How did the Dunmer manage to be the only (living) elves with interesting culture...

How did the Dunmer manage to be the only (living) elves with interesting culture, but Bosmers and Altmers managed to be boring and generic?

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Because of concept artists with little imagination

bosmers are supposed to be boring, they're sneaks. altmers are the incel kings, they're much worse.

But surely Bethesda could’ve made the Bosmer a little more original, and the same implied with the Altmer.
Especially the Altmer.

The game that featured their culture was well written, or at least above the rest of the other games in the series.
What annoys me is the difference between Tes3 and Tes5 Nords

>implies with
applies to*

To be fair, we haven't actually seen Valenwood or Summerset Isles yet in-game. They might be more interesting when we actually see them. The real travesty that you should be complaining about is what Bethesda did to Cyrodil


>But surely Bethesda could’ve made the Bosmer a little more original
Here's MK's post from 2014
>Tried to get Valenwood and Hammerfell changed, as well, since it's a rip from Dragonlance and Marion Zimmer Bradley respectively. That shit is embarrassing.

>During the Oblivion Crisis, the Bosmer were going to call a Wild Hunt to end all Wild Hunts, with every single mer in Valenwood going full monster. Afterwards, it would've become a haunted forest nation, closed off by both the Dominion and the Empire. I forget the exact name, but it was something like Ada-mor, the "spirit forest".

Yeah, the Nord lore that was provided in Bloodmoon’s Solstheim made it seem like Skyrim was as weird and marvelous as Morrowind. Even Nords then were good at magic and weren’t just dumb brainless and drunk barbarians.

They didn’t even bother adding in snow whales that fly and surf between the clouds. It’s a shame.

ESO has all of Summerset Isle and Valenwood, and they’re both incredibly generic.

ESO is generic period, it's not a metric of creativity that can be achieved in the TES universe.

takes too much effort to actually design a culture for a race

Because Bosmer and Altmer haven't had a game to feature their culture. Also modern Beth seems to be content to make TES as dull as possible, so cuhrayzee cannibal Bosmer living in walking tree is a possibility but Todd will probably retcon all that shit in a future game.

none of them are interesting

>Was about to make TES thread
>OP makes it before

I'm not even mad.
>Chills every time

i'm still miffed about what happened to draugr


Probably because of the ash region and being in an all daedra/living god religion.We also havent seen that much of the others elves too.
>real reason
MK went in a fucking mushroom drug journey for 4 days or smth.They found him locked in his house in underwear,also guy was an autistic weirdo from the start.

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pretty much every nord you meet in tes3 is a brainless drunk barbarian, you even play the game?


Isnt it said that the green pact only happens in remote parts of valenwood/more traditional villages now?I mean if the green pact was in full swing it could make the bosmer seen worse than goblins.

Sovngarde should've been the main theme instead of Call of Magic but in le viking choir style

why get chills? that's trash

I said “just”, meaning there are enough notable exceptions and that drunk barbarians was just a stereotype.
In Skyrim, though? They’re so painfully ignorant they blame everything on magic.

>nords arent drunk barbarians
Most are in morrowind.They dont act that different than the skyrim nords.Still they ended up better than the Imperials in Oblivion.

>Dunmer have the ghosts of their dearly departed family guard the tombs in death
>The Ghost Fence has souls of dunmer warrior willingly bound to it to serve as protector.
>Yet Dunmer hate traditional necromancy and revile it as evil

on RP servers for MMOs, I always have my good aligned necromancer trying to invent the ghost fence as his primary motivation Eat shit paladins

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>when we see them
heheh....nuthin personel kid

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what? read the original guide to tamriel. altmers got some cool shit on their island

Imperials shouldn't have even been a race, they were just Bretons before Redguard. Then Morrowind turned them into EPIC Romans from Gladiator complete with Horses on their Roman style armour. Atleast Oblivion had a go at trying to bring them back down to Fantasyland, with the mix, then they gave up with Skyrim.

>good necromancer
Finally,someone with great taste.

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You say that as if it’s a bad thing. It’s good that the Imperials were introduced.

ESO is literally non-canon.

because dunmer and the lore were created by a different guy from those that made the shitty copy-paste direct real world relations the other races and cultures have
how do you not understand this yet
elder scrolls is a shitty series

kirkbride and morrowind is the only good thing about the games

there are no exceptions fag

The armour style cahnge from morrowind to oblivion annoys me more than it should.Oblivion made them generic lotr humans and ignored the whole jungle with weird tribal customs part.

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Wouldn't say Bosmer are boring per se.

I always play as the Nords and have been doing so since Morrowind, so I kinda have a bias in their favor. This to say that my opinion of the Bosmer doesn't come from a place of adoration for them or anything.

Stereotypical and generic they may be, but they have interesting shit going on.
>Their vampires are some of the worst cunts in the ES universe, as shapeshifting, mental cunts that get off on suffering
>The Green Pact that they made with Y'ffre stating that they couldn't harm the forest in any way and have to harness and use everything from their hunts
>This somehow gets expanded to their military deeds and upon killing someone they must feed on them and make use of them as to avoid infringing the terms of the pact
These alone give them a more interesting twist.

As for the High Elves, bar their arrogance that is stereotypical of anyone bearing the "High Elf" title in almost any fantasy work, how are they stereotypical when they are basically antagonists and villains for Men?

That being said, even with my favoritism of the Nords, it's kinda difficult not to admit that the Dunmer have easily the most interesting culture and story out there.

>Le epic cool kid contrarian xD
Drown yourself, N'Wah.

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Blame writers following what's popular.
>Oblivion - LOTR
>Skyrim - ASOIAF
>TesVI - Probably Wheel of Time

they're all boring and thar video is trash, improve your taste

Story imperative.

Yea the whole "typical tree hugging elf" being cannibals,transforming in monsters and have a pretty bloody history is great.

I dunno what the Bosmer are even supposed to be at this point. In Morrowind-Oblivion they were wacky manlets. In Skyrim they're barely present and in ESO they're just generic DnD wood elves.

>never even heard of the last two

No it's going to be ASOIAF again. The prequel series will be more popular.

ah yes the mystical nigger civilization in a desert

No it isn't. Even in the setting as they are it doesn't make sense. There should atleast be a distinction between Colovians and Nibeneese. Also, if the Empire goes what are they going to be, "Cyrods"?. I know Morrowind randomly decided the races couldn't intermix, either, which means Bretons also shouldn't exist. I think they've fixed that now, though, as Pelagius is a mongrel in the Sheogorath quest.
No. Morrowind changed them into generic Romans and Oblivion tried to bring them back to the High Fantasy style that they used to have. The Jungle stuff wasn't in Arena/Dag either. It was another Morrowind retcon. Thankfully not canon. The Imperials look much better in Redguard, Todd's game, where they even use correct symbolism (Imperial Dragon) instead of Roman Horses.

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I think wacky manlets are the closest we get until we have a valnwood game.I tend to ignore ESO,because they tried to make most races "typical fantasy shit".

The Chimer were just as boring, only reason Dunmer is cool is because they got BLACKED by Azura

Let's hope that Bethesda won't make use of ESO's ideas in the next games

Sorry brainlet. Game of Thrones. That better?

Think they still practice mass infanticide or do they just keep them as foot soldiers to send into the meat grinder in the wars now?

maybe if tolkein made more an effort, game devs would have more material to copy, to satisfy the 21st century content consumer

God I hope it's WoT

>Skyrim is somehow game of thrones.

Because it has swords?

