller. Shame

I can't figure out why you've never had a gf, man.

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please post nyotengu i love her

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They fucked up Nyo's face and it makes me sad.

>SJWs hate it
>Clueless people get triggered at the big season pass number
>FGC still thinks DOA is a joke
The only people left to defend the game are the waifufags and anti-SJWs

>Big number bad
Most popular games do worse than this but they get away with it because they're shady and keep it hidden with multiple currencies, prices that fluctuates, limited availability and all the other tactics that most consumers fall for.

He's dope, I think he's an even better TKD rep than the OG Hwoarang

ew post the DOA6 one before I blow chunks

I'm going to buy this and all the dlc just hoping that the next DOAX gets a PC release in the west :(

>waifufags and Anti-SJWs defending this game
I only see waifufags and anti-sjws being angry because of the producers retarded comments trying to appease the sjw crowd.
Basically SJWs hate it since the tiddies are still there, FGC still thinks it's a joke and now even the core fans are hating on it since the producer tried to sell out to the SJWs with his retarded remarks.
What a supreme marketing strategy, making basically everybody hate your game.

It's also mostly cosmetic. You'll be able to buy characters separately.

They're literally offering each version of the game on steam right now at 10% discount. They're giving you a bunch of extra shit AND discounting it and all you can talk about is a cosmetic pack that you honestly don't need to buy. Fuck off.

Nipple zippers!

I agree his remarks did damage. But the reality is, that's all they were. Just remarks.

The game still has all the T&A, and plenty of lewd costumes.


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Fortnite, Apex or PUBG.


Nyo is an abomination. There was absolutely no reason to ever turn Tengu into a female. Especially not a "normal" one.

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Oh right, I forgot about the whole mess that the early marketing for this game was.
Well, aside from other people who forgot or forgave it that doesn't leave many people to defend it then.
It doesn't help that drama youtubers picked up on this game as their latest bandwagon topic of choice.

>plenty of lewd costumes.
Sadly there aren't that many, they kept most of it for DLC and the Deluxe edition.

Oh is that really why? Yeah, I can see that.

That outfit is a fucking shit

Dream Daddies or YIIK

Gone Home is last gen, yeah?

Kill yourself retardera, tranny kikeniggerfaggot.


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Its a game you actual incel.

Probably No Man's Sky


The difference is that the Mr X shit are modifications to a good game. DOA is just a cash grab at this point that puts its gameplay second to exploiting autists like Mariefags.

>nude men good
>nude women bad

Well at least they made Mr. X scarier.

This is my wife. Please say hello to her.

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Nobody would've have given a shit if the producer had just kept his stupid mouth shut.
Obviously people will look for those things and find them - whether they're there or not, when they go into a game with a bias.

it's the same old, same old though?
doa has always been an embarrassing game ever since they started the beach volleyball shit.


I understand that.

I'm just pointing out how it's retarded.

I agree with you that he should have just stuffed it though.

I now have a quarrel with you.

>thinking this will please their SJW overlords
They should atleast commit if they intend to betray their old fanbase.

I like that the nails finally aren't utter shit anymore.

>tits are big
"Guh, my soggy knees"
>tits are small
"Guh, peedoopiles"
>no women
"Guh, sexism"
>only women
"Guh, all of the above"

What do?

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Fallout 76
Final Fantasy 15
Battle Field 5

>drinks onions

Watch its sales tank while anons do mental gymnastics about how much better their game is now that it does not have money.


It already did as of now it is one the worst selling DoA games in japan and Dox3 scarlet is expected to out sell it

Attached: doax3 scarlet.jpg (1436x758, 125K)

Play Quests to get costume parts. You'll get like 200 or 300 a quest. Completing arcade mode gives you 1. Not sure why the massive gap.

Regular monsters are cool if you're 12.
Monster girls are hot regardless of age.
Nyontengu was arguably the best addition to the roster in the entire series behind Marie Rose and Honoka.

What game is that? holyshit she looks GOOD!

It's a shame because the game is actually fun to play. It's just there's so much shit surrounding it from the marketing to preorder/season pass nonsense to a DLC roadmap that includes late additions of lobbies.

Used to be that you'd ignore them but Sony started a new set of fuck ups.

404 tits not found

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It's not selling for literally the most retarded reasons.

Fucking shame too. DOA had what it took to be part of the FGC.

