Blimp Sterling

Did anybody else used to think this morbidly obese fuck was based? Just watched his THQNordic shitfit and the fact that he uses the term “Free Speechers” like it’s a dirty word shows just how pozzed this blimp of a man has become.

This man has no talent at making games, hell even Yahtzee used to make 8bit adventure games, what has this fat fuck ever done?
Here’s hoping he has a major coronary event in the next year or so due to the sheer volume of burger grease that flows through his arteries. The volume of lumber required for his coffin would stimulate the industry for years to come

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Other urls found in this thread:

This type of thing is why I stopped watching this fat fuck or giving a shit about his opinion.

if you ever at some point in your life have respected this man you honestly don't belong here
also stop with the ecelebs thread fucking retard

I'm here to bring a pallet cleanser for those who can't stand seeing this stain on humanity.

wow totalbiscuit really changed over the years

I still can't get over the fact that they had an AMA on fucking infinite

Even if they had it here they'd get their asses completely blasted, what makes a company do this shit there instead of anywhere else

>the fact that he uses the term “Free Speechers” like it’s a dirty word
this kind of shit is pretty common since a crowd developed that shouts about free speech all the god damn time in relation to every little thing that bothers them but doesn't really give a shit when actual speech issues for anyone else come up. The kind of person who will defend with every fiber of his being his right to say nigger when and where he pleases but doesn't see any issue with government officials threatening to sue the press for saying things they dont like

Whilst retarded I’m sick and tired of companies towing the line, take a fucking risk for once. Why do reddit, tumblr and Twitter get exclusive rights to AMAs? Oh right cos that’s where all the deadbeat faggot normies are.

normal people have no idea what 8gag is

the only reason i ever respected this guy is because he actually gave Fallot NV an 9/10 when it came out and actually played the game unlike most of the other journalist wich were too busy complaining about the bugs to appreciate the gem they were playing, nowadays i don't give a damn about him or his opinions

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>sue the press for saying things they don't like
This is wrong and bad.
>criticising the press for making shit and all around being trash
This is correct and good. Freedom of the press does not preclude criticism of it.

I have a problem when the press that love to be entitled to their free speech like to doxx and harass people for a story. I have a problem when they are repeatedly proven to lie and twist words to make a story. I have a problem when they say that white people shouldn’t be entitled to being defended from hate crimes. And I have a serious problem with faggots like you who defend news corporations despite all this under the veil of “free speech” that you know is bought and paid for.

government officials threatening to sue you isn't a speech issue tubby

when you establish a standard that everything a journalist writes has to be proveable in a courtroom setting thats an issue. Not to mention anyone publishing anything about the government has to be ready to be in multiple multi-year lawsuits at once and be able to cover that cost at all times. Thats an unreasonable burden to place on those people who are supposed to be "checking" the government to some extent by being watchdogs. Freedom of the press is one of the most important aspects of freedom of speech in the practicality of the real world

haha holy shit you want to be able to libel people even by the incredibly difficult standard for libeling public figures without having to compensate them for damages because you think you are a check on the state and not some billionaire's partisan whore

He may have created some new buzzwords for Yea Forums to use though.
"walkback" = when a corporation does something stupid, and everyone knows they will be issuing an apology soon.

do you think that's a neologism or something or is there a ironing that i would have to waste a portion of my life watching his shit videos to grok here

This fat fuck has always been onions.

>some billionaire's partisan whore
yeah, like those ami faggots trump has working for him

always thought he was a joke, but he did journo from the time when journalism contributed to making better games, rather being a publisher puppet, so 1 in 100 of his points referenced something that was valid. but like all secret racists and rapists they become consumed with spouting SJW language.

when the Hindenburg moment comes for the meek, the circle becomes complete. seeing the story arc come to a close, keeps me checking in from time to time.

wtf your conception of a free speech is totally not stupid now

Even with him falling for the "late stage capitalism" meme he still pretty good, Yea Forums just doesn't like him because he isn't muh politically incorrect

I mean he's not wrong; going onto Yea Forums or 4+4 just to show how based and redpilled you are will just result in a bunch of retards complaining and making videos about you. The guy at THQNordic's first and only fucking job is making the company look good and he failed miserably at it. If I was gonna make a game I would never fucking post here let alone 8 are you joking?

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If a game is a buggy mess it should be criticised

*unfunny comedy sketch of nostalgia critic tier inside jokes*
*theme song*
*autistic rambling about something off topic for 2 minutes*
AAA Bad! Gamergate Bad! American left wing politics good! Microtransactions Bad!
Thank God for me

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Used to enjoy his content, but eventually got tired of his whole routine. Since I stopped following his stuff he's increasingly shown his SJW colors, so I'm glad I stopped when I did
It's fine. The Podtoid era of Sterling, Jonathan Holmes, Conrad, and Max will always be remembered fondly

Everyone supports limiting free speech, at least to some degree.

Don't watch his videos, I sacrificed half my brain to watch them so you don't have to.

i just checked through their catalogue and bought a bunch of stuff, because its alot of based 9/10 games that have been poorly marketed. so they earned a few $ from me atleast.

Haven't watched the THQ Nordic video, how much does he try to make them sink? 'cause it seems to me things have calmed down already.

>caring about the opinion of a known cuck.

No thanks.

I can see why "free speechers” is used negatively as it implies people who think they're within their rights to protest or scream "nigger" as loud as they like at the Costco without getting kicked out. The same people who don't get worked up and a governor wanting actual censorship for games or Devotion being pulled.

When did the press doxx someone? You're confusing the press with twitterfags.

He makes more money than probably all of you combined. Doesn't matter if you don't like him, this man changes the industry and is awesome to watch anyway

can you learn english

I don't think this made them look bad, I think it was a good campaign...most people didn't care, the /pol/ retards will say that they were "based" and in exchange they just need to say "i'm sorry xD" so that twitter stop overreacting

i got a bigger dick than you

>The same people who don't get worked up ABOUT a governor wanting actual censorship for games or Devotion being pulled.
My mistake.

How any of those poor people at Destructoid managed to work with this fat bastard is beyond me. I just can't picture him being any fun to be around. He seems like a guy that only talks about himself

You just reminded me that I'm subscribed to this subhuman.

>This man has no talent at making games
I don't agree with his opinions either but there are better ways to criticize someone than "He can't make games so he shouldn't judge games". It's a bad argument.

I refuse to respect anyone who gives Vanquish a 3. He also gave Hellblade a 1 because of his own ineptitude at playing games.

>how pozzed this blimp of a man has become
he's always been a communist faggot. he's always been a missionary for cultural marxism, it's just that his pretenses to moderation have slipped as the culture war has become so heated (and the left so extreme, openly communist) in the past several years.

>privilege goggles.

>“Free Speechers”
Holy FUCKING shit the absolute state of this dirty fat cuck

This. It's like they were just baiting by being the bad boys too based for reddit so they used badchan.

Imagine being an adult and dressing like that.

Never liked the cunt.

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Admin of cripplechan's Yea Forums simply asked them. Its that simple a reason. And companies are well aware that people do talk about video games in imageboards.

What did he mean by free speeches?

>when you establish a standard that everything a journalist writes has to be proveable in a courtroom setting thats an issue.
No it isnt. They are journalists. Its their job to not lie to you. The same way you can sue a chef for contaminating your food, you can sue a journalist for lying unless they quickly retract the lie and promise to fix it. This is quality assurance, a journalist who lies is not a journalist at all.