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>B-boring t-trash!!!
Big yikes over your mental manlet flex, my man. Take a breather, you'll overheat.

Kinda hard not to get that first impression about them, but I think that applies to almost all Tamrielic races.

Then you have the Sload.

Does anyone take ESO as "canon" these days? I remember a lot of people like 3 years ago saying they outright refused to take it into account as anything more than a typical MMO cash grab.

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Cyrodiil jungle got CHIM'd out tho, why would it be in the 2nd era? Dumb pic

>Not knowing Game of Thrones

Skyrim is literally worse than ESO, the writing is so abysmal I had to skip through the latter half

This is a series where you gotta ignore the lore. Bethesda will change and retcon it as they see fit because a lot of their earlier lore was when they were more niche and didn't need normalfags. Imagine if Morrowind released today in exactly the same way but with modern combat. It'd get shit on.

I really wanna get some real sloads in the game.Hammerfell seems to have a lot of beef with them,right?

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That's on par with Skyrim writing alright

This. ESO may be a bit odd with their lore but characters actually react to you. I never have to ask an Argonian what is an Argonia instead I get greeted as a hist friend.

Slaves tell me to GTFO or I'll be put into chains.

>Civil war for being king boss nigger after old king is killed
>targaryens trying to regain control and are pissed
>kings in the North
>ancient evil is returning and we all have to work together to stop it
>knife-ears are treacherous dicks
>super king Boss nigger killed by potentially a loyal subject (depending on what side of civil war you joined)
That not hard really

Sanderson's own work is a fuck ton better than WoT and this comes from a guy that couldn't believe they were letting him continue the work of Jordan.

The Stormlight Archive is fucking dope and my fav fantasy saga still being continued today. He's an absolute autist with details too.

This too. Unfortunately Bethesda has this habit and they tend to centre everything around wherever the game's taking place, retcon need be included.

Sloads have beef with everyone, they basically concocted this plague that nearly drove everyone to extinction IIRC. They are massively psychopatic cunts, they turn their own kids into soap and are incredibly filthy.

They're up there with the Dunmer for the most interesting and alien culture though.

Horrible opinion.

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Since you play ESO, did the Ebonheart Pact ban all slavery, or did they just ban the slavery of argonians?

Like, are the Khajiits still enslaved?

>I never have to ask an Argonian what is an Argonia instead I get greeted as a hist friend.
Coming from shitty static MMOs like WoW this surprised me a lot, it's interesting to see how characters react based on what you've done

Well maybe they'll adapt Stormlight Archive or Mistborn by the time TESVII is out. Then Bethesda being the uncreative faggots they are will look to that for inspiration.

>Horrible opinion.
How the fuck can you unironically think Skyrim has good writing? Did you hit your head repeatedly?

>thinks Sanderson writes anything but the Twilight equivalent of high fantasy
Ah, I see.

I believe it was all slavery. Telvanni don't give a fuck though.

Some Khajits are still enslaved, especially by house Telvanni. Lots of Dunmer NPCs talk shit and expect slavery to return soon though

Their culture was fleshed out at a time when Ken Rolston was the lead designer and he gave a shit about making a living world. Bosmer and Altmer are interesting in the Pocket Guide and in that one guy's adventures but when we actually get to them they'll be retconned into generic D&D shit.

based telvanni as always

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So the Khajiits are still enslaved by non-Telvanni? And the Argonians are fine with this?

Telvanni aren't part of the pact.
I believe you "technically" can't but they look the other way.

Argonians and khajiits dont like each other.

Bad writing is typical of all ES games. I played Morrowind for the X-Box literally when it came out. Take off your nostalgia goggles and know this to be true.

I never said Skyrim had good writing. Simply that I don't see why you'd think ESO has better one. You can only be talking about the dialogue specifically and even then you stretch it.

>Twilight equivalent
Now I know you're just shitposting. What have you read of him besides the shit that still bears the tint of his teenage years? Have you even touched Oathbringer or do you have a default retarded opinion about it without needing to read it?

Go ahead, name your top 5 fantasy writers if you have the balls.

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>Go ahead, name your top 5 fantasy writers if you have the balls.
Ok easy.
>JK Rowling
>Stephen King
Now you.

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Morrowind has writing that's on par with its fellow contemporaries. It's neither good nor bad. My point was to point out that Skyrim has very, very bad writing by comparing it to the shoddily written ESO.

Just pull up any Sanderson hate thread on Yea Forums, I've intentionally forgotten everything I got trolled into reading.

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I've seen it in a few quests, but it's always secretive. Dunmer are so fucking arrogant

I wish mommy Azura would BLACK me.

If you scratch below the surface a little, Bosmer and Altmer become more interesting and less generic. But I think they suffer mostly from not having a game set in their world outside of ESO.

Bosmer on first glance are graceful wood elves content living in the forest. But they have a bizarre hunting culture which they take extremely seriously, where they have to eat whatever they kill, including people. That’s a nice subversion on its own and they’ve got enough lore outside of that to be cool.

Altmer are racial supremacists while also coming off as aloof and haughty. It would have been easy to make them the Noble LotR High Elves, who while aloof and superior to man in a lot of ways, weren’t supremacists about it to the point of plotting the take over of the whole world.

That's literally Hammerfell though.

Look, it’s a yes or no question, maybe provide some more context if you want.
I *know* that Argonians and Khajiit aren’t fond of each other, and I *know* that the Telvanni are the only house to refuse the Ebonheart Pact, and I also *know* that the Argonian who had a vision from the Hist and lead an army of Argonians to help the Nords and Dumers drive back a 2nd Tsaesci invasion is an escaped slave and made the Pact to free the Argonians from slavery.

I just want to know if the ban included all kinds of slavery, or just slavery of Argonians was banned.

Moorcock, Steven Erikson and Terry Pratchett rated in order.

Drugs aren't Kirkbride's problem. He's a plain old alcoholic. Kind wonder what kind of crazy shit he'd come up with IF he was a druggie.

>mfw Kinmune

>But then the Hist-Jilian wars spilled out of a Wheelian rip into the SubSys slice of 'brane-space, and things changed for Kinmune. With the outer colonies separated from Nu-Mundelbright chronoculic sync-net anchors, maintenance of space-time beyond the F-Shores faltered. As the barely-there Hist blink-root-ship armada fired an artillery barrage of 16th-dimensional mathematics at their Jilian enemies, impossipoint detonations stippled across the Ix-Egg and its clutch-satellites like some garish TalOSian hologram, only without the irony. Kinmune's synthetic body, caught in one of the blasts, suddenly found itself in the Ysgramorim, her mind an aggregate of the residual personalities of her last several users.

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They can make amazing places but they won't use them. We will get the most generic locations like Hammerfell for the next game. They'll probably retcon most of the Redguard lore too.

>Bosmer on first glance are graceful wood elves content living in the forest. But they have a bizarre hunting culture which they take extremely seriously, where they have to eat whatever they kill, including people. That’s a nice subversion on its own and they’ve got enough lore outside of that to be cool.
dont forget about literal movie tree cities that migrate

Are Altmer more arrogant than Dunmer?

Does Legends have any decent lore?

I expect TESVI will have a Trump-like leader for the Bretons who wants to build a wall to keep the Redguards out.

Yeah, they even have stories about how Wayrest got sacked by corsairs and pirates.

Speaking of, any clues on where TESVI will be?

I've been out of loop.

>Goes down the rail after the first mention
You are a true shitposter and I cannot sanction your buffoonery.

