Let's have a good ol' fashioned OC thread
Pepe/wojaktrash not welcome
ITT vidya OC thread
Other urls found in this thread:
wheres the version with ungle
wow dude haha hilarious OC lmao!!
Consolewars shitposting would be unironically okay if there was cute art to accompany it
there used to be with console-tans but then it grew out of control with more people posting the girls than actually talking about video games
Castle Vidcons is still the best version of characterized consoles though
Jeggings, seems like the artist still posts on Yea Forums
Post some bideos too
We need more bideo
Is this funny?
is this the CBT girl?
i cant draw
This is avant garde.
dammit i forgot to check the tags again
Use at your discretion
doremifag go back
does not compute
where's the joke fuckley
I like this
I'm having [s4s] flashbacks
Considering all of Yea Forums is being spammed with gay honkler pepe trash for the past month or so, this artist was ahead of his time
funnier than any comic in this thread
what am I reading?
I love this
This image didn't age well
Why is this comic written like the author is retarded?
desu, it was kind more interesting than funny. i wonder if you can perfect the triangle comic format.
>not an atlus game
Mom has shitty hips
it's post-ironic
Clowns are cute
>pepe/wojaktrash not welcome
Sue me, dickhead.
Do they think it's funny? Because it's not.
Now post the version of her playing with her uncle’s joycon
>OC thread
>wanting your outdated memes
just when i thought you fags couldn't be more retarded
it's post-ironic
It's post-funny
have a nice time at EVO, user!
We're going home bros.
I don't get it. Brawl has the highest IQ but looks retarded, and melee has average IQ but has the biggest brain.
Fucking based actiblizzard shill
It's worse than that, he's a newfag from reddit.
Only redditors still use pepe.
But user, if he tried to be funny or anything else, he could fail!
meant for
You don't have to see them if you don't want to.
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters
is post-ironic porn a thing
holy shit that's a lot. how?
Pepe is the most frequently used image on this entire site
I think wojak beats him out at this point
I don't rightly know. There's one guy on /qa/ with recurring threads, lifted ~30k from him. Ran into someone who'd scrounged together another 9k here on Yea Forums with barely any overlap.
If you count the sony one, the NPCS, grug and the brainlets Wojaks certainly beat him.
But not for long.
>Melee fags are so retarded they don't even understand how graphs work
Checks out
Honestly, all of them are terrible.
fuck is that supposed to mean
Reminds me of that ReLIFE image
seriously, fuck off. Wojak and Pepe are the most iconic Yea Forums memes and they aren't dumb just because you a have a different taste or you're just a reddit normie.
Fuck off normalfag.
Delightfully based and fukken saved.
>hating Kornheisers
>takes a shit everywhere itt
Oops :)
2012 has aged the best. Most likely because it's very close to just being normal reaction images.
Wojak and modern use of Pepe is the most Reddit shit there is. It's literally no different than fucking rage faces.
Wouldn't "Normy" be more gramatically correct? I'm no english teacher, but if "normies" is the plural, shouldn't normy be the correct singular form?
OC I made last year
Why do tourists think there is some epic meme war against wojak. Imagine taking mspaint images so seriously
i really like that C head
Rage faces originated here, man.
when will they fuck?
holy shit epic
You're part of the problem.
>Someone saved my draw
T...thanks user
This sounds retarded
someone post it please
Because there is. It's been cancer for what, four five years now? And it never dies because the amount of newfags that came from twitter and leddit outweigh the rest of us.
I know, but the way they where used by Reddit is the same way Pepe and Wojak is being used today.
Here the original rage comic was used in the same sort of way as the God Hand comic was.
draw more faggot
but I do user, I'm on the drawthreads. I did that Yotsuba / Moot OP from a few days ago
Reddit doesn't use Wojak or Pepe
>Yotsuba / Moot
Sorry, who's that?
I want to marry a clown and have qt clown daughters
Learn to read, morons.
>Reddit does something
Well then all of Yea Forums is reddit.
>rule 4: No Redditry
Imagine being this much of a self loathing faggot
There needs to be porn of her.
No but people use them the same way Reddit used rage faces.
