Why are only the US and Japan capable of running the console business and having so many good developers?

Why are only the US and Japan capable of running the console business and having so many good developers?

Not just today, but since the long past in the late 70s.

Fucking 40 years of domination and why are the other industrial powers like Germany or UK so incompetent?

Attached: 92111533-usa-japan-partnership-concept-us-flag-and-japanese-flag-puzzle-pieces-3d-illustration-isola (1300x804, 49K)

The same reason the US is on top of everything else, the top talent can make more money in America. Someone that is fully coding for a German game could just jump ship and work at EA.

>good work ethic
>feel actual shame when their games bomb
Both dont apply to western tranny devs

btw i thought you were saying japan only. US doesnt belong on that list.

>good developers

20 years ago maybe

? the west has exceeded japanese development primarily in the last 20 years

japanese developers have been stuck on a single culturally allowed aesthetic and have done basically 0 to advance technology or gameplay in decades...all games with innovation are western

What are you even talking about? The Japanese basically have a stranglehold on gameplay. To name a few: MGS V Phantom Pain, Breath of the Wild, Nier Automata, Bloodborne, etc.

The Japanese might not excel at everything, but their gameplay is completely solid and entertaining.

to have a perception like this is willful ignorance desu
western gameplay design philosophy
western gameplay design philosophy also there is nothing special about this game it is a normal ass 8/10
>nier automata
gameplay isnt particularly good even, not in top quartile of its class for similar games. 0 innovation
0 innovation in gameplay here?

meanwhile western creators produce shit like factor.io, just entire universes that japanese gameplay never touches, never stepping outside the realm of AAA/RPG gameplay

>western gameplay design philosophy

Compared to Europeans, Americans still have a good work. Compared to the Asians, Americans have a poor work ethic.

American games are shit

americans actually have the strongest work ethic in the world

asians do not have a strong work ethic, they are twisted into a system that operates on the perception of a strong work ethic-- the reality of japan is to go to work for 12 hours and not get anything done because offices still work like the 80s and everyone has no sleep and no intent to get anything done

>americans actually have the strongest work ethic in the world

So you've never worked with blacks and young women.

The UK is too busy dominating the world of processors.

Attached: download.png (406x124, 3K)

the people who work comprise our workforce

america creates almost all the technological advances for the rest of the world...if you can contradict this statement please do. thanks.

You can't say there's no innovation in japan when nintendo exists. You might not like their ideas, but you at least have to admit that they attempt to innovate.

Based and redpilled

people that play games are among the dumbest in society
about the same as with people that watch movies as a hobby

actually the only studies we have on this indicate that people who play games are among a cohort that generally both has higher iq and are more cooperative/empathetic

pretty much this, and big games require investors, something nobody is willing to do in europe.

Europe is PCland.
Has any European company tried making a console? Most who had the means focused on Mobile

Can confirm. Work at a top level university and the young women put in considerably less hours and the hours they are here are less productive.

Leadership in technological progress went like this throughout history:

Africa (origin of man) --> Middle East (mankind spreads out) --> China --> Europe --> United States --> Japan

Japan isn't a leader in technological progress. America is currently researching and debuting countless multitudes of technologies, especially in the medical field, nothing is coming out of Japan

Japan doesn't even make video games with original gameplay. You have ot look at your opinions and ask yourself if they're actually based in reality or if they're just some kind of infantile contradictory mindset

Japanese aren't leaders in any field right now except shit like paper fans.

>America is currently researching and debuting countless multitudes of technologies, especially in the medical field, nothing is coming out of Japan

This is a straight-up lie. Japanese or Chinese names come up all the time in medical/robotics technology. All America does nowadays is social research by the -bergs.