36 % into this game

36 % into this game.

I hate that you can not make any decisions in the missions, you are streamlined through the game without any agency. What the fuck is up with that? Having played Hitman 2 before, it feels especially tragic.

Like the graphics/story/setting/characters anyway.

However, I just went into St. Denis for the first time (exploring, not because of missions) and there is literally nothing to do. Two mini missions - clearing a saloon from rats ie - but that's it. Except for some random events the huge city feels lifeless. Compare that to Gothic II where you could talk to some NPCs anywhere on the map and would get quests out of it.
Will it stay this way? It kinda destroys the open world experience.

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the good old "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" is how I felt about this game

The game doesn't even really pretend to be a sandbox. It's incredibly linear and restrictive.

You're playing for the story and that's about it.

Make sure you do all your sidequests before reaching 70% story completion. Dont think about ehy.

>The game doesn't even really pretend to be a sandbox
it absolutely does desu

Good thing there's more to the game than the missions lmao

But you can't even buy stuff in St.Denis (the huge city) that is different from any other vendor in the game. Feels fucking silly.

>But you can't even buy stuff in St.Denis (the huge city) that is different from any other vendor in the game

hunting and fishing, what else? legitimately trying to think

like what?

>side robberies
>item requests
>Exotic flowers
>Crafting mats
>Random world events and locations
>Dabbing on bounty hunters and normies

There's a bunch

Yeah, welcome to a Rockstar game. They're linear games in open world environments. Rockstar is the most overrated developer in existence.


Theres a ton of cool shit to find in the world

I feel like stuff like that is just things you do once, and not something that adds replayability. the "random" world events are scripted as fuck and are only cool once

yeah but all that stuff comes together to make the open world fun to explore. Also the way open world things like the nightwalkers are weaved within the story shit. There's also a ton of mission variety that doesn't start until a bit after you've been to St. Denis in the story and there's A LOT to do before you get down to that. I get what you mean about minor one off events only being fun to do once, but there much more of that in 2 than you're likely expecting. And it's always fun to occasionally go off the path to hunt for a 3 star deer or whatever

thats how i felt about your mums pussy

I agree to some extent, it was an amazing first experience and I'd recommend the game to anyone. I personally just feel like the game is very hollow once you peel the first layer, and I kinda expected more

I like how if I accidentally bump into someone they immediately open fire before I can defuse. So then I defend myself and suddenly I'm Wanted.

For a game about the lawless West, Rockstar sure loves policing every little thing you're allowed to do to the point where you have to walk on egg shells around NPCs but those same NPCs can literally get away with murder.

your dad's asshole is the opposite, wide as a puddle, but deep as an ocean ;)

Literally doesnt happen. No NPC will instantly start shooting if you bump into them once. You must not have even played the game.

Except it did happen. You get in trouble for the most asinine shit half the time.

are you literally retarded? why are you pretending the game is an RPG?
>compare that to Gothic
yeah a game where NPCs all had the same line and told you to fuck off (that is when you could actually talk to them) lol

>NPCs buy consoles
>games for consoles should have agency

Yes OP, agency is a nice dream, but you don't need to push yourself so hard, you're doing a great job!

I hate that witness always spawn even if im in the middle of nowhere. And of course lawmen get there instantly as well.
In regards to story missions, they are as linear and scripted as they have been since gta 4, this isn’t inherently a bad thing as linear can also be fun if its well executed. However, the missions in rdr2, for me, were boring compared to gta 5 or rdr1. Scripted missions that consist in fishing, driving a feminist stagecoach into town or shoveling cow shit. I know not all missions arent like that but even during missions that you do cool stuff i wasnt having that much fun, perhaps because they left too little freedom to the player. Thanks for reading my blog


Yes, it stays the way. They put a lot of effort into the camp dialogue and the lighting. The rest of the game is completely shallow.

Gotta protect NPC rights. The only time witnesses don't randomly appear is if you kill Klan members.

