JRPGs with mostly Hiragana?

I'm too much of a lazy fuck/too early in my Japanese learning to learn kanji, what are some JRPGs that I can get away with knowing only hiragana?
JRPGs because of the pace but I guess slow-paced adventure games would also work.

Attached: hiragana.gif (452x307, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shin megami tensei is kana-only but good luck understanding japanese without kanji
most nes games are kana-only too
I would greatly recommend playing games wuth furigana instead (hiragana is displayed on top of the kanji), some games for kids on the 3DS have this option like Pokemon and Zelda. Either way don't give up OP

Likely none. Probably closest you might get is furigana, but I can't even think of any series with that. Problem is JRPGs in particular are text heavy, and kanji is just plain way fucking more compact then pure kana. Part of why it's often hard to fit equivalent English translations in for that matter in a given window/bubble or even game, particularly in very old games like back on the SNES where cart size was limited enough that character count really mattered for big games. Pictographics is just a more information dense system then phonetics, at the cost of significantly higher learning complexity.

And again JRPGs probably one of the worst matches here on top of that. Good luck but you're probably just going to have buckle down and focus on learning some every week. FWIW, only a few thousand are really commonly used, you don't necessarily need the full 12k or whatever it is to make sense of most stuff.

Final Fantasy 4, 5 and 6 for the GBA have the option of kana-only writing.
Another game you should be playing is kanji decks on Memrise, bitchboy.

But kanji’s are cool dood and there’s not as many as you think.

As said, kanji is used for a damn good reason. The relative lack of spacing in Japanese makes it incredibly hard/tedious to read shit without Kanji. If you're trying to learn nip you'll need to learn Kanji at some point anyway. There might be a furigana program if you're playing on PC.

literally fucking new gen pokemon. they have an option for you to use hiragana/katana, kanji, and furigana

Generally if you're pretty good with Japanese verbally then you could play games kana only as in most Japanese kids. So you'd go for kid games mostly intended for toddlers or up. Also old games like from the NES and gameboy are kana only.

>There might be a furigana program if you're playing on PC.
I've done this with visual novels, basically set up a text hooker with a jp dictionary to display furigana, but if you're just starting out this is going to be overwhelming and frustrating. Stick to studying and playing games like Pokemon until you can play that without using a dictionary every 5 seconds before doing stuff like this

For VNs he can insert furigana in hooked text. JParser in conjunction with Mecab does the trick, I believe Translation Aggregator has the holy shebang in a neat package.
Furigana is great, you still have the original text in front of you, it's just that the reading of the kanji are spelled out. It can be a great way to accrue some kanji knowledge if you already know a bit of vocab and are having trouble with flashcards.

Yeah, that's the problem with VNs, they're basically actual novels. Even moege are not much easier to read than a YA novel. They're the resource with the easiest to manipulate and most readily available text, but also quite challenging.

you're not going to be able to read shit just because you know hiragana
you need to know the words and grammar too

good luck understanding full hiragana when you're too lazy to even study kanji
you probably don't even have the vocab to play even the literal kid games at this point

I play on a machine translator to see the furigana and to have a trasnlations easily, I know some japanese but I am still learning and that helps me a lot, btw I play rance games since they are fucking easy to understand

Dragon Quest. It's literally for kids.

FF1-2-3 on the NES, all the gameboy pokemons, Megaman battle network only use kanji for names.

JRPGs aimed at younger kids actually have the readings for the kanji above the kanji so they can play it


But don't do that! Kana-only is harder than kanji. Better play something with furigana.


Most RPGs for little kids use furigana. That's how I played through DQ Builders 2 before it comes to the west

Read japanese mango, most of them have Hiragana beside the Kanji so it helps a lot with learning Kanji

Just play in English you weeb.

are there any VNs with furigana?

I sincerely doubt it, unless there are VNs made for kids. I think they kind of expect you to be an adult who already knows Kanji by that point. Same thing is true for hentai.

You won't get very far at all if you don't know kanji. You also need to know enough grammar to make sense of what you read.

That said Zelda games have furigana, as do the Yokai Watch games, Dragon Quest 7, 8, 11 on 3DS. SMT 4 has furigana as well.

Wild Arms 3 has furigana. I think Ookami does too. Pure hiragana games... older stuff. 1st/2nd gen pokemon games, NES games etc.