People call them Reddit shit, because it's the same shit we shat on Reddit for doing almost a decade ago.
this argument could have worked if it wasn't true
Do you people legitimately not know how a bell curve fucking works?
>redditors flood Yea Forums
>pepe is the most frequently used image
Yea Forums would be so much better if pepe and wojack were banned.
not that user but Sony California HQ.
little girls in bikinis rpg series has been cancelled
Yep, by the time you niggers have got your hands on a joke it's long past its prime.
Seeing him like this legit makes me happy and I've been angry for by years now.
Who is this from, is their other work like this one, and where can I get more?
>all these redditors crying that we need non Pepe/Wojak OC
you cant force OC, otherwise no one will care or like it. Memes have to happen naturally and get picked up over time. And no, "B-but Pepe/Wojak are forced!!!!" isnt an argument, just because you dont like the meme doesnt mean its forced
>Ugh this site would SERIOUSLY BE BETTER if we banned that toxic bigot frog symbo- UHHHH I mean that reddit frog!
That goes for you guys too!
Proof positive that the people who come here and call everything Reddit are people who come here from Reddit
It literally is, though.
>Implying Yea Forums doesn't ruin them before Reddit even gets a chance to glimpse at it.
Oh i am laffin
You're not banning anything you commie fuck.
No idea what to do with these. Just found them in an old medical illustration book.
That is exactly what I'm saying.
Pagliacci is original
>he missed out on those threads last year
I saved pretty much all of them, but that artist showed up during the time bideo was first created, the other pics of his are as funny/lewd as well, not sure if he has a name though
Congrats user you solved the mystery with that huge brain of yours.
Then what's the point of complaining about overused memes or Reddit even? Just embrce the shit, smelly 4channeler
You dumb niggers are asking for it when you can't even start a thread without mentioning memes and websites you don't like. You want OC? Then make it without feeling like it has to rival some other meme or completely lose sight of where the irony lies. Probably not gonna stop you though. The excuse is always because pepeposters don't like OC when its just that Yea Forums got bored with the autistic shit flinging that ensues thread after thread. Really analyze the quality of your posts and content and ask yourself if it improves the board in anyway. Pepe and wojak posters know damn well it doesn't and don't give a shit. Its the reason why they prey autists who shit out """ironic""" ms paint memes but think it helps the board because it doesn't have a frog.
>t. assblasted redditor
>just because you dont like the meme doesnt mean its forced
Today, I will remind them.
Because I want you to leave.
Most of the comic stuff is on NewGrounds, but this is where they mostly update
/r/ing the Rene Descartes version of this
Keep dreaming. We'll stay here and there's nothing you can do, buster.
>Keep dreaming
Don't have to tell me twice, but in the stone age...
There's also the issue that people are trying to outright replace Wojak/Pepe with some new unfocused OC character rather then just create OC for the sake of creating OC.
Do faggot artists seriously think that generic glorified porn anime girls like OP's image is better then the frog? And what the fuck was the point of the Bideo character?
Nobody makes OC for the sake of making OC anymore. They think it needs to become a Yea Forums icon or it's not worth drawing.
Said the faggot begging for censorship.
Matt Furie made him. Not us. He is not a Yea Forums OC.
Fuck /pol/, fuck trump, fuck Ian and fuck you
>anime image
Had a feeling you were a tranny, but that confirms it.
uy un gay
based, fuck SNOY
Why are Yea Forums artists always trying to force their artstyles/characters to become iconic? Seems like drawfags are glorified tripfags now in that they want to MAKE SURE that everyone knows its them when they draw. Nobody just farts out a simple ms paint comic anymore
Just think of how many people we share this board with that see themselves proudly in this image, saddening.
You have to go back
>Wojak and Pepe are the most iconic Yea Forums memes
They're used by Twitch, reddit, facebook and twitter.
Face is zoomer, the memes were dead before you even found this site.
They're even more dead now that they're adopted by literal normies and e-celebs
If it spawns porn, who cares?
>equating stopping cancer and stagnation with censorship
you newfags are precious and show you know nothing how Yea Forums operated.
We should just tell all the drawfags to fuck off
Anything is better than the frog. Before Pepe literally everything was better with just cartoony anime aesthetics.