>My point was to point out that Skyrim has very, very bad writing by comparing it to the shoddily written ESO.
I disagree. The only """Bethesda""" game I can think of that had writing I'd consider legit good is FONV. I think there's severe limitations to the engine that cripple its abilities to deliver anything other than the current level of straightforward "go get my shit" dialogue and I don't think they make it a priority.

I don't think they did either in ESO.

>That fucking Sanderson image
Lel, that got me. I may have gone overboard calling him my currently working fav writer, but I think this is another one of those "fans destroy the product" type of deal. I rarely speak to anyone who'd read Sanderson so my opinions are basically my own.

>Terry Pratchett
My absolute fucking nigga.
About Moorcock, I'm torn. Elric went downhill and his best work IMO is the Hawkmoon stuff, but no one will fucking agree with me.

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I really hope VI gets an engine overhaul that allows for more expressiveness in dialogue and NPC interaction.

>speedy wendigos that punch and kick you to death
>slow cannon fodder mummies with garbage weapons

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I always pick Bosmer for my DB/Thieves guild playthroughs. Bosmer are basically the TES version of that "Nicest kid you'l ever meet/TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH" meme.

>Just pull up any Sanderson hate thread on Yea Forums,

I mean, pull up any fantasy thread on Yea Forums. People say we're bad when discussing our board's intended topic, but goddamn Yea Forums is beyond saving. Relegating the entirety of SF and fantasy to one thread means your board is dead.

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The new 4-issue Elric comic is surprisingly good

I was really hoping for some WE WUZ SWORD SINGAZ AND SHIEET

I'm assuming ES6 will be set in regions they aren't allowed to touch in ESO?

A Wheel of Time inspired game sounds fucking fantastic, user.

Because necromancy is basically the opposite of ancestor worship. Latter is kinda flipped on on its head when "ancestor worship" means "let me summon the ghost of my grandfather to guard my secret stash".


I think they're afraid of updating it because they have an established fanbase that will buy almost anything they shit out (minus FO76) but will probably react negatively if they have to get used to a new engine.

Their best bet is to update it in a non 180º way and make small tweaks and improvements with time.

This. Draugr were fucking spooky in Morrowind.
Not to say they weren't good in Skyrim, but besides the artificial difficulty of the 30000000 HP of the Deathlords, eh.

>Bosmer are basically the TES version of that "Nicest kid you'l ever meet/TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH" meme.
This so much.

As stupid as it may sound, Yea Forums holds better Fantasy discussion threads than Yea Forums, especially Tolkien ones.

Don't think I've managed to discuss fantasy stuff on Yea Forums since 2013, they just bum me out, like I don't read other shit except Fantasy. I get the perks of elitism but fuck me, man.

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>ESO guards will attack you if you use the new necromancy skills
why the fuck don't more games do this

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FO:NV was written by Obsidian, not Beth.

It's the literature board, not the genre fiction board.

Based. Necromancers are true scum. Wipe them all out.

Because forest elves and high elves are already well established in other works which the Elder Scrolls heavily drew from. Besides them being generically evil palette swaps from D&D or dwarves (as they are in actual norse mythology) which is its own unique race entirely (the dwarmer), they were really working from scratch and decided to run with something new

>tripfag and retarded

Who would have thought? Nobody is going to be upset about a new engine except for the developers.

I get very angry about retcons in video games, especially if I perceive them as having occurred for sales and marketing related reasons.

Is there something wrong with me? Why am I so angry about this?

>As stupid as it may sound, Yea Forums holds better Fantasy discussion threads than Yea Forums, especially Tolkien ones.

If you want good fantasy discussion, go on /tg/. It's literally the best board on the site and as long as you can make a thread tangentially related to Role Playing you'll be able to get a good thread going.

say that to my face motherfucker

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Fuck this thread makes me want to play Morrowind.

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>oblivion's virgin mannimarco
>not daggerfall's ultimate chad mannimarco

That's why I put Bethesda in quotation marks, lad.

Oh fuck off, you pretentious twat. I've read almost everything Yea Forums deems as "high literature" and I still enjoy Fantasy, at what point does this undeserved sensed of superiority get bred into your senses you absolute fucking mook?

>On Yea Forums telling people that "gamers" aren't the most flimsy little crybabies ever
Lel, look at you.

I used to go there before the /general/ spam when the board was that and nothing but, though after reading your post I took a quick look and it seems to be back in shape.

Thanks for the tip, user.

Nuh-uh, not the real Mannimarco.

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>Besides them being generically evil palette swaps from D&D

I really hate DnD Drow. Their lore reads like fetish fuel and because they're the designated "evil" race they encourage snowflakes ala Drizzt and alot of DMs won't allow them or make players have to go through a bunch of bullshit to play them.

>not the eso tranny

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Like I said. ALL slavery is banned but they look the other way for non argonian and dunmer races.

just give me more Vivec dlc you greedy jews

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Why do you have a trip? Are you doing an AMA?

>Next DLC zone
>Port Telvannis
>Adds bound weapon for 1h magicka weapon

Fucking hell, why'd they make him such a flamer? Never imagined him like this in high res.

Gentle reminder Vivec's head got mouthfucked by Molag Bal and they had a lot of babies and I saw the babies and then Vivec chewed off the dick of Molag and killed the babies with it as if it were a spear.

So I can be held accountable for my words, coward.

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I don't get Yea Forums. Why is scifi, fantasy, and nonfiction relegated to one big thread? What media can you actually talk about separately?

Sorry, after Clockwork City the new hotness is Sotha Sil. Vivec is old and busted and old used for making jokes about the hotpants he wears.
Expect to see him in the Q3, Q5, and next year's Q1 DLC.

>Blame writers following what's popular.
>Oblivion - LOTR
Imagine being this retarded. The Elder Scrolls game most similar to LOTR is Morrowind.

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>So I can be held accountable for my words, coward.
This isn't fucking reddit tripfag.

Gentle reminder that this guy fucks your girlfriend and sister every night

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When is Breton Mannimarco coming back? Why did Cuckbride make all the Breton characters into other races? Even part-Breton Dunmer like the Hlaalus were turned into full Dunmer, I don't know what he has against them.

>this pleb fuck is so uncultured he's never even heard of literature

Only they fully admitted it retard. Why do you think they chimed the fucking jungle and gave us generic fantasy?

Why would Mannymarco be a breton when he's an ancient ex psijic

Only those three genres are so vague it covers pretty much everything. Name 3 cultured books.

Because they had unique gods and were allowed to develop a cultural identity that didn't adhere to some imperial system. Say what you will about the Tribunal, but they did more to preserve Dunmer culture than the Daedra could.

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they wanted some fagbait

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Alright, thank you.

>be altmer
>why he is not X race
what did lorelet mean by this?
Also Hlaalu was a fucking DUNMER HOUSE in Morrowind, not fucking High Rock.

It's because you get invested in the world and the lore and want to see it fully realised. Beth have a horrible track record with respecting their properties legacy and have a tendency to follow trends to their own detriment.

It's even more frustrating that Beth have always had the good fortune of attracting new fans with each release. So a good number of their fans don't give a shit about retcons and so they just keep trucking turning both TES and Fallout in generic fantasy/sci fi slurry with very little substance. Honestly I hope 76 knocked some sense into them, because even as early as Fallout 4 there was backlash from normies who got into their games with Skyrim/FO3.

They really need to wow the public with Starfield/TESVI, because theyre under alot more scrutiny than before. Despite BGS not developing 76. Bethesda as a brand is damaged.