You'll realize soon enough that you need to learn kanji though.


Go there you lazy fuck

yeah, I'm learning Kanji right now and it's made things a lot easier(except writing it is a chore). Most games use furigana if they're aimed at young audiences since kids are still learning kanji up until adulthood, same thing is true for any books/manga aimed at young kids.

started playing Yomawari in japanese today
The MC is a loli so she writes and has text dialogue in loli level full hiragana japanese

You don't know enough vocab to be able to play 99% of games if you don't already know some kanji. Don't be a 出来ない and just download the core 10k/6k deck already and get on it. It only takes about a year to get through and you'll be able to practice reading on things that you might actually enjoy.

>10k/6k deck
but Japanese people only use around 4k


Is this related to Wanikani, because I don't want to write any english words?

it's vocab
not kanji

Yeah but there are probably tons of words outside the top 6k or whatever the number is in english in this thread alone. You'll only have like 70% comprehension which is just not good enough. You won't have fun if you can't get through a single sentence without looking multiple words up. Better to spend the time grinding some extra words in anki and only have to look up words every other sentence.

this literally treats you like you have no knowledge of japanese. its starts of romanji and gradually builds you up with limited vocab and grammar

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how far does that even take you though, I feel like that's made for kids, so it's probably just going to barely scratch the surface with reading kanji.

You're not going to learn Jap by playing games in Jap.

Pick up a book and start studying. Get Anki and run those flashcards every day. It takes years to get proficient.

just play VNs with full voiced lines. gaining literacy is the only hard part of japanese. learning the spoken language is the same as any other.

if you can't understand the grammar you won't learn shit by listening to voice lines.

not far. it's very very limited like it's meant to teach people enough to travel through japan. it does teaches you some kanji. i think it's worth doing as a stepping stone to build confidence to something more challenging.

I'm going by the assumption op knows grammar and only is sick of grinding kanji.

should i try to learn 20 new words every day or do you have a recommendation on how many new words to learn in a month?

Best way/guide to learn weeb grammar/sentence structure?
I've been learning a couple kanjis here and there, but I'm still not sure about my understanding of sentence structure and grammar rules.

also I obviously meant with jp text. you wont learn anything with playing localizations.

>he thinks reading japanese without kanji is easier
you know so little about japanese yet are so interested in it. bizarre.

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problem with anki is that people don't know how to use it correctly. people think they can cram ludicrous amount per day and thus create bad habits like clicking though cards like it was a clicker game. once that shit piles into 1000's they will become 出来ない in a heartbeart.

just get the book remembering the kanji(rtk). do 10 a day. youll know the 2k standard kanji in half a year.

use anki app and download an rtk deck if your not a poorfag and can buy a 30dollar app.

Am I lucky that I downloaded the entire Honto app to 3ds with all DLC books when the freeshop was still working?

Different user here; I'd say set a goal like 5-10 but be flexible with yourself.

I've been hitting my flashcards hard and was keeping up well for several months, but I've hit a burnout point. I'm not retaining any new vocab for shit so I'm taking it easy and just going over old material.

There's ups and downs in any sort of training.

also this. pace yourself, make sure you dont miss a day often to avoid pile up. 10 new a day max

>moving in 2 weeks
>can barely carry a elementary school-level conversation
>can barely read
>they expect me to lead school lessons

at least i know how important kanji is

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It depends entirely on yourself. I do 20 words a day now, but in the beginning I had to do 15 or I wouldn't retain it. If you already studied kanji using something like RTK, you can probably do more than 20. I would just stick with 20 otherwise and if you feel overwhelmed go down to 15.

why even take the job then you dummy

>tfw you read a japanese word and understand it

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>when you read through your first hentai in Japanese

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Is there a furigana generator that can be used as a reference?

Nobody expects you to speak Japanese, English teacher-kun.


average conversation:

cashier: "welcome"
me: "good evening"
me: "this please"
cashier: "1126円"
me: trying to remember numbers
cashier: points at display
me: hands over money
cashier: "would you like me to heat this up for you?"
me: visibly confused
cashier: points at microwave "good, yes?"
me: "yes, sorry, sorry"
cashier: "would you like a bag?"
me: only knows bag as かばん, more confusion
cahsier: shows bag
me: leaves, embarassed

pretty much every single interaction

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user, I'm going to be studying on the moon soon. I don't want to hear this.

