Do any official interviews with TTYD's development team exist? I tried searching for them...

Do any official interviews with TTYD's development team exist? I tried searching for them, but all I found were the SS/CS interviews.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know.

me neither


I hope someone asks about this moment

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I worked in the developement of this game, ask me anything.

All we have is stuff for SS and CS because interviews with Nintendo devs only started with Iwata, before that everything was kept under maximum secrecy with the eventual miyamoto/aonuma interviews

Why so many backtracking

What happened that caused then to drop the rpg ways

To this day I still don't understand why this was added

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we already know that it was because of tanabe and his dislike of RPGs, M&L being the second RPG franchise was just a covenient excuse they used to try to deflect from his terrible decisions

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The way Jap devs change things because they feel like it can be fucking frustrating at times

something about jap culture and they knowing what is best for you, same reason why you can't choose the maps in splatoon

There were plenty of interviews in Nintendo Power magazines. I remember there being an interview with the SPM devs, but I don't have any of the issues that covered TTYD, so I don't know if that game's developers were ever interviewed.

Can I sniff the bottoms of your feet?

It's mostly because in Japan they're taught from birth to bow to their superiors and elders completely, to the point that a lower ranking employee speaking out against something a higher-up decrees can get them fired.
So if the director of a game says to do something, they either do it or get fired, regardless if they think it's bad for the game or series.

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Dan Schneider infiltrated the writing team

was this in the original japanese script?

why does alphadream get a free pass then?

>just a port of the GC version
That would have been so much better than fucking sticker star

It's literally all the fans wanted, TTYD but with new chapters/characters, unfortunately unless the game has some gimmick Miyamoto won't approve of it
Miyamoto should have retired instead of Reggie

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Then how do they learn when a game fucks up? Or a series goes the wrong direction?

They don't. When a game stops selling they just assume no one likes that series/genre anymore and don't try again.

I guess some good news is there will probably be some good fresh young people coming into their place in the next few years as many retire or get too old. I don't know how young the guy actually is (since Japanese people age is really hard to tell), but Shimya Kumazaki is pretty new to the Kirby series (since Ultra Super Star) and the games have been really great.

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unironically Rather than think "this one game did some things wrong" they think "nobody likes the entire series at all anymore" and end it.

it's because of this that so many good franchises died
they never go back to look what caused fans to hate it, they just instantly assumes that people aren't interested in that thing anymore and never that they fucked up
this pisses me off to no end

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The probabilities of the franchise just being up dead are much higher than someone else taking over and changing everything for the better


When has that ever happened?

we're never getting another good paper mario, bros

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Chibi Robo, might be happening with Paper Mario, probably F-zero too
Some franchises get a second chance because they are pet projects of the creators or their history is too strong so they can take a blunder or two, but most niche ones die in 1 or 2 games

I have this sick fantasy that when Miyamoto kicks the bucket a shitton of jap devs will take out of their desk drawers scripts, assets and ideas for nintendo's 1st party games that where shelved by Shigeru since the n64 times

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You're delusional if you think we arent getting a paper mario for the Switch.

F Zero is not the scenario youre describing. We arent getting those games because they dont sell well period, not because of the direction the series had gone in.

>You're delusional if you think we arent getting a paper mario for the Switch.
paper jam and color splash bombed
sure they could try porting color splash or remaking the old games, but I don't see a new game coming in
Don't even know if alpha dream will make it since the BIS remake sold poorly, and they might see this as people not being interested in mario RPGs anymore

did stuff like octopath traveler and xenoblade chronicles 2 actually did solid numbers on the switch? because unless rpgs are making absurd money on the console I dont see nintendo waking up of the paper mario shit games meme

Would be beautiful.

On the other hand, Nintendo could be slowly infiltrated by new jap devs that turn all of Nintendo's IPs into moeshit.

>muh miyamoto boogie man

He didnt even work on the game

New Super Mario Bros succeeding, and also As of late, NSMB is slowly dying, with the Switch game being a direct port of the Wii U game vs. making a new game and heavily reusing the assets. That should tell you how far NSMB has fallen.

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>Paper Mario fags still crying about Miyamoto while Tanabe and Tabata continue to shit on the series
Hope it stays dead if you idiots are going to be blind to the real problem.

>he doesn't know

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You can't say shit like that without explaining what "the real problem" is. Enlighten us, user.

NSMB is irrelevant now that we have mario maker

What the FUCK does this poorly constructed image have to do with anything?

This shit reminds of the "New" 3DS. Nintendo is goddamn horrible with names.

Color Splash is 10x better than Super Paper Mario.

Watching Vinny stream that game reminded me how tedious it is.

>You can't say shit like that without explaining what "the real problem" is
How about the fact that Sticker Star was always going to be focused on the sticker-based combat? Or that development of Color Splash started almost immediately after Sticker Star's release? Or the fact that Color Splash came about because they watched kids doing arts and crafts. Or that future Paper Mario is 'required' to be a gimmick-focused experimental series depending heavily on the aesthetic instead of characters and setting because the Mario & Luigi series exists.

The real problem is Tanabe.

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New Super Mario Bros. is homogenizing Mario as a whole. M&L no longer taking from SMB but NSMB with the remake changing the designs, Paper Mario getting gutted the way it did, AlphaDream having to fight Nintendo's higher ups with Dream Team. Even M&L is being streamlined with every game looking like Dream Team with the recycled sprites. Shit on the image as much as you like but it's not wrong.

