How do I keep my cats from fighting?

How do I keep my cats from fighting?

Attached: 1548388703246.jpg (1200x886, 706K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This fighting seems somewhat sexual

Attached: 1347156443100.jpg (5000x3582, 1.49M)

sell them to your nearest chinese food restaurant

Don't worry folks, I found OP.

Attached: Domn shitposters.gif (330x315, 1.89M)

Nice work, user

Idk, ask on a board that specializes in animals.

Who's in the bag?

Attached: 2893.jpg (774x1000, 231K)


Attached: 1536499210010.png (426x500, 72K)

they only fight when in heat, you have to deck them so they calm down.

Attached: 1551099047064.png (768x432, 465K)

Attached: 1551152154578.jpg (224x224, 8K)


Which one has the penis?

Dick, you can't beat the dick

OP pic is the only thing from Asanagi that I like

Only one answer

Attached: 1347156535916.jpg (300x220, 17K)

dumb dark yokai.

Attached: __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_cato_monocatienus__561d0d012f9061dc09229dff6975744c.jpg (600x800, 48K)

Me on the bottom.

>he never did victim girls with 2hoes.


Attached: 1548557300688.png (628x624, 431K)

2hu's aren't for bullying.

Me on the top

Did they kiss? Why is there drool trailing between each other's mouths?


give them a fox

Attached: 1543703076217.png (1447x2039, 2.23M)

Is there a name for extremely aggressive/violent, but consensual sex?

Images like OP's give strength to my penis.

Attached: 1551259179194.png (200x171, 59K)

This picture sucks so much


Fuck off vanillacuck, he's literally /ourguy/

Attached: Asanagi 3.jpg (850x1200, 211K)

tits too big

For lesbo stuff there's a whole wrestle league, don't know any straight stuff though

Where's the emphasis lines? This just looks like he put his hand on her

shit artwork

Godly positioning. I'd love to be either in this pic



Attached: 1543527109234.jpg (681x881, 79K)

God I

Literally japanese shadman

kill yourself cuck

I have never seen such a pathetic attempt to fit in

Asanagi is a faggot and only caters to the lowest scum of the earth.

imagine being this wrong

hey its that meymey Ive been seeing

only ironic weebs like gook shadman

Shad is criticized for his art style.

shut the fuck up you retard

go back to /HSG/

Only shitty thing about Arse anagi is his horrid shortstacks

They have literally nothing in common. Also a beta vanillacuck that can't handle some healthy mandom has no fucking right to talk to me.

>Actually comparing Asanagi to shit teir Shadman
Memes really rotted your brain

Asanagi's artstyle is great and can be incredibly sexy...then he throws it all away with torture and abuse.

Thank you, Al Bundy.


Attached: download.jpg (347x145, 6K)

I would man, in a heartbeat

Attached: 02353.gif (650x450, 30K)

It sucks the semen out of my dick, sure

Asanagis art is shit too.

Based and Insecurepilled

Imagine having this bad of taste you have to lower good art to the garbage that is shadman

Attached: ADC8FD97-9144-43D2-9A7F-3CFEEDA62D9A.png (650x650, 10K)

Fuck them

Attached: 1544682730465.jpg (894x894, 122K)

>unironically thinking asanagi's art is good

What are their expressions trying to convey?

>lower good art
funny joke

>plague of totally not a furry

Attached: japanese shadman vs western shadman.jpg (4942x3500, 2.11M)

Does he actually deny it?

Based user, lol look at all these seething cucks replying.

Hi user, you seem to have made a few mistakes with your posts.


more like waves off than deny it

western shadman has soul, east looks like generic anime shit.

I know what I said you NTRfaggot.

>tits too large and proportionate
>leg shading makes no sense
>meme heart eye

>Chromatic abberation
>open leg shape makes no sense
>same with the neck
>terrible faces on both sides

They're both garbage.

who is a good artist then?

He could do a book like the one with the photographer guy. Just some cute sows getting sexually tamed.

>Big breasts

Both terrible

Asanagi's best doujins are the vanilla-est of them, like Girls in the Frame or Sleeping Pills, not the amputees ones. Fight me!