My moonspeak is still shit after studying for two years.

Why do the hire retards who can't even communicate

They don't actually want japs to learn English because that will undermine Japanese culture.

if you're teaching a language, they kind of expect you to be able to speak both the primary language of the people you're teaching it to and the language you're supposed to be teaching. How the hell can the students be expected to learn english if the teacher can't actually explain what he's doing.

Early Japanese Pokémon only has Hiragana+Katakana since the technology wasn't there to use Kanji.


Is there anything culturally relevant from Japan other than anime and hentai?

god speed

babby games like zelda usually have kanas above the kanji

Just learn your kanji dude, it's not that hard

the best restaurant advertisement came from there

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This is why I never even want to visit Japan. I don't want to give them the chance to make fun of me or be embarrassed or pity me, they can just fuck off.

It's the second most culturally relevant country on Earth.

Thanks for the help

>since the technology wasn't there to use Kanji
there's plenty of games that used kanji before pokemon but the audience for this one was children

cmon user you cant be serious. kanji is more convenient and easier to read. you can do it.

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How so?

games have limited memory. if you want to include A-Z its 26 different graphics.
if you want to include all hiragana its ~46 graphics
if you want to include all katakana its ~46 graphics
if you want to include useful kanji its ~2000 graphics

its just a space thing

I don't know about second most relevant, but it is the third largest economy in the world. And when you consider Japan doesn't have shit for natural resources their wealth has to come from somewhere.

As far as I know Japan only has two things to offer; technology, and its culture.

Obviously the USA is the most, can you name a country more relevant? Things like Pokemon and Emoji are bigger than anything that has come from Europe in years.

i mean generally everyone is really nice and just happy you are trying, i never felt pitied

Display must also be an issue. I can't imagine trying to read the more complicated kanji on extremely low resolution displays where they have to crammed into a tiny text window.


Don't project so hard user. The Japs are polite to a fault. They won't pity you for not being able to speak Japanese; they'd be thrilled you were trying at all.

good luck user-kun

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Is there really any reason to use katakana besides it being a formality for foreign sounding words? Like, is that really it?


You won't be able to read shit anyway dude because you don't know WORDS, go back to study instead.

>tfw you have to do a double take on these fucking characters
シ ツ
ン ソ
エ 工
オ 才
カ 力
タ 夕
ロ 口
ミ 彡
人 入
千 干
土 士
未 末
辛 幸
比 北
綱 網
瓜 爪
微 徴

めのぬ われね はほま

I know katakana is used for foreign words, onomatopoeia, and sometimes to emphasize words similar to italics or bold text in English.

Not sure what else it's used for.

And yes, you fucking have to learn it. Don't be lazy.

>new generation smileys and a children's video game
Uhhh. Did you think this one through?

That's even worse, they'd never show you how they feel about you being some disgusting dumb foreigner, and that's the worst of all. I already don't like having to not think about trying to catch strangers staring at me in my own country, I'm not going to go to a much nicer country and have them do the same thing.

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Japan really needs a written language overhaul. So many unnecessary and complicated requirements that could easily be fixed with a standard alphabet system.

it's also used for sarcasm and it's the alternative to writing in caps as well

>get away with knowing only hiragana?
post rare dekinais

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these make me sweat

Yes it helps a lot, your brain goes in "oh i'm reading a gaijing word" mode.

When you're making a writing system with thousands of characters some of them are bound to look alike. Pain in the ass.

Okay, you're either fucking with us or have some serious social problems. I hope you see a therapist and get the help you need.

It's really not that many
Learning the associated vocabulary is the hard part desu. You can't just learn a kanji without any context

It doesn't. Kanji conveys the meaning much quicker than even in English. The language has too many homophones to be able to use an alphabet.

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Eh, there are only 1945 kanji here. user can learn them all in 3 months by dedicating 2 hours a day.

They did that already. That's where the kana came from.

>土 士
What the fuck. I had to zoom in just to tell the difference.

Most of those are clearly different you just didn't study well enough.

they make more sense if you learn by radicals. pc typesetting is what turns these into cancer they are.

