Poor dat

Poor dat

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fake news

May be the first time ps4 owners are begging for a nintendo game to be ported

>When you can emulate the best ones like Platnuim or Black and White 2

But Sonyfags aren't autistic manchildren that play games aimed at soibois.


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For PS4 maybe but
>he doesn't remember that petition to get Smash on the Vita

I'm sure by "many" they mean a couple of zoomers on Twitter.

>Sonyfags aren't autistic manchildren who play games

Yes, we know that. Thank you.

What is the last of us and uncharted 4, Alex?

Switch fags will forever be the most egregious port beggars and no amount of articles on Nintendo-centric fan sites will ever change that.

Attached: 555-come-on-now-1687205.png (500x522, 133K)

At least you didn't link to he article

>Not only would it be benefical for both fans and Nintendo, but probably also REQUIRED by US anititrust law
yeah, that's a totally serious petition

I'll just emulate

Bayonetta 2 tho

Let me guess, their source is three comments on youtube?

There's no way this is real, I don't even have to look for the article to know it's edited from some retarded shit like scotish memes

> Best One
> Plat or Black/White 2
GTFO Zoomer bitch

Probably just a couple of Youtube comments saying something along the lines of "damn i wish this was coming on ps4". That, or a couple of sock puppet twitter accounts.

Bayonetta 2 is really the only instance I can think of where there was actual widespread port begging. Aside from that it's usually the tendies doing all the port begging.

Reggie was begging Rockstar for RDR2 and they were also okay with overwatch on a shitch aka begging for it


This will be the greatest game in the franchise.
Say thank you to Great Britain for saving pokemon.


Normally port begging has some rhyme or reason to it, but this just makes no sense.

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>ps4 owners are begging
>most people begging on the article are japanese

Pokegirls would be too cute for Snoy's censorship division

>people in this thread havent played bloodborne because its not on bingbingwahoo

>nintendo bias website
>trying to start shit with fake bullshit
not surprised

You get all of your socialization on Yea Forums, don't you
What a post

>actual article has only seven cherry-picked tweets, all from japan
>"many ps4 owners"
yikes! meanwhile, nintendosoup was just begging for persona 5 with another fake "rumor" two days ago:

No you buzzword spouting fuck

Why the fuck would Nintendo ever allow one of their largest franchises that sells switches onto other platforms?

Lol no

Is it one of these news created based on 4 twitter posts of literally whos?

nintenyear olds acting like they haven't been begging for persona 5 since joker's announcement

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One of the major problems we have these days are "news sites" creating problems we just don't have to create controversy and get views. How is someone supposed to center themselves when according to the news people are the worst piles of shit and chaos reigns everywhere?

Well, it seems to exclusively be Japanese PS4 owners. So there's probably some difference there.

make a completely new game that has you ordering the pokemon around on the battlefield strategically, turn-based attacks or not this would add a whole new layer to the game that has always been present in the core concept, and yet nintendo sticks to the gameboy formula of fixed position turn based combat in a boring linear world.

Thinking about what that would mean for gym battles too; they would force you to adapt to the leader's home turf. You would have to think harder about your teams because they could benefit from the terrain, change it or counter it somehow. Moves could target the scenery not just pokemon (again, a lot like the core concept that has been unchanged except in the games)

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could you please delete this?
thank you

So is everyone in this thread retarded or just pretending to be retarded?

Mix of both, Nintendo Soup is one of the worse Nintendo news sites around honestly.


The new starters look like shit anyways, please stop being autistic, son. The family misses you.

ummm delete this?

I fucking hate clickbait so fucking much. They know how retarded fanboys are and are trying to exploit the weak minded shitheads that go into comment sections and type shit like "I'm a sony fanboy, and I don't beg for this game so it's fake".

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>Everyone who likes what I don't is a Zoomer

Juat because you're an old doesn't mean you have to become angry and spiteful.

Theres like what 2m ps4s in japan?

