What is it with militaristic simulator/arcade games attracting so many autists and psychopaths?

What is it with militaristic simulator/arcade games attracting so many autists and psychopaths?

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As it turns out, gun supports are psychopaths, news at 11

Psychopaths are anywhere and everywhere. The moment you think you've got em all figured out is the moment they got you.

I had a roommate once that played World of Tanks nightly with his platoon or some shit. He'd refer to people like "my commanding officer has a match for us tonight." It was some weird competitive LARPing shit in and out of game. Every other weekend he'd spaz the fuck out and lose some match. He'd come out to the common room approaching what looked like tears, talking about dedication and shit to the game. I looked that shit up and he wasn't even that good.

military sims are some different kinda autism

World of tanks cant be played larping user. Its a crazy mess of drunk polish guys and brazilians (depends of the server) fucking everything around.
Also, wot is not a military sim.

Because they can live out their military fantasies without working out.

World Of Tanks isn't even close to a milsim.

t. SPC in Arma 3 unit's armored division

Men today are socially isolated and aimless, wars pretty much solve both of those things, you are government mandated to be part of a group and aim for a great objective...besides that you have big machines which is always a plus

Modern wars are bullshit.

Crogs, isometric rpgs, tabletop games, are all autism central. And what do you know, they're all on PC. LOL

Sim fags think they're better than other gamers because their games are more 'realistic' despite the fact that they're just as unrealistic as any other game.

and it sounds like you are too garbage for any of them

I don't want to play them you autist. Ugh... if only...

Technology has become too advanced.

>Not embracing the autism
Why are you even here then

ITT: Utter retards calling anything with ships and tanks a "Simulator"

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The only retard is you. No one said that

>wars pretty much solve both of those things,

No, construction and similar physical activities like sports solves both those things. At most you could say forced conscription might help too, but then you get into the whole potential quagmire of someone higher up in the chain of command chomping at the bit to start a conflict to actually put those military resources to good use.

>why are simulation games attracting nerds
Umm is this a rhetorical question

>N-No u!

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Learn to fucking read, you aspie fucktard from /simg/. OP said simulator and ARCADE.

>sim faggot has entered the thread
playing games to be something you can be irl but failed to be is the most pathetic thing ever

So what happened this time? Who shot what?

Wargaming is the worst video game company and their games attracts autistic retards.

>world of warships

t. Mutt

It's not even that.

Why are you interested in what autists like?, If you know about autism then it isn't hard to see why they like what they do

Its the same people who read a wikipedia article and consider themselves "a military history expert"