Why does literally almost everyone on the Internet think that his opinion is the be all end all of a game being good or not? What makes him so special?

why would i care what a governor wants?
do you understand that public officials are entitled to have and express opinions that you don't like? you want to pretend to care about "free speech," but what exactly do you want to do be done to someone with an opinion you don't like, exactly? if people want to vote for a governor that wants to ban the bible that's their prerogative. he doesn't have the legal authority to do it, but he can want it with the fullness of his heart.
and it's true i don't really want to listen to you whine about a fascist state being buttmad about taiwanese mocking their leader. the chinese have people in concentration camps, my dude. they are not nice guys, but you sure as fuck didn't care enough to not relocate production to their shithole.

Yeah, I was tricked for a moment into liking him because he made 45 videos shitting on EA and lootboxes, which are valid and reasonable targets for hate. But he's not fucking reasonable at all, he's a pro-censorship SJW at heart, who literally thinks people should be banned from _talking_ to people he deems "problematic". Fuck him to hell.

where the fuck have you been? MSM has been aggressively doxing thoughtcriminals for the past several years. I genuinely don't understand how you've missed this, other than deliberate blindness. did you miss the whole CNN blackmail scandal?

trump is your president, crybaby

>“Free Speechers”
jesus fucking christ lol
the absolute state of the left

What's the opposite of a free speecher?

and this right here is the issue. This is a blatant free speech issue to anyone with even a modicum of knowledge about this topic and no professional in the field would ever disagree. But its ok to not be educated on political/legal theory, most people arent because they dont have the time energy or need. But when people who dont know shit all the sudden have a very intense opinion that they try to convince other of you get nonsense spread everywhere.

prove it, user

So do you also not like free speechers?

no it literally isn't a free speech issue

You're obviously not watching the same MSM I am or you're one of those who doesn't know what it means to doxx.

It is when they're being threatened with slander charges when they haven't slandered

>wahh some goy I don't like it's making fun of my existential need to say nigger!!

Kill yourself.

this is the amount of doublethink trumptards have to perform to get through the day

Someone who understands why a privately owned server is within their rights to ban you for saying nigger. Someone who doesn't march with nazis in a pride parade under the guise of protecting freedom of speech when there was no government measure they're protesting.

His point isn't shitting on free speech he's shitting on the people who have hijacked the word as a way to try and avoid any consequences for their actions

And retards who think private companies and websites shouldn't have any rules


>They are journalists. Its their job to not lie to you

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How does that corporate cock taste, liberal?

"free speechers" aren't a thing you blob
do you have something salient to say

I thought he was extremely reasonable in THQ video. His thoughts were basically mine.

>You can do it
>But it's a really dumb idea

nwhat are "slander charges" dipshit

Go ahead and unsubscribe he doesn't need you there are already a million others waiting to take your place and in the grand scheme of things you're nobody and your petulant,knee-jerk reactionary,pathetic act of rebelion means nothing.
You're on the wrong side of history because you have made all the wrong choices this far and this is nothing more than simply another nail in your own coffin kiddo.

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this is a common problem when discussing this issue, that people dont have a good grasp of the realities of the court system. When i said its an issue if things need to be proveable in court what you heard was
>its a problem if journalists need to have evidence and cant say whatever they want about whoever with no consequences
but the problem is courts dont prove truth, they prove whose lawyer was more skilled and had more money backing them up. Our court system is exceedingly abusable for people with money who can simply run the other side dry and win by default among many tactics. Court cases also take years to properly adjudicate meaning if this becomes the standard its very possible for a newspaper to have 10+ cases going at a time all of which require vast sums of money and if any one of them fails could sink the institution.

the real world is complex and comes with a lot of friction

fucking based

>You're obviously not watching the same MSM I am
We can only hope. Enjoy that crap you willingly swallow.

Why is this thread here? Yea Forums is THE most ironic place to whine about freedom of speech.

It sounds like you don't even know what the issue is.
He made a half-hour video shitting on THQ Nordic for holding an AMA at cripplechan. Nobody said nigger (not that there's anything wrong with that). Nobody did anything outside ordinary marketing. But it happened on a website Blimp doesn't like, and that means Blimp and his friends at Resetera are on THQ like rabid dogs.

That was seriously their whole crime. Sending a marketing rep to do normal marketing stunt at a website they have deemed "evil". Apparently THQ are not allowed to speak to people unless they get a signed permit from Blimp.

free association and expression have no obligation to entail state power, you chimpanzee


I'm so looking forward to when you yourself get cracked down on, I'll laugh as you join us in the gulag

Yea Forums is a bastion of free speech, nigger.

I didn’t know you used Yea Forums, Jim.

Like freedom. If I owned a place of business I'd use my right to remove disruptive individuals. You want to step on my rights in my property.

>being the meme you mocked other people for being

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i don't have anything to do with donald trump you shitposter

A person who advocates silencing someone else for their views or "reputation" alone outside of their own jurisdiction is advocating censorship. That is a very simple fact. Censorship can be practiced by an individual as well, not just governments. Anyone else claiming different is dishonest and unaware of what the term itself means.

This is a situation where the corporation unironically did nothing wrong.

Are you saying you don't watch MSM you just theorize about the frequent doxxing they do and come here and post it as fact?

>but the problem is courts dont prove truth, they prove whose lawyer was more skilled and had more money backing them up.
But currently they are the best system we have to expose liars and get them punished for it properly. There is no better alternative set in place so arguing about its deficiencies as something that would illegitimize the whole process is stupid.

youre one big mac away from a heart attack you fat fuck.

>“Free Speechers”
He uses the term because every nigger that actually claims to care about this immediately falls silent when it gets attacked from their own side/tribe. This applies to both the left and the right.

Jim absolutely frequents here. At least lurking, probably posting. I wouldn't be too surprised if he frequented at cripplechan too.


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>corporate cocksucking noises

Didn't he give breath of the wild like a 5 for having weapon durability and then got pissy at people calling him out for just trying to give the game a low score for attention and not actual criticism?

"free speech" does not mean what you think it means. I bet you think all the "evidence" you see in /pol/ threads is actually real, too.

If I own a store and some fuckwit comes in and starts shouting kill all niggers and autistically screeching I'm gonna kick that fuckwit out

My property my rules

lmao, he tried loosing weight like 4 years ago

Probably lurks only. His facebook friends list includes Megaphones and Literally Whos. Thats why he was conveniently quiet when LW1 and Sarkeesian were trying to censor Youtube in the UN.

I'm sorry, was Jim sterling's opinion supposed to matter? Go see a psych for those delusions you fucking weirdo


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weapon durability is a shit mechanic, he was right to do it and any game with that shit mechanic should be given 0's until it finally fucking dies

>When his wife is a morbidly obese tumblrina hair bitch
>With a kid that is not his

I guess you just didn't know

But when you're in someone else's store where it is allowed and you demand that he should be kicked out or you would smear the place as racist, you're a censorship advocate. Their property, their rules. If you lie about their property in an attempt to smear them and to cause them financial damage, you are liable for a libel case.

I'm not going to argue that banning people for saying nigger is or isn't censorship. It's like prohibiting bad language at school or calling your manager a stupid fucking bitch at work. Call it censorship, but it makes sense and wasn't a big issue for most people in this thread until AAA games started being exclusively on privately owned servers and your access wasn't guaranteed.