Imagine a game with those graphics on ps4.

For real. They keep begging for 3DS ports and some of those games can't be played on the Switch for certain reasons in the games. They have their exclusives what else do they want?

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>Unironically playing any PKMN without multiplayer functionalities


Don't remember the blog, but I remember a guy once writing that the internet has made us barely human anymore. Instead of learning and creating art we are more like dogs that can learn tricks.
A dog will learn a trick to get an extra treat, and now we make clickbait headlines or hard to dismiss ads so that a website an pay us an extra 5 cents per clickthrough.

the absolute state of sonytards

>tendies THE port begging race
>making NO U shitpost news

pot calling kettle black

>What is pokémon conquest

can you play as the one on the right?



reminder that 70% of switch owners also own a ps4

It's funny because he's probably not even that old.

Why ps4 when ps5 is right around the corner?


All Sony fans do is pray Nintendo fails, gets out of hardware and puts all their games on their precious PlayStations.

Tendies are so obsessed with Sony chads they're posting fake news about them. Yikes.

So this is what its come to... Sony fans on their hands and knees begging to suck our Swords and Shields for a port, huh?

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>Switch fags realising their console is so shit they beg for PS4 port
truly a nice twist of events, sad cunts

Meanwhile you're in a thread tendies dedicated to Sony. Stay obsessed and coping.

this but unironically

>Playing PKMN Multiplayer

What's it like to have autism?

Nintenlards are so obsessed with Sony chads they fantasize about them.

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People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

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Only because they mistake it for a PS2 game.

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the ps4 has sold 94 million units and counting worldwide. the headline says "many ps4 owners are begging" for pokemon. the article presents only a handful of tweets, all from japan - and for all we know, they could all be from japanese nintendo fanboys false-flagging. how is this NOT fake news?

Yes it would be dangerous in a glass house I see what you mean

False-flagging doesn't exist outside Yea Forums. Only retards and poor people.

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The difference is Persona isn't owned by Sony, but Pokemon is owned by Nintendo.

Are these people mentally retarded?

In reality you have Switchlets begging for PS4 games everyday. Meanwhile Switchlets are posting about PS4 owners wanting their childrens games. They're literally obsessed with everything Sony.

i hope this makoto drinks her own ejaculate as well

Bayo 2

Japanese are mostly inbred so yes.

Yea Forums didn't invent trolling, nor is it exclusive to Yea Forums.

That's what i just said.

Attached: Capture+_2019-03-02-13-42-34.png (1068x862, 118K)

bayonetta is owned by sega, and nintendo fans still bring up how a few sony/microsoft fans port-begged for that years ago.

Switchlets don't even want that garbage. That's why they beg for superior Sony games all the time.

Hey now, that's not fair, Sony doesn't MAKE games.



Nintendo has publishing rights to Bayonetta. It's basically 2nd party to Nintendo now, same as Pokemon.

This thread must be damage control for Switchlets believing fake leaks and begging for ports and getting BTFO all the time.

The only one I want is SMTV. Nintendofags can have Persona 5 in return.

fine. here's another example: monster hunter is owned by capcom, published by capcom, started as a sony franchise, and nintendo fans still threw a massive shitfit when mhw was announced for everything but nintendo.

Then why are tendies so obsessed with them?

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This is shitposting. Literally who's asking for this? Now, especially? Why not when Gen 6 started? Unless it's some shitposting way to say the graphics look like dogshit on Nintendo hardware, it's worded very wrong if that's the case.

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yes they do (including GOTY 2018)

>not just playing showdown

>Squat dab Whirrrr LET ME OUT I NEED MY SWITCH *sucksucksuckphhhwwrrrssshhhhbrap*
>Cucktendo Soitch
>le Bloodborne is the only PS4 game
>How will Ninteny earolds/Sony ggers ever recover?
Have I covered just about everything?

technically speaking nintendo doesn't own pokemon since gamefreak and poke company have 2/3rds of the IP

practically speaking nintendo has them all under a leash

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Did people forget that PC-fats exist?

