Resident Evil 3 Remake Scenario/other stuff Leak

At the moment RE3 is in concept stages but they are developing the game as concepts are being made, assets and some areas plus a few alterations to areas that Jill will be revisiting. I suppose I should state the obvious and say the RPD, although the changes to its structure are not drastic and will make sense to anyone who actually knows the story regarding Nemesis following Jill and damaging structures around him, those are the main alterations. Development is smooth despite being very early and prototype like but there's quite a few big changes planned.

Resident Evil 3 is undergoing a few differences regarding the characters and perspectives.

Brad Vickers
Brad is being repurposed (though I don't know if it will be in the full game) to be a survivor, his death being completely erased. So far this is to fit in with Scenario A/B which was not in the original RE3, in this instance however Brad is not the second main character and is instead the partner of the second main (like Carlos to Jill). It is planned to have him to have him as a potential death based on player choices and such in instances as well as what order you do certain puzzles or which areas you visit first.
Brad's physical appearance will be similar to what he looked like in the Resident Evil 2 remake, his outfit if it will be his STARS uniform or not has yet to be decided.

Carlos will return in the game as he was before, in this remake he is meant to be more directly effected by Jill's choices and so far in planning he can only die at the midpoint of the game, he can still be kept alive based on how you play. Carlos will be around Jill more often and will have at least two playable sequences of his own entirely. His design is currently planned to be the same with the exception of his face so far being completely undecided. He seems to be mostly untouched as of yet.

>Continuing next post.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jill Valentine
Jill will return with a slightly altered design in the remake. Her outfit is planned to be very similar but she will instead use her jacket at the begining, taking it off later and eventually completely loosing it. There's a few designs of her with a tool belt and various holsters for later in the game. Jill's face model and direction is currently completely unplanned and has not been decided on at all. They're considering using her Julia Voth as reference for the character again due to her popularity with fans and due to the success of the HD port of the Remake. There are considerations to go a different direction with her face and instead achieve something fans will find familiar but not the same.
Rebecca Chambers
Rebecca is currently planned as the new secondary character for players to lead with. Her story being heavily altered and instead keeping her in Racoon City for the duration of the outbreak along with Jill. Rebecca is currently an early plan which was derived from the development of Resident Evil 2 where few ideas were already being planned for her to return as a protagonist in a reimagining of Resident Evil 3. Rebecca so far is supposed to be venturing through the city with Brad Vickers in hopes of finding an escape. Her story isn't planned completely but her prologue sequence is planned to have her at least visit a bar in which she meets up with Brad. Her face model seems not entirely planned but its likely they want to go with somthing in the nature of Resident Evil 0 since the team is keen on having her voice actress from that entry reprise the role.


The story for Resident Evil 3 is still being developed and evolved. Capcom are afraid of making changes like with Brad and Rebecca due to not staying true to the traditional story and scenario.

The story so far follows many of the same previous elements with much more of a focus on the characters working together than previously. Jill and Rebecca will have choices that effect eachother in their scenario's some early ones being that depending on how Jill is played that Rebecca may have to survive without Brad and be on her own.
Each character is planned to directly encounter Nemesis and have their own situations, the partner characters being supportive roles to Jill and Rebecca. Jill will encounter Nemesis and Rebecca will learn about Nemesis through Brad as a warning.

Brad at the begining is suspicious of Rebecca for being the only surviving Bravo team member as well as a survivor of the mansion incident. At one point he attempts to accuse Rebecca as trying to cover up what really happened to Bravo team and that she was working with Albert. He later comes to the conclusion that she is trustworthy but that she should state anything she isn't disclosing regarding the mission in the Arklay.
Early on Rebecca will be taking a role of attempting to protect Brad and calm him down, later down the line she and him will working together to protect each other in various circumstances, Brad becoming more tough as the game progresses and befriending Rebecca too. Rebecca and Brad will have have an encounter in which Nikolai attempts to assassinate one of them.