Kanji rarely appear alone so it's hard to mistake one for the other when you're looking at the whole compound. Even Japanese people mistake kanji where just a radial is difference, out of context

As for the hiragana and katakana that look vaguely similar, you just need to git gud scrub. There's not a single one I would ever confuse for another

>learn japanese
>listening and speaking is the easiest thing, after 5 years can barely read a children's book

>learn korean
>able to read complicated shit in a short time but sound like a toddler

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onomatopoeia, like every hentai ever uses "パン” for the sex sound.

Those are all clearly different, go and do your Heisigs user.

if I want to learn moon runes can I just use a book?

If so could I kindly get spoonfed?

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I'll be your sensei if you have a cute penis and we'll communicate with discord or whatever you're comfortable with. :)

Many Pokemon games, Dragon Qest 10 on DS, some others. Go to the daily Japanese Thread on /jp/, they have a list.

Old gen was like that too. Mid gen is when they started adding Kanji.

I got started with Nakama.

I hear Genki is better.

go ask DJT as they will be more helpful than Yea Forums

Is there something like this for 3DS?

biggest thing is to learn grammar, and I'd also practice at least writing the hiragana and katakana characters since it makes it easier to distinguish when reading

>Dragon Qest 10 on DS
9 is on DS. 10 is the MMO

I'm new to this but RTK helped somewhat. Mnemonics is not the best method but good as a stepping stop for memorising. Use it in conjunction with kanji koohi (there are some errors in the book).

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Do that and kanji will be the easiest part of learning Japanese. use kanji.koohii to source your mnemonics.

>that satisfying feeling when you can read doujin sex pages

醤油 (しょうゆ)
Definition: Onions sauce

Never go to a different country if you're so insecure, then. Shit, you might not want to leave your house.

I think it's a terrible idea to learn a kanji without at least one associated reading


This is very good until that part where it throws you a bunch of kanji out of nowhere without explaining shit.

>tfw learning some words through some hentai game and seeing them somewhere else
ランダム: Random
華奢: Delicate
標準: Standard
長身: Tall
巨漢: Fat
追加: Add
低い: Lowest
高い: Highest
細め: Thin
太め: Chubby
柔: Soft
普: Medium
硬: Hard
低め: Low
普通: Normal
高め: High
手数: No restraint
一撃: One Blow
変則: Irregular
異性のみ: Hetero
異性より: Lean hetero
両方: Bisexual
同性より: Lean homo
同性のみ: Homo
なし: None
あり: Yes
基本: Average
チョロイ: Easygoing
熱血友情: Good Friend
男性苦手: Bad with guys
女性苦手: Bad with girls
チャーム: Charming
ツンデレ: Tsundere
侠気: Chivalrous
ミーハー: Groupie
素直: Obedient
前向き: Positive
照れ屋: Shy
ヤキモチ: Jealous
豆腐精神: Mentally Weak
スケベ: Perverted
真面目: Serious
クール: Cool
直情的: Impulsive
ぽややん: Naive
暴力的: Violent
草食: Passive
世話焼き: Meddlesome
委員長: Class Prez
お喋り: Chatty
ハラペコ: Always Hungry
恋愛脳: Romantic
一途: Singleminded
優柔不断: Indecisive
負けん気: Unyielding
腹黒: Scheming
勤勉: Diligent
奔放: Wild
M気質: Masochist
汗かき: Sweats a lot
心の闇: Evil
難聴: Deaf
例の弱み: Blackmailable
未性徴: Asexual
強運: Lucky
キス: Kiss
胸愛撫: Breast fondling
女性器愛撫: Vagina fondling
男性器愛撫: Penis fondling
クンニ: Eating pussy
フェラ: Blowjob
男バック挿入: Doggy Style
女主導挿入: Assertive
アナル全般: Anal
生性器挿入: No condom
精飲: Swallowing
中出し: Creampies
精液掛け: Facials
ジンコウガクエン2 きゃらめいく体験版: Artificial Academy 2 Character Maker Trial

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it's like 3rd graders have to learn a kanji for the stock market

>spend years learning a complicated and ugly moon language
>only use your knowledge to consume shitty, degenerate porn since you'd never get a job in their top of the line tech industry anyway

Jesus, I thought I was the only one.
>In Asia a lot for work.
>Picked up spoken Japanese in a few months.
>Still have to fucking guess half the time if what I'm looking at on a menu or label is chicken or fish cause I'm too retarded to figure out moon runes.