Nowadays pepe and wojaks are just used to antagonize others much more than just natural shitposting.
What happened to jannies? Did they choke on their hot pockets? This thread should be gone by now.
Pepe and wojack were always just shitposting
>If it spawns annoying and uninteresting offtopic content then who cares
Why are people equating shitty ragefaces with actual jokes? They're just downvotes.
>cartoony anime aesthetics
That sounds fucking awful
There's nothing special about them. They're overused because they're an easy template with which any retard can mindlessly whip up their own in paint within 5 minutes. It's OC for casuals.
Her name is Kaguya and her game is Touhou 8
anime watching trannies detected
flawed image. I've never known a weeb who doesn't enjoy mario cart.
I am here to save the day.
>People crying about trannies and anime
When did /pol/ppets invade the thread?
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Also like I'm a bit confused. If Brawl's in the top quartile, why does he look like a retard?
and here come the fucking RP fags
>/pol/ crying about anime
Anime is anti-tranny and pro-common sense.
Debate me.
Clear me up then, Mr Olfag. Dont like the wojak edits then create new shit. All I see is wojak edits and people complaining about them andthose evil /pol/fags. Quit the bitching nigger.
Well that's just how things were back then. And so far we've been going backwards rather than forwards. We might as well call this fucking hellhole Pepechan.
>all that text
The left cant meme.
>left can't meme
>clearly not a leftist comic
boi u dum
lets get the party started
I want to believe that the creator of the image purposely made it retarded, but the internet is accessible to everyone these days so it's possible to be this retarded.
>All I see is wojak edits and people complaining about them
Now use that little brain of yours to figure out they are not the same people you utter moron. Making OC doesn't stop you niggers from spamming your decade old downvote templates. That's why you've people telling you to fuck off every time you open your mouth.
>not being able to read an entire image to completion
Man, electionfags really are the dumbest mongrols on the site right now
Rage faces were stolen by reddit and turned into milquetoast shit for normalfags
Modern pepe/wojak is too steeped in irony poisoning and absurdist humor to be on the same level as rage faces
But that's a righty comic.
Maybe if you wouldn't talk like a nigger I'd take your opinion seriously and climb in your sisters window. Poe moe gibsmdat where da wite wimminz @
I never liked the wings
They're all either
>thing bad
>this is you(you bad)
They aren't in any way related to humor. They don't attempt it.
This is meta right by deviation.
Yes, Stonetoss is based.
Dude comics lmao
I am posting all of those on reddit
>recognizing trans people have a mental disabilities makes you Hitler
Absolutely based
wheres the joke?
Night night fascist
How is that a "leftist meme" it just a mediocre joke.
don't worry bro, nobody knows who she is so our precious girl is safe
>Rage faces were stolen by reddit and turned into milquetoast shit for normalfags
"your dumb" is pretty milquetoast shit, electionfag
>all those words to tell the same joke he always does
is stonetoss the new buckley?
left is a joke
thanks friend
>This is your brain on wojak
That's disgusting.
That's it, that the joke
the creator of the image likes to talk about who's smart and who isn't using Wojak but doesn't even understand how a bell curve works
you thank god hilary didnt win. it would be normal
>being obsessed with politics you have no control over
God, modern Yea Forumsirgins are pathetic
>Yea Forums OC thread gets spammed by angry /pol/tards
REALLY makes you think
>we've been going backwards rather than forwards
Sounds like you're the ones whose going backwards. Pepe is the future and its beautiful. Long live the new flesh!
We now know why Scylla looks like this
cute and funnypilled
Why do you still like him?
except i have control over them, thats why your tranny queen didnt win
someone has pic of these ladies showing their feet?
Real memes sometimes still get created, see Bowsette, however they follow the normal cycle of memes, cancerous memes like pepe and wojack are forced and perpetuated.
He's funny and cute
yeah and look how violently frogposters reacted to bowsette
>no wall
>bump stocks going to be banned
>swamp not drained
>global elite CEO jew cocksucker is now president
Yeah, total control
Isn't this the retard that said bitcoin wasn't a bubble?
Why do conservatives think liberals like Hillary Clinton. There is a reason voter turnout was so low.
