Remember when Battlefield was fun?

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>When the Wookie on your team ran Slug Shotgun + Recon grenades

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this was the last fun campaign DICE made. bad company 2 was linear as fuck and battlefield 3 was a piss poor attempt at copying the modern warfare campaigns. never played anything past battlefield 3 because of how god awful it was.

BC2 campaign was pretty terrible but the multiplayer was great. Though probably only because it was the first incarnation of the modern Battlefield gameplay that I played. Haven't played any of the games past 3 because they just seem to be rehashing the BC2 formula except streamlining it even further.

>bad company 2 was linear as fuck
After the campagin of the first game, it sure was a letdown. That being said, it's not like Battlefield games are about the campaign.

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Battlefield has not been fun since BF2.

So how i'm enjoying the shit out of battlefield 4?

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You meam BF2

>Bad company
>More realizing that any BF after 1942/2 was shit

>bad company 3 never ever

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I somehow enjoyed BF3's multiplayer, but only because I'm a crackshot and I like getting hatemail.
>TL: I have not had fun since BF2
Sucks to be you.

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Retards like retarded shit.

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Nice justification mr. Negro
Would you like to explain why do you consider bf4 a retarded game?

Sucks to be me? Okay, well you enjoy your hatemail from the console kids you play with.

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BF4 is the best game in the franchise
Stay stuck in the past retardfaggot

>TFW we will never get 2143

I will never understand this autistic hold modern war has on gaming now. I enjoy some of the game but its nothing but ww2 and the middle east at least do fucking vietnam someone holy shit

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I'm stuck in the past? Implying you aren't dickriding a game from 6 years ago.

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>he doesn't enjoy hatemail
Are you twelve?

BC Nam was fucking great

BF4 was an improvement on its predecessors, BF1 was a Battlefront reskin and BFV is an overall disaster
If you think refraction era Battlefield games were better than 4 you are a retarded stuck in the past nostalgiafaggot

I agree the BC games are much better, but I didn't hate BF4. I liked it better than 3 at least.

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Ita fascinating how you think you have some kinda of higher opinion even though you seem to be just as stuck in the past as I am. You keep being you autismo.

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>w-we are both autistic..!
No, just you
Go back to jerking off over broken jets, dolphin diving and nade spam

You seem upset autismo. Was BF4 the last game mommy bought you before she died?

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Every game from BF:BC2 and onward is the same boring trash

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user you should change your acer veriton from 2009. You know, there are a lot of new battlefield games that you could play with a new mid tier pc instead of playing bad company 2 only

Mad cuz ur mom gets raped by niggers while you cry in your basement?

Shit Negro, the autism attacks are kicking back in?

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Yes :)

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>implying you’d want it from nuDICE

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4 is ok. BF2/2142 will always be the best. bad company 1/2 were fun games but shit battlefields. just take a shotgun, load slugs, and when you ADS it forms a perfect crosshair that shoots a slug with no drop exactly where youre aiming. BC was fun but retarded.

>red dot VSS battle-wook

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i miss her bros

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I miss BC2 and BC2 vietnam multiplayer during it's glory days

Remember when they dumbed it down and released it on consoles with a tacked on shitty singleplayer.

You're not wrong, but campaigns were never the point of Battlefield. 1942 didn't even have a real one, it was just a sequence of offline multiplayer games against bots. I think part of why BF1 and V suck so much is that DICE spent too much of their energy on campaign bullshit and not enough on making the multiplayer good. (Though most of why they suck so much is that they decided to pander entirely to lowest common denominator shitters.)

>BF1 and V
Have better gameplay than all other BF games. Bad company grenade spam, choke points, and flat levels after 10 minutes were not the pinnacle of game design. Nor was the spawn camping, lagg mess, imbalanced, and easily exploitable BF1942 design.

I enjoyed the bc2 campaign simply because of the characters
You can put in the bad company into any piece of shit and it will turn into gold

>we will never get a PC bf bc1

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Battlefield was pretty fun up until 4.
Battlefield 2 was astronomically fun, though. The maps in 4 feel too small, that may be just my perception, though.

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played few maps on final stand in bf4 few days ago, just imagine how awesome would it be to again sturm the titan in frostbite engine

pure kino

3 and post-unfuck 4 did it the best, and I say that as somebody who's played the series since the beginning. The core gunplay in 1 and V sucks and there's way too much advantage given to people who don't play the objective and sit around sniping from hills or spamming gadgets/explosives.


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