>playing this after beating Anthem
Hoooooly fucking shit
>playing this after beating Anthem
Hoooooly fucking shit
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back when gaming was good, these zoomers will never know.
We're pretending fable 3 was good now?
its been 9 fucking years since reach came out wtf?
xbox360 and ps3 are zoomer.
Love the game but I'm still pissed they completely changed the ammo system from ME1.
>fable 3 and cata
>back when gaming was good
>fable 3
Sure fellow "boomer"
>Fable III
>the most disappointing Halo before 4
>the qte massacre that was gow3
>fucking wow
Now you're baiting.
when you make a side quest into an entire game
not even half of those games are good
Is this a
>we thought this was the worst it would get, but now things are so shit we'd slurp it up without a second thought and be grateful
>when you like Lovecraft so you write elder god robots who masturbate about how their plans are too advanced for your pathetic mortal monkey mind to comprehend
>don't actually come up with a plan so after years of trying to avoid it you go with "we don't want organics to invent killer robots, so us robots are going to kill you"
>ok so our big evil guy for this game is another mind raping space battleship
>how should we portray him in the game
>just have him spend the entire game by possessing random enemies and shouting generic villain taunts
This mixed with the 3 eyed Arnold removed all menace from Reapers.
This. All throughout ME2 I was waiting for some twist to make the whole thing substantial and meaningful and it never fucking happened.
haha, they fucked up, they shouldn't have made 3 or it should have ended in a cliffhanger without explaining shit, explaining ruin everything
Holy garbage tastes. What is wrong with you?
It's great actually
>have a villain designed to be not understandable by mere mortal minds
>have a galaxy filled with interesting details you've dotted around
>villain is stuck in the depths of extra galactic space
>the single most incomprehensibly vast shit in the universe
>villain is also explicitly immortal and patient, so the idea of non relay travel taking decades, if not centuries, is not unlikely in the slightest
>even if they haven't, the relay point has been up for literally millions of years, so the universe expanding would have caused significant increases to the distances they'd have to go
>with all this in mind, they don't bother just shelving them
>1 was such a fucking kino trip compare to 2
Hoooooly fucking shit
looks to be exactly on par with what's being released today
if people thought splinter cell conviction was good, they had a funny way of showing it. the multi-player was on life support within 2 years. came back a little bit when they made it free but now it has crawled back into its tomb. i guess people were too angry with how the campaign turned out to keep playing it.
Replace with Fable 2
2 is my favorite out of the 3 games. 1 is okay too but ages like milk now.
3 makes me think of Casey Hudsons assface and then the ending and then i am enraged again
That's exactly why it was good.
Fuck Bioware and their generic "ancient evil awakens" plots. Their strength was always character interactions, which is what 2 focused on.
It was a good game in its own right
>Best character interaction in terms of theme and cinematography
>Introduced new characters in the most impactful and poignant way
>Most loved crew in the trilogy
>More Spacepunk than Sci-fi
>Expanded the ME universe with interesting locations like Ilium and Omega, showcasing the luxury of one world, vs the decadence of the other
>Low stakes scenario, that proves that the franchise can stand on its own merit, without a big bad
>Some of the best level design in the series, consistently better than ME3s
>Can still go down on planets and explore locations in various systems
On the other hand
>Stripped staples like party armor customization
>No elevator interactions
>Streamlined inventory too much
>No mako exploration, substituted by scanning
>Inferior skill tree compared to ME1
And it there's also the problem of ME3 that
>Relegates the crew to cameos and downplays their importance to mere numbers in War Points
>Kills off half of the remaining crew
>Disregards most of your choices in ME2, though that's true for ME1 as well.
ME3 shits the bed entirely and the franchise is worse for it.
cerberus was all around the first mass effect, everything was cerberus this, cerberus that
i think it was a good choice but they needed to be the antagonist not the good guys
>so the universe expanding would have caused significant increases to the distances they'd have to go
Universe expanding doesn't mean the galaxy expands, user.