Trump loves trannies
now imagine what would happen if drump didnt win. trannies would exterminate normal humans
>see Bowsette
Marketing is hardly a meme. *sips Monster Energy*. Consume. Buy this brand. Cosnsume goyim.
>Why do conservatives think liberals like Hillary Clinton
Because they all made a huge fucking fuss about le first lady president? All of them. Stop trying to pretend they didn't
this one's actually funny though, while it does have a very obvious message and bias the reaction of the guy asking the questions makes the sonic punchline funny
Back to your jewish circlejerk, magoypede. You are the cancer that has killed /pol/.
Spurdo is still pure, thank god.
>The nazi frog poster attempts to cope in the face of a real meme.
This is ironic on a whole new level.
>gay cake
In the future dna tests will be mandatory to determine if your partner is a viable female or an insane mutilated male.
Wew this is fucking bad
So when are we getting a video game where we burn Moscow to the ground after we eliminate all the traitors at home who are loyal to Russia and not America?
gtfo back to resetera, you tranny pedo
How was Bowsette "marketing"?
There's nothing wrong with playing as a girl in vidya
Pepe and Wojak are eternal and the core of the Yea Forums culture at this point.
I would rather have wojak/pepe edit number 9001 (haha get it?? It over 9000 lulz) than unfunny uninspired drawfag shit
Fuck drawfags
As soon as we nuke Israel and string everyone related to AIPAC, Shlomo.
What's extra funny is that Bowsette got big around the same time NPC was being forced. Bowsette fans took theit natural course and headed to /vg/ since she was still video game related, but NPCfags kept forcing their meme and refused to move on, same with Tuxedo Pepe.
Yet these two seethe with rage over rule 63 and try to use the fact that Bowsette got big on Twitter to justify their reaction. Sad.
God, I want to fuck that clown.
so much this!
>mods allow this shit
>kill actually fun threads
Man, Yea Forums is such a good board
>Claim MSM are all liars and never tell the truth
>Take them at their word that all liberals love Hillary
What game today would be considered as "Little Girl Biki RPG 5"?
Skyrim is cheating so it doesn't count
Why do you think there is /l/ in /pol/? Marrying lolis IS the final redpill.
edit: Thanks for the (you) kind stranger!
100% yes
>raised by leftist parents
>not even a political person
>always have to listen to their ideologies and political opinions
>not really right leaning but still disagree with them anyways
>leave parents, finally away from politics
>politics everywhere on Yea Forums
>politics everywhere at my university
>eternal part of reddit culture
fixed newfag
That's a complicated question, it depends on what you mean by pedo
What a based gamer
because lolis /= real children
go fuck yourself you fucking resetera pedo
Please don't mix the noble pedos with tranny degenerates, ok?
Cute feet
cute girl, saved
I don't give a shit about stonetoss as a web comic, but I hate that it ruined LOL threads.
LOL threads are for making fun of shitty comics, not white knighting for them.
Low IQ people like you just can't understand the joke. You should try to raise your IQ.
oh look, pedo mods got triggered
Crash Bandicoot
The truth.
etrian odyssey, easy
Eternal reminder that /pol/ constantly says the left can't meme, but their own idea of a good joke is fucking wojak/pepe spam and a Questionable Content-tier trash webcomic
trannies area all pedos, prove me wrong
The funny thing is it was proven that the NPC was a forced meme that the right wing tried to pushed, since you had a bunch of people try to force it at the same time.
You could actually call it an astro turfed 'meme'.
>whoever made this thinks 64 is normal wojak
>probably just so they could stick a retardjak on Ultimate
You don't deserve a (you), meloser.
This is the same shit as the 30 year old boomer meme. If you point out that 30 years old isn't technically a boomer, then you're the butt of the joke. Just ignore.
Eternal boogieman, but hating Wonak and Pepe is actually reddit-like
I've been here for 11 years, kid
>wojak/pepe spam
Thank you, oh mighty Eyeman, for telling me exactly what they're doing right here and now. I never would've figured that out on my own.
Anybody got the one with the memes by year using clowns? It's super relevant and needs a 2019 entry
Sam & Max
>I've been here for X years
Immediate indicator of a newfag
How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours.It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax,hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her,pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she murmurs breathlessly,"You came so much inside of me", then her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside again.