It's so unfortunate that /pol/tards and the alt right had to turn the idea of free speech into a joke among almost everyone else.
What's worse is that they didn't even give a shit about free speech in the end. They'd screech over minorities and call for violence then claim they were protected under free speech, then go on to call for the censorship of those who talk bad about them (for example, that whole Colbert "controversy").
I hope we can reclaim that phrase soon, but as long as these mongoloids exist then people will have a reasonable excuse for mocking those who want freedom of speech.

hes a fucking brit. they're the second most cucked nation at the moment right after sweden

damn liberals have gone full corporate slaves now

no he uses that term because his political tribe literally does not believe in free expression, which you can see from polling them, and, as you can clearly see from their mental gymnastics, will conflate with immunity to torts, and one can only imagine, mustering temporary outrage that the people's republic of china, where many of their consumer electronics come from and return to for "recycling," is actually a bad place

What are you talking about? Do you want people to censor themselves and not voice concern with the retard screaming "nigger"?

>I'm sorry, was Jim sterling's opinion supposed to matter?

When judging the character of Jim Sterling, his held and expressed opinions absolutely matter. His character turns out to be a shitbag.

Dsicord trannies have arrived, expect lots of posts whining about /pol/ and how rich corporations are the victim.

That's an argument for tort reform (something I think most people are 100% in favor of), not an argument for granting megacorps like CNN sacred untouchable status.

So basically you're saying the poor little corporation should be free of any consequence?

I'm free to boycott or raise awareness against a corporation if I don't agree with their business practices or brand beliefs

I am not suggesting censorship of them at all, I am just boycotting it because I don't agree with them

The counter argument is that free-speech should be a principle we all strive to uphold, irrespective of the sphere you're using it in. Fifty years from now, the values of the day will be radically different to what they are now. It'd be nice though if old man me wouldn't get attacked or bullied for my old timey values and speech

liberals invented them, but this is not really that, because if you wanted to deny service to blacks in "your" store, the private ownership bullshit will evaporate in favor the rhetoric of the protected class

ok so imagine you are a journalist publishing a piece about the crimes of Hilary Clinton. This is shit you've been researching for months and you know all the evidence like the back of your hand. But the president just "opened up the libel laws" like he has been talking about since the campaign. Lets say you publish that piece and get a few minor details wrong due to bad/conflicting sources, no malice just a few honest mistakes that dont make a lot of difference in the grand scheme. Hilary sues you and now the piece is taken off line and you are in a court battle for the next 2 years at least praying you dont run out of money along the way with your career and everything you own on the line. It doesnt matter that her case is tenuous and built off of minor technical details, you are in it for the long haul unless you recant EVERYTHING you said.

Given that situation, how likely do you think it is other journalists take up the mantle and do pieces on the horrible things Hillary did? Id venture to say not many. And now Hillary has effectively silenced media criticism through the implicit threat of the court and huge swaths of people wont hear about any of the horrid shit she did.

That guy would change his tune the instant if his own logic was used against him.

Free speech is an umbrella that covers all people, yet everybody is constantly trying to yank it away from people they don't like using whatever loophole they can conceive.

I wonder why they do it when we all know where they're from

Only leftards do, retard. Hitler loved real free speech.

I'm not staying on this thread, but I want to just say if I ever saw this fat degenerate fuck in public, I would unironically spit in his face

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Never, that thing is a fucking freak show

I don't agree with his politics but he has a decent sized platform and uses it to call out corporate greed.

In that video he advocates for censorship if stops hate speech

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When is this fatso going to die of heart attack?

Your boycott loses its legs and becomes eligible for the police to disperse and put a gag order if you start making up lies about the corporation. Especially if you go as far as throw libelous accusations on individuals within that corporation. Thats the law.

If you boycott McDonalds because the food is shit and "muh environment", you have the right to do that. If you boycott McDonalds saying that its protecting a pedophile and you name their CEO in your accusations, you better damn hope he really is exposed as one or you're in trouble with the law.

It's annoying in shit like souls games but honestly breath of the wild did it pretty well since the game would've gotten pretty boring fast with just one melee weapon. It actually feels pretty good to switch it up between swords, axes, hammers, spears, ect.

do you understand how damages are calculated for libel claims

They were simply trying to help videogames to be taken seriously like all other artforms and then you retards had to interfere and set the industry back 20 years with your shit.

I’m not the guy who was talking about doxxing, dumbass.

>banned from the enternet community/blacklisted from the industry
>it is a literal monopoly protected and overseen by the govrement
IQ: 70
Level: Communist

Yea Forums is hate speech

say goodbye to Yea Forums

Normally I'd agree with you but in 2019 I believe press has become a purely damaging force in the world, and all journalists should be jailed just for being journalists. I can't remember a single time in the past 5 years that I've been happy to see press do _anything_.

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It's not a new concept, it's just shut in teenage gamers have never really experienced it before

The world has rules, you can't call your manager a fat cunt, you can't scream I'm gonna blow up this plane whilst flying, and you can't go into a man's house, insult his family and expect him not to punch you and throw you out

True free speech has never ever existed for the majority of the population

He's right.But at the same time, if you tell people they cant say something somewhere, and then they leave and gather with other people to agree with them, only for YOU to get mad, follow them to their new circles, and then tell them that they can't say that thing. Then it isn't "You're not shielded from consequences" then its just being a wannabe authoritarian megafag that doesn't want people to disagree with you at all.
Criticism is perfectly fine. But telling people what they can and cant say just because you think you're on the "Right side of history" is pretty fucking retarded, considering they go out of their way to try and cancel platforms that -don't- try to moderate everything everyone says.

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the press is the only thing in this world stopping the cheetoh in the white house from destroying it

I mean, 8 chan fucking sucks. If you want to do an AMA somewhere that's like, 'edgy' but not really you do it here. The only people who go to 8 chan are pedophiles and people who were booted from Yea Forums for being too fucking retarded to live

I hope this is sarcastic

The Nazis loved burning books, sent socialists to concentration camps and actively hunted people down who spoke out against their narrative

>anything I don't understand is incomprehensible
>anything I'm not aware of didn't happen
fucking typical

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Why are politics poisoning literally everything now?
There's nowhere to hide from the constant screaming anymore.

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>They were simply trying to help

Nobody asked for their fucking "help".
Tyranny for the benefit of the oppressed is the worst kind of tyranny.

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Can't wait for them to join the 40%

America brainwashes its people into finding politics everywhere they look.

>tfw you learned history from youtube

In the scenario I created the guy was shouting racist abuse though, so boycotting the corporation as it openly accepts and welcomes racist behaviour isnt a lie

dont get me wrong, it makes me pretty uncomfortable being put in a position where im argueing in favor of CNN FOX and MSM. I spent all of the Obama years despiseing these networks for being partisan hacks perpetuating this bullshit 24 hour news cycle. But i think it makes me more uncomfortable when a billionaire with argueably the most powerful political office in the world talks about limiting what journalists can say about him.

and to bring this back the the topic of the thread, seems a bit odd that the free speech absolutists think this is fine

>Yea Forums
>Edgy but not really.
You think this is a good thing?

the fat fuck in OP is a britcuck


>This recent movement to paint Hitler as some noble hero
>It went from being a memey joke to newfags earnestly defending Hitler and thinking hes a great leader
>Literally, people got so tired of being called Nazis by the left that they actually became nazis

What an insane timeline to be in

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keep sucking that corporate cock boy

It’s simply mirroring the state of the world as it is right now.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it climaxes into a third world war.

