Post yfw you didn't buy Anthem

Post yfw you didn't buy Anthem

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Ed Edd and Eddy is the worst show ever aired on Television. It makes Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo look like Citizen Kane compared to that atrocity. If I were to met the morons who created that turd, I'd probably get cancer just by looking at the fucker. The show is so bad, I'd rather burn in hell than watch that insult to cartoons. Calling it the biggest and most putrid and disgusting pile of shit on Earth isn't enough. No insult can do justice to this fuck of a show. It's insufferably bad, the kind of bad that made Satan who he is now. It's so vile that simply it's existence in the universe is completely toxic. It's completely and utterly shit. The fact that it is in the same category as other cartoons, hell, the fact that it is considered a normal creation on Earth makes me lose hope in the world infinitely. If you never saw it, stay the hell away, you'd rather twist your testicles off than watch that shit. It's not even watchable. It doesn't entertain, it just gives the urge to kill yourself. Please do the world a favor and avoid this steaming hunk of anti-matter, it'll make your life, and the entirety of humanity better.

stinky hat



>he doesn't like the last cel shaded show

Poo head

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cranky because you bought Anthem aren't you

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>mfw 2 friends of mine kept telling me this game would change everything and that I HAD to pre order it
>mfw I learned to not do that after pre ordering Destiny 1
>mfw they're now stuck with an $80 pile of unfinished shit

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I'm surprised retards were even excited for this soulless garbage

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If I was gonna be smug about all the games I don't buy I would be the smuggest motherfucker alive.
Who cares?

>j-just buy it user I'm not just trying to justify my p-purchase

Kys. I know Yea Forums has bad tastes in Yea Forums related things but that is especially bad

Mfw got it for free with my 2060, installed it, and didnt play it

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It spawned the Kanker sisters, that's enough for me and my dick.

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Make fun of them more
Knowing I didn’t even spend $15 to try this garbage through premiere is the best feeling
I’m a big fan of demos and this is why: saves me from buying games that are bad off the bat
Fuck me I actually wanna go back to Warframe now that they’re updating the plains

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Didn't buy, fully expected it to be a dumpster fire because lol modern vidya and LMFAO EA of fucking course it'll be crap, still mad it didn't even make an attempt to not be literal trash. There aren't enough good games out there and sacrificing fun concepts on the pagan altar of retardation just narrows the field further.

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Cant wait to skip The Division 2 next.

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My college buddy was really looking forward to this so I feel bad for him.

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Not even worth a pirate

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Sometimes I'm glad I have no standards.
I like Anthem. I like all games. Videogames are fun.

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