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Stop spamming threads you fat west slav whore

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Yes my King(female)!

Jadwiga unironically got fucked to death by the BBC

No u

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it's the truth though. the big baltic BULL jogaila fucked her so hard she died

She lives in my heart.

What game is this?

Play Civ V

Civ 6 she is the polish leader

Sid Meier's Civilization VI:Gathering Storm™

Civ V is shit.

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>Immortal is too easy
>Deity requires you to play a really narrow specific and cheesy style
AI updates when

>always the same images
What's his endgame

Post some more then fagtron.

You can edit some xml files yourself. The AI is shit because it doesn't cheat like in V, the devs wanted the AI to play by the rules. There is a thread on civfanatics were people realised that if the AI has infinite amenities, it will stramroll everything, like in V were bankrupcy and happiness don't affect them.
Moders are at work.

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I tried to go back to play civ 5 and could not do it only thing it has going for it is the music and leader cutscenes i don't know why there is so much circle jerking over it but each to there own i guess

My point ain't the image variety, it's the fact that it's always YOU

Why should I?

Eh. I always end up doing the same thing in every Civilization game since Civilization III. Spend a few hours playing on settler difficulty, achieve space victory, and never bother playing the game again.

I might try some of the scenarios that the newest installment of Civilization has to offer. I believe that one scenario involved ancient Egypt fighting against Nubia. It seemed interesting. I’d like to see a scenario involving a free-for-all between the Sumerian city-states.

Only thing it has going for it is the leader backgrounds and the world congress (which is still garbage if unmodded). Most soundtracks are elevator tier, only the Shaka one is nice. Only kids who had civ5 complete edition on sale as their first strategy game like it.

Forgive me sempai. Here, have a Tamar.

Because we finally have a worthy successor to civ4. And the civs are super fun.

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Will the Switch version get the DLC at some point?

Posting tumblr shit won't make this game good, sadly

Never really bothered with scenarios but the black plague one they added looks fun.
Settler difficulty is like not playing. I am not saying you need to be some pro deity pgm, but there has to be at least a little bit tension. I started playing emperor, I can fuck around a bit and build wonders but if I fuck around too much the AI will win.

Yes, but the port is not done by Firaxis, so it's not their priority.

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Why is it bad?

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>tfw no VN based of historical leaders

It's fucking gay

Which slut is this that is with Jadwiga?

>"Willy, Do you want to take over the world together?"

>No, your Navy is shit and Russian are inferior to the German people
>You have beautiful blue eyes, Nicky

Attached: Nicky and Willy.jpg (470x309, 29K)

How so?

Tamar queen of Georgia.

Civ 5 is a better game overall, from graphics, to ai, to mechanics. Kinda telling that civ6 shills have to resort to waifuposting to keep their threads alive.

Civ 4 is mechanically better than Civ 5 or 6
>inb4 muh stacks of dooms

Is there a mod to fix the minimap? Map painting in Civ 5 is unironically god tier and in 6 I can't even fucking read it because of how ugly and unsightly it is

>tfw you upgrade your various pikemen, macemen, longbowmen and musketmen in riflemen before anyone else and go on the offensive

Civ5 is shit, both graphics and art style are garbage and don't fit the series and what mechanics do you consider better? Pretty much everything 5 does, 6 does it better. And there is no tall meme, no global happiness and no cringe government ttees.

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It's the little things but I like being able to rotate all the spaceship parts before assembling them.

>no good jadwiga porn

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Is it better than 5?
If so, please explain

>I am a king! Yes, a KING! ;)))

why do the devs push this shit?

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Because she was a king. In Polish commonwealth ruler was called king not a queen.

Literally build for TURK COCK


so is it time to finally pick up 6?

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what the fuck they were thinking

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History is no excuse to push sjw shit


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I don't care about your garbage language

>historical facts are SJW
good bait

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>gold edition with all the dlc isn't significantly discounted
I don't know, animu shitposter, you tell me

>weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mommy I can't fap to this what do ;(

>posting the same thread over again
>same 5 or so pictures every time
user you are not right in the head. Get off the internet for a while

>have to wait 4 years to get best discount

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It's Jagiełło, you uncuth barbarian.

>give her in-game model child bearing hips
>she died in childbirth IRL

I told that to that cute girl not to you you ogre thing

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Actually no, she died due to complication after the birth, not during.

Quite possibly the worst leader list ever

The game doesn't actually look like this. so why bother using this art to encourage people to play it?

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cringe and bluepilled

Go and tell that to 90% of all JRPG's


Kind of funny they had her frumpy and middle aged while victoria is young and good looking.

then never play poland, or against them, they would devastate you anyway

Can't argue with quads.