Please show me some examples of the recent doxxing MSM has done.

>confusing press with Twitter

user, those two are now one if you haven't noticed.

But in the context of this thread the accusations are not real but largely fabricated. Boycotting cripplechan because it has CP is legit if it actually has CP. But it doesn't. Meanwhile Jim bitches about it on Youtube, a place that has more CP than all imageboards combined and the fat fucking hypocrite is fine with it. He's probably a kiddy fiddler himself.

He actually lives in America.

Now imagine all that, but apply it to Nixon. It's literally impossible for watergate to break isn't it.

*America brainwashes people into seeing social politics everywhere, whilst they use it to distract from the ever growing gap between poor and rich

They're happy with retards crying about video game representation rather than looking at the tax breaks and cuts they give to their buddies in corporation

yeah man i love limiting the speech rights of public officials i am a cool dude that is definitely not a crazy partisan

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yeah buddies like amazon who were going to get 3 billion dollars of taxpayer money?

Protip: they're pretending that hentai is real life porn because it suits their argument. Hentai that's literally sold in the open in Japan is so HORRIFIC in the new world that you literally are a monster for even looking at it

Isn't it fucking sad you have to specifiy it to "recent" doxxing though? like jesus fucking christ

do you not find it ironic that the opposite side of corporate cock is a billionaire with his own corporation and simultaneously the head of the US government? I admit i dont like the position i find myself in philosophically, do you?

>I mean, 8 chan fucking sucks. If you want to do an AMA somewhere that's like, 'edgy' but not really you do it here

Yea Forums is a horrible place for an AMA because it's uncontrollable. You can't keep a thread clean and orderly in Yea Forums, not unless you can talk Hiro into giving you an exclusive board for the duration of the AMA. In Eight you can create your own board without having to ask for a permission, and board admins have moderation tools that help control the flow of shit so it's structurally far better suited for that.

See It's nothing to do with the alt-right abusing the term, it's to do with the fact that the modern left is openly and proudly opposed to free speech. The alt-right is just a convenient scapegoat, a way for them to say "see this is why we need censorship, so those mean nasty nazis can't get you". If it weren't the alt-right it'd be something else. People who want power and control over others will always come up with some excuse for why they should be given it.

>Wealth distribution was actually better in the 1600s than it is in 2019
>rich people made sure to monetize the shit out of the games industry so they can buy an advantage over the poor even in games.

I hate this planet so much

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Sure, but you should also try your hardest not to be a massively vindictive cunt about those who break said 'rules' or cause some offense. Doxxing, bullying people out of work, threatening families, destroying their ability to earn revenue, etc. over your social or political disagreements is ridiculous. You upset me and I'll tell you to get fucked or something

If you're a fucking retard.

>oh boy I can't wait to digest this news in my twitter feed!
>shaniqua_goldburg: white people need to be stopped yaaaaaaaall!

wait, is the arguement that it is limiting Trumps speech to not let him sue people over everything? I hope im misunderstanding because those of the most intense mental gymnastics ive ever heard

i actually think boycotting a site that relies on user-generated content because it "has cp" in the abstract is actually kind of stupid, because they all do for various periods of time, because people spam that shit through botnets. it would a different matter if the site intentionally contained it (this would be a crime by the way) or if it was so plagued by it that you couldn't avoid it due to staffing issues, but just the pretense of purity when one uses social media sites is disingenuous.

Tell me a single reason they're a joke. You can't. What offends you? That majority of top brass are jews? Confront it, instead of running away "le jewwww /pol/tards"

boo hoo will anyone please think of the poor corporations :(((


I used to be anti-politics like you user. Then I realize that if you don't welcome /pol/ and all its faults, you welcome the SJWs. There is no neutral party in the culture war. Silence is consent.

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actually that would have problems far more reaching than just speech limitations. you can't prevent public officials from seeking redress. are you actually insane
the issue at hand is that you seem to think donald trump can't tell people that he will sue them (he can in fact tell them that he is a unicorn and that the ghost of benjamin franklin commands him to sue mickey mouse for libel)
i sure am glad i've logged on to the "knows a lot about political theory and the law" hours

Books aren't speech retard, and burning jewish books is probably the best thing Hitler did since it was just propaganda in anyways

>it's to do with the fact that the modern left is openly and proudly opposed to free speech
the only way i can imagine someone getting this opinion is if the majority of their political information comes from internet forums and breitbart i.e. if a significant amount of your political diet involves twitter and tumblr screencaps.

I forgot how good this song was. I ended up listening to the entire 17 minuets of it.

>they don't like it when they get censored AND they don't like it when we insult them

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He was fine when he first started writing for Destructoid, maybe a bit contrarian, but he championed weird games like Deadly Premonition and didn't take himself too seriously. Eventually his wife opened his eyes to the horrors of institutionalized misogyny and he slowly became more and more insufferable.

they did it on 8 chan's Yea Forums board though, which lol

>the issue at hand is that you seem to think donald trump can't tell people that he will sue them (he can in fact tell them that he is a unicorn and that the ghost of benjamin franklin commands him to sue mickey mouse for libel)

im confused, is the argument that trump should be allowed to say the words "i am going to sue you" or that we should actually "open up the libel laws"?

only one side talks about banning "hate speech" and it isn't the drumpfkins

If this song isn't in smash I'll be sad

Recent would be the freshest and easiest to find. Isn't it telling that rather than providing any examples you fixate on vague language?

he can say either of those things
donald trump doesn't even control the branch of government that he has constitutional authority over and you are playing in your imaginary land where he has legally changed libel laws to favor him ways that you have conjured in your fever dreams

the fact you say "recently" is worrisome enough but here you go

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We're in the middle of the ending of a gilded age, and all its subtle censorial restrictions are unraveling faster than new ones can be put into place. There's more legitimate risk of new secessionism and Civil War in the USA than any time in the past few generations.

Remember when /ourguy/ did AMA's here?

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>t. triggered free speech warriors


I don't respect anyone who cannot feed themselves properly.

yeah well sometime right wing politicians get mad when the media act as political soldiers for the left and create endless hatchet job articles against them and only them based on flimsy evidence in a deliberate attempt to ruin their careers and reputations and occasionally suggest they should be punished in some way for it even though nothing ever comes from it so who's the REAL censorship advocate now huh?

He was always a massive cuck and disgusting faggot

today i shall remind them

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>while they think anyone who opposes them should be censored
Source on that?

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Checkmate. *Smug chuckle intensifies*

Yeah, well that's a poor idea on their part. They should have created a new board for that AMA and set it so that posts have to be approved by a mod before they show. That way they'd come across squeaky-clean.

Except for the awful, horrible crime of talking to people who are "guilty by association" I guess. You're not supposed to talk to people if they're not on the Approved List, not even to try to sell them things.