Hi user, you seem to be confusing NTR with rape, ryona, and misogyny. Thanks, god bless.

He's one of the best modern hentai artists for sure, he knows his anatomy, this is why he can actually draw good dynamic poses.

Attached: Ishtar.jpg (850x1200, 160K)

>tits too large

Modern "men"

>Actually having this bad of tastes

At least post an artist that isn't garbage

Attached: 1529722176400.png (419x296, 26K)

>He's one of the best modern hentai artists for sure
The state of hentai is in worse shape than I thought if cucks think is this good

It's good taste because his 'art' is shit and you're pretty much a fag for like that trash :^)

I'm a DFC loving boomer, whatcha gonna do about it lil boy? Gonna suck on your momma's titties?

Attached: 1350734553428.png (600x600, 298K)

nigger the tits are unnaturally large and mishapen

>best modern hentai artist

holy fuck my sides

So when is Asanagi going to draw bigger girls?

Attached: 1507002866582.jpg (510x420, 52K)

Opinion disregarded

You forgot amputee, degenerate.

How big we talkin?

I wish he do make more trap stuff

Attached: 87a25d5e5212a91d16df0128674a7921.png?e=1551633626&m=cCKl84xUpaH6MHJQlv6-WQ.png (664x501, 362K)

What do you mean bigger girls?

Stop, I can only get so erect.

>t. artlets that think that static photobashed pinups are harder than dynamic bodies in extreme poses
but you probably think that Ilya Kushinov is a good artist, right?

God animal girls going at it is so goddamn hot. Especially when the artist nails how animalistic they feel

Nah, he's trending towards busty midgets. All the girls he's been drawing are doraf style shortstacks.

No short stacks, no lolis, i think it would been better if a had said taller girls instead

Attached: 1525589015088.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

he can't draw taller girls

> no shortstacks
> no lolis
So... regular girls? Why would you want that?

I wonder why this has many replies...

Attached: 1525998107294.png (328x365, 172K)

>No lolis

Now you're just trying to suck the fun out of everything

As long as he keeps doing those hilarious Yea Forums comics

>no lolis
Actually gay

>implying user is right about anything
how can you be this bluepilled?


More like like a shitty opinion

>posting pictures of children

He's literally Japanese Shadman.
Bad art? Check.
Same face? Check.
Completely unable to draw flat chests? Check.

That makes it hotter though.

You have to bring mama Ran out OP.

Attached: RIPthiccRan.jpg (961x1300, 121K)

They need their milkies

Mama Ran is very mad right now your cats better stop fighting!

Attached: Ran71.jpg (1000x1300, 115K)

[Nervous Sweating]

Also meme50

>tfw the hottest trap stuff is rare and made by somewhat degenerates
Any more examples?

Attached: [Memeya (Meme50)] Keikoku no Elf (Dragon's Crown) [Digital] [English].jpg (714x1022, 359K)

God fucking damn it

i've got absolutely nothing againts lolis, its just that he could trow some variety here and there

Attached: 1460950345444.jpg (519x406, 53K)

>look mom i meme XD

Oh shit get your cat off of Ran OP!

Attached: Ran60.png (1024x1300, 1.16M)

Is this the garbage art thread?

Attached: shocked superheroes.png (471x574, 211K)

Asanagi sucks

Attached: 1530029125799.png (600x450, 222K)

Attached: 1543701365641.jpg (1024x1024, 169K)


Attached: NRan20.jpg (1024x1024, 126K)


god i wish that was me

Should I stop posting Ran.

Attached: NRan04.jpg (1000x1200, 141K)


Can Chen handle milkies?

Attached: Ran61.png (1400x1100, 1.33M)


Ran in Chen clothes!

Attached: Ran25.jpg (1772x1772, 278K)

I'll continue your legacy.

Attached: 1543726477175.png (1024x1024, 964K)

Mature women wearing ill-fitting little girl's clothes is my fetish

Attached: 1543611174841.png (1639x1639, 2.25M)

I don't think anons want more Ran.

Attached: 7521420 yakumo ran.png (2894x4093, 3.97M)

She needs it to grow big and strong!

