What went so right?
Kingdom Come: Deliverence Thread
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not the draw distance that's for sure
Or the combat. That's anoter given
it respected crysis
git gud
uh huh, now what?
>discord tranny trying to make a point with day one footage
>it respected crysis
what did you mean by this?
The foliage and environments look so comfy
Unfortunately I only own a base xbone so I fear it'd be pretty much unplayable
crysis is usually dismissed as pc stress test.
but it contains a huge host of systems and mechanics to create a deeply interactive and emergent world.
for its art assets, it does not take "short cuts" like other AAA devs, using speed tree or other shitty procedural systems, that console for some reason deem acceptable to use. it made coherent looking props to give players an immersive world, rather than one that just looks good in marketing.
crysis respected the customer with what they created, and KCD seems to also have taken heed of that.
they could have easily cut a bunch of corners like other devs do, dumped a few million in marketing, got their ROI and moved on. but they made something valid.
How much does my sword matter early game?
I'm trying to take down the two bandits after Ginger but they keep pushing my shit in because I have a hunting blade I got hunting with Hans.
many ways to finish that part, in a fight 2v1 you basically have no chance (unless you trained extensively) whatever your sword is
go to Bernard and he helps you or wait till they sleep and choke them out
you can try to snipe one with the bow and then take on the other guy 1v1
I was completely enthralled with Kcd but combat was terrible. Very easy to get OP gear without cheesing and I could solo entire towns with master strikes. It isn't hard or skillful, it's just clunky and easy to exploit.
Just FYI if you want it easy try pic related.
>How much does my sword matter early game?
Not much you just need to get in the rhythm of combat.
That might be the hardest fight in the game desu. After that quest I trained with Bernard and did bandit quests. 4-5 hours later I had the best armor and weapons available, Bucephalus, and more gold than I could spend.
your survivability skyrockets when you get the first plate pieces which is very early in the game, I agree with that
but did you do the bandit quest in Sasau?
Yes, the infiltration quest correct?[Spoiler] After breaking out I killed the guard bare-handed, lockpicked a chest to get my heart, then solo'd the camp before "escaping".[/spoiler] I love the game but combat is the worst part after the novelty wears off.
Oops botched my spoiler
no, I mean the Bandit camp quests you get from the dude in the monestary
try doing these and then come again and complain over combat being to easy
Combat was bad. Not difficult bad, poorly designed and easily exploited bad. For a game focused on melee combat they really fucked this one up. Even mount and blade has better combat
Ya those were easy. The game stopped being difficult at a certain point when your warfare/strength are mildly developed
Yeah dude, I beat all the bandit quests in one-go after they became available. It's easy as fuck. Parry+master strike my man
Game is too easy to ever need to git gud, you might as well be hercules
oh common mount and blade definetly do not have better combat go fuck yourself with that
>watch Zero Punctuation review of it after beating the game
>realize Yahtzee didn't pay attention in training and completely missed one of the most basic mechanics of the combat: the toggle-lock button
>He shits on it but I'm happy realizing people like him who shit on the game are just stupid and wrong because they're literally too stupid to understand how to play properly
>smug sense of superiority
I'm not gonna bother watching your video. KCDs combat is poorly designed and fundamentally broken, period. Compared to it even trash like mount and blade is well designed
At least numbers are a factor in m+b. I would periodically get bored and solo Rattay in kcd
Nothing. Game is easy after the beginning and it's optimized like dog shit.
This game's setting and content are just the wet dream of lonely white autists.
oh boy you are retarted
>yes user I took on those warhammer wielding bandits all alone while they bashed in on me simultaneously, it was so easy
sure thing kiddo
Nigger detected
sure chief
That's exactly what we're saying. We're saying the game is easy as fuck regardless of enemy numbers and strength. We're saying that the games mechanics are broken in favor of the pc. You're either willfully ignorant or you suck at vidya.
all Im saying is that you are full of shit
maybe try the hardcore mode, they added this feature specifically for faggots like you
Sounds like you're the one that needs to git gud you fag. Cope
Crossbows fucking when? I'm still waiting for the full mod support.