Because democracy is all about getting you to engage and vote. No no it's not because your vote matters, it's because if you vote you're complicit in the state crimes and you will be less likely to revolt against them.

yep, you get your political info from twitter screencaps. Random fucks in the internet love to talk about it but they get nothing more than lip service when anyone with any actual power even decides to acknowledge it. The crazy parts of the left who talk about intersectionality and hate speech are generally somewhat fringe, but the cray parts of the right who talk about how abortion is murder and we need to defend isreal at all costs because litteral Jesus is coming back in a few years, are sitting in congress.

>people who want to ban hate speech are fringe
literally no one believes this

Can't wait until we get rid of this free market meme.

>cray parts of the right who talk about how abortion is murder
Y-yes what a bunch of loonies haha Imagine not wanting to kill your kids haha

Why bother at that point, though? The whole point of an AMA is to get audience attention and doing that on a board you made yourself defeats the point a bit.

I still say it would have been better to do it here.

i was discussing the dangers of changing the law in the ways that Trump has talked about, specifically in the context of supposed free speech warriors whom you would think would vehemently oppose something like this

>donald trump doesn't even control the branch of government that he has constitutional authority over
are you one of those "deep state" people?

Twitter isn't MSM because clickbait picks up tweets for outrage bait.

The only way I can imagine a being having their head as firmly in the sand as you is an ostrich.

I would almost a welcome a world war three at this point. Sure it has downsides (I would probably die in a nuclear holocaust) but there's also major upsides (millions and millions of people I hate would also die). That's seeming like an increasingly fair trade by the day.

yes, if you oppose abortions of all kinds you are a retard who knows nothing of the topic

>if you don't support mass eugenics then you're retarded

cant beat that logic i guess

no you were talking about how donald trump threatening to sue people is a free speech issue (because you are insane) and to do this you have chosen to live in an alternate universe where donald trump has instituted chilling new laws (because you are insane)
>are you one of those "deep state" people?
are you for real dude


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Abortion is great though, it keeps a certain race in check so we can safely harvest votes from them

>yep, you get your political info from twitter screencaps. Random fucks in the internet love to talk about it but they get nothing more than lip service when anyone with any actual power even decides to acknowledge it.

tell that all the state DA's that have tried to convict people of hate crimes based on speech

Only bad thing about eugenics is that we stopped doing it.

Free speech is a protection from the government, not the ability to demand private companies and individuals to give you a platform on services and property they own.

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Which MSM used his name? The news channels talked about the controversy and the video as "new details" emerged, but from what I remember none of those details used his name. They found the school because he was with his school on a trip and they were even recorded doing their fight song.

>knows nothing of the topic
What topic? Life does start when a sperm meets an egg, that's not a religious belief, that is how science views it. I'm a chemist, I studied biology in my university, I know that's a fact. Your line is supposed to be "but it's not a person" and my line is "no, but it's alive and that living being is your child so you are in fact killing your child". Now I'm waiting for your next line

The article is interesting and brings about questions of how will we deal with private companies owning and controlling the modern public spaces in a fashion we havent ever seen in the past

but it has nothing to do with the conversation. Facebook isnt "the left" by any stretch of the imagination

Imagine deriving a sense of intellectual superiority from this embarrassing comic.

and why did we stop?

wtf I love corporations controlling speech now

So you should be allowed to seize and make demands that Encom let you use their property because you think it's unfair that they own so much? I dunno, man. You're not a fucking Commie, are you?

>Whoops! Look like they own all the property and services now!
>Well at least they're not "government"!

Governance, not government you absolute mouth breathing faggot.

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no free speech is not protection from government
why do you retards turn philosophical concepts into provincial rules lawyering

>The whole point of an AMA is to get audience attention and doing that on a board you made yourself defeats the point

You'd obviously advertise the AMA at Yea Forums and other boards, just not actually hold it there.

Press slandering people isn't free speech, idiot.

yes we should and yes i am

>Facebook isnt "the left" by any stretch of the imagination

>Silicon valley isn't the left


Oh wow.

Governments used to break up monopolies.

Wonder what changed.

If you followed him during the DmC stuff, then you already would have stopped paying attention to him. He’s anatagonistic hack. He’s still doing this a schtich because he is litteraly too physically and mentally fucking weird to move into any other career. Might as well lean into it, like he has.

Bleeding heart liberals with their "wahh selectively killing or sterilizing children is bad wahhh".

The funny James gun posted this right before he got fired for old tweets

So when someone has private ownership of something you want, you get to just say "okay, that's mine now, you have to let me use it as I like"? Steady on there, Marx, we tried that once and it didn't work out so well.

Nice little fake reality you created there, nigger.

>Facebook isnt "the left" by any stretch of the imagination
What the fuck am I reading

Market leaders are not monopolies.


Yes, you are still a faggot that never applied half a second of critical thought to XKCD's retarded proclamation.

i know, these commies keep telling me i have to hire blacks in _my_ business. before you knew it they were demanding jewish bakers draw buddhist peace symbols on cakes

crony capitalism aka corporatism aka neoliberalism aka the logical progression of any capitalist system ensures that the private sector will never truly be private. lolbergs belong in the dustbin of history.


>Free speech is a protection from the government

No it's not.
Free speech is the principle that people should be allowed to speak their minds without fear of reprisal.
The reason this is seen as a good thing is because airing out grievances is less dangerous than letting the pressure build up until people kill you out of sheer frustration with your bullshit.

If they didn't slander anyone they'll win the case. Fuck off, retard.


"woke" neoliberals are NOT left wing, they are crypto fascists

>AT&T can literally buy all the spectrum and ban all communication but theirs for commercial spectrum
>Well at least they're not the government


Twitter is not a monopoly. You want to talk to people online, there are dozens of other sites and services to use. But you don't want to use those, you want to use the biggest one.

>censorship for games

I don't remember the right defending this but I sure as hell remember SJW's applauding it

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>Middle schooler saying nigger on the internet tier edgy
When and why did anyone ever think this waste of skin was worth any positive thought?

>Market leaders are not monopolies

They can absolutely be monopolies when they become big enough that they can muscle competition out of their field at will. Monopolies don't need government intervention to exist, they need government intervention to break.

>until people kill you out of sheer frustration with your bullshit.
Tbf, if someone is driven that far you're probably a massive cunt

>leftist tries to differentiate himself from his fascist backers


It is a monopoly

no, my line is that unwanted children are an issue humanity has been dealing with forever the same way we have dealt with the measles or poor eyesight. Modern technology has given us the ability to fix these things and improve the lives of people in doing so. Unwanted/unplanned kids grow up in worse homes with worse or absent parents and thus have worse outcomes upon growing up. If Shaniqua got knocked up at age 16 and she wants an abortion id much rather her get it so i dont have to pay for that kid to grow up and be in prison. It makes for better outcomes for both the person getting the abortion and society at large.

I avoid the morality debate because its pointless. If you think there is no moral difference between a girl taking a pill at 8 weeks, and literally stabbing a baby then theres nothing i can say to convince you on an ethical level. What i can hope i to demonstrate that there is a measurable predictable real life benefit to making the option available to people who want it

>Twitter is not a monopoly.
>you don't want to use those, you want to use the biggest one.


Then free speech does not and never has existed, so it's pretty silly to bring it up as a reason why something is or is not allowed. If you say something, other people are going to react to that with their own freedoms, including their freedom of associate and their freedom to dispose of their private assets as they see fit.

government subsidized* market leaders

remember that time when congress subpoena'd representatives from facebook and twitter, sat them down in a room and told them exactly how they're supposed to handle the dissemination of information for national security purposes? i watched it live on c-span.
>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”

It would be a big fucking deal if someone on the left said this.