>incest /y/ route
o-oh my

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The graphics of V have aged like milk, as all 'realistic' art styles do
And having global happiness as a mechanic automatically makes V far inferior to VI

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>Civ 5 is a better game overall, from graphics, to ai, to mechanics
If you're a secondary that started playing the series with V I can see why you'd think this way.

but those are the two points that are just objectively better in 6. What civ V has going for it is much better general game design and better integrated mechanics. Shit liked the World Congress and Religion regardless of the victory type you're going for and feed back into other aspects of the game. In Civ VI there is no world congress and there's literally no reason to touch religion if you're not going for a religious victory. All in all, Civ V is better at actually being a strategy game.

not that other guy but I started with Civ 3 which I played a ton of, didn't enjoy civ 4, enjoyed civ 5, didn't play civ 6 yet.

VI has a world congress now

I disagree. picking up a few religion perks is usually worth the early game effort.

Do you like civ? If so, get it. I'd say pirate it and by it when the next expansion releases.

It does pretty much everything 5 does but better and adds plenty of cool shit like loyalty, governors, ages, alliances, new ressource/warmonger system, disasters, global warming, natural wonders are more fun, city states are better, great people are better, coolest spy system so far, soundtracks are just masterpieces, unstacked cities making city planning much more fun and interactive, terrain matters much more, policies are more fun than braindead trees, early game isn't mind numbingly boring like in V since you have plenty of stuff to do, leaders actually feel unique and fun to play, no more 4 city tradition rush national college meta and I think the art style id glorious and fits a series like civ much more. Civ6 is what 5 should have been. 5 feels like a high school project compared to 6.

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I never understood the point of these threads, it's shilling just with a female character, why do people on Yea Forums just let this happen time and time again? Why do people's opinions hinge on if a game has an attractive female character or not? What about anything about the game itself?

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>retarded extents taken to give female rulers
>all the good rulers used up in Civ V and they don't want to repeat them

>In Civ VI there is no world congress and there's literally no reason to touch religion if you're not going for a religious victory

Latest expansion added a world congress although it is inferior to the one in V. Also religion is actually pretty useful if you are going for a cultural victory with the right beliefs, also there are beliefs that let you purchase military units with faith.

Do people genuinely think this patchwork amusement park shit looks good?

At this point I would almost pay for a DLC of alt leaders for existing civs like Napoleon and Gustavus Adolphus.

Can someone please give me a webm if Gitarja clearly looking at the viewer’s dick

>why do people on Yea Forums just let this happen time and time again?
because it's one autist who spams them endlessly and we can't stop them.

>false translation is historical facts
bad bait

TR and a bunch of scrubs

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>playing multiplayer civ v with bros
>play as venice
>racking up coin and buying off brother playing zulu to coerce others into my plans
>win by being insanely rich
which civ in vi allows the gathering of absurd amounts of coin?

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nth for Guitar

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Way more detailed, easy to read, and pleasant to look at compared to V
Mansa Musa

>play Swden
>future era civics in Industrial era from broken theming bonus

Civ5 has plenty of questionnable leader choices tho. And just in case you don't know, literally who leaders both male and female were always a thing in the series. If they can add a japanese goddess, they can add anything.

I suggest you take a good look at this board. Waifu shilling for garbage games is default. We have multiple DoA, weebshit and fucking Pokemom threads every day, I make one civ thread a day. You will survive.

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idk man, playing as maori is also retard busted
nice woods tile that has 2 of every yield plus tourism.

I disagree. It looks like vomit and is impossible to read.

Mali, each mine has +4 gold but you have a huge prodiction malus. You can basically buy yourself any victory.

Inca is the most retard busted of them all.

dare I say /ourguy/ ?

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>Civ5 has plenty of questionnable leader choices tho
Like fucking who?
Nobody is Catherine or Jadwiga tier literal nobodies.
>Japanese Goddess
Civ fucking 2 and it's 'every civ gets both genders' shit doesn't count.

Did you just say Maori yields?

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When are they going to fix the road graphics? Can barely tell where they even are on the map at a certain point.

As opposed to , where everything is a dull colored mess that's visually unappealing to look at and impossible to read from a glance?

why would you need to know where roads are?
just look at all the pretty mobile game buildings, they're so easy to read :)

Yes. Civ V isn't dull, it's just not clown vomit. The only thing vaguely hard to make out on that whole map is a couple of the luxuries, and that's with it being significantly further zoomed out than all these Civ VI screenshots you've been posting AND with the UI off.

is he the quintessential civ to choose if you want communism?

Instead of Justinian, they picked Theodora, a woman known for getting railed by the entire Constantinople. They could have picked anyone for China, like Qin Chin Huang, they picked WuZetuan, a woman known for being obsessed with sleeping with as many men as possible. Boudicca for the celts? The woman that managed to lose with over 200k soldier against 10k romans?

Catherine a literally who? Are you serious?

Here, have some yields.