The lore for Altmer and Khajiit wasn't shown to be boring. Bosmer and Orcs were just not that important in Morrowind except as worshippers or foreign mercenaries.

The other games didn't focus on "less interesting races," they had less interesting designers working on them. Everything was boring in them. We never saw anything from their home regions before the series became a homogenized fantasy blob, and I really hope we never do in a main entry so the written lore remains as the main source.

"I was quite the looker"

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here's a tip: use anonymize, i had no idea he was a tripfag until you pointed it out

This is why you ignore Bethesda and play shit modders make.
>Tamriel Rebuilt
We get Mainland Morrowind as it is described in the lore.
>Project Tamriel
We get Skyrim and Cyrodiil as it was described in the lore.

The Beyond Skyrim shit however is just as bad as Bethesda. They called Neloth a literal who and him adopting you into house Telvanni means nothing because he's just a nobody Wizard nobody knows.

I don't know if I like how Sotha Sil suddenly became the most popular Tribunal.

You sound very upset with this website I never visit. Perhaps do some soul searching and realise this is an issue derived from your own paranoid delusions rather than one concerning anybody else. Or maybe you should fuck off back, bum.

>Cuckbride was going through a Ancient Greece reading period
>Decides to make Pelinal a fucking homo for no fucking reason other than play out the """Hoplite""" angle



So fucking horrible. #NotMyKingOfWorms

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>Only they fully admitted it retard. Why do you think they chimed the fucking jungle and gave us generic fantasy?
So your take-away from LOTR, one of the greatest works of fantasy fiction of all time, is that it was generic fantasy?

Morrowind takes direct inspiration from LOTR. For example, the aedra/daedra concept is modeled after the Ainur, and faillen Ainur like Morgoth.

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>They called Neloth a literal who
>Literal who
>Master ranked Wizard
>One step below Archmagister

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Why should I? You should know he's a tripfag so you know who to shame.

Sotha Sil's dialogue in the DLC is some of the best writing in TES desu

It was part of the lore that Wayrest and some Dunmer houses intermarried. Especially house Hlaalu, which was forward thinking and cosmopolitan in nature. If you play Dag, you seesome Hlaalus, including the future King of Morrowind, and they're clearly mixed race. Mannimarco's being an Elf and Psyjic is added in Morrowind, not Daggerfall (the game he's from).

They claimed the main reason is it would feel unfair for players who want to join Redoran and Hlaalu to have to work harder to join the Houses while Telvanni players get it free.

Because you're taking the bait, letting him waste your time. You're also feeding his ego by acknowledging it.

>concept artists
>anything but the highest form of unbound creativity
lol no. Actual game art/assets always pale in comparison to the concept's core vision.

Blame Dragon Breaks TM since bethesda couldn't decide with which ending to go.

Because he always kinda was the most sympathetic one.

>was talked into betraying Nerevar
>felt bad about it ever since despite the power
>just wanted to do research forever

Just because he's got a ton of fangirls who want to ride his clock now doesn't make him bad. Plus we got tons of new art and dialogue.

Attached: sotha sil whips the shit out of mehrunes dagon while making train noises.jpg (1181x1920, 498K)

That had nothing to do with the Hlaalu. Even in Manni just showed up as a Skeletal Lich from there-on-out and remained mysterious it would have been better.

You just like him because the DLC was just fanservice for you

considering he had nothing outside of game books and a very poor dungeon I'd say the attention is long overdue

Morrowind should have featured all the Tribunal. Instead we got excessive Vivec pandering. Even Almalexia had more character in basegame ESO.

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So when Bethesda eventually does every province aside from Elsewyer and Black Marsh because they won't ever do one there. Where do you think they'll go next? Akavir for a offshoot series? Or will they start redoing some provinces?

>Responding to attention whores

hey look at it from the bright side dunmers got 9/11'd
so take that for some payback

What do we even know about Akavir?

It has snake people, asians and monkeys.

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Hey, I based everything in SSE and WOL off Sotha Sil's Last Words.

Almalexia is basically ignored in all the games and it's kind of a shame. She's like a weird vestigial part of the Tribunal.

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It's full of Saiyans.

It's a convenient plot device whenever they want to add eastern architecture and concepts to the series

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ALMSIVI are a bunch of sad heathens who can't do their own work because their rockstar status will be diminished if people see how mortal they actually are


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>The New Balance / N'wah detail
It's the little things.

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Because they're their own thing rather than just bootleg tolkien elves

>high sci-fi in TES
I mean I like it but it lacks gears

that's just what elves look like.

>using yikes unironically

I agree with your comments man but for fuck's sake, why'd you have to do that

Nothing in TES even compares to Tolkien's work. Don't talk about things you know nothing about.

Poop Elves are cool tbqhwy

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We know Oblivion retconned all the beast races into humans because Bethesda was too lazy to make snake people ghosts.

>pls ride on me N'wah-sama!

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it's ironically less advanced than it was in Tribunal. That had circuitry and wiring, the CWC otherwise is like clockpunk.

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>Cyrodiil jungle got CHIM'd out
No, it got CONSOLE'd out, due to shitty hardware.

Makes me wonder how Skyrim would have been if they released it only on PS4+Xbox One instead.

How do you go from THIS...

Attached: sil.jpg (600x1000, 484K)

Trust me, it's ironic. I don't think I've ever said it unironically in my life, man.

Name a more cucked race in Tamriel.

>Inb4 Argonians

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You're right, those haughty long-eared people of divine ancestry who happen to live really really long and are in tune with nature/magic are really original

They will bring back Radiant AI for Starfield, guaranteed.

Finally enough processing power for better AI.

if they're so great how comes they're dead
checkmate mer

You and I both know they'll use the processing power for graphics and give us shitty ai.

Who would win? endgame Dragonborn or endgame Nerevarine?

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CPU power is not always that easy to fill up. They can with AI or more units if the engine allowed it.


>Literally Shitelves
>Literally slaves even without dunmers
at least khajiits have moon colony so those flee ridden skooma addicts arent at the bottom of the barrel

Really source? I always figured Oblivion's blandness was to do with Todd loving LotR and Ultima.

>Bethesda game

I say they will give us neither

But Dragonborn has so many powerful shouts.

>Tfw encountering Kodlak in Sovngarde

I HOPE YOU GUYS DIDN'T GO INTO VALHALLA AS A WEREWOLF. Tell me you got fucking cured before the last mission, Jesus.

Bums me out to say it, but Dragonborn. Insanely OP by the time you collect all the shouts and have all the "summonables". Not even a contest in my book.

Scalefags had at least one great cool moment in history in the Oblivion crisis. Can one say the same about Orcs? They always and permanently get their shit handed to them, there's been like 18 fucking Orsiniums.

I feel bad for them desu, even their patron Daedra got assfucked by Boethiah.

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Nerevarine has Nerevarine shouts. It is great power.

I mean there's plenty of non-sci-fi, non-fantasy fiction. Crime-related fictional stories, shitty softporn like 50 shades, even some Stephen King books have nothing supernatural in them.


>Breton Mannimarco
in the files, Daggerfall Mannimarco is listed as a Redguard

They dumbed down shadows and AI as well. Keep in mind that the E3 2005 demo was shown on a top end PC.

If the next game is set in high rock, I hope there's a chance to make sure that HIGH ROCK BELONGS TO THE ORCS and kick out all the Breton scum and maybe some Altmer too.

That's why I didn't included him.

The game had entire areas removed from the game. Bethesda's excuse was that hard drives died and they had no back ups. You can still see some of those areas in the E3 2005 demo world map.