>How about the fact that Sticker Star was always going to be focused on the sticker-based combat?
That's a literal lie as shown in that image stickers were going to be overworld/puzzle only but when miyamoto complained they made it be in battles too.
Also I believer that PM being gimmicky only is more on Tanabe's inability and dislikes of RPGs instead of M&L since the two series co-existed just fine for a while.

>Even M&L is being streamlined with every game looking like Dream Team with the recycled sprites
AlphaDream constantly gets shit for this and nobody realizes they've actually redone even some of the most basic sprites. For example, nobody realized they've made new regular jump animations each game. Guess they're too busy screaming about the sprites being 3D models.

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They use the same sprites because theyre on all 3DS.
Did you complain when Partners in Time used the same sprites as Superstar saga?

>complaining about NSMB when the series hasnt had a new game in nearly 6 years

>recycled sprites
they actually recycle a handful and make new ones and the remakes exist just because alphadream felt like it
the chads of the 3DS

>Partners in Time used the same sprites as Superstar saga
you blind?

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Maybe in Japanese magazines of the time.
But in any European or American publications the answer is probably absolutely not. Actual interviews with staff were an incredibly rare thing before social media networks.
Most of the time you just got whatever the company would release to you as a preview of the game.

>Partners in Time used the same sprites as Superstar saga?
What? No it didn't. Even Paper Jam doesn't have the same sprites as Dream Team.

Regardless, the styles are way too similar when each game ending with Dream Team had a unique look, despite the similar visuals. Paper Jam simply changed the perspective of their stances, but it's really the same style.

Bowser's proportions were perfect in BIS. Why'd they change that?

So admit you were wrong and that they use new sprites.

>Bowser's proportions were perfect in BIS
>stupidly massive head and retarded jaw
funny they kept that in the remake

I said they changed the perspective of the stances, but it's the same 3D model, shaded so that it looks like a sprite. Effectively, going back to my first point about reusing the same fucking sprites/models for every remake.

BIS and PiT look pretty similar.

>3D model

This is where your argument loses all validity.

Are you fucking dumb? Theyre sprites.

Did Bowser get stung by bees in Dream Team?

Why remove the tie in with Beldam summoning the Smorgs against you?

Was the game rushed out the door for release? It feels like 1/4th of the game is missing.

>That moment they replaced Toadsworth with Toadette

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He's saying they rotoscoped it to get the sprites, but I think I remember reading somewhere they did not rotoscoped and all sprites were made by hand, just can't remember where

this iwata asks probably

Prior to Odyssey I would've agreed with you, but thankfully this doesn't seem to be as big an issue anymore.

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>the same 3D model
Don't you guys get tired of this meme? The 3D models are the ones in giant battles and some background elements.

I agree, Odyssey's success could lead to more risks and experimentation with the Mario brand. I'm waiting to see how Tezuka is going to handle the supposed new 2D Mario he mentioned a while back. I'm not holding my breath for the next Mario RPG or Paper Mario title though.

I just want a return to form paper mario with new partners and scenarios
is that so much to ask for

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>I just want a return to form paper mario
You're never getting it now. Meanwhile AlphaDream has been dropping new characters in the remakes and experimenting more with 3D, in addition to hiring staff for Switch development.

What are you talking about? They even added new villians in the Inside Story remake.

Maybe Tanabe will have a freak accident and scrap the whole "dude paper mario is only about paper" mindset and go back

It's time to move on
SPM was a warning
That's what he said

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I'd settle just for my chain chomp partner please nintendo where is it

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Link's Awakening

Basically this

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I hope a permanent way to keep the chain chomp is planned for late/post game stuff in the remake

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BiS's Mario and Luigi sprites still hold up.
PiT's are a bit crusty.

I'm simply hoping for a HD Remake of TTYD.

>BiS's Mario and Luigi sprites still hold up
except for mario's walk

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>experimenting more with 3D
The 3D Bowser fights in the BiS remake SUCKED and were inferior to the originals.
(Also ironically the originals bottom-screen maps had more detail and graphics then the remakes bottom-screen maps)

I'm not sure why the 3D Bowser fights sucked, some were design choices but a lot of it was the graphics and animations which worked just fine in Dream Teams 3D giant fights.

I know they hired Good Feel for Dream Teams 3D battles, and I have a suspicion that they tried to do BiS's remakes themselves which could be why (I haven't gotten to the credits yet so I don't know)

>I'm not sure why the 3D Bowser fights sucked
They always sucked. That's not a joke based on the game, the giant battles have always been garbage.

This is fake.
Though I'll admit it's (usually) not until you play them in hard mode where you have to master the mechanics where they shine.

>Original Game
Cutscenes are straight to the point. Backgrounds are detailed if also simplified so that your imagination fills in the gaps.
Cutscenes consist of the camera zooming around for 15 seconds before a low-poly model stumbles into a pose to say something. Needless finishing move that isn't exciting because the crap animations. And worse of all NO EXP IS GIVEN! THE FUCK ALPHADREAM?
Backgrounds are more low-poly nonsense that has more models but loses detail (For some reason the Blubble Lake fight defaults back to stock Mario Bros dildo mountains. The first fight loses seeing the castles looming in the background because they didn't want to model that far out (Which is understandable).)

