What's the canon ending?

What's the canon ending?

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The House Always Win

Is NewVegas canon?

This, lolberterian's wet dream

Any of them because it doesn't matter.
Any (unlikely) future west coast fallout would have NV destroyed by tunneler invasion without specifying who won hoover dam.

Yes Man because it's the only quest line that can't be broken.


He's a plutocrat if anything, authority explicitly being in the hands of the rich

Nothing, nuFallout isn't canon

Why isn't New Vegas canon?


Nor is Fallout 2

Patently wrong.

Bethesda desperately doesn’t want it to be.
When I was hyped for FO4 I played that shitty mobile game they made and it didn’t have a single mention of NV. Only 3 and 4.

Don’t the year have the Ranger trench coats?

they do. user is just high on the "bethesda is the worst thing imaginable" e-celeb juice.

not to say that bethesda is good, because they're not. but making up lies is pretty dumb. fallout shelter doesn't mention fnv very much but there are items from it in there.

If New Vegas isn't canon, then why the fuck would 2 be canon?

and Fallout 4 references New Vegas and the NCR several times

If I had to guess, the "canon" ending is probably independent, but House had some contingency plan he didn't tell the Courier about and NCR is still out there and Caesar's Legion continues despite Caesar dying. All of them are too good from a story perspective to just wipe out.


HARD MODE: Go beyond the main four endings and break it down for every slide.


Yes Man

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Would believe it if the story wasn’t overly tragic.
Should have took from DM Elijah ending

No way the Caesar's Legion survives after Caesar's death. Even if the Courier sided with them the Legion is on borrowed time. Lanius doesn't give a shit about the legion, only Caesar.

NCR wins, IIRC they reference it in FO4.
Without the courier, Legion would realistically win considering that about a third of the game is doing work the incompetent NCR should be doing.

>they reference it in FO4.
[citation needed]

Could still be really interesting have the legion fall into civil war. Some generals want to reform it others want to stay loyal to caesar's vision

My hope would be House, the NCR and the legion are memes.

Kellogg was born in NCR territory

da reel cannon waz da friendz we made along da way

No the Legion dies without Caesar, it'll be a slow death but it dies all the same. Everybody in game points out that the Legion only follows Caesar and not the ideology of the Legion itself. Lanius is only good as a field commander and won't be able to hold the Legion together, he, Vulpes, and whatever other commanders will also be fighting amongst each other over who gets to rule. Eventually the Legion gets split into a bunch of warring warlords.

but that means nothing, he was born before the whole Hoover Dam thingy, sorry for being dumb (I'm not the guy you were replying to anyway, maybe he could put forth some actual proof of his claim)

Even without the courier, the NCR would later return with a much larger force completely smashing the Legion to bits if they lost.

Obviously NCR, considering that it is poud-for-pound the best outcome. In the best possible NCR ending, the absolute WORST thing that happens is some people in Goodsprings have to move.

none of the games are canon

>the Legion is going to fail
>NCR is incompetent
>House is isolationist
That's why I think they could all still survive in some way. None of them is as good as they think they are.

>Vault Dweller
>Dwelled in a vault
>Chosen One
>is the one who was chosen
>is literally a courier
checks out
>Lone Wanderer
>has companions
>Sole Survivor
>there were 2 survivors

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There is no official canon ending to New Vegas.

probably yes man since the ending has the most potential for an interesting sequel desu senpai

>Bethesda writing

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New Vegana:
>Why u do dis?
>that's cuz my system is good, technology has betrayed us yadee-yadee-yada
Fallput 4
>why u do dis?
>(You) lack the necessary 2000IQ to understand

>Hey I know you've spent the last several weeks systematically destroying all of my operations and bases and have personally killed the six dozen hitsquads I sent after you but since you're here I assume you're ready to pledge your undying allegiance to me. Why don't you start by taking this extremely valuable object down into this secret bunker and destroy it? Don't worry, none of my men will go with you to make sure you obey me or check the bunker afterwards, after all you've given me absolutely no reason not to trust you. And besides if any of my men ever looked at a computer I would have to kill them for being exposed to advanced technology. Oh that thing behind me? That's my super-advanced personal surgical machine. Anyway have fun down there.

