So(n)yboys in utter ruin

how will they recover

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they can just emulate it

>console wars

Don't you guys ever get tired of this?

I legitimately don't understand the hype behind pokemon. I'm not going to call it shit or anything, but someone tell me the appeal of it.

they appeal to pedophiles, nobody above the age of 5 can derive any pleasure from playing pokemon, especially the newer games. people only fap to the 12 year old protag

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it's a 90's thing, you wouldn't understand.



wat are the chances of pokemon going to playstatoin?

user I can understand masturbating to lolis. That shit is pretty nice. There are much better games for them though so I don't see it as much of a draw for the games.

I bought crystal when it initially released with my own money, user. I got about halfway until I dropped it since I just wasn't having too much fun. Trying my daughter's 3DS for moon (?) only reaffirmed that the game just isn't that fun. It's why I'm asking others what the hype behind it is as the games clearly aren't for me.

One way to curb it is to ban all portbegging. 30 day ban for portbegging. More game forums should take that position. It's childish crying and console wars all in one. It thread derails too, it's awful. Fuck portbegging and fuck remasters.

Just play Cyber Sleuth, its better anyway.

>Nintendo fan site full of people who port beg point at people port begging for other systems and laugh

This same site was pushing more port begging switch rumors about multiple persona games just this week.

It's mostly pushed by the corporations now. No one over 18 cares since they tend to just buy all the consoles / PC if they are really into gaming. As a child it's a defence mechanism to justify why you cant play every game released.
This thread is an obvious example of shilling btw. They are taking a few youtube comments/twitter posts and writing a narrative about them. No one room temp IQ cares to have pokemon on the ps4

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War and exploration are no longer feasible pursuits for a man so I must REEEE at people who bought different consumer products than I did.

This has to be a falseflag. Pokemon has been Nintendo exclusive since its inception and nobody in their right mind would port beg for it.

Sonyfags are embarrassing. They pretend to hate Nintendo but are openly desperate to play their games. Its a shame.

i havent had consoles since gamecube times

i cud buy playstatoin if pokemen came to it

OP is obviously 12 years old.

>being retarded

How's all that persona port disappointing doing for you?

Just ban poor people from using Yea Forums. 99% of all console war faggotry stems from poor white suburban mutts being allowed to use the internet.

Personally, it's the monster collecting for me, and by extension the monster designs generally being mostly high quality for a moncolle game.
The world and exploration are generally subpar for a JRPG though, which is why I was baffled as to why my friend said that was one of his favorite things about XY.
You have to also consider that many people ONLY play Pokemon, in the same vein that many people exclusively play Animal Crossing or Mobas.

Or you can make vidya discussion threads on

It's time to rew those petitions up. Together we can do it guys, keep the signatures coming!

I only play basically every other gen, not a super diehard, but what is so hard to understand the appeal of:

>highly customizable JRPG with 800+ party members to choose from and an active competitive scene if you're into that.

Like I said not a diehard, but it's easy to see how people can dump ton of time into the thing.

Imagine portbegging for nintendo's worst IP

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Sonybro here, you can keep it ;-)

>meanwhile Digimon Survive will release on PC,PS4,Xbox One and Switch

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The incompetent mods should ban consolewar post on sight, or maybe we should start shit posting "do it for free" again, until they start doing something about the state of this board

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