I dont know where else to post this but this thread is about game development. I'm on an indie dev team for a game releasing on steam, and im on a team with;

>the director, a dude with aspergers trying to sneak in his inflation fetish into the game
>the directors best friend that has only one arm, and also has aspergers, who cries about his depression and sets his profile picture to black to ""scare"" the rest of the team members. every single one of them fall for it every time and start panicking
>an obsessive transgender kid who cuts himself and never works on the game, but will get credit for being "assistant director"
>a furry that causes drama with other developers to make us look bad
>a niggaboo, literally the only good member on the team since his art is pretty good
>an "aspiring artist" with deviantart tier artwork, also has autism and gets extremely defensive and angry whenever you criticize anything about him or his artwork
>a waifufag that obsesses over fictional women
>a popular indian guy on twitter that is also assistant director because everyone admires his followers. has not done a single thing for development
>a literal fourteen year old

I can't even believe i said yes to doing shit for them. I've been working with literal retards.

Both are slow, dull, touch screen-infested shit that kills the game's pacing (even worse in DT with the wonky gyro)

why not just make an entire game by yourself and ditch these losers?

Wow I'm so glad they used their skills gained from FRESHLY PICKLED TINGLE ROSY BADTUCHLAND to ruin paper mario!

I mean who didn't play that game over and over?

>they solved everything with money
I hope that fuck gets audited

They're actually good shakeups to the gameplay that isn't overused and feels like hype when done properly.
I'm not saying they need to be in the next game but I liked them in BiS and DT. Paper Jams Papercraft battles were less hype but the gameplay was alright when played in hard mode and going for S rank.

>I've been working with literal retards
said the guy who signed up to work on an indie game

>an entire game by yourself
that shit would be pretty hard. honestly, i would love to make a physics based multiplayer game, but i dont even know where i would start to do that

and they failed because not once you need to go to the store to beat the game and thus all your coins are dead weight

I thought it would be fun, making a game with some new people. they said i could have as much creativity as i want but nobody helps each other and the deadlines are fucking stupid. lesson learned i guess

Are too a retard or something? A prototype is just gameplay. Also fuck you for just wanting the same game with different characters, you're what's killing gaming.

How did Dream Team get through to America with zero censoring while Fire Emblem's head-patting got completely gutted.

>if the director of a game says to do something, they either do it or get fired, regardless if they think it's bad for the game or series.
i know what you're trying to get at here but this sentence is true of any organized workplace, you do what the boss says

As long as each franchise is still itself and not suddenly changing it is fine, after all if I wanted to play something else I'd go to other franchise.
This is why PM not being PM anymore pisses me off.

Thing is Miyamoto isn't even active part of the development of games anymore, he just gives "suggestions" which Tanabe took too literally.

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It's a mario game

Because it's a fucking children's game and children don't apply sexual context to everything in existence, you fucking spergs.
It's the same with the bit in BiS where they force-feed Bowser. What's sexual to you is a silly gag to kids.

Why do people love Japan so much when it seems like such a suffocating authoritarian shithole?

They got the people who made Yoshis New Island. Thats why it looks like trash since the team has no sense of pacing and cinematics

Just compare the two and you'll see what I mean.

Effects, sound design and camera angles are shit in the bottom one

Maybe there's a correlation there bucko

Fuck you spoiled it for me.

Why are these guys still part of Nintendo.

But why specifically smelling feet?

That's because Vinny is terrible at this baby game for children and makes it harder on himself. Also pausing every two minutes to read chat so zoom zooms don't get upset.

Miyamoto has severely lost his touch and needs to retire, everything he influences these days gets mired in questionable decisions

actually yeah, both of those games did pretty solid numbers. I'm pretty sure square said they were extremely happy with octopath's numbers, and XB2 is the best selling Xenoblade game.

Because it's dumb and goofy and kids think it's funny.

that's how fetishes are born

>but Shimya Kumazaki is pretty new to the Kirby series (since Ultra Super Star) and the games have been really great.

But all his games are LITERAL rehashes.

no user, they all have one WACKY gimmick separating them like the super attacks, robobot armor and hypernova! They are totally A-OK in miyamoto's book

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seriously though how did a group of real human beings make Sticker Star the way that it was and think "yeah this is an ok thing to do"

team of freshly graduated kids that don't know any better, wouldn't be surprised they didn't even play the first games

Well after Super Paper Mario they realized the series was fucked anyway. They probably just didn't give a shit.

Color splash is better than The Thousand Year Backtrack

TTYD has it's issues but it's still a more enjoyable and memorable experience than Color Splash

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Well, it's not TTYD but this is the perfect thread for me to finally scan a Super Paper Mario interview from Nintendo Power. You can read it here while I finally set this scanner up, never used it before:

Attached: Nintendo Power Volume 215 - May 2007.jpg (779x1000, 169K)

I agree but TTYD is not so far beyond Color Splash like many people think. Color Splash has good music, it looks good, it has the same kind of quirky humor from past Paper Mario games. Its not some travesty of a video game.

>"As Mr. Kawade just said, to truly enjoy the messages and the storyline that are essential to the Paper Mario series

Blech, this is tiresome.

This. The gameplay is clearly not on the same level as TTYD, but every other aspect of the game is honestly pretty high up there in the series. I really liked playing it.
Also best soundtrack in the series in my opinion

Good gameplay and story are what define paper mario though
It doesn't matter if the graphics and music are top notch if the game is so fucking forgettable

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Sticker Star had the best soundtrack. Color Splash's was dominated by "yoho", gag pieces and ambience. Sticker Star was 100% jazz and a LOT of it for a small game.