But pepe and wojak have been around since at least 2012
Or is this only cancerous memes by year
raping REAL children. you cant rape dawnings
This hurts.
It's funny because when the left does meme, /pol/ tried to, and failed to steal it from them.
chosen undead
Are these people part of the illuminati or some shit and thus are invincible to any repercussions that these type of messages might have?
Because if a regular person was writing this shit, the FBI would be at their door in a heartbeat.
Someone writing that type of shit 110% has child sex slaves in his ivory tower and he just laughs at all the human rubble below him since he can do whatever the fuck he wants. I've seen couple of other "prestigous" people writing this type of crap to twitter and they've never had to deal with shit.
Goes to show that money can literally get you anything in this world.
Harem of Palutenas
The left is such a joke.
>dyed hair = tranny
Reich Winger seething that they can't meme and have to steal and force everything.
The board needs a cultural upheaval
Everything sucks
but how else can he prove that he's been here longer than you?
you're not presenting any concrete numbers yourself, and it's not a competition who has the most years, if you've been here at least +5 years, you can be deemed an oldfag, but if your mindset about world hasn't drastically changed in those +5 years, you've not gained any wisdom from the website, thus you're still a newfag
Dude, get a grip, there's plenty of worse shit like weebs and their loli worship that the FBI doesn't do shit about
Also, an electionfag getting all butthurt over shitty, edgy jokes is pretty ironic
Arnold Shpitz
fucking kill me
>likes wojaks
>thinks melee is good
checks out
Oh boy I'm so glad another thread about posting vidya shit you made has become another fucking whiny political argument
Rescue me Pilot
How is someone who's masturbating at his house alone to imaginary pictures worse than someone who's fucking actual children on a daily basis and writing smut on twitter about his endeavors?
yeah, I've missed a decade from the count, years go by too fast
I was still in the vibes of 2010
you can delete it but you are still pedos
rustle is so good
Pedoposting keeps the SJW newniggers out^^
mods confirmed pedos. WSRH
lolicons are just pedophiles coping
>I don't understand a bell curve/IQ
IQ scale is a bell curve, it means that further RIGHT means higher IQ, not further UP.
Fucking Retard
in the vast and the empty
I’m still aching with envy
in the vast and the vacant
there’s some karma that’s waiting
and it’s coming for you
and it’s coming for you
and it’s coming for you
and it’s coming for you
Sad Knight
Reminder that today's the first anniversary of aniki's death and you're wasting it arguing over american political memes
It's what he would have wanted.
sooner or later, you will pay for your sins, pedo mods
I think you got the wrong door. The leather club is two blocks down.
hey hey hey
Fuck you.
Proto Man.
im surprised this thread isnt deleted yet. doesnt matter, you will go to hell regardless
>actually paying Blizzard for anything
stand up
sit down
>tfw bought D3
I'm still mad.
Fuck you, leatherman.
trannies are not humans
Terry Davis
hello yes here is OC
dUSArk Samus
Jesus Christ Denton
Is the joke that he actually considers Hitler to be a cool guy?
thread derail
galacta knight
It's okay
>452998307 (Dead)
hellow fourchannel, this is my first day here
>thread goes from OC to shitty reposted comics
>to Wojak posting
>to Pepe posting
>to politics
>to trannies
>to pedos
>to hunger games
so this is Yea Forums
I only posted that so mods may kill this thread. I'm not really hosting. But you were the 24
This place is terrible. Leave while you can.
They really should make it so you can't post duplicate images on a board again
someone else host
They'd only ban you dignus.
fuck of pedo
fucking greentop niggers
Bullshit. They 404 any thread that has hg
this is nice post
This thread proves otherwise.
Good job dipshit
That was a fun couple months
where da videogames!?!?
Fuck you
Could the /pol/cucks kindly stop using Yea Forums culture threads to peddle their shit?
Is this the beginning of a new golden age?
