Video game adaptation complete butchers the creators original intent

>video game adaptation complete butchers the creators original intent

Attached: king quality.jpg (500x500, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread: bd&s=downloads&o=desc

wait for the bluray, moron

No thx

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Explain this meme to someone whose never watched Jojo, I'm tired of seeing it everywhere


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fuck off faggot, they made KC more kino and scary

>takes a pic of a frame that's supposed to convey the squishing and all those animation principles
I bet you think Naruto vs Pain looks bad too.

He looks completely out of his mind and that's what araki wanted to convey

>completely butchers
Nice bait, the episode was a solid 10. also you nigger King Crimson's funny faces have been a meme for a decade now

It was great, fag.

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>Yea Forumsirgin thinks he understands the original intent but it's just cheap nostalgia

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this isn't "quality" you fucking moron this is actually good animation

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Cherry picked images from split second animations, except the top left image which is the only genuinely bad rendition.

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>top left was for solid 10 seconds still frame
fucking hell

>I look for any excuse I can find to post off topic anime shit


Let me make this clear... I'm sorry, but none of us will board that boat. We can't let our 「emotions」 sway us into doing something irrational. You aren't facing the facts, nobody can survive in this world on ideals alone.

W-WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! Where will you go!? No that doesn't even matter, you'll never leave Venezia alive. This is madness! What are they thinking!? All for a girl we met two days ago! A girl we've never even really talked to! Shes nobody to us! We don't even know what kind of music Trish likes!!!

Attached: fag.png (446x435, 39K)

They made him sound too panicked.

>OP doesn't understand the basic principles of animation

>original creator cries on Twitter about his butchered work after he gets some millions in rights

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Well then whats the fucking issue?

>king crimson is first reveal makes it so the user can see themself in the future
>not even a fucking episode later the user cant even remember or see that they just did something

Anime only fag here someone explain

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except the anime adaptation of king crimson is the one araki transitioned to using later on in the manga? fucking retard

/what (does|did) (he|she|they|it) mean by this./i;op:only;
/Now that the dust has/i;op:only;
/is (he|she) (still our|our) (guy|girl)/i;op:only;
/you are.*right.ano/i;op:only;
/(what went.*\s(right|wrong))|was\s(he|she)\sright/i;op:only;
/what the fuck was (his|her) problem./i;op:only;
/How (do|did) we go from this/i;op:only;
/Who .* ((\u002F)[a-z]{4,10}(\u002F))/i;op:only;
/(\u003E)(boss|final boss|the final boss|hardmode|hard mode)/i;op:only;
/blocks your path/i;op:only;
/((it.|it)s up)|((he.|he)s in)/i;op:only;
/This is a Japanese/i;op:only;
/What the (fuck|actual fuck|Hell) (happened|happen)/i;op:only;
/Who was in the wrong/i;op:only;
/(buy|buying) (my|her) (next game|game)/i;op:only;
/say something nice (to|about) her/i;op:only;
/(What am I in for)|(what does .v.)|(wha(t's|ts) the (.v.erdict|verdict))/i;op:only;
/Who ((\u002F)[a-z]{4,10}(\u002F)) here/i;op:only;
/What exactly was (his|her|their) plan?|Can we all agree/i;op:only;
/Why are(n.t|nt) you playing the best/i;op:only;
/turn on your mic|you respond to this/i;op:only;
/|gungale|granblue|((4|four|for)(.hon|hon))|(god(.eate|eate))|(code(.vai|vai))|undertale|\sSAO\S|skyrim|bethesda|Fallout|Fo[0-9]|(2B|9S|A2)|Automat|YoRHA|yoko|taro|rwby|Xenob|ruby|frontline|Azur Lane|smash|fire emb|persona|ahem/i;op:only;

It doesn't even look bad though, KC has always looked borderline hilarious with its angry expressions in every iteration of its appearance.
He's a schizo, what did you expect?
Based, fuck traitors.

arakai forgot

He can gift you the ability to see what he sees if he so chooses.

He let Bruno use Epitaph to confuse him, same way he lets Doppio use Epitaph.