Idk don't see a point. I've already gotten my money's worth and the combat isn't good enough to warrant a hardcore playthrough. Stop being a bitch. I said the game was great barring one feature, but you're such a fanboy pussy you have to get up in arms regardless.
nah io got gud, I just dont need to lie on the internet to feel good about myself and impress some literal whos on the other side of the earth
these bandits shit on your pristine full plate armor, make you stagger and take huge chunks of health if they hit you while themselves being high skilled in very good armor
and you little faggot want to tell me you can take them on with a sword and simple parry+masterstrike 5 on 1? gtfo
lol tranny ur trash
40% yourself
bitch if you want to call something broken then atleast say its the stealth
combat has his problems as I mentioned, namely getting high tier stuff way too early
the combat system itself is one of the best I ever played, dont know where you set the bar and expect
you sound like a discord tranny that just want to shit on a good game just because
>ad hominem
keking at the absolute state of u
>being too retarded/new to hit two keys
Try it sometime. If you constantly backpedal in circles while occasionally taking potshots and going for masterstrikes you can solo entire armies.
You're the only one who found the game challenging so git gud. It was a broken cheesy mess
Lol you're so mad you're going for anything at this point.
so you make the combat easy for you by cheesing the AI
well that makes perfect sense, you play it as a videogame exploiting the artificiality instead of immersing yourself and setting boundaries for a satisfying expierience
dont @ me pleb, you ruined the game for yourself lol
yes, you cheesed your way though the game, I got it. go suck on your dads cock now lol. stupid zoomer trash
Donald John Trump is the 45th and current president of the United States.
>walking backwards is cheesing
woa you gottem dude
Just using the fundamentally broken skills the game gives you like riposte and master strike and a high warfare my butthurt friend. git gud.
thinking about giving it another try but I'm still scared of a savegame bug which hit me the last time
>bro I walked backwards half an hour but look how easy it is to kill all guards in Rattay
compelling argument
its ok bub, you can stop posting now
we all know you are the cool kid
It’s fine.
Join the 40%, you cuck tranny
Their weapon shouldn't matter because they shouldn't be getting hits on you.
Not even a backpedal retard, why are you not using dollmaker and other potions/poisons at that point in the game?
Can someone redpill me on “discord trannys”? I see this thrown around all the time but have no idea what it is.
It' s a modern game with soul. Not many around nowadays.
Are forests in this game fully explorable? Or is it all a wall of trees?
Okay. Let's pretend that it isn't a glaring fault with the ai and say you're right. I can still drink a couple potions and solo Rattay, or use a dozen other tactics the game provides.
Most of it is, even has vague treasure maps and stuff. Very comfy just walking or riding through the woods though.
sure, poison is the easy way, same as sneaking in at night and stabbing them while they sleep
but I wanted the challenge and went in with a longsword but got my shit royally pushed in when they surrounded me and bashed my head in, couldnt even parry because I got staggered all the time
2nd time I went with a warhammer and shield and it was much easier of course
it depends on the player, do you just want to rush thought the easy way or are you in for a medieval experience where you arent Hercules?
>couple of potions
so you make an already easy fight even more easy for you, congratulations on cheesing it I guess
is the guy who gives you sword lessons in the very beginning (swordmaster vranik?) still essential? back when i played through the quest i also fucked up the camp by myself but this dude didn't want to die.
they should remove the master stroke. it trivializes the combat.
i thought the developers redpilled
he's a kike
>bro just don't use any of the resources the game gives you and it'll be hardcore experience for hardcore gamers like me
Even Vavra has admitted that game balance is broke as fuck. More power to you if you actually enjoy it but no need to be a twat about it and talk shit online because people are just trying to get it over with and move on to the better parts of the game rather than gimp themselves to such extremes just to make it challenging.
if you use every possible way to make the combat easy af for you and then complain that the combat is broken is just utterly retarded in its own way.
Combat is still broken even if you just run in swinging like a retard.
One end game bandit camp is the exception, not the rule. And it's entirely possible you're just a shitter and can easily be done the way you're suggesting, nobody wants to bother though because it's tedious and boring.