>human colonies are being abducted to make a new reaper
>the guys doing it might be a huge threat if they join the reaper invasion
>cerberus was all around the first mass effect, everything was cerberus this, cerberus that
No they weren't. They turned up in a few sidequests and that's it.
Same here. Man I wish it had ended with ME1 and that we rather got some ME prequel or sequel a few hundred years later or some other crazy shit.
Other than the beginning which is a ridiculous contrivance, a bit of a slog with unskippable cutscenes, and is symbolic of the franchise being killed and resurrected for mercenary purposes, the story is decent with a fun premise.
>another episode of zoomers pretending reach was good
I hate Cerberus
They were neat enough idea but they're not written with any consistency. Plot clay.
Is the joke here that they're all inferior sequels and spiritual successors? Because every one of those games is a downgrade.
Except maybe Vanquish because I don't even know what that is
Yeah bro I enjoyed Mourning Wood and having to play real estate if I wanted to be a good guy too.
ME2 also had the issue of pet characters being introduced. Aria, TiMmy and, to a lesser extent, Tela Vasir, were fucking obnoxious in that regard.
It was a far cry from the shepard who would heavily imply he'd not lose sleep over genociding turians to the face of the turian Councillor.
I liked Majora's Mass Effect.
>he bough anthem
Yeah Aria was a waste. Doesn't matter what you say to her.
>who cares
>Best Halo
>Literally weeb shit
>worst Splinter Cell
>Literally who
Teh fuck you talking about?
What's with the sudden attention towards Mass Effect on Yea Forums these days?
What's a pet character?
how to bait ME2 shitters 101
She's just a pointless character. I don't know why she was even in the games.
Bioware is shilling their old games because none of their new shit is taking off
What's baffling is that the reapers don't even need any deep motivation or plan or whatever. Would have been better if they just were just an alien race who use the milky way races to feed and reproduce and then go back to dark space to hibernate.
>Be Shepard
>Can, will, and has previously told the Council itself to fuck off
>Literally saved countless lives just in a days' work
>Has killed innumerable Turians, Krogan, Humans, and even Asari in said day's work
>Beat not only another Spectre, but an Asari Matriarch as well (In front of her own daughter)
>Led the successful ground defense of the Citadel from the inside
>Show up on whatever-the-fuck the pirates called their backwater station after being dead for years
>Recruit cool angry ex-military bounty hunter uncle
>Show up in the club
>Not a single person recognizes you
>Walk up to the blueberry who apparently runs the place
>She starts rambling about how she's the Queen and the #1 Rule is not to fuck with her, despite literally fucking everybody doing subversive shit under her nose
>Somehow, she's supposed to be taken seriously
I didn't even help that bitch get her backwater slum back in ME3, even with the DLC being included.
Character written specifically to look cool and be virtually untouchable outside of the game fellating them. Very rarely major characters since the more involved they are, the more of a chance there is that the flaws in their story come out.
Aria is presented as being Queen Bitch of Omega. It doesn't say how she got there, what she does to stay there, how she even runs the place, how she manages numerous warring gangs at once, or even how a gigantic port of lawless thugs and criminals even manages to stay together. It just says that she can do all of that amd you're not supposed to fuck with her because if you do some unknown bad thing will happen to you and it might be her doing.
One clearly favoured by the writer. Usually distinguished by having characters fawn over them, be presented as badass, having the player not be allowed to do anything but kiss their ass, etc. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's a crippling flaw when it's not internally consistent.
Two massive examples are Shepard not being able to rip TIM a new asshole for the shit he pulled in ME1 or the pants on head retarded collector ambush, and Aria expecting to be taken seriously despite Shepard literally laughing in the face of people far more powerful and dangerous than her
Exploring their motivations was never going to work. At the end of the day I don't think they needed complex motivations. What works with the Reapers is the stakes, but the Reapers themselves aren't that interesting.