>It's not selling for literally the most retarded reasons.
don't spit on you're fans that spent thousands to keep your IP afloat and this wont happen


>Fully fledged sequel from the main series
>Promote games as a serious fighter
>Hide away all the lewd bits
>Sells the worst ever
>Full fanservice spin-off enhanced edition that's not even a new entry sells better
We got kind of spoiled when it comes to good fighting games, meanwhile lewd games are harder to come by especially with Sony forcing censorship.

She's not even a monster girl though. It's just a regular chick. Putting walmart halloween wings on her back does not make her a "monster girl".

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How fucked up do you have to be to get embarrassed by a video game.

>people fawn over honkers and flat chest over this

>ucking shame too. DOA had what it took to be part of the FGC.

the funny part is that SC6 got into FGC and they don't give fuck about pleasing SJW's

Oh okay.

she's starting to look pretty flat herself maybe she will get more popular now?

>tone down tiddie size enough to irritate old fans
>but not enough to appease to the SJWs
It's a lose-lose situation, it's beyond me how anybody thought it was a good idea. Maybe the game bombing will bring them back to their senses.

The unlock system is completely fucked. You need to grind costume plan parts to be able to unlock a costume, once the parts are complete you need to spend in game currency on top of that to buy it.
Here's the catch though, for what costume plan you get the points towards is completely random across the entire cast, across all costumes. This means that the grind is fucking insane, and you absolutely have no control over which costume will be unlocked next.

Good fucking luck if you wanted a specific costume for a specific character because currently there is no way to specifically grind for that costume.

Are the tits really smaller? I played the old games and didn't notice, they still look big. I thought it was a meme.

I've got venus vacation, user, but DOA is shit as a fighting game and they should honestly give up on it and design more gacha girls

>no way fag'd by the end

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>Its a game you actual incel.

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yes, here's tina in 5

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I'm so happy this game flopping

kingdom hearts 3
far cry new dawn
apex legends

cant think of others of the top of my head but those are some pretty embarrassing games

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Ayanes tits are smaller than they are in DOA X so I wont buy it

Anygame that sexualizes children.

and the same outfit in 6

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It just makes the reviewer a hypocrite.

Both outfits are in 6.

28 year old dude with 22 year old girl?

I don't see anything wrong with that.

It's just been a downward spiral eh

Attached: tina.jpg (1600x1200, 382K)

Stop discussing about polygonal stuff, and gift me a game on Steam, it's too expensive where I live

what are some good basic combos for honk and nico?
i did their combo challenges but they didn’t seem great

Fighting games are shit tier now, more news at 6.

Probably Soul Calibur 6.
It's the nigger of the fighting games

SC VI, it looks like a PS3 game, with ridiculous less content in everything

If they had not of censored the game they would have more allies, now everyone hates the game.

Making tits smaller, removing most of the sexy outfits? lowering tit physics? Fuck off.

Should I buy the Deluxe edition on Steam?

god, thats the perfect POV angle to pound Mila from

>now everyone hates the game.
They hate it for the shitty netcode and $90 season pass, nobody gives a shit about reduction of polygonal tits, except from this shithole

no point in this comparison image
that review alone is so dumb you don't have to tell us that he has double standards. the bigger issue is the awful review.

Tina makes me rock hard.

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yurogamer likes penis tho

>Tiny tits tina

That ain't a bad thing, sir.

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eurogamer likes shrunken tits tho.


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yes they are stop this bullshit

The X games always use larger bust renders you fagot retard.

Stop falling for Eurogamer propaganda.

Attached: Screenshot_20190302-074236.jpg (1080x2280, 557K)

Christie is a a lot better with her alternate haircut but she is already candidate for hottest DOA in 6. Everything about her in that game absolutely murders the dick.

Attached: Better hair.jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

nigga its in the pic themselves and the breast in that pic still are big as this

stop giving him (You)s you fucking retard

>The tits are smaller in 6

Imagine actually believing that.

Attached: Dead-Or-Alive-6-OMG-Boob-Physics.jpg (800x449, 124K)

>posts a spin off game to compare models
Holy cringe

>all these DOAshills

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To hell with the virginic squabbling for a moment. What am I doing wrong here?

Attached: wat.webm (1280x720, 839K)

are you guys actually ignoring pic comparisons now

now compare that to her bust size in DoA5

God their netcode is ass

you're not close enough for the CLOSE HIT

Except they didn't do any of that shit. You're a blind retard. Go play the game, the tits are unironically larger in 6.

bad timing

>close hit
>not close enough

oh ffs

Christie is so fucking hot. I want her to domm my ass

this is Yea Forums with fighting games

I did. 6 is bigger.