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>the democratic system doesn't work because popular leaders kept getting voted in

>hey complete stranger, take this irreplaceable chip to this bunker, I will believe anything you say when you came back
10/10 writing

Democracy a la Russia

>Having companions

Wasn't the NCR in fallout 2?

Why are you posting in a Fallout thread if you haven't even played Fallout 2 you fucking toddler? Get the fuck out of here. yes they were

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the companions in FO3 are useless so the Lone Wanderer name also checks out


used him for like 10 minutes, so yeah...

I am not high on some 'e-celeb juice'.
So there is like one item in the game that references NV, great.
Meanwhile there is not a single dweller from NV in the entire game, despite there being really iconic ones like Benny.
Go the wiki yourself. They are all from FO3 or 4.

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Why is BoS non-canon? I played it and it doesn't seem to conflict with the lore, except for one line in the opening narration which was clearly just a mistake.

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>Good Karma
There is your problem

because the game was kinda shit, and didn't add much to the lore

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It's fairly telling that this plothole, which might be wrapped up in the issue that the Legion was underdeveloped in general, is the one thing anyone turns to as an example of how NV writing was sometimes about as dumb as everything that ever happens in the Bethesda games.

Tactics was shit too and that's canon now

>"why did you take me out of cryo and put me on a wild goose chase when you could have just told me the truth from the get go"
>"for literal shits and giggles"
the institute are a bunch of shit heads and Shaun is the shittiest head of them all

>yes-yes goyim, you have to die OR you can just buy the DLC to continue playing

Negros I dont know what to do, I was loving New Vegas but after a certain point the game kept crashing because of some memory problem, I have 16GB of RAM and this game is old as fuck. WTF is going on ?

I'd kill him then

I figured it was because he wanted to gauge what kind of person you were, since he knew literally nothing about you. And also because he wanted you to kill Kellogg without directly telling you to kill Kellogg.

House is the most unique ending and what they would probably want for a sequel, because it turns new vegas into a unique location in the wasteland instead of
>lol more ncr
>lol more legion (more tribal stuff)
>lol independent city with no more flair than that
>independent city ruled over by a technomaniac immortal genius WITH A PLAN

memory problem? shiiet senpai I dunno
maybe try installing some unoffical patches?

there's nothing you can do to stop the occasional freeze once your save gets to a certain size. try to stay away from locations with lots of loading screens, like camp mccaren or the hoover dam offices.

How much faith do I need to unlock House’s plan?

>House tells you that he didn't have Victor intervene when Benny shot you because Victor was too far away to control reliably
>if you get Victor to help against Joe Cobb, House takes control to stop him doing so
>ALL THREE of House's tribal groups were betraying him (Benny was plotting a coup, the Omertas were going to Sandy Hook the Strip, and the White Gloves were returning to cannibalism) and House was not aware of ANY of their plans.
House is not only a liar but incompetent.

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Load an earlier save and the load the main one.


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>2 times
Wow several

Underlings are always going to plot against their master. You're only an incompetent ruler if you allow them to succeed.

>House's big plan is to move vegas to Tahiti
I believe it

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This, it's the one that makes most sense and house is too big of an influence for them to trash him

His plan was
>job creator
Really. He runs a little city state where the only rule is that House gets a cut, and from the corrupt, slimy shit somehow he eventually revolutionizes the planet and I dunno shoots everyone into space or something.

His plan is about as realistic as any other rich jackass who spends too much time smelling his own farts, thinking all these anti-trust laws and environment regulations are only holding him back.

Doesn’t sound so crazy.
I mean no one would waste s nuke bombing that place.


legionfags deserve the rope

About as realistic as someone living for hundrets of year, am I right?
House could obviously never achieve something like that.

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Anyone who picked House over Independent either didn't play enough of the game or just didn't pay attention to the dialogue.
House himself says he absolutely doesn't care about anything but Vegas. He would eradicate the Mojave if it meant Vegas would shine.

>House himself says he absolutely doesn't care about anything but Vegas. He would eradicate the Mojave if it meant Vegas would shine.

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Install the 4GB mod.