Oh, damn, I hadn't considered that point. Well shit, guess it must be then.

literally who

This. Only people censoring games in 2019 are leftists.
>but what about Jack Thompson and
Jack Thompson was over a decade ago. He was defeated. Leftist SJWs are the ones doing it right now, objectively, provably. And cucks like Jim Sterling don't speak a single word against it because he approves of it. He approves of censorship as long as it's done by his friends.

the more pressing question is why the u.s. permits immigration from anglo countries, when all we get are retards like david frum and the conveyor belt of the uk's dumbest people

he sound like your average SJW the left would love him

>to the dignity of women
Sure as hell doesn't sound like a rightwinger

does that logic mean you ascribe things done by exxon mobile to have been done by "the right"? I understand that silicon valley is stereotyped as being "wokeaf" or whatever but facebook is a multinational corporation working for the profit of its shareholders. The idea that facebook the corporation can be considered "the left" boggles my mind

He's one of the few people to fully call out the worst of the video game industry in terms of scamming and taking advantage of consumers and workers.

But he's also a literal communist.

The right would love him actually.

>It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography.

>to the dignity of women,

Who does that sound like hmm it's a certain woman but I just can't put my finger on it

If the journalist can't prove his statement in court then he shouldn't be able to just lie and present his statements as facts. Everybody knows good lawyers can do a lot for you in the court.

the kind of person who will try to argue with this post

>There's no such thing as monopolies
>Just our lefty friends in the payment monopolies taking out the competition for hate speech

hey mods, delete this thread already, you fucking hypocrites.

yeah those goddamn right wingers censoring our videogames

>let in shit skins.
>Immediately start destroying everything.

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Should I be allowed to go on Twitter and say White people should be allowed to exist and stay a majority in Europe?

it's the blairite/tory pipeline, they've been shipping their absolute worst over here for decades because they have big time connections with our fellow retards. reminder that when the clintons were still nascent politicians, one of their first friends they made internationally was tony blair. it's just one giant clique of humanity's worst neo-whatevers.

Gab is fine now, I'm tempted to sign up with that new commenting service they've started

those leftist mobs are going to show up at the homes of facebooks executives any day now

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The funny thing is that Anita said "playing video games won't turn you into a misogynist". All the self censorship you see after she became influential is marketing teams trying to not just conform with mainstream western sensibilities, but also market beyond the male demographic. What Bevin would like to do is just censorship.

>like leftists not saying shit when payment processors ban entire platforms, youtubers, etc. etc. etc.

Yeah, you're full of shit.

>Then free speech does not and never has existed

Bitch, it existed as little as 10 years ago in the civilized western world. It going away is an extremely recent thing.

I would yell "kill all niggers" in your store and beat the shit out of you if you made a peep in protest.

What is "real free speech"?

Yep, and they push the violent videogames make people violent meme

Same, Dissenter looks fairly based.

in the 90s and early 00s you fat faggot

but they aren't the ones the industry is listening to so they have no power

>the sheer amount of triggered /pol/fags by this post
Doing God's work, user.

when did trump censor your videogame?

so you want to control what a private company does with its own private hardware and software? Damn talk about government over-reach, look at mr big government over here wants to practically nationalize social media

You need to be bullied as soon as possible.

So ten years ago, I could have just screamed at everyone I met and every business I entered how much I hate them, and I'd have been protected from their reprisals so they're still forced to associate with me and not tell me to fuck off?

Huh, wish I never tried that while it was still a thing, would have been interesting.

Jesus Christ, no agenda there certainly.

And now.
People listen
I don't know, did trump develop a game?

>The funny thing is that Anita said "playing video games won't turn you into a misogynist"

but she has also said video games might influence peoples perception of women so which one is it

This, people associating being "woke" with multinational corporations who have done marketing analysis and decided that "censorship" will increase sales and as such they're now basically Bolsheviks is abject insanity. They don't do ANYTHING unless they think it will benefit their shareholders. So you suddenly think that they're just letting people hurt their bottom line to sate a political agenda? it's inanity.

what did he mean by this?

Trump looked at video game censorship as a way of taking action against school shooting because gun rights were off the table (as they should be) and mental health is something his party struggles to fund.

Ignorance. Probably had no idea what the reputation of cripplechan was and simply agreed when asked.

Ideally there should have been no controversy but since infinite was created because of GG it got all the SJWs up in arms. I'm curious what /leftypol/ niggers think of their fellow leftists wanting to shut that site down.

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pretend commie whose mom works for a bank: wow i can't believe you want to moderate private and public concentrations of power to achieve the greatest balance of liberty. i sure don't

Listen up faggot, I used to work in silicon valley. Stereotypes are there for a reason.
Zucc has illuminati bullshit in his hoodie for a reason.

Yes, facebook is hard left. Most leadership in silicon valley is. You look like an absolute twit trying to sophistry simple facts of modern life away.

Never. Not even for one second did I ever think Jim Sterling was based.

yet he did not do shit while I sit here having to deal the SJW's constantly getting games censored over bullshit

can you tell me what videogames he censored?

>monopolies with a single political message is unironically better than government outreach

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They either don't care or think the liberals are being ridiculous.


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Trump is just one guy. He couldn't even get a wall built. How is he somehow going to go full nazi and gas the Jews?

>The crazy parts of the left who talk about intersectionality and hate speech are generally somewhat fringe
once again
>my ignorance defines reality

>facebook is hard left.

When will I see Comrade Zuckerberg throwing millions behind Mimi Soltysik?

>Gamergate Bad!

he only thinks this because he is still salty about Escapist. Fuck even movieslob had no issue going back to them.

I think they're just growing too fast to properly understand the industry. They're basically a literal who who managed to gobble up some medium sized studios and uses the remnants of THQ as a selling point.

What kind of retard would think he's "based"?
He does make good points for games going to shit tho.
British TB
I mean fat TB
I mean fat british TB that escaped to US

obviously none, because he doesn't have the legal authority to do so
it's just gay political theatre

>I'd use my right to remove disruptive individuals.

Hate crime laws are not the same as internationalists who view power-structures as transgressions.

And the industry pushed back because they saw them as enemies. When calls for censorship comes from the left, there is no resistance, only compliance. That's why I don't care about the right's calls for censorship. It simply isn't effective.

They lost that case.

oh okay

so why are videogames being censored by SJWs then


dude this guy posts here all of the time pretending that the left isn't insane and talking about breitbart and twitter screencaps, because that's probably what he spends his free time reading

banks are taking away peoples money and are affecting small businesses. Of course that is a problem that needs to be looked at.

>the fact that he uses the term “Free Speechers” like it’s a dirty word
shouldn't surprise anyone really

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Making a hive of lefties question that retarded XKCD comic always feels like pic related.

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freedom bad
feelings good

Yeah he used it to mock people. Kinda like with sjw.

I wish you were getting paid by THQ or some game company to justify being their serf but I know you just are being a fucking triggered snowflake.

