Resident Evil games on Switch

>$30/30£ each game
>12-14 GB each game
>No improvements at all
>They're gonna run the worst

Why are Switch owners treated like second class citizens?

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They bought second class hardware.

Because the console is weak.

>implying these are going to sell well
even by expensive switch game standards, this is still taking the piss

Who cares about consoles?

this is the first thread today ive spotted for this. taking bets on how many times OP will repost? Im goona go with 7 times today

RE are second class games, so being on second class hardware for second class citizen is fitting

>Capcom was one of the biggest outside influencers on the Switch's development, giving input and feedback on the hardware
>"haha oops no we're not releasing any big titles for it but uh have fun with B-tier releases and overpriced ports :)"

the switch is literally made for hacking, only cucks buy their games

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But $30 is £22. Why is it more expensive in the UK?

Physical copies or digital only? Don't own a Switch but I obtained a copy of Revelations Collection, if these are physical it'd probably get me to actually buy a Switch
Pic related

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Capcom hates Europeans

Resident Evil 0 is getting a physical release and a download code for RE1

>0 - 1 - 4
where's RE2 and 3

>Resident Evil 0 is getting a physical release
>download code for RE1
Fucking why? RE0 is the superior port in all ways, but who the fuck wants to play 0 first?

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Capcom is pretending they don't exist so they can sell you remakes
There's perfectly functional pc versions for both games but they won't release them on steam specifically for that reason, and fans had to make patches themselves to import the text that was already translated on other versions
Same with Code Veronica HD, they just abandoned it on the PS3 so they can make more money selling you the inevitable CV remake which, as usual, will not include the original for reasons that escape me

You can buy Code Veronica on PS4, it also got Xbone backwards compatibility

They’re really £30 each? I thought they’d be £15 at most

US prices don't include tax

Not the HD edition, it's the ps2 version
The HD edition is PS3 exclusive for no reason whatsoever

Nintendo is the Apple of video games.

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Resident Evil 4 doesn't even has gyro controls, the only reason that would've made me buy it.

Eh. Just buy them elsewhere.

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The HD version is also on 360 and got BC with Xbone (I guess this could be the definitive version since it can run on 4k on X and several enhancements)

The PS2 version is upscaled to 1080p on PS4 and has trophies

Way more people than PC for these kinds of games?

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Imagine not having playied RE0 in 2019? These ports are so shit.

Nigga RE is the crown jewel of Capcom these days.

just play the wii version

>Resident Evil 4 doesn't even has gyro controls, the only reason that would've made me buy it.

We don't know that yet

Revelations got motion controllers

Capcom wants people to go to other platforms for their games.

They are doing what they did during the Wii years by sending out projects to die in order to justify to investors as to why they don't support Nintendo hardware.

PS4 is epic

Rank em. I haven't played a single one.

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From best to worst:
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 1 Remake
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Revelations

>40 Leaf bucks each
Already got these shits on Steam for like 3 buxx each. Definitely not buying again. Anyone who pays that price, even for muh portability, is an absolute madman

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At least they threw the Wii a couple bones like Z&W or TvC. They've been way worse to the Switch

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This but reversed and I'm not shitposting.




RE Outbreak
RE Outbreak 2

RE Code Veronica

RE Revelations 2

RE Revelations

RE Darkside Chronicles

RE Dead Aim

RE Umbrella Chronicles

RE Operation Raccoon City
RE Gaiden

RE Gun Survivor
RE Gun Survivor 2

Umbrella Corps


This needs to stop right fucking now. 1$!=1£, so why the fuck are we bongs paying more for fucking nothing?

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RE5 was always good to me. Game gets so much shit, but some of it feels unfair.

but some of their multiplats tend to sell better on Nintendo systems, Mega Man, for instance. so why self sabotage?

Don't bother. Europoors don't really understand conversion rates or purchasing power.

>RE0 came first.


Is Switch hacking safe yet? I heard there were still areas of the system that hackers hadn't gotten a complete understanding of yet, and that there could thus still be ways for Nintendo to check your console in the future.

> Why are Switch owners treated like second class citizens?
Because they are?

are the games too hard for you, user?

>God tier
RE2, REmake, RE4, REmake 2

>Great tier
RE3, RE1, RE7

>Good tier
RE0, Outbreak, RE5, Rev 2

>Decent tier
CV, Rev 1

>Bad tier

>Shit tier

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am i gay for basically having a crush on leon?

>Physical PC games in 2019

C'mon now

>physical anything in 2019