That's not how the bell distribution works you God damn ape man
What's a character action game?
this site deserve better than this
Zorak Ramone
someone please fucking host this
>tfw uncomfortable as a dude
>tfw would be more uncomfortable as a freak-looking hybrid chick
i don't think i'm viable, long term
i wish there was a pill to change biological gender
Yeah we deserve lolicon mods.
lolicon =/= real children
You sick fuck
Any pill can change biological gender, but only if you take a lot of them in quick succession.
Why do you only post images from reddit?
Just wondering.
Thanks doc
i'm not uncomfortable to off myself
it's just a mild, nebulous anxiety that i think i'll have to live with forever
because its full of people like this. its the worst site next to pedo king resetera
thats not reddit you resetera pedo
its funny how you cant reply to any of my posts
Where's the Puzzle/Falling Puzzle genre
WTF I love blacks now
You pedo
Post it
desu homeless faggot don't deserve shit, get off your lazy ass and earn some money for yourself.
Fucking disgusting. In Europe we have Rumanian beggar mafia crippling people to make money. Breaking kneecaps, amputating legs/arms for profit.
I agree with the twitter thot. Since whites have higher IQs, they should be able to bootstrap themselves out of poverty way easier than minorities who have lower IQs.
well it's true that homeless people deserve to rot.
niggers are monkeys. dogs are minorities too, do you agree?
What does posting a traitor have to do with your point?
Thats not what I said. I dont want people to starve just even if they're niggers. I pay tons of taxes just for them so dont give me that shit.
everyone pays taxes. do you agree with that nigger post or no?
this thread is going down in chaos
How the fuck did this meme spawn? What the fuck even is it? I don't understand. This is like looking at a joke an alien wrote after studying our jokes for 30 minutes.
>All these deleted posts
It's just another shitty forced meme.
It's a NICE meme. RUDE goys wouldnt understand.
>going through the thread and deleting that guy's spam instead of nuking the thread
That guy actually should get paid.
Do you not understand the concept of a forced meme?
It's a bogstandard Yea Forums & Yea Forums "shit on purpose" style. Haven't you seen Yea Forums spamming their unfunny(intentionally so) shit everywhere trying to relive baneposting for damn near a decade?
Thank god the call of duty post survived the purge.
Where are the hundreds of threads, or the huge discussion?
You didn't stuff your garbage with enough straw, it seems.
>Getting this upset that your shitty thread got deleted
Come back when you're 18, kiddo.
what went wrong?
the cucumber became pickled from her vagina i think
Agreed. Let's have daily FIFA threads!
No Constanza clown?
They are krautchan memes stolen by reddit and circulated to Yea Forums via trumpets.
It's funny how souls fags try to posit themselves as intelligent when their games are easy as fuck
remember when pepe was sadfrog and wojak was the feels guy?
I remember
now they've become meme templates that make no sense
based /pol/poster
Reddit taking over
Try that with one more layer of abstraction and you might make a good post someday.
They were cancer then, they're cancer now.
>frogposters and anti-lolifags attempt to derail the thread and get BTFO by the mods instead
Good work for once
>reddit nigger's doing the DDR captchas
Supremely based
I wasn't disagreeing with you, moron. Stop being such a touchy little fag.
why did my oc just get deleted
I don't make posts for your approval you fag bitch. Take your worthless feedback elsewhere
No, apparently you just post to get the last word in because you're somehow too fucking dense to see when someone is agreeing with you.
only good post in this thread
>Daily Does
Cheeky and Fun shenanigans
>A Deal's a Deal
Cheeky and Fun shenanigans
>This forced meme
Cruel and tragic.
if this post isn't deleted within 5 minutes I'm gonna send chinesemoot an angry email
Oh shit is that from that /tg/ autist that designed his own rune system and published it? What's that do?
tell me why this meme (which I still don't understand what it's supposed to mean)
>is somehow funny?
>needs to be based off of wojak?
could someone please explain this image to me
>It was deleted
Does this mean all wojacks and pepes are banned from Yea Forums?
Please say yes.
It's literally one guy trying to force it. I had to filter it like thrice the day he came up with it and haven't seen it outside of backlinks since.
I can't believe you thought this long enough to type it
I don't get the joke
hersheys wojack gets deleted, as well as any meta oc
Made this one a couple of days ago.
what a shitshow of a thread
You're doing a fine job Janny, hope your ban requests fall through.