Now fuck off.

>Eurogamer has deposited $0.25 into your account

Not having basic reading comprehension apparently CLOSE HIT nigga, dash in

>filename not eurogaymer.png

my bad, meant for

post proof like the other dude did

dash in and cancel into the last hit



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is this fake then?

>buying costumes
buying costumes
>buying costumes
buying costumes

It is NOT physically possible to get a close hit after the strikedown.

Attached: 1501980006664.png (325x274, 46K)

What a waste of polygons

lucky. It's 130 in australia

That's literally one of the most piss easy combo challenges in the game.

Wait until you have to figure out for yourself how to do instant while rising moves

Omega Labryinth Z
So bad the British government banned it and caused Sony to re-evaluate their approval process.

Attached: 1527176781817.jpg (2720x6720, 3.71M)

it's 12$ if you just care about characters.

nvm I did it. :3


>my #1 fetish gets game
>game gets banned and canceled

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DOA5 has $1300 DLC

>tfw no immediate friend group that loves fightan gaems
I hate it.

story of my life

ok but when can I pirate it

Not like it matters. There's no lobby system.

This literally proves big breasts are better than small and flat ones.

I feel ye user. I feel ye.

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is this stuff really worth 92 bucks?
what does the base game even include?

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The eternal anglo strikes again. When will they finally sink into the Atlantic?

It isn't but KT believes in a virgin tax. If you want to see a DoA wearing a wedding dress, you're gonna have to pony up, big time. They know how many of you don't give a damn about the gameplay at all.

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>Expecting a journalist to at least attempt impartiality is asking too much now

Attached: tssmd.gif (250x316, 882K)

>tiny tits tina with barely any jiggle edition

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Why can't actual Americans look like this?

>consoles holding vidya back yet again
this one's worse than all the graphics downgrades in the world combined

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If you're EU and PC, just drop your steam ID, i'm always looking for people to play fightan games with :^)

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Holds are useless in this game

I hate this gay fucking planet

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Here's your (you)

This fucking guy

>re-evaluate the approval process
That's not what happened at all. The little oppai loli at the bottom had puritans writing to Sony in droves which caused them to have a game quietly cancelled from release on their platform after 100% of the work localizing it was finished.

I'm NA and also too poor to afford fightan gaems plus their season passes.
I have SFV, but it's literally the worst SF.

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it's the equivalent of 1$ per costume and 6$ per character.
Do the maths

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That'd be more of a steal if you were ever able to download the costumes individually.

dong get mad because her breast look like they were made out of starch

That's too bad, but don't forget that there are alternatives like Fightcade where you can play 3s, alpha, st and shit like vsav and jojo

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DLC was a mistake.

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the lack of navel detail is disturbing me

this game has nothing else going for it not even fanservice now

based user

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Funny, seeing you think he either must support/condemn both or not at all. Literally no ability to assign priority to ideas.

It's only embarrassing for insecure fags.

TWO (2) Day 1 DLC characters.

but you are, just like with DOA5

Big downgrade

jesus christ the breast reduction

Not on PC.

Without us you'd still be drawing symbols on rock walls, buddy. Show some fucking respect to your benefactor

I didn't know the average DOAfag was rich. You learn something new everyday.

I can somehow tolerate the boobs being slightly smaller, but paying 90 bucks for costumes is were I draw the line.

DOA6 hasn't yet gotten any DLC pack, so too early to say if it'll work the same way.
>buying DLC on PC

I wouldn't even mind the 8frames of input lag if Gen Fu was in. But he's not. And that's where I draw the line.

its like the people that defend this don't see it or something I just don't know how

maybe I've gone crazy, but the smaller boobs don't look that bad, as long as the outfits are still lewd.

>the British government banned it
And Ireland, NZ, Australia, and Germany.

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Should I just base Tekken 7 while it's on sale?
I really don't know what game to pick up at this point because most 3D ones are filled with people who will wipe the floor with me.
Also SCVI's Steam community is less than 1000.

They do and it's called being 25% asian

absolutely no detail around the crotch

what did you expect?

needs a texture mod.

I know you mean well but it's okay to not like something about a game you enjoy.

some people actually like large breast

Nyotengu should have the biggest boobs in the game. It's absolutely retarded that she doesn't. Bankotsubo was absolutely massive, and she's the most dominant girl in the game personality wise. Instead some stupid air-headed otaku-pandering midget with a retarded face gets the biggest bust size.