I bet you can't think of a real reason beyond "it doesn't feel right".
Learning kanji by adding components one at a time is highly efficient, learning words in that same order leaves you with a lot of useless nonsense early on. Readings will come easily after you finish and start on vocabulary.

I don't really have much desire to travel to be honest. I go abroad every so often to see family but I don't have any urge to explore, and that's the same even around where I live. I also don't have any friends in the city I moved to several years ago so when I'm not working I'm usually at home, yeah. I usually just play games.
But what I've heard about Japan is because of their insularity they're likely to judge you for stuff and being foreign no matter what, and foreigners aren't allowed in some places. They'll be polite but always judge you. At least where I live people don't give a shit.

鬱 鬱 鬱 鬱 鬱

>could I kindly get spoonfed?
No because you posted stinko instead of superior girls

This is unironically why I stopped learning after a few months. Not gonna use it ever

I believe he means the 3DS which has DQX

I'm sure someone already said it, but I'm not reading this whole thread. NES games, some early SNES games like Final Fantasy IV. Pokemon until gen V or VI I think (and ORAS because Gamefreak loves taking steps back). Though many 3DS and Switch games have furigana, especially those aimed at younger audiences. Games like SMT usually won't, but SMT IV does for some reason.

Enjoy it while it lasts. I loved kana only games at first, but now they annoy me.

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>I bet you can't think of a real reason beyond "it doesn't feel right".
No. The reason it's taught like that at every school is because the more things the brain can associate with, the more likely you are to retain it. Remembering a stray kanji out of context with nothing but an English meaning is like trying to memorize a photograph

If you memorize a kanji with a couple readings and a couple common compounds, not only have you established multiple associations in your brain, but you've also built your vocabulary simultaneously, and it works both ways, as the vocabulary has a greater chance of becoming permanent as it too has more associations

hey toby fox, creator of undertale, said that he thought he might be wasting his time learning japanese, and now he says that he speaks it on an almost daily occurrence. Anything can happen user

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They don't hire natives to teach anything, they hire them to pay basic lip service to the idea of having a native at the school.

If they expected you to teach, they'd expect you to hold a fucking teaching qualification like every other country on earth. You're a babysitter.

>But what I've heard about Japan is because of their insularity they're likely to judge you for stuff and being foreign no matter what, and foreigners aren't allowed in some places. They'll be polite but always judge you.
And that's a good thing.

user, your post unironically reeks of projecting.

I honestly hope you see a therapist sometime soon. I'm not sure what you've got going on in your life to make you so paranoid of people but I hope you the best going forward.

I use it for video games and that alone is worth it for me. Unfortunately I've also had a job translating for five years, but that got old a long time ago.

>learn a language in your free time
>use your knowledge to enjoy your free time even more
Nothing wrong with that.
Of course, if you don't plan on using it for business and hate weeb shit you have no reason to learn weebanese desu.

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What in the flying fuck.
I know nothing about Japanese, but your post was already enough to make me give up on learning it.

reminder that you're allowed to physically discipline your students

DQX is the MMO. The 3DS's version isn't even real, it uses internet streaming and is of very low quality

>And that's a good thing.
I'm not saying they shouldn't do that kind of thing, it's their country they can do what they want. I'm saying I don't want to visit in that case, instead I can enjoy the stuff that they make from where I am without interacting with them in any way.
I don't want to see a therapist. I would never be able to tell them everything and that would include stuff that might be key to why I'm the way I am.

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>user is allowed to slap loli and shota ass
living the dream

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>Remembering a stray kanji out of context with nothing but an English meaning is like trying to memorize a photograph
No, because that's not how the method works. It has absolutely nothing to do with visual memory. It works by tying its components together intuitively through a mnemonic. The advantage comes from being able to go fast, like 50 kanji a day fast.
>If you memorize a kanji with a couple readings and a couple common compounds, not only have you established multiple associations in your brain
Except that's not how it works. You're going to be pulling everything back to the English definition because that's the only one you actually know. Obviously you get a better recollection because you now have ten things to review instead of one, but you're also going way slower.
You can go through kanji in two months, and then speed through vocab because that background is immensely helpful.