It represented the fan bases 10 years ago, it represents them today.
>console war
>umad in fucking 2019
baka desu senpai
you do know you can delete your own posts right? that guy is probably trying to ruse people into thinking that the mods are doing something about these wojak edits
well aren't you a fucking idiot
>>umad in fucking 2019
isn't this what every single meme is about?
>post wojak edit and all cap post reflecting a fictional opinion held by someone else
>as soon as anyone calls out the falsity of the post, you get flooded by SEETHING and COPE
>good pepe OC doesn't exis-
you may think you are safe. that you are on Yea Forums and nothing will happen. thats what you think, but ill find you. you are not getting away with this
The mass deletion of post Including one of mine, where I was muted for 15 minutes and will get banned soon disproves your theory that there isn't a janitor watching this thread picking off the low lying fruit who are still posting.
>discord patreon and twitter
It's shit
You just proved it doesn't exist with that video.
Thanks for making my case for me.
These are unironically the best threads.
>apu apustaja is the same as Pepe
Don't do that.
Anyway it's few and far between. It happens for wojaks too actually, /biz/ had an uprising against the nujaks and made a bunch of "artjaks" like this thing. If it were all like that, then nobody would take issue with it. The problem is that very little is.
'apu' is pepe, don't even try and bullshit your way out of that. Just like all those wojacks you spewed are still wojacks, and they're all cancer.
God damn it, that picture is cool, but unnerving as fuck.
retardfrog isn't sadfrog isn't downvotefrog
apu is a pepe spinoff, don't kid you'reself
You sure seem like a fun person. Have a hug.
zoomer thinks splashing paint on a canvas is talent and impressive
there is nothing cool or scary about it
He isn't. Unless you consider Spurdo to be the same thing as Pedobear. It's a finnish thing based off of it, but it's not the same thing. And that was also the only image I've posted in the thread. I don't have a single template-based edit of either Pepe or Wojak on this computer.
Well, I made it based on an user's comment where he said something about nintendo and xbox playing together halo because they recently got an alliance; I decided to include PlayStation just to make it better.
Also this.
pepe is a hate symbol, left hate symbol
There's only a few that were really interesting. Most were very simple.
>ITT: retards who think graphs of IQ have to be frequency distributions
Best Bideo, hands down.
They're all the same cancer. Also you don't see Spurdo and pedobear interacting. So you can make that case. But Apu and Pepe are constantly put together, which means they are the same thing.
Gondola isn't Spurdo
pepe is just a pepe
death to niggers
death to trannies
death to sjw
fuck jannies and mods
fuck you
no, and you're stupid
Some of the best threads were those 'generate a game name then draw a cover for it' ones
I had some real fun with those
I agree that it's become as shit because of how lazy the edits are, but it's still not the same thing despite being related.
Thanks for adding a reddit watermark
Not a counter-arguement
Enjoy your cancerous reddit memes.
it was there already. too much effort to remove it because of its placement. i erased the even shittier twitter handle watermark though.
No, it's a statement you dumbass.
>black and white drawings of faces
stop posting wojaks zoomer scum
And it's wrong.
Enjoy your cancerous reddit memes.
>mods gave up
>Only a warning
Today, the mods and janitor were pretty cool guys.
Keep clearing out the pepe and wojacks, and you'll get behavior from me.
Forgot to delete your 2nd post before schizo-posting, user.
grrr bald man and cartoon frog make me angry
Yea Forums is just jelly their governments don't crush protests.
You forgot to wojakify the rageface.
Prove me wrong, you can't.
Spurdo and pedobear actually act extremely different, pepe and apu don't. That is why apu is just another cancerous derivative of pepe and not something separate.
Yea Forums in one image
2012 was peak with its functionalist memes
Actually, remove the anime, sony banned it and they think it's for nu males.
Then you get the part of Yea Forums that's shitting up everything.
2012 > 2005 > 2015 > 2008 > 2018
he eat the potato
based bait pasta
why did j*nnies delete this? there was nothing wrong with it
>normalfag from reddit detected.
Your attempt to project in order to fit in has failed and you've been exposed.