No, tekken is shit.
You'll get an online userbase though

woah Mai’s in again?

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I imagine he'd have expected something closer to T7, DOA5LR, WO4, SCVI, and SFV

>8 frames of lag
When will this be fixed?

This looks really stupid desu though.

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The lighting, shadows, goss and dead-eyed expression just make her look creepy here.

>dem mosquito bites

That face seriously looks like a 5 year old child's. How many of you guys are closet pedophiles?

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>the more I look the more I see these things
Way to shatter my illusion

there's no detail around the crotch for those games either though

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That pic is DoA5

paste gmod together with a doa model pack and enb series lighting
>call it doa 6
why is this allowed?

Tekken 7 has the benefit of having a bigger playerbase so lower ranks are filled with people who are just playing for fun and don't really know much. You can even switch characters and stay within lower ranks, as long as you don't promote yourself too hard. Defenitely pick it up if you're interested in a healthy 3D fighter.

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Prone boning the princess

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yep, that's Leifang for you. Tiniest chest in the DOA series (outside of Marie/Nico obviously)

It's okay to acknowledge faults in things you like, user. Especially when the topic isn't even a fault

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so he's shill and a scammer

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Do people really think this looks better than 5?


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what fetish does this new girl cover?
hatsune miku, idols, 2b knockoff?

canon costume

which detail am I supposed to see exactly? The low poly hips breaking through her clothing?
Or the shadows near her crotch which aren't details at all?

for a moment, thought the same ...

Mash from FGO

I don't know but I really like her ever so slightly chubby meaty loli design. Sadly only her deluxe costume shows that figure off properly.

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The clit bump, for one. But I can see where this is going. So we'll be stopping here.

>the clit bump
Oh, so the low poly hip bones of the model, got it

mad roastie

whatever you say boss. DOA6 is just perfect, as you say.

>check article on the left
>talks about how sexy the Claire and Ada nude mods are
What's the point in lying and making fake news like this?

It's just anime. Shitty, shitty anime that looks extremely out-of-place.

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I've seen worse,
she looks cute enough.

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This now if only NiCO wasnt a sticc but thicc like mya-nee

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Am I too far gone if even the non-nerfed DoA breast sizes don't look big to me anymore

I feel like they should've gone bigger instead of smaller

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No you see it's actually really clever. Her hair is the color of nickel carb
Actually on second thought I don't even have the energy to shitpost.

who is even talking about DOA6?
crotch areas don't get details in games because those model skeleton areas don't bend well, and because it'd be an issue with ESRB and similar.

they should have used the dox3 models

why does the sweat engine makes the character model look like they been dipped into gel?

She looks like Honoka and Marie.

>a mature woman with a child's face could only be a hated by a woman
Wake the fuck up dude, that character is clearly pedo bait incarnate.

don't all asian women have baby faces?

And, for no reason at all, she can shoot lighting out of her fingers and summon energy pillars. KT smoked crack before making DoA6.

Marie Rose is pedo bait incarnate. The woman you're PMSing about looks like a typical asian young adult.

Americans I swear

whats up what that damage on holds and the special hold that use half of your bar, the special does no damage and the normal one does obsene damage

Thick thighs

You don't even get anything for doing the story, give me back my time you bastards. I just want my Bass, Mila and Marie outfits, why is this so stupid?

i took a good quality screenshot just for you

Attached: game 2019-03-02 19-04-13-06.png (1920x1080, 2.55M)

>The woman you're PMSing about looks like a typical asian young adult.
Maybe after 50,000 eurobuks of plastic surgery

Attached: 154657896776543.jpg (770x470, 67K)

helena in her now default costume for 6

Attached: game 2019-03-02 19-05-13-04.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

the PC port is certainly embarassing
zero graphics options
almost no rebindable keys
fucking yikes

Normal holds you have to guess correctly to get the hi counter. Special does do damage because it counters any direction of strike and even out of fatal stun.

Go damn

both ingame

Attached: game 2019-03-02 19-09-27-09.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Attached: 432642.webm (1067x600, 2.85M)

>KT PC port is bad
Water is wet.

the real nyo

Attached: game 2019-03-02 19-07-36-58.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Your move.

Attached: tOJ3xYw.jpg (1883x480, 126K)

> zero graphics options

really? even DOA5 had 4k support from day 1

>using a keyboard for a fighter
Are you gay son?

What fighting game is genuinely worth playing in your opinion?