If you forced me to give them a motivation I would suggest they were just purging the galaxy periodically so as to prevent any race from ever living long enough to rival them. Keep purging technological races so you can remain on top and in the very long run, as in hundreds of billions of years, you'll preserve all the resources possible so you can try to survive the heat death of the universe as long as possible.
>halokiddies are not kiddies anymore - the post
Where has the time gone?
Empire and Napoleon are the beginning of the downfall of Total War series.
implying that isn't the games greatest strength.
Bioware's greatest strength has always been character writing, so structuring your game to take advantage of that strength is a pretty smart move.
If you don’t think about the asspull that is the anti reaper weapon conveniently found on mars(which is largely because 2 had very little to do with reapers) I feel that 3 is fairly solid up until rannoch. Then it just gets exponentially weaker from there but the gameplay is the best in the series and the skill trees are even better than the first game’s. Oh yeah, and if you ignore the cereal killer kai leng, fuck that edgy faggot.
yep and it's the best of the series for doing that
It is pretty amusing how in couple games Cerberus went from a rogue black ops team to being capable of invading half of the galaxy.
>I feel that 3 is fairly solid up until rannoch.
Eh, I don't know. It has problems. Big problems. If you take ME3 by itself it's fine, but fitting into the rest of the series the problems are glaring. I'll list the big ones.
It runs counter to the pre-established lore that Cerberus should have the manpower and resources to wage a galactic war on this scale. They were a tiny organization and that was BEFORE they blew tons of money on Shepard and the Normandy in ME2 and lost a lot of their people fighting the Collectors. This is also after the third novel, which had Cerberus lose even more of their people and assets when the turians raided them. At the time TIM thought that it would possibly take him decades to rebuild his organization.
Making her a squadmate is stupid and pointless since her being physically present doesn't add anything new. As well the robot body they made is laughably dumb.
>The Genophage
There are a few problems here. Mordin's sudden desire to cure it makes no sense and is counter to his character. He explained his reasons as to why it was justified in ME2 and nothing since has changed. There has been no revelation or shift in the problem to suddenly prompt him to change his mind. Wrex as well is not handled well here because as he was established in ME1 and ME2 he should not want to cure the genophage. He knows that it is krogan behavior that is the problem and if you pay attention in ME2 you will see that his entire power-base is built on controlling access to females. He can't do that if he cures the genophage. Krogan biology is not suited to interstellar civilization and will doom them and their neighbors.
>The Citadel
If they capture the Citadel they can shut off the mass relay network and then they've won the war. No grand alliance is possible then. So why didn't they do it?
The foundation of Mass Effect IS the dialog.
>fucking around with things like shooting alien venom into people to see what happens
>can bring the dead back to life with 100% functionality and no memory loss
Literally this is the text in Mass Effect: Retribution, which takes place about six months before ME3. This is TIM thinking to himself while Cerberus is attacked by the turians and he is trying to escape the research base he was visiting.
>He had always tried to project of an impression of Cerberus being all knowing and all powerful, but the truth was that they were a tiny organization by galactic standards with very limited resources.
This all taking place after he spent a majority of Cerberus' funding on Shepard and the SR2, after the loss of Lazarus and the derelict Reaper team. Then in the course of the novel he loses dozens of front companies and spies in Alliance and Citadel Space, as well as losing many bank accounts that get seized.
Aria and Timmy are established as power players with a number of resources at their disposal. Literally pulling guns on them, would probably end in a Game Over screen. Or ... you know.
You actually fight and kill Tela Vasir, who appears as an ally at first, so you have no real reason to kill her on sight, but, yeah, I feel you.
God of War 3 makes me angry. Wasted potential.
not really. Focusing on the characters would only have worked if they'd done where each recruitment/loyalty mission is simultaneously advancing the plot, but only Mordin's mission managed to pull that off.