The face on his head, it's called Epitaph and it allows the user or whoever is granted its ability to see 10 seconds in the future. It works in conjunction with KC's main ability of erasing time

I had a dream where Narancia was crying and telling Fugo he was supposed to be the smart one and asking why he wasn't going and Fugo replied "I'm doing this BECAUSE I'm the smart one." Hit me pretty hard even in dream mode.

2 pussies detected. Imagine not helping the guy who literally changed you're life. End yourself

you see that mini pink face on his forhead?
this lil faggot shows you the future

the anime finally caught up to the biggest meme character in the entire franchise and anime only plebs are going apeshit.

What did he mean by this?

it's even better because he's coming back to the passione at the end

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what happens when za warudo happens and king crimson time fuckery happens at the same time?


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Narancia and Abbacchio dies

>king crimson
Damn this makes me wanna give Jojo a shot, is it full of prog rock and other musical references like this?
I tried the first few episodes awhile back but got bored of Dio being completely OP every episode with nothing actually happening. Does it get better or should I just not bother?

>21st century schizoid man is going absolutely bananas throughout the episode

No, this is definitely the intended way for Diavolo/KC to be played.


I like even in ASB they acknowledged Fugo coming back.

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So, almost every anime adaptation?

Diavolo is still dying

>is it full of prog rock and other musical references like this?
That's it's entire fucking shtick/naming conventions for their abilities/Stands. They even start naming their characters of off European fashion brands. And yes it does get better.

It gets a lot better from the second arc onwards.

Attached: Diavolo gets invaded.webm (640x480, 619K)

I am a big Jojo fan but I have to admit that the power and abilities of most of the characters make no sense whatsoever and are inconistent as fuck, especially in part 5. But Jojo fans are too autistic and imagine some kind of trancendented genius writing when the mangaka is just a hack.

>being faggots to the anime only guy

I don't really care what the creator wanted, and I don't know why I would.

>Damn this makes me wanna give Jojo a shot, is it full of prog rock and other musical references like this?
>Does it get better

Attached: Boner_Kira.png (219x300, 130K)

Araki is an awful writer.


do i go with the anime or manga for part 5?
the part 4 anime looked fucking awful compared to the manga so is part 5 any better?

The series is top notch and is absolutely worth watching. The current anime is the best one so far in terms of how well its being adapted, go watch it before you're spoiled

it just works

Yeah definitely, there's tons of Prog Rock references throughout. Part 1 is one of the weaker ones aside from how it ends, It's pretty much all up from there.

Nigger with his holier-than-thou attitude, people overexaggerate how broken Stands are. They're still more consistent than Hamon and the Stand fights in part 5 are top fucking notch because of how much actual strategy is involved.

read it then watch it in motion like the rest of us

My bet is that king crimson cant forsee anything that happens furing stopped time, if dio/jotaro move during stopped time, KC just sees them jump from one place to another
So basically i guess that if KC activates his ability just before the world stops time, its all good, but if the world manages to stop time, then KC is just as fucked as anyone alse would be

The part 4 anime is fine, just watch the bluray batch by SomeStuffs. Part 5's anime is better than the manga though since it has a lot of anime-original stuff that improves on the part. They've nailed it.

>The part 4 anime is fine

Attached: killer quaility.jpg (1440x810, 266K)

Aight lads, guess I'll take the dive.
Should I skip the first arc or is it necessary?

Time affecting stands like The World/Star Platinum/Killer Queen/Gold Experience Requiem are the only ones that can realistically defeat King Crimson.

Yeah there are tons of dad rock references throughout the series. The first part is generally considered the worst part of the series, but its only like 9 episodes in the anime.

Just watch it. If you've got time for Yea Forums then none of your time is valuable.

based and king crimsonpilled

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Watch the blurays retard.

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Skip the first two. Boring hamon shit

Did you not see him saying to watch the blurays with the corrected derps?

Don't skip.

I interpret it as time skips during Bruno's punches and Epitaph predicted that he'd end up on the other side of the pillar so when time skips Bruno is using his stand to see and sees himself but from his perspective he was continously punching.

based spoilerbro

>Posts the TV version
nigger it's still better than part 1 and 2, were you not around for the absolute QUALITY fests of those? Every episode was Quality Queen-tier to some extent

That drive by punch was comical, in a way.