Attached: 5d9320ebc6fcb9a93e593d910f4c4ab0.png (1500x1912, 2.3M)

Attached: Cucumber.jpg (700x525, 33K)

Post Ran showing underboobs.

Mama Ran wants to make more babies.

Attached: NRan02.jpg (1000x1400, 143K)

Attached: 1543527765243.jpg (850x1205, 166K)

Keep going. I'm getting close.

Attached: 1543527844942.png (1748x2887, 1.76M)

based ranposter

She weighs 320lbs. Very big Mama!

Attached: NRan11.jpg (1100x1800, 174K)

So.... is anyone going to eat that?

Attached: 50a05fa45151715d639a331d935d941d.png (1280x1750, 2.86M)

Fuck all the opinions in this thread. This is the actually based opinion

Maybe reddit would be more your style than here, friend.

Dumb Ran poster

Attached: 040BAiJRYukari.jpg (699x700, 270K)


Attached: Ran02.jpg (943x1277, 118K)

Thank you based ran poster for scaring off the shitty asanagi lovers

Attached: 1543726600933.jpg (1000x745, 355K)

>everything I don't like is NTR
How is life being retarded?

Attached: 1482336278692.png (909x546, 272K)

Tits just the right size

Mama Ran just wants to help OP with his Cats!

Attached: NRan32.jpg (2100x2400, 383K)

I wish ZUN gave Ran and Chen more spotlight
One of them for a new fighter when?

Attached: sad loli.png (576x686, 249K)

I don't get it, why do people hate asanagi so much? Despite all his girls looking the same he's actually a pretty solid artist.

Attached: asanagi-guys.jpg (2024x2024, 2.75M)

do not bully nudist

put them down

God why are her mammies so large

I'm hungry for lunch!

Attached: 1543526832120.png (1748x2480, 3.91M)

Mama Ran needs to cool down. It's getting too hot and sweaty

Attached: Ran09.jpg (1400x1100, 157K)

OP here
I actually had no idea who asanagi even was until this thread. I don't even follow porn artists I just liked the image and wanted an excuse to make a 2hu thread

Asanagi's danmachi doujin is 10/10 until the last couple pages with Ais.

At least post pictures after his ugly, fat Ran phase

Attached: __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_chanta_ayatakaoisii__0207d3278cea1b3145cd7ee5bb7fc2d2.jpg (1295x2277, 227K)

Attached: has cyberware gone too far.png (500x375, 205K)

Agreed they should be smaller right?

Attached: Ran04.jpg (1000x1500, 149K)

I'm still here though?


Attached: (555x820, 466K)

No, they are the right size

God I have so many pics of this Ran I'm not going to be able to post all of them in time. Sorry Anons.

Attached: Ran30.jpg (715x1024, 82K)


Attached: 1543528031139.jpg (850x1333, 115K)

An user called him Japanese Shadman once. It was amusing and got a lot of replies and now redditors and trannyera outsiders say it to fit in.

>He's one of the best modern hentai artists for sure
That's bullshit. There's a shit ton of artist that trump him at art-style and anatomy like Katsurai Yoshiaki/Shinozaki Yuuji and Orutaro

Hidden huge futa dick

W-Why are they fighting?

the fact that people wave off left as "tits too large" just proves how bad nu-Yea Forums(nel) is. that girl is from an anime and in there she has fuckhuge tits by design. lurk more before posting

Attached: 4chan's future.jpg (300x100, 22K)

el gato

Attached: Dz8CT5gW0AMqem7.jpg (1000x1000, 169K)

Nice nipples

Attached: qI71N2r.jpg (640x960, 60K)

this dude is great, but he refuses to do full frontal or any vag action other than like twice, boggles my mind

The theory is because Asanagi basically hates women he likes to draw them as being unusually small so that even the most normal looking male characters look capable of dragging them around by their tits, which is something he frequently draws.

Based tithou poster

I bet those big fluffy tails makes it hard for her to go to the bathroom. Do you think she ever has to ask Chen for help wiping? haha.

Literally too big.