What does that mean? If you're talking about the pirate music get the fuck out, that's like my favorite part of the game

Fuck this makes me afraid of what might happen on their switch game

I just want Cragley Ho to get his own game haha
Love that guy haha

why do designers have to ruin everything. paper mario and paper mario ttyd were amazing ass games. i didnt play the other cause they looked like shit

But he's just a ripoff of Flavio.

"Cragley Ho!" haha

I don't get what the shitposting here is. I'm out of the loop on this one.

Because if you say yes, Hooktail stomps on you with her foot, causing damage. It was a trick. That is the joke.

actually she bites you if you say yes

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I actually completely forgot it was a girl, that makes it even worse

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Technically she has a Vivian situation going on to an extent, in some regions she's a boy.

If you were the lead designer of the next Paper Mario game, how would you change the gameplay to make it stand out from the first two without deviating from the formula too much?

This time Bowser gets kidnapped by Peach and Luigi has to save him

Here we go, finally. I've been wanting to scan these since Color Splash's drama first started. Sorry if the quality isn't ideal, first time doing this.

Anyone know if TTYD was featured in any Nintendo magazines beyond the 1 issue of Nintendo Power where's it's the cover? Any interviews come to mind? I'd love to buy and scan it if possible, I've noticed most Nintendo Power issues past the beginning of the GameCube era are not available for download.

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Why would I want to change from the first two games when TYYD was doing something cool with making battles on a stage? Just expand from the stage mechanics by removing fog, make certain attacks very useful but look underhanded while some are not as useful but look cool to appeal the audience. Nerf certain badges like danger mario badges and the plus HP and FP badges.

Take the niggabboo and start your own team with him. Though I'm imagining you yourself are almost as bad as your teammates.


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You win by giving the enemy papercuts. Battles have 2 parts, one where you figuratively masseuse the enemy to find it's weak spot, the second part is where you rub their weak spot with paper mario to defeat them.

Also instead of XP have a feature where if you beat every enemy in a level you unlock the music tracks for it in a gallery.

Can you do the Pokemon one too?


Sure, give me a bit.

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>he didnt unlock the interview at the end of new game+

>Miyamoto: Lets not make the same game again
>Gamers: Make the same damn game again!!
It wasnt a good game sticker star. It was shit but at least they tried to be different.

Don't forget she also vores the crowd for health

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Make partners not act as a secondary health bar, I guess make them all share HP like you did in SPM
Fewer partners but with more versatile skills and story involvement
Use some dual skills with mario and the active partner that consumes both turns at once but deals high damage
make badges be limited again so the game is balanced, add a hard mode
If you REALLY need to, make stickers/cards come back but only as special moves and you can actually build your deck so it isn't lost when you use it
optional but more boo waifus

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That's actually almost a thing in Color Splash

They hired newbies who never player Paper Mario before. Seriously, they just didn't care.

>Make partners not act as a secondary health bar, I guess make them all share HP like you did in SPM
Would kill the aspect of having one person be tanky while the other one hides behind that tank.

Holy shit. I always thought the remake Giant Bowser fights looked clunky and slow, but comparing it with the Luigi battles is like night and day. How did they fuck up this badly?

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Maybe they could have different defense stat/counter attack options or something, or maybe they all have very low HP like 5 to 10 or so

I'm still mad at this
I bought a 3DS for this because I saw the screenshots and they made me as giddy as when I was a kid and got a DVD full of gamecube trailers with Paper Mario 2 on it

Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga was better than all Paper Marios. They should make a new M&L on Switch instead. Theres only so much you can do with the 2.5D levels of paper marios, at least they wouldnt be limited to that.

TTYD already did the defence options with Koops having innate 1 defence. Personally partners having separate HP is fine as is and making HP shared would arguably make healing way easier. It also allows for danger builds while the other tanks, because you don't want a tank with low HP.

Are you implying that M&L is less limited than the PM games when lately M&L games have been samey?

See, because I'm not a fan of levelling up as a mechanic outside of sparing use over a lengthy adeventure, or to represent a child-age character developing and growing. But this is one area where ditching level ups altogether fucked the series awful fucking bad.

>Tingle game
What is wrong with Japs that they keep making shit like this? They are obsessed with awful characters while neglecting making another F-Zero title. Even a Waluigi game would be more tolerable than two Tingle titles.

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Yes user that's the point of a remake.

But what if I like Paper Mario gameplay and partner system more?
There was a time that PM and M&L co-existed why must PM die because of M&L now?

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Dream Team played like BiS. Not just the remakes were samey.

Color Splash apologists make me sick. There is not a single redeeming aspect to that game.

but the graphics look like paper

don't you like seeing paper?

They're not taught it, they're reinforced in what is their native trend. No tabula rasa fallacy here, shit like group-orientation and fear of individualism is in the blood of east asians and their social mores merely reflect this.

The real greater take on the flippant and ruinous decisions made by scrub designers is that they see themselves as superior to US. So we have to shut up and gobble what they spoon out, and if we have anything to say about it then they'll just double down or else not make another Paper Mario EVER. That's how childish the east asian mindset gets, since attaining power causes them to become total prima donnas.

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I think it was vaguely formated like BiS, but the gameplay was different. DT had solo mario battles and attacks that required you to aim your hammer or walk back and forth before jumping. It also introduced chase sequences. Also it had background enemies (Which were similar to top-screen enemies but not really)

And they're going to continue thinking this until something bigger and iglier then then comes along and cracks them around the back of the head and forces them to notice it. Japanese people are seriously fucking dense when it comes to basic observations like this, they are so lazy when it comes to assumptions and prior believes that they'll repeat the same error over and over until someone slaps them.