>master strike and riposte and basic movement/strafing
>"every possibly way"
Shut up fag they're just basic game mechanics the game expects you to use. He didn't have hack it or abuse frames/hitboxes like chivalry, the basic combat mechanics the dev's designed themselves are just broken
Everything except optimization, love the game and still play it but it runs like shit.
>plays euroyank medieval life simulator
>tedious and boring
just play AAA games, sounds like they suit you much better than niche titles from small developers
we were talking about potions and walking backward so the AI doesnt team up on you kid. read the replychain
ur a little twat m8
Even the game director has said shit sucks, what even is your argument anymore?
all he said in the tweet that equipment balancing is fucked and I already acknowledged that
who are you trying to fool idiot?
the quests were unique and the character progression system was great but I'm convinced people only pretend to like this shite because the devs are redpilled
>equipment balancing is fucked and I already acknowledged that
And that is the fucking issue lad.
The game is trivial as fuck with how quickly you get good arms and armor, even if you stick with shitty gear your stats eventually boost values so high that you cannot gimp yourself to stay in that early game "sweet spot" forever.
This game's gay, bud.
We, here in this thread, all hate the game.
We're baiting...
Baiting... HARD...
never played this game before, but this video is atrocious with bullshit.
the player attacks from the right, while the enemy is defenseless.
the enemies sword is to the players left, and is in mid swing to the left, unable to return to block.
attack is blocked
the enemies sword is still in mid swing during the block, showing it out of range of blocking.
this repeats a second time. i stopped watching.
no, this isnt good combat., this is clunky and poorly done.
shut the fuck up, you don't know anything
>that you cannot gimp yourself to stay in that early game "sweet spot" forever
yes you can, basically a light armor build
your skills make it easier to deal massive damage and evade more reliable but if you make a fault and your enemy gets a hit in it deals massive damage, combine that with more bleeding and the combat gets more engaging
makes you appreciate the fights in full plate more too
I fucking afore this game, all the casuals crying about the save system and the combat was hilarious, currently on my second play through on hardcore mode and love it even more. Only bad thing was the optimization of the game.
i want to play this game but the slow mo bullshit is disgusting. fucking casuals
>Their rights became progressively circumcised
It all makes sense now
explored an interesting setting.
Are you really advocating artificial difficulty?
If the player has to go out of their way to have fun, then the developers have failed at their job.
The slow mo bullshit was so that you could pull off parry combos if I remember correctly
im not playing because of it. fucking skillless bastards!
is there at least a way to remove it?
>mods deleting so many threads that the board is dead
Yea haha me too haha I hate it as well haha
why do you think people praise the hardcore mode?
its basically gimping yourself to the point its ridiculous and yet there are people have more fun with it
I think making the game harder from the beginning wouldve repelled alot of newcomers and hampered sales, people complained over too hard combat as is
There's a person you have to talk to after getting like level 5 in swordsmanship that will teach you how to "parry combo" I beat the game without it, so it is possible. But it's almost necessary if you're fighting more than one person unless you like kiting.
There is a mod to remove it you babies.
ok thanks.
>you babies
that doesnt make sense. that would only make sense if we were complaining about it being too hard. you cunt
Here's a tip for you, I beat 85% of the game with a mace and a shield without slow mo parrying. If you input the same attack too many time or attack from the area that the enemy is blocking from they will "parry" you. At the end of the game 5-6 parries will kill you. And there's one wall, you'll know it when you hit it, that you can't beat without cheesing unless you're a GOD without "parry combos." I've got thousands of hours in dark souls and i spent 3 hours trying to beat this guy until I learned it's pretty much impossible without cheesing unless you have learned "parry combos". After that you're home free.
Called you babies because you are complaining about one mechanic in a game without even trying it, and that one mechanic is holding you back from even trying. Not to mention how easy it was to find the mod.
there are leftist discord groups actively trying to change the culture on Yea Forums to make it like reddit. they are filled with trannies.
>if you use every possible way to make the combat easy af for you
that's how to play any game 101. use the advantages at your disposal. everything else is LARP shit.