>The first part is generally considered the worst part of the series
By who?

It's short you can handle it.

>Faggot from Yea Forums goes to the wring board to complain about in between frames

Bruno seeing himself wasn't what literally happened, it was conceptual imagery. Araki meant this:
>Bruno punches pillar (point A in time), then goes around the pillar (point B) to examine it (point C)
The time where he goes around the pillar (point B) is erased, clashing point A and C together, therefore Bruno punches a pillar he himself is behind of.



Is it streamable in good quality anywhere like Amazon or somethin?
Or can someone spoonfeed me with a HQ magnet link?

If you skip the first two I'm spoiling everything right here. People like you don't deserve JoJo.

The Blu-Ray version of Part 4 fixed most of the animation error's. Part 5 is the most action heavy part so I'd recommend the anime but it's ultimately up to you.

>make jojo thread on Yea Forums
>500 posts of gay shit
>make jojo thread on Yea Forums
>somewhat good discussion bd&s=downloads&o=desc

Is there a worse character than Fugo?
Literally a waste of space.

There's not even any partshitters in this thread, what the fuck fuck Yea Forums and fuck Yea Forums jojo fags

>somewhat good discussion
Where? In this piece of shit thread?

>he took the Jojo bait

Watch this lad waste hours of his life on a mediocre Asspull Manga

based reddit

There's also no fucking fujos.

do people finally understand king crimson now?

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>Make no sense
>Most of the stand abilities post Part 3 are highly specific

I hope they adapt part 6 just for Pucci

Daily reminder that:
>Only faggots skip parts.
>Only faggots avoid the manga.

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Don't bother with the official release, they change all the names of the rock bands to copyright free versions.

Seethe harder
Fujos and partshitters are equally as bad as eachother. Remove them both and jojo threads are some of the best on Yea Forums, though the JJL monthly chapter threads are actually good
His ability makes a lot more sense thanks to how it was animated

can't wait till part 6 gets adapted and sells like shit cause no one likes the part and we miss out on Steel Ball Run kino

I still don't.

>Didn't read Fugo's spin off novel
He is legit the best character in Part 5

This is not a videogame thread, please go to the anime board.

Reminder that the last episode made it blatantly clear several times that KC can't interact with erased time, yet he still somehow kidnapped Trish during it among other cases of breaking this rule.

So whats the deal with the arcs or whatever? I'm finding decent looking torrents but they're only 26 episodes, is that just the first arc or something?
How many are there and how many episodes is that? How do I search for the individual arcs?
I'm fucking retarded and lazy so just spoonfeed me

Thats awful, good to know though. Are most of the torrents fan subs that fix that?

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he's not even a character

Good. Fuck creators. Their snow flake OC deserves no respect. How come you want to jizz all over the original intent but won't show any respect for someones OC onto of OC.
Fuck you, hypocrite.
An fuck esports.

Both the main the villain have difficult to explain abilities, so they became a meme.

>You betrayed me and so I need to kill you now because I don't like that
>Oh whoops I king crimsoned too hard and skipped past your death guess I'll let you live for now
Explain this


Narancia's death bothers me because you know he just wanted shock value of having Giorno skewered like that. Shame best boy had to pay the price.

Kind of interesting how they have a character who's a main party member who says "Fuck this I'm out" and actually never appears again. I know it was unintentional, and he was supposed to be a midboss but still it ended up somewhat novel.

Yeah i agree lol

The 2012 season contains parts 1 and 2
Next is Stardust Crusaders which is split into 2 seasons that covers part 3
Then Diamond is Unbreakable with covers part 4, and Golden Wind which covers part 5.
It's not that hard you fucking dork just find the links. I recommend using [SomeStuffs] downloads since they use the correct Stand names and so on

Is that even cannon? Where can I read it?

I have no clue. Don't look at me, you worm.

>being an anime only

Thats the first 2 parts, some-stuffs fansubs keep the correct names.

literally a worst the world
there is effectively no difference from just stopping time and walking behind someone then resuming time to punch them
except with the world they could actually just punch during the stopped time

Some of the copyright free versions are okay, like changing "Crazy Diamond" to "Shining Diamond" but then you have the absolute worst things ever, like changing "Limp Bizkit" to "Flaccid Pancake" or the most meme'd one of them all "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" was changed to "Filthy Acts At A Reasonable Price"

KC erases MEMORIES of the last 12 seconds after he comes out of his pocket dimension.