Jill will encounter Carlous and interact with him as before, she will have more interactions with the merceneries and specifically a few more scenes later on to show a more direct and understandable friendly relationship with Carlos. Mikhail is planned to be more prominant before his death and defending Jill a few times before he dies, Jill feels responsible for his death afterwards swears she'll put an end to Umbrella the monster that killed him. Nikolai will be more malicious than he was previously and Jill with have many more direct confrontations with him with at least one active gun fight in which Carlos may be able to help her.
If the four survivors are all alive and well by the end an alternate ending and sequence is to play in which Jill, Rebecca, Carlos and Brad are inside a building fighting and holding off a mass of zombies as they wait for a rescue chopper to arrive. While none of this is settled in stone it is being considered to have the final fight with Nemesis take place in this zone so as to have all the characters settle it together. They fly off in time in the chopper to which everyone is surprised to see is Barry. The characters begin to share their stories of what happened with Jill eventually stating that the suffering Umbrella has caused can't go unpunished.
That's all for the story and there's actually a lot missing to keep it quick, very much subject to change with themes mainly being what stays potentially. Rebecca and Brad are subject to being entirely cut due to the nature of the game being a remake, however the developers seem to want to have the freedom of "enhancing" the events of Raccoon city.

The gameplay follows for the most part the Resident Evil 2 Remake formula and will be a modified and built upon version of it. So far there are plants to implement a sprint and stamina function to make chases with Nemesis much more intense as well as making it play a role in many against many different types of infected.

The zombie types like hunters and such seem to all be returning for this entry but for the most part it seems like hunters are definitly returning for this entry. Zombies will also be regaining their acid attack from past games. There will be new self defense items and so far gun powder is planned to be more complex.
There will be more roughly the same weapon variety as the original game provided with seemingly two more being added.

End of everything I have to give on the game, its still to early to say what specifically will stay.

no voth = no buy

Attached: Jillvoth_sandwich.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>Source: My gaping asshole

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>not dying
it's shit, this scene was iconic

holy shit as a zero fag i hope this is true the thought of playing as rebecca in racoon city is getting me hard!

Stop in right there nemesis!

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nice fanfic

i always hated seeing brad die and watching his head become mush however... it was iconic!

>5 posts coming from OP anus
Imagine the size

i would post a crude this is a sfw area now can anybody do it for me???/?

On the chance you're not just LARPing, how long do you think development will take?

The team took their time with Resident Evil 2 and giving the heads up on what they allowed to make it to the final product. Claire's design for one took a long time to get full approval.

Development was intended to be done within a year after Resident Evil 2 was released, some of game was produced (in aspects) during the development of Resident Evil 2.
That being said, I estimate the wait could be two years.

I haven't got anything I can tell you is definitely going to be in the final product since getting these things approved has taken time. But assuming the concepts and scenario's aren't completely abandoned in every form then my estimate should stand for the release date at least.

I'm all for Rebecca so i'm choosing to believe it's true!

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Thanks OP, this reminds me of the really autistic and clearly fake "insider knowledge" threads that used to pop up on BBS back in the day. That it's about RE3make just makes the nostalgia all the better.

You didn't need to type so much though.

looks like claire kek!

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cant wait to play her campaign

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why aren't we talking about rebecca we know RE3 is happening! i only care about rebecca! let's turn this into a rebecca thread post cute rebecca!

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i thought i was the only one now there is two of us!

Get anal aids but unironically

So if jill can wear a sexy summer outfit... rebecca can wear this?

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will she be unlocked from the start?

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is rebecca scaring you???/?

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... Literal aids of RE threads. I wish you the most painful death.

>source: my ass

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>reimagining of Resident Evil 3.
>REIMAGINING. this a remake or what ?? What is this, some kind of new shitty trend word they use as an excuse to fuck up remakes ?

Jill is hot but not as hot as Rebecca!

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I want to fucking believe, but I'm also a little nervous they'll fuck it up somehow. 3 was my favorite classic RE.

It's always been like this newfag. Now get the fuck out

what costumes should she have?

Attached: becca_concept_0_1.jpg (1108x1411, 326K)

>carlos will be around will Jill more often

Seething whitecucks cry

I don't know what it is, but these attention-hungry "leakers" make me cringe worse than anything else that's posted here.

>"leaker" of the RE2 remake promised the game was going to be huge and include many new stuff
>actual game was bland and mediocre and lacked many things from the original
>A/B scenario is literally a rehash

>RE3 "leaker" claiming outlandish stuff again

You really expect me to fall for this? The RE3 remake will obviously be a safe remake and will be just like the RE2 remake.


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Yes. The RE fanbase uses the term "reimagination" to defend RE2 remake's shittyness.



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No thanks. Not after REmake2.

Big if true.

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Imagine her clothes torn up from facing nemesis and the beads of sweat running down her face as she breathes heavily kicking rubble off her leg.
She lets out various grunts and moans due to the pain she's in.

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If they change this much will they finally make this canon?