I wonder what's the real reason for their removal.

Maybe he is a Redguard. I'm fucking adamant way back when there was art of him before he was a hooded figure and he had some stupid fucking square hood-hat that was twice the size of his head. He was clearly a human, but he looked white to me (it was black and white, his features looked white).

They evidently meant the movies which, while great, are not as in-depth as the book. Oblivion->LotR movie aesthetic because it was popular. Generic because everything started following LotR's general example after the Peter Jackson movies.

That’s part of the reason I like Orcs.
Playing as the underdog is fun.

got any of that art?

nah your taste is wrong retard

No, unfortunately. This is sort-of like it, but not really. The hat's the same, well, similar.

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MUH HONOR is the only thing I can think about in terms of shitmers, anyone else did some great things
>Dunmers, Tribunal shit, Dagoth Ur, Nerevarine. EAT MUATRA
>Redguards, splitting their entire continent in to half
>Nords, shouting aspects of akatosh to death, sonvengrade and mead
>Bretons, Zurin Moofuga Arctus was one prolly since born in High Rock
>Altmers, fucking Tower breaking niggas and skeleton moon niggas, also psyjics
>Khajits, colonies and skooma
>Imperials, Timber Septim and Empire
>Bosmer, eternal hunt and canibbal tree walking niggers
>Shitmers, literally who?

Can Hammerfell be exotic enough?

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He/they did nothing wrong.

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*blocks your path*

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>kick out all the Breton scum and maybe some Altmer too.
Based user, Bretons are easily the race I hate the most. Fuck them so much.

I get that. Though they just bum me out in general, every Orc seems so depressed.

No u.

They're unironically as shit as they sound. If we were to compare to real world examples, they're probably the type of niggas who never invented the wheel.

Just awful, awful depressed """"people"""". Also inbreds to the highest degree.

>He/they did nothing wrong.
This. I hope he's rawdogging Zurin's ass for eternity inside that soul gem.

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why do you hate Bretons?

Zurin did nothing wrong. That fucking half-elf Hjalti screwed them both in the end.

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Why don't vampires have any cities?

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>Orc seems so depressed.
>Just awful, awful depressed """"people""""
sounds like prime self insert material for the average Yea Forums-goer.

i hate you NPCs/Hylics

kirkbride lore is the only reason tes is interesting

They'd need chattel so it'd end up being a normal city ran by Vampires like Meiyerditch in Runescape. Noblemen are basically Vampires, anyway. It'd just be a slightly more extreme society.

>dude flying whales
>dude trannies
>dude gays
>dude alien trees
>dude jungle
yeeeees,,, interesting

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See I never bothered to put down a list, but I've hated them since the first time I played for being half-elven cunts.
I fucking hate them so much.

I mean he agreed to concoct that plan with Hjalti to imprison Wulfharth. I don't think he intentionally screwed both, it's more like the Underking BTFO'ing Zurin was just an accident that served him well.

I also don't like that theory that Talos is 2/3 Breton. Fucking Bretons. I much prefer to think he's 2/3 Nord.

They bum me out just by talking to them. So you might be right considering the average day on Yea Forums.


>I also don't like that theory that Talos is 2/3 Breton
Except Zurin Arctus was an Imperial, not Breton. Point is, Talos is an amalgamation from every race of man of the current Kalpa.
>Wulfharth = Nord/Atmoran
>Zurin = Imperial
>Hjalti = Breton

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Nords have the best look anyway
pic related

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Beth established in Skyrim that redguards are fantasy north africans. Like Morrocans or Ethiopians or something. They'll probably go for a pretty cliched ARABIAN NIIIIIIIGHTS setting, but honestly they could make it interesting if they embrace the Yokudan lore and give some areas a more unique Sub-Saharan "tribal" feel, that'd be cool.

Given how popular Black Panther is, I wouldn't be surprised if they go full kangs and portray the Yokudans as having an advanced society somewhat alien to modern Redguards.

Kirkbride is a goddamn hack. Todd and Kurt restraining his autism is the reason why TES is good

This. Fuck Michael "Metzen" Kirkbride.

He's a fucking faggot. Terry Pratchett played and modded Oblivion, he would've written better shit.

There's no consensus on that, everything I read tells me a different version. Some say Hjalti was a Nord, Wulfharth an Atmoran and Zurin a Breton. The latter would make the best sense anyway because of Zurin being a mage nigga. That being said, being 3 different men races would make sense. That nigger Hjalti wouldn't have made it anywhere without the Underking shielding him in battle.

>Watch Bethesda retcon this shit in the next game and make Talos a Khajiit

This. Look at that handsome Chad, look at that chin.

Fucking THIS. Read his "unofficial" releases on Tamriel after he was canned from Bethesda, it's absolute dogshit.

I'm still angry he made Pelinal a flaming homo.


>Cuckbridefags even trying to steal The Underking away from the Bretons
Soon it will be an offense to even choose Breton as your race in Elder Scrolls.

So what is bethesda going to do with Daggerfall?
Besides just mentioning things from lore and not actually including them because their engine cant handle it.

K*rkbride was pretty adamant on making sure there wasn't a straight answer
there's also Daggerfall saying Zurin is the Underking, and his race, while most likely a Breton, was unknown

Why do people hate Redguards?

They remind them of certain undesirables.

At least they are honest warriors and not muh kangs wizard race.

Such as?

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Leave it to Michael fucking Kirkbride to make Wulfharth into a fucking Breton.

Jesus Christ, I truly hate that guy. I will never not call him the Metzen of Bethesda, I will spam this til I'm blue in the face, fuck him so much.

Compared to their real world counter parts, TES Redguards are pretty based. Not people I'd want in my Nord neighbourhood, but valuable allies against the Thalmor.

Plus, I did that they dislike Magic.

Attached: Baalgruf you bitch.jpg (1920x1080, 612K)

because once something is established with CHIM, that is how it has always been. CHIM changes things in past, present, and future.

clockbride wasn't that involved with Daggerfall though, was he?

>Arcturian Heresy claims Hjalti was indeed a Breton, takes the mantle of Talos after meeting Nordic King Wulfharth and later christened Tiber Septim by Imperial Battlemage Zurin
>Imperial Orthodoxy claims Atmora as the birthplace of Talos, but High Rock fervently holds Alcaire as the birthplace of Tiber Septim (they even have their own holiday!)
>Ghost of old Hroldan refers to TLD as "Hjalti of Alcaire"
>The Underking refers to himself in multiple persons during the events of Daggerfall

Attached: tes___the_underking_by_lorded_dcoe08h-pre.jpg (725x1102, 76K)

Well they're modeled after Arabs in everything but appearance and Arabs know to be pretty based sometimes.

I honestly don't know why people complain about the lore. It has only been getting better. Morrowinds lore is really overrated and Skyrim has had some of the best lore added yet. And the conflict between the thalmor and empire and the thalmor goals are more interesting than anything previously. I'm excited for where that story goes. Nothing like that happened with Morrowind. There was no continuing conflict in that game I was excited for. And Skyrim was a great representation of the Nords. Their province wasn't crazy like Morrowinds so I don't know where that started. If anything it was described as always being covered in snow.

>Morrowinds lore is really overrated and Skyrim has had some of the best lore added yet.

>Plus, I did that they dislike Magic.
But I want to play a full mage in Redfall.

Fuck man that sounds awesome. I would kill for a game that gave me a smidgen of Disney's alladin feel. Cool desert at night going into a dungeon like the tiger cave

I think Bethesda reached their highest level of armour design with their Nightingale Magnum Opus.

