Would you an android?

Would you an android?

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pretty sure they don't have functional vaginas so no

Would I what? I believe you left out a word in your sentence.

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They do in dbh

of course

Because they didn't have sex bots like North, right?

They do it's in the game

is she based on a real life person?

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Yes, even opt in for the artificial womb option.

Valorie Curry

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Only if it's modeled after my waifu.

Yeah sure I would beat an android.

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Making Alice an android was stupid and partially ruined Kara's story/relationship with her


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You scare me Connor.

Yup. I really kind of liked the Android/Human symbiosis between Kara and Alice, then it was straight up ruined.

Could have had a dozen or so epilogues based on Kara and Alice if they kept it the way it was, even if it was just based on how Kara treated her.

More like Valorie Cunny imaright?

IIRC in DBH androids were as cheap as $80. Who wouldn't buy one?

If I can buy one and looks like her, YES!

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depends upon the lubrication, and the aesthetic adherence to the nordic human contingent

>still no model for sfm/blender porn

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I know someone who would...

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I want to fuck Connor

She has a mouth mate

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Nope this is gay shit. Just apply your own lube and go to town. Robot pussy bro.