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>high heels

Did this sculpter even bother looking up the source?
#RebeccaChambers as the new main star of the series?

This save room theme for the star of the franchise too?

How will Jill cope she has nothing on Rebecca?

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>Her outfit is planned to be very similar but she will instead use her jacket at the begining


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though I believe this to be fake I like everything I'm reading

Why can't they just make Carlos a main character?

Since this has become a Rebecca thread I have to say this is all pretty good if its real and I hope they stick with it.
The stuff we know was cut from RE2 would've made the game better so if this is real and got cut its a shame.

Even if its fake, Capcom should what people like. Assuming if lots of people liked these ideas they should do it. They're pretty cool in my opinion too, and it solves the whole problem of RE3 not having a B scenario by the looks of it.

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>TFW this all turns out to be a DLC RE2 scenario
>Kill capcom

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Is this canon?

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Sexy Carlos mod when?

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Dumb little girl that doesn't know anything about anything. I bet she claims she's a "virgin" too.

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What sluts, Rebecca doesn't have to compete with sexy because she's all heart.

Attached: Resident-evil-vendetta-rebecca-chambers.jpg (434x528, 101K)

Would be cool if they included some easter eggs for the Outbreak characters

>tfw Rebecca isn't there

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>Rebecca doesn't have to compete with sexy because she's all heart.
>this photo is literally how she got her job
Whatever you say, kiddo.

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She uses her sex appeal to get her way then reverts to being a pure girl!

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I believe all of this because Re3 was always better than Re2.

>two female character scenarios
No thanks, i'd rather have a Carlos scenario or
solo Jill.

Attached: REmake - Achievement Image_12.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

>Wanting a male character in RE
We have enough RE games to say easily that males ruined this series no thanks.
Girls only with men done within reason.

Daily reminder that it doesn't matter what characters they put because RE characters have always been bland as fuck.Carlos is cool tho,even tho is used to fight for communist guerillas

Rebecca is that girl that tries to act pure but is the most degenerate, desperate slut out of them all. She'd let the entire RPD staff nut inside her if they say two nice words to her. And sucking off Wesker and giving him her athletic clothes afterward for him to sniff? She's got core daddy issues for sure. She's not even a good fuck, she's just easy.

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Daily reminder that men did in fact ruin the series.

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What about the epilogues?

>deflecting this hard
Jill's mini skirt and tube top can't deflect the truth.

Seething spic

Don't get me wrong, my favorite RE character is far and away Jill Fucking Valentine, it's just that if they make a split scenario thing, i want it to be a Male/Female choice as it's always been done in the series. If not, just make it 100% Jill, fuck Rebecca.

Attached: REmake - Achievement Image_11.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

The difference is that Jill is a good slut. Rebecca exists to be passed around then left as sloppy 28ths for whatever pathetic virgin buys her nice girl act.

The RE2 remake doesn't reference anything or anybody, it feels almost like a standalone game. I was expecting lots of references to Wesker, the UBCS, references to Nemesis's project in project in Europe, but no, there's just nothing.

In the RE1 remake there are references to Wesker, Birkin and even the Ashfords.

>fuck Rebecca
Don’t mind if I do

I get the feeling I really do, but I think we are at a point we need to let go of the males in this series.
Resident Evil 1 the most accurate scenario (not 100%) was Jill's and even in RE2 Leon was just on the side with Claire A being the main one.

RE3 only has Jill originally but lets be real, the one second we spent as Carlos was the part of the game. (In my opinion). I like Carlos but I don't want men to be used for a while, they've been overused as of late and don't deliver like the girls do, two girls wont bother anyone since it will be done better than with a guy anyway.

I don't want to say fuck off to men entirely but its just been doing the series no favours like they have no idea how to handle them.
RECVX did Chris kind of okay but then we had Steve.

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>In the RE1 remake there are references to Wesker, Birkin and even the Ashfords.

Don't forget that REmake 1 and 0 actually also reference the castle version of RE4 in a blunt enough manner. More of a foreshadowing.

There's no such thing as references to sequels,foreshadowing is what you mean and there was 0 foreshadowing in RE 1 and RE2.

>More of a foreshadowing.

I said that though..

Actually pretty based.

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Raccoon city has taken a mental toll on its survivors.

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I pray to allah that this isn't a thing!

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I really want this shit to be true it's like a wet dream!

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Jill this is my last escape!

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oh yeah well i fear this a realistic rebecca! but if we are lucky we get to keep sexy rebecca since we had seen her in re2 remake.