Nothing they ever do will ever surpass this one in terms of aesthetics.

Wasn't he? My mistake then, I thought he was.

See? It's fucking impossible to pinpoint what the story is exactly. Though I know that other than Wulfharth, nobody from the three is from Atmora.

They're being vague on purpose and they can suck my fucking dick.

I think it was their way of killing two birbs with one stone. Give them the aspect of negros and make them culturally similar to Arabs.

But I maintain that Redguards are indeed based.

Why are you gay?

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The dragonborn doesn't stand a chance against the alchemy loop.

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Can they stick with a look for the races at least?

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Because most games put
Gameplay > story/lore

And that's why they're all boring and generic. At no point do they even try to keep the pretense of being in another world going.

>Why are you gay?
Says the guy who wants to "hand-to-hand" with other men.

Only annoying thing about morrowind is the enemy damage scaling in Tribunal. You clearly aren't meant to go there untill you're leveled as fuck, because the goblins shitty clubs do 1-60.

based off this, what I got from /tgesg/ and not a single mention of Vivec in Daggerfall, all he did in Daggerfall was make a few paintings

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youre wight owo but oblivion is better

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No, he started with redguard.

I fully expect all the races looking exactly the same as they did in Skyrim or something comepletely different.

I like the elf look in Skyrim desu

I still can't for the life of me understand what happened in Oblivion. They attempted to rev up the game engine IIRC and do this thing where the NPCs would have these random incidents generating a "unique" gameplay for everyone outside scripted events, but it went horribly wrong.

I wonder if that's why all their faces look like blow up dolls.

I say no homo before every fight.
Your move.

Weird, I had it in the back of my mind that his writing longevity with Bethesda was from the Redguard days. Glad I'm wrong and I'm glad he was canned before Skyrim and ESO though.

I attribute everything shitty to him.

This. I'd say they do, in general and outside the Oblivion childish faces, a good job with the designs.

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>Kill old person
>steal their clothes/armor
>Young body at peak performance revealed

Everybody looked like chubby faced manchildren in that game.


May I have your attention please, I'm gonna say it...

Oblivion>ESO>Skyrim>Morrowind>Daggerfall>Old ass non-canon games

You may return to your bickering.

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"By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's the Grand Faggot! I can't believe it's you! Standing here! Next to me!"

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>puts morrowind before daggerfall
checks out

What was their goal?

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No it's not

>actually liking the dungmer

Only Oblivions potatoes were out of place.

Why did Oblivion get rid of facial hair?

I honestly think playing a role which is not really intended in a game is a good way to test its RPG capabilities. That's why full mage makes sense in Redfall. Same thing with Netrunner in Cyberpunk 2077.

>Skyrim babies unironically think that their shitty game has a better writing and lore than ESO

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the issue with skyrim elves is that they ALL look the same but with different colored skin and eyes.

Skyrim is the best and what they will probably stick with

Kill yourself.

>so many playable races
Horse shit, there's four sets of different colored humans, four pallette swapped elves, and two beast races. By my count there are literally only four races to choose from.

This is why I always roll beast races, because they're the only truly distinct races in the entire series. That, and all the elves in Skyrim look like aborted fetuses, with zero ZERO mods on the Nexus that attempt to fix the issue.

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When are we gonna get playable Maormer?

They're all pretty ugly too, especially the males. At least if you roll female you stand a chance of correcting it. Every modder is such a flaming homosexual that only the females are focused on though.

Pretty Elves used to but Nexus got rid of it.

its why i usually only make beast or orc females.

Well yeah because they are all elves.

Maybe in ESO some day.

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Not an argument

Vivec shitposted reality

Kill yourself regardless.

>ESO > Skyrim
Why are you gay?

Then you have shit like the last two games where you're basically open to be a jack of all trades and master of all. I hated the fact that I had to do the Winterhold quest because I basically finished almost all my games with 100 Magicka, denoting how little or nothing I use spells.

You have a point, not to mention it's fun.

I fucking hope they put it in the next game.

Sea Elves are based and you can fuck your mother if you disagree.

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Not an argument

So how can a Daedric God not enter the world, yet Azula can ASH all the Dunmer?


Hey Tar Gimilzor are you Trainwiz? Asking for a friend.

>put three best races in the same faction with the three best gods as their leaders
>people still choose dindu covenant and alf-shitmeri-domingus

I have more respect for wow babies at this point.

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theyre near completely gone. they got their shit fucked HARD.

>old TES writers write endless, crazy and alien culture and theology
>devs just turn everything into generic fantasy anyway except in the one or two times of a quest where shit actually touches interesting stuff
We're never getting a Morrowind again.
Black elf, short elf, yellow elf, green elf.
Human, blonde human, magic human, black human.
Lizardman and catman.
It's all so generic.

>play Morrowind as anything other than Dunmer
>half the factions feel weird and out of character

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That was before the Alessian Pact with Akatosh.

The real question is how can dead gods prevent living gods from entering the realm of an even deader God.

the tribunal arent part of the pact

Not an argument

sotha sil's coldharbour compact

see, I think the dunmer are weird and boring
they're basically just elf muslims

whereas bosmer and altmer are more normal elf stereotypes, which I already enjoy

>transparent skin that showsa the insides
>'just turn them into falmer lol'
Talking about falmer, Skyrim should've featured the snow elves.

What is that thing on Argonian pike?

They did, but one is dead and the other stands around doing nothing.

>How did the Dunmer manage to be the only (living) elves with interesting culture
>ctrl+f "ketamine" 0 results
The answer is ketamine, whisky, and the semen-crusted pages of a book about eastern mythology.

They do actually have some pretty neat lore behind them but Bethesda is literally too lazy to bother reflecting it in-game and they will straight up retcon metric shit tons of lore if it means less work

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But we had to wait for DLC for that. If they had been part of the main game, we could've had full lore and dungeon sets.

nope wrong

I liked the dragonshouts. I feel likee i am in the minority

Dunmer had an entire game dedicated to them.

exactly, which is why it wouldn't be a jungle in the 2nd era


Nords and Dunmer are, despite their history, my fav combo.
>KaSHITS join the Thalmor

>It's all so generic.
Is it really, though? The Dragonborn DLC showed me that if they ever wanted to properly revamp Morrowind, they could.

Just don't think they care about doing that.

What does that mean? I don't wanna Google that.

Their navy did.

This. Some of the reads are downright nutty and the lore behind the Dwemer, Dunmer and Tongues is fucking dope as shit. Just doesn't make it into the games for whatever reason.

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Are there even falmer alive that weren't turned into monsters by the dwemer?

kirkbride is the worst "writer" who ever lived

It would have been interesting to see everyone else react to a not corrupted Snow Elf.

Just two brothers and one was a vampire.

In the Dawnguard DLC you meet two.

Khajiit has the most batshit insane (read: interesting) culture of all mer.

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Daedra could enter the world, albeit with limited power. Each had summoning dates that corresponded with the position of the stars.

The Alessian pact and Amulet of Kings acted as a sort of planetary defense system to keep the forces of Oblivion from invading Nirn. This was later continued by the Coldharbour Compact, where Sotha Sil essentially strongarmed most of the Daedric princes to stop interfering with Nirn until another legitimate emperor came to power.

Finally, the gates were permanently closed when Martin Septim sacrificed himself during the Oblivion Crisis. The rest is ancient history

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lorelets wound my soul to its very core. was close to responding to like a dozen posts correcting things but it isnt worth the effort whatsoever.