This is more proof that pepe and wojack are cancer from reddit, since only redditors like actually defend it.
has anyone ever done a video for the second to last panel?
>no princess from Love Live the Queen
I hate it
Are you too new to remember Rustled Jimmies?
It was just a reaction image for years before suddenly exploding in popularity and cancerousnes.
>Pepe was sadfrog
Shows how new you were. Pepe was originally posted as the Feels Good Man picture from Boys Club and was known as People cus it was pulled right from it.
The sad frog variant was made as a joke, feels bad man, and only got the name sad frog later from misnamed filename men's like laughingelfman.
How autistic do you have to be to get this mad because of pictures posted in a imageboard?
>Love Live the Queen
ah yes the game where the idol princess Elodie has to dodge the murderous advances of her obsessed adoring fans while balancing her learning of queenly practices
Ignorance is a helluva a drug. Like how people don't know what a weeaboo is.
I think they did back when sound threads were a thing.
I still have a folder filled with them
take a shower, you reek.
Banning things is counter intuitive to what Yea Forums is all about. If anything Hiro should stop being a fucking jew and pay google for that photo ai software and randomize all pepe/wojak images. We have word filters it's time for image filters too.
this is a good meme. can someone make a wojak vs pepe edit?
No, because you just want more cancer.
>Still have a couple of filenames that had square brackets to remind me they were sound
lmao all these butthurt replies
Once I get back to my PC I'm going to add Clepe to this.
I'd normally be happy to get any sort of OC that isn't wojack/pepe edit but this shit's just fucking godawful. Who drew these? Why did they think it was funny? Why are there people who say this is legitimately entertaining? Are they brain-dead or samefagging? Are they actual aliens like said? It's actually quite mystifying.
the green frog jumped over the lazy janny
Fucking retards
Which knight?
>Bowsette fans took theit natural course and headed to /vg/
no, bowsette fags spammed their shit all over Yea Forums until they were forced to go to /vg/.
I agree, every OC on Yea Forums should be Loss references and golden wojak sucking things with his ass.
itd be a great reference to that meme of pepe throwing punches at the speed of light and wojak dodging them all though
I don't use drawfag threads so I wouldn't know who's who anyways.
jesus, I thought you were kidding
kill yourself
No wonder 3-a-b left this place and never looked back.
this is nice comic, thank you fren
all the cute girls
Believe it or don't, this is how things used to work on Yea Forums during the golden age. Except there were hundreds of these threads and people naturally gravitated towards what was good and reposted that, creating a meme until people got bored with it and found something else.
The problem with reddit chan is they don't understand that and would rather cling to pepe and wojack and create cancerous offshot #492281 than new content and seeking to actively undermine people like the OP.
If you want to know why Yea Forums is shitty and you see people like me being nostalgic towards the golden age, it's shit like that that's holding you back.
Witch or the demon, glass cannons are fun
They're 85% of this board now. /vg/ is unironically better than nu/v/ now.
ppffft look at this faggot
the problem with reddit niggers is they don't even have comedy in mind, it's just posturing
Ignoring the infinite fate and gacha threads, this has been true for a while now
wojak was always wojak. it was drawn by a pole on krautchan /int/
i like this one
I'm going to sleep now, but now I've remembered these I might make one of these threads tomorrow
this guy looks pretty comfy
True, they don't care what's actually good, but only whatever gets them their precious 'upvotes'. It's why they just recycle stuff like we're seeing with pepe and wojack rather than creating new content.
>trying to explain things to nu-Yea Forums
This comic is the ultimate brainlet filter, I swear every time it gets posted the humor goes over somebody's head
It's only for the record, and if one person understands and knows why things are shitty, it's worth it.
What the fuck is even happening
I'm honestly shocked /vg/ is full of Fate/Gacha threads seeing as how much Yea Forums has always been firmly against it almost universally. Is that why they're contained there? That said I don't play any of that so I have no opinion nor do I bother with their generals. But I've always been against generals as a concept although they're refreshing after a while here.
>political frogposter has been at it FOR HOURS
how many ips banned?
Contained?! What in the fuck are you talking about?
I did it guys i defeated the janny!
blessed and nicepilled