We're going home bros. We're gonna be okay in the end.
We're going home bros. We're gonna be okay in the end
bfa is much better than classic you'll understand soon
Classic will be great.
>classic flops in 2 months
>USA reports a drastic increase of suicide among 17-19 year old males
Imagine the feel
Enjoy your dead game come summertime faggot.
please god let it happen please!
based going home poster
>Classic does not flop
>Divorce rate greatly increase
>Server sharding already confirmed
Wew, lad. Nothing like exploring areas with absolutely nobody around...in Classic WoW. Cross into a new area with your party, all of sudden, everyone disconnects.
I'm convinced it's the Blizzard marketing team posting these threads every day.
>ap grind
>free epics
>world quests
y-yeah I'm really having fun guys.
sharding ONLY FOR STARTING ZONES holy shit you guys say this shit every thread im absolutely fuming by your absolute ignorance
Anyone playing private servers? Gonna start soon on the high pop Lights Hope private server.
Gonna gank alliance kids all day as an undead rogue.
The only way the game was meant to be played.
Jesus our Lord and Savior is coming
It's going to be amazing Yea Forumsros
>classic is a major hit
>brings back server communities and relationships
>it feels like a real living world again
>no more queue simulator
>WoW lives another 20 years
I think we're gonna make it bros.
You honestly expect Blizzard to be honest? We know it's there and obviously evidence will come out. Do you actually think they aren't implementing it into the main cities?
But still. Sharding.
... Classic didn't have sharding. At all. It's a justifiable reason to be upset.
>what if
>what if
>what if
what if they do? what if they dont? they have told us they wont, and thats more concrete than your skepticism
no one cares about sharding the valley of trials or northshire abbey
>implies that people who actually experienced vanilla want to play that piece of shit again
>implies that people who played vanilla are the vocal part of the entire nostalgia movement that revolves around classic
>implies that people who played vanilla in their 17-19 still want to play difficult games now that they're 30+
I do! What if I want to go back to noob zones and murder all the mobs so no one else can?
>Be druid
>”Can play any role.”
>Press balance spec
>Can now only do ranged DPS and is fucking pathetic at anything else
>Functionally indistinguishable from a paladin, monk or any other class with that has a spec for every role.
Nice design lmao.
If only you knew how bad things can get.
you can! sharding will only exist in the first couple days of launch, according to the blizzcon panel
I can't wait for Classic, so you fags finally kill yourselves and these hourly shill threads stop.
I'd like to see someone argue that WoW's biggest downfall WASN'T introducing dungeon queue which led to raid queue.
The fact it's even coded into the game is still stupid though.
I agree.
Still, it's not a dealbreaker.
>Implying it will stop
When Nostalrius was around it only got more and more popular over time.
its a quality of life change, which sounds pretty good in my book
People are going to minmax more and screw around less than they used to, but at least wow has a lot of fun stuff to do along the way, namely bgs, to stop people from grinding too much.
There's going to be a lot of people in starting areas the first couple days.
Yeah but I played vanilla on launch and I loved fucking with people.
I'd do shit like "/me pickpockets 2 copper from %t" and people would FREAK out.
What’s the worst thing that blizzard could reasonably do to classic? Watch them fix fun “bugs” like swifty glowing hands and dartol’s rod
I'm worried that Classic is going to become the worlds biggest Bot net rape that will make Archages opening days look like a casual experience.
Anyone else planning to avoid and shun minmaxers like the plague?
You will never be a kid,teen,young adult,etc. that you were 15 years ago.
WoW will never be what it was on release.
They said they won't correct bugs that are part of the Vanilla experience. Except for your obvious game breaking bug.
impossible, thats 60% of the playerbase my guy
>What’s the worst thing that blizzard could reasonably do to classic?
Adding nu-WoW stuff. Like sharding, automated reports or loot trading.
Unironically this. When Classic comes out, there will be dozens of APOLOGIZE TO BFA threads every day after a week when people realoze it's shit.
I haven't played since WotLK--what's this sharding you guys are talking about? Is it basically the same thing as phasing?
>Hallway dungeon/raid design
>Story mode difficulties instead of dungeons and raid simply ramping up the further you got in them.
>Flying everywhere
All of the above are just as bad.
Make that 27-29. Why the fuck would young people care about classic?
>Why the fuck would young people care about classic?
Because they are dumb zoomers? People who actually played retail isn't "hyped" for Classic.
im 18 and im excited for classic
You don't talk to many people I guess.
I already play classic and it’s better than retail though. People are going to make those threads no matter what because it will be free up(you)s, since the truth doesn’t matter on the internet
>truth doesn't matter
>classic better than retail
I guess if you consider shitty friend sim bundled with trash game good, then sure
the biggest downfall was changing expack level up, numbers from linear to exponential.
setting the tone, along with many other design changes to push expacks, to isolating a players individual leveling story, to something inconsequential.
with the ultimate result of creating a clicker / collection game. which of course a dungeon queue helps to facilitate, but it's not a system, that in itself neutralized "the world of"
But retail is sewage with no friend sim.
If this shit doesn't have 25 man raids and group/raid finder and other QOL improvements its going to be DOA
You think you do, but you don't: the feature
Is there such a thing as an addon that lists every single quest in the game? I've been thinking of playing a warrior and I'd like to overlevel questing content by methodically going through every quest in the game.
you dont even deserve a (you).