Attached: Ran03.jpg (1200x1500, 166K)

Neat computer

Attached: ran_29.jpg (1581x1980, 2.18M)

Newer Chanta arts > Older Chanta Arts

Attached: 73020609_p1.jpg (2894x4093, 1.34M)

People like that artist because he went from complete shit to that in a two year period. He might have flatlined a bit but he serves as good inspiration.

please god just do a doujin already

Attached: 1550796578886.jpg (750x738, 39K)

At least she'll get a muscular back out of this, also nice pits

>tfw still find it hot every time

Attached: 04 (1).jpg (1280x1884, 290K)

He mentioned he doesn't like drawing dicks or men fucking the touhou characters.

Just tit grabs for some reason.

Attached: Ran74.gif (640x480, 1.15M)

Those clothes don't really leave much to the imagination

The only thing I really like from Asanagi is the doujin where that reporting girl gets beaten up and then raped on the train and all the other girls get turned on by it. I'm typically pretty vanilla but something about that scenario makes me diamonds.

I can understand

Attached: ran_15.jpg (837x1000, 889K)

They're all shit
Faggot can't do consistent anatomy to save his life, single handed shit up the Ran tag harder than an autist on deviantart

I remember there was a picture showing the progress of his skill.

All Chantal art is good!

Attached: Ran70.png (1024x1400, 986K)

>thin Ran

Attached: urgh.jpg (375x375, 39K)

Just what bra cup does this ran wear

you fucker get down with the thiccness

Attached: 1550206724176.jpg (700x650, 68K)

it's not even about sex, even solo presenting stuff is fine but he refuses to draw pussies, it's like paisen is drawing these


Attached: Ran77.jpg (1000x1500, 151K)

All Rans are good Rans

Attached: ran_young_1.jpg (900x1277, 143K)

I want to go to a concert with Ran!

For being over 300lbs do you think she's a bit too big Anons?

Attached: Ran14.jpg (1024x1024, 103K)

My favorite is the one where the warrior girl basically loses the battle because her big tits create a blind spot their enemy commander takes advantage of. It's pretty hot for whatever reason but the ending gets a little too grotesque as typical of Asanagi.

Attached: pick one.jpg (3432x2893, 3.6M)

hopefully this will become your future

Attached: 1549404871663.jpg (896x1024, 236K)


And that's a GOOD thing.

The cutest

Attached: CN-5Wr4UwAAe6p4.jpg (848x1452, 127K)

That's not a DD, unless she's literally 4 foot tall

Attached: NRan38.jpg (1240x1748, 335K)

We're getting new janitors for a reason.

Cute small boobies too!

imagine actually wanting to moderate this shithole for free

It's very video games

Attached: ran_theme.jpg (432x528, 83K)

Name all the owners of those bazongas if you're so though, 2hu posters

Attached: 1545270618417.png (147x143, 46K)

Then what size is it?

Attached: NRan21.jpg (1400x1800, 170K)

Superior japanese shadman coming through.

Attached: a88d13936e0df399556f3c9bffb4ff7d.jpg (1003x1600, 169K)

>literally nothing to too big, and further beyond
Shit chart.

that trap doujin is one of the best so I can't hate him. Though I remember fapping to an elin doujin of his and the eating them thing weirded me out.

I didn't say it'd be me.

>unironic chanta shills

Attached: 1547681103882.jpg (516x339, 30K)

>all this iran yakumo
it's time for a kebab you cunts

Attached: 1369856241090.jpg (1920x1200, 932K)

We went through 10 cycles of jannies and nothing changed.


and I didn't say it was (You)

I feel like lvl0 would bee so convenient for really nice hugs since you can just reach through her holes and squeeze all the love out of her :3

Attached: 1468669405_Touhou_-_Glass_gif.gif (500x279, 330K)

>Thread still up
Wow, Yea Forums is fucking stupid sometimes

The oods that Yea Forums's moderation would be so shit after that many janitors is so slow that this means the recent janitor hiring has to be the one to get actually get a good new janitor.

Attached: 3907c93b87c4d73a1e8393ebd10e4bc1.gif (500x230, 941K)

Bras typically do not go past DD on paper.

this thread

Attached: gib.png (778x512, 399K)

Attached: ran_mmd_1.webm (640x360, 2.13M)

wow thanks for the bump

>womb tattoo

Attached: 1457501740551.jpg (577x800, 89K)

who the fuck is chanta


Attached: anime_girl.png (362x366, 193K)

The fact he hate flat chests make him a shit artist in my book.