The fact that the mission it was all building up to ended up using most of the specialists as meat shields really didn't help
Bad writers. I don't know who wrote Cerberus in ME2 but whomever did it can't write anything morally gray or anything logical. You could have done something interesting with those two research projects
>Thorian venom
Turns out the research provided Cerberus with the knowledge to immunize people from the toxins and even to strengthen material resistance to the acid, enabling the Alliance/humanity to more safely colonize areas infested by Threshers. As well the research might have provided insight into ways to further enhance medigel to heal even more grievous wounds.
See? Now that would be morally gray. Cerberus did a horrible thing in a horrible way... but good came of it. Is it justified? Would you let them do it again? Do you use the product of their research but condemn the research itself?
>resurrecting Shepard
Now imagine that Cerberus starts to offer to employ this tech for other people. It is very costly to do so they only sell it to the rich and powerful. However by doing this, by selling to the elites of society, Cerberus buys influence in the upper echelons of the galaxy... regardless of species. They did a good thing but are now using it in a questionable way... a dangerous way. Rapidly increasing their wealth and influence and thus, the threat they pose.
THAT is interesting.
Shepard talked shit to plenty of people with guns in his face. The problem is that the player has literally no other option but to kiss their ass, maybe with a token protest in TIM's case.
Aria in particular is a nobody compared to Saren, the Council or even TIM, and what goons you see are a complete joke.
Tela is mainly an issue because it almost feels like the writer is actually laughing at how retarded the railroading is.
The idea itself is great, it's the execution that's bad. Imagine reapers as this AI with a simple directive. As Sam Harris says: Tell AI to reduce spam and it might decide to kill all humans as its optimal solution to this problem. Reapers could present the same danger of AI. Save organics from killing themselves by killing them. What's horrifying is that the creature you are fighting is intelligent, cunning and yet when you look behind the eyes into the consciousness all the lights are off. Now presenting it through the starchild PTSD you are supposed to feel now after 3 games of constant slaughter of innocent bystanders combined with space magic and last minute explanation without natural plot unraveling turns the horrifying nature of it into a cartoon at best.
I'd be fine with Aria gaining power over Shepard, but some kind of stand-off with her should have been possible first, even if Shepard is forced to back down.
There is also no excuse as to why Shepard can't bring up with TIM all the things Cerberus did in ME1, which can include possibly being responsible for the destruction of Shepard's squad on Akuze, an event that traumatized Shepard for life. There is no excuse for not being able to talk about this, to argue about this, with TIM and Miranda. Let the characters really get into it and hash it out. It'd be compelling character development for all parties involved.
The idea behind the Sovereign speech was nonsensical to begin with. A Lovecraftian entity wouldn't brag about how super duper awesome they are and how they are going to cruh humans, they would simply do it.
Rannoch is already tearing at the seams. The idea was probably there, but needed much more polish, than what it got.
I prefer ME1's skill tree. In fact, I prefer everything from ME1, to the ME3 equivalent. In fact, I prefer ME2's equivalent from ME3's. I don't play shooters, so the more in depth approach of ME3's shooting mechanics just lost me, whereas ME2's was simple enough that I could still make sense of it. While I wasn't and still am not fond of the shift in combat approach from ME1 to ME2, I do understand their attempt to appeal to a wider audience and I do understand that not all RPGs need to adhere to RTWP approach or the TBS approach and can be a different kind of ARPG than Diablo. Since ME3, though, it has worked in counter ways for me. I just do not enjoy the combat.
I had to walk away from the game for about a week, after I first came up to Kai Leng. Mass Effect in general has some stupid shit about it, but Kai Leng was the point that really drove it in for me that the fun with this game is irrevocably over and its not coming back. From there on it was a shitshow of epic proportions.
>people pretending ME2 was good
The only thing good was the actual story, everything else was a dumbed down Gears of War clone. Andromeda has the opposite problem of 2 where everything except the story is good and animations were good. Shame we’ll never get that massive exploration trip again because Andromeda was ass, just like we’ll never get Anthem’s killer color/material customization because it’s so bad.