>getting this excited for reading a name when you already teach english to a bunch of little yellow people
Huh? How much Japanese is an English teacher expected to know?

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I think the expectation is that they can speak enough to where they can showcase the grammatical differences(as in they literally only know grammar)

>The advantage comes from being able to go fast, like 50 kanji a day fast.
What point is there when you can't actually read any of them? There's bound to be huge backtracking as you have to redo a bunch of kanji you've forgotten as you never really learned them to begin with

Normal kanji instruction also includes breaking the kanji down piece wise, learning the stroke order and radicals, so that's nothing special.

I'm honestly not even sure what the method is, I just glanced through the pdf file and saw there was nothing there but a break down of the kanji with a vague english meaning and the author's attempt to create a ideographic meaning of the kanji's components


probably 0

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I see. I really have no idea.
How hard is it to even live in Japan without being able to read kanji?

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i don't think there is a wrog way of learning but i learnt more kanji by looking up the ones i didn't recognize when reading or watching anime (subtitles) than drilling 20 of them into my brain every day

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pretty difficult probably since a lot of buildings and places are labeled with kanji. I guess the assumption here is that the teacher in this comic knows the literal bare minimum to get to and from school and basic grammar points.

I once saw a video saying animal crossing is a good game as far as kanji learning goes because it displays the kanji with the hiragana above it. Was interesting to hear at least

Thank you for the advice. I want to spend my time learning a skill and this will be helpful

is this more your style??

that's sweat btw

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I wanna teach English to cute Japanese students, now.

is that a man

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>Japanese girls are NPCs
Holy shit that's racist

me irl

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what is a man?

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Again, it's not ideographic, it's mnemonic. The connections are completely arbitrary, just a way to combine the components in a way that easily hooks itself into your brain.
The point is that when you then start learning words you always know what kanji you're seeing and what it means. Surely you understand the value of that? With a proper SRS system you won't forget them, because they're all intuitively embedded in your mind.

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Virtually none. ESL teachers are expected to pick up enough of the language to survive while they're there though. At least that's what all the recruiters I talked to told me.


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Wait... I can teach English in Japan if I'm ESL?
The fuck? I mean, they probably wouldn't be able to tell, but still.

Would I stand out too much if I ever went to weebland? I'm 195cm

like a sore thumb

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I don't disagree with the value of breaking a kanji down and creating an association with the parts, but this is an intuitive process when the order of kanji is typically taught to you with the kanji that later become radicals first. Anyone can observe that the kanji for "Like" is composed of woman and child, I don't need to read a book to tell me that. Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit but I created these types of associations all the time.

I just think that should also be combined with learning readings and compounds (compounds with kanji you already know), because I think it's completely worthless without being able to read them, and it's also a great way to learn vocabulary which is far, far more difficult and arbitrary. It's in fact learning associated kanji that makes learning vocabulary easier and not the other way around.

Finally I haven't even mentioned that merely looking at kanji is only half of the battle, and that by writing them in their stroke order repeatedly creates a further association not only in your visual cortex but in your motor cortex as well

The brain ultimately remembers things by relating them to other things, and the more things you have that relate to each other, the more readily and permanently it "hooks"

I'm done discussing this, if you disagree that's fine

>only 6ft
man white women really are the fucking worst huh

Seeing an aryan walking around shinjuku is the weirdest thing.

Shit. I already stick out a lot here.
Do jap qts like tall men?

what women doesn't you retard

Does this retard thinks the kid is suppose to keep the conversation going?

Well maybe anything over 6 feet is too much by jap standards, asshole.

the idea is that the child was supposed to continue the conversation in english, but was unable to

what you say is
repeat after me

Sorry, I meant ESL in the sense that you're teaching the students English as opposed to English being your second language. Most companies that work the whole exchange teacher shtick have required you having good grasp on English, a bachelor's degree, and a thorough background check. It might be a bit harder if you're not a native speaker though.

Just fucking give up. Anything without kanji will be 1. Unintelligible 2. Is only going to ruin what little ability you have.

If you're too lazy to learn Kanji I know as a 100% fact you haven't learned enough grammar and vocabulary to understand a purely hiragana game anyway. Japanese isn't just English with swapped out hiragana.