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but it is facts
jadwiga was a king for some time, since there was no definition of a queen by that time

Gameplay wise, Inca are made for communism. Since you can easily play super tall with 40+ pop cities, the production buff per citizen from communism is just retarded strong.

>they're bad because they're not pure waifus and they had sex!
okay, mate. Boudicca is an ass retarded faggot, I'll give you that, but she's at least constantly idolized by other idiots. Catherine is 100% a literal who and the only thing anybody MIGHT know about her is that she was a traitor.

Jadwiga's smelly socks

She was a monarch, calling her a "king" is false translation

>Marry and conquer the world with tier

>Pump and dump tier

>Don’t touch with a ten foot pole tier

Post them

>marry tier
>pump and dump
every female leader
>don't touch
every male leader BESIDES gilgamesh

In what capacity? It literally has much more options.

Hungary dude (we will remove a couple kebabs too)
Oompa Lumpa Holland

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Been meaning to pick up one of these games, currently downloading civ6, any newcomer tips?

Anyone please help me with this if you know any

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Not him but I am not sure about the WC yet. Needs more resolutions, especially ones to punish co2 emitting countries, and we shouldn't have the same resolutions two times in a row.

>that golden gate bridge

>ywn SHRED Jadwiga loins


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None so far. They made it much prettier in GS, but even as a diehard hater of 5, the minimap was pretty. Game looked like ass but the minimap was great to look at.

Start on chieftain, listen to the advisor lady, and just fuck around for a couple of games. It comes naturally. Did you get the xpacs or just vanilla? Be careful of barbarians early game, they can push your shit in, plop a handful of cities and focus on a victory type. Don't forget diplomacy, and send delegations asap. If you meet Gilgamesh, delegation and ask for friendship the next turn, otherwise 10 war carts will be at your border.

It got global warm'd ™

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If you've got aggressive neighbours (Frederick, Chandraguptra, Tomyris or Shaka are the usual suspects), rush Masonry for walls

also add alexander and montezuma to this list

Sadly, everybody that matters play Civ V in Multiplayer. Only the trann*es and noobs play Civ 6 MP.

concurrent or regular turns?

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>civ multiplayer

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No, people that matter still play 3 or 4.

I got the digital deluxe and rise and fall, waiting to see how much i like it before getting the new one.

no hitler no buy

Gitarja and have lots of beautiful children and raise a happy family with her
>Pump and dump
>Don’t touch

Cool, rnf improves a lot. There's loyalty so you have to conquer more carefully and not settle too close to enemy civ, your city can revolt and join their empire. Use your governors carefully and maintain alliances with enemy civs. Pick an easy level like chieftain, and when you start winning to easily, bump the difficulty.

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There's a ww2 mod on civfanatics, with stalin, new units and shit.

>and not settle too close to enemy civ
you mean like every game ever?

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he's saying that you have to be careful of the loyalty system, each city gives off loyalty up to 9 spaces away. if your cities aren't generating enough loyalty, and another civ is generating more then your city will eventually revolt and turn free.

>start up new game
>forced into upper corner of a continent surrounded by mountains with only two ways out
>one of the ways out is directly blocked by Eleanor of Aquitaine
>”wow nice city near ours dork looks like shit lmao” for the entire early game until I get some districts going

Isn't that how culture works in previous games?

Civ V or Civ VI for music? VI has some top tier tracks and the way they change throughout the era is great but V had some 10/10 war themes.

Probably alone on this, but I'd prefer if they went back to the old style of having music change through eras, but not tied to each civilization.

Civ6 soundtracks are on a league of their own. Best are zulus, georgia, khmer and atomic rome. Sogno di volare of course which I start to prefer to baba yetu, I sometimes don't start the game just to listen to it.
Christopher Tin is a god.

I wasn't a big fan in Civ IV of Gregorian chant playing all the time when I was a non European civ. Civ V's music wasn't era specific but it was culture specific and there was quite a bit of variety.

nooooooo this can't be happening

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>No cape

Would you like to make a trade agreement with England?

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6 and its evolving music is fucking wonderful

>ywn meet a girl who loves you as much as Victoria loved Albert

She was a good leader, one of the few female millionaire in the world, and supporter of Dutch resistance?


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England literally has nothing that I need, so they better give me a good offer

That's not true. She died after childbirth, along with her 3 month old daughter.
Kinda sad desu.

Wut gaem

What's the point of playing Epic/Marathon game speed? the civic and science progress is barely slower than the normal speed which results in people having Musketman at 50BC

>Keeping track of e-celebs who play multiplayer civ


And denounced (I just plain don't like you)

6 soundtrack is god tier. I especially love Indonesia Medieval theme.

Her voice acting is noticeably worse than everyone else and it bothers me whenever i play them

I like her incredibly autistic smug face when she says Król Polski

Endless Space 2

whats the best civ?

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>this is considered nsfw in 2019
when did everything go so wrong?

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