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Got no time for baby games when we have GOTY contenders to play. Nice try tendies.

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I too would welcome Sony's censorship policy and have it replace all the sexy poke girls with ugly lesbians wearing hijabs.

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How many times on a saturday is op going to make this thread?

No thanks. Sony chads played enough PS2 games already.

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They weree deluding themselves into thinking persona 5 was going to be a wii u or 3ds game since before it was announced.

>Exclusives are bad only when they are not on a platform i own

Attached: id like to interject for a moment but.jpg (667x1000, 510K)

Did you forget that pokemon is the biggest IP on planet earth or something.

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Until Sony stops winning. There's a reason he's obsessed.

>bait this obvious

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The point trying to be made here is that Pokemon and Bayonetta wouldn't be brought over because Nintendo wouldn't let them get ported to a competitors system. It's completely fucking retarded to ask for ports of them because it's something that wouldn't happen. Monster Hunter and Persona aren't owned by a competitor of Nintendo, so it isn't completely fucking retarded to ask the companies for ports of them, it's letting Capcom and Sega know that there's a demand on this platform so maybe consider it.

As much as I agree with you, you do gotta admit that has a point. ps4 spider-man was the pinnacle of soiboi-ism

but hes right
funny thing is that youre probably a 20yo hoennbaby

>pokemon is the biggest IP

For 5 years olds and manchildren.

Attached: okay.jpg (225x224, 6K)

Based. Tendies BTFO.

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Thought it would be a "The Hard Times" article. Got the next best thing

based and redpilled

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>built from the ground up
>imported models and textures
>stock lighting
>stock fields

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More like 3 billion people. Shit makes like 90 billion buckaroos. Fuckin' Disney wishes they could buy it.

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>built from the ground up
using models from a 6 year old 3DS game...

lol they can't even make a hd texture for the battle mode ground. holy fucking shit what incompetency


>Tendies make console war thread
>get BTFO

Every time.

Attached: tom cruise.jpg (800x450, 61K)

>Nintendo fansite makes up clearly fake garbage biased toward nintendo

Wow who woulda thought

This used to be me when I was young and didn't have the disposable income to be an idort. Now that I am an idort, I just wish PC would "win" so I don't have to pay a ~$300 entry fee to play the ~3 games per each console's generation that I want to play.

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And females. Kids, manchildren, soibois, and females.

Relative to what? The amount of Switch owners begging for actual games and not ports?

Where are Smash and Octopath on there? It seems a bit disingenuous to leave them off does it not?

ESL here. What in the hell does that mean?

Posts with no likes or retweets you found four people this is hardly representative of a trend.
This is literally fake news.

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in reality, outside of a couple spinoffs, persona has been sony exclusive forever. it was stupid for people to think that persona 5 was going to be a wii u/3ds exclusive in the first place, and even dumber for them to think p5r was going to be a switch exclusive.
for whatever reason (i'm assuming it's based on marketing research), atlus has settled into viewing persona as a "sony franchise" and smt as a "nintendo franchise." that's just how it is.
that being said, money talks. maybe persona would have gone multiplat by now if more people bought p4 arena on xbox 360 and persona q on 3ds instead of just asking for ports online.

Come on, at least come back with an article with a neutral-sounding website. It's not like PS owners haven't begged before either nor is it limited to that when Nintendo and Xbox owners are guilty of the same shit.

Maybe if you have the memory of a goldfish.

Just take the L. Knowing how big pokemon is in general how would it not be a surprise that Ps4 owners would want it.

Everyone on the god damn planet.

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taking separate screenshots of each of the small handful of tweets doesn't change the fact that it's a small handful of tweets. nor is there any proof that it's actual sony fans and not nintendo fans false-flagging.

>Everyone on the god damn planet.
>Everyone is either a tranny, female, autistic manchild, child, or sooiboi.

sure mate, do you need help opening up your drink too?