>you're streamlined through the game without any agency
Yeah, same as RDR1. Well actually, compared to RDR1 you actually do have more choices and agency in missions.

Sure, the missions are kinda annoyingly strict at times and a tad too obsessed with delivering cinematic moments at the expense of actual gameplay and I don't like that but comparing it to a game like Hitnan 2 is just full on retarded desu.

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Wrong. I saw one of my friends stream the game and he got a wanted level when some witness walked on him killing Clan members.

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Rockstar hates fun.

Funny thing is, if you wait until the fire starts and you antagonize that one remaining dude in black, and then kill him, no witness will spawn and you will gain honor. I guess that shows how scripted this game is

Most times the NPCs won't pull out a gun unless you keep harassing them. There are webms floating around of NPC sheriffs killing people attacking Arthur. Yeah, the law is kinda fucked up sometimes and is biased agaibst the player but you're exaggerating based on a small sample size.
>game about the lawless west
Actually the game's premise is outlaws being slowly choked out of existence by increasing civilization and the rule of law.

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witnesses "don't spawn" after a crime you fucking brainlet
i've committed tons of murders out in the open with no witnesses
stop killing people near roads you god damn retard

>yeah a game where NPCs all had the same line and told you to fuck off

>he thinks it's different in rdr2


i dont, that's my point
OP is making it seem like Gothic is any different than rdr2.

My dad has aids. I would get checked out if i was you

I didn't compare it to Hitman 2 I just said it was frustrating because the agency in Hitman is the exact opposite of that in RDR2

Go shill elsewhere. The game has a shit system that punishes the player for experimenting. Maybe if you spent less time bitching about being overworked and more time actually fixing the game it wouldn't sick, Rasheed.

If there's nothing to do in St. Denis until the plot arrives there why not restrict it? Why not just admit it's no open world and don't let the player allow to go there?

>not something that adds replayability
Does every game have to have a fuckton of replayability? Like sure, I love when games do have replayability but even if you finish the game once you're looking at 60 hours for the story and another 20 or so for side stuff. Then factor in treasure hunting, challenges, filling out the compendium, getting 100 percent stranger missions and gang encounters and shit.

It's massive game, I'm on my third full playthrough and feel like I've barely scratched the surface.

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it's just banter and fun, don't take it personally

You really are a fucking retard. Third playthrough and barely scratched the surface? You can see and do everything in this game on the first try.

I don't understand this. I did almost everything during one playthrough and have no reason to revisit it

Yikes fuck off mate seriously. I hated when GTA3,VC and San Andreas did this. And they DO limit you from going to certain areas before some points in the story.

Yeah well I don't see how Hitman plays to it at all since they're wildly different games. Like wtf, it's like complaining that the game doesn't have a fully fledged spell system because I played Skyrim before it.

I did my first playthrough rushing through the story to finish it before I got spoiled on the story. Second playthrough was similar because I streamed it, something I don't recommend to anyone btw and third is all about smelling the roses and enjoying the atmosphere.

I speculate most of the pajeets were just low tier code slaves who wouldn't care if they were coding Farmville or battle raper 3000.

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>Like wtf, it's like complaining that the game doesn't have a fully fledged spell system because I played Skyrim before it
Spell systems are not a essential mechanic of every game, regardless from genre.
Agency - especially in an OPEN WORLD GAME - should be. I cannot count how often I failed missions because I tried to actually play the game my own way instead of moving the character where the mini map told me to. Frustrating af

Yeah I'll give you that a lot of the times the game was too strict about how you have to do something and finicky about mission triggers, I would've liked if they had more missions like the one where you steal the oil cistern for John since you can decide how you do it basically. One of the reasons is probably because most missions have you tethered to NPCs while in RDR1 you were a solo operstive a lot of the time but RDR2 was more about the gang this time around.

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does this have lower res textures than zelda?

>played my own way instead of the way the game told me to
List some examples, please.

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