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What are the chances of sword singing being a mechanic in TES Hammerfell?

All the TES writers are still there. They contract stuff out to kirkbride. And if every province was weird like Morrowinds then that wouldn't be interesting. It would be just a dumb weird world. Having the human races follow more standard fanstsy helps the world. And the elder scrolls world was always about having the crazy metaphysical stuff in the background in lore books or a few NPCs. And really only Oblivion was generic fantasy and even then it was just the desgin of towns and land. The story itself is pretty crazy.
Thank God we are never getting another Morrowind. The only thing worse than morrowfags complaining about the newer games is if we had a new Morrowind you guys would start complaining about that.

One out of twenty

Neat, didn't play it yet

Well, Gelebor is not a vampire, so there must be some falmer community left, because as far as I know, elves don't live thousands of years.

>Just don't think they care about doing that.
Why bother remaking a game from scratch when they can put that effort and budget into something new? Besides, everyone would compare them and decide original MW is better even if it wasn't.

I really hope that Fallout 76 flopping as hard as it did will give Bethesda incentive not to fuck up the next Elder Scrolls game.

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>everybody is a battlemage with god powers making the game easy as shit xD


They don't give a FUCK about ES atm, they're working hard on Starfield which will probably be shown in the next E3.


>The story itself is pretty crazy.
I wouldn't say call it that, but it has some pretty neat details.

that's not even close to how they look


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gameplay should be > story

When is Mankar Cameron coming back but with shouts?

Not always and not at all costs.

I assume to prey on the nostalgiafags like me who would still pay 60 bucks for a version of MW with prettier graphics and fixes.

Between the first release of Skyrim, the DLCs, the Special Edition, the VR, I can imagine them coasting and remaking Morrowind. IIRC there was a mod that was already doing that, they can outright get half their work done for them lel.

>Cocktease us with an ad that reads "TES VI"
>Don't say shit for a year
You're damn right.

Attached: My pa's axe.jpg (1920x1080, 552K)

imagine playing any of this GARBAGE series after morrowind and the shivering isles
you are the fan of t r a s h

A stupid thing if you are not specialized in swords or use magic.

that's the plotline for Skyrim II: The Electric Boogaloo

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what's a better game of the same type than skyrim?

grimderp souls? dragon's derpma?


always, fuck """lore"""

kill yourself
you too

>After Morrowind
After Daggerfall. Not that dumbed down crap.

ESO is based
>helping out orcs in wrothgar
>some briarheart calls me an orc lover

Zap zap pew, desert wizard.

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>Mankar comes back
>He's now the Daedric Prince of Nirn
>The reason mortals can die is because Nirn is a plane of Oblivion, and natives of a plane can only die there
>Mankar can wear the Amulet of Kings, meaning he can light the Dragonfires cucking all other Daedric Princes out of interference in Nirn
>Mankar can scream his enemies to death
>Mankar would have all the powers of the Dragonborn, but the player wouldn't meaning he'd be naturally stronger
>Despite this, Mankar has a soothing voice
>Mankar would defeat the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire and bring peace to Tamriel
>Mankar's powerful Daedric armies, created in the plane of Nirn, would be a stabilizing presence so the people would support him - making the player an outlaw
>Mankar also doesn't hate humans like other Elves, respecting his predecessor Lorkhan as the Daedric Prince of Mortality
>Gods and Daedric princes will fear him

You know, you have the right game first, but otherwise it's shit

Oblivion >= Morrowind >>> Skyrim > Daggerfall = ESO > Arena

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>tfw literally the only Imperialfag who wants to see Cyrodiil as a glorious Sino-Roman jungle and the legions as cool, extremely effective and professional armies instead of dumb faggots wearing football padding

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>tfw literally the only Imperialfag
could've just ended your post there

Good. Jungle Roman retconn a shit. Shame the Roman part stayed

Zap zap pew, winter wizard.

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ye know, now that i think about it, Mankar wasn't that bad of a guy was he

i know there's more out there

eat shit Oblivion was a mistake

>Oblivion retcons Morrowind lore
>Morrowind retcons Daggerfall lore
praise kirkbride(:

>Morrowind retcons Daggerfall lore

spells and ridiculous skill bloat =! lore

>Bosmers are boring
Have you not heard of the Wild Hunt and their occasional cannibal orgys ?!

The jungle was only a part of cyrodill and was dumb in the first place

>Oblivion retcons Morrowind lore
spells and ridiculous skill bloat =! lore


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yeah, he uesd "imagination" alright
if by imagination you mean speed

>Yfw you realize the reason you can't "climb to the top of every mountain" is because bethesda needed exits to their linear dungeons that weren't accessible from behind or else they broke

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>It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. Its center, the grassland of the Nibenay Valley, is enclosed by an equatorial rain forest and broken up by rivers. As one travels south along these rivers, the more subtropical it becomes, until finally the land gives way to the swamps of Argonia and the placid waters of the Topal Bay.

what about the imperial isle being an archipielago:
> Several small islands rose from this lake, and the capital city sprawled across them, crisscrossed with bridges and gondola ferries. Rivers connected the city-state to both its profitable outlying territories and the friendly inland ports of Skyrim and Pellitine.

what about the thousands of cults and cultures in the overpopulated, rich heartland of the empire:
>The Nibenese find the numinous in everything around them, and their different cults are too numerous to mention (the most famous are the Cult of the Ancestor-Moth, the Cult of Heroes, the Cult of Tiber Septim, and the Cult of Emperor Zero). To the Colovians, the ancestor worship and esoteric customs of the East can often be bizarre. Akaviri dragon-motifs are found in all quarters, from the high minaret bridges of the Imperial City to the paper hako skiffs that villagers use to wing their dead down the rivers. Thousands of workers ply the rice fields after the floodings, or clear the foliage of the surrounding jungle in the alternate seasons.


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>what is weakness to poison poison

Based Nickies

>From the shore it is hard to tell what is city and what is Palace, for it all rises from the islands of the lake towards the sky in a stretch of gold. Whole neighborhoods rest on the jeweled bridges that connect the islands together. Gondolas and river-ships sail along the watery avenues of its flooded lower dwellings. Moth-priests walk by in a cloud of ancestors; House Guards hold exceptionally long daikatanas crossed at intersections, adorned with ribbons and dragon-flags; and the newly arrived Western legionnaires sweat in the humid air. The river mouth is tainted red from the tinmi soil of the shore, and river dragons rust their hides in its waters. Across the lake the Imperial City continues, merging into the villages of the southern red river and ruins left from the Interregnum.


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White elves have no culture

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They never looked that ugly before though. It's literally against lore. In morrowind, the game that most prominently features elves, they didn't look as shit as they do in Skyrim. And everyone prefers how they looked in Morrowind.

What would you unironically recommend as some good fantasy books? I've always been meaning to get into the genre and I'm going through Tolkien now and really enjoying it.

you have to be 21 to post

When's Ebonarm coming back

I'd say the other elves do have interesting aspects about them. The Altmer are your standard snobby elves, yes, but the Falmer are noteworthy for the sheer amount of BTFO they experienced after turning on the Nords, and the Bosmer being cannibals due to the Green Pact as well.

Plus, the Dunmer have the befit of having a game set in their province strengthening their lore. Given current Bethesda, I don't know if the others getting the same would do much, but still, the Dunmer have that in their favor.