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I can see why normal people wouldn't want to play on switch, the idea of turning into pic related is frightening.

Attached: average switch user.webm (460x250, 262K)

>Website reports X game is announced for any system that isn't the switch
>Majority of comments are literally "BUT THIS WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THE SWITCH!"

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You can't blame tendies. It's the only way for them to cope with Sony beating them twice in a generation. Fantasizing that Sony chads want their baby games is the only way for them to get through the day.

The point is that while Persona may be exclusive now, it isn't guaranteed to always be exclusive. Hell, recently Atlus sent out a survey that asked if people wanted a switch port of Persona 5, so it's clearly not off the table. Bayonetta 2 isn't on other platforms because Nintendo literally subsidized it in exchange for exclusivity. Pokemon is exclusive because Nintendo owns enough stake that they can keep it from competitors platforms so people would have to but their consoles to play new games. Persona has no legal reason to stay exclusive and can be ported any time Atlus decides to.

Switchlets are used to playing PS2 games

Attached: Daemon X FuckMyShitUp 1.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

>It's just the Japanese.
Oh thank god, I thought it was gonna be a relevant market asking for it there for a second.

>Website reports X game is announced for any system that isn't PC
>Majority of comments are literally "BUT THIS WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER ON PC, THINK OF THE MOD SUPPORT!"

Two years of Switch port begging won't make me forget more than a decade of PC port begging

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Do you really think I'm joking?

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At least the PC would be able to run the games just as good if not better than the console in question, whereas the Switch will be relegated to the dustbin the Wii and Wii U landed in when it became apparent they're vastly outclassed for modern games

>forgetting Bayo 2 being only on Wii U and Switch and Bayonetta 3 confirmed to be a Switch exclusive

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>posting smug anime girl pics
that's not like you sonegro, shouldn't you be sucking bbc? :^)

>Nintendbaby thinks anyone wants his PS2 looking games on his fisher price tablet.

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Spiderman is soiboyism? Kek, Nintendies are reaching for the bottom of the barrel if that is what they have to resort to.

>The point is that while Persona may be exclusive now, it isn't guaranteed to always be exclusive.
sure, but the mainline games have always been exclusive, and they've shown no signs of ever not being exclusive. and the few spinoffs that have released on other platforms clearly haven't sold well enough for atlus to consider making the main series multiplatform.
>Hell, recently Atlus sent out a survey that asked if people wanted a switch port of Persona 5
atlus usa sent out that survey, not the people who actually make the decisions. the survey also asked about a ps4 port of smtv, for the record.
>Persona has no legal reason to stay exclusive
monster hunter had no legal reason to stay exclusive to nintendo, but the outrage when mhw got announced for everything but nintendo was palpable.

Sony and switchfags should have there own boards so that way we can actually have video game discussion


>normal people
>sony tranny parade.webm


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Notice how it's only Switchlets who start consoles war threads though. This thread is proof. No other fanbase is as insecure as they are. Not surprising considering they baby games on a fisher price tablet.

Sonyfags are worse at least switchfags stay away from Wojak edits to an extent

seriousy, why is it acceptable for nintendo to make such an under powered console again? Bayonetta 3 is gonna seem like a wet fart spectacle wise after dmc5 comes out on much more powerful hardware

Switch has the 3DS succession protecting it from complete obscurity. Before I got one I thought that wouldn't be much of a factor for me, but I like being able to spend an afternoon in bed playing my bingbing wahoos, as well as taking it on planes. People rightfully call the Switch a port machine, but as somebody who didn't bother with most of the port library they might as well be new games. I also like how it is kind of a Vita successor too with it getting a few VNs.

My Wii U is absolutely gathering dust though. I bought it for a grand total of two games (Bayo 2 and XCX). Picked up W101 after Yea Forums recommended it, so that was nice.

