Play etrian odyssey

play etrian odyssey

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I already am retard

>you'll never get to dicky the ricky

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arianna > rick

Is it even good?


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I know I'm gonna get branded as a retard, but even though I really love the game: the combat, the leveling, the dungeon-crawling mechanics, I honestly can't beat an Etrian Odyssey game because of how fucking abysmally slow they are and how annoying drawing maps are. Drawing maps just isn't fun to me and I don't feel like I'm struggling with any real difficulty, just making slow, slow progress, leaving and healing, then coming back and doing it again. I just don't get how people find this fun, it's so fucking slow compared to any of Atlus's other games. I'm forcing myself to get through Persona Q and Etrian Nexus to prepare for Q2 and they're both so fucking boring. And I'm not struggling in any way: I'm playing on Expert and I'm only really bored by just constantly having to thread out after an FOE and heal and then return. The game is just so fucking slow.

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It caters to specific tastes. If it's not your thing you won't like it.

Compared to other dungeon crawlers its about a D- on the grade scale.

t. vitafag

are you kidding me? Etrian combat is fun for me because of how fast it is. In most JRPGs you spend fucking eons watching animations play, in Etrian you can set battle speed to max and be giving out commands just as quickly as you're reading the situation

Just got to the north shrine, bitch.

Level 75ish because I have had a farmer in my party since day one boosting exp by 30% for the entire game.

should i buy V or Nexus? I've already played 1 2 and 4.

what if she moved her legs a little and you could see between them haha

Nexus is basically a bunch of shit from 1-4 in one big colab game, with a very small portion of 5 stuff; you'd be fine either way. Flip a coin.

I can't beat a game because I keep getting stuck at some especially hard boss that just sucks the fun out of the game for me. I am fine with a challenge, but when it comes down to 'just get lucky with RNG' after spending 3 hours failing fight after fight because I didn't defend for no reason it's not that fun anymore.

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le millenom girl

you just suck

Who is she?

le millenom girl

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Do I play EOV or Nexus? What team should I run if I've only beaten EOU and not the other titles? I suck at minmaxing but I really enjoy the series and want to gitgud at em!

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But I'm never going to get Untold 3

But I am.

>started the game with
>prot, ronin, medic
>zod, survivalist
>shit damage
>somehow made it to strat 5 killing all foes in the way
i wanted to have fun but i just cant

what is the cookie team?

le millenom girl


If you're having so much difficulty that it's preventing you from enjoying the game at all and making you drop it, then turn the difficulty down. That's why the setting exists. The only thing it affects is a medal for the superboss on your guild card.

>(Dragon)'s core started shining!

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I'm playing EOV now. I was stuck on the Crystal Dragon fight for a while but I finally beat it earlier today.

don't think too hard about that.

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what if the cake was penis hehe

Is this Ricky before being sealed in Gladsheim