Did anyone actually refer to the Sole Survivor as such in F4 outside of narration/loading screens? I always heard him/her referred to as the Vault Dweller.

so either House or my Int 3 faglord rules over Vegas

>The man who owned the companies that were being paid to implement this technology, likely using research pulled from publicly-funded think tanks like Big Mountain, could totally, by himself, reconstruct what's necessary to achieve a space colony by having a No Rulez city state in the desert

>using research pulled from big MT
except the brains at big MT were unbelievably ass ravaged because house blew them the fuck out over and over. He was smarter, more charismatic, and implemented his shit better than anything they ever did

>from publicly-funded think tanks like Big Mountain
literally untrue, house was the founder of robco and invented a shit ton of machines in his time, anything made by robco was made by him, 0 even says he's jealous of his achievements

Play the game dickwad. Even if it weren't explicitly stated, you could just look at places like Freeside or Westside and how they compare to House's crown jewel, Vegas. The man's got a complex.

House is probably quite well-versed in his technology, even if he himself couldn't build it on his own.
House is a business magnate. He knows how to manage resources and hire the right people. He doesn't have to build his future on his own.

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>No more raiders
>No more drugs (the Great Khans joins to the Legión)

Robco, which House merely owned and did not develop for directly as far as anything is indicated, was more competent at robotics than Dr. O. Specifically Dr. O.

As in the real world, it's not explicit how many think tanks and research groups there are that receive public funding, but a lot of breakthroughs owe it to tax money. Companies tend to be shy about investing into new ideas unless they have hard data on the markets, which is why old companies sometimes get blind-sided by start-ups that broke in to a new market at the ground floor.

House might have some data backed up that could jumpstart a space program, but there is no current generation of rocket scientists looking into it, and so at a base level, House would have to figure out how to educate people in the field.

It's POSSIBLE that he might get what he wanted, but literally any goddamn thing is POSSIBLE until you prove it can't work. That why House doesn't deserve for launching Vegas into space until he actually does it, and in the context of the game, there's zero groundwork for it. All the Courier helps House set up in the game is a Banana Republic run by House.

assuming the Courier found his way back to the Sierra Madre to take the technology that Elijah was obsessed about, as well as Big Mountain, they could’ve properly defended Vegas

The one where you don't wipe out the Brotherhood of Steel so NCR.

>Robco, which House merely owned and did not develop for directly as far as anything is indicated
Wrong, he got cheated out of any inherited money from his half brother and worked to get his own fortune, here's a quote from the wiki.

>Born June 25, 2020 to a wealthy Nevada tool magnate, Robert Edwin House was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident involving an auto gyro and lightning.[2] Cheated of his inheritance by his half-brother, Anthony,[3] Robert nevertheless attended the Commonwealth Institute of Technology, and later went on to found RobCo Industries in his hometown of Las Vegas at the age of just 22. It would soon become one of the most profitable corporations in the world making House a multi-billionaire by the age of 30, owing mostly to House's considerable technical genius and business acumen

Even yes man acknowledges how mr.House was a super genius that had a shit ton of simulations on how the future would play out, the man predicted the bombs 20 years before they fell and only failed by mere 20 hours, and only because of the original courier.

Motherfucker was smart, you are incorrect.

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Mans gotta start somewhere, you can't fix everything at once user, before house can truly mend the mojave he needs to fix vegas.

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But that's No Gods No Masters. House is a full blown Illuminati shadow government, not a minarchist basis for voluntary exchange.

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New Vegas is canon.

In Fallout 4, Deacon was trying to hack into the lemonade robot at that creepy settlement, and he says "somethingsomething Mr House" as the code. He turns around and tells you that he won that code in a poker game

Also this


House doesn't intend to fix the Mojave.

What this user says. Everything in the game points towards House being an absolute genius in everthing he does.
If he has a plan then there is no reason to doubt it's feasibility.

trickle down economics son.

NCR is likely the canon ending. When you play the game, you get this feel that the game is establishing the NCR as the food guys.
An NCR ranger is on the cover, there's tons of NCR quests

You can leave the BoS be if you go Yes Man.

I'm gonna trickle down your throat.

you'll have to wait until your dad is finished you big gay homo

Kellog was born in 2179, and New Vegas happens in 2281, how does it say anything about new vegas' ending again?

I don't have a problem double teaming you with him.

All that writing was for nothing anyway. After the first Legion encounter, why would any right-minded Courier want to listen anything any member of them has to say?

I already said that I fucked up the chronology
see here: