It's official. Mortal Kombat has completely BTFO the entire fighting game genre and its competitors...

It's official. Mortal Kombat has completely BTFO the entire fighting game genre and its competitors. Why even play these other fighters, when MK 11 is simply better?

>best graphics of any fighting game this gen, actually looks next gen not like a ps3 game
>best animations of any fighting game, smooth and fluid and looks very realistic, fights in this look like movie fight scenes
>best gameplay mechanics, shorter but impactful combos, meter management done unlike any other game in the genre, perfect bend of cinematics with gameplay for that movie feel, and juggling actually looks semi realistic unlike any other fighting game(looking at YOU Tekken)
>incredible character designs, and an extensive gear system that allows YOU to customize your character as you see fit(and unlike Japanese fighters, the characters won't look like retarded jokes)
>an actual indepth story move that is a cinematic experience, unlike games like DOA 6 where the story amounts to shit writing and low effort scenes of characters fighting for literally no reason

It's over Japan, pack it the fuck up. Either takes some notes from NRS, or abandon the genre.

Attached: Mortal-Kombat-11-Scorpion-Wins.jpg (1400x700, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit that looks fucking incredible

Honestly, MK is fun to play but the animations are by far the worst part. Every hit is so floaty, and it has those terrible juggle looking combos like in Tekken, which also has horrific animations.

>2 unique posters

Attached: 0ecb9230b57437041dadc4f2021805291c5182f2c8c78eb704510734da9e799f.gif (269x151, 968K)

Watch the videos, MK 11 animations are the best they've ever been and better than so many of these other fighters now. It looks realistic.

Reminder the gear system means women will still have skimpy outfits in this, just like Injustice did.

I am 99% sure I saw Sonya's MK9 outfit as one of the customization options.

>Implying they're censoring it
>Implying the old costumes aren't going to be paid DLC or grind forever to get
>Implying that it isn't all a ploy to get people to pay money for skins (as MK11 is doing more skins)

the fighting in this looks so fuckin sick, it reminds me of fight scenes from The Raid but with magic and shit

>still just 4 unique posters
>one of them is
Okay this is epic

I agree OP I'm not really a fan of the franchise, but they way the handled the setting here is amazing. If you have any interest in Ancient Greece you NEED to check this out, the attention to detail is incredible. And I usually hate those games, so if you hate them too you basically need to buy it.

>best animations
>incredible character designs

Attached: 1550240056105.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

It won't work unless she has the same giant tits, numale

>actually looks next gen not like a ps3 game
Lmao, have you seen the animations?

MK 11 has better animations than Tekken 7 and SF V. Better character designs for the most part than SFV. Tekken 7 has some real good designs I won't lie there.

>trust me guys just buy the game and we WILL deliver all you want as DLC
Yeah fuck off how about that

Yeah I have, have you? The game's fighting looks like a fight scene from a martial arts movie, unlike other fighting games with their wacky cartoonish animations. MK 11 is like The Raid, even the sounds are the same.

>MK 11
>character designs
Shut up before I smack you cunt

>it sounds like a cheap Indonesian flick
Ummm stick to the script, shill, you're not making any sense

The Raid is one of the best martial arts movies in YEARS, show some respect, cunt. The hit sounds, the brutality, the animations, they're fucking amazing, and brutal and RAW. Not like the cartoonish shit in Japanese fighters.

I didn't say it was a good thing, dude. All I said is that I saw her outfit.

>best animations
> looks very realistic
>best gameplay mechanics
>incredible character designs

Attached: lol.jpg (1000x1000, 45K)

Why did they remove the option to report spam again?

No it sounds like shit. It has good choreography I'll give you that but it sounds like shit

Is not spam if you pay for it I guess, just annoying advertising

MK 11 has a boring roster, Tekken 7 just received Negan and Noctis and other FUN characters.

>remember there's always this pathetic retard who plays fighting games to make his peepee hard
i hope you find some kind of joy in your life user

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Attached: 1547787635978 2.jpg (463x391, 80K)

No, it does sound great, many films try to emulate the sounds it uses. Although I'd say MK is higher quality, more like this:

Ok so why did they also remove the option to report advertising?

>best animations
Never. Not a chance.

Negan is overrated trash. I like Noctis and Geese though. Still, MK 11 has some sick designs, you gotta admit. Johnny Cage is fucking badass.

Watch. The. Video. The animations are the best in the genre. You're just too used to the wacky japanese anime cartoon animations. MK 11 is like realistic fighting, like martial arts movie fight scenes.

>It's official. Mortal Kombat has completely BTFO the entire fighting game genre and its competitors.
By having a worse roster than MKX a game with the worst roster in figthans?

The full roster isn't even out yet.

Can you skip fatalities yet? Shit takes up way too much time in online.

>wanting to skip the best part of humiliating an oponent

Lol Mortal Kombat is the ICP of video games. Get this trash out of here.

The story sucks, the characters are all go ninja go themed late 80's-early 90's Hollywood trash, the mechanics and movement are clunky, unresponsive, hot steaming garbage, the animations and models are wank, and the gritty edginess of it all is just fucking childish.

Mortal Kombat is only alive by being a Smash Brothers for horror movie characters with its DLC.

Full roster will forever be marred by shitty inclusions. Because the devs wasted time on them instead of actually worthwhile additions. And DLC packs are cancer anyway.

juggles in tekken take forever, but you sit through those, you can sit through these

>this blatant shilling

Holy fuck, Warner, apply yourself or kill yourself.

Also, I rather have a game with attractive characters, not your woke shit.

Attached: doa6.webm (584x1016, 2.38M)

NRS games are putrid dogshit, fuck off shill

They waste time when you just want to get into the next game. Fatalities aren't allowed at tournaments because of this.

You can still play after being juggled, even if the match ends you can still skip the win animation and immediately rematch.

I'm not saying skip fatalities for your opponent, just be able to press start and have a rematch/character select/quit option like in SF5.

And the weeaboo has arrived. Sorry MK is too raw and dark and gritty for you, and you'd rather play wacky "fighters" like tekken where you can dress little schoolgirls up with shower curtains and slap a trout in their hand lol

MK and Smash are the only fighting games I enjoy. The roster in MK11 seems a bit lacking but the Johnny Cage trailer convinced me to maybe pick it up. I just hope Havik makes it in as DLC.

>low quality textures
>character doesn't even look or behave like a fighter
>goofy looking stripper outfit
>ugly anime doll face with no detail

Thank u, next.

Looks like a porn game.

>Also, I rather have a game with attractive characters

So when you gonna post an attractive character? Because that thing you posted looked retarded as shit. No wonder Dead on Arrival 6 is gonna flop lmfao

Holy shit based, DOA posters BTFO

>b-b-b-b-but the animations
is this the only thing people who hate mortal kombat can say now

What's worse for a fighting game than to have shitty animation?

>Unironically shilling your game on Yea Forums
kys, didn't know you cucks were so desperate.
What about the shitty gameplay that makes MK the most casual FG out there? What about the shitty designs and the ugly women?

This game genuinely looks like the best fighting game ever for people who don't actually play fighting games.

Is this viral marketing or are people really this delusionally autistic?

man you can see the salt coming off the posts

How about shitty characters, shitty stories, boring and rehashed gameplay? Like most japanese fighters now? Only truly good Japanese fighters now are Tekken 7 and Unist.

how can you idiots fall for this bait dood is false flagging hard

Attached: 1503414777777.jpg (784x504, 127K)

>character doesn't even look or behave like a fighter
Because she isn't a fighter. She's an amateur. And her animations are appropriate for her character.

>ugly anime doll face with no detail

Attached: 1469563297649.jpg (640x640, 51K)

Yeah, well. OP.
Block button

Attached: D1028_74_591_1200[1].jpg (900x1200, 81K)

>What about the shitty gameplay that makes MK the most casual FG out there?

Yeah gameplay so shitty it's at EVO EVERY YEAR

Stay mad, bitch. Meanwhile shit like Skullgirls and DOA will NEVER get into EVO bwahahahaha

If she isn't a fighter, she has no business being in a fucking fighting game then.

And when I say doll I don't mean because she looks asian or young, I mean because DOA characters all look like fucking plastic with no details.

hay hay
soul calibur

Attached: 1474312758437.png (576x592, 345K)

>hold button to black
>shitty roster of 11
>all characters have the same HP and Movement speed

I like mk, but point 1 and 3 holds it back from ever being considered a serious fighter. Point 2 just ruins the new game from the start. Oh and also ofcourse dial a combo.

Don't do fatalities then.
>inb4 opponent fatalities me
Git gud.

>If she isn't a fighter, she has no business being in a fucking fighting game then.
She's not a pro. But she still fights. That's like saying pandas have no business in Tekken. Dummy.

>fucking plastic with no details.
They have details. But they're not wrinkly. They're young. Applying wrinkles and """detail""" is just a westacuck way of uglifying the characters because beauty is problematic.

Attached: 1550836450496.jpg (1262x577, 153K)

looks like shit, bro.

>goofy looking stripper outfit

Yeah sorry, too haram I know. Let's post MK characters.

Attached: mk11 characters.jpg (500x500, 32K)

>>hold button to black

Attached: 1506077717037.gif (319x303, 981K)

>She's not a pro
can't see copy other people moves or some retarded shit and she looks and acts retarded

>best gameplay mechanics
lmao you can praise the presentation all you like but MK's gameplay is fucking dogshit by comparison to nearly every other fighter

Attached: 1542739381399.jpg (320x320, 32K)

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Attached: 1547787635978 3.jpg (463x387, 80K)

>Ambient Occlusion On

people that dont play mortal kombat telling the people that do the gameplay sucks

Attached: 1511255312924.jpg (800x437, 96K)

your autism knows no limits, mentally ill shitposter, 3 times in one fucking thread

Honoka would literally get murdered in the UFC, she's fucking garbage. MK is for capable proven fighters only. I'd love to see Kabal impale that bitch and drag her the fuck around til her skin peels off.

Nothing wrong with a block button, it's more natural and better than holding back to block since you have full control over when you block, unlike proximity blocking.

I don't. Losing is part of fighting games, it's unavoidable but what is avoidable is wasting time seeing a 15-20 second long cutscene after a match is already over. Injustice also had obnoxiously long win animations as well that also only served to waste time so I think NRS is just bad with this kind of thing. I think brutalities were one of the best things they added to the game because it gave you a way to get a gory kill on your opponent while taking almost no time at all. They're less flashy than a fatality but brutalities can be more satisfying/humiliating to get hit by them because they happen during the match and only if you get hit by a certain move, kind of similar to getting a KO with an item in Tekken.

mk11 is too tame, not interested.

The gameeplay is great and deeper than your japanese crap:

>Tekken is literally people dashing nonstop fishing for safe launchers so they can do longass endless juggles from one end of the stage to the other, rinse and repeat
>Dragonball FighterZ is literally mindless rushdown for retards
>BBCrosstag is a literal one button fighting game made for idiots
>SFV aka unga bunga the game, no footsies or any logic at all whatsoever
>Reversal Edge 6, need I say more?
>Dead on Arrival 6 and the literal rock paper scissors hold system

Mortal Kombat is singlehandedly saving this genre as the Japanese do their damndest to kill it, probably because Harada and Ono are sick of churning out Tekken and Shit Fighter sequels for you fat fucks.

seeing pic related killed any chance of me buying the game

Attached: image.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

Any news on SamSho yet?

they fixed it retard

Attached: D0ccd9NVAAA388X-orig.jpg (2048x2048, 379K)

Lol thats the most accurate gif reply ive ever seen

>different animation

>15-20 second long cutscene after a match is already over
>15-20 second
So technically, this is your only complaint. And Injustice 2 win animations aren't that long.

Smash is at EVO

They fixed her face

you mean they backpedaled after the backlash? Still, the outfit is unchanged

friendly reminder that this is exactly what will happen this time again.

Attached: 73424332.jpg (600x533, 79K)

Um no sweety they made it worse

Attached: 00C6DD95-069B-4BB3-8FA8-EEBC9CA97CD6.jpg (3072x2010, 1.65M)

tekken juggles are 15-20 seconds so what''s the difference?

Maybe you should try selling your game in resetera or rebbit my dear marketer.

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Ok but does it have Mario?

Attached: 240px-Mario_SSBU.png (240x240, 66K)

Attached: you have autism.gif (600x338, 1.2M)

This game has some straight up boring character designs. The rest seems pretty good though.

she looks much better, quit lying

Attached: 2cb.png (792x691, 299K)

Looks awful, like when an ugly bitch tries to apply photoshop on her face

>even though everyone knows this cycle
>even though it is repeated everytime

"what the fuck? why are they doing this! Reeeeeee"

every god damn time.

Let's see if they backtrack AGAIN. Westacuck devs between the fires of weebs and trannies lmaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I dont get it, if you design a character to be ugly dont try to convince people to fap with an ugly character. Just make her attractive

no they based there hole argument on how the game sucks over her face now that they fixed it they are mad again

Sorry, Boon isn't a cuck like your idol, Scambori for Dead on Arrival 6 lol

based retard

>unga bunga the game, no footsies or any logic at all whatsoever
>literally mindless rushdown for retards
>rock paper scissors
yep sounds like mortal kombat to me

Maybe Shimbori should stick to catering to his pervert weirdo fanbase instead of trying to get into EVO by catering to SJWs and failing anyway lol

At least Kabal and Johnny are good, IMO. I dunno why all the ninjas have to be bland plasticky Injustice 2 armor.

Attached: x1080-_kL.jpg (1920x1080, 254K)

MK 11 is more footsies based, the gameplay is closer to SF now but better and has actual footsies unlike shit fighter V

what a retard

Boon turning his MK characters to n-people in MKX
>ahead of the curve

>MK 11 is more footsies based
don't forgot the new instant win button that you can keep spamming until it hits

look at this retard

So from we seen so far, Kabal is like S+ tier currently. His projectile spam is unbeatable,plus he has air fireballs.

>So technically, this is your only complaint.
Yeah, i'm not shitposting about MK and I like how the new one is looking but I don't want to play it if you can't skip the fatalities. More than anything for me a fighting game needs a good online gameloop to keep me interested. If I can't get in and out of matches quickly I stop enjoying it quickly. I love Tekken but the loading screens are pretty long and there are still loading screens on rematch yet you can't change characters or stage. SF5 does it well, allowing you to do almost anything while searching for a match and rematching immediately puts you in the game unless someone chooses to switch characters, it's just too bad the game sucks.

Yeah that's true provided the opponent ends with a super but the problem for me is when you can do a fatality the match has already ended and any extra time inbetween winning/losing and getting into the next game is time I consider wasted

>shiling for SJW kombat
Fuck off resetera

>best animations of any fighting game, smooth and fluid and looks very realistic, fights in this look like movie fight scenes
lol, no. Unless you mean steven seagal grade movies.

fuck off one angry gamer

Looks like shit faggot shill

Why are you in this thread, seriously?
Is this one of your "Times you acted as the Jokester"?

Attached: 22614123.jpg (600x600, 67K)

you dont know what you are talking about do you

Hi Ed. Always preferred sf2 back in the 90s. Suck it. Have a nice day

Complaining for the sake of complaining.

why this?

Attached: 1551553243997.jpg (640x398, 50K)

I'm glad for my boi noob, but the roster is disappointing still

place holder

Japanese women design things that please them, which is handsome men and cute girls.
Western women design things that please them, which is weak men and women uglier than they are

>this gross formatting
time to go home shill, find an easier zone to market in
fatal blow is a gay as fuck and you're a retard for defending it

You're a big girl.

The employee that leaked the game was from resetera, but i dont see how they can possibly find out who it was.

Attached: 38CC9E5A-4F00-4343-943F-9D239DC382BF.jpg (1642x1358, 1.18M)

Because retarded brand warriors decided to call any thread about a game not available to their console as advertisement

nobody gives a shit
if you are buying this game buy it on pc
that is all

Let me use your own post
>keep spamming until it hits

its just the x ray movie without seeing bone and you use it one time its gone you dont know what you are talking about you might as well hate rage arts too you idiot and the soul calibur 6 move

Yes user very good

Attached: 1549324175977.gif (500x281, 501K)

Man what the hell is wrong with white "males" these days?

well if he did work at nrs the retard dont anymore

Attached: 1517092630062.jpg (686x457, 104K)

*american and anglo males

This, it's why Zack is a prominent character in DOA, as japs know nothing can ever beat the BBC in terms of peak appearance

dude its still fucking trash compared to any japanese 3d fighting game.

it looks like two drunk hollywood acotrs throwing haymakers at each other.

fuck off with your burqa jade too cuck.

>and juggling actually looks semi realistic unlike any other fighting game
eeeh, looking at that trailer it looks about the same. although aside from juggling, hits and blocks do look better visually.
visually the game looks pretty good. dunno about gameplay though. i like anime fighters more anyway.

if you miss a fatal blow it regenerates again in 5 seconds
>its just the x ray movie without seeing bone
except it doesn't cost meter
>you use it one time its gone
see above
>you might as well hate rage arts too you idiot and the soul calibur 6 move

i cant tell if this is a joke or not
>best animations of any fighting game
all nrs games are clunky and robotic looking and feeling. the animations are incredibly bad and they still havent fixed them for mk11.
>incredible character designs
>cinematic experience
fuck. trolled by Yea Forums again.

Attached: 1503200967555.jpg (1300x866, 878K)

yes the characters in tekken turning a full 360 to do a move

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Attached: 1547787635978 4.jpg (462x383, 79K)

This, we fucking won another war by sheer logic and intelligent debate. MKfags should fucking worship us for saving their game from sjwism

>t-t-t-the animations are bad
and yes the idiot is bating you retard he knows you idiots will flock here just to shit on the game

childish projectile throwing still in these games.

no real martial art styles, just stupid videogamey stuff.

there is nothing realistic about mortal kombat. its a cartoony gamey fighting game dating back to the 90s along witt street fighter 2, that has been rendered obsolete by good 3D fighters since.

NetherRealm is trash developer that makes story modes so 60 IQ journos that know nothing about fighting games can give it high grades. The story is useless BTW and doesnt rise above the level of a Marvel story, but mouthbreaking Star Trek journo nerds find it profound.

cmon user, at least try a little bit

Minorities love MK, it's going to sell well no matter what especially on Xbox

They look like shit. Especially Baraka whose mocap actor was just flailing like a flaccid retard it seems. Jumping is still fucked looking. It all feels like it has no weighting.

they have done this for years you fucking idiots

Attached: 1243w35w.png (914x512, 491K)

the cutscene intros and supers are pretty but NRS games have a history of having horrendous fighting stances and animations, this isn't a secret

someone post the kitana webm

and I havent been buying for fucking years, whats your point fucking idiot


Attached: Reptile_Render.png (524x650, 412K)

Because they rightfully fear the real gamer who will happily destroy them should they offend us.

it looks good bros i think im gonna preorder

what the fuck

>nrs games have a history of having horrendous fighting stances and animations
why is it ok for other games to have crazy stances and other shit but hen mortal kombat does it its a bad thing

Attached: 1508546885333.gif (499x310, 1.49M)

>NetherRealm is trash developer that makes story modes so 60 IQ journos that know nothing about fighting games can give it high grades
preach, brother

Attached: 1514729800311.jpg (424x400, 90K)

>Entered thread I don't know anything about
>Shitpost anyway

The Kotal Kahn alt looks like ass. Why would anyone play him without the awesome bird headdress? The dialogues between him and Shao Kahn will be interesting at least

Attached: Kotal Kahn Mortal Kombat.jpg (933x1372, 270K)

>weebs mad that Mortal Kombat will outsell their anime fighter

>refute nothing yet again

Attached: 1547330805001.jpg (631x346, 21K)


Attached: 1546184211940.jpg (322x268, 8K)

>Best animations
>Best mechanics

I'll give you story, not graphics though. Visuals are subjective as hell, I think ArcSys makes the best looking fightan out there, but that's just me.

crazy doesnt mean bad, user. if youre werent a fucking retard you would know this. when lei wulong goes into his crane stance from karate kid, sure, it looks silly. but it looks like a person is doing it. the characters in mk look like they are balancing on the right leg while leaning forward and doing the hokey pokey with their right arm in. and they're not even in a stance, their idle animations are just that awful.
i played the shit out of mk9 and a lot of mk x, but i know the games look like fucking dogshit compared to any other fighting game.

It's not about the crazy, it's about it feeling stiff because there is little to no wind up in most atacks.

The only reason I can think of why Mileena would be a secret unlockable character is for story reasons. Does she revive Shao Kahn? Take back the throne? Summon Onaga?

Attached: Mileena.png (500x612, 481K)

Crazy stances? What are you talking about? "Crazy" doesn't necessarily mean shit. Zack's stance in DoA are crazy and funky. Scorpion's animations in MKX are shit.

They all look like they're off balance and flat footed to the ground. They also do the fence punches and retard crouch kicks.

Here, watch these

Attached: 1551303961370.jpg (287x287, 12K)

Liu Kang, you must rape Shao Kanh in Mortal Kombat. I have seen the future.

>Mortal Kombat
>Best at anything

>the characters in mk look like they are balancing on the right leg while leaning forward
what mortal kombat games have you been looking at and two fighting games dont animate the same my god

Attached: cage (3).png (1519x852, 1.52M)

>weebs mad at something that has been happening since the dawn of time
That's like saying MKfags get mad every time a fightan comes out and it plays a billion better, at this point everyone is just numb to the obvious.

>what mortal kombat games have you been looking at
Hey look

They're not going to lock items and skins behind ridiculous mobile game requirements again, are they? Because I went through hell to get that Injustice Scorpion skin

posting this weeb that cherry picked characters doing the same over and over did you have this shit saved just to shitpost it and he already said hge likes the mk11 animations how mad ar you

>what mortal kombat games have you been looking
Every MK game before 11.


Attached: 1526324469104.webm (1222x870, 639K)

This is the Mortal Combat fanbase.

Attached: 6C2BEF96-D610-4F68-9820-5053579CCA67.jpg (1552x1125, 219K)

Attached: 1551229176440.jpg (377x264, 23K)

i love how you idiots needed some random guy yo tell you haw to think and feel like i said you guys post the same things over and over

Attached: 1502444836150.jpg (410x380, 49K)

Wow, you mean I finally get to play a dyke, a granny and a muslim terrorist ?

ay that's not an argument

this dude is fucking fuming look how crazy his posts are written

Attached: 1524247499134.jpg (330x381, 40K)

Even the pony game looks better than that

Attached: 1433699301982.gif (722x720, 405K)

He's that one tranny that defends NRS to the death. The one that instantly appears the moment you shit on Sonya's face lmao

You know it's him because he always replies with (You) fish bait images kek

you will come up with some bull shit anyway

>Mortal Kombat
>Good animations


>buy mk9 on release day
>wow this looks like it was made on the cheap, clunky animations and worse graphics than tekken tag, scv, or sf4
>play mk x on release day
>wow they upped the roduction values but it still looks like the work experiencce kid did the animations
>see mk11 gameplay
>holy actual fuck, it still looks so robotic and awkward.
told what to think? yeah, nah. i just have eyes, dipshit.

why dont you go back to /fgg/ and cry about mortal kombat again

>it still looks so robotic and awkward

Attached: 1509078312589.jpg (583x344, 43K)

>burka combat

>Soulless western games
No thank you

Told you lmao it's in his contract to always reply

Attached: oof.jpg (1276x716, 149K)

he said he likes them do we like them too i dont know what to think

Based and most importantly weebpilled.

Attached: 1550096733482.jpg (1012x1012, 518K)

they are better and thats a fact.
but they are still not good.

Can we just put a moratorium on these kinds of terrible shitpost bait threads? sage

wait, what the fuck? is that not a photoshop, and an actual physical set of meme glasses?

Attached: gwrgwrg.jpg (380x211, 16K)

No he said they're improving not that they're good kek

I can't wait until he makes a new video about it seeing how shit Baraka is

why did people fall for this false flag anyway

Actual glasses senpai.

Attached: Orib.jpg (1600x1600, 332K)

yes i cant what to shill his videos everywhere like we do now


MK will always be a trash fighter for casuals and bottom feeders because that's exactly what NRS wants to make, and the sales are always too good to make them change their minds. Shame no one really fucking plays it, despite how much it sells.

what an absolutely fucking stupid thing for you to say
i know most MKfags aren't as stupid as you but please educate yourself and grow smarter

NetherRealms fighting games always play like rubbish. They are all flash, and no substance.

all this mad


hey NR shills who are being paid to suck NRS's dick, at least leak some shit

>good animation
What is this, rock em sock em robots?

You try standing sideways and throwing a bunch of punches with your head jutted out and no hip or leg movement and see how strong they are

Attached: shi.webm (800x520, 200K)

Jesus Christ it's like the modelers only ever saw trannies and not actual women.

>if i slow it down its bad

Is that shit on your little finger? Was she poking her ass back stage

lmao what the fuck

she looks like the iron fucking sheikh

man the people who hate mortal kombat are some crazy fuckers you guys will do anything to shit on this game

*on her finger

I'm genuinely impressed. Not by the game I mean, this looks like fucking garbage like MK always does, I'm just impressed that people still give a shit about this series.

model faces

how many times do I gotta say this

The shilling has begun it seems. Time to go play for a couple of weeks it seems.

Attached: imout.gif (350x262, 36K)

if i slow it down and it's from mortal kombat it's bad*

here's a similar flurry from a game with actual good animations

Attached: colorswap.php.gif (231x110, 47K)

t. underagefag who thinks blood and guts are cool and girls are icky

Damn it, I lost. heheh

so you want a character that is not makato and and that does not fight like her to move the same way she does

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it does have the best graphics including animations. DOA in particular has dropped the ball so hard, it literally looks like a last-gen game, like they changed nothing about the engine and just scaled the textures up a little.

>arguably the blandest roster yet
>game is trading technical combos for full screen zooning/footsies
>meter auto regenerates instead of being a reward for smart plays.
>female designs are pandering to “muh strong female” rather than sleek designs.
>Rhonda rousey is a fucking awful voice actress

But it has really good graphics.

So im going to guess the SHIT ROSTER leaking has made the marketing plan to rush out some shilling threads to damage control the fact of no reptile, smoke, possibly mileena an shit.

Its so sad that companies do this bullshit now, literally abusing our anonymity for greedy purposes. I hope at least hiro gets some money for letting this kind of thread alive.

>game is trading technical combos for full screen zooning/footsies
right off you sound like an idiot

It's a marker smudge you moron.

Attached: DntGfzRXgAA0VAN.jpg orig.jpg (1500x1000, 157K)

I want the animation to convey some sort of movement and effort that leads me to believe that the move is being performed by someone that can actually fight

Maybe you should watch one of the videos this user posted the guy knows what he is talking about even if he does ironically sound like a fat fuck

Day 1 reveal had pro players full screen zoning with scarlet.
They dithed the sprint bar, the one nice addition of mix
It’s following in injustice’s defense riddled zoneing gameplay path.

But muh footsies. D-d-defensive play

>why dont the characters in this game move like the ones in this other game

and like i said the retard in the video only shows characters doing the same shit over and over and in his injustice 2 video he shows he has a bios mad that his jap games didn't win a award

>Day 1 reveal had pro players full screen zoning with scarlet
its almost like they didnt know how to play the game and doing what they can to win and it was not day one just a old build of the game that's not out yet

>the video only shows characters doing the same shit over and over
the first video is the only one I watched but it was good and covered lots. I think your biases are showing way more than his

stop replying to nrsnigger

back to /fgg/ whith you

Yeah, seeing so much money and effort wasted on a game that will be forgotten mere months after it releases no matter how many copies it sells annoys me. If people stopped buying this shit even though they KNOW they won't bother playing it, maybe NRS would shape the fuck up and make a better game.

>tfw Cetrion might be my secret main

Attached: Alicia-silverstone-as-batgirl-barbara-wilson.jpg (500x572, 51K)

how when he said he got the game as a joke

Makoto rotates her body do make her punches have momentum and force, with a wide stance and a leg position in a rough 90 degree angle for stability
Ninjafag looks like a 10 year old throwing punches with no momentum or force, while standing on his toes with both legs. Only reason he doesn't topple down is the guy that doesn't even react to his punches properly.

Attached: SpryNiceIrishterrier-size_restricted.gif (434x250, 1.09M)

>seeing so much money and effort wasted on a game that will be forgotten mere months after it releases
this meme again

Attached: you 4 you.gif (500x296, 466K)

why would anybody unironically buy nrs shit

wow that fucking gif how cant you tell whats going on at all and yes ignore everything in the video i posting and cry about one thing

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say somebody is showing a biases makes this post

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learn english retard

How come you didn't post this

Oh wow genuine shills

Killer Instinct 2013 has the best animations in the genre

can you imagine what would've happened if NRS used the money they pay shills towards their actual games

not even close.
but it has way better animations than anything NRS.

How do you know? Did you sniff it?

look at this retard

>people are still fighting over wich fightan is best
Why don't you guys just play everything? Hell, it's people who need to pick teams and shit on those wo play other games that generates faggots like melee players.

Even tough I like MK and SF the best, I still play everything else. The only fightan franchise I never took a liking was Skullgirls. I tried. Never clicked with me, even tough the game is beautiful.

>gets blacklisted from the entire video game industry to beg for some few minutes of attention
Well played, mentally ill degenerate.

it goes agents everything he is trying to shitpost

>No u
Pathetic and childish

Why would I play games I think are shit?
Use your brain.

>What about the shitty gameplay that makes MK the most casual FG out there?

Im sure you know what youre talking about

Post a detailed explanation and then every FG youre in the top 1000 ranked players/ have been in top 24 at any tournament in

Because we were talking about a history of NRS games' horrendous fighting stances and animations.


what do you men they put in more shit into there games them most jap fighters

you fucked yourself in your posts stop

Hey ESL shill, improve your reading comprehension.

>t-t-t-t-they are still bad guys
your boy said they are fine stop crying and you can stop shilling his garbage now

Reminder that even though MKX's animations were bad, MK11 looks way better. The abitorials that the one dude does on MKX had to legit highly analzye the videos to see any animations, and they were all nitpicks

Because they are not shit, you are just a childish faggot blinded by stupid franchise warring.

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NRS has never made a good fighter.

Dial a combo sucks.

nice faggot post, retard.

Can't believe this bait thread is at 250+ replies. ffs he thinks the animations are a strong point.

all you need to do is post mortal kombat and and the hate posts will flow right in

it's not out yet!

>h-haha i came up with these complaints myself btw

its ironic that these mouthbreathing kids are still parroting the "muh stances and animation" meme when even your god who you literally copied every single point from said that MK11 fixed everything he was pointing out from MKX

but once again, since literally none of you know what youre talking about but are desperately trying to find a reason to shit on the game mommy wont buy you since its 18+, youre still frothing at the mouth over muh stances

Fucking hell, this looks like absolute shit

>doing the same over and over
So? He does the animation multiple times so people can see them. What the fuck are you trying to say here? Do you think actually looks good the first time?

All it took for me was seeing showcase of fatalities to realize i will never ever play this game.

Maybe i am too basedboi.

Shill go away and don't reply to me

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same jawline lmaooo

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Baraka's animations really do look like shit though.

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you literally have zero clue about what youre "talking" about, go kill yourself

you know doing the same animation over and over doing nothing more like when he shoes other with other games he shows them doing combos and over shit hell he had jax do an over head move calling it his main thing

they employ retards who do
how is that an excuse lmao

he shows

The game looks awesome

Attached: D0curJmUYAAq90S.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>he shoes
God can't you just slow down a bit and proofread? Why are you being such a seething ESL shill? Do you really need to shit out as many posts per minute for those NRS lootboxes?

>Americans in charge of modeling

Attached: americans.jpg (500x110, 27K)

NRS keeps pushing for realism and it's great it totally fits MK

>Forgot the link for his shitfanfic
top kek we won

Absolutely beautiful

Attached: D0a7Ct0W0AA12cv.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Most japanese games have shitty animations yet the weebs want to tell someone about something having shitty animations, what a world.

you can't really a aaa fighting game to a aa fighting game with a shoe string budget

Japan is on a shoe string budget because they give all their money to anime voice actors and jav sluts.

Japanese voice actors are really cheap dude

Wow really? I heard they make way more than the people who do actual work on anime, are they paid so very little?

Shills are in, I see.
>movie feel
Jesus Christ

cringe and infidelpilled

>best animations
>smooth and fluid and realistic
>best gameplay mechanics
>cinematic experience
>incredible character design
nice bait

oh sorry I meant compared to voice actors for western shows and actors for eng dubs

>Most japanese games have shitty animations
What? That's not true at all. Pretty much all of the high profile Japanese games and even most AA Japanese games have great animations. It's the westacucks that don't know the basic stuff such as "easing" which Japanese refer to as "merihari". It's the process of making a wind up last more frames than the execution/slash/hit to make the illusion of moves having weight and speed behind them.

Watch this guy @ 7:55 for a quick summary.

Or this guy
for something more in depth

Reminder that Capcom had to send Itsuno's team multiple times over in the UK to help out Ninja Theory to develop the game. Most of it were focused on the animations. And even then they still failed to deliver.
Japanese action games and fighters in particular have much better animations, controls, depth and overall feeling than westacuck ones. Westacuck action games find a formula that is relatively easy to code and run with it. The whole magnetized, scripted moves can be found in Uncharted, Batman Arkham games, Mad Max, AssCreed games, Spiderman on the PS4 (that doesn't even allow for multiple enemy hits) Ghost of Tsushima etc. etc.
Westacucks are yet to produce a single good action game in that regard.

But it's the westerners who usually blow their budget on dumb shit like high profile marketing, always-online garbage, Hollywood/Celebrity voice actors etc.
This is also why their games are considered flops even after they sell like 5 million copies. They're simply inflated in that sense. On the other hand you have plenty of long-running niche Japanese franchises which are considered profitable simply by selling 60k+ copies in their homeland. They don't even need to localize them to fund further installments.

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DoA6 is only good for importing character models into Honey Select

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oh god is that real?

NRShitter on a coffee break?

trying to keep your thread going or something?

I just checked their IG...I'm actually surprised that it's real..

This looks awful. You should actually try a real fighting game then come back.

way to give Burka Kombat funposters more ammo

This whole fucking thread is cancer
You're a pathetic falseflagger disguised as a shill. Fuck off
>dickgirl porn lover yet again
Both you and OP need to get lymphoma and die.
>all characters have the same HP and movement speed
HP, yes. movement speed has been different for each character since 9. Different HP values isn't all that common in FGs.
They're basically doing MK2 with a dash function. No run button is fucking retarded desu. The game looks like a step backward from X, where they had a good thing going.
No, but Scorpion or Sub-Zero will be Smash DLC, watch.
Hang around women too much without sleeping with them and you gain their mannerisms. White guys these days try to play the friendly nice guy card so much it backfires on them and they start acting feminine.
user that is not how you throw a punch, get a clue. Her arms are fully extended, for one. Even white belts know better than to do that. It's great sprite work but it's not proper form at all.

Attached: user129085_pic84368_1328549620.jpg (690x667, 65K)

you both sound retarded

>Different HP values isn't all that common in FGs
It is though. Grapples for example always get a health boost since they have trouble dealing with projectiles and quicker characters, whose health and stun bars are also shorter to balance out their mobility and freedom of approach.

The reason NRS isn't implementing this is a mixture of laziness, incompetence and also the fact that characters are quite samey in comparison to other fighters.

you retards don't know what a burka is

Sounds funnier than "niqab"

Good job exposing you have no clue on the subject

Injustice 2 has different HP values for different characters (not sure what the situation is with 11) and the original retard is even more retarded for unironically saying that the characters have the same walkspeed

yeah I guess they’re realistic but that doesn’t make them good

I like mortal kombat being that goofy and exagerated gore from the 16bit era. This thing trying to be deep and unironic is just stpupid. The jugglings that makes the game unfun to play is still present, I see combo damage scaling, the graphics has nothing impressive, I really miss the old Mortal Kombat being ironically edgy and gory.

>It is though. Grapples for example always get a health boost since they have trouble dealing with projectiles
Know how I know you only play Street Fighter?
Tekken doesn't, Soul Calibur doesn't, Skullgirls doesn't, KOF didn't until 13 or 14. I think Blazblue does but nobody gives a shit about that game.

Attached: 2my04n.jpg (302x227, 17K)

who gives a shit you faggot, are you a goat fucker? how is that shit acceptable in a western game in 2019? go back to resetera faggot and stay there

outrage fags are retarded


>Tekken, which also has horrific animations
Takes the cake for one of the worst posts I've ever seen on Yea Forums

Attached: 1512325835240.png (645x729, 50K)

tekken has terrible animations, but its still not as bad as NRS shit lmao

What does have good animations in the fighting game genre?

Show me 5 bad animations from T7

Not that guy but the only crappy animations in Tekken are the stances of old characters. Like Lee.

Not him, but Negans transition from walking forward to running is kinda strange..
Also Julias mad axes is still.. julias old mad axes

Hitman stance looks great though.


>giving SugarPunch any credibility
I'm gonna remind you of how much of a fucking bitch he is:

Attached: pathetic.jpg (480x360, 41K)


I'm aware of his faggotry, but I posted the "11 is good" video as a rebuttal to every other video the user posted

I don't see how this is relevant for the argument and video proofs presented.

>best graphics of any fighting game this gen, actually looks next gen not like a ps3 game
It really is amazing how every other fighting game (aside from fighterz) looks terrible.

SFV, Soul Calibur and GG are all way better animated than Tekken.
Unist too. The upcoming Samsho also does things WAY better.

Every character falls apart when he moves.
The animations are also all recycled from Tekken 5 and earlier which is pathetic. Tekken is way behind when it comes to animation currently, just not as much as NRS is.

Attached: 1541925454414.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

It shows that his opinion is warped and he's a cherrypicker. I can't even trust him to judge simple character design intelligently. why should I care what he thinks about something related, but more complex like animation quality?

>It shows that his opinion is warped
No, not really. You can have different opinions on different topics. Are you twelve?

>and he's a cherrypicker
I don't see how he's a cherrypicker. That video doesn't really reveals him as such. He even said Sub Zero's stance in MKX is good.

Because NRS games have objectively crappy animations. Every gun user has shit animations and bad move telegraphs. Every floating character has shit animations. Everybody is flat footed and doing the fence punch etc. Things like these aren't cherrypicks. They are the norm.
When you have characters like Atom and Darkseid whose animations are mostly all bad, then you're not cherrypicking anymore. You'd be cherrypicking if you were to focus on one animation of theirs that doesn't suck shit.

If somebody says and proves that water is wet then the next day says that the Earth is flat it doesn't negate the previous demonstrable fact just because he said it.

they give him a voice because he said he is an animation major he said it so he must know everything

Hey, see No reason to emulate reddit voting here.

he posts his trash all over reddit retard

>reading comprehension
Hey, stop getting triggered like a redditor.

Better is subjective and MK is so wildly different from say Guilty Gear or Unist or DBFZ you may as well compare apples and oranges. These things can co-exist, and do so to the benefit of the playerbase. Stop this "there can be only 1" crap. That's SF/Melee bag and you definitely don't want to emulate it.

Attached: yes you are.gif (480x270, 999K)

just like him you retards post the same shit and cherry pick and every argument you have comes from the same retard that made the video

Attached: Mortal Kombat XL_20190302142112.webm (940x450, 960K)

Oh it's the NRShill
never mind

Give it a rest tranny

But worst gameplay so who cares.

>Non stop 3 hit combos

Yeah they already tried this with IJ2... inc dead game

you mad kids go cherry pick more you might get someone one day

Attached: Mortal Kombat XL_20190302142717.webm (940x450, 837K)

Literally no weight in that animation.

you dont know what the hell you are talking about do you

damn you got them

I do. There is no merihari in that animation.

>>No, not really. You can have different opinions on different topics. Are you twelve?
>different topics
It's all related to the visual quality of the game dummy. It all goes hand in hand. That's why being objectively wrong about one half hurts your cred in the other half.
>Because NRS games have objectively crappy animations. Every gun user has shit animations and bad move telegraphs.
Show me an example of "good" gunslinger animation in a fighting game to compare.
Every 2.5 fighting game has poorly animated characters. Or are you gonna defend Falke, Ed and FANG in SF5? Or literally anybody in KOF 14?
>atom and darkseid's animations are bad
atom, I'll give you. even his walk cycle is fucked up. darkseid is based in IJ2 and to say otherwise is asinine.
>If somebody says and proves that water is wet then the next day says that the Earth is flat it doesn't negate the previous demonstrable fact just because he said it.
See above, that's not even a fitting metaphor for this topic.

just ragequit like you were going to do anyways, baddie

>Paying full price for a game you will put 5 hours into MAX unless youre autismal enough to learn all of the nuances before the games eventual death
What a shit genre

you going to post more cherry picked shit or did you run out

its like thats some low quality screenshot from a shitty video or something like that brainlet

maybe with MKX you are right that game animations were fucking hideous, MK11 looks 10 times better

True for MKX, but not MK11 so far.

I bet you play 70+ hour JRPGs in your room alone
Fightan is based

>first impressions from footage

>The game's fighting looks like a fight scene from a martial arts movie
Bruh it looks jank as fuck. The realistic models and the spastic movements don't mix well. Tekken's animations and even older Virtua Fighter animations are leagues better than any MK.

NRS has the best intros out of any fighting game. References lore, jokes, plausible scenarios for why x characters fight or clone matchups.

>Bruh it looks jank as fuck
nope nice meme

As someone who doesnt play fighters much this looks like literally every other mk to me

How is it "based"? Its a genre designed to eat quarters at arcades that somehow managed to survive the death of said arcades. Its a relic of the past and literally nobody cares about it.

not him but if you can't see the obvious flaws in the animation and movement in MK games then you have no idea what you are talking about either

you sound upset.
couldnt make it in ranked?

>It's all related to the visual quality of the game dummy
Aesthetics and directions in character designs are highly subjective. Animation quality can be more easily pinpointed and demonstrated by literally counting the startup frames and comparing the poses. Westacucks are yet to even properly implement basic things such as hitstops in their action games let alone merihari. The only one so far was the new KI and it was mostly in the exaggerated animation canceling style.

>Show me an example of "good" gunslinger animation in a fighting game to compare.
Noel Vermillion.

>Every 2.5 fighting game has poorly animated characters
You're insane. Xrd and DBFZ would like to have a word with you. Easily one of the most beautifully animated games ever.

>Falke, Ed and FANG
All of these have better animations that literally anybody from NRS games.
Also characters like Rashid, Cammy, Sakura, R.Mika and Urien have exceptional animations.

>anybody in KOF 14
Kinda low bringing up such a niche, cheap game in order to defend what is easily the biggest western fighting game and possibly the most expensive fighting game in the world don't you think? Actually kinda sad.
Also why don't you take a look at SNK's new Samurai Shodown? Already animating better than everything NRS had to offer so far.

>darkseid is based in IJ2 and to say otherwise is asinine
Nonsense. He just looks silly with his hands behind his back most of the time. Especially when he kicks. Just seems off balance.

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Kof 14 actually has good animation, it's just the models and graphics that can make it look unpolished. The only problems I can see is they are really fast and it can look goofy in some scenarios, but that's something that can't be fixed since fighting games rely on unrealistically fast movements for gameplay purposes

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>Its a genre designed to eat quarters at arcades that somehow managed to survive the death of said arcades.
All vidya owes its existence to arcade quarter eaters. The sooner you movie-game loving zoomer faggots realize this the better.
>and literally nobody cares about it.
Know that Tekken, SF, MK are all best-selling franchises. the weeb shit Yea Forums spergs about like DMC, Persona and the Xeno games are objectively small fish compared to the bigger fightan series.

shut the fuck up waifufag

Yeah I didn't mean to imply that they were outright bad.
It's just that KOF13 set the highest, most insane and practically unreachable bar for the sprite work in the industry that seeing the less exaggerated animations of KOF14 will forever seem like a downgrade to me.

Attached: feel the weight.gif (149x247, 50K)

KOF12 technically
my bad

It kind of looks like you're just trying to convince yourself of these things and hoping other people will validate you.

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They should reboot MK again so that all the characters aren't 50 fucking years old.

they can just use time travel

>Implying I would give this genre any time/money

>Implying I even play weebshit.

its fine you crazy spergs you are just looking for shit to hate

There is clearly room for improvement with KoF14s animations but it already looks better than NRS shit.
Its also their very first 3D fighter. Midway and NRS have been doing this shit since PS1 days and its still awful.

>MK 11 has better animations than Tekken 7 and SF V. Better character designs for the most part than SFV.
Thanks for the laugh mate, I needed that.

Attached: kek.jpg (600x450, 49K)

>You're insane. Xrd and DBFZ would like to have a word with you. Easily one of the most beautifully animated games ever.
I said 2.5D games. learn to read.
>>Also characters like Rashid, Cammy, Sakura, R.Mika and Urien have exceptional animations
You keep telling yourself that, pic related

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so is Mileena in or not

NRS shills, if you're here, tell your masters that I and a bunch of others are not buying your game is Mileena isn't there or is DLC

pathetic cherrypicking for an animation that got shat on by its own players because it stood out as this bad lmao.

>Attractive girls
Are you fucking 13 years old?

OP threw in all of his bait and it paid off

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Kek yeah that animation is jank but you're cherrypicking :^)
You see her other animations are great. Making that one the exception, not the rule. Unlike MKX/Injustass.

>I said 2.5D games. learn to read.
Xrd and DBFZ are 2.5D games. Stretching the 3D model for some camera angles is fair game.
Also, don you try to run pass the new SamSho like that.

Gameplay seems way slower. Not the best idea to make a fighting game more defence-oriented.

>that got shat on by its own players
that's a first for capcùcks, those losers even stood by their master after the ads fiasco

Attached: dims.jpg (1600x900, 378K)

Sure thing buddy.

Attached: Vittoryscreenu.gif (500x282, 3.14M)

That's all because of animation cancelling, though, which is a gameplay element. The animations themselves are fine.

>its ok when we do it

I like to live in some parallel universe too.

they shat on that too

You can take any NRS character and find tons of examples like that.

See You don't know what cherrypicking is.

seriously? is this reddit?
>Making that one the exception, not the rule.
keep hope alive, old chum. Pic related.
>Also, don you try to run pass the new SamSho like that
It looks passable, better than Shit Fighter 5. Nobody will buy it and SNK will die again in 5 years without releasing a new, real Metal Slug to make themselves useful in the meanwhile. What am I supposed to be seeing?

Attached: ThoroughBrightImperialeagle-max-1mb.gif (240x135, 332K)

Xrd and DBFZ are 2.5D lmao. It's 3D models, they're just very carefully shaded and animated to look like traditional animation.

Because this is how a modern woman looks, deal with it.

what about that "pic"?
you're retarded.

I'm pissed mileena is back. If I can't have Fujin I don't want you sick waifufags to be happy either.

>Pic related
Yeah? Still much better than NRS senpai.

>It looks passable
In terms of animations it looks great. Not passable. Outright great.

>What am I supposed to be seeing?
Hey, you're the one who said that all 2.5D fighting games have shit animations. so I was just proving you wrong again.
I mean, you already humiliated yourself by not knowing that Xrd and DBFZ are 2.5D but now you're also senile? Christ alive.

He looks like a mongoloid

>Still much better than NRS senpai.

Attached: bait.png (960x958, 489K)

>Yeah? Still much better than NRS senpai.
"If I keep saying it it might come true!"
>In terms of animations it looks great.
Of course, shill. Of course. It barely even has an footage but we'll take your word for it.
>Hey, you're the one who said that all 2.5D fighting games have shit animations.
They do. Every 2.5 game has at least one wonky character.

Attached: 1551568521527.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

That looks like utter garbage.

>NRShill is an Apex zoomie
You just keep sinking lower.

>"If I keep saying it it might come true!"
I mean, it's already true. Dunno if it's also true in your dimension where Xrd and DBFZ aren't 2.5D games lmaooo

>Of course, shill. Of course. It barely even has an footage but we'll take your word for it.
You're projecting you demented shilling tendencies on me senpai. I said "in terms of animations". The game might be an imba kusoge for all I know. Just saying that animations are tight already.

>Every 2.5 game has at least one wonky character.
Kek, nice backtrack bro. You're yet to acknowledge Xrd and DBFZ and learn how to read though.
Either way we're getting back to the norms and exceptions of the rule. You can present one or two janky animations from different characters. I can present you the entire NRS roster of badly animated dudes.

I dont get it

Attached: hahaha.gif (406x202, 3.42M)

japanese animations folded a mirrion times

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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I'm seriously considering buying it on Switch.

Accept Islam

This OP sure is the impression I get from people that buy MK and then drop it the moment they finish the story mode

this OP is among the most obvious paid shills I've ever seen in this site
I doubt he'll even bother playing this crap at all

this thread is still here/

Attached: 1516582187648.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

Fuck no it won't. You people are fucking delusional if you think this game will be anything but a dumpster fire.

Even if it looks good, its still a fighting game so it should only be $10 at most

Damn that looks good

remember when mk was just about goofy fun?
Now it's fans are unironically saying that characters needs to look "realistic" and and everyone gotta dress "appropriately".
like this fag
since when has anyone in MK ever looked or dressed appropriately? Look at the fucking OP pic. Does he thinks ninjas wore power ranger clothing? What exactly is "appropriate" or "realistic" about armor that leaves your fucking sides open? Or the fact that only the shoulders and arms seem to have any armor at all?