Just shoot them in the face with your bow, I had to restrict myself after a while because it's so much easier to shoot people in the face than dealing with the melee combat.
its a shit mechanic and shouldnt be in the game. fucking noodle
Not to mention lone wolves who spend every waking hour posting gay propaganda
hey there fellow sales shopper
did you get to the reliant robin survival race yet?
I admit it looks shit on videos, but when you are playing it feels natural. You wouldn't know that though.
Master strikes are in the game so you can parry a guy coming at you and throw him back so you can deal with his 5 friends, which is realistically the only way you'd be able to win against multiple opponents historically, which is what they were going for.
its just a cheap "press x to win" feature thats gay
It is like an elder scrolls game, GREAT skeleton that is fixed and tailor made for you with mods
I keep trying to play as a thief in this game and make no progress for hours
Not yet, I have been doing mostly multiplayer but drove the Robin in a death match Derby and it was hilarious
You have been shown two ways that you don't need to use it and yet here you are still complaining
Is there a mod that fixes the God-awful grass?
The grass looks like it was made from cotton, or something -- rapes the delicate anus of immersion.
Historically accurate medieval sim with somewhat competent action roleplaying thrown in.
this game is a LARP simulator you mouthbreather
game was lots of fun
I mean that
dumb fun
>go town to town and pick every easy lock in the game
>pick every medium lock
>pick every hard lock
If you ever do become a master thief you pretty much have the best armor and weapons in the game with infinite cash at level 1. It takes about 20 hours though.
well some asshole was saying it looks "natural," praising the piece of shit feature like it should be there
I said it feels natural and quite clearly said it looks shit you illiterate fuck
I'm a connoisseur of the medieval time period. And people keep giving KC:D (or as I like to call it: "Poopoo Piss: Vagina") more credit than it deserves.
There's simply too much to go though on with the historical inaccuracies that it would take me 646.35 hours to list them all. Fun for me, but not for you.
The game's fucking trash
>finally reached level 13 in lockpicking
>still cant open some chests
Im seriously running out of chests to grind on, pickpocketing is fun tho, even when there isnt much incentive to do so
dont get pedantic with me. you still said it has validity.
validity? yes. validity of being a fucking crunch
they really nailed the minigames
meh, its the closest thing we will ever get
Well if you think about it the chests you cant open yet have end game gear and cash stacks in them (you're pretty much robbing the economy of the game at that point) so crying about the game not breaking unless you're max level thieving is a bit dumb.
Poopoo Piss: Vagina is over-credited trash. Go take your head for a shit, FAGGOT...!
Not being pedantic when you are saying I stated the complete opposite of what I actually stated. I believe it has validity yes because unlike you I have actually fucking played the game. I said it looks like shit but come back to me when you have actually played it otherwise you have no right to say whether it should be in the game or not. If you play it and still hold the same opinion then guess what, it is just your fucking opinion.
yeah, but I got that treasure chest that I want to open and I traveled 3 times there already but was left disappointed
all others were no problem, must have some sick loot then, or just 2 trinkets and ring
you ok bruh?
Why does this game anger the resetera rejects so much?
youre just a fucking casual scumbag.
"skill...? what the fuck is that?"
Because the game claims to be realistic, but you can't play for hired help.
"Rambo-ing" shit up isn't what I'd call realistic.
Nice argument baby, have a good one.
kcd is a great game but even ubisofts garbage like for honor has a better combat system.
That's meant to be *pay
Great post
Yeah, I don't understand why they overcomplicated it for.
As a result, the animations are unrealistically snappy -- they just snap into position instantly.
They could've just made the combat a "realistic For Honor."
go have a shit. but dont miss the toilet with your lack of skill faggot
Does it still run like complete ass on anything weaker than a 1070?
What is a game that takes skill to you? Post your most played games on steam
dont use your faggot neu-Yea Forums lingo with me son.
if you have a point, make it without faggot sheep mentality.
I was getting 40 fps on my 3 year old shit tier gpu on max not two weeks after release
6GB 1060GTX
runs fine, but city centers still dabbing on my card, gotta hit that walk button
Did they fix the "grass" issue?
Someone posted the grass looks a bit off.