Attached: party hard.gif (726x406, 1.06M)

>at least switchfags stay away from Wojak edits
smash rosterfagging alone generates more wojak edits these days than anything else.

I'm trying to say that asking for Pokemon on PS4 isn't the same as asking for Persona on Switch, it's the same as asking for something like Uncharted on Switch. I'm also not saying SMTV necessarily has to be exclusive to Nintendo either, i'm saying that comparing exclusivity of 3rd parties to 2nd parties doesn't work.

You're in a console war thread started by an insecure Switchlet and you can't even admit it. Keep coping tendie.

>this constant console faggotry
Feels good to be an idort.

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>Kingdom Hearts
>Jak & Dexter
ok user

>implying anyone even Hardcore fans want something from shitfreak nowdays
This is the worst clickbait ive ever seen

Nintendo fanboys will buy anything with the Big N's logo on it. Even cardboard boxes as we found out last year.

Trust me PS4 owners you're not missing much.

Nintendo stopped trying when they knew they couldn't compete against Sony and Microsoft. There's a reason they're only making weak tablets now.

its frustrating, cos it's hurting their second party games the most such as daemon ex machina


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Few people on the internet isn't many it is vocal minority. I for one could care less about the game and even if I did have Switch I would still not buy it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190302-050626_Twitter.jpg (1440x2960, 1.15M)

>t-that'll show em!!

I'm one of them
Fuck the switch, just die y already Nintendo and port your games to ps4 lol
Literally make more money

>making an article about handful of tweets from likely children in Japan

For what is the second best selling gaming franchise off all time and series that made over 50$ billion it looks pretty underwhelming. Sony PS3 games looks far better than this.

Attached: pokemon-sword-shield.jpg (1577x899, 130K)

Another day. Another Yea ForumstendoGaf thread dedicated to Sony because you're utterly obsessed with them.

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>Sony PS3 games looks far better than this
and yet pc games blow sony out of the water


We were not talking about PC here and what PC game does exactly blow it out of the water because I can't find a single good looking PC game that rivals the likes of Uncharted.

>posts anime pic
funny it isn't censored, sony nigger :^)

>I can't find a single good looking PC game that rivals the likes of Uncharted
>30fps on ps4 pro
fuck off, sony nigger

I seriously cannot believe anyone would ever beg for Pokémon. It has been Nintendo since day 1. Iirc they even have a financial stake in it.

>still has not provided proof to back up his claim instead has resorted to insulting

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>ps4 spider-man was the pinnacle of soiboi-ism

Uh, yeah t-totally! haha, basedder man lol!! not like us nintendies, pokemon is a very masculine game!!

>not owning Switch + PS4

Be nice to the little baby. Sony hurt him and he needs to cry.

>everyone is constantly obsessed with each other and pretending to be an exaggerated mockery of the side they don't like in some entirely made-up war that only they care about
it's like a fucking retarded version of the departed

He probably can't get his mommy and daddy to buy him a PS4 so he needs to shit post on the internet.

>has a 3DS game avatar

>May be the first time

Attached: marilyn_monroe.jpg (1600x900, 196K)

>Caring about modern half baked pokemon games

Enjoy wasting $60 just to end up with buyer's remorse

Attached: gen4postgame.jpg (2956x2394, 3.75M)

More like tendies are obsessed with Sony chads for always winning. There's a reason this thread exists. You don't see Sony chads dedicating threads to tendies.

Smash came out a day after the awards ceremony, it's eligible next year.

Thats 6 more than when snoynegroes on Yea Forums do the same

Because the Switch is not a home console? Its portable and with that comes technical compromises.
You can't make a tablet that rivals a PS4. It needs cooling and a battery.

Attached: nintendo-gamecube.png (300x269, 124K)

Can't spell sony (aka snoy) without s(o)y.

>corporation builds entire game
>1 person builds a small scene
what point are you trying to make here?