>funny faces
You mean pure malice and anger? Because that's all faces that are 'memes' are.

might as well just leave Yea Forums lmao

nothing. we get pissed at fucking everything remember?

>"Limp Bizkit" to "Flaccid Pancake"
>"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" was changed to "Filthy Acts At A Reasonable Price"
Thats actually pretty hilarious

Cool, thanks anons

This. The anime has only reinforced the "it just works" meme by making the main power clearer, thus making the blatant contradiction all the more jarring.

It doesn't make sense. You can stop time, you can rewind time, you can accelerate time, but you can't. Erase. Time.

That's not how it went retard. Giorno fixed Bucciarati's body just as he died and then he was able to kinda come back to life through willpower or some shit as some kind of pseudo-zombie or something.

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Holy fuck Risotto is based.

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There's 8 separate stories in Jojo. They follow the general plot of joestar family has run-in with the occult and bizarre usually at least tangentially related to the families arch-enemy the vampire DIO. Otherwise each arc is entirely self-contained as a story.

The first 5 are animated, they are Phantom Blood, Battle Tendency, Stardust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable, and Golden Wind in that order.

thx for the filter, can't find any threads to read now tho this is kinda boring

Is there any specific reason King Crimson is emoting so much? He is usually just japanese delinquent elvis lip mad or teeth clenching mad.

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>being a manganigger

So Fugo seriously has one fight and leaves? Jesus

This is it.... the 「ULTIMATE POST」has finally come....

Wait a second...

Fuck, this is loss.

stand 2 strong

He's paranoid.

>complaining about spoilers from a manga that's over twenty years old

Purple Haze Feedback is his redemption arc but it's only in novel form so far

Its owner is so emotive and emotional aside from having a weird super ego that King Crimson is in sync with his personality. It's an extreme version of how Star Platinum had a shit eating grin when Jotaro was stoic.

purple haze would rape KC

He was supposed to betray the team and be an enemy later but Araki went through some shit mentally during that time and didn't want to make it too grim.

I think it's nice that the copyright free versions are so bad. Even a naive viewer must understand that something is wrong and find out the correct names by themselves.

He has the best redemption arc in the franchise but it's only a novel right now. I hope they turn it into an OVA.

This. The guy is says in interview he's got a cripplingly bad memory and he's not wrong.

As I understand, things DOES happen.

He kidnapped Trish, but he ALSO used his ability to jump in time, so nothing happened to him. Bucciarati probably attacked him in this erased timeline. But it was erased. Just like Naracia ate the chocolates without knowing how. he's not deleting time itself, he's deleting some events. like, Bucciarati attacking him, so he enters the elevator, cut his daughter arm, Bucciarati attacks, he deletes everything expect for him cutting her arm.

>delets the moment the virus touches him
nothing personnel

I'm just looking forward to based Polnareff to appear and dab on Diavolo.
And also Silver Chariot Requiem body swapping fun.

To spoil faggots like you

He was supposed to be a spy, but Araki couldn't make it. There's another character though that takes his place though. He should've gone with the original idea.

Screencapping this post for good.
Excellent filter user, thanks.

Spoonfeed me the plot of PHF

assuming you could get him inside somehow, his crippling autism would prevent him from escaping.

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Because the user is fucking insane with multiple personality disorder, as a result KC is practically it's own persona rather than an extension of the user's psyche.

I really didnt like how araki threw polnareffs soul in the turtle i would had him die fighting diavolo instead of being stuck as a turtle

manga it the best way to experience it

DP probably noticed how much fans like the 'KC is fucking pissed' look and probably decided to take it a few steps further. I like it but anime/manga purity is a touchy subject for sensitive weebs I guess lol

That is absolute nonsense man, it's all or nothing. If he could choose some things to be affected in erased time, he could turn people into donuts at that moment.

Instead, he ALWAYS attacks after the erased time. Him needing to attack in normal time and being able to kidnap Trish are absolute contradictions.