And with a game full of grass? That could be a significant problem.
6600k and 1070 here and it runs fine outside towns but when entering it dips into the 20's and then 40's and 50's
For some reason putting everything on low or ultra made no fucking visual difference on my end, everything always looked the same. So I ended up playing 3440x1440 borderless on my 580, everything set on low, average 30+ fps.
In the wild, I assume. You definitely won't get that at 1080p in the middle of even the smallest town.
Do what this user said
Cryengine's forest generatoin. That's it. The game would be 1000000 times better if they got rid of that fucking annoying lock on. Who even thought lockon on a first person perspective was a good idea?
putting the setting on higher values just increases the range of the LOD
I had to put things on high, the constant pop ins really broke the immersion otherwise.
>hurr durr look at me guys im fitting in
i can see why you hate the concept of "skill" so much.
But, user, I hate having agency in accuracy. I want the game to take it off my hands and do it for me.
I hate having to overcome obstacles with skill.
Looks like a much less fun version of Skyrim
And even then...
Skyrim is a much less fun version of any other Elder Scrolls game
Not to mention...
The best Elder Scrolls game is a knockoff King's Field 2
you haven't played for honor
Still not seeing those games faglord
nah, its too basic bitch for me
why should I be interested into some fictional samurai vs knight shit, its retarded
but judging from the 3 angle attack options it just seems more casual and streamlined AAA trash
But, the problem with KC:D's combat is the developers bit off more than they could chew, and as a result the combat is "morphy" and prone to cheeseing.
how's the performance nowadays?
the developer had to balance a difficult decision
do we go full realism and satisfy our hardcore followers instead of the way bigger casual crowd, or do we make it more accessible for casuals but leave enough depth for our hardcore followers
I think they did a pretty good job, this thread is the proof for that
Yeah, too bad the devs lost that edge after the first one, huh?
way better, for a cryengine game
really great example of what this sort of game could be like, but needs much more work. i look at it the way i look at assassins creed 1 compared to how good assassins creed 2 was
Yerli was full of himself and wanted the big epic cinematic crysis epos and to go down in history as the big blockbuster dev
dude fucked everyone for money, and then the whole free2play and mobile debacle
dude just lost it, its his fault alone
Reminds me of Peter Molyneux, and how the giant roach thought he was a game developing god after the success of Fable. Proceeded to then dish out garbage for the rest of his career. And now, most people don't even know who the hell he is when they mention his name, unless they are also talking about Fable.
You have a good thread going on there fellas. KCD is a great game, waiting for GOTY to replay it with all DLC's. And yes, these are the comfiest woods I ever seen in videogames.
Henry's come to see us
I have a feeling they spend years creating the best damn European landscape they could when they were bouncing around begging for money, then when the deadlines dropped they realized 90% of PC owners wouldn't be able to run the game at all, so half of their dev time was spent reverse engineering their own "tech demo" to actually make a game out of it.
Explain toggle lock button. Go
Deal with opponents one at a time by parrying them when they strike and dealing blows when you can. Also it tells you what stance you are in.
I hated the lock-on. This game would have been better if it had the same combat like Mount and Blade.
Why do the Jew keep getting shat on all throughout history?
It's like they're beacons to genocide
They keep messing with people.
>Mount and Blade
You mean running around in circles spamming attack and getting comically run over by cavalry?
Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries in the past 1800 years.
>You mean running around in circles spamming attack and getting comically run over by cavalry?
Oh my, I guess you're handicapped.
They've pretty much always been merchants and bankers in countries where they were a minority, the perfect scapegoat.
they are satanists
Here's General Ulysses Grant on Jews.
>"I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and that mostly by the Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department. But they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any woodyard on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves, they will act as agents for someone else, who will be at a military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes which the Jew will buy at an agreed rate, paying gold."
>"1. The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, are hereby expelled from the Department."
>"2. Within 24 hours from the receipt of this order by Post Commanders, they will see that all of this class of people are furnished with passes required to leave, and anyone returning after such notification, will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permits from these headquarters."
>"3. No permits will be given these people to visit headquarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits."
>"By order of Major Gen. Grant."