I love being reminded that everything is made of paper just as much as I love being reminded that I'm playing a video game via meta jokes!

No, rather that the concept itself is open enough for it to be different. Which I don't think is the case with Paper Mario as long as its an rpg.

Because all the last ones have been terrible and while I like the first two, I don't feel like there's that much to expand on. Also for me the gameplay in PMs was far from a selling point, basically only played for the art, dialogue and comfy atmosphere. But it's not like I'm craving to read more dialogue from a new PM, its basically going to be the same thing. I think they want to always make them simplistic because thats the vibe of the series, M&L goes deeper as an rpg and could go even deeper on a console version.

This isn't sick, it's healthy. Miyamoto is old and needs to retire hardcore, go and do tea or something in his bonsai shed.

Unfortunately true we're in a real double bind where the oldguard is senile and the newguard are brainless dogmatists. It's a miracle or war, that's for sure.

You mean eats a group of peasants like dragons always do in stories?

Super Paper Mario, while it made some questionable decisions, at least had a memorable story for me to look back on. Sticker Star and Color Splash has none of that.

They actually drew the perspective according to camera angle which is diagonally above them. After that they said fuck it and went with the less realistic Link to the Past angle.

PM games have a more complex build system with badges while M&L just has gear. Most of the attacks in M&L are just "It does more damage or hits different targets" while in PM a lot of the moves do certain things like buffs, status inflictions and etc. Turn order of who goes first also matters in PM2 since who's in the front is likely going to take the most attacks during the enemy's turn.

Why is Miyamoto still in charge? He hasn't done anything good for Nintendo since 1982

That's been obvious since the unveiling of the "Wii" desu famalamamalam. The eternal september moement when Nintendo got flooded with casuals and casualbux was triggered by that meme name - hard to think that calling a console after urine could constitute a meme in 2006.

I remember I spent the better part of my childhood coming up with crass name s for consoles in my spare time with friends, like the Gaystation Poo or the Gayboy Cummer. Then Nintendo just up and named their console Wee. I felt something was deeply wrong then.

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>had a memorable story
>most generic anime story imagineable
The bad guy lost his love and so wants to destroy the world. That was a good story?

>muh Miyamoto
Stupid faggot

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SPM has the worst story. It fails even to get Luigi, Peachs' and Bowsers' character right.

There is an inconsistency in the interview. They say that Miyamoto saw an early build after E3 which had no stickers in battle, which he called a port of TTYD and they added stickers in battle, but the screenshots from the same time show the stickers already being used in battle, so someone is either lying or got the information wrong.

Actually it was said the game already had stickers. Tanabe said after Miyamoto's feedback that they decided to make the game centre around the mechanic.

It also never explains who Mr. L is.

Yes but the stickers were used only in the overworld, not in battle. They were put in battle after Miyamoto's complaint.

This. Silly gags to make kids laugh end up becoming fetishes because yall can't control yourselves

Sorry for the hold up.

Attached: Nintendo Power Vol.215 (May 2007) - Page.32.jpg (2302x3102, 3.92M)

Could have just been aesthetic beforehand.


Attached: Nintendo Power Vol.215 (May 2007) - Page.33.jpg (2302x3110, 3.04M)

That image is from "Paper Mario 3DS" when it was first unveiled.

How so?


Attached: Nintendo Power Vol.215 (May 2007) - Page.34.jpg (2326x3118, 3.46M)

Hot take: Color Splash is worse than Sticker Star.

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It literally says it in the interview m8
Read the first section in this image

Bowser would never eat egg salad


Attached: Nintendo Power Vol.215 (May 2007) - Page.35.jpg (2318x3110, 3.79M)

He loves eggs though.
>Source: TTYD


Attached: Nintendo Power Vol.215 (May 2007) - Page.36.jpg (2286x3110, 3.3M)

Agreed, everyone says the opposite but
>slower overral, more tedious combat
>battle interface is absolute shit and scrolling through the cards is pain, takes too long, plus the steps needed to actually play each card, not to mention having to look at the gamepad
>bosses are now required to use things to beat them when in sticker star you could brute force with common stickers (even if kersti would bitch later)
>no more numbers for enemy damage
But just because the graphics are shinnier people say it's better

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As much as there is fundamental truth to this metric, it is weak because much of the terrible decision making concerning the PM franchise among other stems from muh novelty, muh new gimmick as much as it does from the mindless removal of distinctive traits for mainline NSMB-like garbage.

The critical thing is not uncertainty avoiding but high interdepndency. Because Japanese and co have brains leaning much more on rear-end processes (rote learning, motor memory skills, developing complex and intricate patterns, learning from instruction) than front-end processes (direct observation, simple evidence and clear logical reasoning, intitive and fast adaptation), they naturally conform to other's behaviours and patterns as a safe and easy to adopt routine or code of conduct. Moreover, leaders and elders, who are marginally less retarded at front-end reasoning than the young'uns and have more experienced, are listened to and obeyed strictly. This leads to megalomania and narcissism among elders, characterised best by the glib monk chief who gives meaningless smarmy nonsense answers to serious questions unless you're also a senior monk.

The world abounds with critical injunctions of this lean in the east asian mindset and its limits. The chinese-american physics meeting anecdote is a good one.