Altmer are actually interesting if you bother to read the books in skyrim

Skyrim zoomers don't read books, especially books inside video games.

name one(1) good altmer book

A good reason it may seem like that at first glance is because the other Elven races haven't had entire games and gameworlds based solely around them. But if you're a real lore nerd you can find out about little hints of what the culture of each might be like.

Niggas worship a bigass tree in the heart of the forest and are full on cannibals.

Purloined Shadows is a very good read.

Are you dumb? They’re all different races because they have different origins, and even those who shared the same origin evolved in different ways based on the regions they occupied.

It’s like how all elves used to be Aldmer, but then Azura/Azurah changed two of them into Dunmer and Khajiits, Y’ffre influenced the Bosmers, the pre-betrayal Falmer has adapted to their snowy climate, the Dwemer being an entirely independent race that evolved away from Aldmers, and the Maormers adapting to the sunken continent of Aldmeris.

The Redguards are humans, but they didn’t come from Atmora. Bretons and Imperials came from the Nedes that immigrated to Tamriel from Atmora before the Atmorans did, but because they were enslaved and the proto-Bretons were forcibly and controllably bred with the Dirennis, they evolved into different races due to having different ancestries. The Nords came from Atmorans who came way after the Nedes and evolved differently, so they’re a unique race as well.

If you were trying to argue that the Chimer and Aldmers, as well as the Bretons and Reachmen, were the same race, you’d be technically correct, but they’re still subraces because their cultures and genetic makeup already distinguished them from one another.

That's because they were a religious offshoot of the Aldmeri race, just like the Bosmer. Took shit some years to really blossom out.

Hammerfell has the distinct honor of having one of the most formidable Navies in Cyrodil, and are a huge trade economy. I wouldn't be surprised for them to take influence from Spanish and African countries which had similar historical strengths.

melanin enrichment

I like to imagine that North Hammerfell will be “muh arabian nights” with Andalusian architecture, South Hammerfell will be Afro-Caribbean with how the Spanish colonizers built their city-ports in the Caribbeans, and east Hammerfell will borrow west Cyrodiil’s and south Skyrim’s cultures.

>Spanish and African countries which had similar historical strengths
>Spanish and African

>game has tones of interesting lore and backstory regarding races, cultures, etc
>it appears nowhere ingame, aside from books sometimes

how do they get away with this?
I don't think there's ever been a single instance of bosmer cannibalism in any elder scrolls game, aside from maybe ones who worship namira
The khajiits are reviled for being stereotyped as theives, shouldn't bosmer also be reviled for being cannibals?

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Ideally in my mind the Gimmick would be two Tamerial Regions in one big map. And for me personally I'd like to see Valenwood + Elshweyr. Technically three countries due to what the Dominion did to the Khajits. But the reality is it'll be High Rock + Hammerfell since they'll want human lands only for market appeal instead of being interesting.

Oh yeah the title will be Dominion.

Boutta start a playthrough of Morrowind.
What race should I play?


>The game that featured their culture was well written
Pretty much this. Bosmer have some interesting stuff going on in their lore like being weird cannibals to offset their otherwise generic 'forest dwelling archers' background but if they ever get around to doing a game set in Valenwood I doubt they will flesh out much of that and instead make them generic as fuck like they did with Cyrodiil.

Imperial unless you are a fag


Because they've tried to reinvent the wheel ever since morrowind and each iteration of the elder scrolls has retconned the last.

Yea Forums has terrible taste. If you aren't jerking off to Kafka, DFW, or Joyce, you have no place there

I don't bosmer and altmer in Morrowind were ugly as shit.

There is no cannibalism because there is no green pact in other provinces. Also many bosmer stopped with the cannibalism in valenwood because of the empire and bosmer not wanting to be seen as savages

Probably never

In morrowind they use the imperial Dragon for everything imperial.

people still haven't let go of slavery, pretty sure cannibalism should still be a hot button

Not in Daggerfall though.

because he locked himself in his room for a couple weeks with loads of drugs and just started writing.

A pity. A guy clad in ebony armor and with a sword fused to his arm is cool, even if kind of similar to Pelinal.

Dunmer. Always play the native race of the games location first.

wow theres mods for everyhting in this game you can even get femboy mods

That's because they are dungmer.
But more seriously the dunmer were more powerful and able to keep slavery in as a concession when joining the empire

bosmer were originally uncontrollable changing agents that had to make a pact with the forest in order to have something resembling a stable form. their pact with the forest and the green is so close that they would rather consume flesh than eat plantmatter. that, and every now and again when their homes become threatened they undo the pact and revert their forms to ever-changing primordial beings that mutate constantly like chaos spawn from warhammer. khajiit are thought to have been made as a result of this. it's a nice play on typical 'Wild Hunt' inspired lore. also, what said. massive, living trees and moving treetowns and houses.

It is, and you could rework him into working with the new cosmology, but nobody really wants to

this could make an interesting mechanic for bosmer for a game set in VW. maybe they'd be the only ones with some ability to make their way around the changing forest, outsiders would stay on the fringes unless they had a guide.

>TFW you made a native dunmer mod
>Main story cannot be completed
>Outlander is replaced with brother,kinsman, etc
>Post about it on plebbit
>Get downvoted to Oblivion

who was ebonarm? was he reman that ascended to godhood? was ebonarm retconned out of existence>

because elves are gay and these elves have red eyes so they're a little cooler

Ebonarm is more or less retconned, he was a war god that didn't really fit anywhere. But he totally could be Reman.

kino culture

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How is living on handouts from the Nords and getting beat up by the lizards interesting?

>questline requires the player to mantle the soul of an ancient bosmer hero so that every race has access to the wild hunt skills
would still be cool though

MKs take on mer that aren't dungmer.
"Get rid of them they are useless to me."

Story checks out.

He's literally responsible for writing the lore that ended up with the complete destruction of Morrowind you mong

Altmer do have interesting culture, it's just that there's no games where you visit their homeland so we don't see it in its full expression.


>Playing MMOs

>implying TES isn't a singleplayer MMO

He's fine with adult supervision.
His career is a living example of the Peter Principle.

So he used Keyes as a nom de plume?

So is Emil still gonna be writing for TES6?

youve clearly forgotten about the restoration potion loop my dude

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Why do the Thalmor hate Talos but not Stendarr and Arkay? Like, even Elven Stendarr is seen as a friend to Man and Arkay became a god just like Talos / Tiber Septim.

t. Emil

He is the best writer they have ever had not named Peterson.
Not sure what your issue with him is.

He ruined Fallout 4 with his shitty story, he even said that his focus while writing for FO4 was to keep it simple because apparently people are too retarded for anything more complex than muh son got kidnapped >:(

I believe he said the story should support the gameplay not that fans are retarded.
He is also correct.

Fuck Fallout, Fallout sucks. Who cares.
I'm not that guy but Emil wrote the Dark Brotherhood which was one of the better written quests in Skyrim.

>because apparently people are too retarded for anything more complex than muh son got kidnapped
Yeah pretty much

I hope they give more emphasis to orismer culture in the next TES.

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He's talking about Kirkbride's designs which for the most part made it into the game, the aesthetic carries over. So his architecture, armour and clothing styles make for a unique race given have generic the latter games where.

I do agree though that for the most part the concept art is far and beyond what programmers can do, especially in Bethesdas case

Emil is one of the few writers at Bethesda who understand the medium they are working in.
Kuhlman is another. Not sure what happened with Nuka World though.

Apparently they had a new writer work on Far Harbor and that was the only good part of FO4 so it would be interesting to see him play a bigger role in Starfield.