I want to touch that tail

I remember saving this because the wink gave me a boner. Oh how innocent I was back then getting a boner from something this small, god damn.

Attached: 1396820159535.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Think you can handle Mama Ran?

Attached: Ran07.jpg (1000x1200, 125K)

Attached: yakumo_1.gif (600x600, 529K)

It's just a meme at this point, he knows he's a furry.

Attached: Dw-TTfMVYAAFQzZ.jpg (916x1280, 268K)

>If they run, they're a Youkai!
>and if they stand still, they're a well displined Youkai!

Honchantaiyaochuu 「混全帯么九」 is a terminal and honor based yaku. For this yaku, every tile group and the pair must contain at least one terminal or honor tile. The hand must contain at least one honor and one non-terminal tile, otherwise the hand will score junchan, honroutou, or chinroutou instead. Occasionally, it can be referred to as chantaiyao 「全帯么」 or chantaiyaochuu 「全帯么九」. However, this yaku is more commonly referred to as chanta 「全帯」.

Attached: f30d65e0601d0318d8e70cde11ee044d.png (1191x1684, 1.21M)

They fap to porn threads before deleting them, especially when it's lolis

Each of her boob seem to be bigger than her head even, so unless she's got a tiny head she is way above a DD/E cup

Nothing changes except a bunch of on topic threads get nuked because the new jannies believe destroying certain topics will "improve Yea Forums" resulting in their removal. Things actually get worse during new jannie cycles.

More Ran or no?

Attached: 65612056_p3.png (1748x2480, 2.48M)

imagine if catgirls were real and your catgf was in heat and would just bend over in your face and rub her ass and pussy over you until you fucked her and bit her neck to keep her in place

Attached: 15194378736441.jpg (640x1316, 70K)

I would give her my cucumber, if you know what I mean

Attached: 69925539_p0.jpg (1200x1600, 1.26M)

I don't think anyone would be called a pedophile for posting pics of Al Bundy.


This is a perfectly wholesome Ran thread.

Attached: ran_3.jpg (678x950, 368K)

why not

Wish I still had the uncensored versions of that guy's MMD stuff. It was really frustrating how he'd upload them for all of a day before immediately taking them down for good.

What do you mean "no"?


Hell ye

>especially when it's lolis
makes fucking sense, takes them ages to get rid of them every single time even though they're already deleting other shit

Ran is stuck and can't see! Anyone want to help?

Attached: NRan07.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

Why what?

Attached: d827db6a5c8abbff80cae088e18a0322.png (916x1280, 870K)

Nice nipple peek


Hatate, Mokou, Momiji, Byakuren, Sanae, Utsuho, Yuugi, Yuyuko, Keine, Kanako, and Komachi.


Attached: 45976170.png (1291x879, 705K)

I have a good chunk of them, but I probably missed a bunch I didn't know about. Most MMD creators seemed to have gone more public lately, at least.

Attached: ran_exp2.webm (1000x1000, 839K)

Attached: NRan19.jpg (1200x1700, 230K)

that a m14 springfield? nice

You guys still not tired of ran? Holy shit.

Attached: Ran42.jpg (1000x1400, 151K)

Source me right fuckin now

What kind of bathroom is that

/gif/ thread?

Ran is my wife, after all

Attached: ran_wife_2.jpg (545x750, 164K)

Hey look, breasts that looks like they are affected by gravity

Attached: DWeVajBU0AAzAND.jpg (1200x1035, 205K)

Why the fuck is this thread still up

If you happen to get tired of Ran in some point of space and time then something has to be very wrong with you

Attached: 48832444_p0.jpg (753x1063, 203K)

When I find them all scattered throughout my harddrive, I might drop them on the /e/ thread.

>Most MMD creators seemed to have gone more public lately, at least.
Thank god, some of those guys could be really insufferable with the lengths they demanded people goto to access their stuff, and the way they'd just nuke everything at the drop of a hat was really tiresome.