I was once young and thought "if only I could read it" that I could just look up every word I didn't know (which was all of them). I knew nothing of particles and verb conjugation and thought it would all be in a dictionary the same way every English word you encounter will be

Japanese isn't a newbie friendly language, and kanji should really be your first hint to that effect

I also think Japanese is not a newbie friendly, but kanji is not the first hint to that when you start out learning it. I think Chinese is way more noob friendly, and it has way more kanji, in that language, you could actually go a long way learning basic shit and then looking up words

>not written in iroha order

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If I ever find a magic lamp and get three wishes, one is going to be that every single instance of Japanese is replaced with English, including the knowledge of the language in peoples' heads. Everyone would know that there had been Japanese, but it would no longer exist in any form. Or maybe I'm thinking too small, and I'll replace all languages not based on the Greek alphabet.

why not just wish everyone could also speak Japanese?

It's not nearly as stupid as English but Japanese has a lot of ridiculous shit. You can't just learn hiragana and then immediately start parsing out the differences between something like

And that's before past, short, negative, keigo, casual and all the other intricacies. Japanese is a fucked up Frankenstein language

I laughed at my brother
I was laughed at by my brother
I made my brother laugh
I was made to laugh by my brother

Did I get it?

Good job, user. But yeah that's my point just throwing on more hiragana completely change the verb target and the connotation of the action. Something that could fuck up a translation easily.

Google results

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Because writing systems that still rely in pictographs and hieroglyph analogues are shit. They're pointlessly obtuse, relying on the memorization of hundreds or thousands of core concepts that only are able to take on new meaning through context. It's like being given one of each lego shape and then having to put it together as closely as possible to the thing you're copying, and hoping that when other people look at it and squint just right they'll know what you meant. May as well be the spaghetti code of language. Hell, maybe that's why Japanese people are stereotypically so bad at programming, because of the way their language works.

This is also the danger of no kanji. Even if you're throwing things into Google translate, without the proper kanji google might not understand what you want.

蛙, 変える、帰る、買える
Is frog, change, return, can buy
But it's also
Kaeru kaeru kaeru kaeru

what the fuck do you think romanized writing is? letters are also hieroglyphs, you're just more used to them since that's what you've been associated with for a longer period of time

Turbo brainlet here.
What's the difference between:

>maybe that's why Japanese people are stereotypically so bad at programming
Really? I'd think the opposite because of how logical the language's syntax is with particles and everything. It really feels like a programming language itself

Polite vs informal.

Oh ok. Thanks. I thought I was way off mark.

I'd call it more plain vs formal with polite being a higher level still

>English language user shitting on a phonetic language

Japanese is fucking basic after you've passed the grammatical hurdle. Everything makes sense, sounds like it's supposed to and often times the order of things in a sentence aren't strict. Kanji isn't even "hard" it's just memorizing. You think its stupid because you're not growing up learning it.

Not that user but I believe he means how kanji are words, there are no letters involved in its creation its just symbol = word, so hieroglyphs. Romanized writing using an alphabet to represent sounds instead of thousands of symbols is just nicer.

ました is already polite enough for most situations. If you're meeting your fucking CEO you might have to break out the big guns, but if you're a lowly office peon or service worker talking to your boss or a customer, it's polite enough.

What are the next level HUGE POLITE forms of the sentence?

You're a gaijin anyway, so anything that doesn't feature you drooling all over your boss' shoes will be 上手.

>kanji not hard
oh yes. i love memorizing 3k+ characters that have no practical use in my every day english life just for japanese media. so fucking EZ.

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When in doubt use -ます form but it's essentially the difference between how you'd talk to your friends or siblings vs. how you'd talk in normal conversation. Watch out though because technically there's another form that's used for anybody you don't know or is higher up in status. But as a foreigner you're not going to be crucified for saying のみますか over めしあがりますか。Its more necessary in business.

Even supermarket employees use keigo
Of course you're expected to be a moron as a foreigner, but a Japanese person is expected to be able to speak 3 levels interchangeably or they're seen as uneducated

Only brainlets find kanji difficult. You can cover most of them in under 3 months.

that's why you move to japan to start with
no better way to learn than to be shit out of luck without it

sure dude.

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>too early in my Japanese learning to learn kanji

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Not that hard, I did 2200 in two months.