Oh yeah the way they’re presented in 3 is fucking hilarious even after it’s revealed a ton of them are just brainwashed humans. But the problem is Cerberus is presented extremely different in all three games. In the first game they’re just a black ops group that went rogue, their resources are probably whatever the fuck they can sell on the black market(like say, thresher pheromone). In the second game they’re dindus led by a super rich civilian and we totally aren’t evil we swear. Plus I guess it’s ok for a ship bearing a Cerberus logo to just fly into the citadel no problem? Then in the third game they’re somehow able to put large amounts of pressure on the entire galaxy and wage war with everyone simultaneously. shit is just rediculous to the point I just consider them three different entities.
It’s a part of the narrative to “show robots and organics can live together”, as stupid as the premise is. I’d be more ok with it if they didn’t give her a cameltoe and turn her into joker’s sex doll but ultimately I found it harmless.
Mordin was guilt ridden during the second game when you do his loyalty quest. I didn’t pay much attention during my first playthrough and also found it somewhat out place at first but I missed a few scenes. During my second playthrough it was pretty obvious he’d become involved if there was a “logical” reason for it, even if it would illogical to cure it. Hell in the third game you can even talk him out of trying to cure it if you remove any doubts about the krogan remaining subhuman cockroaches.
Why did they need the catalyst if it only takes them like 3 years to fly in from dark space? Javick actually mentioned this is how they did it in their cycle so I don’t why they didn’t this time, maybe they overestimated Shepard and thought just instagibbing the citadel wouldn’t be enough? Who knows.
Demoralizing Shepard, who has demonstrated that he is a credible threat, is something that it might briefly try. Sovereign's brief speech comes right before Saren tries to similarly demoralize Shepard and even recruit him to his cause.
Remember to take a look on our downloadable content.
Aria is the unofficial ruler of Omega. Killing her would result in a station wide war. Maybe that would be in Shepard's best interests, maybe not, but you walk up into her pen and everyone has a gun aimed straight at you. Even if Shepard walks out alive from there, some people will die, people you're gonna need alive for the suicide run. From the moment you decide to confront her, I think it is too risky to antagonize her directly in such a manner. To me it makes sense, but I am not you, so I don't see it the same way.
TIM sounds very reasonable. It's like he's trying to turn a new page for Cerberus, hence the ship, the crew, the uniforms, the logo etc. He handwaves a lot of incidents, like Akuze, as "rogue cells" and refuses to take the flack for anything. He's the front man, the Andrew Wilson of Mass Effect. And brings back the rotting carcass of Shepard, that should have been left for dead ... the allegory seems too real right and prophetic right now, holy shit. Shepard's death and resurrection is symbolic of Bioware's death and rebirth, through the EA acquisition.
>the cereal killer kai leng
Fucking kek.
>But the problem is Cerberus is presented extremely different in all three games.
They're plot clay with no real identity of their own. The writer wants to do something so he just shoves them into the role and re-writes them to fit. Hence, plot clay.
>It’s a part of the narrative to “show robots and organics can live together”,
She iddn't need to be a squadmate to do this. We already had a symbiotic relationship with her.
>Mordin was guilt ridden during the second game when you do his loyalty quest.
It took an emotional toll on him but he knew that, logically, he had done the right thing. He's a scientist and a member of the STG, a special ops group all about doing what is necessary no matter how grim. His character was aborted in ME3.
>Why did they need the catalyst if it only takes them like 3 years to fly in from dark space?
That's a whole other problem.
>but you walk up into her pen and everyone has a gun aimed straight at you.
Why does Shepard go up there in the first place? Why does only Aria have info on Archangel? Finding Archangel should be easy considering the mercs all have him pinned in and they're recruiting to go after him. Why does the recruitment station have to be in her club? Why can't Shepard just go to the site of the battle and join up there?
See what I mean?