Aggressive navel.

Military one, It's based on the suicide scene from Full Metal Jacket.

Because Yea Forums mods have no quality standards anymore.

Cuz it's good

Attached: ran_7.jpg (1000x1000, 755K)

>Yea Forums
apparently not

It's not lolis so abib can fap to Ran with his conscience clean

You realize she already has a kid right?

Attached: Ran08.png (1800x2000, 3.53M)

Hey look, this computer wants to cuddle with you in the bed. Wat do?

Attached: 8320204.jpg (856x1200, 371K)

Why shouldn't it be? What would deleting it accomplish? There is nothing to be gained or learned from anything here.

Time for some slight autism taking this pic as an example
If you pretend Ran is 170cm tall, each of her breast would stick out 20cm~, so taking into account how bra cups work outside of banding the chest or the actual breasts she'd easily fit into a G/H cup

Attached: autismoandallfortits.jpg (3341x3577, 2.41M)

Well yeah, people don't call her "mommy" for fun.

That's okay.

Attached: ran chen1.jpg (570x600, 377K)

Shadfags trying to make their idol Shadman look like he's on the same level of skill as Asanagi. Asanagi isn't even that edgy either. That would be ShindoL.

sounds legit

How big is a G/H cup. Is that huge and heavy.

Attached: Ran05.png (1639x1639, 2.34M)

Attached: ran_33.webm (430x586, 2.5M)

Attached: 58016880_p0.jpg (2362x1594, 1.68M)

1 day...

You tell me, just look at that Ran

each of her tit would stick out 20cm and be around 20cm wide as well by that logic going on on the pic

I don't know how bra sizes work

man, do I regret making those clips back then

I love how the mods just delete the images with nipples while leaving the rest of the thread alone.

Here is some man nipples just so I can be the first to post legal nipples itt.

Attached: jacob+gordo.jpg (595x999, 134K)

Attached: yakumo_sweater.jpg (600x888, 142K)

Are you guys finished fapping I'm tired of posting pics.

Attached: Ran27.jpg (1024x1024, 153K)

Is Shindol the one who draws a fat-titty renamon

yeah you can fuck off now

The numbers you tend to see is the girth of the chest in inches, or cm if you're french, and the letters also can be measured by taking the girth of the chest plus breasts, though some say each letter equals to one inch, or around 2 and a half cm, of difference to the chest


Attached: 1523735403362.jpg (437x431, 28K)


Attached: nice.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)

This guy does a lot of Ran MMDs and has uncensored versions available

Punishment and then separate them.

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x1866, 552K)


No keep going I can go for a third round

Fuckoff liznigger

I literally can go for hours, so tough luck

there's a thousand e-celeb shit threads up now, mods are either dead or asleep
Or you know, mods always fap to ran

>How can you danmaku fairies?

Based Ranfag

Attached: 1546093146960.jpg (1400x1200, 249K)


more please my boner is out of control

He's become a staple for normies

I'm glad she's been eating and getting progressively healthier

>not punishing her with love and care
Absolutely disgusting


Attached: 68371375_p4.png (1748x2480, 2.71M)

>tfw you can't even do 2013 tier art
why even live

Attached: 1549281339272.jpg (224x224, 12K)

user, there's no need for deception here, you're among friends. We're more than happy to help set you up with any 2hu you desire.

Cause I don't fap to women getting beaten up, dismembered, or dying.

Imagine having your dick buried between these

You guys are really horny aren't you?

Attached: Ran06.jpg (1000x1500, 149K)

no she's too old

I'm pretty sure the mods actively enjoy how shit Yea Forums is.

Attached: 1548832062356.png (1280x720, 965K)


Only five years to go. Nice

Attached: tails's mom.jpg (641x542, 39K)


Attached: 1550627113481.gif (250x300, 785K)

Shadman draws big titties all the time


mommy let me have some milkies!

You'd probably be hidden between em.

Attached: 6928656 yakumo ran.png (1276x2480, 2.47M)

You're not helping though, are you?

ganbare, user!

Attached: Ran28.jpg (1000x1264, 133K)

Attached: 1542604100642.jpg (617x800, 69K)