Hope you got what you wanted out of this, I didn't read it.

Attached: Nintendo Power Vol.215 (May 2007) - Page.37.jpg (2318x3086, 3.73M)

Get out? I'm not sure what's there to bitch about, just leave.

It's a japanese dev team, so "I don't do anything, just make the odd suggestion" in practice means "everyone listen to Miyamoto and do exactly what he says to the letter, even if it means throwing everything out and making something mindless and shit".

It's still better than ttyd

Get the FUCK rid of those white outlines, christ. Why does anyone think those look good?

Don't forget the backtracking, people rag on TTYD but Color Splash has you complete levels multiple times just to get a different route on it's map for multiple levels. How bad this is varies from level to level but it's certainly a thing.

>If you REALLY need to, make stickers/cards come back but only as special moves and you can actually build your deck so it isn't lost when you use it
Paper Jam comes to mind
the battlecards were a good addition to replace the bro badged
>mfw Ludwig pulled a battle card

Attached: oh shit2.gif (320x240, 1.1M)

I've not enjoyed one piece of CS music I've listened to. The humour seemed awful and forced, and ultimately hollow when 90% of the cast are Toads with an ironic hat.
>looks good
Looks crisp and full of shapes and colours. That's not good, just functional.

There are a few good jokes but it's mostly meme meta humor so it is very hit or miss.

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Color Splash punishes you for battling.
You know, the main mechanic of any RPG? Getting into fights? CS punishes you for doing that by wasting your time, paint, and cards for literally no reward, doubly so since they removed that other core RPG system of levels and XP.

Fighting gives you experience to upgrade your paint hammer But after like three or four level ups you're more than set so you don't need to fight anymore

this one in particular is a huge fucking slap to the face

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I just wish color splash let me keep an enemy card at all times so I at least felt like I had a partner

Attached: what could possibly be a partner.jpg (1280x720, 384K)

Is there even hope for Paper Mario at all anymore
Even if they remake 64 or TTYD, if it sells badly that's the end of the franchise
And another sticker game is way more likely anyway

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Damn that's relatable

The next Paper Mario game doesn't need to "stand out" in any way other than having a new setting, characters, and story within the broad formula of the previous games. Attempting to rock to the boat purely for the sake of making a change is the way that terrible Sticker Star-tier decisions and edgelord moves lies. Changes that ought to be made are ones that refine upon and improve the pre-existign systems of the game.

Towards that end, I have a number of thoughts mostly concerning progression mostly. Everything that's good and interesting about the Paper Mario level up system stems from Badges and badge points, and that's something that I would emphasize in game. I'd make HP Plus and FP plus badges common place and numerous, and Mario and his partner would simply gain 1 BP per level up. (Mario's Partners level up the same way he does)

This would be supplemented by earning Shine points from winning fights and completing certain challenges in addition to Star Points. Star points increase BP, while Shine Points are instead used to buy Prime Badges. Mario would have a fairy/sprite-like companion who could be used to access the sprite badge shop at any time, and these can be used to buy many Prime Badges freely. Many popular and widely hyper-used badges would get broken up into smaller Prime Badges that can be bought at any time.

For instance, Mario's Jump attack by default stomps one for 1 damage on an enemy's head, twice with a successfull action command. Power Bounce becomes a Prime Badge that lets Mario jump a further time per equip, and at the cost of some FP. Hyper Bounce is a version that uses lots of BP but comes baked into to all Jump attacks free.

Hammers work similarly except with an orientatio naround massive damage. Even the basic hammer does 2 damage, 4 on an action command, to make it worth using over Jumps.

Special techniques like Sleepy Stomp, Head Rattle and so on can be stacked in one technique, so if you pay the FP for it you can

I heard most of the writing was done by the Treehouse, and if that's true I'm willing to bet money they did that on purpose.

Thanks for posting famalam

sounds kinda complicated dude

try delivering a lengthy sleepy tornado power bounce. (Tornado bounce and similar oddball badges need a redesign, that sort of nitty gritty thing belongs outside of quick Yea Forums posting)

So Mario and his partners level up by earning Star and Shine Points, with every 100 Star points earning 1 BP and Shine Points being spendable on Prime Badges instantly. Badges can also be found in the environment, and bought from retailers for coins or Star Pieces. Then come affects like the Boots and Hammer upgrades in previous PM titles - these become Prime Badges as well that are necessary to collect for the plot. Ditto for all unusual abilities for partners that would normally come from Merlon levelling up - they're badges too. It would be elegant to combine similar techniqes across multiple partners wherever possible - so for instance a "Fire Drive" badge could be equipped to Mario for a hammer move, to the Koopa Troopa partner for a shell slide fire attack, or to the Bob-Omb partner for a fire bombing. Similar mechanics to all three attacks with different attributes to reflect the hammer blow, shell slide or explosive factors of each partner.

Beyond that, the player controlled side of the field would be expanded to five slots exactly like the enemy's side with multiple partners active (only one in field for simplicity's sake). Enemies can switch rank order in their turn the same as yourself, whichever enemy attacks first is stood at the front for their next turn. Some further clarity of mechanics like height (eg if an attack hits all enemies up to this height from the floor, and all flying) enemies have a height measure to show how high they hover above ground) and exactly which techniqes can target which enemy. Enemies can have full inventories just like the player. I'd have the fairysprite character store excess items so the player doesn't have to ditch or lose items found, but in combat all 10 items the player can use are layed out on the pitch and

On the topic of interviews, I figured I'd ask here:
There's a very old interview with I think Shigeru Miyamoto on Super Mario 64's development. During the interview he mentions things like they designed the levels first and had Mario play in them afterwards. At one point he mentioned a ferris wheel I believe. I read it in an old video game book a few years back at the library, but man I don't remember what the book was called nor can I find the interview online.