The fact that he was even willing to keep the research showed that he at least considered the possibility of curing them in the future.
Why would you be playing Anthem in the first place? Didn't enough people warn you against it?
The story in ME2 focused too much on the characters that became irrelevant pretty fast and completely irrelevant in ME3. Considering Karpyshyn left during ME2 development and Walters finished up ME2 story and the entirety of ME3, the whole ME2 seems like some spin-off/character introduction with little focus on the main plot. Karpyshyn himself said that he would've done ME2 very differently.
t. 25 year old boomer
Oh, sure. Absolutely. But introducing a kingpin, helps flesh out the setting more. I think it's an okay trade off. You hear so much about Aria, aren't you at least curious to meet her? Regardless of your interest in her as a character.
The research is valuable. Mordin's work was not just to stop the krogan adaptation to the genophage, but also to make sure the genophage didn't wipe them out. Hence, knowledge of a cure is useful too.
that would require good writing from bioware.
>Their strength was always character interactions, which is what 2 focused on.
2 had shit for character interactions. They all stuck to their own parts of the ship talking to no one else except the player, and completely ran dry of dialogue after 3-4 visits. Even ignoring their lack of interactions with EACH OTHER, there was little there.
You just listen to them rant for like 3 or 4 conversations, prattling on about how many people they've murdered/want to murder/how edgelord they are/how their backstory is totally more over the top than the other guy's, do their loyalty missions (half of which were stock shooting galleries with only three having relevant resolutions and most not giving a lot of justification for why you're killing dozens of people), and that's it. Your character usually can't even properly respond to them. I still bemoan the lack of an option for my Sole Survivor Shepard to press Miranda at all as opposed to just sitting there and looking like a retarded Neanderthal while she spews bullshit ("Wait, what was that about a raid on the quarian fleet? And every single branch being rogue cells? Also where is the switch to shut off this AI you have spying on me? And that control chip, what the fuck is that?").
A lot of people complain about Zaeed having little interaction, since you can't even have regular dialogue with him outside of his initial conversation and loyalty mission. But I liked the interaction we did have with him ten times better than all the crap we got from Miranda, Thane, and Jack about their anime-tier retard backstories.
That is a gross oversimplification. But it's fine, you didn't like the characters, good for you. It only gets worse, character wise, for Bioware games, so what are you even still doing here?
every single story in it contained daddy issues and those were completely unrelatable to me
>entire fanbase spergs out about how "that makes no sense"
>their frail human minds cannot comprehend
Again, it only gets worse in the following Bioware games, so good for you for not liking it, but its literally downhill from there. So I don't really understand your point.
>mfw i've been here too long and people are now considering these games 'great'
Or you could make them like Q from All Tomorrows. Arrogant, ancient and working by some set of laws that they created a couple millions of years ago. And you are just another checkmark in their "plans for the week".
>beating anthem
Post screen of your power.
Sounds like something a Bioware writer would have a hard time to pull off.
>It only gets worse, character wise, for Bioware games
ME3 was far better than ME2 about this so no.
>ME3 was far better than ME2 about this
How so? It had the same characters, only this time interacting with each other, with added memes. And the only newly introduced character is Vega who, while okay, is on the same page as every body else, he had his own animu for fucks sake.
Introducing the kingpin and forcing the player to be a bootlicker is not the correct method of doing so. Aria really isn't an interesting enough character to warrant the obnoxiousness.
>grunt, his dad and his creation
>jacob, his dad
>miranda, his dad and her genes
>tali, his dad and the geths
well you still have mordin, garrus, sahed, the ninja girl, samara
Well, in that case, they fucked up with the character they introduced. That has been a recurring theme with newly introduced Bioware characters. It only got worse from there. I understand the purpose behind it, though, and so do you.
What you're missing is that this works both ways. Aria knows, or should know, that Shepard is able to completely exterminate her entire operation, and willing to do it if they get pissed off enough. With this in mind, acting like an obnoxious cunt is absolutely retarded, because for all she knows Shepard might see it as the last straw, with paragon being riled up by Omega's shit state,and renegade seeing her as a jumped up obstacle.
The issue with TIM is even more straightforward; Shepard is the only card he can play by his own admission, and Shepard could easily go back to the Alliance. There's no in story reason for why Shepard doesn't drag his balls over the grill, and not just fuck off when they're unsatisfied.
How much of a psychopath is your Shepard? Butcher of Torfan?
The guy who 1v1d a Batarian assault force, accidentally the council, fucked up a Rachni infestation, massacred the Geth, took on an infamous spectre and won etc.
Depending on your choices, Shepard would have done at least one thing of note that would make any tinpot crimelord realise that pissing them off is a really stupid idea. The ignornace/arrogance Aria showed would work in ME1, or if she was deliberately portrayed as someone with her head so far up her ass she viewed the world through her mouth, bit she wasn't.
Sure, sure, I feel you. But at the same time, Aria is in her home turf. Some outsider, Spectre/Hero of the Citadel or not, she has to at least put up a pretense of power. What if this guy showed up for the sole purpose of fucking you up? Do you appear weak, or play up how powerful you are? And if you do show weakness, how many of your adversaries will take that as a chance to start up a war against you? It's the same reason why Miranda antagonized Jack back in the ship; Miranda is an authority figure in the ship, she has to show that authority, regardless of whether she is in the right or in the wrong. It's the chain of power/command. Every move you make has consequences in more than one way.
true, too bad she sits all day in her bar doing nothing and you cant fuck her up in anything
It has far more substantive character interactions (especially between each other), dispenses with the cringiest characters from 2, and adds Vega and Javik to the formula who I think handily outdo anyone from 2 except Mordin, Tali, Legion, and maybe Garrus (2 of these characters have satisfying non-squaddie roles already and the other 2 return) in terms of likability and overall believability. The squad in ME2 feels like it crawled out of a different franchise on top of their stories not really making sense in their own contexts.
What do you not get about that? The universe overall expands but shit that has clumped together due to gravity is still constrained together by that gravity. The reapers don't have to travel further because the galaxy has moved.
This is where the problems with the writing really come in. It should never have been an option for Shepard to have to listen to some complete blowhard bang on about their awesomeness and pretend to care.
Even disregarding that all, the salt in the wound is that Shepard gets, at most, a few passive aggressive comments in and that's it. Shepard shit talking her and daring her to make a move, then facing more oblique consequences would have been a good way of retaining agency and also showing she actually has more than hot air.
Only vanquish is good here though
1 > 3 >>>>>>>>> shit >>>> Andromeda > 2
it's 1 = 2 > 3
andromeda doesnt count
>It has far more substantive character interactions
>I want to fuck the ship AI, teehee
>Do your headtentacles move, Liara?
>Drunk Tali
>Javik's entire shtick being Bioware self referential humour
>Juevos rancheros, loco, am I Spanish enough?
>Garrus, now hitting you with actual calibration memes
No. No, I disagree. ME3 is far more cringe in every possible conceivable way. It actually reduces established characters to caricatures of their former selves and especially Legion is worse for it.
Yes, it's not realized to its full potential, I hear that, but this is Mass Effect. If you open up the encyclopedia, it will have Mass Effect, in its entirety, classified under "wasted potential". Tell me something I don't know.
Oh yes and lest I forget, one of my all time favourites
>Can cameltoed sexbots fuck paraplegic people?
>Well, here's some magazines in case you want to find out how
Even bigger cringe.
So if that's the Boomer gen, what gen do the Quakefags fall under?
actually, it's about as good as anthem
>it's about as good as anthem
Nah, ME2 wins by virtue of being able to actually complete the fucking game out of the box. Anthem as a glass wall bug that tends to show up in the final mission that cucks you. It's release day Daggerfall all over again.