This is probably a dumb question but how do you unlock characters? I just bought the game and I only have access to 3.

>previous ports were bad so they are still allowed to make bad ports in 2019 and NEVER improve
it has4k support but you can't change anything other than resolution for shadows and turn effects ON\OFF
a keyboard is literally a hitbox you fucking retard, it should have NATIVE fucking support and not emulate a goddamn xbox controller, kys

Attached: 1551292640632.jpg (960x540, 26K)

Wait for it to finish downloading.

>pc pirate and nudemod/sfm ripper race

Attached: 4326543.webm (889x500, 2.9M)

not him but one thats gonna have a userbase

Yeah bro pedos love large breasts and developed bodies

Wasting your time on a seething roastie

Thanks. How are you liking Christie in 6? I like how you can follow up after her back flip now.

>they're all supermodels with plastic surgery
I mean you just proved my point.

Attached: japapho7.jpg (441x330, 43K)

I prefer SC to Tekken, but the online is awful due to custom characters.
SFV is the worst one in a while.
GG is great.
If you want to play online on PC, outside of SFV, you'd better off knowing people to go in lobbies though.

It says I don't own the license for any other character other than the 4 starter ones.

I prefer SC too. It's unfortunate that the PC version has no one playing.
Also fuck paying for PS+ to play a fighting game.

You didn't buy the game.

Post webm where twitch stremaer experienced Yakuaz
Jesus Christ

You should have access to all of them from the start if you bought the game.

>Nyo is an abomination.
trash opinion

on X1 there's a shitty thing happening where it behaves like Core Fighters. You need to check dlc to download all characters.
On PS4 it does an early download and you need to download everything for it.

But I did.

Attached: doa.png (468x397, 157K)

Move out of England.

check the DLC tab

Well put in a ticket I guess. Or see if there's some DLC you're missing.
Or just refund the game

post hitomi

Check this part of the screen right here and make sure everything is selected.

Attached: doa.jpg (1133x369, 48K)

Attached: Hitomi.webm (800x450, 2.2M)

only because you got quads

Attached: nkXT4QJWF0NK05VYa2igwfBL.png (1046x816, 860K)

Not fan art though, you absolute blob. As much should go without saying.


fuck you then

Attached: 68914468_p0.jpg (729x1200, 742K)

how does the new guy play?

(and why didn't they added a hot latina girl instead)

Attached: dfddf.jpg (1152x575, 328K)

thank you

Your English is fucking atrocious.

Anyhoo, Lisa was the "hot latina" that already got added. The new guy though plays similarly to Brad from VF.

Show me Bayman in the wedding outfit.

>there's no detail around the crotch for those games either though

2B in T7 has the most aggressively puffy vulva I have ever seen outside actual porn games.

>2B in SC6

somebody please for the love of God post Helena ass pics from 6

What's wrong with Hitomi art?

Attached: 1f690bd435c58c6e52e473cb69ba865f.png (1061x1500, 894K)

>What's wrong with Hitomi art?
There's isn't enough of it

Just a tux. Best one is Raidou's gold 'Walkin'em-down-the-aisle' Daddy suit

Attached: Bayman_Happy_Wedding_Costume.jpg (3840x2160, 1.83M)

>Dragon's Crown
Made me check

Attached: 1294971397409.jpg (433x380, 26K)

I agree, there should be more. Especially considering how long she's been around.

Attached: 1527270980082.jpg (1120x845, 1.15M)

No it's fucking not you retard. Look at how the face is modeled. That is 100% DOA6

>having to pre-order a game that seems like it might be bad just to be able to play your favorite character
Great strategy, just ensures that I'll never buy it at all.

It's literally DoA5. The lighting and shaders make it painfully obvious.

Attached: WCCFdeadoralive63-740x429.jpg (740x429, 82K)

These are screenshots of DOA6 story mode.

Jesus you Yea Forumsirgins are fucking delusional.

She wasn't censored, sorry that ruins your Eurogamer narrative.

Attached: DxCo0SwUcAUAAnq.jpg (1200x675, 158K)

You might be retarded.

>She wasn't censored,
but tina was it seems

>it seems
I own the game. She was not.

Looks totally different compared to because that pic is DoA5.

I'm so glad Ibanen is back

Attached: sgnXCS2Wmhui8OhpAnTFDEuZ.png (606x900, 694K)

Look at the link retard.

>it seems
get some glasses

Journalist used a screenshot from the wrong game for their stupid article.

>W-well I might be wrong about one character, but what about this other one!