Having spike shield be more expensive is a good way to make jumping more on par with hammers.

Why are so many people so easily offended. It's just a fucking joke, calm your tits. I consider TTYD one of my absolute favorite games and you don't see me foaming at the mouth whenever someone mentions Color Splash or Sticker Star as if the developers killed by family or something

They also snuck in some references to past games not in the japanese version, which means they don't approve of this new direction.

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Anyone have a save file to this area? I've been wanting to take a high quality screenshot of this and Goombella's for so long now but after you beat the area it never gets dirty again.

What's Kawade doing nowadays?

Last I heard he was working on the mobile FE game
Doubt he will ever be allowed to make proper games again after codename steam failed

Well duh, we're not talking "which shit Miyamotian gimmick would you bolt on to Paper Mario", we're talking systemic changes to improve the entire game. OP asked for detail so detail he gets, and this is trimming it for Yea Forums readability remember. In an actual project implementation the level of detail would be even greater in fidelity. That's the reality of game design.

he same for enemies. The enemy party can have a rucksack of 10 items with items not being assigned to specific foes. Some attacks and techniques can target items instead of foes. The SPM system of action commands for good item use is great, though the action commands themselves were often weak and unnecessary.

Everything after this point is not at all to do with refining and improving game mechanics and rather more with exploring the scenario space engendered by Paper Mario's wonderful setting, without lobotomisation. So a large pool of hypothetical partners, exploring interesting races like Shy Guys, Chomps, Monty Moles and so on beyond the classic staples. An idea I've lived for a long time is a optional party member that depending on your choices is a retired member of Bowser's army, either a Koopatrol, Weapon Bros or Magikoopa with their own useful lategame assets to bring to the table. This is a matter of aesthetic and something crucial to making a new Paper Mario game worth playing - ditto for enemy design, bosses and environments. Classics from the preivous games would definitely return, like another train level with a different plotline and set of pitstops, or a level on a boat but with more nautical action. Then there's extraneous features that would expand the fun of the game in new directions rather than furthering the single player experience, like a build-a-party battle contest with pvp and online play or a boss rematch mode (Paper Mario Pro Mode did that last one pretty well). Lots of different features and widgets could be implemented here, and really any

Oh yeah, I'll PM you it bro.

Why the sarcasm?

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The most important thing to KEEP from the old games gameplay wise is SMALL damage numbers to the point where double digits make you go "Oh fuck!". Boss fights and dungeon endurance in the old games were more like simple math puzzles because the numbers were predicable, but only so long as you executed the action commands correctly.

I think I'd remove level up blocks for partners and instead make side quests specific to each partner simultaneously linking ability to character growth. Every ultimate partner move would involve working together with Mario a la bros attacks from Mario & Luigi. This would help one of my complaints about partners feeling very nonexistent after the chapter they are introduced.

Small end focus here, we're not getting into nit-gritty specific badge changes in an impromptu Yea Forums discussion. For what it's worth, Spike Shield and the like should be FP costing techniques, and perhaps ones that are more restrictive in combination with other techniques, so delivering a spike-proof jump is a costly deal. A free FPless Spike Shield should be massively expensive.

little thing beyond the staidness of the series under Nintendo's direction is better than nothing. So long as the general aesthetic is restored, preserved and furthered then it's okay. The game balance changes require scrutinous crunching to get them implemented.

All in all, the scope of a new Paper Mario title involves tweak and refining the good, if not perfect battle system and player progression first, furthering and exploring the already excellent aesthetic and setting second, and adding on extra interesting features like a pvp third. Above all, the zeroth priority is to not pointlessly reinvent the wheel either gameplay wise or artistically for the sake of stroking some weird fetish for gimmick novelty and appeasing Miyamoto san. It's that last, zeroth point that's been holding back the Paper Mario series for 15 years now, and once conquered I'm positive that any skilled and motivated team could do a good enough job satisfying the main three.

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Less partners but more characterization/plot relevancy would be dandy

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I wish he'd get out of mobile/gacha hell and make real games again, I enjoyed Steam too

Stop talking out of your ass, you don't know jack-shit about japanese corporate culture beyond anedoctes that were blown out of proportion.

It's almost like cliches don't matter if they're well written and used with good characterisation, a coherent plot and an understanding of narrative to draw you in. Like if a game doesn't do these things well, THAT's when you notice that it's trying to rely on cliches - if the game isn't relying on them then it isn't an issue.

It's not dying, they deliberately wanted to move away from it with the next 2D Mario. NSMBU is still one of the best selling WiiU games so porting it to Switch was a no brainer.