>anything that isn't a corridor with cutscenes is not "difficult" nowadays
I see you're completely out of the gaming world.
Classic is going to be way more popular with teens and kids than people realize, the most popular genre is battle royale where most kids just collect items for 20 minutes then get shot in the back of the head yet they keep coming back to it
Is it true you need all the expansions and pay the sub to play Classic?
Go into bg and type /e Has reported you as being AFK. To remove this just type /AFK
That's correct, and chanced they'll add the finder 2-3 months after release, once the playerbase drops hard.
>Tfw tempted to level on a private server in preparation so I know what I'm doing, where I'm going and a little bit about how endgame progression works
>worried that it'll just burn me out and ruin the experience
I've never capped on vanilla, I've gotten to like 30/40 on Mage/Warrior and the gotten distracted. I hate not knowing where to go next and feeling like I'm being inefficient. I know the right builds and skills to pick up, dungeons (and quests) to do on the way and important gear pieces, but it's actually knowing where to level that gets me
The way the game is set up now all you need to do is pay a sub to play classic. If you wanted to play current content in retail you'd need to buy BfA and pay a sub, there is no base game you pay for anymore and previous expansions get rolled into the base game when the next one releases
Classic also didn't have nearly as many people at launch
And classic had weeks and weeks of server outages and bugs
There is no "all expansions" anymore, only base game that available with only subbing which includes everything up to last expansion and latest expansion you need to buy.
30-45 is the worst bracket in vanilla so that's not surprising. You should just avoid the burnout and skim through some guides in advance, though keep in mind some of them were written during BC and reference quests or changes that don't exist in vanilla.
It'll launch without dungeon finder, people will bitch, and it will be added in 3 months later. Mark my words.
you also need to pay the classic sub on top of that, oh and and 1 store mount = 1 character slot on classic. dumb cunt
>mfw seeing fucking retailtards advocating for loot trading in classic
>paying for filler content that only exists to keep people subbed while blizzard works on the next expansion
Blizzdrones really are desperate.
I'm a 27 year old boomer, so yeah I'll play it casually, but I also really love grindan.
I had two weeks of winter break left and all my friends already went back to college when Elysium came out and I got ahead of the pack due to a couple lucky server crashes and stealing some kid's boar spawn in the Valley of Trials. I was playing that shit 10 hours a day just to stay ahead of the pack, it was surreal coming into the Crossroads around level 10 with a decent amount of people around and the last time I came back close to level 30 it was ridiculously packed. Now I'm a wagie and I can only hope the classic launch isn't nearly as insane.
>trusting nuBlizzard
Yeah I'm sure Barrens chat and corpsecamping will exist under the company that made Overwatch.
That's actually pretty neat. Wouldn't expect that from Blizzard. Maybe I'll dip my toes in and check out retail for a month.
Assuming they continue with classic and dont just turn it into a seasonal or static thing, how do you believe it could be improved?
>Seperate bag for reagents (Soulstones, symbol of kings etc) that doesnt take up a regular bag slot.
>Crafted by tailors, with various tier levels that give more slots.
Needs to have a Shadowbringers hat at the end.
That's how every DPS that can heal is. You want to be able to heal like a resto and do damage like balance or what? The hybrid classes would be too strong retard.
Going by numbers MoP was the biggest downfall but that just shows how retarded the playerbase is since MoP was the GOAT expansion. Retards just couldn't handle the change of tone and could only compute "hurr kung fu panda lol".
Are they going to rerelease Burning Crusade 2-3 years after classic and so on and so forth? They're splitting the game into 2 timelines.
Inb4 Burning Crusade Classic and Wrath of the Lich King Classic
Why the fuck do wow faggots always post these reddit images?
Classic is included in the sub for retail.
hoo boy can't wait for Yea Forums to be flooded with classic wow posts for exacly 3 days, then it dies immediatly after since everyone will get bored of it.
It will take most modern battlebabbies hours, if not days to get out of the starting zone.
Current pro speedrunners are doing it in 2 hours, but that's on essentially empty private servers.
Assuming a good group and you're not playing an autoattack then make sandwich tier class (pally, warrior, etc) you should be able to pull ahead of the pack but you'll need to be playing at least 6 hours or so, pretty much all your free time, or call out from work or something and hope Mr. Zyklonberg doesn't dock your pay.
Honestly though I think the best bet is to wait a few days, or even week, the servers will still be busy but not unbearably so, you'll be able to still find groups for low level dungeons/elite kills, and by then some of the goods you find to put on the AH might actually be worth putting there rather than just straight selling to a vendor as the economy builds.
All you can use dungeon and raid que is the very early end-game. You can only use it for normals and heroics and the loot dropped from LFR is WAAAYY shittier than even normal, not to mention heroic and mythic. I really don't see the problem.
Just wait a month a buy a lvl 60 from a chink.
You guys gonna join asmons guild bros?!?! gonna be so epic
Remember to farm consumables for 20 hours each week so Asomons retri paladin can deal sightly more damage than the tank. Min-maxers BTFO!
The guild is gonna be like 5 geared streamers and 35 zoomers that gave up all their loot?
nah, retail is decent game with a bit worse friend sim