Aerith or Aeris?
Aerith or Aeris?
English or Japanese
my manual and game said aeris 20 years ago, so that's it for me
Who cares?
Yuffie is always the correct answer
While Aerith is more official, Aeris just sounds better IMO
Aerith is canon, Aeris was a mistranslation like so much of the other shit in the game.
Aerith, nostalgiafags going off of a mistranslation need not apply.
t. zoomer
Most beautiful and warmest vidya girl
It's Aerith and it'll be that way in the remake.
That's okay, I'll just rename her to have the correct name.
Aeris, pronounced as “Ae-reis
When was the last mainline Final Fantasy you could actually rename your party members? IX?
X doesn’t count either, since it was just Tidus and the script was specifically written to not say his name.
Should be really easy to mod, I bet my ass that would be one of the first things to come out if it didn't land in development hell forever
Aerith, because I like the names being things. In this case I, Earth and Earth-Air. In any case the only amazing Aerith is the one in VII and Before Crisis. The fun, streetsmart, cocksure, flirty, proactive, selfish and feisty one. I have no problems with people calling her Aeris though as long as they get that right.
Who cares.
The main problem is she doesent exists and she is not my wife who will love me and give me massage, who will cuddle me every night patting my head and giving me smooches on cheek.
Explain how it's a mistranslation. The katakana of her name is エアリス.
That's e-a-ri-su. Japanese doesn't have a th sound to my knowledge so I don't know why a translator would be expected to ever put a th in when transliterating Japanese. Getting "Aeris" from "Earisu" seems pretty logical to me.