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this one i think might be it they did reuse ada's unused outfit

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amazing videogame introduction

It talks about a castle?

Yes the Birkin note in the RE1 remake is a foreshadow of the G-virus, but i'm just talking about world building such as notes talking about the characters, Wesker for example worked in the RPD, probably was in Birkin's lab several times and yet not a single note even mentions him.

The RE1 remake has the Ashford guy randomly requesting some chemicals for their lab and it's pretty cool.

RE7 has the Arklay picture, the Ashcroft article and Trevor company installing the puzzles in the Baker's house. The RE2 remake has absolutely nothing, it's like the events of RE2 were completely standalone, not even Spencer gets referenced, the owner of the company who's still alive when the events of RE2 take place.


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>nemesis infects jill during the clock tower battle
>becomes protective of her so she can turn into his tentacle waifu

the player choices could be really good if it's done right

omg and he can infect carlos too!

i wanna put my tentacle in him P.S. horrible photoshop

from the looks of this image it also appears she has duel desert eagles but it's kinda hard to tell, she didn't even get those in the game, had a revolver instead

I'd buy it if this was the promo

Attached: RESIDENT EVIL 3.jpg (997x1500, 2.95M)

>Brad's physical appearance will be similar to what he looked like in the Resident Evil 2 remake,
Nice slip up, faggot.

Hoo boy, you know what this means. If she's in the game Nemesis will finally 100% be revealed to be ol' Billy from RE0.

Also interesting that they're balancing the game around a real sprint instead of a dodge mechanic, I don't know how to feel about this.

Brad Vickers not dying to Nemesis seems like a bad idea, that scene is absolutely horrifying and sets the tone brilliantly to what a threat Nemesis is.

um play scenario b first save brad is on the poster lol newfag get out!

i kinda like when she competes with the other girls on a hot night out at some rock concert

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>he doesn't know

leaker kun being fake not sure but one thing is 100% you are retarded.

what do we know was cut from re2? are you referring to the zombie-licker enemy and umbrella factory from the concept art?

based af

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You forgot the part were he can be killed off midway into the game

Read through the OP again. At first I was in favor of the new A/B route for REmake 3. But after reading it again I would much prefer a more focused single route game but with a tonne of new choices and variables and optional areas, sections and routes instead of a watered down route B which doesn't really do that much new like in REmake 2.

where did you get that idea? it's kinda vague i think it sounds better than re2 more choices getting characters killed off what choices did we have in re2 remake?

fucking iconic!

i really can't wait for carlos x rebecca sfm gonna be so hot

If you're running through the exact same areas, but with just a handful of small cosmetic changes and minor item placement remixes like they did it with REmake 2 I would rather they put all the effort into making the regular campaign as good as possible.

The A/B route was a complete let down in REmake 2, If you play as Leon and then Claire, then it's like Leon never even existed during her route and the two are seemingly taking place in alternative universes instead of occurring simultaneously, the only exception being the very end.

The true Resi 3 we deserve!

Attached: RE3 sexy rc.jpg (991x1080, 617K)


Attached: RESIDENT EEVIL THREEMAKE.jpg (1280x720, 200K)

now this will make my dick leak lol

I'd rather they remade re0, but this time made it good

this sounds like a nice way to make the game have more longevity but it sounds to good to be true... however i feel like this reading it!

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You can't remake 0 without re:remaking 1 first. RE0 rebecca is not consistent with the rebecca we see in 1.

0 and re1 remake don't need to be touched they are perfect.

Did she steal Ada's clothes, or did Ada gave them to her like a true neesan?

>You can't remake 0 without re:remaking 1 first
I'm ok with that. I'm ok with them remaking all the older games up to re5

rebecca don't need ada for fashion or sexlife advice she's a true babe!

re4 and 5 are trash i can live without them here's to dead aim remake!

umm highly doubt that this is gonna be a promo pic kek

The RE2 remake sold too poorly and this was the easiest game to market to a wide audience. I have a feeling they will not even remake RE3.

nah it's empowering to women

oh fuck off kh fag

since when was 4 million in one month a flop?


eternal sonata is good

sin camino, maricón

i don't that will become a thing


New bonus ending Jill and Carlos cream and have octuplets!

Attached: JILL CARLOS.jpg (500x375, 26K)

they didn't even know each other at this point and unless leon talked about her later on in the series then idk if they are even really aware of each other - that is unless you account for the conspiracy that becca was really working for wesker