You are a desperate neckbeard grasping at straws.

Fuck off from Yea Forums and never come back.

Attached: tumblr_pg7ogrYP2w1xxe8aoo1_500.gif (500x281, 2.1M)

Even if DoA6 is somehow not censored I'm still not going to buy it because I can't play Nyotengu, so you can stop shilling here.


>Well, we can't be sure it's the right game!

I'm fucking dying from laughter over here. You're a massive faggot.

Thanks, that does sound pretty cool.

This is only a problem because you believed the memes and now have to miss out on something you love. Which is exactly what games journalism wants.

Way to go.

Also, buy it on steam instead of console fag. You can get Nyo for the next 2 weeks. And it's 10% off.

Who cares? She's shit anyway.

>I can't play Nyotengu

I don't own any consoles and I still don't want to buy it because Nyo's boobs are smaller than Honoka's.

Just fucking off yourself already.

You clearly hate the series anyway. here's all the costumes of the first weeding pack
The other characters are in the second pack

>Nyo's boobs are smaller than Honoka's.
Like in every game then

>I won't buy it because I can't play X
>"But you can retard"
>Okay but her tits are smaller than Y's so it's still no fuck off
You don't actually want to buy the game. You just want to complain.

I used to like it. It's the closest thing to a new Virtua Fighter.

>>Nyo's boobs are smaller than Honoka's.
>Like in every game then
It's always been a problem with me, the only time it wasn't was before Honoka existed.

I don't want it because of the state that it's in. You're right that I want to complain, but that's because it's not the way I want it to be.

The fact that they dropped Nyotengu from being a pre-order bonus to an early purchase bonus proves there's problems with the game and that they're desperately trying to get people to buy it.

>I don't want it because of the state that it's in.
What state?

>The fact that they dropped Nyotengu from being a pre-order bonus to an early purchase bonus proves there's problems with the game and that they're desperately trying to get people to buy it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure she's an early purchase bonus because
A) They know people will buy day one but some don't like pre-ordering
B) You couldn't pre-purchase on PC

That's because Honoka's honkers are absurdly huge.

Pic related, actual gameplay footage of 6.

Attached: Screenshot_20190302-190921.jpg (2280x1080, 834K)

stop lying, it's obviously DOAX3, some guy on Yea Forums told me so

Yes and I hate her. I want my favorite girl to have the biggest breasts. I probably wouldn't care if Honoka wasn't so insultingly annoying.

>What state?
Controversy with nerfed bust sizes, less revealing outfits, $90 season pass, janky animations and characters looking weird

>Controversy over nothing
>Implying my wife looks weird
>Wants Nyo to have the biggest tits while conversely ignoring that Ayane had the biggest tits until Honoka came along
How dare you.

Attached: 1494332630079.jpg (1080x1920, 221K)

You sound like you aren't old enough for this board.

Ayane and Nyotengu have the same bust size. Tina was the only one who was bigger unless you count Rachel.

I'm 30.

>Most embarrassing game this gen?
Whatever game Bethesda released this year or the last.

Attached: 1550666182002.jpg (464x464, 156K)

I like how it took an entire thread of you shilling hard against KT just to admit that you have boob envy on behalf of your favorite waifu.

This is the quality shit I come to Yea Forums for.

Nyotengu didn't even have the biggest breasts even before Honoka got released.

>an entire thread
more than one

As long as it's not Honoka I can cope.

You're crazy if you think it's all me. I've barely posted in this thread.

So didnt anyone find a method for unlocking costumes without grinding? I’m trying to use Cheat Engine but Im retarded, so it hasnt been going great.

what am I supposed to see?

Never talk about censorship ever again.

Back to mother's basement you go.

You picked the bad time to be a fence shitter.

Do you have any idea how to use this site?

> shitty nvidia recording

Attached: 1551573126034.png (543x605, 388K)

The fucked up animation


It's the newest anti KT Yea Forums meme.

Shills are out fucking hard this week.

Are you retarded? That's how Leifang moves

Her torso and head look stiff and robotic compared to the motions of her arms

Maybe somebody in this thread can do a comparison with DOA5 and DOA6

Post Honokas ass, I'll make my decision to buy this game or not based on that.

That's her idle animation in DOA5.

>same shit happened when DOA5 had just released with people decrying the shift in artstyle and saying that somehow the older plastic doll visuals were better
Yes and DoA5 sold less. Now DoA basically has no players. This is the same path as Mass Effect.