I worked in a store, people always wanted mario to appear on their playstation

Share the link or it never happened


So 80% of the Earth?

you can only play as girls?

Attached: shadman8.gif (474x260, 2.7M)

For the ''human'' demographic.

Maybe on emulators in 1080p, 60fps

Nintencope. Your game is made for babies. Get over it. You're as bad as bronies trying to push their kids show as serious.

Best selling, snoygroid

This one stung, huh.

Doesn't change the fact that it looks like a PS2 game. The PS4 has superior games in the genre.

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This snoypony is platinum mad.


I think you could have fit another newfag buzzword in there if you tried.

What's that Mr. Fox? You're saying you hate grapes now?

This is why I have both!

>are begging
Where exactly?

3DS owners on Twitter, Poke forums, /vp/, Yea Forums and leddit are excited for the new Pokemon but only because we're still on the pre-release honeymoon stage, very few owns a Switch and most Switch owners are Wii/WiiU people.

Not sure why Sonygs want modern Pokemon games, the last objective good game was back in 2012, literally 7 years ago. All the Pokemon games that came soon after are literal trash.

Take a look at Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, a game made by Gamefreak for Pokemon Go fans. Only normalfags bought it and no self-respecting Pokemon fan bought it because its garbage.

It's ironic snoybois keep bring up the ps2, as that is the last time they played an actual game.

>look at these petitions that couldn't even get 5k signers
lol console tards on suicide watch. PChads have no need for your shit games. they don't even care enough to sign their name to a virtual document


If you're over 18 then you're too old for Yea Forums


they care enough to review-bomb games on metacritic if they don't have a pc version and can't be emulated.

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it's ironic that pokemon fans are playing the "movie game" card when ohmori has turned pokemon into a "cinematic experience."

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lol it's more likely to get ported to the Xbox than to the PS4


why are you posting a PS2 game picture?

Pokemon is a game designed for and marketed towards children. Spider man is designed and marketed towards fully grown "adults".

>3 vs. Pokemon, Kirby, Mario, Animal Crossing, Zelda, and more.
>Nintendies believe this


Cringe and yikes. Nincels lose again, sad!

This thread just proves how badly Snoy are seething babies


the absolute state of snoyboys

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Even though OP's post is the definition of fake news, this is also still hilarious

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You mean like how Sonyfags were begging for SMTV?

>N64 and Gamecube are powerful for their respective generations
>Sell super poorly

>Wii and Switch are underpowered
>Sell well

they've been doing what they have been because it works

name me one

>pokemon /ss/ gets ported to ps4
>gardevoir, tapu lele and lopunny get removed because kids can't see any waifumon
>jynx too because it has tits and making her purple is not enough, think of black people
>all skirts for the girl character are replaced with baggy jeans
>nurse outfit is removed, so are any sandals
>taking photos is removed as well, pls think of the children, what if people take pics that could look lewd
>all gyms/e4 rooms with female leaders have a hole in the ceiling so that censor lights can be applied



All that sadness and anger that leads to such pointless bickering and strife could all be eliminated if you would just become a based IDORT. Isn't all this endless platform warring so tiresome, user? Wouldn't you rather be able to get any game you want, and praise or shit on ones you've actually played for the satisfaction of KNOWING a game is good or bad whether or not the consolewar babbies keep pretending one way or another? Wouldn't you rather have this entire medium at your fingertips instead of gimping yourself for no good reason, user?

The platform warriors and the casuals who don't really care about videogames will tell you things like "Yes, good goyim buy them all" and "you wasted your money on [x] platform." But you must forgive them because they know not what they speak. They are only casuals, or blinded by their misplaced favoritism and irrelevant principles. They wallow in ignorance and hope to keep you dragged down with them because they simply know no other way. The ascension is glorious, user. We wont shun you, we will welcome you with open arms.

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>Not owning both

Imagine earning below 6 figures.

Maybe they are finally sick of movie games and want a real rpg like pokemon, fire emblem or smt.

I can't wait