>look at mr big government over here wants to practically nationalize social media

It is FAR better for government to have control over social media than an unaccountable, private company having it. Governments at least have some form of checks and balances in effect. Companies don't have jack shit, they can fuck over people simply because the CEO's drinking buddies don't like that guy

the frontrunner democrat candidate kamala harris is talking about reparations and racist power structures

this is what they are, it is not fringe nonsense

>then go on to call for the censorship of those who talk bad about them (for example, that whole Colbert "controversy").
When the fuck has that happened?
>I hope we can reclaim the term
Who the fuck is this we? Get out of here, you snake.

What is this (((real free speech))) you keep talking about?

Woah, boogie really let himself go

Just TB then? You can call him still living TB.

give me an example

>Sterling talking about greedy corporations and the dumb decisions they make

>Sterling talking about social issues or politics

It's that simple. Maybe it's because he's the equivalent mass of 2 people, but the guy seems to have both the best and worse opinions I've ever seen.

Because they're responding to market signals, not calls for censorship.

It sells, I know you don't like it, but it does. BF5 still sold 7.3 million despite the weird ass marketing messages it was sending.

you don't need legal authority to censor games, if you have pull in the industry. then it's just private activities by private assholes


Jim is openly far left, and criticising capitalism has been a left thing since forever. No shit.

Free speechers is a dirty word, because people keep using it as a shield while trying to deplatform people they don't like as well.

>they just need to say "i'm sorry xD" so that twitter stop overreacting
They don't stop. Apologizing always makes things worse. Despite bowing down to the mob, Twitter activists are still trying to get other companies to sever ties with THQ Nordic

>commies are now bowing and swearing fealty to big banks and mega corporations

Marx must be rolling in his constantly vandalized grave

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Nintendo wanted you to do other shit besides hit the thing with your sword. Unbreakable weapons with one exception which is a reward and requires a cooldown if overused goes against the design philosophy of the game.

>BF5 still sold 7.3 million despite the weird ass marketing messages it was sending.

and it failed

>I'm supposed to be jealous and afraid of terminally fat man child who rants about vidya with a grade school vocabulary
I think people like Jim have to strawman political opponents so hard because they're garbage failures compared to normal people

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It's almost as if leadership shifted from Lenin to LITERALLY STALIN.

Oh yeah that's totally not just a way to win more woke points and definitely would happen, just like when Obama said he'd close Gitmo.

Was fully on his side during the Digital Homicide lawsuit thing.

Ok, but how do you go about actually making that transition legally? You're not wrong, but it's an unrealistic idea.

>vidya is an artform shitters

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Because the industry doesn't account for things like franchise burnout, it expects numbers to go up forever.

so either they are fringe psychos or pretending to be fringe psychos

how is this any better

wait, you think this shit didn't start during Lenins reign?

/leftypol/ are tankies, and a difference between a tankie and a "more female representation" type libcuck is as large as between those people and white nationalists.

>I-it's really doing well guys, honest!


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the fact that NO ONE in the MSM brought up the real instigators of this incident, the Black Israelites should be enough that they were trying to paint a message of WHITE CATHOLIC BAD

>It sells, I know you don't like it, but it does. BF5

it still under performed even those are number was because it was a establish IP now look at DOA it tried the same shit and it did them no good

their has been a lot of study on the effect of media on people and i highly suggest doing some reading on the topic. In particular this subject has seen TONS of love because its tangentially asking "how does advertising work and how can we do it better" which means lots of companies have sunk tens of millions of dollars into it.

The general modern thinking is that its complicated. We all know theres not a 1-1 correlation i.e. watching a war movie neither causes mass shooting nor a will to invade X nation. But if the military is portrayed positively in the film that can induce an emotional connection of sorts and maybe give someone who was already prone to it a good feeling associated with the military. Maybe that makes that person just a little more pro-military when they talk with their friends, or advise a younger family member they might want to think about enlisting. I use the military as an example because they have taken notice of this and actively give money to any movie that will portray them favorably. Famously all the transformers movies are funded in large part with our tax dollars and the Avengers movie was denied subsidy for obvious reasons.

So in terms of womens portrayals in video games, its not that seeing peach getting stolen by bowser makes someone hate women, its that media reinforcing what some people see as harmful stereotypes just perpetuates it in our culture.

But honestly, just go out and do some reading, dont listen to some jackass on Yea Forums.

Nah. It pretends it expects numbers to go up forever, but the people in charge know that they just have to keep selling that line to shareholders as long as possible, then get a golden parachute and bail to some other company or industry when it starts to collapse.

>Market leaders are not monopolies

black israelites rule
they god's chosen trolls

No, always thought he was a fucking dork. No idea why my friends used to like him

Oof, that's ironic

>BF5 still sold 7.3 million
It's been heavily discounted in a week or two after the release

my state has been hammering down on taxing M rated games and funneling the money back to vague means because THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

They did actually. Several of them had to retell the story since they went off the misinfo on social media. Everyone wanted to make a hero of the indian for trying to break up the racial tension between the two groups. The WE WUZ MERCHANTS group was under reported on though.

Shut up incel.

>Nintendo wanted you to do other shit besides hit the thing with your sword

But the PLAYER doesn't want that. The PLAYER wants to use his best weapon.

only because he had cakes that were premade. the judge only agreed that he had no obligation to take requests on commissions which is what the faggots wanted.

you mean because they want revenue
like when they pass soda taxes, because of the obesity epidemic, but then tax diet and unsweetened carbonated drinks and exclude milk and juice beverages

> harmful stereotypes just perpetuates it in our culture.

so basically what you're saying is that they think the media influences our brains she wish to censored what she doesn't think we should see?

that's a lot text to say she is in favor of censorship

His game critique is actually pretty good when it comes to gameplay, his politics are what muddies things up

>Unironically says that CEO's and businessmen in general make too much money and dehumanises them whenever he can
>Makes over $140,000 a year after patreon take their cut and literally spends thousands on things like children's toys from the 90s
The definition of a champagne socialist if I've ever seen one.

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Battlefield will be fine. It's proof that they don't need to market their games to a small minority of incels like you anymore.

being able to say nigger as a white male in a detroit ghetto without getting shot.

They were fighting a Civil war, would you just let people who supported your enemy print their media?

Lenin could have done more to free up the media before he died, but he did make media available to many of the minorities within the former Empire for the first time.

>"you shouldn't say nigger on my private server" is now communism


stop using bone and wood weapons

He hires a lot of people. That isn't just his money, it's his businesses.

Based grossly centralised corporations tending to their flock.

There are no private servers in a communist world. Realistically there are no video games either except for Tetris.

you sound like a petulant child. the game isn't even forcing you to use that branch that broke in three hits. you just sound mad that you can't kill Ganon with it.

They weren't as common as elsewhere, but there were Arcades in the USSR.

basically the same here. not all M rated titles are rated because of violence. which these old foagies proposing these laws think they are,.

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>user beats up store owner
>goes to prison and gets raped daily by blacks
Great plan.

>Did anybody else used to think this morbidly obese fuck was based?
Yes, retards did

Another flop like this one and there won't be Battlefield or DICE anymore untill EA collapses and sales out all of her IPs

tell us about these wages and working conditions from the jim stanton llc

I don't know you sound like a filthy causal. Also fuck niggers

I'm not going to assume that you're commie, so imagine this
>Hitler was fighting a civil war, should he just let people, who supported his enemy, print their media?

>still salty about Escapist
Kind of out of the loop on that one. I thought he quit since he got them patron bucks?

no, not really. leftypol is slightly less cucked than most leftists but the vast majority of modern communists care deeply about feminism and trannies.