Literally me

If we're still using 笑う(わらう)
Keigo is お笑いになりました
Extra Modest is お笑いしました

First is if you're talking about someone higher than you laughing. Second is talking about laughing to someone higher than you. So you'd think of it like He (graciously) laughed or I (humbly) laughed.

Not as difficult as it sounds outside of irregulars keigo is just o-stem-ninaru and modest is o-stem-suru. You've actually heard extra modest in things like itadakimasu

Do you speak japanese motherfucker?

The grammar in that image is being butchered though

That's a bit of an oversimplification. Business culture, school and worker/customer relationships in Japan the guest/sensei is essentially supposed to be "kami-sama." The same doesn't apply to just on the street interpersonal relationships.

>but if you're a lowly office peon or service worker talking to your boss or a customer, it's polite enough.
I was responding directly to this, which is wrong, at least for the Japanese

I'm a manlet but i used to work with plenty of chinks. Their size is staggering when you look down on them. You can expect one head taken away from them due to how small they are

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Oh then yeah I'd agree with you, my bad user. Especially in a salaryman position of any kind keigo might as well be the language of business

These are fine. What pisses me off is handwritten chicken scratch where you really can't tell the difference.

>Oh look at me, I'm a woman teaching English in Japan
>I'm such an odd spectacle LOL
>LOL they're Japanese and I'm not
>I know, I'll make a comic, that's bound to be zany!
>Nevermind that I don't know anything about comedic timing or punchlines

user, you sound like you have some better content to show us.

I am an empty shell of a person

While you guys aren't wrong I do think there's the problem of frequency and complexity. Nobody learning Japanese will ever forget how to read or write shit like 飲む、食べる、行く、思い、来る because you're always writing and seeing them and they're pretty simple. But something like 発表する is also learned pretty early but I feel like used so seldomly and with at least a handful more strokes that I would blank of asked to write it off the top of my head and would probably need it in context to get it in a reading. Granted I'm still only two years into my studying.

I've been studying for 4 years and I legitimately can't even handwrite most kana anymore, it's a worthless skill.

you'd hear happyou all the time in class
not to mention hatsu is a very very common kanji

>99% literacy

nah, they're good. just because baka gaijins are having troubles doesn't mean they should lower their standards.

all games before 1993 or something didn't have Kanji because the resolution wasn't high enough for it or some shit.

As much as I love the language a lot of Japanese feels like a fraud. My Japanese sensei have forgotten how to write kanji before and been corrected by Chinese students and even some of the more retarded grammar points like causative-passive have made then stutter and think. And this is middle aged Japanese people who's job it is to teach Japanese.

It's changed to hiragana indication.

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Complexity shouldn't be a problem. Both of those kanji are made up of only two components. If you learned them properly writing shouldn't be a problem.
The main advantage of writing is that it's the only way to actually fully test your knowledge of the characters. Producing things from scratch is way better than "Oh that is that one" recognition.

>who's job

Writing kanji isn't easy when most people stopped doing it decades ago. And Chinese kanji often have different stroke orders than Japanese kanji

Anyway that's the case for most instructors. They're just there as an aid for people too afraid to teach themselves

>>The main advantage of writing is that it's the only way to actually fully test your knowledge of the characters. Producing things from scratch is way better than "Oh that is that one" recognition.
No, it isn't. They're 2 completely different areas of the brain, it's why you can write a word down, know you've spelt it wrong, but not know the correct way to write it.

Reproduction is meaningless, everyone has a smartphone these days.

The 16bit era games were almost entirely hiragana only. Seeing kanji in those old Genesis rpgs is pretty rare.

idk why but I laughed at this one

Who do many hiragana charts leave out so many characters like the b's, z's, j's and so on?

>play censored no fun allowed shit with feminist/progressive shit added that wasn’t in the original text
lol no

>I'm too much of a lazy fuck/too early in my Japanese learning to learn kanji,
That's literally wrong.

Also pokemon and the mother series. A lot of NES games as well.
All-hiragana doesn't make a text easier


she is speaking the language of gods

Plenty of SNES and MD games had condensed kanji sets, and most 16 bit computer games took advantage of the proper font sets included in all the major products of the time. The only reason they weren't included in everything is because of shit resolution and composite, space limitations were only really a thing on the NES.

Japanese with english syntax?