Why dont blacks play starcraft?

why dont blacks play starcraft?

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blacks likes action and fighting games

the majority of black people can't think beyond their immediate situation and actions so RTS games are naturally very challenging for them. they don't want to have to out think their opponents, just shoot or punch them to death instantly

you clearly don't know anything about fighting games.
I'll help you try and make your own point though, say something like 'they don't like playing in a situation with incomplete information like an RTS'.

Because they have actual taste

1 player only
RTS are boring

RTS require PCs to play. A lot of black people typically come from lower income households where they may not have had a PC for gaming. Consoles were comparatively cheap (and arcades used to be common in cities) so fighting games were much more accessible.

They're too busy playing fighting games.

but its 2019 lots of new faces competing on tourneys

This is the actual right answer. They were also accessible for lower income Koreans too because of the popularity of PC bangs right when RTS games were getting popular.

*smacks lips*

isn't the peak of fighting games being able to combo your opponent without them braking out of the combo? if someone does breaks out you just reset to step 1 where you attempt to combo them again, at most it's reading 1 or 2 actions and then immediately reacting to those actions by trying to combo them. like at most there's a setup move and then a combo

People can only break out of combos in certain games, in most fighters you aren't getting out of a combo unless the person doing it fucks up the inputs.

Not enough bling.

They are too stupid to play RTS games. Same reason there's no women

You havent seen the Starcraft general chat have you?



because of the bell curve

so then where's the thought that even goes into the games? if you just perfect the combos there's almost no thinking ahead as long as you don't fuck up once you get the combo off.

lack of intelligence.

PCs are cheaper than consoles in the long run. If black people could do math instead of thinking about instant gratification, they would know that.

Too busy stealing people's wallet in the "FGC".

You still need to be able to confirm into the combo. The neutral game is far more important than combos.

too busy playing fightan games


and how much thinking ahead does that require? like 1 - 2 steps, maybe 3 in a really complex fighter, i obviously don't play them myself so i'm just asking?

why do you care?

It's a lot of steps.
You're basically saying RTS don't have any strategy as all you do is follow builds.

Why don't most people like Starcraft?


>30 fucking posts
>nobody wants to buy this fucking car

you are all niggers

You are describing the most basic, casual fight game players
I'm guessing you don't play fighting games outside of the single player campaign

too busy shooting each other and blaming whitey.

Easier to steal a console than a PC.