Lefties are worse than christian puritans now. Even christian priests understand that what constitutes sin is the act, not the thought.

Ah yes, the old "if you think economic unfairness exists, then why aren't you an ascetic monk? Hypocrite!".

>he hires a lot of people
To do what? Fuck his wife?

So video games wont turn you into a misogynist but they might they night influence your brain to adhere to certain harmful stereotypes thus making it more likely you will become misogynist?

Holy shit nigger that's just a roundabout way of saying the same thing

>Jim sterling

Attached: jim sterling mistakes a console for food.gif (330x258, 2.64M)

Only because the US had them and the average Russian was more or less aware of how much better off the average American was compared to them despite Communist party attempts to keep them in the dark.

I mean, we're talking purely from the perspective of practicality, the answer is no. Even the democracies of the world clamped down on pro-enemy media during the great war and ww2.

>Haha, if you don't like corportations why don't you give away all of your money and go live in the woods? CHECKMATE LIBTARD

140k a year is absolute pocket change compared to what overpaid fucks like Bobby "Bobby" Kotick get. Kotick got, what, 20 million? That's enough to run an entire studio for YEARS. There is no way any CEO could be worth more than everyone combined who created your product, the thing that produces your wealth CEO is just a guy running the books, nothing more, and should be paid according to his low importance.

Ok, is his Sterdust wrestling thing just skits for his show? Or was it for a legit pro wrestling circuit?


Pretty sure it's a legit local wrestling gig. There are more of them than you might think, and he's probably putting some decent money and exposure into it.

Pretty ironic how leftists have their own religious doctrine and concept of sin, even original sin (being born white and male).

I wonder if some of them are aware of the similarities,

>if you're boycoted, show canceled, or banned, your free speech rights aren't being violated
wtf is this shit? some double thinking bullshit?

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Video, definitely real.

do you think this is clever or something
jim makes more from his patreon than the median household earns in year, and that isn't his only revenue stream
actually equalizing human resource consumption would mean a significant decrease in jim's standard of living, which he actually would oppose in about two seconds of its likelihood reaching certainty

>Matthew 5:27-28
>27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[a] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

those that are now leftists would have been religious zealots back in the middle ages. they are the same personalities. they see themselves as enforcers of holy moral law.

he walked on them because they were pro gamergate or at least pro discussion.

No it's just you. You're just so redpilled.

true, the difference is that democracies loosened up their media control more, after the war was over
meanwhile commies went full retard even during the peace

>vast majority of modern communists care deeply about feminism and trannies

If you've talked to any true communists you would know we are just using them as useful idiots once the exchange of power is complete those genetic/mental dead-ends are all getting lined up against a massive ditch. No way in hell we are going to allow our resources to be wasted on their mental health classes and gender surgeries/hormones. Especially since most will never reproduce and produce new soldiers and workers.

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Well it only makes sense, they need structure in their lives and religion isn't popular anymore. Soccer mom types had to go somewhere and take their orbiters with them. Not that those types are moms anymore to anything but cats but you get the idea.

you don't to be a monk, just have some fucking standards. short of actual violent revolution (and we all know that wont happen) the only meaningful protest today is a boycott.

This, honestly.

Yea Forums is full of edgy memers, 99% of people shitposting are just using dark humor, not actually being serious.

Infinity chan is full of actual pedophiles and racists.


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Ironic considering GG started as an effort to burn the witch.

>GG started as an effort to burn the witch.

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Cool argument bro

I mean, Stalin was in the process of taking over and then did take over. We can't say what Lenin would have done, but his record on trying to create better equality was on a faster pace than the west.

Fuck off tankie. Go back to wanking over ice picks and calling people who join the Workers Revolutionary Party instead of the Revolutionary Workers Party trots.

Here's your (you)

more like exposing a bitch and her inquisition buddies

>You couldn't even talk about GG anywhere on the Internet but infinity due to censor happy lefties controlling all the forums
>"burn the witch"


>superficial understanding of a series of events
Wow it's real redditor hours ITT

No, he was always a smarmy, unfunny, and downright repulsive cunt.
>eceleb thread at 430 replies
just fucking kill me

Governments pressure social media websites to ban people, just take a look at the EU. It's often government censorship with 1 hoop that needs to be jumped through.

It took me a few videos, but I ultimately came to the conclusion that the man was at best a slow echo chamber just repeating common sense things the rest of the internet was on about as much as 6 months prior to the fact. Then lay down the fact that reviews were being held to multiple, conflicting standards, and somehow lauded himself as being in the right (whether in "character" or no). At best he's an echo chamber of fairly obvious common sense points, at worst he's a hypocrite.

again i have to point out that only extremely online people know what 8gag is
no one is like, "Yeah I'm going to do an AMA on gamergay central so I have to listen to insane goons contact my family members on shitbook and tell them I am a Nazi."
someone convinced them to do an ama on website that next to one on earth knows exists

fuck off succdem, go back to doing literally nothing except acquiescing to increasingly insidious neoliberal agendas

>corporations are people

Because they are game devs. Being a marketable demographic makes people make games certain ways while also in consideration to existing conservative sensibilities of western countries and how Walmart won't carry certain games.

sums up lefties perfectly. They worship conformity and "science" without actually understanding science at all.

I remember him saying he got stuck on Father Gascogne for 3 whole days on twitter.

I can understand completely just not being any good at games, but when your entire existence and literal livelihood focus around them, I expect some level of skill to be at play here. I know people that play games once a month for an hour or two that could beat FG in under a few hours.

His physical state by this point is probably so mutilated though that even the idea of reacting somewhat quickly is lost to him, I try to imagine this man accomplishing anything, even somewhat rapidly tapping buttons, and being unable to do it without extreme stress. You can even hear him losing his breath during his videos now, the simple act of recording audio at a normal pace is physically exhausting to him.

Oh for fucks sake

Fetuses aren’t people until there’s a pulse

Literally every conservative I know hates abortion, but hates supporting these children born into shit situations even more

Great, now i gotta go fap to this shit for the 16th time.

fuck you user

>>eceleb thread at 430 replies

literally all of the day bro

You get the bullet first.

That seems very arbitrary.

Call us tankies all you want we are the ones pulling the strings while you suck off your neo-lib corporations and useful idiot college professor masters

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Go back to your fantasies about revolution in the west being practical and pretending to have read more Marx than you have.

I'll be here working within the practical reality while standing true to Critique of the Gotha Program.

>this kind of shit is pretty common since a crowd developed that shouts about free speech all the god damn time in relation to every little thing that bothers them but doesn't really give a shit when actual speech issues for anyone else come up.
You are talking about Sargon of Dead child and the skeptics. Not real free speach advocates.

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>but hates supporting these children born into shit situations even more

If only someone were to encourage personal responsibility for their actions instead of dropping their mistakes and welfare onto the conscience and pocketbooks of everyone else.

>Sargon of Dead child
Wait, what happened to The Stepfather?

>but doesn't see any issue with government officials threatening to sue the press for saying things they dont like
What the fuck is the dubious idiot sputtering on about?

In my experience in confessing, priests consider stuff like these venial sins (not actual sins, just things you should avoid but are not relevant enough to characterize a separation from God).

I thought the point of this site was to escape a hivemind community.
Yeah he's overall a faggot, but him and DSP make good points once or twice per year.