I mean it's not gameplay but I unironically want an even darker Paper Mario game. Looking back at PM2 I quite liked the darker aspects like 3 with Grubba's conspiracy and 4 with Doopliss stealing your identity and turning one of the villagers in Twilight Town into a pig right in front of her kids. But I wanted more. I wanted to see Mush not come out of that machine, leaving Grubba having to do time leaving a bittersweet ending. I wanted to feel more vulnerable when I'm on my own during Chapter 4 so maybe make the enemies there even more threatening. I wanted to see Doopliss act like more an asshole while giving the player the fear that he'll just leave Twilight Town with your identity while you're left stuck in there forever. I wanted to see Vivian enjoy hurting the enemies you fight a bit too much as ventilation towards all of that abuse her sister put her through of which this issue is later addressed in the story. I wanted Vivian to question her existence after realizing how her sisters are tied in with the shadow queen. I wanted to see villain deaths of Grodus and Beldam. I wanted Tec to stay dead. I know Mario isn't the best franchise to make a gritty story of, in fact I still appreciate the more light hearted moments, it's just that I find the charm of the light hearted and dark moments in the same game interesting.

0.05yen has been deposited into your account

maybe one of the spiritual successors being made will have that sort of stuff

Oh fuck off. If your boss says something retarded then you offer a suggestion of how you can do things better.

All the fags that made this game moved on to make the waifusimulatoremblem series we know today.

I'd like to mention that I was already a footfag (a 15 year old one at the time) when I played it, and I didn't associate it with my fetish.

>It was shit but at least they tried to be different.
Super Paper Mario was inferior to 64/TTYD and was different. Sticker Shit was very simmilar to 64/TTYD while being fucking SHIT. Sticker Star is indefensible.

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You know, seeing it written out like this makes me realise jus how dark the Paper Mario games could be at times. There was an actual honest to god murder mystery in Shiver City during the penultimate chapter of PM64, we all legit though the mayor penguin had kicked the bucket and the penguins treated us like shit. When I first found Bandy Andy and co behind the bins I was sure they were dead for life. When was an edgy teenager I was sorely tempted to write up a horror character directly themed around Doopliss, down to forcibly turning people into pigs in order to cook and eat them. That there's fodder at all for this kind of content in the PM series is a real testament to its quality (nods to SPM for literally enslaving you in one chatper, and to those awful Toad-sucking trees in MLPT).

Anything, absolutely fucking ANYTHING, for games but mindless safe content.

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>64fags are now trying to push that TTYD is as bad as Color Splash
I don't think I've ever seen people as salty as the 64fags

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And let Advance Wars rot in the process

Not if you're Japanese.


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did they really not show the 3D flip mechanic during the trailer? cheeky cunts

a discord server is not "an indie dev team". bail, you're assigning a much higher level of importance and credibility to the project than it deserves. Anyone can collect a team and say they're a studio.
t. filmmaker

Flavio is just a ripoff of Kolorado

Fun Fact: If you collect all 256 catch cards in Super Paper Mario you unlock Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door 2

This is the only catch card that matters.

Attached: SPM Catch Card.png (1779x1265, 2.88M)

You know that's actually like the one catch card description I remember too. Mainly because it gave context to where the heck SPM was supposed to be taken place at.

why does that boi appear like 80 times in Sticker Star and Color Splash? why is he so important?

>Chinese-American Physics Meeting Anecdote.
I'm not terribly familiar with this one... Do you have a link to it?

someone should do a count of just how many generic toads are in sticker star and/or color splash
i'm genuinely curious

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Getting those cards must have taken ages. I think a few had ridiculous requirements. I could have sworn one made you do the 100 samurai trial thing twice.

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe I'll do it one day.

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>I could have sworn one made you do the 100 samurai trial thing twice.
You only had to do Sammer's Kingdom once for catch cards that have the partners from 64+TTYD. You're thinking of Flopside's Pit of 100 Trials, that makes you do them twice and you just get catch cards for the main characters and the flip meter never goes down.

Attached: paper_mario_ctc__chapter_6_by_soupgeist_d6ugbf0-fullview.jpg (1600x960, 364K)

Those OCs look too overdesigned

>mfw this literally looks like FEH book 2


This looks atrocious

You don't see it?

Attached: download (16).jpg (217x232, 13K)

Imagine being the footfag at the Treehouse and you write this shit. I like feet and feet stink but I keep it to myself.

Literally all they have to do

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,026541_3d4e1a7dce.jpg (750x1000, 150K)

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best fangame mockup here

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But we already know how that story goes, if anything I'd like to see it as a bowser jr's journey kind of deal in a TTYD remaster

isn't there a way to just count the npc total from the game files?

Press X to spit on Paper Mario's grave!

sure, which one?

Attached: L5OKX.png (710x494, 387K)

Drop the white outlines and they'd look so much better.

>goomba fucking

the funny part is that these were made way before color splash ever released

I knew this was coming. Kolorado is more well meaning but bumbling. Flavio's arrogance and self serving attitude does enough to set him apart.

How realistic are the chances of getting a new proper PM game with partners and stuff?
and how would a moveset for a potential pokey partner be?

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They are great but if they bother you, the next game is confirmed to not be in the return to dreamland style anyway

I remember reading that the breath of the wild team was scared of getting their ideas shot down by miyamoto since most of them are young devs , apparently they decided to just ignore miyamoto and he ended liking the final product, maybe intelligent systems just needs to do that, maybe miyamoto is just trying to test the creativity of the teams, retro studios could have easily fucked up things in MP1 taking miyamoto's suggestions literaly, but they interpreted it to do their own thing

Yeah, fuck the white outlines. It's too much fluff, it's distracting, and it doesn't feel natural.

You mean we need more.

Attached: Fourth Outline.jpg (617x591, 60K)

To full of steel donuts. Also
>The Ancient Book
Why not just call it Paper Mario and the Placeholder Macguffin?